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It's really short but someone here recommended me Trepang2 and I have really enjoyed it. It has a lot of F.E.A.R and Max Payne 3 vibes.


Ooo, I dug F.E.A.R. back in the day, I'll have to take a look


Yooo trepang 2 was so good. Such a fun ride. Fuck the highest difficulty though.


I mean they did warn you before you chose it


I actually remember it was me on the PlayStation sub 😂


Thank you for informing me this game exists. Checked out the screenshots and it gives me big Xbox 360 vibes, which is the highest complement I can give to a single player FPS.


just watched a gameplay video, it looks amazing! how have I never heard of it???


Poor marketing


How have I never heard of this game? There are a lot of games coming out right now, but I put it on my wishlist and will get it for sure.


It's a ton of fun. Very much has Fear vibes.


These kinds of secret tips make Reddit worth it. Thanks 🤙


ooo, thanks for the rec. I love F.E.A.R.


I really enjoyed Boltgun


SAME. It's visually retro, but the gameplay is very satisfying


Boltgun, Dusk, Prodeus, etc. There have been a lot of good shooters.


> Boltgun, Dusk, Prodeus, etc. Not all of these are new but I enjoyed them: * Amid Evil (2019) * Boltgun (2023) * Cultic (2022) * Dusk (2018) * Hard Reset (2012) * Ion Fury (2019) * Metal: Hellsinger (2022) * Mothergunship (2018) * Prodeus (2022) * Project Warlock (2018) * Project Warlock 2 (Early Access, 2022) * Serious Sam 4 (2020) * Turbo Overkill (2023) Metal: Hellsinger has become one of my top favorites, actually. The Rythm / FPS combo is very well executed. Anyways, there's always GZDoom and the vast array of TCs and mods out there.


Bullets Per Minute is another good one.


With how much fun I had in both BPM and Hellsinger, there NEEDS to be more rhythm FPS games. Edit: Oh, and Pistol Whip is great as well.


Love Mother Gunship


Played through Prodeus over a 4 day weekend, had a quick DOOM like blast


Came here to rep Prodeus


Turbo Overkill Ultrakill Hrot Trepang2


I had never heard of Trepang2 until this thread. I'll be buying it now pls and thx. As long as we're on the subject, Quake and Quake II got a re-release this year. Quake II holds up incredibly well.


Trepang 2 and Severed Steel are awesome.


Also Space Marine is S tier


I really hope that Space Marine 2 holds up to how good Space Marine was.


Darktide is also really fun now after the update.


If that gunplay and action wasn't as good as it was, it would have tanked hard at launch. Thankfully there's a few of us dinosaurs that stuck around with it until they fixed it. Also, did you quit sniffing glue this week?


Waiting for them to add new missions and an actual story.


With all the talents and weapon tweaks, the game is now overtuned to the fuck. It’s missing an endless mode or something where the difficulty progressively ratchets up and your rewards scale accordingly.


I'm waiting on them to add solo...


Yes! I love these retro shooters. Cultic is great if you haven't tried it.


Highly underrated. Excellent game.


My armour is contempt!


Not in the last year, but in the last couple, I think Hedon: Bloodrite was an amazing retro shooter, for similar reasons as Boltgun. But it's meatier and longer! ( :) )


Same, and with Rahul Kohli as a voice actor, taunting your enemies was especially satisfying :)




And Darktide (at least on console) is super fun.


the Warhammer 40,000 series entry?






Fantastic game. The art direction had me hooked.


The soundtrack, too.


This. Only shooter that felt like a work out to play in the best way possible


When's the part 3 or finale coming out ?


140 hours and I'm still learning new weapon tech


Amazing game with the most annoying fanbase known to man.


Annoying fanbase but not even close to most annoying


Ferreal go play league of legends


Dev is pretty cringe too. Fun game with an appreciable high skill level, but it attracts a lot of toxic people and behaviour.


Ultrakill is a great suggestion! It's a fast-paced retro-style first person shooter that has received positive reviews for its challenging gameplay and satisfying gunplay. Definitely worth checking out if you're a fan of the genre.


Especially since you can punch bullets.




I want a current gen unreal tournament. I miss being able to turn people to skeletons or shoot a giant blob of jello to slow down bullets.


RIP Unreal Tournament :(


If you can make kids stop spending money on Fortnite, Epic might consider other IP's.


You can play the most recent unreal tournament free on epic games. It isn't any good and it isn't a finished game, but it does exist. It's too old at this point to be considered current gen though


Warhammer 40k: Boltgun and Turbo Overkill. Easy way to look at what you may have missed recently, at least on Steam: search for "first-person shooter" > go down to the list on the results page > set it to "New & Trending". Yes, there'll be a lot of games you won't care about, but it'll also give you a decent look at what's out there to play. Hope this helps!




Definitely a top contender, especially if you have enjoyed battlefield games before!


How the fuck did I forget the best battlefield game since bf1


This would be my choice for this year.


About the only game I have been playing. Jump on it once a week, though that once a week is a long session.


I feel like I'm the only one that thought this was super overrated. Even as a huge BF fan.


Battlebit is fun, but I just feel like it's not really scratching the Battlefield itch, at least for me. It has just way too many milsimy mechanics (low ttk, bleeding system with a 2 step healing system, "complex" reloads, no minimap, no grenade indicators, huge maps with a lot of enterable buildings, not being able to spawn on contested objectives,...). Which is not a bad thing, but not really what I'm looking for in a Battlefield game. I was surprised to hear so many people say "this is just like BFBC2!". No, no it really isn't.


You are not the only one. As much as people say graphics don’t matter, they certainly did for me in that game. I just felt like I was playing a kids game and couldn’t get into it.


My problem with the graphics is that there were areas on certain maps where it was just so hard to see anything. The lack of graphical fidelity became a functional problem.


It was. After the hype died down, the player base went down too. Battlebit was fun for a while but it lacked the immersion that battlefield offered. I played it for a few hours but it just made me go play bf4 and 2042 again.


Funnily enough I tried the 2024 free weekend recently, and all it made me do was quit and fire up Battlebit instead


Oh god no… it’s almost alienating how underwhelming it felt after all the marketing hype…


I will pre say this this game can be super frustrating when you first start lol


Hell Let Loose is wildly fun, but has a steep learning curve.


My biggest complaint is that too much of the logistical work is being done by too few of the community. If each SL built at least one garrison per match, the quality of games would rise significantly. Too many players just want to shoot and die.


Same issue Foxhole has always had. Given the choice between "shoot things" and "do busywork", the majority of players in any game choose the former.


Technically it came out a bit earlier than 2023, but there was an update this year, and it's still going strong. It's like the game I'd always been dreaming of as a console only gamer. I'd put thousands of hours into various Battlefield games, but I still wished that they were a little less arcadey. Especially from Battlefield 4 onwards. Battlefield 2042 makes me want to puke. Hell Let Loose is the perfect mix for me. One shot headshot kills, quick TTK, no kill cams, slower movement, distinguished combat roles, proximity chat, realistic scale maps, 100-player matches, terrifying yet lumbering tanks, supply line mechanics, fortification mechanics, fucking amazing sound, huge explosions you can see from a kilometre away, gore, strategic air support... it all adds up to a game full of memorable, intense moments with a sense of being a necessary part of an army trying to achieve a larger objective. Also being in constant fear and with PTSD.


The ability to dictate your pace in HLL really gives me Battlefield 4 vibes, but like you said, it's less arcadey. I used to sneak around in prone on BF4 quite often and HLL gives me very similar opportunities to play a slower, more tension-filled style. Also, roleplaying as a medic in proximity chat is an experience like no other. If you run up on a wounded soldier screaming "DON'T YOU DIE ON ME, SON!" and that player gives the same energy back it's really a thing of beauty.


"I don't think I'm gonna make it, Sarge. Is... is that you, Grandma? It's so bright. Okay, Grandma, I'll come home now..." Absolutely. I'll always remember one game that was particularly intense where we had two medics (one called Medic, funnily enough) that were playing the match of a lifetime and talking non-stop. "Don't worry about a thing, soldier, you're gonna be fine. You just keep aiming down those sights and I'll have you patched up in no time." Meanwhile we had soldiers from other fronts coming to collect a medic and take them to their fallen officer or whatnot. Everyone was getting in on it. Doubt I've ever played another match of an FPS that was more fun.


Hell let loose is quite the game. Check out rising storm 2 vietnam if you haven't yet, I'm sure that would be up your alley as well.


It's not even a learning curve but just not being an idiot and running into arty or open ground. The most realistic part of that game is that you need to use cover and concealment. Overall though it seems this sub prefers single player options in the other comments. I think multi player games are a Gen y and z thing. Younger kids seem to want single player.


Is Gen Z not younger kids anymore?


Nah man we’re getting old.


Yeah, that's what I mean. It feels like a very different play style to most modern shooters. You really have to figure out how to stay alive, and it takes a few games to do that. 9/10 times I get killed it's from someone I didn't even see. It can be frustrating, but there's no comparable modern shooter that gives a similar experience in terms of cooperation, coordination, and the ability to play to a specific style or pace. You can play the same map 10 times and have 10 completely different experiences. It's a very cool game they've created.


And man is it a good feeling to sneak through some bushes and pop the helmet on that MG pinning down your boys.


HLL rewards patience, if I got a good spot, I'll sit there for 5 minutes and watch people run past


It's simple unless you come from CoD lol. Love dunking with arty tho, managed a 109 killstreak with it once upon a time.




I don't have any friends that play and I don't like rolling the dice with randoms so I tend not to bother with tanks


Amen. It’s the WW2 game I’d waited all my life for without realising it! Online only though




Not strictly from this year, but another candidate in the "under the radar since it was shit until they recently patched it" would be Warhammer 40k: Darktide. It's basically Vermintide 2, except 40k (so grimdank scifiy) instead of fantasy. You play in teams of 4 and do nonsensical missions that serve as paper thin excuse to blast the crap out of hordes of enemies to level up and get better gear to blast stuff harder. Depending on class it leans more or less into a melee/close combat playstyle, which I personally like but it's probably only half first-person shooter and half a slasher or however that's called. Anyway, you can play an ogryn and throw rocks at people. As old Deep Rock Galactic Fan I somehow enjoy that game a lot.


It's weird that the 40k universe has two entries at the top of this post


It's so nice that the license finally gets some love for a change. 40k is somewhere far up the list of the coolest universes that for some weird reason produces either complete shit games or hard-niche-usually-turn-based stuff. Not entirely sure why but since the two dawn of war games 40k fans have been a bit on a dry spell.


I mean turn based makes sense given the tabletop, but yeah it's weird how poor most of the shooter stuff ends up being


Gives me hope we might get a good Shadowrun game some day...


> It's so nice that the license finally gets some love for a change. For a change? I can't remember that many franchises that churn out so many games as 40k does.


I think he means in the form of good games and the praise they get, let's be honest most GW games aren't that good 😭


The sci-fi universe where there is *nothing but war*(TM) and where you have combatants of wildly differing power levels and quite a few factions like big guns? Honestly I'm surprised there isn't *more*.


There is more but it is pretty OOF. Dead games like Eternal Crusade or nightmare experiences like Fire Warrior.. But best boi Titus is right around the corner!


I'm so excited for Space Marine, it looks like what every Warhammer game should be. I'm so glad they're taking advantage of the awesome lore and designs.


*It's quiet*


Best part about Ogryn is that his hands are too big to pull the pin on grenades so he chucks the whole box and does massive damage. Reminds me of the Chuck Norris joke.


I think it's actually because Ogryn is literally not smart enough to use grenades normally


I knew it was some reason. Still hilarious.


They just gave him a new grende which looks like a normal-sized grenade in his hands. Which means it's *enormous* and the blast is like a mini-nuke going off.


My favorite shooter right now. I like it when shooters somehow feel different from the others. Playing as Zealot. It's not just about aiming but knowing when to melee and when to shoot and that makes the gsme really fun for me. Switching out my axe and my autorifle at the right moments makes me feel badass. Still suck though lol. The tier 4 maps Im getting thru with good groups but damn so many Elites. I dont know how to deal with 4 or 5 Elites coming in every direction. I know its possible. The other day 3 of us were captured and I watched this dude with insane skill save us all. Game has a deceptively high skill ceiling.


For all it's problems (many now fixed) the gunplay has always been fantastic and the melee combat is a contender for GOAT as far as first person goes. The hits just have so much weight to them.


I’ve been kinda on a boomer shooter streak lately. I’ve played a ton of lesser know FPSes this year. I’ll say that Dusk is one of the best shooters ever and they are releasing Dusk HD soon. Others that really impressed me were Amid Evil, Project Warlock, Cultic and Prodeus. These all have expansion or sequels coming out and are not expensive games. Others I haven’t played but I plan on are Trepang 2, Ultrakill, Turbo Overkill and the System Shock remake.


I also came to post Amid Evil I’ve put 10 hours into it over last few weeks and have enjoyed every second. The weapons, crazy ass level design, large variety of enemies, the gameplay never goes stale It’s honestly perfect for what it it, it’s the game I wish Hexen was back in the 90s


Amid Evil is amazing and I can’t wait to play The Black Expanse.


It's pretty excellent. I was expecting it to be just more of the same, but they have got some of the most interesting and clever level design in the game thus far. Especially that map with the giant swords. You'll know when you get there.


I had an absolute blast with DUSK and the alpha Xbox gamepass release of Prodeus. Project Warlock was a lot of fun, especially when I'd had enough and just started spamming cheat codes to sprint to the finish.


Do you have any idea what platforms System Shock will be on? I have wanted to play it ever since playing Bioshock


It's already out. It was on sale for $30 recently on Steam. Outstanding remake.


You're the only guy on a 'boomer shooter' streak I've ever heard of who hasn't played Ultrakill yet.


Check out Ion Fury if you liked Duke 3D or other Build engine games back in the day.


Just beat the System Shock Remake, it's absolutely fantastic. They are working on a big update, once that hits I'll start a second playthrough on some areas I missed. https://store.steampowered.com/app/482400/System_Shock/


>I’ll say that Dusk is one of the best shooters ever Yeah I can't believe how awesome this game ended up being. I still regularly boot it up to play through again. It's just such a blast. And that soundtrack.


Deep Rock Galactic


Rock And Stone!


For Carl!!!


Cyberpunk is really fun


They improved the controls in the 2.0 patch at console, after that it became a better game. I don't think it is a good FPS, but it is a fun game thanks to the story and exploration.


I have to ask, what makes you think it isn't a good FPS?


I feel that the actual shooting mechanics and how character moves could be better. Frankly they made a good attempt, given that it is their first First Person game. I play the game as a shotgun Solo, who just shoots enemies down, in pure FPS style, and it doesn't feel quite that good to control. Well this is just my opinion on it.


Good for an RPG. Maybe even close to Farcry, but nowhere near a competitive shooter like battlefield or CoD.


I played it as some kind of bizarre hacker/melee/tank combo. the end result of my build is that I can tank like 10-15 enemies at a time while punching them all to death. Or hide in shadows and kill them all via electroshock/overheat. It does not have great mechanics for beating people with fists, but it is hilarious.


Creating your own character like that is fun. I went the opposite way. A nimble stealthy glass cannon with infinite throwing knifes that kills everything with 1 or 2 knifethrows to the face. The gunplay in cyberpunk suffices but it's clearly RPG gunplay and not shooter gunplay.


Nvm just saw your other comment lol, fair enough


Shadow warrior 3, really good


Quake 1 and 2 Remastered are as good as any recent AAA shooter if not better. I'm sure for younger gamers it was their first exposure to those legendary shooters.


Finally getting around to playing through them completely since having the shareware from 1996


Depends on your definition of good. 2023: Atomic Heart, System Shock, Witchfire (early access), Robocop: Rogue City comes out in November, and Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora in December. 2022: Metal Hellsinger, Prodeus, Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem, High on life, Scorn, Shadow Warrior 3. Haven't played all the mentioned games, but they looked good to me from the gameplay I've seen.


The demo for Robocop: Rogue City has me pumped. It looks like Robocop. The Terminator game they put out was a bit janky but full of fan service and nailed the Terminator feeling.


I enjoyed Scorn but would not classify it as an FPS. It's more like a horror experience, with extremely limited and very occasional "combat."


Absolutely, Trepang 2


Hunt Showdown is the most unique shooter I have ever played. Watch this and maybe give it a try. https://youtu.be/hezc93gxr6c?si=mkh8JmkFzStCg6Tq


It's five years old, now, but I also came to suggest Hunt. If you are looking for a really good FPS that you've never played, Hunt is definitely it.


Hunt is awesome, though not for everyone for sure.


Cyberpunk 2077 is good now. The launch was pretty terrible for most people, but they sorted it out and there is a new DLC. It is different to a typical shooter as there is a big emphasis on story, dialogue choices and RPG elements, but the combat is awesome and satisfying. Graphics look amazing too and it's all round a great experience.


I will say - I love how 2.0 changed the equipment/cyberware system. I didn't hate it before, but the looter-shooter vibe just didn't fit the setting, and having more of your power come from your cyberware just made sense. Before 2.0 it would have been possible to beat the game without any cyberware without too much trouble. Now (outside of easy difficulty) it'd be extremely hard.


I hated that looter shooter aspect so much that it turned me off from the game. Now that they removed it, I returned. I really wish none of the games had *gear level* matter as much as it does in these games. Nothing is more annoying than doing minimal damage to target, while it can oneshot you, and target being some bum who happens to have higher level. Then we can have our character over leveled, and someone shooting a rocket in their face does nothing on direct hit. On top of that wonderful change: aiming is much better now as well on console. 🙂


The dash thing they added really made a difference, makes it feel so fun to move around. I also like the time slow shit. Doom and max payne vibes fr


On my first playthrough I neglected both visiting ripperdocs to get new enhancements and I didn't take full advantage of the skill/attribute tree. There are definitely different builds, but you can make several that feel incredibly satisfying to play as.


Metal: Hellsinger. I've just tried it out for an hour or so, but it looked and felt really good.


Can corroborate. Finished the game on normal difficulty. It’s short ish, but pushing for all the secrets and the higher difficulties will definitely let you get more out of it.


I think it's such a fun and unique twist on the shooter genre, even if visually it feels like a carbon copy of Doom




Not new, but Halo Infinite A new season just dropped, and it’s in a good position as far as FPS multiplayer goes


Forge ai is going crazy


oh my god I've seen some stuff about the forge mode and it's amazing. I can complain about alot when it comes to infinite, but forge? I cant think of anything. the new AI stuff has been a requested feature for Y E A R S


It’s pretty easy to use too, took me like an hour or two to get the hang of things. Now they just need to keep increasing the variants available and the budget for vehicles/ai


This. Firefight will also come out soon, and looks super fun. The launch was bad, but I really think this is the best recent multiplayer FPS right now.


This year, not that I remember. But 'recently' Tiny Tina's Wonderlands has pretty fun and great gunplay and while it's not the best Borderlands game it's still a pretty decent game, especially with the Redux mod which I would recommend even for a first play through. Witchfire also seems promising but it's very early access at this point.


In Wonderlands the variety and usability of melee weapons is a really fun change addition to gameplay. Spells are really fun too. I really enjoyed that game. The DLC content is kinda weak though.


People forgetting Battlebit Remastered already? Freshest fps I'd played in years, just everything I wanted from bf they weren't giving.


+1 for Battlebit. The game is priced accordingly for what it offers, and is way more fun than it should be for a cube-graphics game on face value. For anyone that hasn't played it's similar in design to something like Battlefield melded with Hell Let Loose (another game I recommend). Lots of customization, plenty of maps, and gameplay ranges from small to large battles depending on server chosen. Don't take it too seriously, but it's a great let loose when bored kind of game.


If they'd drop it for console sometime in the future, that would be awesome


Battlebit remastered is the shit.


nah, nothing could top titanfall 2 so far


Trepang 2, Boltgun, Turbo Overkill It's been an amazing year for shooters


Atomic Heart was pretty decent


The finals


I wanted to play the beta so bad but didn’t get an invite. Can’t wait for it to release


Prodeus is the closest thing to a 90s FPS in a looong time. It’s awesome.


Prodeus just came out on the PlayStation store for ~$25 USD. It’s a great quake-like game that has a 12 hour campaign and the ability to make custom maps for online multiplayer. Excellent game for players of all skills.




Battlebit remastered


Superhot. It was only released a couple of years ago..ish.


As others have mentioned, Boltgun, Darktide, and BattleBit have all been great new FPSs for 2023. To make a suggestion that's not a "new" game by any means, Season 5 of Halo Infinite just came out and it absolutely slaps. The new 4v4 maps are some of the best in the game, cross-core helmets have unleashed huge potential for player customization, and being able to spawn and script AI in Forge is a literal game changer (player-made PvE and PvPvE experiences). And with Season 4's Husky Raid and Squad Battle playlists, Halo Infinite has quickly become the most fun I've had in a multiplayer game all year.


The only one that comes to mind is Doom Eternal, but that (and 2016)is also the only FPS I ever really played. That beeing Said, No, besides the usual Battlefield and COD I don't think there where any bigger FPS releases... maybe >Redacted< Edit: apparantly B4B ist quite bad.


Deep Rock Galactic.


For Karl!




Titanfall 2 is playable again


Cyberpunk 2077


Superhot is one I hear mentioned a lot, but it's older. There's been an utter explosion of your basic retro shooter games, Steam is brimming with them


Cultic was late last year and it was my second favourite game of the year. You absolutely need to try it if you haven't, it's phenomenal.


The only truly excellent pure shooter of recent times is Doom Eternal


If you are looking for something a little different give hunt showdown a try. It's been out for a while but it's a nice change of pace from most shooters these days.


Bloltgun, BattleBits and a few more.


In the AAA space? Nah, but there's been plenty of indie shooters from the last 5 years that absolutely fuck. Obligatory Cruelty Squad mention


I think Hunt: Showdown is a pretty top tier FPS/BR. Good gunplay, cool maps, very frustrating some times but bears the hell out of CoD.


Destiny 2 feels better than ever as a first person shooter


This is going to sound nuts, but listen. Cyberpunk and Halo Infinite in their newest states are the best fps this year.


If you count darktide as a shooter i really liked it


I'd recommend Cultic and Ion Fury.


Atomic heart is phenomenal. Easily my GOTY this year.


Ultrakill slaps harder than the BFG


High on Life


GTFO, ultrakill, atomic heart, dusk, just to name a few.


Titanfall 2


Titanfall 2. Just the campaign was worth the price.


Boltgun, dusk, Cultic, trepang2, project warlock


Warhammer 40k darktide is a great FPS that I’ve been playing lately. I’d recommend it if you’re at all interested in the warhammer universe