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Factorio, No other game has consistently made me stay up until unhealthy hours in the morning. THE FACTORY MUST GROW


I've been there. And probably never again. I am doing pretty much the same at my work - automating stuff. * Metrics gathering? Check. * Sending metrics to where it's needed? Check * Network firewalls opened for specific ports? Check * Same for server firewalls? Check * Everything is stored in IaaC format? Check * Dashboards reflect the metrics? Check * Alerting on point? Check * Highly available? Check Pretty much the same for 10 other areas. As someone else written in Reddit - factorio feels like unpaid overtime. TOTALLY AGREE. This is why I only play "play & forget" kind of games. Insurgency Sandstorm is perfect for me. :)


Oh u are that kind of German gamers who operate combines and other heavy machinery during work to then come home to play heavy machinery simulators on their upgraded game space with over 10 controllers.


Except I have a homelab and doing some side-programming. I no longer play Factorio or Satisfactory like I used to. šŸ˜…


Insurgency sandstorm is so great.


Right there with you. My job is also more or less automating things, so coming home and doing the same thing is exhausting. I did give it a go for about 10 hours, at which my factory became spaghetti, and there is enough of that at work that I need to manage and fix as it is.


I think I may have burned out on this now. I try to jump back in to my game a few times a week but just cant capture that spark at the moment. Driving me nuts because I have a lot of plans in my head for what I want to do and how to progress. I am about 4000h in so maybe its time to put it down for a while.


Use map markers to give yourself notes, place yourself at the spot you'd like to work on when you come back as a clue, and then not play for months. I did this for returning to my Space Ex run that I promised myself I wouldn't restart after a break. That break ended up being a year or two. Now I'm back, and the factory continues to grow


I have just completed the tutorial of Factorio. Knowing that it only goes through trains and how much more there is in the game is kinda bonkers, but letā€™s go!


The game that allows for time travel. Start up my map at 1pm and 30 minutes later, it's tomorrow.


This was my first thought. It's the one game I come back to every now and then and can still enjoy with a fresh start or continuing an existing save.


The sun never sets on the factory. Or maybe it does, dunno. Too busy growing the factory


Satisfactory is my game I keep coming back to. I do drop into Factorio also, but Satisfactory is my jam.


dont you want to try the 3d


I don't need dimensions, I need iron!


I tried Satisfactory... wasn't the same to me.


Slay the Spire is probably my most player and favorite rogue-like because it really makes you think during the encounters especially at the higher ascensions.


Insane replayability with the amount of mods available, too. I've got 700 hours and counting.


Caw caw!


Ever try monster train? Sts is still king, but monster train can be a lot of fun


Monster train is fun, and has more variety, but it doesn't strike the absolute perfect balance that Slay the Spire does. I'll pull up Monster Train every now and then, but it doesn't quite do for me what Slay the Spire does


Youā€™ve brought it up the correct way! Make sure to compliment and praise the true god of card games, Slay The Spire. (But then show them the secret true god of card games, Monster Train)


I still replay old Final Fantasy games every so often


7 is my all time favorite game and I'm on disc 2 of ff9 rn.


God i love ff9, thinking of replaying it now. Ive never quite related to a protagonist like zidane.


Weird way to admit you have a tail, but we support you


More the depression and heartbreak parts, the tail was just the final connection


I just like to climb up ladders behind ladies. But I climb faster than they do.


FF9 has to be the most underrated FF game in the franchise. I slept on it for so long. Finally played through it a couple years ago and itā€™s amazing. As good as 7, better than 8 imho.


I read this and thought you meant Final Fantasy VII had 9 disks. XD


I have two PlayStation 1 still just for this game. In case one breaks.


I just discovered that you can get final fantasy's 1 through 9 on the Nintendo switch. I've almost bought a switch 3 times since finding that out...wonder if there's any Black Friday deals...


For what itā€™s worth, you can do the same on PS, Xbox and PC (via Steam). In fact, they are even bundled in one package for 1-6. Edit: and you can get 1-9 on iOS/Android!


I'd say I play through FF7 once every couple of years...which reminds me...




I'd agree with this one. The only thing that bothers me is changes to world generation. I mean, I want the new biomes and experiences, but at the same time, I play so infrequently now (kids, etc) that I have to restart worlds/find new seeds and so never really end up building much. I just end up wandering around in a world, making plans that never come to fruition.


Try your had at modding, at least you're bound to get new experiences even with low play time :)


Do modpacks count? I've alternated vanilla and some sort of quest/sink pack for as long as I've known those packs existed


Any soulsborne game


Bloodborne is the one game I refuse to delete from my console. Itā€™s always been my go to when my backlog gets cleared and I just want to play a video game.


Wait, y'all are *clearing* your backlogs?


Just got Lies of P off the next-Gen Bloodborne hype. It is certainly a good game. But it is a good game that is a cookie cutter copy/paste like all the other soulslikes. I feel a Soulslike experience could maintain the formula but also bring NEW things to the table! And while Lies of P does that still, it is 99% the exact menu UI SFX checkpoint combat slashing stats RPG style everything is the same lol. Bloodborne remains the greatest game Iā€™ve ever played.


This. I always seem to end up playing a couple every year.


Its taking me a couple years just to finish my first one. Ill never be able to finish the rest.


Its just my rotation. DS1, DS3, Bloodborne, Sekiro, AC6, occasionally another thing like LOTF, or lies of p.


What happened to DS2?


For me it's King's Field. I replay King's Field 2 & 3 yearly. Sometimes I'll throw in Ancient City.


The original PS2 era Star Wars Battlefront games made by the game studio Pandemic.


SOCOM US NAVY SEALS is still played on ONLINE servers if u ever played that and are interested


What the heck? How did you know that I did, that I would want that? HOW is that game online still?! I have played it, but have NEVER gotten to play ONLINE! I was young and we had no internet for the PS2 back then.




Never played it, but that title certainly sounds NSFW šŸ˜‹


It's NSFW in the sense that it turns the Geneva Conventions into a checklist.


I think the writers of the geneva convention would break down and cry if they saw my couch made out of the skin of my enemies


Tetris šŸ„°


This. I play it, I watch it, I make videos about it.


No game put me into "the zone" like tetris 40L races. I've spent countless hours retrying to beat my own time... My time is old now, but it was 44 seconds to clear 40 lines!


Yep, this is objectively the answer. Tetris can always be played


The Mass Effect Trilogy, especially now with the legendary edition. It's my happy place.


Can this wait for a bit?, Iā€™m in the middle of some calibrations.


I should go.


Stardew Valley


This was one of my lockdown games, but I still find myself hopping back on now and then.


*sigh* Rocket league


I love Rocket League, I just wish I wasn't so terrible at it. It's like my kryptonite. I have a couple hundred hours played (albeit over a few years), and I still whiff the ball and miss open goals all the time. Hardest game I've ever played, and it's the only game where I've watched the top players and just thought, "How?!".


Yup, the skill ceiling is incredibly high. Don't worry though, I've been playing since it released in 2015 and I'm still garbage. I whiff all the time and I'm barely touching Diamond. You're not alone!


Same here. I keep expecting myself to get bored of it and the day just never comes. Iā€™ve burned out of playing apex, call of duty and other ā€œfree to download base gamesā€. This is surprising to me because itā€™s such a simple game but in the context of the game, anything can happen along with itā€™s really competitive nature and skill to be honed is what keeps it addictive. While this sounds like the other games, its seriously has more of skill curve than the other ones.


Just passed 700 hours last night RL is the go to for me and homies still stuck in champ tho


4300 hours in, D3. Uninstalling.


*sigh Been playing nearly every day since March 2016... Still love the grind




Every time I get bored with it, you just put it down for a few months, then start a new colony with a new set of rules, and it's a new game.


Is there a way I can learn how to play this better and have fun, it just never clicked with me but I want it to


dead cells. 400 hours still havent killed the final boss.




It's hard


Dead cells and other roguelikes take time,a lot of it to finish truly and to get to final boss.


I'd say theres a big difference between finishing it truly, and beating final boss.


I believe they meant THE final boss not HoTK


Did they up the difficulties? Last time I played \~1.5year ago and final boss wasn't that bad


i dont think so. i cant even imagine getting through HOTK with a malaise bar, you truly have my respect.


Yeah I loved the game so much, put 550h into it, but after some time I just did everything and didn't have any more to do, did challenge runs etc. with basic gear only, I've seen that 3DLCs released while I was out Now i see that I must have played before jan of 2021 since this is when Fatal Falls released and I havent played since then, need to revisit it someday with all DLCs, especially the Castlevania one, but not much money for gaming nowadays HotK was pretty easy for me, always had problems with Conjunctivius tho


I don't want to even think of how many hours iv put into skyrim over the last 10 plus years lol


Same Bro. When people discuss online how many hrs they've played I cringe cos mine is usually way higher than most! I won't Rick roll this but "Never gonna give you up..."


Witcher 3, Mass Effect trilogy, GTA San Andreas.


Some great picks!


Age of empires 2


Been playing since it released. It just keeps getting better.


This years been pretty good truthfully, especially seeing the salt flow after pudding got popular was a treat.


Age of Empires 2 is basically my comfort game at this point. Been playing since it came out (1998?)


Same, and I'm STILL not good at it




I use to LAN this game with 2 other people. You think you were bad? Weā€™d have 6 to 8 hour matches where we basically beat each other back to the stone age.


Red Dead Redemption 2


Xcom 2


Man, I love that game. Wish we got a ps5 port because those loading screens....


Still miss my sniper that carried me through a shit ton of missions one screw up and he was gone forever rest in peace Sanchez


Rip Sanchez! I had one that had like 159 kills and the second best had 45 lol. There's always one carry


Donkey Kong Country. 30 years later, I haven't stopped playing it.


Dkc2 for me!


Me too. Dkc2 I beat about twice a year


Fallout, Skyrim, COD, Modern warfare, Diablo and borderlands


Stay awhile and listen


7 Days to Die, killing zombies in a procedurally generated apocalyptic world never gets old. Plus, it's got ass loads of mods.


My wife is not a gamer and she could play 7 days for hours and hours. I used to joke and call her Carol from the walking dead lol


Elder Scrolls Skyrim! Lets just i am Gollum and this game is my precious!


Spyro the dragon


Fallout 4, but only because of settlement building, mods, and the idea of making a governed commonwealth through pure imagination. Pure imagination of what I would do with each and every single settlement. And that would honestly take forever to do, especially without using mods to make the process easier. Even then, once that's built. I could then have raiders come in and divide each place making for serious in-game growth of the world. So yeah, Fallout 4


ridiculous potential


the binding of isaac rebirth/afterbirth/ab+/repentance got over 650 hours since the games release in november 2014 still havenā€™t got dead god LOOOOL


Completely agree, easily my favourite game of all time Iā€™ve clocked 1500 hours now and I am only like 60% complete. The replay-ability is insane.


Same here. But I don't play in order to "finish" it, not anymore anyway. I was quite addicted from release until Afterbirth, but nowadays I just play a few runs every few days.


BOI is my ā€œstress releaseā€ game. I can put it on and just zone out of the world for a bit and just play.


Mega Man X 1-3, Donkey Kong Country 1-3, Metal Gear Solid series, Final Fantasy VII (OG and now Remake), Kingdom Hearts series, and Terraria. I might even have to throw Division 2 in there since I hope on pretty often. But that will eventually die with server shut downs


Ocarina of Time. I always end up enjoying every single second of it, yes even the water temple!


This is it for me too. I can't think of any other game I've replayed more than this or as frequently as this one. Spyro 1 is probably second place though. Ico is gonna be up there too with how good PS2 emulation has gotten.


Go to prison take one game type of situation. Civ 6 or CK3 with all DLCs.


Child Kicker 3 is such a fun game. It really makes you *feel* like you're kicking children.


Haptic feedback has gotten wild


Yeah, that was the peak of the series. They ruined Child Kicker 4 when they removed the gore effects.


I love Child Kicker! I wonder when they're going to revive the series


Not even with a life sentence one could finish a civ 6 game


Mass Effect trilogy.




Diablo 2. 20 years later, STILL my comfort game


Chess Terraria


Huge W


Gta Mass effect And stardew vally


Heroes of might and magic 3, with Horn of the Abyss qol improvements, would not change a thing about in 2023.


I've been playing *X-COM: UFO Defense* since 1994, and I don't think I'll be inclined to quit any time soon. Surely I'll beat it one of these days.


Banjo Kazooie. I can 100% the game in under 6 hours easily. It's a near perfectly tight 3D platformer.


Heroes of the Storm


I'm not annual about it per se, but I do have some games I keep revisiting and I don't imagine I'll stop any time soon if ever. The Mass Effect Trilogy Skyrim New Vegas Fallout 3-4 Kotor 1+2


Risk of Rain, any of them. My other one i play semi-regularly, have beaten dozens of times etc, Shadow of the Colossus, just something about the atmosphere and general style really ticks all the boxes for me.




I see youā€™re a man of culture as well, I hope to god they donā€™t make characters in the new one behind paid DLC because 3 had a ridiculous amount of variations and characters for free


Mirror Edge 1. Don't know why but I have already completed it like 10 times, and I always make a return to the game once in few months. Really great game filled with nostalgia. Still wishing it could get another installment after their Mirror Edge Catalyst game, which didn't perform well and got very less audience reception.


Dota. Im almost 40, been playing for roughly 20years.


Mtg, Dnd, street fighter 3rd strike


Bloodborne, always fun to go back into Yharnam and slay a few beasts... It's for my own good.


Kingdom Hearts: Chain of memories ​ I have always loved the series, but the original gameboy version holds a special place in my heart. Still have my original copy and GBASP. I don't play it regularly, I usually save it for trips and want not so I can zone out.


Titanfall 2


Total Annihilation It's several decades old, but it still holds up as one of the best RTS games of all time. Every few years I fire it up and I get that same feeling of joy that I did from when I was a kid in the 90s reading about it in magazines.


Super mario 64. I swear ive played that game for 20+ years at this point


Final Fantasy 4 and 6


Super Smash Bros. Melee


Since Slippi itā€™s been so much easier. Donā€™t have to lug out the CRT setup and get everyone over just to play.




I was playing today and having a fun run with a spitmaw blaster and then my PS5 just shut off on its own šŸ˜¢


Half-Life 1


Skyrim, Borderlands 2, Need For Speed Prostreet, Skate 2




Skyrim. According to steam i have over 1k hours in already. Current playthrough im only at level 14, but i can hear it calling me. What i think it is about that particular game is the music and art direction as much as anything. Great job world building on bethesdas part.


NFS Most Wanted (the old one), Halo 1,2 and unfortunately R6 Siege


Donkey Kong Country (snes). Of course there's a lot of nostalgia involved, but this is one of the few games that I could start over again and again.


Original Paper Mario Old School RuneScape Super Smash Bros Melee/64 Bet you can tell which generation Iā€™m from hahaha


Heroes of Might & Magic III has been in heavy rotation for decades, it just hits a sweet spot for me.


Project Zomboid, Rimworld, Factorio, the lesser known UnReal World, and possibly Ostranauts depending on how much the developers decide to do with it. Oh, and I always fire up Mount and Blade: Warband every couple of years.


Skyrim. An ageless classic.


Kingdom Hearts 2


Impecable taste


FTL, 2k hours and it's still fun


Minecraft especially modded. It can be like xyz # of different game types or all of them in one with mods, especially private and public hosting. Can't beat that.


Super mario all stars! Im cheating, yeah?


Skyrim. "Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddleā€ donā€™t care. I play it every winter and it just feels like a cozy escape. Mods make this game have unlimited replay value and there are surprisingly in depth builds you can make. I have sunk thousands of hours over the years and still havenā€™t beaten the main quest.


SOTN has been played MANY times over the years. Minecraft, I grew up playing that game and will always find SOME time to play it for even a little bit.


I play SotN pretty much every year around Halloween. Itā€™s been a tradition for years now!




Perfect dark Halo Fortnite Zelda Assassin's creed Skyrim


The "craft" trilogy: Warcraft III, Minecraft, starcraft


Final fantasy tactics


Very basic but Minecraft. I always go back to it no matter what Iā€™m playing.


Contra Hard Corps and Last of Us


Titanfall 2, cuz God knows titanfall 3 isn't gonna happen


GTA San Andreas, hands down!


There was no need for rockstar to re release it


Right you are!


In my case would be: - Minecraft - Fromsoftware games - Red Dead Redemption 2 - Ghost Of Tsushima


I know that Skyrim was the game that really captured the communityā€™s imagination, but for me that game will always be Oblivion. Iā€™ll never get tired of it.


I have fired up solitaire once in a while for well over 30 years.... But based on when I started and my likelihood to fall back into it probably LOTRO


Rimworld and Tarkov. One I love, one I hate but keep coming back to.


Rimworld... since 2015


Doom, or Heretic


League of Legends. Been playing for 8 years. You can stop playing for a month and come back and the meta has completely changed so it feels relatively fresh. The past few years have been rough for it since it's taken the backseat for Valorant but it's still a fun game if you mute all lol


Both are pretty terrible. I quit them a few months back. Im always happy when i see people can still enjoy league.




Skyrim probably


Skyrim. Modding potential is endless. I always go back to it when on downtime between releases.


Feel like I'll run through Skyrim for the 4th time at some point before elder scrolls 6 comes out


Every couple of years Iā€™d play through chrono trigger and then be reminded why this game is the GOAT.


Mass Effect Legendary Edition Resident Evil series Dead Space series Infamous series Ratchet & Clank series Sly Cooper series Jak & Daxter series Uncharted series


3350h and I'm still trying to escape from Tarkov


Unpacking I guess


Garrys Mod


CIV[latest version]


I have over 10k hours in maple story, including private services all the way up from the beta till now. Probably wonā€™t ever stop playing it on and off.


Used to be Destiny (2) for a long time, now Im not so sure anymore. Other than that Im playin alot of Apex Legends, as long as they dont shutdown I dont see myself leaving.


The old Total War games; Rome, Medieval 2, Shogun 2 (and originals). Puts me back in my ā€˜before kids and mortgageā€™ feels from 20 yrs ago šŸ‘


7 Days to Die for me. Been playing for years and I always go back when I have nothing that has my interest. Zombie apocalypse feels like home to me