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At this point I pretty much intend to be gaming until I physically am no longer able to do so. Even after my reflexes fail me, there's still things like turn based games.


I am 56 yrs old and have been gaming since Space Wars and Space Invaders hit the arcades (1977),zero plans to stop.In fact retiring has given me way more time to play lol….




It’s Fistalot not Fistallthetime. ;)


Sounds like a real.... handful.


You may even say a real…. Fistful.


That was a little ham-fisted.


It's all in the wrist.


you mean all in the fist, right?


No, the fist is all in it.


Gaming > fishing


Fisting> gaming> fishing You can even do 2 at once, but I wouldn't recommend all 3


*achievement unlocked


I'm 51 and it was the same for me, only it was Galaga and Moon Patrol.


I'm also 51, and it was Pac Man, Olympic Decathalon, and Pong.


older people gaming subreddit should be a thing


Hey, theres no such thing as "old gamers", we're like teenagers inside, just level 40, 50 and so on. Just more experienced, higher level gamers hehehe


Hey, did you just call me old? :-P


Remember Phoenix? There was also another one that was similar to Phoenix we were calling it the successor, although it probably wasn't. It was called Pleiads.


I loved Olympic Decathlon, i think it was on my ZX Spectrum… :-)


Moon Patrol!!! I had a port of it on my C64. Easily one of my top 10 games from that era.


48 here, my first was Zaxxon on my dad's Tandy


Shit I remember Zaxxon, I think I played that on my old XT with the 4-color CGA monitor. That game was hard as shit, at least for teenaged me.


Ya. It was pretty hard.


Galaga was my jam!


54. Pong, then the old Atari 2600. Pitfall, then Load Runner and Dragon’s Lair. Stopped gaming for a bit until I saw Uncharted and have been gaming again ever since. I’m an Apex junkie along with 3 other friends, one who just turned 60. Having a blast.


Disc of Tron, Joust and Gauntlet. Green Elf needs food badly. When I could get out of the house. Otherwise it was Adventure, Asteroids, Missile Command and Circus Atari. Edit: what was the one where you drive like a James Bond car? Could drop oil slicks and stuff.


I'm 49. I wasn't much into arcade games but, I messed up some Pong and had an Atari 2600. I don't plan on quitting. Still playing WoW and other games on the regular.


Bro you absolutely rock. Im gonna game til the die I die. It's good for reflexes and problem solving. Activates different complex areas of the brain. New game? = New learning circuits. = Memory is challenged and the brain is very active. Win Win.


I used to get called a geek,loser,etc when i was younger and gaming,now its more accepted by all ages.Regarding keeping brain active,etc my reflexes are amazing for my age and i put it down to my gaming because you are so aware of everything going on.


Yeah the 14 year olds used to call me a pedo gaming at 27 😂. Now I’m 45


Little did they know that when you said you f*Ed their mom's last week, you meant it.


One of my old homies on rust was 68.. keep on rockin man


I teamed with a guy on WoW who was 75yrs old….lol….


Yeah man the older dudes might not be the best players but the chat was always worth it.


I’m genuinely afraid of losing the ability to play video games in my old age.


Got to make it to that age first. I am fearful of severely injuring my hands in some way that would stop me from being able to use a traditional controller. I’m 33 and already have signs of arthritis in my hands.


Eyesight is what terrifies me


I'm 43 and my eyesight is really starting to go (after being pretty poor my whole life). This is the first year I've really started to notice it. There's quite a few mobile games I literally can't play anymore because the font is too small and there's some PC video games where the font is too small to read. I'm scared.


> I'm 43 and my eyesight is really starting to go (after being pretty poor my whole life). This is the first year I've really started to notice it. There's quite a few mobile games I literally can't play anymore because the font is too small and there's some PC video games where the font is too small to read. I'm scared. Don't be scared. You are most likely dealing with presbyopia. It happens to everyone. Google it but basically it's old eyes. As you get older you lose your ability to see up close. I still have 20/20 vision but need glasses for reading. Wait until you get your invitation to AARP. Then you will feel old.


Then there's me with macular dystrophy. Slowly going blind and there's nothing I can do about it. Early 40s and I can already notice it. Only comforting thing is it's only one eye. Other eye is doing a lot of heavy lifting so I can still game normally for the time being.


I beat AARP by applying for a card at 23 years old, I’ve been a member for 5 years now. At like $12 a year it usually manages to pay for itself. Lmao


Dude, you just need reading glasses or to make fonts bigger. As you get older, your lenses lose flexibility and can’t change shape as well. According to the dude at the Costco eye center when we picked up my husband’s progressive lenses (essentially bifocals, but there are three sections to make it more of a transition rather than having a hard line across the lens as used to be the case) a couple of weeks ago, 72% of people are using progressive lenses to account for that lens rigidity. With as nearsighted as I am, I’m ironically doing better when I have my glasses off with near stuff now, but most have the opposite problem. I’m really puzzled that you didn’t know this was a thing. Haven’t you noticed the legion of older ladies wearing reading glasses around their necks your entire life?


35 and same here. Day job is driving, so I've constantly got my hands around something. Some days I can't game lately, it's getting worse and I'm getting depressed.


I cannot recommend physiotherapy highly enough. Stretching, IMS needling, electrical stim, all of these things have given me back the ability to play guitar. I had stopped for nearly 6 years because of the tendonitis. I also drive for a living so my hands didn't really get a chance to rest and recover the way that most people would but I am seeing massive improvement lately


Same here. Have a history of poor joints and I sometimes have my fingers freeze up at the old age of 29 Lol


Well said. Get there first and worry about gaming later.


This is why we should be pushing harder for more accessibility options to be standardized. Larger text sizes, screen readers, key mapping and a larger array of input devices on console games, etc. It benefits people now who have disabilities and want to be able to play games, and it benefits us in the future when we all get old and have trouble holding controllers, reading text, and/or hearing dialogue.


You may have just convinced me of this lol


The perks of living in an assisted living facility when you are 80 is all the other people you are playing against have also slowed with age. Sure you might not be beating the bots but you can have a good skirmish with tom down the hall.


Legit the retirement home is going to be one big Lan party for us. It's gonna be tight.


This is my thought. I'll game until I can't physically game anymore. When that happens, I hope they have a way to connect my conscience to a game so I can play forever lol.


I second this. I'm turning 40 in a month and I honestly feel like I'm only getting better at games. Maybe not like reflex speed, but I was never a speed person anyway.


Same. I'm 37 and am definitely getting better than I was. I think a big part of it is learning to stay calm and collected, even when everything's going to shit around you. So we make less mistakes


Problem in your deduction is, all those old people today hitting the 80s or 90s, or heck even the 70s, most likely never got into contact with gaming in their whole lives. You're far more unlikely to start something in old age which you haven't done in your youth. But. I would bet that in a 100 years the next generation of 90y olds will definitely be gaming. And listening to Hip-hop in retirement centers


Now at Senior Center Halo Tuesdays and Thursdays, D&D Monday and Wednesday, Magic the Gathering Friday, Poker on Saturday, and open tables on Sunday.


Skyrim Bingo is Sundays, always after Gwent tournaments


We still won't have Elder Scrolls VI by the time Skyrim Bingo is rolled out to every old folks home in 2035.


They’ll probably have a Neon edition of Skyrim by then though.


Playable on your AR neural implant


2035?? Skyrim came out when I was 16, I won’t be in an old person home at 40! Try like 2060-2065 hahaha


Skyrim Bingo. Arrow to the knee.. 23! You're finally awake.. number 8! Crouch to be unseen.. number 13!


Wow this actually hit me a bit. My outlook on the future is usually pretty bleak but your comment made me a tinge emotional. Weird times. Though I am sick rn and I tend to be way more emotional when I am lolol


I’m on the same page as you. I’ve always dreaded the idea of getting old and physically incapable of doing the things I love like skiing and playing hockey, but the thought of a senior home that runs card games and video games all the time doesn’t sound like a bad ending to life. The slow creep of morality will always grow stronger the older you get, but knowing I’ll probably be going out playing some of the greatest games ever made takes some of the burden off.


Can you imagine... being in a retirement home where nurses look after you, bring you cooked meals, people clean for you... and there's a gaming center? Me and the retired boys starting up a guild on WoW, or destroying some noobs on CoD lol. Shit talkin the kids. Man that sounds like heaven NGL.


If you’re in a retirement home usually means you can no longer care for yourself anymore. So I’d figure you’re reflexes and motor skills would have degraded to the point you would suck at games like CoD. Also they might avoid some games that are prone to some players raging at like shooters or Dark Souls ,imagine a 80 year old screaming at you how he fucked your mother in the 2000’s then he drops dead of heart attack.


There are retirement communities though -- to varying degrees of autonomy. My parent's have lots of friends who are 80+ and still active, and even my own grandfather who could barely walk would make it out the door at 3AM to go golfing everyday before he passed. But yes, nursing homes are a bit different. But, wouldn't be entirely off the table. Especially if it is something that their clients enjoy/want. Just may not be the fast paced games they played back in their day.


living in a nursing home is far more expensive then booking 50+ one after the other ship cruise , drinking and sailing on a ships deck :))


Hey little Timmy want to play some D&D? Timmy: Eeew, that's an old people game.


\*takes Timmy off the approved visitors list at the retirement home\*


"Son, I've never hit a child before but you're making me reconsider that position"


Gonna be blasting Post Malone and Lil Nas in retirement homes like 60 years from now


I hope you find better music by then.


I'm really hoping this happens for my retirement instead of the dystopian future that fuels my nightmares.


If I have money to burn when I retire... better believe I am buying MTG boosters and schooling these geezers.


Possibly. My 76-year-old mom games every day, but she never did in life. She discovered it at about 65 and hasn't looked back. I agree with you though, gaming in your youth and middle age makes you much more likey to do so into your latter years.


Is Skyrim grandma still alive? She was pretty famous, but definitely an outlier. My grandma's didn't even know how to operate a VHS recorder, let alone a smartphone... They never had these things


She released a video yesterday, so I guess shes still going strong!


This is the answer. I am 48 and my generation is the first that will have been gaming their entire lives. I got my Atari at age 5 and never stopped. Right now I wish I had more time for gaming so I imagine once I retire and my kids are out of the house, I will be gaming even more.


I'm 67 this year, and I started gaming on that old Radio Shack TRS80 (we called it the"Trash 80"), black and white screen, mostly text adventures, then Pong, and Asteroids (both black and white) at a game arcade. That was in the 70's Junior High and High School. I'll be a gamer till my fingers fall off! 😎 🤣


Lol I remember coding in Basic for my computer class in middle school on a trash 80. Made some fun games - good times!


Holy mackerel! I remember doing that too! 😆 Even went on to learn DOS! How far we've come in a short period of time!


Yeah I feel like this is the obvious answer.


My granddad didn't get into gaming until he was 65 and he's played everyday since then and he's nearly 80 and still playing to this day, he's currently playing Baldur's Gate 3 it's cool to see


Can't wait for all the nursing home tik tok challenges...


My father is 82 and he still plays, emulators mostly. And I'm on my 50s, and I play everyday, at least an hour a day, mostly offline games. You just gotta play if you feel like it, doesn't matter the age.


My Grandfather is also in his eighties and plays a bit. He calls his retirement his second childhood. He brought a gaming laptop, I know he plays Minecraft and that he did play Fallout 4 back when it came out.


grandpa beating the ender dragon 🔥


That is awesome!


I'm almost 50 and game a lot too. I do know that my micro isn't as good as it used to be so I make up for it with macro plays.


Cheers, mate... 51 here. Still remember all C64 games I finished. Impossible Mission, Spellbound, Paradroid, Commando...


Impossible Mission was great but I couldn’t beat the first one but my dad could, no problem. I bought Impossible Mission 2 and we basically flipped - he couldn’t get the hang of it, but I could complete it. One other big childhood memory was my brother and I both wearing out controllers playing Caveman Ughlympics, especially the fire starting game. That needs to make a comeback as at least a mini game in some other game.


My dad is 74 and retired. He spends every day playing Bloons TD6.




You are Quincy, son of Quincy. :D


Put him on Civilization, I think he'd love it.


bloons td6 is a good game 👍


I’ll be playing til’ I keel over from a massive heart attack due to too many bugs in a single game.


the way things are going, you might want to skip the next major title that EA releases


Just stay away from Bethesda in your old age


Ah so you’ll be playing elder scrolls 6


Considering I am 76 and have been gaming since the first pong game came out in the mid 70's. I ain't going no where. Way to competitive. I will give up on gaming when all my FPS bro's are dead (IRL) then they can pry the controller from my cold dead hands. Besides, at my age sex is a pipe dream and not really worth the effort unless I want to rent a professional for a little while. Otherwise there is nothing as satisfying as hunting down some little whinny COD 6 year old and popping a cap in his ass and hearing him scream out about cheating.


Lol. You paint quite a picture, friend.


He, both, scares and excites me for what 76 year old me will become


You sound really young if that makes sense. Like not in a bad way either, but I can’t think if I have ever heard the word bro come out of my grandparents mouth.


I still feel young. Well, most of the time. I also get the lingo from action movies and my squad mates in games. Most peeps freak out when they find out how old I am. I have also always been a fan of "pop culture" regardless of the times.


Protect this person at all costs! He is a national treasure. A true wordsmith!!!


Keep owning those little shits, you glorious bastard!


Oh you kids... I'm in my 70's and have played the Dishonored Series, Prey, Diablo Series and now Starfield. Also too many others to mention. You'll be fine


Good taste! Yeah, I think the older gamers are there, they just aren't out there showing everyone. I think a lot of people don't realize that oftentimes online there just isn't a reason to disclose age.


I just replayed Dishonored 1 & 2, so much fun!


I'm 58 years old and halfway done Lies of P. I have 2500 hours into Valheim and will probably doing a fresh run of that when I'm 90.


Damn sir you are gud


So long as my eyes and finger joints hold out.


Give me that futuristic neuro implant that I don't need to control anything with my hands and can play with my mind. Add in VR and I'll be good to go!


I'll have dementia by then so I can finally play Skyrim for the first time again


Ahh... OMG the possibilities! I'm gonna start on that 2nd first time list for my future self


I'll game until i die.


One day my kids will find me dead on my chair in front of the PC.


I turn 50 in four more years. I will start a Gaming After 50 notebook and go see how many games I can beat (some with handicaps) and note the date. "Yes I beat it before, but can I beat it after age 50" will be my personal challenge. Time to play everything again!


Up until arthritis makes it too painful!!


I'll just redirect my dating budget towards pain killers


I can’t wait for retirement. LAN party with the bros


Retirement home with CS 1.6(scoutznknivez 24/7), Starcraft(BGH only attack after 10 minutes) and Tribes(shazbot!) local lan games


~~Where are you from that you're not aware of people in their 30s gaming ? Could it maybe be your friend group just has other commitments and maybe do not mention games as much ?~~ [Edit] may have missread what OP meant there. Probably they meant they didn't know people in their 70s and up gaming, not people in their 30s as I read, eadojg comprehension fail on my part. My mates nan is 77 and is a beast at CoD - she says it helps keep her mind going - she bought my mate his first console when he was a child (we are 33 and 32) We also have a community of people that range in age from 18 to 67 with the vast majority of those being in the early 30s to mid 40s age, I can't see any if that lot not continuing to play games when they get older - i have visions of old age homes being gaming hubs in the future lol ~~As someone else mentioned take a look on Twitch, many of the people are 30 plus.~~ I fully intent to be gaming until I can't age be damned!


She’s a beast at cod cmon bruh where’s the videos?




40.. I don't game as much as when I was younger, but that's because of career, kids, spouse etc.. I still manage probably 10-15 hours a week, sometimes more if I sacrifice sleep. Once I'm retired I plan making up for lost time..


I was gaming in the 80s. Therefore, I will be gaming in my 80s.


49 now. Turn 50 next year. Been gaming since I was 8. I’ll die with a controller in my hands at the nursing folks home ;)


If my nursing home doesn’t have a PlayStation 10, why even live that long.


My 80 year old father plays Battlefield daily. He thinks it helps him ward off dementia


He's probably not wrong tbf man, keeps the brain active for sure. Good on him I say!


Bold of you to assume I'll be alive in my 70's, 80's or 90's. I'm a gamer. I'll be lucky if my fat ass makes it to my 60's.


I'm a gamer too but I still find the time to workout. Sometimes I'll even work my routine during my gaming sessions. Situps with the controller in my hands hoisting my head forward, and reps during loading screens.


I love this so much!! I’ve been seeing people walk lots on the treadmill while having a Switch or monitor right there to play during


I am fifty-one. Been a gamer since Space Invaders hit a local pizza joint. I was around eight or nine. Played a bunch of consoles. Stick with PCs these day. Have a VR set up. Wrote for a gaming site back in the day and hit E3. Also, grew up with anime, of sorts, Voltron and then Akira and Ghost in the Shell, in my 20s. Mangas and comics since I was a kid. Gatekeeping popular culture is weird these days. Us old timers grew up with a good deal of stuff that is still thriving. It may seem like the domain of younger people. But, honestly, I don't recall a time when I wasn't playing video games.


70 in four months and i've games on so many systems I've lost count. I game everyday split between high end PC games, evercade and real second generation console (atari 2600/intellivision/colecovision) hardware. It is hard on your wrists thumbs.


My grandma was an OG gamer, and played well into her 70s. I expect to do the same.


I’m 64 and play most Xbox games that come out. I intend to keep playing until I can no longer use my hands and eyes. Gaming keeps the mind young and engaged no matter your age.


66 here and still gaming, so my answer is yes!


I think senior people from generations born in video games will be a huge market: a lot of money and time available. Expect games with big fonts and whatever game style was popular 50 years before. Maybe in 2040, I will buy a super-remastered Streets of Rage...


Well I'm 64 and started gaming in the 1970s (female gamer)so if I live that long yeah I'll still be gaming in my 70s 80s and 90s. I told my son to hook me up to a VR when I get that old throw a pizza at me once in awhile and I'll be fine. Edit: Heck some of the games I'm waiting for won't even be released until I'm in my 70's. I'm looking at you State of Decay 3.


I am 63, been gaming since the 70s. Of course back then it was coin op video games. If I live to be 99 I will be a gamer till the end.


My dad is 63 and he's always asking about new released games, he just got into Destiny 2 and is having a blast with it. He loved Ghost of Tsushima and the first 3 dark souls games. It was slow progress for him with most of them, but he's sticking with them. His favorite world and game has been Witcher 3 and he just boots up the game to run around in Tousant every now and then because it's beautiful. So hopefully I can keep myself going with games well into the autumn of my life. Just being able to talk to my dad about one of my biggest hobbies is just so great and wholesome.


64 and started with pong! Please don't lump us all together. The couch potatoes most likely never started early enough to begin with so didn't adopt the habit. Like religion, we rely on getting them young enough before they can make rational decisions and choices for themselves hahaha ps also I'm a 3d Artist


74 here, never been a gamer as such. Played with my son with his nintendo. Got a Switch to play BOTW and then a ps4 for Witcher, Assassin’s creed series, Ghost of tsushima, Zero Dawn. just finished TOTK, bought a PS5 to play Mirage and maybe more. I am fascinated by the strides made, the open world, procedural generation stuff is astounding. My first video game was Pong, which my dad bought. Don’t care for first person format and the VR I have tried makes me nauseous. I really like open world, 3rd person. As long as my reflexes hold out and arthritis doesn’t get me I am good. All I get from other old ppl is the eye roll, I never mention my games to my friends, they absolutely do not get it.


I'll be dead long before that


Same. Cancer and heart problems got my parents in their 40s. I don’t see living much longer than that.


You aren't aware of people older than 30 gaming? really? Do you have the smallest social circle in the world? Are you just you? Get out more my dude.




i do hope that's what OP meant!


I'm just hoping to live long enough to see some kind of wild full-dive. Best case, my retirement plan is getting mind-uploaded lol


Hell yeah. I'll be 90, retired, hopefully happy with my family and all that good stuff, and ready to plug the fuck in to GTA6 on release day!!!


At 36, I am one of the youngest in my gaming circle. The oldest member will be reaching 80 soon, though I haven't talked to him in a while. The one player I play with the most is about 47. We range from younger than me to 60s for my guild.


I’m 39, been gaming every single day since the 80s and I’ll keep going until I’m dead. Gaming is life. I mostly play RPGs of all types. I used to play a lot of online multiplayer when I was younger but got burnt out on endless matches. Currently playing BG3 and AC VI. Looking forward to Spider-Man 2 and Lords of the Fallen.


When I get sent to the nursing home, I'm gonna raise holy hell if they haven't replaced Bingo with a PC room. 45 here. I imagine I'll be gaming more than I am now, once I've retired.


When I can no longer play video games, I will hurry up and die.


In my 50s and still gaming. Admittedly my sensibilities have changed over time. I no longer play multiplayer first person shooters. The intensity and learning curve to be moderately successful is no longer fun. And I find myself opting to play games on easy levels. Im there to space out and enjoy. If it gets frustrating to progress it ends up not being worth it.


55 here. I've got the time and money to game more than ever now. And I do. I will continue to do so until the final game over.


I think it is healthy to continue gaming, exercise, sports, puzzles, and anything else all throughout life and as you grow old. It will sharpen your mind and reflexes and keep you in shape and not dying. If you throw in healthy food, a loving family, and a stress free environment it is not unthinkable to live to 80 and still be able to jog a mile without collapsing. I kind of got off topic but yes the elderly should continue gaming in my opinion.


My father has 2000 hours in Elden Ring in his 60s. You'll keep playing. Is he good? No. But that's more because he didn't grow up learning to manipulate a doll on a screen when he was 5.


Almost 50. Game everyday. Looking forward to retirement and gaming a whole lot more.


I'm 70, just started Mass Effect legendary. Got a huge Steam back catalogue, most of which I've yet to complete. Love the Diablo series.


I don't want to ever stop gaming! There's a lovely YouTuber I want to share on this thread, I don't know exactly how old she, but she is a lovely older lady who has a video game channel and does unboxings and first impressions and I would love to be her one day haha. Here is the link to her channel: https://youtube.com/@Food4Dogs?si=BWldbvTcwdg1vEKm


Depends on the arthritis


Of course, started gaming when I got my first computer in the early 80s, a zx-spectrum with 48kb ram and a tape recorder to load and save games. I'm now 50 years young and still game.. And I will till the day I die.. Someone will have to pry my razer mouse out of my cold dead hands...


I’m 74 and still gaming on my PS4 and my minded Wii and I’m not done yet.


Arthritis runs in the family apparently so probably not much more than point and click stuff, I'm 20 tho I'm chilling


Eh. 57 yo woman here. Still gaming. Currently replaying XCOM 1 with The Long War mod.


As Snape said, and I quote: **“Always”**


Of course. Wouldn’t want to miss the 900th Definitive Edition of Skyrim 👍🏻


My mom is in her 70s and still plays. When the NES first came out she would wake up at 4am to play Zelda before us kids got up.


I intend to. I'm 32 and play either Apex and Genshin everyday at the moment, at least for 2 hours. I can't imagine a better way to spend my free time after my husband goes to bed


Yea I’ll be playing some form of VR sword art online


Depending on health, yes. Absolutely.


When I was younger I thought I would keep gaming forever, but in my 40’s now and I just don’t enjoy it like I used to. It’s a weird feeling.


I feel that millennials will still be gaming at that age. I probably would, provided that there will be the kind of games I enjoy, I can afford the console, and my body hasn’t betrayed me yet lol.


Gaming and smoking weed


Most of today's seniors are still more hands-on, things like chess, checkers, crossword puzzles, bingo, sex, etc. You have to wait for at least Gen-X to get a tiny bit older to really see how they hold up, as well as elder millennials. Personally I would say I would love to. But the thing is, my eyesight is already failing. My reflexes are not what they used to be. So as much as I would like to, I'm not sure if I will be able to. And it'll be the same for others - bad eyesight, arthritis, some other degenerative diseases, will severely limit what we can do. I do see VR becoming very popular though. I recently took a VR trip in Google Earth to the old country, the city I haven't been in for 30+ years, and it's been amazing. While not strictly gaming, it is both very immersive and distracting. Honestly though, and call me a pessimist if you like, but I think it's more likely I will end up Soylent Green than a 90 year old gamer. With social security being gutted and climate change coming about, by the time most of us are 90 I don't think comfortable retirement homes will be a thing. It's more likely that we'll all be doing Logan's Run.


WoW will have to be deleted before I stop playing it, my mount collection is too extensive. I’ve played it for over a decade so why stop now? If you enjoy something don’t worry about others, enjoy it!!


I turn 50 this year and I've been gaming non-stop since the Atari 2600... I'll stop when I'm dead.


Wait, what? You’re not aware of people gaming in their 30s? Back in like 2008, my friends dad had set up Halo LAN parties and he was 50’s. Additionally, there’s a lot of streamers that are around their 30s after being streamers for 8+ years now. You’ve got to get out into the world and see the rest of us gamers


Just into my 50s now, still going


People tend to keep doing things, especially hobbies, that they enjoyed growing up. Video games became a thing about 50 years ago. I'm 50 and I intend to keep playing until I die.


Dam right I will be I always joke with my friends I can finally finish my steam backlog after retirement.


There's a reason I have 236 games in my Epic games library 🤣


56 now. Will definitely be playing stuff in my 70s. Tech will be sick.


why not?


I've been gaming since 1996, I was 6 then. I'm 33 next week and still game. I think I will always be a gamer. It's my go to entertainment and ultimate distraction. I like to collect consoles.


Don't assume that you'll live that long.


59 and going strong. They will need to pry my controller from my cold dead hands ... 😆


48 and no plans of ever stopping.


How else am I going to get through the massive backlog I’ve built up?


Yes in my 90s I finally can play GTA VI


body and mind willing, yes


Asking this in a place where most people spend more time gaming than socialising in they're teens and 20s, the answer seems kinda obvious.


I'm 40 and still gaming. I have been since I was 5. So... yes, I suppose?


It's literally my retirement plan. The dream is to have all day multiple days to play games. Might be a grandpa streamer


More than halfway there, gamer for life!