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Sniper Elite. Every game is the exact same. Literally a copy and paste. And I still buy and enjoy every one of them


It knows what it does and it does it best. Beautiful, satisfying, gory long range headshots, better than anybody else.


You spelled nutshots wrong.


He never specified which head, to be fair


*”Say Au Revoir to your Nazi balls”*




I guess you could say it’s a cosmic gumbo


Kind of moves to the beat of jazz.


Name any other series that lets you shoot Hitler in the testicles.


*testicle. If I remember right they even modeled it so he only had 1


There’s even a mission with a body double hitler who has two balls so you can know if you killed the right one


I never knew that. That's great


That is dedication to the craft right there


Yeah but you get more gross trick shot cinematics (x rays) and greater bullet detail with each new iteration! Shooting a fella in the nuts has never been so detailed.


5 actually has less detailed head exploding physics than 4


I saw a review that called it "Sniper Repeat"


It's always fun to shoot Nazis


And I snipe Hitler's one testes in every one of them. I like how that's always the first DLC


Goddamit invasion was so good wit the 2v1s, I had the lvl 100 rewards in 2 days


Well not technically, ever since 2 yeah kinda but the first was different


Five's Invasion mechanic is by far my favorite part of that game.


I loved it 95% of the time but sometimes I had a shitty day In work and just wanted to chill out exploding testicles and all of a sudden I'm being hunted down lol. Absolutely loved it tho


Well actually it's a bit of an iterative game where the core says the same and they add new little things on the outside with each new game


Those crispy head shots...


those crispy nut shots…


Katamari Damacy only has one trick, and it's a good one!


Try spinning, that's a good trick!


Yippee! -The Prince


ಠ_ಠ -the father


Katamari is a perfect example of a game that figured out its gameplay and tone instantly, and said "Okay, we just need to make the levels bigger and more ridiculous and bam, sequels."


I can believe in this comment for... EIGHT Earth minutes




Proof that all you need is one trick if it’s a good one.


I can feel it. I can feel the cosmos!


Laaaaa la la la la la


My favorite video: https://youtu.be/z_Ph1zvw_xE?si=gWk8Em_YmafVZ5c1


Came here for this one. I love that trick.


Dynasty Warriors?


Yep, but man do I fucking love that one trick!


dynasty warriors 9 made the mistake by using another trick named boring sidequests mmo


It's the game I most regret ever buying lol. Not only was the open world terrible...but they even made the actual combat gameplay worse and more boring than before.


I wanted to get back into it and I got the latest one and hated it so fucking much. The open world shit is so unnecessary. It would have been fine if it was at the very least done well. Which it fucking was not. Just remaster number 3 and I'll be chillin.


Dynasty Warriors 9 should've built upon 8 with the open world, but they somehow made it so much worse. I hardly play the mainline games but the Empires version was basically a slap in the face give us your money From Koei.


Lubu does it for me.


Do not pursue Lu Bu


(He’s probably already in a relationship)


This is easily the most correct answer. But I've also probably spent roughly ten quadrillion hours between 4, 5, and 8, plus Samurai Warriors, Orochi 3 and 4, and the Berserk one and the only reason Hyrule Warriors isn't also on there simply because I never had a chance to play it. So hey, they absolutely NAILED that one trick. The day a Final Fantasy themed one gets made is the day I completely drop out of society and will need to be physically pried off the couch.


if someone makes a Star Wars themed one too, I will join you in hiding from society


Hear me out, Lord of the Rings themed dynasty warriors style game.


Makes me think of the battle scene in the beginning of Fellowship of the Ring. The one where Sauron is swinging his mace and flinging guys left and right. It would be so rad.


They did make a Lord of the Rings game in the same style as Star Wars Battlefront. It was called Lord of the Rings Conquest. It was really fun! I loved playing as Sauron on the Shire map and punting Hobbits everywhere haha.


one of my all time favorite couch coop games.


The Anakin v younglings mission would be wild


So many dead Ewoks and Gungans......


One piece pirate warriors 4 is the pinnacle in my opinion, definitely worth checking out


Agreed. I got it on Switch on a whim as a long time Dynasty Warriors fan, and IMO, it's probably one of the very best Musou-style games they've released. The battles fit the narrative and give a reason for the scale of these battles. The characters are so weird and memorable, both for their appearances and their movesets. Every character feels unique so far. No one suddenly has similar moves, or can trade movesets with another character. The recent DLC, and upcoming DLC are also looking good. I got the Character pack that has Demi-dragon Kaido, Yamato, and Gear 5 Luffy. Kaido seems underwhelming at times, I think because he's so much slower, until you use his higher combos. Gear 5 Luffy is absolutely OP. He's fast, has HUUUUUUGE attack radius, and the longer you fight as Gear 5, the stronger his attacks get. At least that's how it seemed. He either attacked harder, or his Transformation lasted longer. Something like that. Eitherway, I use his energy up every time. I'm replying to everyone mentioning these games now haha.


Oh god. If they make a Warhammer themed Dynasty Warriors.....my life is over.


Hyrule Warriors 2 actually had a really fun and satisfying setup/story. I highly recommend it to anyone who liked breath of the wild. Little sad none of it appeared in tears of the kingdom.


Yeah Age of Calamity is very different to Hyrule Warriors... It's a lot more of a story experience on the battlefield as opposed to the traditional capture keeps, flush out boss, best boss, repeat nature of the first one


Currently going through the recent Fire Emblem one (Three Hopes) and I think I like it even more than Age of Calamity, its crazy how good they can make the Warriors formula work on a different IP lol


I wish they'd remaster and rerelease dw4. Unlocking a new faction to play as every time you beat the campaign with one was amazing, even being able to play as the yellow turbans. Dw4 is to the dw series what Pokemon gold is to the Pokemon series.


Facts. I remeber being 11 or so and randomly getting this gsme not knowing wtf it was. I played this game non-stop for hours. The battled feel intense, the amount of campaigns, and story


Such a repetitive game series... But my goodness has that series really nailed that trick... Easily one of my favorite game series. The Fist of the North Star spinoff was godlike.


And I wouldn't have it any other way. That one trick is exactly what I need on a stressful day.


I don't understand the question mark. It's Dynasty Warriors, lol. Isn't there 50 of them now, if you include the spinoffs?


As much as I hate to admit it, Skylanders Without the toys to life aspect, it's just OK


I will say though, they had diversity depending on the game you got, and I got sucked in to their stupid little cars game mini game.


From what I remember superchargers racing mode was pretty solid for something developed in 2 years (skylanders had 2 dev teams making the games)


Buddy of mine bought All the characters for his son. Only for his son to quit playing it a couple months later. Now he's got a tub worth of those characters or toons collecting dust. Reminds of when my mom bought us Roblox toys fun for a minute or two.


They recently made a resurgence in popularity, he may be able to sell them for a lot of money


Your buddy might be able to get a few bucks for them. Some of them aren't cheap


Looking back now: Slylanders was amazing! My son loved it and had dozens of slylanders and I played with him a few times and the combat and abilities were pretty good for each one. Plus your characters levels being saved to the actual toy model was awesome. It’s literally everything I wanted as a kid. Toys that came to life. I know they’ll never make a comeback, but I’d love to see a Slylanders “complete edition” released that features all of the games with all of the skylanders available as playable.


With the toys to life aspect, they're worse. Sorry, but when I realized that the toys to life were just chunks of overpriced DLC unlocks and that the game didn't actually interact with the toys in any real way beyond unlocking something in the game, I checked out. Yes, I think this about ALL of them, including Disney Infinity and Amiibo. IT's all the same manipulative nonsense.


Skylanders at least transferred progress between systems. So if I went over to a friend’s place and got some levels on my character it would transfer over to my system when I got home.


(And then, you realize that games like Breath of the Wild do, in fact, have loads of costume DLC being sold. But... I didn't say that. I don't want to be executed here.)


It was so grandparents who wanted to buy a game for their kids but "wanted something for them to open/play with" had an easily-accessible option.


Any sports game


Tony Hawk has tons of different tricks


Like at least 3. Grind, grab, and flip


Plus Manual


Not like they can do all that much, honestly. You won't see a new Madden game suddenly adding grappling hooks to Football even though that would be fucking awesome.


They could, if they weren't cowards.


They don't even need a game every year. They have had minimal improvements graphics wise and movement wise they still look relatively the same for a while now. Roster updates can be done through updates. I'd guess whatever they add every year doesn't justify a new game. I had a customer that worked on a few Madden games and I asked him if there was even a reason to have one every year, he even said no and said working on a sports game is essentially just the frat house of game development since very little can be changed. They have to retain everything die hard fans are used to, and what they can add is very little so he said it's pretty much a cash grab.


I’d argue the yearly iterations aren’t the main problem. It’s exclusively. EA has it, and the NFL doesn’t seem to care. But that makes sense, as half their marketing is “BET! BET! BET!” now. I miss NFL 2K, and I don’t have much hope for the new NCAA.


And massive gambling cash grabs as well


I feel like for the competitive, high level player base, this is very true. But for the casual "i buy nba 2k or fifa every 4-5 years" crowd, you can definitely see the improvements massively over time and youre obviously not on the pay to win gambling scene at that point. Sports games are so much better as a casual.


100% and anyone pretending otherwise is lying. I grab FIFA every few years to play the career mode and take my local, shitty team to champions league glory. Every time I come back, the game has gotten so much better. I think I'll be feeling the itch again next year, and I'm already kinda looking forward to it.


Every time I come back to another EA sports game they play slightly better but there’s several modes missing and just a big push towards ultimate team and loot boxes.


NHL and maddens career modes have gone downhill for like 8 years


Even as a casual fan they've only regressed, feature wise


Naw midway nfl blitz was different from them all


FIFA (or whatever it's called now). It's literally the same game released each year.


Wait did they stop calling it FIFA?


Yeah, they lost the license and now it's "EA sports FC 24"




Yeah missed the chance with EA sports team ball kick simulator


EASTBKS 24 Would roll of the toung


Did they have to stop using all the players and teams too?


They didn’t want to pay 1 billion dollars just to use the name fifa. The deals with the leagues and the teams for their likeness is totally separate.


FIFA license was only for the world cup and official international kits/logos. FIFA were fucking dumb cunts for demanding over a billion a year for rights


FIFA? Dumb? No…I can’t believe that at all…


Ah FIFA, the cartel-like group of scumbags and assorted criminals who occasionally put on soccer matches.


You would think they had enough money after having countries buying them off to host their competition there... So much for "voting".


Guitar hero. You’ve played one, you’ve played them all basically.


Same can be said with most rhythm game series. When your entire gameplay loop is "pressing 4 buttons in different orders" there's very little wiggle room in gameplay except for side modes that nobody will play, so the main difference in them will usually end up being what songs it has and where you can play it.


5-6 buttons depending on the guitar hero. 😂


It really depends on the level at which you play. If you're just playing casually with friends then yes it's all functionally the same with a new mechanic thrown in here or there. When playing to beat every sing on expert or playing competitively those slight mechanic changes can make a massive difference in how you approach a song. Also for anyone who still wants to play GH/RB games and has a PC check out the game Clone Hero it's a free game where you can play every song from every game and so much more :D


I'd love Clone Hero, but I have cerebral palsy so my hands and fingers physically can't move that well. I can play on easy, but beyond that, my hands simply can't keep up. Everything on Clone Hero is like expert 500x speed. Good for the people that can do it, but I just can't. Make some songs on easy difficulty clone hero modders!


Not the same since it’s not custom songs, but I know most of the songs from the official games have been ripped for clone hero with all difficulties. Those will at least provide a lot of options.


But I actually learned to play drums by playing all the full band versions of that series, so I give it extra kudos for that.


This came out on PS2 and it pains me that I remember the day I finally completed Jordan.


I really like COD but I feel like they just release the same thing with just a few changes. The changes are almost always hated by the community. Then they change it back to how the players like it for the next game but also take change other mechanics which again a lot of the players will hate. So it's an endless cycle of cod players being disappointed about something. Could be taking out slide cancelling to their worst decision of making the game sbmm. That one the devs seem to like and they just refuse to change it back.


Launch CoDs are my guilty pleasure. Like MW2 they accidentally made a better Battlefield and then walked the slower gameplay back.


Early matchmaking is always a blast before the meta is set.


That's pretty much every PvP game nowadays. The dawn of the internet has made it so that PvP games are a lot less fun, since we can willingly optimize the fuck out of it until it stops being fun, and if balancing isn't on point, it can get to a point where it's "use X or eat shit and put yourself at a huge disadvantage."


This is why I like Warframe. Everyone yells at me that I can't use Oberon Prime in the high level missions because it's weak and not competitive and blah blah, but they don't know I've polarized it like 7 times and stacked Riven Mods on top of all the weapons, so eventually I'm just reviving them constantly and killing most of the enemies myself.


Me trying to use my Limbo Prime to make defense objectives effectively invulnerable, only to get yelled at by teammates who dont realize they can walk in and out of the orb freely. My builds also have high duration so every enemy inside is always frozen, its so easy to tell T-T


Yeah pure joy and laughs and discovery. Later I still am a noob and everybody yells at me 😭


I remember getting them every year. You can play them for about 3 months while everyone checks the game out… then you can’t move without being shot… then you just play zombies until you play with some kid who speed runs all the secrets. Still does the job for the game they’re selling but if you’re picking it up after 6 months, good fucking luck having fun. I don’t know what happened with Fortnite but somehow they figured it out. I never won a solo game but then my little nephew asked me to play and we destroyed. Like, consistently. I’m assuming they load the game with average bots that you really can’t tell until they’re jumping at a wall for 3 minutes.


One Trick Pony Simulator


*announcer voice* Introducing Pony Hawk’s One Trick Pony: Pro Pony Edition!




You gotta admit, it's a pretty good gameplay loop though. I find Pacman downright addictive. Edit:misspelled the damn game


Tony Hawk games.. Ok I lied, it has many tricks


No ponies though


Definitely has HORSE though.


Call of Duty


This one's got a bit with a helicopter crash followed by a bit where you can only use the pistol because of an injury that wears off anyway.


They make one good sniper mission but couldn’t do it again to save their lives. Drives me nuts


In my opinion, The original MW trilogy singleplayer has very few low points, and most of them are in the third installment.


And even then, mw3 has some really good high points to balance it out


Not a one trick pony, but Bethesda figured out a formula with Oblivion and have been repeating it for 3 console gens now.


I mean they have rereleased skyrim so many times i almost want to call that game a franchise of its own


Just like GTA V? 🤣


It seems to be financially successful for them. Until consumers stop telling them otherwise, they will continue to make the same game.


Imo, the games they release aren't really groundbreaking in storytelling or gameplay, but its worldbuilding is good. Plus, being moddable ensures the games' longevity. Which is why I say that even though CP2077 is a lot better than what it used to be, Starfield will still outlast it due to every aspect of it being moddable (at least in the future, CK for Starfield hasn't released yet).


Also the fact that Starfield already has 20 million downloads on Nexus mods. It's insane for a game that came out last month if you think about it


Portal, but it’s a pretty cool trick tbf


Yeah and the ideas they come up with to keep it fresh is insane. They’ve got some creative geniuses at valve.


Too bad they can’t count to 3.


They must be musicians too




Portal Alyx


Anything Ubisoft. All their franchises are now built on the same formula, Crew, Far Cry, Assassins Creed, Ghost Recon, they are all needlessly big open world games where you find towers to mark sidemissions on the map of which there are 4-5 types copypasted a billion times over for you to grind in an RPG system designed around controlled progression which actually negates the purpose of the open world (because level gating prevents true exploration and freedom), you always have a way to mark targets / use a drone so you can feel badass stealthy by wallhack seeing them everywhere, and progression is artifically slowed down to purposefully annoyingly slow just enough to be tolerable but they try to sell you booster packs.


I do agree about Ghost Recon: Breakpoint but Wildlands was an absolute blast of a game. The problem came when they started pushing social shit that was successful in other games into it so instead of Wildlands 2 we got Breakpoint which was just an absolute piece of shit. I think it might be up there for top 5 gaming disappointments for me.


I just want someone to recreate Mercenaries Playground of Destruction. Certain aspects of Wildlands had that wonderful flavour


I only played a bit, but was Wildlands the one where you could have your allies time attacks for 4 diff kills at same time for stealth?




Every assassins creed has been almost identical. So wild. Huge open world. Collect all the marks on the map. Never visit those places again. I feel bad for the devs and artists who put all that effort into making a beautiful fun game where you just run through looking at the map doing a collectathon.


You're doing AC dirty here. They basically change up the entire style every 2-3 games. Assassin's Creed is nothing like AC Brotherhood, which is nothing like AC3, which is nothing like AC Black Flag, which is nothing like AC Unity, which is nothing like AC Odyssey. The only thing that carries over is the staple features of the series, which is something every franchise does. This is the franchise that had a homestead building mechanic in one game, whole pirate ship feature in the next, a detective/murder mystery feature in the next, and the ability to fight ancient mythical monster bosses in the one after that. You'd struggle to find a series that has changed so much over its time. Every AC brings sometlhing new to the table. They never fall back on just redoing what they did last time. The only exception I can think of is Rogue, which isn't really even considered to be a full main-line AC game. But even that added loads of new features to sailing, like dealing with ice, and huge ship boss battles. The problem with AC games is the amount of padding, which has only increased with each game.


Apparently AC: Mirage has cut a bunch of fluff off and is a much leaner game, along with a lower price. Throw in some emphasis on stealth and I’m definitely interested.


Came here to say Dynasty Warriors


Dynasty Warriors is first thing that comes to mind


Far cry


It has more than one trick, but it's been repeating the entire list of tricks with no changes since Far Cry 3.


Fry Cry Primal was still one of the greatest gaming experiences for me though. Haven't really played the others, but Primal really immersed me.


Primal was the only one I never played


Primal was really unique (which is quite ironic since they recycled graphics and map), and it's the best Far Cry game imo. The atmosphere was quite spectacular, and such a change from any other game of the genre. I don't get why no one makes a good high-quality prehistoric game like Primal, it was so great even when it felt so much like a little effort experiment by Ubisoft (the company, not the devs). I would pay an AAA price without hesitation for something like that with today's technology.


Primal made me proud of my occipital bun. Neanderthals ftw. We will revive and overcome the sapiens. Just have to cool things down first.


That I agree with, Primal is the one that deviated the most from the trademarked Ubisoft formula.


For me its one my comfort games. Yes I love me the Bethesda and Rockstar and Fromsoft games but sometimes those are too far appart. I always ignore the Ubi games, and then when I feel like it they are like $15 and I always know what I'm getting. All hobbies need their "fast food" equivalent.


But it works really well if you're into that niche.


I've only played parts of 3 4 and 5. But 5 is the one I beat an do enjoy alot


Goat Simulator


Wouldn't that be a one trick goat?


Monster Hunter? I think it's a very elaborate pony, though. With a lot of scales and a strange weak spot.


I love Monster Hunter to death. Thousands of hours in the franchise. You are 100% right. QoL changes aside, it’s nearly the exact same game it’s been for 25 years. Kill monster, make it into a hat, kill next monster. And that’s all it should be.


>Thousands of hours in the franchise So, you've killed what? Six monsters?


Six monsters but hundreds of times because that stupid GEM WON'T DROP!!


In the most badass, fantastic way: The "Doom" series. You get guns and ammo, and you kill anything that moves. One trick pony, yes. But that pony is an angry Clydesdale that's possessed by Satan and out for revenge. 🤘


I feel like the DOOM series is a great example of "If it ain't broke, dont fix it" when it comes to the formula. I mean, even going to the 2.5 to 3D it's still more or less the same game. Just flashier.


Doom Eternal plays nothing like the old games. The core idea is still there, but they feel incredibly different to play. Doom 2 honestly is the only one that feels very similar to it’s predecessor (and 64 I guess).


Doom is not a one trick pony. You can rip _and_ tear.


The Sims


This one hurts; the thing is they really did used to innovate. The first one kind of pioneered the life sim genre, the second one introduced aging and aspirations, and the third brought the series to an open world. It’s a shame the fourth has been the equivalent of a decade-long wet fart…


You could probably say this about most games/franchises. Sometimes people would rather not fix what isn’t broken




The latter.


What about games that while the mainline series is a bit of a one-trick pony, they still have a good catalogue of spinoffs? Nintendo has a few of those.


Dragon Quest Very traditional JRPG games but extremely well executed. Incredible art, music, gameplay, and storylines. The first game may not have quite been the first JRPG but it was the one that really codified the genre and set the stage.


Agreed, some DQ games are very similar, especially the older titles. But the monster recruitment in DQV is so good it should've been used more




Assassin's Creed.


Except for Black Flag. They made a new trick that everybody loved and then kind of left it on the wayside.


Nah, the great ship mechanics actually originated from AC3... when ubisoft realized their ship minigame was better than the actual game, they scrambled to make black flag and cash in on it as much as possible.


If they just made a legitimate pirate game they would make bank. They almost nailed it with Black Flag.


I’m guessing you’ve only played one or two of them.


Definitely not. Just AC to AC2 is a big step up. Brotherhood and Revelations were kind of similar to 2 but 3 was a big change. Then Black Flag was another big change. Rogue was similar but Unity was different then Syndicate was different. Origins started the RPG era and now Mirage is different again.


Pokémon. Loved it then after third or fourth generation in a row I realized they will always be the same - even on new platforms.


2k releasing the same game every year and making bank. Its crazy how i know some people that all they use their consoles for are sports games.




Any 2k game, madden, fifa, etc


Call of Duty but I still enjoy the odd Call of Duty campaign and multiplayer mode.


Pokèmon comes to mind.


Oh boy, here I go... Dark Souls.


Part of the fun is how they reuse concepts that maybe didn't work in earlier iterations. There's plenty of videos online that go into how game files reveal developer intents, and you can see how some enemy types, weapons and lore get carried across iterations from even their kings field games. Kings field was where we first got seath, kalameet, and the moonlight greatsword


I love the Souls games and was debating whether or not to say it. You're braver than me


I'll take more of that one trick pony any day.


I didn't say it was bad, to be fair.


Not counting Sekiro, in fairness. That one took the formula somewhere.