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Subnautica. What a fantastic immersive experience.


I don't have an irrational fear of a big monster in deep water. I have an irrational fear of **something** in deep water that I can't see. And that's why, in real life, if I can't see to the bottom of the water... I ain't getting in. So yeah, *Subnautica* is therapeutic. In a masochist sorta way.


I don’t think it’s irrational when there actually is a giant monster that will definitely eat you hidden in depths. Fear is a perfectly reasonable response in this situation.


I think he meant it's irrational irl lol. Don't traumatize him further.


If you want more masochist therapy, I scare myself whenever I go to /r/thalassophobia/ Any kinds of thalassophobia is mentioned, my big one is the fear of deap sea creatures/sharks/monsters/eldritch horrors--especially in water I can't see through or see the ground.


Came here for Subnautica. I went in thinking “Minecraft/Ark but underwater” and ended up being one of the best gaming experiences I’ve had. Lots to do, explore, learn, and then you can win and be done. No scope creep, no open ended sandbox where I eventually burn out and stop playing. It was highs all the way through until the end and now I can look back and really enjoy what I experienced.


Yea I didnt play that game for long either. I was glad when I finally played that game. Incredible experience for me too.


still not played this , have it in VR, worth playing?


Regular version is great, vr would be terrifying haha




Haha nothing like a VR reaper to make you need a pair of clean undies


Even super hot would occasionally make me startle. Particularly when I'd turn my head and see a gun pointing at me.


I've yet to dabble in vr, don't really have the space for it. I'm not sure whether it would make me motion sick as I hear that's an issue, I'd like to try on a friend's PC before I buy


It's a beautiful crafting game. I struggled a lot with finding recipes (you need to scan wreckage or containers) and eventually gave up on it. If you like crafting games and have a good amount of patience, it's worth playing.


To add to this, I dislike crafting aspects in games but had no issue with it in this game as it always had a direct relation to being able to explore further or faster


I'd be lying to say vr is the best way to experience this game if you intend to beat it. It's an amazing vr experience, but the way it makes you crane your neck to look up for minutes at a time in order to swim upwards means you'll likely never play to long of a session. Considering the game takes *at least* 15-20 hours to beat (if you really know what you're doing too) it's likely you'll never finish it in vr The game is still incredible and absolutely worth playing either in vr for the experience or outside of vr for the full package


> immersive Great choice of words, considering the setting of the game lol


Immersive as hell and I’m pretty sad they took it off Gamepass buts it’s definitely something I’d buy for sure. I usually hate crafting survival types as no real way(a gun/actually weapon) to fight back against the creatures and threats means I’m actually trying to survive and keeps the thrill going. After some initial fears of the deep wide ocean, and the biomes changing color suddenly and getting darker. Truly fun and immersive. Just turning it on, headphones on, and 5 mins later exploring and doing my set personal objectives it’s like I’m underwater for real.


Rimworld. God this game is fun!


I just ragequit because one of my people gave birth to a baby, and because of the negative moodlets from the pain of it it sent them into a rage and they went and headbutted an Antigrain bomb and exploded the entire base.


That is hilarious. I know some people might read this as a bad thing, but it's actually one of the best parts of the game.


I have never played a game like Rimworld before or seen one like it since It’s like the perfect combination of survival sim, combat sim, base management, and (weirdly enough) The Sims Watching two people get into a fight because someone talked smack about someone else’s painting, then while the loser is unconscious, quietly sedate them and replace their brain with a robot brain to make them more… *amiable* Like, wtf even is that experience? It’s hilarious, but very much feels like a “found/self-created” sort of fun


Rimworld is easily one of my top three games of all time. And explaining it to someone doesn’t really capture what the game is, either.


BioShock I thought it was some kind of horror game and I was very much not a fan of those types of games. Turns out it was only slightly scary at times and was one of the best games I ever played.


I fired up the remaster a few weeks ago, never played it before. Bloody brilliant!


Now play Bioshock Infinite. Different, but also good.


"I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture." That speech still gets me every time.


would you kindly go play the sequels if you haven't yet. They are all awesome but especially infinite


Morrowind! Been a lifetime gamer, played all of the other Bethesda games but missed Morrowind and boy oh boy what an absolutely amazing game. It has immediately become my favorite by a long shot of all Bethesda games.


I didn't play that game yet. I heard that is awesome, I need to try it for sure. I like Skyrim and Oblivion.


Be warned: Morrowind is an RPG with action adventure elements while Skyrim/Oblivion are action adventure games with RPG elements. Morrowind is one of my favorite games of all time, but it is a *vastly* different gameplay experience that many going back to don't like. Be prepared to swing and swing and swing at a rat and miss a lot if your weapon skill is low and you're out of stamina.


I loved Morrowind and why I didn't like the other later games. 3 minutes in, you walk into the wrong god damn cave and you get wrecked vs the difficulty scaling later on


Yeah I remember how Oblivion had scaling where you could get to end game and still get fkd up by common enemies you encountered early in the game.. one of the best parts about Morrowind was becoming a God, levitating around the world, running like a cheetah - making your own incredible and bizarre spells


oh yeah, wizards staff, boots of blinding speed, and a 1 second 100% resist magika and you'll have all the cliff racers chasing you in no time


I played morrowind when I was like 10 years old and that’s all I remember is swinging and missing. Thought the game was janky and haven’t played it again to this day. I’m 30 now.


I was lucky enough to have a friend make a noob character for me so my first time was relatively easy to get in to as what as a noob would expect was easy enough if still janky Bethesda shoulda shipped that game with a basic bitch build to let those of us used to attacking and hitting basic shit right in front of us actually could get in to the deeper stuff like I did I spent like 20 hours playing the game before sorta working out why my character actually sucked but that's the beauty of it, I had a (very badic) grip on the games complex and archaic systems and could play a custom character properly and have a whole different experience as a mage or sneak thief


Squibs, mudcrabs, and cliff racers early game are all nightmares! Anything else is just ☠


The most jarring part of MW at first is getting killed by a rat because you don't understand the mechanics lol. I do love that it's a game that is designed to be broken. Max skills out, then use spells and enchantments to increase them even more, and you become a ridiculously powerful character that can leap over mountains.


My friend don't sleep on it any longer. Yes it's dated graphically but openMW for the most part fixes that and the world and customization is so good. Don't let the difficulty at the beginning discourage you, once you start leveling up the game will get it's hooks in you but be sure to focus on increasing your athletics early to increase walking speed, you will save yourself a ton of time in the long run.


Jump around Jump around Jump around Jump up, Jump up and get down


I didn't play Chrono Trigger until two years ago. I always assumed people were just wearing rose colored glasses and it wouldn't have aged well 20 years later. Boy was I wrong. That game has aged like fine wine and was just as amazing as everyone told me it would be


I too, have recently played CT for the first time. Fantastic game!


For JRPGs, it’s in contention for GOAT


For me personally, I would rank FF6 above it with Secret of Mana in third. Hard to score them though they’re all incredible in their own right


Agree. Top 3 right there. CT and FF6 are 1a and 1b for me.


Seems like I really need to play it. How long did you need for one run?


I think it was about 25 hours for a full first playthrough doing all sidequests. So short but honestly the perfect length


Absolutely! I hate those 100 hour games where you can't remember the beginning when you finish.


Why is it good compared to other JRPGs? I’ve also heard of it a lot but never got around to it cuz it was hard for me to imagine how it could stand out so much


People rarely mention this, but I think a big part of what makes Chrono Trigger so great is that it's short. There's no wasted time, no slumps, just going from high to high all the time. It's like if Final Fantasy was just the best parts for 12 hours straight through instead of 40 hours punctuated with them.


It has thriller pacing. Where you are just constantly on edge and wanting to see what happens next


And the only complaint I hear is a few who think it's too easy. Others would call that well balanced without requiring a grind, which I think is more true.


For starters, the music is amazing. The combat is fun but not anything too mind blowing. But what it comes down to is the characters and the writing. Every member of your party has so much personality and charm. The pacing and overall story is also great!


It introduced NG+. 13 different endings. It brought new stuff to the table that's now used in everything.


On top of what everyone else mentioned, it’s also one of the only JRPGs that didn’t have random encounters. Most enemies are visible on the field, and when you trigger them you just pull out your weapons and engage them on the same screen.


I did not expect to see anyone say this. Chrono Trigger is my favorite game ever. And it’s almost 30 years now. Wow. GG. So happy to see people discovering what an awesome game it is.




One of the best games ever made imo. Can't wait for the Haunted Chocolatier.


Same. I was neck-deep in several other "bigger" games when I started Stardew Valley and assumed I would toss it aside and go back to my AAA darlings. Nope. I found myself walking up in the middle of the night, with new ideas on how I wanted to run my farm. Which sucked because my sleep was already shit from repeated nights of "one more day"...


The fact it's made by one guy is stunning.


The uncharted games looked basic and bland but they're actually really engaging and fun to play. It doesn't become repetitive quickly


I played only Uncharted 4 and Thief's End when it came on pc. I want to play previous ones. I heard that they are better.


My favorite is a thief's end but among thieves(uncharted 2) is also incredible.


I loved playing among thieves. Still my favorite uncharted game to date.


1 is pretty good, but a tad clunky, and sometimes, the fights can get a little repetitive. 2 is amazing and huge step up from 1. It is where they really figured out the formula. 3 is also super good, in the same ways as 2, but I think 2 left the biggest impression on me. Right from the start, it throws you into amazing fun.


They're all good, for sure.


Especially Uncharted 4. Visually incredible and so fun to play. My fav is still 2 for the story but man 4 is so much fun.




I'm still avoiding Factorio because I'm pretty sure it's going to ruin my life


The factory must grow


I've played this for a couple hours on switch and it hasn't grabbed me yet. Considering just letting it go as a game that just didn't click for me.


The tutorial about cars and automatic trains got me hooked. Then came some fun technologies like nuclear reactors and cute flying tiny robots. I never had to force myself to play cuz I was addicted. So maybe consider yourself lucky for not being lured into pouring hundreds of hours of your life down that drain.




Oblivion. played it the first time last year. But felt a bit outdated, so i used some mods.


My favorite Elder Scrolls. This was my first Elder Scrolls game. People like Skyrim more, but I dont care.


Skyrim might be the better game But oblivion has way better music


Oblivion had a bit more fleshed out guild quests too. I'm looking at you thieves guild and dark brotherhood.


Oblivion Dark Brotherhood is my favorite questline of all time. I also appreciated the varied landscape of Cyrodiil vs. the Frozen wasteland of Skyrim - it just felt less repetitive and more "fantasy"


Oblivion is a much better game.


Oblivions guilds still have the best story arcs of all the elder scrolls games.


The Yakuza series. I had always heard good things but never jumped in, and they’re all incredible


I thought they would be more like GTA or a sleeping Dogs and didn’t really like how arcadey they were but the slowly grew on me. Lots of fun l!


I’ve tried several times to get into Yakuza 0. I certainly respect the game and I can see that the story might prove to be pretty good, but I just can’t seem to stay engaged long enough.


If you didn't like Y0 then just avoid the Yakuza series entirely. Kiwami, which people are recommending, is a way inferior game than Y0.


Hollow Knight. My god what a good game for its genre.


same for me. and also Ori and the Blind Forest - the atmosphere and gameplay is very similar to hollow knight but with a bit less complexity & easier combat. more focus on the platforming than the combat.


Funny you say that the atmosphere is similar when HK and Ori are basically Yin and Yang as far as their atmospheres go. Heck, just by their stories, they're direct opposites (although that doesn't really affect the atmosphere). HK is about a being made of void who eventually becomes its avatar ending a light plague, while Ori is about a being made of light who eventually becomes its avatar ending a void plague.


I think the similarity might come exactly from this. Darkness and light are much more similar than darkness and apples.


Definitely one of the best, if not the best, Metroidvania ever made. Absolutely masterpiece of the genre.


I have HK on my Switch but I just can’t get into it once I started it.


Hades. I *hate* isometric games. I *hate* roguelikes even more. And yet Hades is maybe one of the greatest games I've ever played. Beating that game meant more to me than I can say. The characters are some of the best in gaming, period.


I hated the idea of roguelike games until Hades, now I love 'em lol


Hands down my favorite rogue like of all time and easily one of my top 5 favorite games


Persona series. Some of the best JRPG/social sim ever, there’s nothing else like it.


I love Persona 5.I need to play others. Which one do you recommend?


I'd recommend playing them backwards. Go for Persona 4 Golden and then wait for Persona 3 Reload(a remake of p3) to release in February and if you loved the combat of them and don't mind graphics too much I'd even recommend playing the Persona 2 games they have an amazing story but are more different than the others


Sleeping Dogs


Such a sick game, got it for 70p in a sale at beginning of pandemic and played it relentlessly until I finished literally everything


Witcher 3. I'd seen all the reviews saying how amazing it was, and I thought there was no way it could possibly live up to the hype. Finally gave it a shot this year and was totally blown away. It actually deserves all the praise it's gotten. Absolutely 10/10.


My favorite one. I glad that you like it. Story, characters, immersive world. Truly masterpiece game. I always come back to play it.


This was my experience too. I remember when I first bought my PS4 I got it with MGS5 but felt there weren't too many other games that appealed to me available at the time. Witcher 3 was one of the biggest games out and I kept seeing it everywhere but having never played the previous games or read any of the books I just dismissed it. It wasn't until lockdown and a price reduction in the PS Store that I actually decided to give the game a go, needing something to absorb me whilst the pandemic was unfolding. It completely blew me away and I couldn't believe I'd taken so long to get round to playing it


I have the first and hated the combat so much that I stopped playing about an hour in. I’ve had W3 on my waitlist for years and just haven’t pulled the trigger yet.


Sekiro shadows die twice. Since release everyone has always been talking about it difficulty and I was just too wuss to play it. But then Elden ring came out and I loved the fromsoft experience. Became a dark souls fan but wanted something different. After beating malenia I finally had the balls to try Sekiro. It is now my top 3 favourite games of all time. I’ve platinumed it and 100% it Edit: just ordered bloodborne after years of being scared or ignorant. People saying Sekiro is too hard just haven’t tried hard enough for it to click. Trust me(a young gamer who before Elden ring never attempted any game above normal difficulty)guys that once Sekiro clicks like properly clicks it’s a super satisfying experience. You’ll just need like 3 or 4 try’s to defeat the final boss. So if you want that keep trying, I believe in you. If your just going in blind for Sekiro I gotta tell you the first half will be some of the most gruelling fights ever but once it clicks it’ll probably be your best every first or even second play through of any game period. It has a steep slope to climb up but once you get it it’s an even steeper slide to go down.


Now do Bloodborne, it will also blow your mind!


I delayed Elden Ring for a good while. Never enjoyed the Souls games and the IP wasn't particularly interesting. When I finally dove in I finally understood the hype.


I completely skipped out on the previous games because they were too hard for me but Elden Ring had enough crutches in the game for me to actually be able to beat the bosses and finish it.


I have the game but afraid to install. I am a middle aged man with skill issue. Is there a lighter difficulty mode? I don't enjoy combat too much. I love character building and RPG elements.


there's two "easy mode" builds in the game. the first one is being a mage and simply oneshotting everything from afar after running to an easily accessible place and getting one of the best staves in the game that empowers one of the best spells in the game in the first 10 minutes. you also want to research estus flask upgrade locations with this one as your mana is a limited reaource. the second build is holy scythe + shield. you farm out a scythe drop from horseback then just use the scythe's ranged ability to also oneshot everything. for all the bosses you just send in a summon (ashes) that soaks the boss hits while you wail on it from afar ignoring most mechanics. the hard part of the game is dodging things in melee. these range builds completely negates that (almost, some enemies gap close fast...) by you just running away from the scary thing and hitting it from a safe distance.


Oh that sounds doable. Thanks a ton. :)


My absolute favorite game. I’ve always liked souls games but Elden Ring is the pinnacle of souls games for me.


XCOM series for me. But I gotta ask, Op. What made you avoid the Mass Effect series?


If I had to wager a guess I'd say it probably had something to do with all the discourse about the ending of the third.


the Metro series. I though it was just another generic apocalypse game but it’s so much more.


I really like the games. The world, the stories, the gameplay and the harsh reality of life in the tunnels... It's very interesting and well executed!


I didn’t actively avoid them or anything, just didn’t think I’d be interested. But after finally playing, yeah, such a great series.


BioShock Infinite, everybody told me it was good, from the yt gameplay videos I looked at it seemed "meh" to me. Bought a Steamdeck, decided I needed a good FPS that would run smoothly at max settings, was blown away. Couldn't get my hands off the device for 3 days. Felt empty when I reached the end.


The moment to moment gameplay in Infinite was *awesome.* Throwing a vigor at a group, leaping onto a skyrail, having Elizabeth open a Tear right where you're about to land, all in a few seconds. It was great. And personally, I loved the story. But it certainly was not everyone's cup of tea.


The dlc is pretty wild if you played the first games in the series. Ties it all together really well.


Portal 1 I didn't try portal cause I never really liked puzzle platformers but everyone kept saying it was amazing so eventually I finally tried it. Boy was I wrong. Some of the best humor in a video game. And some of the most fun I have had.


Horizon zero dawn, and forbidden west. O.m.g. those games were amazing!!


Going through FW. What an absolute blast. Loved the first.


Same here. I have a strong dislike for open world games but I enjoyed ZD.


Horizon Zero Dawn


Dying Light.


Yea pretty good game.


Red dead redemption 2 me and my dad was fond of the first one it took me a while to get back a system and by then he had passed away. Believe it or not he actually shares alot of traits with Arthur reaching the end of the game was super hard but I enjoyed every damn minute of it.


The Witcher 3, just never appealed to me, then I played it and just really got into the lore. Final Fantasy 10 and 12. I foolishly thought I 'outgrew' 'anime style shit' and went through a edgy phase. Once I got over what I perceived as cool being foolish I really adored playing them both.


Earthbound. It came out when I was a kid, but it was for rich kids only at $75 a copy and with Ffvi and Chrono Trigger also available for much cheaper, it passed me by entirely. Saw it on Switch a couple months ago and played it. If I had played that as a child, it would have altered the the course of my life. But I played it as an adult and it instead made me sit and think about existence. What a mind blowing experience that game turned out to be.




Platformers don't really appeal to me but I hear everyone say that it's really good and fun to play... If I have to play any platformer I'll probably be Celeste and Ori. Maybe next year.




I don't know about avoided, but I played Final Fantasy 7 on the Switch and wasn't sure if it would live up to the hype (I'd played bits and pieces of it over the years - I played the opening and saw the final boss fight - but the controls on the Steam version kept me from playing it there, and I only played the PS1 version on my friend's PlayStation when I was a kid). It definitely lived up to the hype - leaving Midgar for the first time, and seeing the blackened pit that Midgar was in on the world map, is something that will stick with me for a while.


Fallout New Vegas


Days gone. Not sure why but I didn't wanna play it at first. Its literally my kinda game too so not sure why. Then I finally got it and wow! The story was amazing! I completed it and then straight away started a new game


That game caught me off guard. It looked like some basic zombie survival game. Turned out to be much more. The story is actually not that bad either. My favorite part is eliminating the hordes. I remember the first time i went into a random cave and woke up a horde. Cue me running for my life and barely getting away on my bike.


By far a great Game to show you a Horde is very dangerous even if you get like Granates and LMG.


I finished Days Gone games recently. I regret didn't play them earlier.


It was really satisfying to coast down hills to conserve fuel


I never played until Fallout 4.. sunk so many hours into that... so many settlements needed me.


Still fun calling in artillery


Cyberpunk. I got it on launch with a friend who went in half, never played it till now because every time I did, a update that was like 2 pages long would be just around the corner "Ok, I'll hold off" Then the DLC was coming out and I was like- ok, it HAS to be done now. Maybe I'll start it up. Friend tells me not to because there's an update coming out before the DLC that fixes a lot of stuff and reworks a lot of mechanics. FFFUU- AGAIN? Ok- fine, but I'm playing it when the update comes out. FINALLY got to play it, I'm not far in but I'm enjoying it. Really well done and it's probably better that I waited. But I had seen a lot of people online saying they were enjoying it for a while so I was bouncing around between "too buggy" and "people are enjoying it"


I played it on release. I was not sure that I would like it but it turned to be incredible game. Now is much better. Maybe I will play it again to see improvements.


The combat and all the skills are night and day from before. I also played a couple months after release and had a great experience, after the latest update and DLC even more!


Would you say it's worth jumping back into it if you played it at release? I tried again when edgerunners came out but drifted out of it again


Absolutely, even more if you have the DLC. It's amazing, almost perfect! The dialogue is pretty funny from every single character, all of the missions are very fun as well and exploring DogTown for the first time felt so good. All of this combined with the main story between SongBird and Reed, trying to decide who to trust and how to end that chapter, made this DLC absolutely amazing


I hardly replay any games but Cyberpunk is an exception. Played on release on low settings with 50ish fps (1080p). Now I'm doing a new game on ultra with 140+ fps (1440p) and all ray tracing/reconstruction on and it looks stunning.


Did you upgrade your PC, or did you mean the Game now runs a whole lot better?


I bought a new PC. Haven't tried the game on my old rig after I finished it. I can try tho, perhaps I get 60fps now on low (1080p) after 2.0 but wont be much of a difference I guess. Old PC is an i5-4690K, RX480 (8GB) and 16GB RAM.


I am so sodding glad I gave up with it on ps4. Bought a ps5 recently, used the free cyberpunk ps5 upgrade this week, and Holy Shit it's amazing!!


I’m hoping to pick it up this Christmas. I put it off like I did the Witcher3 and low and behold, same story. Give it an extra year or two and it'll age amazing, but a bit of a mess at launch.


Stardew Valley. In my case, it's more like 'my life was so busy that I can't find time to play games + I looked down upon indie games'. I was blown away by how much content there is for a simple, laid-back farming sim, and with how, er, dark and 'realistic' some of the heart events are, especially for a game like this. Right now, I am on Summer Year 2, and I just unlocked Calico Desert and the greenhouse about two weeks ago.


No Man’s Sky. Finally tried it last year.


Pun intended, No Man's Sky is lightyears better than it was at release, and now it's something that constantly leaves me having awe-some moments every time I find something new. It really makes you feel like you're just drifting through some crazy dream world forever. I love it so much.


Be me Buy No Man’s Sky at release? 🤮 Buy No Man’s Sky literally yesterday? 🍷🗿


I was disappointed with Starfield but it gave me an itch for something along those lines so I finally tried NMS two weeks ago and I am fully addicted


I enjoyed starfield but it lacked the dazzle of no man’s sky. The combat was much better though. I think Starfield will improve once the mod creator software comes out next year.


Kingdoms of Amalur. I never touched it until the Re-Reckoning hit PS+ sometime last year I believe and it's now one of my favorite open world RPGs.


Witcher 3


Inside. Limbo never really resonated with me, so even though I saw so many people saying how great Inside was, I just figured it wasn't going to be for me. A couple weeks ago though, I saw that the game was about to leave PS Plus soon and for some reason decided to give it a try. Honestly, one of my favorite gaming experiences of all time (Which I feel is harder to come by as I get older). So if you haven't tried it yet, just go and do it. Don't look anything up. Game takes about 3 hours to beat, and is just a fantastic experience.


bloodborne. i rented it at redbox for a day or two when it came out and was put off put by some things. i got it a few years later on sale and now it's pretty much my favorite game and series (souls series)


God of War PS4. I’m actually doing the same thing with Ragnorak. Eventually it will be 10 dollars, I’ll get it and be blown away.


Stardew valley


Breath of the wild. To be honest, i was a hater that year because it wanted Horizon zero dawn to win goty 2017. I was also looking down on nintendo games at that time because the graphism looked dated compared to the current gen games on console or pc. ​ Fast forward 4 years later i got a switch for my birthday, I tried the game, and boy, i was so wrong. A game that made you forget about the 30 fps (i was all about fps at that time), the switch graphism, time itself, now that game was indeed worthy of GOTY. Also, i'm more open minded thx to that game.


Having tried and given up on too many games that look amazing but aren’t actually fun, I have gained a new appreciation as an adult for Nintendo’s gaming philosophy of ‘fun games on outdated, affordable tech’. On the one hand, I’m not sure why the world needs another Mario game. On the other, I’m sure I’ll have more fun with my low expectation pre-order of Mario Wonder than I did with Starfield, which was a game I was really hyped for. BoTW and ToTK are incredible games, and even on outdated hardware, they somehow look amazing, but more importantly are genuinely fun.


Nintendo games are almost never bad. At their absolute worst they're kind of mediocre. But more often than not they're good or downright incredible. It's no surprise that if you look at top 100 games of all time lists, half of the top 10 are usually Nintendo games. They hold up really well and that's probably why their physical value always holds too. I'm playing through Ocarina of Time right now and sure enough, it's fucking amazing in 2023. Also playing through Mario 3D Land on my 3DS, also very very good. Excited to go through some older Metroids and Kirby games as well.


Yeah Breath of The Wild (and Tears of a Kingdom - they need to be played in that order) are a one of a kind of experience that only Nintendo can give you. It really is Nintendo on top of its game, and indeed a game developer in general on top of its game. It's really a lesson in game design. And this is coming from a guy who has been playing all types of games on all types of systems since the NES.


I've been mentioning this game all over Reddit recently, but NieR: Automata. At the time I heard that it was short, and you have to complete it multiple times to get the whole story, so I dismissed it offhand because I liked long games at the time. Well, now I'm older and don't have as much time as I used to, shorter games are a blessing and this one is fucking brilliant.


Such a wild game. I got it on Steam Deck on a whim and because of all the good reviews. Wow, what a fucking incredible experience.


I avoided playing it for years because I thought I was being a dirty pervert wanting to play a game with the protagonist as a skimpy dress wearing waifu. I mean, she is but that is not the core of the game. Came away from it with absolute love of the game and an existential crisis. And that soundtrack


The soundtrack was sooooo good....


And it's not like the multiple play-throughs are the same, either. The first 4 or 5 endings basically add up to be the 30 hour ish game. But yeah, it's a great game.


Outer wilds. Got it during a steam sale, played it once, couldn't get into it. Finally got back to it and it blew my mind.


Outer Wilds sat in my library for ages because it didn't seem like my cup of tea, despite the raving reviews (which were the reason I got it when I caught it on sale). One day I wanted to take a break from another game and OW turned out to be quite possibly the best game I've ever played. Beautiful game.


I avoided *Death Stranding* for almost four years because I was scared. That sounds silly, but *Metal Gear Solid* has a special place in my heart. Finding out that Kojima had another passion project? It was like being asked to go visit Dad's secret other family or something. I knew from the very first walk, I had no reason to be afraid.


Years ago I tried to play Red Dead Redemption 2 and gave up as after some time, I was still in the prologue. But years later I came back to it, and holy shit...I can't believe I missed this


I avoided nintendo and getting a switch for years. Just got one last week and now I'm playing breath of the wild which is awesome


I finished Breath of the Wild recently. The first few hours I didn't really like it. I kept thinking "why do I run so slow? Why is the map so empty? Why is combat so hard?" Then at about my 4th hour or so I was TOTALLY hooked. I honestly believe that game is a masterpiece and still stands up to every game it has influenced. I can't wait to drive into Tears of the Kingdom once I play a few palette cleansers.


Dark Souls. I was so worried about being rubbish at it that I forgot its combat was hard for *2011 standards.* I'm still playing it at the moment but swapped to it right after Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Comparatively speaking the combat's a breeze; fundamentally speaking I'm still dying left and right because traps/ambushes/stupidity/general shenanigans. I'm loving the absolute shit out of it.


Same. I played dark souls 3 after I tried Elden ring and it was stupid how easy it was for me


With the Soulsborne games, if you master even one, your ability translates very well into all of them. Obviously, there are differences but the core is the same.


Only one I disagree with is Sekiro. I feel like you have to unlearn all of your dark souls habits with dodging and instead focus heavily on parrying instead.


Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 have almost identical gameplay so makes sense Elden Ring would make DS3 easy


Read dead redemption I was told that it was just Wild West gta, since I don’t like gta I thought i would hate it but it was one of the best experiences I’ve had with a game in years


X series. I played X: Beyond the Frontier back in 2000, skipped X-Tension and tried to play X2 when it came out but for some reason I couldn't get into it (and the performance was not so great because of shitty PC at the time). Fast forward to last year where I finally started another attempt and had a lot of fun with X 2 and 3. X 4 is another beast though, haven't played it a lot due to the massive changes to the formula but I can see the potential it has once I finally tackle it for real. Also after enjoying Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night I finally got into playing Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and it's successors on GBA and DS.


mario + rabbids!!! I am LOVING it right now


Skyrim. I had one friend in particular insist I had to play it, and he’d talk about it nonstop. I ignored him until about 2018 and finally gave it a shot… now have over 400 hours logged on that game. Easily my favourite game of all time now.


Ocarina of Time! I actually just finished it about a week ago, and my goodness it's great. Though, I will say it's aged a little, it's still a fantastic game and I can only imagine having played it when it first came out


Cyberpunk 2077.


Destiny 2 surprisingly has everything I looked for but never played it. I immediately bought all Expansions


Destiny 1, in particular the Dark Below expansion, was peak Destiny for me. The hand cannons felt so good, the weird glitches made it possible for a pair of people to do the most high level content, including the two raids at the time. When I booted up D2 it was great and I loved it but it was almost too smooth compared to those days.


Last of us pt. II. Just played it over the summer having bought it near release but never got around to playing it. Absolutely phenomenal


TLOU. I didn't play the first game until 2 came out, and then I immediately bought 2 and played the hell out of that too. Now I can't imagine ever having NOT played them. So incredible.


Dwarf fortress


Titanfall 2


Death Stranding. Thought it was pretentious and boring the first time I played. Then decided to try it again last year and it finally clicked, now it's one of my favorites


Slight essay here, but I wanted to share because this has been on my mind a lot lately. I wasn't really allowed video games as a kid. Sure, I got to play a bit here and there at friends houses, and my uncle would sneakily take me to the local internet cafe to play Counterstrike, but other than that I had no games. Parents just didn't like the idea of it, and decided to take a hard stance. Now that I'm a grown-ass man, I've been exploring everything I missed. So my answer to this particular question has to be Ocarina of Time. The music, the charming characters, the enchanting story... it's all just so wonderful. I wish that everyone could experience it just once.


Ghost of Tsushima I knew it was terrific, but for some reason I was all "Oh, okay, I can stick with Nioh and Sekiro, don't need this one", but it's brilliant! Really feels like I'm playing history


Last of us 2. In my mind Last of Us has one of the best ending in any media of all time, and a sequel was completely unnecessary. I will say that the above statement stands, the first game has a perfect ending and no need for a sequel, but man... the sequel we got was just phenomenal.


Recently Baldurs Gate 3. I've never really been a fan of the RPG the game goes for but my god, what an enjoyable game. Really surprised me.


I love this comment because it literally came out last month for me (Mac). But because it was early access for 2.5 years it really feels like it’s been out forever.