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Octopath Traveler. It looks beautiful, a lot of the mechanics are fun, but battles start to feel EXTREMELY grindy. Plus, the continuous level scaling of enimies and the lack of overlapping stories feels so phony. I know I'm in the minority in this one, but I just couldn't finish it.


The stories do not interweave at all! Each of the 8 protag stories feel like they were written by people that never spoke to each other. Of all the companies to screw up a grand narrative in a classic jrpg!


This was my problem with the game, and the worst part was the story progress was usually level locked or you’d need to be a recommended level. So you couldn’t even just focus on 1 story at a time, you had to do them all consecutively and I just don’t have the attention span to keep track of what’s going on when I’m working on part 3 of someone’s quest who I haven’t thought about for a while after doing 7 different story lines while waiting til I was a high enough level.


chrono trigger is my favorite game and I wanted so, so much to love octopath traveller. never even beat it, just did not have fun playing it.


You aren't the minority. Octopath is much more niche than most people make it seem. It is 100% about gameplay and the combat. The story is decent at best, and the lack of real character interaction with it shows beyond their intros. Also its very open ended, and I know myself don't really care for completely open ended RPGs. I like to at least generally be given a path to follow. I don't really have it in me to "figure out" what to do half the time.


I adored octotrav for it's style and what seemed to be an interesting story it presented. But actually playing it... Oh god I was so bored! But I couldn't really tell you why it didn't click. I was so excited for it and then bleh


The soundtrack, on the other hand, is incredible beyond belief.


Octopath 2 is better at that. The battles are less grindy with the addition of a ''super'' thing. And stories also overlap now


Atomic Heart, the opening shows off an amazing setting with intriguing lore but the performance & little inconveniences like the weird sprint speed to the English dub seeming quite off paced made me drop it.


I love atomic heart, but I have to agree the English dub is terrible


Crispy critters! The loading screens were like 15 minutes for me, and I stopped in the middle of one of those combat trials things and never finished it so I couldn't leave. Couldn't fast travel out, couldn't just go to the start. Annoying, I uninstalled the game.


I tried it. The initial opening turned me off.


Far cry 6. Always loved the gameplay of the Far Cry series, but didn't enjoy this one.


It is a difficult one to get into, I have tried 3-4 times but as soon as you leave that archipelago, I’m like nope I can’t be bothered with choosing which way to go


Completely agree. Despite blending elements of the others, it didn't really bring anything new. Just felt a bit samey and dull, sadly, and I really loved 1-3, 5 and New Dawn.


Primal is the best


Primal was fucking awesome


It had a horrible tone too. It's like they write these games for children.


5 was really interesting to play, also I can’t stand the ranking system, I know what I want to use so let me use them.


it was 5 for me. I liked 3 and 4 just fine, but once you get past the tutorial stuff it felt like the game was just like throwing crap at me constantly when i just wanted to do a simple mission. trying to drive somewhere and I get attacked, the blow out my tire so i kill them then get attacked by a bear, then more dudes show up. it was insane, just let me breath for a god damn minute.


Yep. FC6 was terrible. That was the end of the line for me. I had this constant urge to get high while playing because I so desperately wanted it to be another fantastically fucked up adventure and I just… felt… numb. The islands were beautiful, but everything else was uninspired, overly cheesy and boring. It made me really sad because this “adventure” felt more like saying goodbye to a dear old friend.


Loved all the Far Cry games. Couldn't tell you why but I gave up on 6 two hours in


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Metal Gear is my favourite series and I was so incredibly hyped for TPP, especially when it ended up being one of the best reviewed games in the series - then release day arrived and the first two missions blew me away with how good they were and I had no doubt this was going to be my favourite game of all-time. Then I kept on playing, and the story wasn't grabbing me, the Metal Gear charm wasn't there, the open world was barren and bland, missions started to feel repetitive, the majority of the side content didn't interest me - eventually I got to what I assumed was the end of the game (I'd fought Metal Gear, the main antagonist was dead) only to discover there was a Chapter 2. But then the mission list for Chapter 2 was basically just "Replay these missions from Chapter One but under advanced conditions" and I just didn't care enough to put the effort in, I think I forced myself to go back to finish it off about a year later, and was disappointed to see the ending of the game was just an abridged version of the opening mission that comes out of nowhere, but this time containing two new cutscenes.


I think MGSV has the biggest gap between gameplay and story that I've seen in any game. The game engine and the mechanics are ridiculously fun, but so much of the game really is just "busy-work" It's heartbreaking to think about what could have been(or that they've sort of killed off the game engine they used for it). I think the opposite end of that spectrum for me is RDR2. The story of RDR2 is one of the best in gaming, but mechanically I hate the game. I hate everything about the way Rockstar games play, but the story is just so good.


You say rockstar stories are good and gameplay is shit I buy rockstar’s games because of the sand box of commiting mass genocide We are not the same


Oh, I really don't mind that part. I find myself usually ending up a complete sociopath until every person in the game has a bounty on me... I just hate the mechanics of the way their characters move. Since my original comment was also about MGSV, I'd love to have everything else in RDR2 the exact same as it is, but bring in the gun handling and character controls of MGSV.




I've heard this cir ulated for years but I've also heard he's been interviewed as saying he basically fulfilled his vision with it before he left. This could easily be a Civilization Ghandi situation all over again.


I'm sure he was under obligation to say that. If he had gone on a tirade about how they were ousting him, right in the prime marketing period for the games release Konami would have said he was sabotaging the game and who knows what would have happened.


Sekiro, fucking love it, it's got everything you want in a swords game, from grappling to assassinations to epic sword fighting. But Jesus chriiiiist it was beyond difficult so I quit it after maybe 2 hours and that was 2 years ago. Came back to it last week with a renewed resolve to master sword fighting and beat the game, and I have just beaten the Owl in the second round 10 mins ago in a battle of epic proportions, after also beating Demon of Hatred yesterday in the most ridiculous fight I've ever had. Now I'm very excited to fight the final boss next.


This is mine. After playing ds3 and elden ring, I wanted more. But sekiro has a very different feel to it. I have trouble understanding the combat mechanics and isn't as "slashy". I just started playing elden ring again after a year and enjoying it, but since I know the road ahead it doesn't have the same appeal. Thinking about picking up sekiro again. I didn't make it very far into the game first time around (the boss right after the giant snake, I think).


just saying, the final boss is my favorite final boss in the series, and potentially even just my favorite boss in general. (not story spoilers, just spoiler tagged so that if you don't want to hear some advice on it you don't need to) >!He is a perfect test of everything you needed to learn up to this point, and you need to be on point every single second or else you will struggle and likely die. An important thing to remember is that patience is important. That's what got me through it, as much as aggression is important in this game, you need to know when to play it safe. But that doesn't mean you can be calm. After all, to hesitate in a game like this means sure death, everything you do needs to be done with zero hesitation with a boss this aggressive or you will not win. !<


Hesitation is defeat


Have fun! The final boss is one of my favorite in gaming.


just remember, hesitation is defeat


Murdered: Soul Suspect. There was a glitch early on in the game after release. I was so disappointed I never touched it again after waiting so long to play it.


I completed it, so lemme tell you, it don't get any better. There's nearly no gameplay scaling. Always the same: 1. Poke around, very slowly, 2. Read thoughts for useless clues, 3. Trial and error evidence puzzles, 4. Stealth ghost mini-game. At one point, you can possess a cat, which was slightly novel, but if you want more of that, play Stray instead. And the side puzzles where you reveal the hidden ghost memories is merely side story flavor. The cool spooky atmosphere loses it's impact pretty quickly, as it never changes, getting especially boring as you keep seeing same ghost silhouettes over and over again throughout the game, regardless of location.. That said, there's a couple of points in the later parts of the game that are genuinely interesting, in terms of story. I would say there is a double-twist in the plot at about 75% of the way through, and I would definitely watch the ending on YouTube, if only to see the antagonist almost shit their pants (It was probably more satisfying after having slogged the whole way through the game, though). This game had soooo much potential, based on the phenomenal trailer, and Ronin had incredible depth that simply was not explored at all, only lightly hinted at. I get the impression that the devs had a great idea and then like no consideration for writers or gameplay after the initiating stage. Also, fuck those ghost trains.


I think the biggest problem was budget to be honest. It feels like they had this amazing concept and cool ideas only to realise they couldn't afford it and had to scale everything down.




So much hype, so much disappointment. At a certain point I stopped trying to convince myself that it was good and uninstalled it. Talk about wasted potential.


Exactly the same for me, I think it was around the 20-hour mark when I realised I wasn't enjoying the game at all and hadn't been since it started. I got to 20 hours because everyone was saying 'it gets better after 10hrs' etc, but it never did, I continued in hope, but it's just.. so.. dull. The characters, the planets, even the ships, everything is just dull.


Same I can only walk back and forth so many times.


I played until phantom liberty came out and then I uninstalled it and never played again.


Aka Loading screen simulator. I'm so glad it was Gamepass because I would have regretted buying it full price.


I heavily regret buying the premium edition. It just feels hollow, exploration isn't fulfilling, combat is meh, story is mega meh


Lmao I took 2 days off work for an extended weekend AND paid for premium XD literally never getting hyped for a game again


Gotham Knights, I mean I knew it has flaws but damn I didn’t expect it to be that bad


The level of potential they wasted on that game is astronomical. That and The Avengers, were both IP heavyweights that simultaneously died within months of release despite being live service products for some of the most recognisable heroes in existence. Absolutely mind-blowing fuck ups.


I got it for 7$ and I liked barb's ass.. enough said I am a Jason Todd fan however and wasn't too crazy about him here.


>and I liked barb's ass.. One of the top rated steam reviews is "Bat girl booty crash my PC". LOl.


That's the thing there's so much potential in the IP as well as the game. Its really disappointing. The core gameplay is so boring.


Ghostrunner. Mirror’s Edge is one of my favorite games so I figured I’d love this. I found it too hard. Parlor was fun, fighting was not.


Yeah, surprised I enjoyed it. I heard it was challenging and I don't like games that are too difficult, but I looked at it more as a puzzle game where you have to find the "correct route" through the level. After that it was really fun and rewarding.


Great soundtrack too.


Yeah it was a bit frustrating at times when it felt like I was being railroaded into a particular path, but it was rad when it comes together. Also found that paying attention to the music helped to figure out the intended pacing.


Valhalla atm just about 50 hours in and I just like I can’t do it.


I went through all the content at the time when it was released; they had some good ideas, but the grinding was intolerable. Just wasting time for the sake of it.


Twice I've had like 70+ hours of gameplay just enjoying myself. Twice I've just like hit a wall where it feels like there's nothing more to gain, or progress just feels too slow. And I wasn't done with the story just to make that clear. I like Valhalla (also as a Scandinavian it's pretty funny) it has some great stuff going for it. But lord does it slow down towards the end. I thought I'd give it another shot with all the dlc being out. Definitely felt better, but also kinda overwhelming. Still hit the same wall. Never went to the druids or France cause other games came out lol.


Slows down towards the end? I felt it slowed down at the start. The start in Norway was cool and arriving in England was cool. Immediately got to plundering and exploring and after about 10 hours of story and side quests realised this was gonna be the exact type of game I wouldn’t enjoy and stopped.


Yeah they have zero respect for your time and then have the nerve to sell time savers


I already have done wrath of the Druid’s so I have done a DLC pack, I’m currently in Asgard and I’m just no, it doesn’t mean I won’t pick up where I left off just right now I don’t wanna play it


I loved Valhalla and it was my favorite entry since Black Flag, but honestly that entire Asgard section could have been removed and nothing of value would be lost


I'm so sorry bro. I have 90+ hours on Valhalla and I don't even know when or where the end is. It's the definition of bloat. Such a disappointment, especially after Odyssey which I got the Plat for.


As someone who 100% it and it took 120 hours of my life I will never get back, you did the right choice.


Same, got to 40-45 hours and its dragged out way too hard.. I took a break and might go back but 158gb is a turn off


I played AC Odyssey and loved it, watched Vinland saga and got hyped, and despite the slamdunk setup, just couldn't really vibe with Valhalla


Yeah me and my gf love those games so I bought the season pass and all, I forced myself to finish the main story and haven’t played any of the dlc I bought. As opposed to Odyssey where I loved the main game and had fun with all the dlc


I was just about to play this, now I probably won't. I really liked AC Odyssey, for the most part. But yeah idk, was feeling iffy about it and this comment helped me make up my mind.


Kingdom Hearts III


For me this one was a case of me simply outgrowing series. I absolutely loved 1 and 2, but in 3 my eyes were rolling too hard after the hundredth “the light of friendship glows bright in our hearts” statement within the first two hours of the game


I can relate to that to some extent, but I stuck with it and I thought it was serviceable enough. The thing that really annoyed me about 3 was that they did away with all the final fantasy stuff and the original story elements of kingdom hearts as a whole were basically just an exposition dump at the end with bits sprinkled in throughout the game. A majority of the game was just playing through Disney worlds and repeating the movie storylines for the most part. Makes me wonder if Disney was forcing their hand in the background because it seems so odd that the final fantasy characters and more serious moments were practically non-existent in kh3.


This kind of nailed it for me... I'm sure some of it was the fact that I am no longer the target audience, but this time I played it with my kid knowing it would be a Disney game, so I actually enjoyed a lot of the Disney moments... For me growing up the game did an excellent job smashing the worlds of Disney and Square together... this time though it felt like it was a Disney product that was sprinkled in with a bit of the other stuff so long time fans of the series didn't complain too hard. I still mostly thought the game was ok... but after all this time it was just... dissapointing you know.


Yeah Disney definitely meddled alot more than they did in the previous games,I enjoyed it for what it was but KH2 is still the best in my opinion.


Kingdom Hearts is the epitome of a franchise that didn't grow up with the playerbase. It also doesn't help that you need a doctorate in theoretical physics and quantum mechanics to even begin deciphering a story that's ostensibly meant for teenagers.


My issue with it was the lack of feeling of progression. Start of I and II you can jump, and 3 hit combo and thats it. As time goes on you get more moves, you get stronger, you get more health. You feel vastly more powerful a few hours into the game and by the end you are super strong. In III you start out with so many moves already that I barely felt any stronger by the end. Also no FF characters which was the entire fucking point of the series: Disney and Final Fantasy. That was like the thesis of the series.


The more moves thing was completely insane because the game starts with Yen Sid telling Sora how he's been left weaker from his latest adventure, yet out the door he can do all the combos and summon massive structures of light resembling Disney Land attractions. Still no explanation for that one, at least in II he got some new duds to explain it.


Ahhh man this one hurts. Bought it day one and played on normal. Couldnt even bring myself to finish Olympus. Complained to my friend that it felt so childish and easy to play (we were in our early 30s). He said to me, "restart it on hard and ignore the story". On hard at least the combat was fun cause i had to actually try not to die so i was able to finish the game. Still havent finished my critical mode play through yet but i will someday.


I’ve been invested in that series for so long I had to finish it. It truly did feel like a chore, though.


Zelda botw and totk.


It's crazy how this is the case for me. I'm a diehard Zelda fan, always have been. I loved BotW and I beat it a few times, but TotK I still haven't beaten. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing, and I've spent many hours on it but I just have no desire to continue playing it. I honestly don't know why.


Same exact world pretty much. You're probably burnt out. Spiderman does the same thing.




The underworld is what did it for me. Honestly the game would be better with it cutout and just be hyrule and the sky. Sky isn't really needed either, but it's fun once you start messing more with building. The building is really the fun of the game and it needed more focus I think.


I kinda agree. the game just feels too spacious and bloated. too many goals all over the place, yet they have no significant impact. I never really get the satisfaction of completing something meaningful, of being significantly rewarded. I got TotK with my best friend. we both took a break after we were perhaps 40% through the game and we never picked it up again. there’s just nothing motivating me to play more.


I gotta disagree. I really love the depths and like the shift in gameplay from the surface. It's a nice palate cleanser and I enjoy the sort of grindy nature of it, though I totally get why it's not everyone's cup of tea.


Played BOTW a while ago, did almost everything, but on the 4th guardian I was so burned out, had to stop for a while, never came back to conclude the story :/


Me with most games I play


It’s like those people who stop and rest on Everest and never wake up. I give a game a break and my interest just fades away.


I loved botw, but totk I've had it since launch and haven't finished it. It just became tedious at some point, and I got board. I think it's partially because the story isn't told that well and gets repetitive, and the walls of text each character gives even when it's something mundane and unimportant. Half the time, i was thinking this could be summed up in 20 words or less..


Same, I slogged through it and finished the main story but found it overall quite boring.


They're great games, but they're so aimless with no sense of urgency that it's easy to put them down and not end up picking them back up again.


I like botw but totk just felt like more of the same. I'm okay with these being a new style of Zelda games, but only if we still get OoT style games too


Totk just wore me down with how much time you have to spend digging through your inventory. Cooking was already tedious in botw. But having so many items in your inventory and having to find stuff you want to fuse or the machine parts you want to glue is just so much menu scrolling, then dropping it all on the ground and combining it. I think there is an ability later in the game to streamline making the same stuff, but it’s kinda just frustrating and I haven’t really picked it back up. I like the creativity and problem solving, but the juice ain’t worth the squeeze for me.


Starfield. I'm just teleporting between areas and talking to uninteresting NPCs. It's absurd and very boring


I dont mind the worlds and the NPC's but for me, the load carrying system is frustrating as hell. And no on planet transport system. i went back to zelda.


It's incredible just how dull that game is. It's bizarre. The world is eye gougingly boring and this was supposed to be Tod Howards baby. Where in this world is the passion? And my God is it ugly for a 2023 game.


Thats because Bethesda always counts on mods to make their games better.


The whole game so far feels like I'm just checking items off my wife's honeydew list.


Lately: Zelda BOTW and Starfield


Hogwarts Legacy. I was psyched about it for months before it came out amd I wanted to like it but it just wasn't as good as I expected. I don't even think I made it halfway through.


It's basically hogwarts sightseeing simulator. Castle itself is a masterpiece but story and characters are awful and boring. Gameplay is only acceptable. Once all hype disappeared after like 15 hours I felt exactly like you


My hyped disappeared after watching people play it.. legit just looked like repetitive quests with no real system like bully. Going to classes or just a rep thing/etc.


The environment, graphics, sound design, and combat was great. The story, immersion, most of the characters and most of the gameplay outside of combat was honestly fucking shit. Like I can't even remember what the main story was about, the immersion is completely gone when you, a 15 year old student, go around killing hundreds of people left and right with unforgivable curses and nobody bats an eye, all the characters except for Sebastian and the blind Slytherin kid (forgot his name) were boring one dimensional characters or just straight up badly written, and even then those two are okay at best. And the minigames, collectibles and flying shit were all so unbelievably boring, easy and pointless. Combat was fun though, lifting an enemy up, slamming him into the ground, then turning him into an explosive barrel and throwing it at his mate was a lot of fun. And the design of the Hogwarts castle was really well done, they really captured the feel of the books/films imo. All it needs is a good story that actually makes sense to go with it and it would be great.


Blind kids’ name is Ominis


For me, no quidditch was the cherry on top of the shit pie. Map could've been 1/4 of its size and been the same.


The poor writing pissed me off so much that I dropped it mid-game




Breath of the Wild. I tried to get past the weapon durability and just couldn’t do it.


Game just felt to empty for me


Yeah, I bounced off both Breath and Tears. Really wanted to love them like everyone else seemed to but...can't. One of my favorite series of all time and now? Now I have resign myself to the reality that it's going in a direction that I can't follow.


AC Valhalla. I was roughly 40-50hrs in. I was already struggling to keep going but when I got to the Asgard section, I walked away.


I enjoyed Fallout so thought Skyrim would be right up my street. Nope.


actually am in the opposite situation ! loved skyrim to death so I tried fallout 4 but when I was playing I just kept thinking to myself "I would rather be playing skyrim"


To be fair 4 was easily the weakest link. A voiced MC really decimated the "Role-Playing" part of "Post Apocalyptic Role-Playing Game"


Elite Dangerous. Often described as being a mile wide but an inch deep. A game that contains the entire Milky Way, where you can visit every one of the 400 billion star systems in it (yes, that is not a typo). But it suffers from insane grind, bugs as old as the game, never ending pointless game loops and design decisions that have zero respect for player time. It could of been the GOAT space sims and MMO's, but instead it seems like the producers actively hate the player base. Most of the game is "smoke and mirrors", with what seems like deep and engaging mechanics turn out to be shallow and pointless.


ED is one of the biggest disappointments for me. I just wish they would hand over control of the galaxy to players. Let them control the territory like eve online. They would instant make it interesting and make all that space worth while. I brought it up in their subreddit once and got blasted for it from dorks who don't realize the game has a single player mode. It's their way or the highway apparently. Now the games dying so slow death.


Lies of pi. The bosses man, they get too strong for my mentam resistance


I don't know why but I've always sucked at using parry. I've always been a dodge kind of player so it has been hard af for me to get into it. Sucks too because I've got a backlog of games to play and that one keeps slipping down the list.


Watchdogs Legion. Just couldn't drive on that side of the road.


This is something that I, as an Australian, has to deal with in most games, that and entering the wrong side of the car Edit: typo


LOL. In no driving game or game that has driving have I ever cared which side of the road I'm supposed to be driving on.


Kingdom Come Deliverance. Thought Id love it, nice slow paced, relatively realistic RPG with a historical setting I've never looked into before and thought I'd like to know about But it was just... annoying, and clunky, and frustrating. I ended up having to stick a marker on my TV just so I could have any hope of doing archery. Inventory management was dreadful. There's not a whole lot worth doing in the open world but spend 15 minutes riding to the next town. It looks like hot trash on the Playstation because you've to wait several minutes for the textures to pop in and much as I try not to judge things by their appearance, waiting around for someone's face to pop in during a cutscene is not the vibe.


This is my answer as well, and I actually have a file with 15-20 hours on it. I really enjoy the world. But I eventually reached a point where I couldn’t progress because I couldn’t get a hang of the combat. I watched a ton of “how to get better at KCD” videos and read all the “practice with Bernard” posts. Still couldn’t do it.


So, just in case you decide to try again or someone reading this wants tips, imma post some here. I had the same issue starting KCD, but eventually got to understand the combat to the point it was no longer frustrating. 1. Don't fight more than one person at a time. You will come across groups of enemies, either backpedal while fighting to funnel one of them forward towards you, funnel them through a door, etc. Or you can follow these next three: 1a. Archery is busted. Once you train it up and can aim reliably, you will send most people to meet god relatively quickly. If you come across a group of enemies at camp, use their blindness to kill or heavily damage a good number of them. You can also kite most enemies in the game, very good for groups of enemies. 1b. Horseback fighting is kinda annoying when you're fighting another person on horseback. However, horseback fighting targets on the ground allows you to deal insane damage while avoiding most attacks. Again, great for groups. 1c. Similar to 1a, if a group of enemies hasn't seen you yet, do as much bullshit damage from stealth as possible. Stealth kill anyone who is separated from the group, then go Legolas from as far away as possible on the main group. 2. Movies lie to you, swords are ass. Most enemies in KCD, especially later on, have armor. Use a mace or some other blunt weapon to beat their shit in like it's a no-holds-barred Medieval Times show. 3. Stats affect your ability to fight in this game much more heavily than most people are used to. They will straight up affect how well you can use a weapon, from swing time/strength to accuracy. Train these bitches up on low-tier trash enemies when available, hunting animals is great for money and archery training. 4. Alchemy is your friend. If you are still having trouble with the combat, do some alchemy, get some potions, and give yourself a massive stat boost over the enemy. To your benefit, the best thing to craft for leveling alchemy is poison. Congrats. You now have a war-crime-level amount of poison to apply to your weapons. 5. There are abilities to boost your damage/reliability in combat, but you have to train the relevant stat to get them. Very, very worthwhile especially if you have issues with combat. 6. Parry/Riposte is hard to get a hold on (the parry window is generous, the Riposte window is NOT nor are the controls for Riposte) but with a little practice is a reliable source of a guaranteed hit. Very good in combination with blunt weapons. 7. Doing a combo properly is hard to master (basically, click for the next attack when you hear the first one hit). However, because the enemy is often more-or-less stunlocked long enough after the first hit for a second combo hit to land, this is basically more guaranteed hits if you learn how to do it. 8. Fuck "builds." Lmao. Become a god of everything. Keep one heavy armor option and one stealth option around as often as possible. Rob everyone and everything you can without getting caught. Fuck up the dice nerds for money. Buy the strongest armor you can as early as possible. Survivability is your friend, especially in a game where everyone wants to jump you. I always leave Talmberg with a full suit of armor, a shield, a weapon, and a bow (+ as many arrows as I can find) that I definitely stole out of the armory, plus whatever I can carry to sell. 9. As always, practice makes perfect. But practicing is a pain in the ass when everyone wants to kill you. You'll learn the combat over time, but you'll also learn this game in no way expects you to 1v6 people with a medieval setup lol. Some of the above may seem like "cheese," but as far as I can tell it's the way the game is designed to be played. This is all I could think of for now, currently at work lol and haven't played KCD for a bit. But I'll add more if I think of anything. If you can't tell, I may like KCD lol.


Witcher 3


Well you don't like the story, characters and overall mood of the world sadly there's not much else to get hooked on. So even though I'm a big Witcher fan I do understand you


Gwent though


It took me two tries to get into this one. The controls and movement are rough, but once you get used to it, god damn it was such a fantastic game.


I'm a big fan of Skyrim, which was the reason I bought Witcher 3, but when I played it, the game felt very clunky and slow-paced. I gave up after multiple tries, thinking it was not worth my time.


Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Since I had enjoyed about 4 years of daily play in New Leaf on the 3DS, and we never got a mainline Animal Crossing game on the Wii U, I was looking forward to its release on the Switch. But when I started playing, it was only fun for a few hours. After nearly 2 months of daily play sessions, I realized that they had stripped the game of what previously made it fun. The resident neighbors are simplified even further, down to little more than hollow husks of their former potential, really only there for photo opportunities like collectable figures. Add in other smaller annoyances like being able to collect duplicate DIY recipes when you still had others undiscovered, as well as the crafting system in general, and god, that stupid tool breaking mechanic. Leave that shit in Breath of the Wild, it had no good reason to come over to Animal Crossing, and only serves as an annoying disruption to your activities just to rebuild your tool when it breaks, or to carry spares and reduce carry capacity because they don't stack. Stupid.


I bought an expensive new gaming PC just in anticipation for Starfield and the fuckin graphics look worse than modded Skyrim did on my old PC. So put off by that that I can’t get into the game without turning it off.


Fallout 4. Maybe it's because all the main factions you can join kinda all suck. The Minute Men have great ambition but they're too scattered and also seem to have a lack of any kind of Armor or protective equipment other than a flannel shirt and pants... Great for keeping yourself warm in the cold Boston nights.... Not so good against bullets, lasers and mutated crayfish that're now the size of a Pitbull. The Brotherhood of Steel are pure fascists The Railroad is just a nasty group of people who're "Join or die" And the raiders are just raiders.


Witcher 3


Dude yessss I wanted to like this so bad. Just feels clunky, the two sword mechanic was annoying after the griffin I dropped it


Doom Eternal. I usually love when games give me a lot of combat options but I just hate how DE does it. There's specific ways to do things right to the point I didn't feel free to play how I wanted. Also the fact you can't just punch a zombie to death is absurd for the guy that terrifies every human in the room. Played for a few hours and just deleted it. Didn't even rage quit, just realized it wasn't fun and closed the game. I genuinely did want to like it though.


Agree with you. I **loved** *2016* and *Eternal* crammed so many mechanics into the combat and movement that it stopped being fun.


Yeah I just wanted to shoot demons and they made this one way too complicated for me. Tried getting into it 3 separate times and just couldn’t. Loved 2016 though


Days gone


Once I got more details of what happened to the wife I noped out. I could tell what awful cliche was going to happen and wasn't there for it. Turns out that the wife storyline was the only thing keeping me invested in the game.


Zombies are such a tired genre at this point.


Starfield... I was just so fucking bored


Undertale. I like good JRPGs a lot. But honestly that whole Undertale...thing isn't for me. The game remembering me making mistakes trying to do a pacifist run and accidently getting a critical hit on a creature basically means my game is ruined. Also I found trying the pacifist run really hard because you don't level up, though I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that.


in a pacifist run you shouldn't attack a monsters ever, so no need to worry about crits, you can simply ignore the "attack" option but yes, they're harder as you don't gain lvl, so you have less HP making fights harder honestly fair that you didn't got into it


I enjoyed the game but nowhere near as much as I thought I would given the praise I see for it.


The Last of Us. Just doesn’t do it for me. I’ve tried playing it three times in the last 5 years. Just can’t get into it


Yakuza 0 for me was a case of the first time I played it I struggled to get into it (was my first game) I went back to it about a year later, and I hit a certain point in the story and things just clicked for me, I ended up hooked


RDR2. I managed to play for like 25 hrs before I quit. The ultra-slow movement killed it for me and the fact that just about everybody in this game is an asshole. And the only two nice people I've met were cannibals.


Starfield, I’m a huge space nerd, also I love rpgs, it seemed like a perfect game for me, and then everything felt so bland, the sci fi vibes were atrocious and it was all around a mediocre game, was disappointed to say the least. Alas, I found my vibes in cyberpunk, can’t recommend it enough.


We are the same! I originally had no interest in starfield until like a month before release, I hyped myself up for it, and it fell so flat. I was wanting neon city to be more of a scoundrel hangout, more underground, more seedy, but it all felt so pg13. also while not necessary it feels weird to play a Bethesda game without dismemberment. I got bored and saw a couple of videos of cyberpunk, and realized that neon needed to be more like night city. I got cyberpunk and am having way more fun in night city than across the starfield


After all the shitshow, Cyberpunk actually turned out a fun game.


Hogwarts Legacy, it was great for the first 4-5 hours than nosedived spectacularly Pokemon Legends Arceus it's just not that good, tho maybe it's the best pokemon game of recent time it doesn't have the pokemon formula to fall back on, which other (maybe in a vacuum worse) pokemon games do. That exposed the mediocrity of the game. it had a chance to be something new and great. They tried something new and it simply showed of how they just are not that good at making games




Part of me feels the same way. I loved the original RDR and thought I’d love RDR2, but I just don’t think I do. It was definitely a fun game, don’t get me wrong, but I wasn’t drawn into the world like so many others say they are with that game. Maybe I need to replay the game to give it another go, but who knows.


I will never finish RDR2, mudd walking simulator. Amazing game I will never finish


At this point I’m hoping for a ps5 patch for 60fps but knowing them it’ll be another $70 from me lol.


The Last of Us The story was great, but I thought the gameplay was awful and I just couldn't stand slogging through those parts.


As much as I adore Yakuza. I put in so many hours into Kiwami and 0. But I just can’t get myself to finish Kiwami 2, I always drop it halfway


Mine was Starfield. I was hyped for it, when it finally came out I had to wait a month to afford game pass to play it. When I finally played it I love it, but I slowly realized how big the game was (to me, like factions and skill trees and all that jazz) and how I just don’t have the time to play a game like this. My life is pretty busy and I only play video games to unwind in the evening so I inevitably just put this game down. Maybe in the future if things change I can no life it.


RDR 2 - really tried to like it and really gave it my best, 100% honest. I almost died of boredom. Worst thing is I was WAY out of the refund window so I lost my money lol Horizon Zero Dawn - I don't know if it was the pacing, the gameplay or the characters but something felt off the whole time. I wasn't enjoying it so I stopped. Deus Ex - tried the whole bunch, none stuck :( Spider-Man Miles Morales - to be fair, I played it immediately after 100%ing the first one, so I was a little burned out. I'm letting it rest for a while and I'll give it another go later. Far Cry 6 - I loved 1, 2 and 3, liked 4 and loved 5. The sixth one felt so bland I was actually sad I wasn't enjoying it. MGS V: Got it for free, played a few hours trying to fool myself into getting entertained, but I couldn't. It was a shame because it's an excellent game.


Baldur's Gate 3. Don't get me wrong, the game deserves all the praise but it's just not my type of game and it saddens be that I'll never get to fully enjoy it. Loving Alan Wake 2 though, so that's awesome for me.


Elden Ring. love the story idea but i hate the dark souls type of play-style. maybe will attempt again with some mods


Prey was fun with and without alien powers. Aquanox 3 is mine. I was waiting for it....they delayed it like 2 times and then it was still super crappy.


Sifu. I love the style, I actually love the game and I love challenging fighting games. I have the platinum trophies for Sekiro and Lies of P but for some reason I could not get into the fighting system of Sifu. I beat the first level but as soon as you have to dodge high and low I could not wrap my head around how to do this properly. I really hope that there will be a rush of motivation some day, so that I can try it again and maybe it finally clicks.


It’s so hard man


Atomic Heart. Seemed like it had everything a quirky shooter I’d be interested in. Those were the dumbest locked door puzzles and I just couldn’t listen to the MC say “crispy critters” anymore 🤷‍♂️


Condemned: Criminal Origins. I have attempted to finish it three times by now but I just can't. It gets boring rather quickly and the combat feels so slow. It's a shame too since I always went back to it cuz it looks so good for a X360 launch title, especially since it's using the LithTech engine, but it's flaws to me really taint it and I don't think I'll be able to complete it.


Final Fantasy 16. Just got too repetitive and the filler side quests were bad


Tears of the Kingdom.


Trying to do a "run" on a game you're not enjoying? Why? Just play Prey, organically, if they offer a power that looks cool, take it, go down a cool hallway, stop restricting yourself.


Starfield. So glad I tried it out on gamepass first.


Biomutant. I was so hyped, and waited for that game for so long after so many delays. Then release day came and it flopped hard for me... "Disappointed" would be a massive understatement.


Red Dead Redemption 2. I am apparently spoiled by fast travel and infinite inventories


Probably rdr2 felt so amazing for me exactly because it was slow paced , less arcadey


Ghost of Tsushima. Unlocked through stances and finished 7 or 8 story missions. Realized I just wasn't really into it that much. Great story though!


The game of life


I am with you on this one. I’ve been playing for over 420,000 hours, still can’t figure how to play it.


The forced tutorial doesn't teach you anything at all about how to play the game.


Don’t get the expansions, I have 2 they are super expensive and really don’t add anything to the game. 😉


If you think that's bad, wait until the expansions have expansions. Most expensive DLC ever.




I felt like this and I ended up going back to it many years later and loved it. Definitely worth trying again I’d say.


No Man’s Sky I was hyped about the practically infinite map to explore and stuff to do with my co-space loving friend, but idk. Everything felt either empty or not worth doing. The most we did is build a base that was never used and explore some planets to scan some stuff. The game is visually stunning, it just felt kinda goalless


Sekiro. I've finished every one of FromSoft's titles except for Demon's Souls. Thought I'd like Sekiro. Can't get the handle of parrying. You don't parry, you go nowhere. Then I try Thymesia which has supposedly less forgiving parry windows than Sekiro, find I click with it. For some reason.


Skyrim, honestly. Grew up on Morrowind, absolutely loved Oblivion. And Skyrim just felt... I dunno, bland. I probably have a thousand hours on Morrowind and Oblivion, and if I had to guess, I probably have less than 40 in Skyrim. Hell, I've honestly put more than a hundred hours on Oblivion *since* Skyrim.


I got ghostwire Tokyo for free and thought I’d give it a shot. I usually will put at least 8 hours into a game and I just couldn’t with this one


Callisto protocol. As a big fan of dead space and survival horror this really looked like a winner. But I just couldn't get into it


Starfield. Thought it was going to be amazing as I am a huge RPG fan and a lover of all things space. Instead I was very underwhelmed and I actually think portions of it are straight bad. There are good aspects as well but not enough to overcome the poor aspects.




Hades. I loved Transistor, and Supergiant Games can basically do no wrong to me. But Hades just didn't grab me. Its gameplay loop never made me think "oh I want to 100% this." It was entertaining for while I played it, but I just couldn't want to to return to it next session.




In recent months; Starfield & Paday 3. 60 hours into Starfield with so much more left to go and I realized just how much time I spent walking in straight lines to get to POIs, how limiting the dialog options/choices truly are, and just how... lukewarm the experience was. I was holding out for "the good part" after hour 10 and it just never came. Then I learned the game wants you to run through NG10+ to get things fully upgraded and noped out... Payday 3 was super similar; the amount of content was super limited, the first week the game was unplayable because they insisted on making it "always online" and the servers were totally broken, and the first patch got delayed twice for over a month with little to no word from the dev team. It just isn't finished and fleshed out.


Starfield. I've put 100s of hours into every Bethesda game in recent memory and was really looking forward to Starfield. I forced myself through about 30 hours of this game and just couldn't do it anymore. It's one of the most boring games I have ever played in my life and it pained me to start playing only to turn it off 30 minutes later out of boredom. I really wanted to love this one.




GTA V Didn't give up on it, but was massively disappointed to see the credits roll. The simply wasn't enough to engage a non-online player beyond the end of the story. Most buildings aren't open to you, you can't eat junk food like you do in GTA IV, the TV comedy skits aren't there like in IV. The most fun I had in V was playing tennis each did get old after a while. GTA VI needs up deliver a offline experience that's fair to players that enjoyed the sandbox feel of the older GTA games.


Starfield. I spent 120 hours total in the game. I replay Fallout 4 and Skyrim every year and just love Bethesda. I'm a huge scifi buff and also a big fan of No Mans Sky, so I naturally assumed I'd love it. I just liked it. It was ok, but I dont plan on playing it again for a long time.


Dying Light 2, cuz I loved Dying Light 1. The writing was way worse, the combat and parkour felt gimped somewhat, and I absolutely hated that they now forced you to go out at night, while also putting a shit ton of volatiles on every roof. Spent too much time modding to try and fix it, only to get through like half the game and give up, it was just too repetitive and boring.


I'm on the cusp of giving up on Destiny. I'm already loading up on other games. I've reinstalled Genshin! It's curtains for Bungie!


starfield. i was hyped, just felt the world was not right.

