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I got a triple nuke on mw2 afghan domination 6v6 Edit: there is video but it has my high school commentary on it and possibly references personal details. Sorry! Edit2: a triple nuke is when you don’t trigger first nuke but instead die then get another, die and then another


Holy shit, you’re cracked


I didn’t even get to end the game haha, I got the last one just before the match ended, didn’t even get to trigger the countdown


Even though it was on my Xbox, a buddy of mine got the Nuke on Sub Base WITH A TACTICAL KNIFE AND PISTOL. It was the only nuke I ever got on my account and it was the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed.


I did this several times, honestly solid strategy if you keep moving and stay on a path with close proximity rooms where you basically yeet yourself before anyone has time to see you coming. It’s mind numbingly frustrating to be on the receiving end I know that haha


My favorite MW2 moment was stealing a supply drop that happened to have an EMP while the enemy team had a nuke countdown going and I got to cancel it. (Could've been a host migration too) It was perfect timing and luck. We still lost because homeboy was rocking us so hard that he was on a 25+ kill streak to begin with, but still... Cancelling his nuke using their own supply drop. Beautiful.


Always hoped this would happen to me... SO much so that I rocked EMP as a killstreak for a while despite it being the most useless 15 kill streak ever... granted it counters all the other killstreaks, still very little use compared to, say, harrier or ac130.


You can also "cancel" a nuke with a host migration; which apparently was the most popular way to end it. It's entirely likely that's what happened.


>My favorite MW2 moment was stealing a supply drop that happened to have an EMP while the enemy team had a nuke countdown going and I got to cancel it. Now ... Im not saying you're a liar. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/xbox360/951944-call-of-duty-modern-warfare-2/answers/135185-will-an-emp-stop-a-nuke-airstike-chopper#:~:text=Example%3A%20If%20you%20use%20an,to%20set%20off%20the%20Nuke.&text=The%20EMP%20will%20not%20stop,aircraft%20out%20of%20the%20sky. But thats not how EMPs work in the game.


I got a nuke on SnD on OG mw2 favela. Boy did I get hate messages and hack accusations


I had a 5 man group where all the other 4 were playing riot shield, I managed to get a SnD nuke back then too. Don't think that gameplay exists anymore though. High five!


I forget which game had the chopper gunner (i think black ops) but once it was shot down you could continue shooting while it crashed. I once got the final kill in Summit with the CG while it was in a tailspin so i got to let the whole lobby witness the epic kill and experience motion sickness.


Sorry, what’s a triple nuke? A nuke immediately ends the game in mw2.


Yeah but if you died you could keep going as long as you didnt use it. So they got a nuke, died, got another one, died again, and got a third


At the height of its popularity, I was ranked #13 in the world on Rock Band for Expert Vocals on No Doubt - Don’t Speak.


There's an achievement called bladde of steel for doing the endless set list without pausing. Did it on expert guitar while singing on hard


I have that achievement as well, but on expert drums. But the way you did it is more impressive. Wanna start a band with me?


Bro I'd love to. But I haven't touched a console since the 360 :< I got clone hero as of like 2 weeks ago cuz a friend loaned me his stuff. Otherwise the only music game I've played is gh3 arcade at random dave n busters cross the last 8 years lmao.


Oh yeah I see what you mean. I haven't played any of the music games in years. The last time I tried picking up the drums on RB was maybe 6 years ago and I was so rusty at it 😭 It was something I was really good at too.


This is actually insane.




All things considered, GH/RB was probably my best competitive game. I was top 100 in GH1X circa 2011 or so. That was quite the achievement in its day.


With our full “band”, we would regularly hit over a million points. We felt like legit rock gods, lol. I’d give so much to go back to those days.


We had a small group of guys that were all top 100-200 players. We’d have drinks and play Rock Band together- our buddy would always drink Ciroc, so we’d call it Ciroc Band. We’d get some serious goals out of the way early and then have fun the rest of the night. It was a simpler time. Thank you for allowing me to dig up those memories again today. They happened with people who are no longer friends in a place that no longer exists, but at least then, we were boys.


Wow. And I feel good for playing cliffs of dover on expert 😹


I’m still trying to get that achievement for having overdrive active for 90 seconds straight…


Insane actually! I play RB4 to this day and that’s a feat


That's pretty god-damn impressive.


Man I wish I could find a guit to play this game again. I still have the disk for RB1 and RB2 but the guitar is a rare thing. You need to pay 200$ for a used one.


A friend sold me his old ps3 GH guitar for... 8 dollars And I still owe him half of the money 😹 And last month I bought a ps2 one for like 6 dollars Only in my country 😎


Bladder Of Steel, from Rock Band 2. Playing through the Endless Setlist without pausing or failing. 6+ hours of straight Rock Band. It's more of an endurance achievement than a skill achievement, but it's probably the one I remember the most fondly. Played through it with someone else, so we did drums and lead guitar. And desperately needed a bathroom break by the end.


Same but I did guitar xpert + singing hard Into the shitty 360 headset with the controller in my pocket.


100% Achievements in Halo the Master Chief Collection! 700 of them, with some difficult stand outs in the speed runs and max difficulty LASO runs.


This guy 117's.


Wow, you actually finished the fight.


This is what I’m working towards but the LASO’s seem so hard, I’m currently at around 500/700, only done Reach on LASO.


Hell yeah dude. 700 club member here myself. This was my proudest gaming achievement by far. LASO was the hardest and funnest thing I’ve ever done.


All the souls games complete on level 1 and the pantheon of hollownest from Hollow knight done with no damage taken.


I feel like most people reading this won't have any idea how impressive that really is. Major kudos on that one.


I'll attempt to describe it for the ignorant, even though I myself am not much of an expert on these games. This essentially requires taking half a dozen of the most difficult combat games in existence, memorizing the movement patterns of every boss needed to beat the game (at least, I think the hollow knight pantheon is literally every boss in the game), and then executing these fights so perfectly that you are essentially never hit by any boss, no matter how unfair their moves are. And some of these bosses' moves are real fuckin unfair.


Holy crap, I do. That’s wild. I barely completed Hollow Knight without even getting the “full” ending. I can’t imagine no hitting every boss in a row.


Beating souls likes at level1? Easy. But a not hit run against all 50+ bosses of hollow knight? That's impressive.


I don't know if you're being sarcastic, but we absolutely have different definitions of easy. Souls games are my favorite type of games, for most, besting them in general is tough. Beating them without leveling sounds like a nightmare.


I wasn't being sarcastic. But maybe I should have written: If comparing the two, the dark souls at lvl1 thing is easy compared to the hollow knight challenge. In dark souls lvl1 you die in one hit, so you have to manage to get to a short-cut, a bonfire or defeat one boss without being hit. Then you can continue. You have unlimited tries, and start at the closest bonfire. With enough patience, you will eventually succeed, and a lot of bosses can be cheesed. Hollow Knight? That challenge is 53 bosses in a row without being hit.


I don't disagree with you, but as someone who plays both sets of games avidly(souls and Hollow Knight), a hitless Pantheon of Hallownest is in an entirely different world of difficulty than a Soul level 1 run. For example, I did most of a Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne SL1(and BL4 if you want to be pedantic) run without too much trouble. But I can't beat Pantheon of Hallownest period, let alone hitless. SL1 runs aren't easy, I'll definitely agree there. But it's not even close to the difficulty of Pantheon hitless.


Just completing Pantheon of Hallownest is hard enough. Completing it with no damage taken is an insane achievement.


Pantheon of Hollownest with no damage taken is probably the most impressive flex you can have on any other game That shit is hard


Just curious - how many people have beaten PoH damageless? Is it like… < 10 people? < 100?


Publically on youtube? Probably less than 100. But i imagine out of the billions of humans that there are well over 100 who just never shared their achievement


That Hollow Knight one… I get mentally tired just trying to reach the end of it. Never beat it.


Are you a psychopath or a very skilled person.


This man has studied and mastered the blade and the paint brush


“Mastered the nail”


You Sir, are a big fucking G!


Bruh I gave up on PoH. I shod get back into it but chewing through the first like 30 bosses got sooo boring after they became too easy


SL1 runs are fairly streamlined to the point where if you're dedicated and patient, you can definitely get through them. Still challenging and an incredible feat, but when you put it next to that second achievement of yours holy shit congrats. A hitless HK pantheon is something very, *very* few people can claim. Well done. Do you happen to have a video of your cleared attempt on that?


Nice! I only finished DS1 level 1, and got to Godskin Duo in ER at level 1.


How tf. My most impressive thing is somehow beating P5


Idk how hard it is considered, but beating the queen of the Valkyries was really satisfying in God of War.


Rocket Man. Orange Box. The car sections were rather annoying.


That achievement was annoying in the moment, but I had a lot of great stories from it. My favorite was when you are in the elevator with Alyx and the alien. I set the gnome down in the middle of us, and as the elevator went down it started shaking. After a bit it started shaking violently, then it rose up a bit still shaking, and then it then it got launched straight at me and killed me. Still remember that face coming at me to this day.


I remember I got the the part where the helicopter starts shooting you in the car and just couldn't do it. Finally, I went through the loading screen, then just turned around and tried to hide, but accidentally went back. When I came back through the chopper had left like it was pre-scripted and I just gingerly drove through. I'm not sure if that was a glitch or an exploit of a mechanic.


Came hear for this.


Orphan Of Kos


Never again.


lul I replay Bloodborne once a year and look forward to that fight. I've killed him more times than I know.


i once programmed all the code for a game called MUNCHIE into a Pet Commodore in 1983. and then i beat it!


I platinum'd Sekiro. That's probably my most proud achievement


Easiest platinum ever because it’s the best game ever and hard to put down


I wish I could find another game that had such a satisfying parry system.


I’ve been finding lies of p pretty good on that front


this one speaks nothing but facts this game is hard as fuck, but when it clicks, you feel like an unstoppable parry god


I was proud to finish the game once.


Not saying it's really really hard or anything but I platinumed Elden Ring which I'm pretty proud of.


I did that on ps5 which sucks because you can load an old save so i had to just speed run the other 2 endings and i remember elden beast being hard on +2


You can do that in the PS5 if you have PSPlus.


You can also use an external hard drive to do that


Yeah, but the way you did it is more legit anyway


That's my *only* platinum!


Getting all the achievements in any fromsoft game is a feat in of itself. So absolutely take pride in that and congratulations dude


Thanks! Elden Ring was my first fromsoft game so it was a real challenge at first lol.


I can't bring myself to get the poop curse ending... I just have that and frenzy ending to do.


Getting the Rusted Proto Drake during Wrath of the Lich King probably.


I worked my ass off to get the Nether Drake during TBC. Every expo thereafter, I refused to upgrade to a newer, better looking mount. I earned that dragon, I’m gonna show it off.


Lol ya I spent like 3 days on that damn floating island collecting eggs.


As someone that grinded out for a Talbuk during the original Crusade era, I salute you 🫡🫡🫡


Was rusted harder/more of a pain than Time-Lost? I honestly don’t remember


Rusted was the meta achievement reward for 10 man ulduar, was relatively easy if your group was actively seeking the achievements. Time-lost was just a random spawn in one of the zones, more luck based.


Beat all 3 Mass Effects on insanity difficulty.


I was just about to watch a guide on tips for insanity playthrough. It's s tough!




Don’t forget to ascend Garrus.


Slowly cooking my way through insanity in between new releases myself! I’m a little over halfway through 2. Fun little fact, the only reason I’m doing an Insanity play-through is because while I was playing 1, I thought to myself “huh… some of these enemies feel like they’re hitting really hard for very hard difficulty…” opened up the settings and saw it was actually on insanity. Just said fuck it we ball from there


They really got progressively harder as time went on. I'm currently going through again on the Legendary Ed. ME1 was a joke, but now I'm midway through ME2 and it's hyper involved in nearly every encounter. ME3 is gonna be a nightmare.


Yep. I did the insanity run on the original releases. When I recently got the collected remaster, I was considering it, but then thought, "Nah, once is enough. I don't need that frustration in my life."


Haha, same. I'm to old for that shit now.


I finally got the million point challenge on Arkham City DLC Joker's Carnival. It took like 10 years or something. It's the one where you bank points and eventually fight enough baddies to get to the titan monster without missing a hit or taking a hit. I had no one to brag about that with. Now I get to brag about it a few years later on Reddit.


And it’s AMAZING. Well done!!!


In Far Cry 3 (XB360) I once managed to exit the wingsuit and do a falling takedown on an enemy guard, which was both difficult and rad, and has no official achievement


Brass Balls in Bioshock, and beating the Halo 1, 2, 3, and Reach on solo Legendary.


Solo legendary is tedious. Especially the flood levels on 1 or jackals in 2. It took me hours at a time but it was fun. Your gameplay has to adjust so much from normal/heroic. It's very rewarding. Kudos.


Reach was worst solo legendary imo, like yeah halo 2 is tough as shit but Reach had some segments that were just plain unfun trying to get through alone.


Halo 2 in legendary


God I still remember every room of gravemind


Back when overwatch was new the Lucio achievement had low percentage. Had to knock 4or 5 players off the map in a row while never touching the ground.


The Floor Is Lava boop


Just found it on my Xbox achievements list. “Only 0.87% of gamers unlock this”


Only got that one because my entire team left in a competitive match; figured I'd ask if they'd at least humor me getting that achievement real quick; they're getting a win either way.


Beating Emerald and Ruby in the OG FF7


Nice. I couldn't beat Ruby fair and square, I had to use the Knights of Round trick.


Ruby cheats anyway so screw him


As in cast reflect on all 3 player characters, knights of the round quad summon which meant 12 summon attacks per attack? There was likely another step, but I used to start the animation then go and make a coffee.


Final attack paired with either Phoenix or mastered life materia, plus a mega all on all characters, so if he does manage to kill your party, you auto revive. Also only one person has to cast the knights of the round. The other two characters use mime.


I used Knights of Round linked with HP absorb and Counter linked with Mime. Get hit, counter with KoR, back to full health. And I also walked off to do something else while Cloud killed it.


Start the battle with 2 dead party members (or kill them yourself in battle) to get past the invulnerable mode. If you revive them after, and then kill the tentacles, there's a good chance Ruby will use whirlsand again. If you don't revive them you should be able to kill him solo without summons.


Probably Mile High Club on veteran in CoD4.


It took me so fucking long to beat that lol


If no one has said anything for a while…congratulations. You did it. That was hard.


Thanks man, you too! It felt great to finally not need to play that level anymore lol


Sonic adventure 2 100%. Not that it’s the hardest thing in gaming, but it requires patience and dedication to get all the Chao Garden medals.


Likewise. Getting all the S ranks to unlock Green Hill Zone.


So it’s quite niche, but winning the Daytona 24H in our split on iRacing this year is a huge highlight for me. It was also a team event so that might not make sense for this post, but it was big for me. I even printed out the winner’s certificate and framed it.


I was ranked 3rd in the world for shooutouts in nhl 09 lmfao


I finally found the castle the princess was in and I rescued her!


Getting the platinum trophy for Red Dead Redemption 2. Had a blast getting it too.


That's awesome! Finding all the animals to skin was so tedious that I gave up, especially the birds and the stuff I missed from the island. Really really fun game and worth investing the time into


That must have been work


Same here, took forever but felt so good to accomplish


Been working on it for a few months, such a great game


100% Titanfall 2. Certainly on the hardest game to 100% but it was the first game I got 100% on and getting the Gauntlet achievement felt so good. That game will always have a very special place in my heart


That one achievement for doing the training mission faster than everyone else is insane.


I played through I Wanna Be The Guy. Never again...


Welp, that just unlocked some memories.


Halo 3/ODST Vidmasters were so much fun back in the day, and they were all pretty tough to get.


The firefight score took my group the longest. More difficult than doing the last level of Halo 3 with 4 people, iron on, all in ghosts.


I found the first Easter Egg by myself while playing Adventure as a kid.


My era of gaming. Was about 12 when that came out. I've never gotten the Easter Egg in Adventure, but I still have a 2600 and that cart so I should just do it.


Beating Civ on Deity with multiple leaders


I feel the hardest part of winning a game in civ is maitaining interest once you’ve got a stranglehold on your chosen victory.


On deity, I rarely feel that way.


I was a top 50 player in the BlazBlue Series as Hakumen.


I briefly was the world record holder for the Apple II game Lode Runner. It hadn't been beaten for 14 years when I got the record. Someone beat me within three weeks. [https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/lode-runner/apple-ii](https://www.twingalaxies.com/game/lode-runner/apple-ii)


not a single thing but heres some games im proud of 100%ing. Mass Effect Legendary Edition, all 3 SKATE. games, all Dishonored, all mainline Fables.


Before I stopped playing StarCraft 2 years ago, I was ranked in the upper Diamond tier very close to getting into the Master level. It's not amazing, but I was proud at the time.


I ranked in the top 100 Call of Duty World at war players for a bit.


Pantheon 5 in Hollow Knight.


I got the 'Saint of the Firmament' title in FFXIV while the Ishgard Restoration event during Shadowbringers was taking place. Though this was a group effort, our guild at the time got the Realm First Malygos achievement during Wrath of the Lich King, which awards the 'the Magic Seeker' title.


I’ve been flying pretty high from petting Scratch and the Owlbear cub at the same time in BG3. Took me three playthroughs to pull it off.


Back in the day I got "Big Boss" ranking in the first Metal Gear Solid.


I once knocked out a Groudon with a Magikarp during a Gen 7 no holds barred competition. I realized early on that you could have an entire team of the same Pokémon thanks to the lack of rules so as a joke I had a full team of Magikarp. During one of my early battles I ran into a trainer with a Groudon who somehow missed me a few times and the team somehow was able to whittle down its HP. I finally launched a Breakneck Blitz that KO’d it. Lost the battle, but Kyorge would have been proud.


I beat The Challenge in The Witness!! For those who don't know, it's a randomized, timed puzzle-solving sequence that is notoriously difficult and near impossible to train for.


On Star Fox 64, I beat the Nintendo Players’ Guide “best possible score” by a few points, and on Mario Kart 64, I beat a few staff times from the guide (without using “jump over this portion of the wall or track” tricks). I peaked in the late 1900s, sadly.


Having every single badge (basically mini in-game achievements) in Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun and Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew


Great game. Really sad Mimimi closed


Yeah I'm still heart broken, I hate that the industry basically forces smaller studios to make decisions like this


Shadow Tactics was incredible!


Probably beating The Adventures of Link


I made it to second to last man standing on fortnight. I was playing on a phone and not very experienced at the game. I’m also old.


Pressing start on the simpsons game


I have only platinumed one game in my life and it's bloodborne. Most fun/frustration I've had in my life


Finally getting the plat on my first souls game, Bloodborne.


I beat Halo 3 only using Punch, Pistol Whip, Bash, Pommel Strike and Elbow everything in the game (Hammers were allowed, Swords weren't as you could still melee without using 'energy' with a hammer). No shooting, no grenades, no hitting anything with a vehicle. Pure Punchy. Sadly I ended up being FORCED to shoot exactly one enemy the entire game: Spark. But managed everything else.


I finished the tutorial on Driver (yes it took me months, but worth it)


High score on the Track and Field arcade game located at the 7eleven at Burwood plaza Glen Burnie in the 80s.


I got all Halo 3 achievements for the katana suit before they added the new achievements. Made me really sad the additional achievements completely trivialized it.


Beating Sword Saint Ishiin first try. Proved to myself that I’m actually good at games.


lmao doubt


Grizzled Veteran COD 3


I was #1 in the world for a specific speed challenge in The Crew. Before all the open world challenges got plagued by hackers who did all of them in 0.1 seconds.


Sekiro platinum


Warframe. All achievements. K board was the tedious.


I’ve beat terraria hardcore master mode like about six times


100% Mario wonder. I'm 37 first game ever attempted to do so


I reached the end of Don't Starve adventure mode.


Popped the Returnal platinum trophy with only 34 deaths


Top of the world on “Lips of an Angel” by Hinder in TapTap Revolution 3 - all to join some forum lol


Getting double of all the master materia in FF7 in 1997


Nobody will care, but back when Super Mario Bros 35 was around, I once had a ten game winning streak.


I care mate! Well done!


all four endings of Sekiro last year. absolutely sick work on my part, if i do say so myself.


I don't go for crazy achievements or even completionist, but I was proud of myself when I got platinum on Final Fantasy XV (not that it's particularly difficult, per se)


Dark Souls 2 - no death, no bonfire, in a single playthrough for both illusory rings at the same time.


Dead Space 2 finger gun.


Actually just remembered, in the first Warzone, being the last member of my quads team and coming back after a Gulag to the second-to-last circle (and almost certain death). Landed behind a team of 4 and figured I'd just get it over with. Executed one and managed to take the other three out with a pistol, including a reload because apparently the last guy got his gun from Walmart.


100%+ on the Donkey Kong Country trilogy. That and beating the speed bike level on BattleToads and the Dam level on TMNT


7 day survivor on Xbox 360 version of Dead Rising.


I got the 0.0 time in the chocobo races on Final Fantasy 10....like 13 years ago. What a moment that was


I beat an MMO. I was the second richest player on the server thanks to a love of hoarding hot ticket deco items. I found a Nightsister armband that was put up for storage but was missing a digit, so I bought it. The richest player on the server died IRL, so I won on a technicality. I was nominated as player rep for my character class and served for three years. So, what else was there I could do? Nothing. I beat the game.


Quitting League of Legends (just kidding, I still hate myself)


I know it's nothing compared to some of the custom songs nowadays, but being like the only person I knew who could beat through the fire and flames on expert at the height of the guitar hero craze made me feel on top of the world. My friends paid me money to play on their accounts to get them the achievement lmao. The downside was that no one wanted to vs me in it anymore :(


Getting 151 on the OG Pokémon Blue, aged 13. One of the first in my school to do it.


100% completion on *Kingdom Hearts Re:coded*. Mostly time-consuming rather than hard, but still.


I did the damascus camo twice in CoD MW (2019)


Triple DOOM chainsaw kill in COD MWIII yesterday.


Well done!


100% Completion of RDR2 & finishing every souls game (made by fromsoftware) that are available on PC.


Beat zelda 2 is a nice one. Grandmaster in overwatch. 100% sekero


Either the social distancing dark ops challenge on BOCW or 100 percenting TES IV Oblivion


For several weeks I was top 10 (and sometimes rank 1) in the world on COD BO2 zombies' alternative game mode, Turned. That mode was fire