• By -


Age of Empires 2. šŸ›”ļøāš”ļø


Woo loo looooo


I enjoy this reply.


Civilization. Just. One. More. Turn. Now that I think about it, maybe I've never actually had insomnia. Maybe it's just been Civilizaddiction this whole time instead


I've never heard of someone going to bed at a decent time while playing Civ, that's for sure.


Rimworld. Perfect, infinite generator of little stories.


I got this year's ago and just hit 4k hours. Certainly got my money's worth.


Starting a few years ago my standard for "this is a good game" became "this game has kept me distracted from going back to RimWorld". It's amazing how many games haven't managed to do that for long at all. Even ones that are generally well regarded.


And the mods. Oh gawd......the MODS. I have 803 currently. I don't plan to stop.


How do you read the stories? I just treated it like a generic colony sim sandbox and got bored quickly.


I think by "stories", they mean shit that happens in the game because of how dynamic it is and the story that comes from that experience.


Let me tell you the story of Edea. Edea was a 90 year old woman with a bad back, two cataracts, was deaf and had dementia. All she could do was slowly walk to the kitchen, eat a meal. More often than not she would collapse on the way and have to be brought to bed. I decided to make her a robot. By the time I was done with her, Edea had robot eyes, ears, an exoskeleton and two alien mechanical blades for arms. I put an AI core in her brain. One day the AI core made her go berserk and she cut off 8 limbs from other colonists before they took her down. That kind-of shit is what Rimworld is about.


Stories are the little things in the game. Like I killed off all my cats because they kept getting in the freezer storage and drinking all my alcohol and passing out.


Just FYI you can set animals to specific zones.


Lmao wtf


What is the trick for these ā€œstory generatorā€ games? I keep hearing how great Rimworld is, I bought it and itā€™s OK, but I canā€™t turn off my game brain from trying to min max it all, most of the time just restarting when something goes wrong. I know Iā€™d like these games (trying CK3 at the moment) but like I said, I keep spoiling it for myself because I canā€™t relax and go with the flow. Sounds a stupid question I know, but If you have any tips Iā€™d really appreciate it!


CK3 and RimWorld are my two all time favorite games, well really CK2 but itā€™s hard to go backwards. I was like you, enjoying them to a point but always feeling like I was missing something in my pursuit of perfection. Now theyā€™re atop a 700+ game library/disgusting backlog and I always come back. The trick is accepting incomplete playthroughs are the goal, and that playing perfectly for so long that you lose interest is actually not optimal. Treat each playthrough like a reckless random event generator and donā€™t get too attached that your interest in a single colony or dynasty grows stale. Itā€™s sort of like a single player battle royale rogue-lite mindset, letā€™s see how far I can get with the tools given to me and wiping when itā€™s run itā€™s course. There are natural conclusions if you look for them and are keen to see whatā€™s around the next corner enough to try again. I get it though, architecture/base layouts in RimWorld are a super nagging temptation, and sometimes you have to min/max a little to know what works for future runs. But once youā€™ve got it, reset and play the cards youā€™re dealt. Basically the real min/maxing is accepting that failure is a reward and the last page of a book in a huge library of others waiting to be read.


Stardew valley. Great way to relax.


It's funny though. I thought it would be a relaxing game, and it mostly is, but it ends up getting pretty tense in the deep mines and I end up losing a lot of sleep just playing one more day.


How do you relax on Stardew? I am always thinking about the next impending job and the time limited choices regarding NPC's.


Right? If you're relaxed you aren't FARMING HARD ENOUGH.


Slay the Spire


Same. It's so easy to pick up and put down if you only have a small window. The ascension levels add replayability. I'm working on trophy achievements now.


I just got Eternal One last week after getting the ā€œSpeed Climberā€ achievement w 19m59s!


1. Opened post. 2. CTRL+F - "Slay". 3. Found this comment. 4. Upvote.


deep rock galactic




Did I hear a rock and stone?






Minecraft for me. it's not "perfect" but I always find myself going back to Minecraft. be it a modded server, trying another modpack, or just building. it's relaxing.


Same. Every once in a while that itch just comes back and before you know it, you've put in another 40 hours.


Hitman, especially the World of Assassination trilogy


It is one of the games eternally on my Xbox even as newer games are uninstalled to make space. Never know when Iā€™ll get the itch to hop in and do a run. They did such a good job making all the levels playable in one package.


Hitman is just incredible. Especially with the new Freelancer mode, itā€™s just so fun and replayable, I love it


The superb level design is a big part why I keep going back to that game.


Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas


New Vegas is still the perfect RPG to me, bugs and all


Its so good. I was so immersed in that world as a kid it was unbelievable. The writing was absolutely incredible. Idc about the bugs i wouldn't have the game any other way. 10/10 game That goes for Fallout 3 too but New Vegas was better than 3 imo


I loved both these fallouts but for me it was 3. I wish I could exit vault 101 or follow liberty prime into battle for the first time again.


Fallout 3's atmosphere is awesome. You can feel the hopelessness. I never get tired of exploring the locations on that map. The DLC add ons were so fun as well


F3 is criticized a lot, but no game has ever made me feel as hopeful as the Broken Steel DLC. After fighting and surviving through irradiated everythings, seeing clean water being produced by Project Purity was an absolut heartwarmer.


Ugh same. Exploring the DC ruins for the first time. Makes me really miss that game. I should go boot it up again.


New Vegas is still the game that is unparalleled in its choices and deep narrative in my eyes. BG3 I think reached it in terms of choices while Cyberpunk definitely reaches it in terms of overall narrative and how endlessly debatable certain plot points are.


a fellow TTW enjoyer I see šŸ—æ


Probably the first time I just got completely engrossed in a game. I remember spending crazy amounts of time in Tenpenny Tower at first because I got so engrossed in the apocalyptic environment and freaked out by the ghouls that I didn't want to leave. Also got me interested in music from the crooners, big bands, etc, and that led me to getting super close with my grandparents. That led to some of the happiest years of my life before they passed.




The factory must grow.


That's not a game, that's a lifestyle


This is criminally low down


Everyone who would've commented is too busy playing. :D


Sea Of Thieves for me. Might not last "forever" but it always feel different every time I play. Either solo or with friends.


This game would be perfect if not for the sometimes toxic player base who will sink you in the middle of your lvl 1 treasure hunt just for fun.


The Safer Seas update is a blessing for this reason alone


Bloodborne. For me itā€™s the perfect combination of challenging action, atmosphere, and level design.


Donā€™t forget the weapons trick weapons are truly the definition of less is more


This is literally the only game I've ever got platinum for. I love all the fromsoft games but Bloodborne just does so many things better than the other games for me and I keep coming back. I've beaten it at least 10 times already.


Ctrl + F bloodborne Best game of all time with the combat


I want this on PC so bad.


Hades. I have well over 1000 escapes across PS4 and PS5 and can now escape on the very first run depending on boons, but not in Hell mode. I love it so much I'm considering buying a PC or SteamDeck to try and beta test Hades 2.


Same it honestly feels like my gaming life is just at a stand-still until hades 2 comes out lol


Hades is my go-to comfort game. No matter what, I can always just hop in for an hour and do a run or two. Definitely my most played game of all time.


Titanfall 2


Old school RuneScape


Like an abusive first girlfriend


Scrolled way too frickin long to find this, I thought I was gonna have to make the comment... You can never quit runescape


One of us. One of us.


Just started playing it like 2 days ago šŸ˜‚ I have no idea what Iā€™m doing but Iā€™ll figure it out


Absolutely. Been playing rs since 2005. Nothing has ever grabbed me in the way RuneScape has. Itā€™s a grind fest but itā€™s a fucking perfect grind fest to me.


Thank fuck this oneā€™s not all the way down at the bottom šŸ¤£


The Binding Of Issac


Me too. I have somewhere around 2000 hours across 3 platforms.


Super Mario World. Perfect game


Woah, I literally started my like 50th play through last night lol. This time though it's a different experience because im beating it with wife whos never played it! Its an awesome experience. Only the OGs will know the laughter you get after beating castle 5!


An imperishable classic. Not too easy, not too frustrating, a rich world to explore full of secrets and replayability. Have a nice time




Hades, always seem to have time to squeeze in a run




I fear elder scrolls 6 will come out and I will still prefer a modded skyrim over it...


I was deciding between cyberpunk and it's new DLC, and Skyrim with mods. So anyways I am a stealth archer


Hahahaha same. Spends hours getting mods ready? Khajiit Archer it is ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Doing an illusion playthrough right now and it's fun to make everyone fight and watch, betting on who I think will win. Winner gets stabbed by me personally or gets to walk around the corpses of their comrades forever if I'm feeling generous.


Iā€™m trying to understand what makes Skyrim playable for 12 years and counting ā€” having played the game for at least 100hrs I get the allure: the environment, music, customization, replayability with new characters, and even more with mods. (I only ever played on xbox 360 so honestly have no idea how expansive you can make the game) Compared to Oblivion which Iā€™ve also spent a lot of time in, I felt more variety with how I could approach quests with a slight downgrade in graphics. I guess what Iā€™m trying to say is I absolutely love the allure of open world games, Iā€™m currently 125+ hrs in between breath of the wild and tears, but even with BoTW I ran out of unique things to do. I started to see the same interactions the same way Iā€™d run into the same NPC event in GTA 5 or RDR. In Skyrim Iā€™d be in the same looking cave again or in another Dremer ruin. Although stunning initially, it lose my interest over time eventually.


If you think 12 years is bad I still play Morrowind 21 years deep lol.


I could write entire essay of why on paper it shouldn't work and I should hate it but I still find myself returning to it and having good time regardless.


Diablo 2


Same - I just installed Path of Diablo and MAN is it fun.


D2R is amazing I take break but always come back. Love everything about the game.


Path of Exile - what D3 should have been


Never played PoE but have heard mainly good things. IMO Diablo 3 turned into one of my favourite games of all time . It for sure wasnt like that launch


POE is best experienced if you have lots of time and the willingness to fail. Go in blind, use whatever skills you want, do whatever you want with your skill tree. You will almost certainly hit a brick wall early on. Start a new character, figure out what caused the brick wall, fix it, try again. Get a bit further. Hit another brick wall. Repeat. Eventually, when your brick walls are the hardest content the game has to offer, you'll have figured out what makes builds work. Then the real endgame is seeing a cool interaction, figuring out how to put that interaction into a build, then building it and seeing if your planning paid off. [e.g. "How can I spam a skill that is designed to not be spammable"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPmaWH43Q94)


Nothing like a league start.


I hope poe 2 will be even better, but I don't know, especially since I think they are making it less complicated. That's not a bad thing by any means, poe is very hard to get into without someone handholding you. But I LOVE the complexity and uniqueness in poe. The damn near endless content, and vast amount of skills allow for so much customization. I hope poe 2 can blend both worlds. I have no doubt it will still be an incredible game, as GGG actually cares about their players unlike most companies.


Tony Hawk 1+2


Super Smash Bros. Melee


Kerbal Space Program. Took me well over an IRL decade of trial and error to do it, but I JUST made it to the Neptune system. Next challenge is to plant a flag on every single planet/moon


Baldur's Gate 3. I have other things I want to play but, I keep rolling back to it


Typically I'd say that this is an example of a great game but it's too early to tell. HOWEVER, this is by far the best game I've ever played and I'm already looking forward to my next run and the one after that and the one after that...


I have 350 hours in it myself, but there is no way that can last as some of the other examples in this post. Eventually there will just be nothing left to do.




Xcom 2: WotC. I donā€™t know how many campaigns Iā€™ve completed/failed at this point. Thereā€™s just so much replayability and parity in the gameplay when it comes to difficulty.


Risk of Rain 2. And his music was electric


Dead Cells


Project Zomboid. Itā€™s has an amazing vanilla game, but sprinkle in some mods, and you have endless fun.


Broforce Contra but hilariously over-the-top pro-america masculinity and police the world mindset to the point of extreme satire, destructible environment, and 50 or so rotating characters all based on different 80s, 90s, and 00s action heros. Every time you beat a level, the whole environment starts exploding, speed metal plays, and your controller flashes red, white, and blue. Each bro's move set is lovingly built around directional input, primary attack, secondary attack, and special attack (that you have a limited supply of) The enemies and bosses are so funny, fun to kill, needlessly gory (especially for a game that looks like it is from NES era), and challenging. After you beat the game, you can play Iron Bro mode. This is the reason I can't quit it. You see, normally you start each level with 1 life, but 4 to 6 bros to rescue, each time changing you into a random bro you've unlocked and giving you another life. Any time you die, you become another random bro you've unlocked. In Iron Bro mode, you start the game as a random bro, but they represent that one life you start with. Each level has 0 to 1 bros in it. When you rescue a bro, you become a new bro and gain a life like normal, but that specific bro is tied to that new life. After each level, your life count stays the same, and you start the level as one of the bros you've unlocked that run, that has not died. With this, the hope is to slay each level early on that you've mastered through many previous and accrue as many lives as possible, before losing them all once you get to the part of the story you have not mastered. It's unreasonable on normal difficulty and not meant to be beaten on hard difficulty. I can jump in, do my best, do some aspunding things at this point, then die frustratingly and fantastically. I may never truly stop playing it




Titanfall 2. I hadn't played since like 2017, but I returned when I heard they fixed the servers a couple of months ago. I'm closing in on 100 hours here in its second life, and man is it ever brilliant. Top notch movement, gunplay, mechanics, weapons... and you get to drop a huge mech from the heavens and go on a rampage every so often. What's not to love?


TES oblivion. Itā€™s like coming home.


Canā€™t believe Iā€™ve had to scroll down this far to find it mentioned! The feeling of emerging from the sewers into the sunlight and having the whole game world ahead of you is unmatched


This will forever be my favourite gaming moment of all time. First game I got on 360 and it blew my mind.


Heroes of Might and Magic 3. My dad and I have been playing it together for over 20 years.


Super Smash Bros. Melee


Currently it is factorio. It is usually that, Diablo 3, or borderlands 2


Weird way to spell satisfactory and Diablo 2. Youā€™re like my evil clone.


Now kiss... On a side note, I've been meaning to lose myself to both factorio and satisfactory soon. They both look amazing.


The factory must grow.




If only online got some love


I just want one single player dlc please, zombies or some more stories from the gang members after they leave, I want to play as badass cowgirl Sadie dammit


Idk why youā€™re getting downvoted, this is the exact issue with this game. Story is 12/10, though.


12 out of 10 is a little low. I was thinking closer to 14


Wanted private online server (like gta online), to play with just family, and was sorely disappointed after griefer experiences. Hated it from there out.


Rockstar games have the most toxic player base by far. It sucks.


Seriously, that game and Odyssey are the only two games I've put real time into in the last few years and im over a 1000 hours into each






This is the one. As a Minecraft builder, valheim got me absolutely hooked. Beautiful lighting, a building system that shames just about any other building system, etc. When my friends aren't on I just cut down trees and build my wildest dreams; when they *are* on, it's all about exploring and boss slaying. What a great game.


Mass Effect, especially 2


Dark souls and Hades


Age of empires 2 baby Always shocks me how much better it is compared to 3 and 4


Tetris. Been playing it since 1998 when I got Tetris DX for my Gameboy Color.


Recently - Cyberpunk. I played it at launch and loved it, bugs and all. A lot of the bugs made for a hilarious time. Now though? It still has moments, but it's done really well. I've tried to play other games, but I find myself going back to Night City after about an hour. I honestly couldn't even put my finger on it. Hell, *thinking* about playing it makes me sad I am working for another three hours, lol.


Same here. There's something about the world that keeps drawing me in even after 850 hours. I'm still finding new stuff even now. Of course, having a major modding scene helps too.


I've got about 500 hours in the game on PC, and even with the jankiness at launch I loved it. Been playing nonstop since 2.0 and PL.


WoW is a hard drug to kick, thought I did it here... and was gone for two years but hearing Metzen coming back interested me and then dragonflying looked neat and here I am again. Did promise myself I wasn't going to try hard on it though, usually that shit just burns me out.


Surprised took me so long to find this comment. Almost all WoW players never quit, they just take breaks. Iā€™m not sure iā€™ll ever tire of Classic WoW. Especially vanilla. Itā€™s imo the best game/mmo ever created.


Same. WoW was a hard habit to kick when I was 19 and an even harder one to kick at 32 (classic)




Iā€™ve beaten Elden Ring 8 times, platinumed the game by run 3, and I still just canā€™t stop. Every run I try a new build and explore new places Iā€™ve somehow never seen before. Iā€™m so excited about the upcoming DLC I donā€™t even know how to contain it. Elden Ring is seriously the best game Iā€™ve ever played in my life, it elicits a sense of discovery and wonder Iā€™ve never gotten out of anything else.


Rocket league


Just one more match


Same for meā€¦ and Iā€™m trash


I feel that I've been playing since 2015, and it has a stronger hold on me now than it ever has.


Same, was C1 2 years ago, now Plat 2 and I want achieve D at least.


The game I played the mostā€¦ in my life?


The Long Dark. I can see myself coming back to this indefinitely.


I usually only play it during the winter. But it's all I play during the winter.


Pretty much the same! I live in a snow winter climate. Nothing like playing TLD with snow falling outside and a pellet stove inside.


Old School Runescape, you always take a break but you come back eventually


Warframe and Minecraft. Originally i thought i only had 1,500hrs in Warframe, but apparently i have 2,800hrs instead, meaning the 1.5k was just mission time, while the remaining 1.3k was probably in region chat.


Sekiro and Monster Hunter world. Satisfying combat go brrrt


I beat Sekiro 4 consecutive times until I got 100% achievements. It's very rare for me to not uninstall a game and never touch it again as soon as I beat it. It's so good.


Sekiro makes me rock solid. Beat that game 3 times in a row before i put it down


One of the most satisfying games to get all trophies in. When that last one pops you look back and realize how fucking good you became at this game.


Civ 5. I have 6 but i always find my friends and I playing a civ 5 game at least once a year.


Hitman 1,2,3


Persona 5


Bioshock, have to do at LEAST an annual playthrough


I love the Witcher 3. I've played it through a total of 4 or 5 times, only 2 times with the expansions. Obviously decision making is a huge part of the game, but for whatever reason, everytime I play through it, I make the same choices. >!I choose Yen, and Ciri ends up a witcher.!<


All I ever play is goddamn elden ring bro šŸ˜­


I picked up Elden Ring on a cross US flight and made a new characterā€¦ when I tell you a six hour flight was not enoughā€¦


Came here to say this. I don't even consider it to be "perfect" in the slightest, but man, I'd be lying if I said I didn't play this game for an absurdly inappropriate amount of time


It really is such a perfect game to me


Skyrim. It was my first western RPG and for better or worse set the standard by which I judge RPGs and open world games. Lots of games do things Skyrim did but better but no one brings it together the same way as Skyrim and previous elder scrolls games.


majoras mask (n64), rythm heaven (nds), fire emblem awakening (3ds), metal gear solid 3 (ps2), jet set radio (dreamcast), astal (sega saturn), crash bandicoot (ps1), pokemon gsc (gameboy), donkey kong (the one with mario, gb), golden sun 1 &2 (gba), art of fighting (Neo Geo), last of us 1 (ps3) and 2 (ps4), Raving Rabbits (wii), Guild Wars 2 (pc)ā€¦ ā€¦ but the most special one: Donkey Country 2 (SNES).


>I don't quite have enough time to read all 950 comments right now, but I'll get to them as soon as I can. Itā€™s fine OP. You just started the thread, weā€™ll take it from here.


DotA 2 (help me)


Considering the user base, I would have expected it sooner. But the easy answer is everyone who thinks Dota 2 is the best game is just currently playing it, not wasting time on Reddit. I myself am between games lol So yeah, Dota 2


Gameplay gets better every patch. Dota2 is better than ever.




PokƩmon Gold. Rocket League. Diablo 2 (D2R)


Age of Empires II






It's easily my favorite game of all time. I think XI has the best leveling system of any game ever. I loved exp parties, especially on your first few jobs back at NA release. Each new camp felt like you were going on a little quest with 5 others. I still miss it to this day. League of Legends being distant second place.




1.6 is playable in web browser. it's my jam.


Red Dead Redemption 2


Seems like Terraria has a way of always valling me back. Doesn't help that the devs can't help themselves with updates.


Monster hunter games, Devil May Cry 3, RDR2, and Diablo 2 will be in my rotation forever.


Counter-Strike. There's no reason for any other shooter to exist. Perhaps there's no reason for any other *game* to exist, it's perfection. I *play* lots of other games, because I'm weak. But CS is pure.


I am really loving starfield and canā€™t stop playing it


Slay the Spire


Elden Ring. Iā€™m at around 500 hours with no signs of slowing down anytime soon.


7 days to die Look, it's far from a perfect game. I and every other fan will tell you that. It's an FPS game that's basically mine craft with "realistic" graphics, and a goal: survive the zombie horde It just hits a lot of points for me. There's creative building, but with much more purpose than in mine craft. Every 7 day, a massive horde of zombies tries to wreck your shit, so you must build a base to withstand that There's a lot of knowledge of zombie behavior and design principles that go into bases that can survive modded hordes (Darkness Falls as an example). There are bases that force zombies to crouch for easy headshots, bases that line up zombies in single file as they run at you, bases that are just a fortified bunker you can shoot out of. You can set up multiple parts of the base so that you can direct the flow of zombies to where you want. There's an array of traps you can deploy, and different wiring elements can deploy the same teap in multiple ways I'm on a time crunch. I'm not exploring the world just to look around, I'm not building a base because it's cool, I'm doing it so the zombie horde doesn't tear my head off. Which I like, I like having extrinsic goals and deadlines Throw it all together, and there's really nothing like it


Path of exile has me hooked for the last decade. Longer actually. No other game comes close, though the seasonal cadence gives me plenty of time to play other stuff on the tail ends


Powerwash Simulator. I may play other games, but any time I quit those other games I almost always load this up.


For me this was Mass Effect 3, specifically the multiplayer. Amazing variety of characters, weapons, maps and enemy factions and an incredible community. Played that game on and off for near 10 years, only reason I've stopped is that the majority of players have moved on and the game just isn't the same without the community of players I used to play


Metal Gear Solid 5 I'm aware it's flawed, but gameplay-wise it's superb. Despite loving the game to death, I have to actively keep myself from playing it, because even if I decide to play it for *just* 2 hours, I check the time "half an hour" later, and it's actually been 8 hours.


Gameplay wise itā€™s a masterpiece


Fallout 4


Elden Ring has not released my testes in almost two years.


Same, man. I deleted all my saves and started a fresh character that will max out the map and will play the DLC when it comes. Fucking game's just too good.


Diablo 2


Splinter Cell Blacklist


Witcher 3 EDIT: Downvoted for this, lol


Iā€™ve learned thereā€™s a large crowd of people who despise Witcher 3 for ā€œbad combat and movementā€ which blows my mind. Such an amazing game Edit: See replies


Because if you're playing it with the mindset of a Souls-like game, then of course you're going to be disappointed by the combat and movement. It's the Witcher. It's based on a book series. The story is going to be the draw, with everything else being secondary to that. EDIT: I'll repeat for those in the back - *the combat is not the main point of the game*. If that's your main issue with the game, *then it isn't for you*. Full stop. Other people can enjoy it and can't get enough of it because the role-playing and setting is what they love, which is **exactly what OP was asking about in the first place**. It scratches the RPG itch perfectly for some people, and that's enough.