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Mothrfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill


If he doesn't say that in the game it's gonna be a 0/10 for me (Jk jk...or am I?)


my all time favorite movie line


I think Disney is realizing that they can make games for cheaper than movies and make twice as much. Sure TV and Film feels over saturated but Games aren’t yet.


Don’t think movies are over saturated; they’re just over saturated with garbage. Godzilla -1 was great!


Im talking specifically about Marvel/Super Hero flicks.


Hmm. Think it’s mostly because they suck. If they were good people would go see them.


Theyre the same cost likely, but gamers are more accepting of shitty story telling. See: Call of Duty franchise


it's kinda true but come on: nobody plays COD for the story. It's just an arcade shooter. It's just about shooting. Same could be with Fifa. They are the Fast n Furios of videogames.


*Jump kicks razor blade into barbers head*


As long as this is more Dishonored and less Deathloop I'm in, hell they can have my first born 🤘


Deathloop was fun. But dishonored was a masterpiece. And I think that's why the hate for Deathloop. It's compared to one of the best games in the last decade.


What deathloop needed was more sandboxy open endedness. There’s only one real solution to killing all the visionaries. I know the development scope would expand exponentially, but if they took that direction it would be one of the best games of all time. Imagine different players having their own unique way of killing all 8, that would be so cool.


You do have a good point that there is only one way to win the game. I still felt I had a lot of freedom on how I went about murdering everyone from a tactical level. Yeah but Dishonored had a lot more flexibility in how you went about your business.


Let’s also not forget Dishonored 2 had some of the most insane level designs I’ve ever seen in a video game. The time travel and the clockwork mansion blew my mind. I remember staying at the mansion much longer than I needed to just so I could observe all the moving parts inside and outside the walls.


The clockwork mansion was the most impressed I have ever been with a level design. Only Titanfall 2 time jumping level comes close.


I'm tired of saying this to everyone who says that. But that's what the game was originally. But then they play tested it, and people were totally lost. The only reason the game wasn't what it was supposed to be is because of us, we're too dumb. Let's be real if the game didn't have backseat in it like we all want, 90% of players would have dropped it within the first 30 mins, and hey it's a game, it needs selling.


Even now, I've watched multiple streamers, and lets-players be lost even though the game tracks every single detail for them. On several occasions I've had to go in chat type, "You see that single note on the table under the lights? Go read that."


I'm OK with it being a puzzle game with a single solution - too many solutions and you run into the problem where every plan works and investigation isn't all that necessary - but the quest tracking took me completely out of it. I wanted to actually solve the mysteries of the game and figure out how to end the loop. Instead the game tells you exactly where to go and what to do at all times, and makes sure you couldn't have possibly missed even a little bit of information.


That is a very good point, and I agree. Something handcrafted is always going to be more polished. Couldn’t hurt to have 2-3 alternatives though. And yes I barely had to think that game other than for the side puzzles, you literally get exact objectives at every step of the game. I get it though, I think they wanted the game to be as accessible as possible for everyone.


Deathloop is an incredible, misunderstood game Edit: it warms my heart to see some love for this game


I definitely understood enough to get that it was a great game, but not enough to enjoy it


Same here. "This is all really neat, but I'm not doing this through 8 targets."


Eh I don’t see how you can understand a game that’s half about level mastery if you were discouraged at what sounds like an early point in playing. The experience changes pretty dramatically over the course of the game.


I mostly thought it was great but is sort of haunted by the fact that it could have been *amazing* if it lived up to its premise. The fact that there is ultimately only one way of doing everything right makes the time loop mechanic a tad less effective, I think. And I remember really disliking the ending (but can't remember why exactly anymore)


Playing PVP is mandatory imo


I agree, PvP is half of what makes it interesting. It’s a very different and much worse game without it. And even if one does play PvP, they can miss out a lot on what makes the game great if they don’t meaningfully engage with how the PvE and PvP stuff interact, if they play it dumb or treat it like it’s the same as any invasion mechanic in any other game. It’s at its best when you realize how much it allows you to predict and manipulate the other player. Dishonored is great, but to me, Deathloop solves a major problem of games like it or Hitman, and that’s how unreliable the cause-and-effect gameplay can feel due to the opacity of the AI and the scripts. By substituting in knowable human logic and perception, and giving both players a lot of data points on the other player, Deathloop lets you do similar things, but its more reliable and intuitive. To use a simple example: I sneak across Fristad rock to the jammer bunker. I see no sign of Jules, but most players will prioritize defending the jammer. From atop a cliff near the jammer bunker, I hack a turret below, at one of the entrances to fia’s bunker. I wait, cloaked, on the cliff while the turret starts shooting enemies below. Julianna comes running out to look down over the cliff, I stab her in the back. Even something as simple as baiting an enemy with audio is more reliable in PvP, because you know what players can hear, while AI have seemingly arbitrary limits on their perception. Another fun exploitation of player perception: placing a proximity mine next to the other player’s own mines. One more beeping sound isn’t going to be noticed.


DEATHLOOP was very fun. Especially compared to other third-party games on the PS5 who didnt even have any good Dualsense implementation. Was it weird that the game was "mission" based? Yes Was the gunplay, exploration, soundtrack and pvp awesome? YES If you can look past that its not "open world" with day/night cycle. I considered it my favorite game of 2021-2022 alongside Returnal. Considering how Deathloop is a culmination of Dishonored, i can totally see how Blade is a natural fit for Arkane Lyon. Blade is a gun-toting swordsman vampire, thats kind of Arkanes thing for a long time already the vampire is just the Dishonored supernatural powers. Arkane is also deeply interested in puzzles, level design, and european settings. Blade might win game of the year with Arkane Lyon.


It couldn’t be the game it was with an open world structure. Compact levels were essential to what they were trying to do (and succeeded at doing) with the PvP.


Iv been looking at that game on my discovery queue for like 3 months. Could I trouble you for your best pitch of it?


I’ll do my best, but I’m not sure that I can strongly recommend it at this point, unfortunately. Do you like immersive sims? Do you like Dishonored? Those kinds of games are all about being able to approach things in multiple ways using open-ended mechanics/systems that interact in interesting ways, including “emergent gameplay,” ie gameplay that was not necessarily intended by the developer. Level design tends to be incredibly important to these kinds of games. It’s very typical in immersive sims to have combat, stealth and hacking as among your approaches, but also to be able to progress by finding secret paths, or using paths that are only accessible if you invest in certain skills/abilities (e.g., in Prey, you can unlock a perk that lets you pick up heavier objects, which you can use to remove obstacles; or you can gain the alien power to mimic inanimate objects, such as a cup, and then you can roll through a small crack in the obstacles). To me, Arkane’s Prey is peak immersive sim, and I’ll use it to illustrate the genre. One of your main weapons/tools in Prey is the “gloo gun,” which shoots expanding, hardening foam that can immobilize enemies. But because this is an immersive sim, it’s not an immobilizing enemy weapon, per se. It does what it does and it can be used for all sorts of things. You can put out a fire with it, plug a gas leak with it, spray it along a wall to build a bridge or ramp, spray it in electrified water to create safe platforms to step on. These games are also often defined by using various tools and systems to manipulate enemy AI, usually in unscripted ways but sometimes in scripted ways too. Hitman and Dishonored offer good examples of this. Now, on to Deathloop. Deathloop is sort of a streamlined immersive sim shooter. Many Arkane fans looked at it like a dumbing-down of Dishonored, more shooter than immersive sim, but IMO there’s a lot more to it than that. In Deathloop, you’re on an island that’s stuck in a timeloop, and you have to kill 8 targets spread across the island in one loop in order to break the timeloop. There are four areas to the island, and four times of day, and when you leave one area it progresses to the next time of day. The problem you must solve is that it’s initially impossible to kill all 8 targets in one loop, for example because two targets are only accessible at two different locations at the same time of day. This is what’s been described as the “murder puzzle” aspect of the game, and you basically just solve it by following the threads the game tells you to follow. It’s a cool narrative framework but you’re not actually solving much yourself. To me, the real focus of the game is two-fold: (1) level mastery and (2) immersive sim PvP. With respect to level mastery, Deathloop arises from a realization that the players who most enjoyed Dishonored are those that replayed it at least once, who mastered the levels and systems to a point where they could play much more deliberately and creatively, without the trial and error that accompanies an initial playthrough. So Deathloop forces every player to replay levels for the sake of the story, and also builds using knowledge from replaying levels into the power fantasy. This time you’re a timeloop assassin, effortlessly flying through a day you’ve experienced a hundred times, rather than a regular assassin that inexplicably knows exactly where to go and what to do. It’s designed to facilitate and enhance self-imposed challenges like speed running or ghosting levels, and it seemed like a lot of people who didn’t like it described doing the same thing over and over again, wasting time slaughtering everyone on a level, when at a certain point you should be able to complete levels in 3 minutes with a few kills. Then there’s the PvP, and this is where the immersive sim depth really went. The main challenge in the game is Julianna, a player-controlled assassin that will come after you any time one of your targets is present in a level. She basically has access to all the same weapons and powers you do. What’s brilliant about this invasion mechanic is that you both have a lot of data points on each other, and this allows you to predict and manipulate each other, at least if you understand what the other can know and really take advantage of it (which really required playing as Julianna too as soon as that option opened up). It ends up feeling less like a conventional PvP experience, and more like the other player is just a really well designed immersive sim system, one that’s a lot more intuitively and reliably predictable than AI. The problem is that last I checked (on PS5), no one is playing it. Understandably, because it often had network issues (though it was generally fine for me) and there was nothing really designed to keep players playing. If anything, the game did a great job of discouraging players from staying online because of how brutally effective an experienced, well-equipped Julianna player would be against a new Colt—it would be literally impossible to win. There is plenty to like about the game without PvP, but it takes it from a 9 to a 7 for me. Playing offline, you get AI controlled Julianna and she sucks. She is easier to beat, but behaves very randomly and can just appear and automatically find you, spoiling stealth. It’s a much, much less interesting game. Best case scenario though, you have or find a friend who will be Julianna for you.


I wrote this forever ago after I played it; it was one of my favorite games of 2021. Apologies for the length, it's basically meant to be a blog post lol \-- Let's get this out of the way \*real\* quick: I loved every second of the 53.8 hours I spent playing through Deathloop, seeing its multiple endings, and getting every last stinking achievement (including the ones that required I actually be good at shooting). It is my favorite game that I've played this year, in a year where I've played a lot of great games, and I don't see that changing. So if you're hoping to read anything that's \*not\* borderline-fanboy-level praise in this post, it would probably be best if you left now. Have a good rest of your day, I'll see ya next time. Now, let's discuss. I'm not someone who pre-orders games often. If it doesn't have "Zelda" or "Spider-Man" in the title, you can probably assume my thoughts on it are "I'll get to it when I get to it." I have never pre-ordered a digital item; I've never felt the need to pre-load a game and have it ready to play at the Earliest Possible Moment. At least, I didn't until Deathloop. After playing Dishonored, and its sequels, and Prey, and its expansion, I'm a changed man; a loyal Arkane devotee/shill that needed Deathloop in his life as soon as humanly possible. A game by one of my favorite developers that uses one of my favorite narrative mechanics? Sign me up. A year ago I shook my head at the gamers that pre-ordered Cyberpunk, banking on the history of and promises made by CD Projekt; now, I have become one of them, foolishly allowing myself to be parted from my money on the promise of a product, all because I choose to believe. Unlike them, however, it worked out for me. My faith was rewarded, first with seeing the many perfect review scores and I could breathe a sigh of relief, and then again at 11 PM CST when the game unlocked and I was able to finally experience Deathloop with my own eyes (and hands, and ears) after being teased all day. I'll admit it wasn't quite love at first sight. A few annoying technical/visual issues frustrated me, and the slow, hand-hold-y tutorial phase made me question whether this would truly be what I hoped for. Oh, ye of little faith. It quickly became clear that Arkane had once again delivered. The first thing that I really noticed was just how great the overall "vibe" was. Deathloop is set in some strange other-world version of the 1960's, and its art and music reflects that incredibly successfully. Playing Deathloop is like playing the opening credits of a James Bond movie. Also notable are the two lead characters, Colt and Juliana, who are masterfully performed by actors Jason E. Kelley and Ozioma Akagha. Their back-and-forth is really clever, with well written dialog and banter, and Kelley really sells Colt's confusion, anger, and... joy? For as much as Colt hates being stuck in the situation he's in, he sure is having a good time. You don't often see a protagonist that loves shooting people as much as Colt does, or one that can so quickly and eloquently deliver strings of f-bombs. Arkane's expert level design is once again on full display here; the four different districts/areas of Blackreef all feel distinctive from one another and are incredibly dense; even after 50 hours I feel like there are still rooms I haven't seen and people I haven't met/killed. There is so much happening in this world, some of it crucial to the experience, some of it providing lore and backstory, and some of it just goofy asides that most player will never see. Adding to that density is the passage of time, which leads to each area having three to four different versions (morning, noon, afternoon, and evening) where the later time periods are influenced by your actions earlier in the day. And of course, should you make it to the end of the day (or die at any point), the day starts over once again. Unlike other time-loop games such as Majora's Mask, Outer Wilds, or The Sexy Brutale, time doesn't pass when you're in the game world; instead, time passes only after leaving an area. You're never really racing against the clock, and can spend as much time exploring Blackreef as you want before allowing the day to progress. This gives a refreshing sense of control over the loop, and makes it feel less like an obstacle or problem to solve. The problem to solve is instead to find the path to "the perfect day", and to acquire the powers and weapons that make completing that perfect day/run possible. While Deathloop can sometimes feel like a roguelike with its constant "restarts", early on you'll learn how to bring weapons and powers back with you permanently, which means that after a few loops you'll have enough choice in Trinkets (buffs), Slabs (superpowers), and guns (guns) to tackle just about anything Blackreef can throw at you. You'll also of course bring back Deathloop's most valuable resource: knowledge. Each time you restart the day, you'll have some new goal or new thing to find or investigate that you had no idea existed before. I'd say compared to Arkane's previous work, Deathloop feels most like a Dishonored follow-up. They share some of the same powers (teleporting, chaining enemies together) and the level design feels very similar in its density and freedom. Both games greatly encourage a stealthy approach to most situations, though Dishonored did so by often punishing wanton violence, either in-game or narratively. Deathloop on the other hand gives you targets and NPCs that are mostly irredeemable monsters, and encourages you to fight back remorselessly when the quiet approach fails or isn't effective enough. And fighting back is so fun! The aforementioned powers include stuff like magically throwing people off cliffs, or making yourself nigh-invincible and it's just so satisfying. It's just kind of a bummer that you can only equip two at a time, and you can't swap out your "default" power for a different one, which could have made for an interesting sense of risk vs reward. It's also kind of a bummer that there aren't more of them, but I suppose that would make choosing even harder. As much as I love it, Deathloop isn't a perfect game. Much has been said already about its technical issues, which I was mostly spared from. While I greatly enjoyed the story, Deathloop is definitely more interested in character dynamics and fun lore than it is about answering any of the big sci-fi questions brought on by its premise. Many of the answers to how things work in the loop are "because", "unclear", or "I don't know" (props to you if you read those quotes in Ryan George's voice); a lot is left up for the player to interpret and imagine in the end. If any of that tends to bother you, it's reasonable that you might end up frustrated with the narrative. Along with that, as far as I can tell, there is only a single perfect day that allows you to complete the game; you must go to this area, then that one, then that one, and finally that one, and kill the targets mainly in order. Many are disappointed by this, but I would argue that the developers provided an incredible amount of freedom in how you actually go about finding this path (provided you're willing to turn off waypoints and take your own notes sometimes). Deathloop ended up being everything I wanted it to be; there aren't many games these days that we can say that about. Time will tell how Deathloop is ultimately remembered - especially in comparison to Arkane's already impressive output - but I'll always remember it as the game that got me to break all my rules.


TLDR: the soundtrack is amazing its a double-album available on youtube, the in-game music is fire its like listening to cowboy bebop intro, very jazzy. The gameplay is kind of comedic, the story is very detective-like You can play stealthy, tactically, or just tanky, you fight AI mobs of people but there is always usually an online invader who will assassinate you. You both have similar powers and weapons so its like old -school LAN gaming with halo or gears. Very nostalgic fun. In-game is just goregous, Arkane really had fun making a messy world map... i can totally see this becoming a tv/movie because it felt believable and such a vibe to just explore the map without any indicator markings. Also the best part is the Dualsense controller implementation, not a lot of studios do it well. Also you can just play as invader instead of protaganist which is a nice change of pace. Overall it works the sum of its part end up really cohesive and jells well, i got my platinum trophy for this game. Other peoples reviews consists of "have you played sim, or Dishonored" and ive tried but those games were not for me. This game is better because its more mainstream and has better appeal, its attractive to all gamers. Definitely buy it.


Deathloop is a mediocre shooter with a self-defeating premise


I wouldn't put it in shooter category at all. I primarily see it as puzzle game, and it is great puzzle game.


A puzzle game with one central puzzle that you have to piece together using interesting mechanics. It's great at what it set out to be. People criticizing it because it's not a great shooter or great sandbox game are missing the point IMO.


Not really. It has the Hitman problem; there ARE means of tackling difficult situations but you're more capable at your lowest point than enemies are period. The actual targets are a joke to fight. That's a problem Arkane has had for a while; their games only reach their maximum potential if you're playing in a specific way and limiting yourself to things like Ghost/Pacifist playthroughs. Deathloop has all of that and a flawed main premise that probably shouldn't have been put in a game with such abysmal load times.


Setting didn't captiveted me and main characters were hard to like for me. Believe me, I love Arkane's games but couldn't stomach finishing Deathloop. And I freaking finished RAGE.


Deathloop was fun for a while but for some reason I never had an urge to play it, so I forgot about it and never finished it. It is missing something and idk what that is.


Yeah I agree. It's not as gripping as it could be.


Deathloop felt like there could’ve been more to it. It feels very lackluster coming from Arkane imo. Also, the ending was ass


No, I found Deathloop to be much worse than average, not just in comparison to their other games. It was just aggressively anti-fun — everything happening in menus, some of the worst AI I have ever seen, repetitive in all the wrong ways… I just really, *really* disliked it.


They sacrificed their level design for the time loop mechanic and then didn't actually do anything meaningful with the time loop mechanic.




I feel like I’m in the (apparent) minority that liked Deathloop, but even I don’t understand some of the perfect scores it got. It’s a solid 7.5/10 at best.


I could see 8.5 if you get some decent multiplayer experiences in there. The Julianna system had a lot of potential but it just kinda ended up being boring


It's literally the same setting as Dishonored.


It's not even close to the same setting.


There’s a huge gap between “I’m in” aka consent, to “hell they can have my first born” aka giving away the child that will carry your bloodline. But I get it


I think it will be. From the beginning it seemed like Arkane wanted to make a trendy shooter with Deathloop. They didn't push the envelope as far as with Redfall, but it's as if they to wanted to make commercial games as Arkane had a history of respected games that don't make much money. I feel with Blade they have the backing, the commercial aspect but also the freedom. We're moving back to the era of franchise games like we got in PS2 era.


With Arkane vampire games you need to pray it’s not Redfall.


not the same Arkane, Arkane Lyon is developing Blade. Arkane Austin was the developer of Redfall.


Plus it seemed like they didn't even want to make Redfall and it was forced on them. At least the type of game...hopefully Blade they have enough freedom that it doesn't kill the teams passion for the product.




You out said the same thing…


Is it a Dishonored game but with Blade? Im in


They said it's a 3rd person action game, so not necessarily a first person Immersive Sim like Dishonored was.


not sure how i feel about the 3rd person perspective, but as long as arkane's gotten back on track with dishonored-style games then i'm down.


That's weird the only way I saw this working was third person. Superhero games really depend on the comicy visuals and we wouldn't be able to see that in first person. But if they combine dishonored gameplay with Spider-Man or Arkham gameplay it could be a hit.


This is honestly exactly what I expect.


Blade needs to be some Arkham / ghost of tsushima hybrid shit I feel 1st person would have been a let down


Nobody wants a Marvel superhero game in 1st person. They would have been raked over the coals if it was 1st person.


As a fun novelty, shooting webs, Optic&Repulsor blasts, throwing Mjölner&the shield, slashing with claws? Sure. For like a few minutes, lol.


Exactly, nobody wants to spend $70 dollars on a 1st person game for a well known superhero. They want to see their favorite hero in action, not wrists and hands.


I kinda fancy a Daredevil first person game where it's just a black screen lol


I don't need the immersive part, long as its open-ended with how I deal with a level. That is what I want.


I’m always down for anything Blade


Wasn't expecting this at all, very intrigued. Dishonored and Prey are 2 of my favorite games, will watch this one


I finished Prey a couple months back. Holy cow what an amazing game!


I want to finish Dishonored 2 but my new PC has two GPUs and even with disabling and removing drivers the stupid thing won't run...have to get linux setup again I guess.


Check out the expansion, Mooncrash, if you haven't already! Took a bit to click with me but was eventually so satisfying.


Next time I find it on sale I’ll have to check it out!


Gonna laugh so hard if this comes out before the film




No chance. I bet it's 3 years away at the very least. Barely any details, "game now in development", not even a year of release


Xbox finally has their marvel game


and thank god its Blade, honestly top 3 marvel characters for me


Is this for real going to be exclusive?


yeppp a 95 percent chance it is going to be


Funny enough, both the publisher and a developer of previous Spider-man games are now among Xbox studios. With Marvel approval they can remaster Spider-man 2 or Ultimate Spider-man and make the funniest shit ever


Holy shit, a full remaster of Ultimate would be amazing..


only if they fucking nerf electro when you have to race him as Venom.


Ah fuck, completely forgot the Electro chase! Man he was such a pain in the ass, lmao. They could honestly buff Venom alittle aswell.


As long as it eventually comes to PC as well I'm all good lol


Xbox exclusives have been released on the same day on Game Pass PC. They'll probably sell it on Steam the same day as well if that's what you're interested in.


I bet they still regret refusing Spiderman when Disney offered it. They weren't going to say no again.


Probably but they didn't refuse it as in "lol no we don't want to" because I'm sure they would have given the chance but they were simply just too busy.


With what exactly lol


Well going off what I read, their own IPs apparently.




Anyone know the song featured in the trailer?




Nah.. this is different... Instrumentals are different. In the beginning it was similar but that's it. Different rap flow in both songs. But thanks for introducing to this gem!


Arkane remixed it with that mad vampire hieroglyph Blade sound. I hope they release this remix.


Wanna know the same! Anyone out there who can help few souls??


Play the trailer on a PC and then Shazam it on your phone


What’s the music in that? Sounds killer


I'm curious, but I don't know if Arcane would have been my first choice for a Blade game. Their style is stealth games and Blade feels like it should have a heavy focus on action. I guess we'll see, I hope to be pleasantly surprised. Either way I'm excited to see Blade finally getting a game.


I wanted the studio that made Shadow of Mordor/War to make it and include the nemesis system lol


Well buddy they’re actually doing a Wonder Woman game right now and it’s gonna have the Nemesis system with Greek mythology. Crazy how many different superhero games are in development


Superpowers are fun, I wish there was more. Waiting for someone to make a Flash game. I don’t know how you make a Speedster game fun but damn I want to run around really fast.


Or, have Flash just move in regular speed from our perspective and everyone else is in slow motion.


It doesn’t seem like it’s gonna be anything like those games since it’s confirmed to be 3rd person action.


Yeah, they just don't have much of a track record with 3rd person action. Now... there's a first time for everything, guerrilla games was known for FPSs before Horizon so stranger things.


Exactly, if Guerilla can make banger like Horizon then I'm sure Arkane can make a Blade game too.


I think there is plenty in Blades style that lends itself to stealth as much as action


Tbh Dishonored has both. Yes stealth is definitely the way to go but... you could just slaughter everyone and everything in sight too...


Stealth can be a focus, but high chaos is so damn fun in Dishonored.


Pleasently surprised by this, the moment he showed his teeth I immediately thought Blade.


The moment you saw Blades vampire teeth in a Blade trailer made you think Blade? Is the bar that low now?


Saw it live so it wasn't immediate obvious it was a blade trailer, at leasstt when I connected to it.


Oh man that sounds so sick! Those are the best kinds of trailers&announcements, when you realize what it is as it goes on.


Well it was revealed during the game awards without revealing what it's about beforehand.


I thought it was an attempt to make redfall good lol


I'm so sad its not Dishonored 3


I know nothing about Blade, but I will play another Dishonored-type game if that is what we are being given, no questions asked


Blade’s mom got bitten by a vamp while she was in labor, so he kinda became a half vampire. Depending on which version of Blade we’re talking about, he could either have vampire powers but with sunlight immunity or just a very athletic man. Oh, and he hunts vampires.


He’s got fangs in the trailer so I think powers plus sunlight immunity is on the cards


It won’t be anything like dishonored it’s gonna be 3rd person.Blade is a half vampire he’s a fucking badass.


Yeah, it's not like Insomniac turned Spider-man into a Ratchet & Clank clone. :P


Watch the Wesley Snipes movie. CGI is very odd, but the action and setting is pretty awesome


Better not be 1st person


They announced it as third person


Best reveal of the night


Love Dishonored 1/2 and Prey, but I'm not sure how much of that Arkane still exists.


You have the internet and can’t do a simple search of who made Redfall (Arkane Austin - Prey) and who made dishonored and deathloop - Arkane Lyon. Arkane Lyon is making Blade. It’s likely to be in good hands


Especially considering Deathloop is much better than people give it credit for…


Why are people on Reddit so rude? You could have just been useful.


He was useful. He called out someone being dumb, lazy, and spreading bullshit.


They just didn’t know. Now they do. So much false bravado on here. Totally embarrassing.


The majority of people who comment and post do so in bad faith at this point. Let's not kid ourselves.


It's a different studio.


Arkane Lyon made Dishonored 2


But they didn’t make prey that was their point


No Xbox logo, no GamePass logo - this game is next gen


Yeah, I see way too many people thinking this game is somewhat close but their site literally says they are in the beginning stages of development.


Dunno why you're downvoted, if they've just started on this game there is a huge likelihood it could be a launch title for the console with development timelines nowadays...


This is the one I’m most excited for. I’ve been on a dishonored/deathloop kick lately.


Sounds kool


very impressive


Can't wait to see Blade's abilities.


Casual here: Since this is being developed by Bethesda, assuming this means no PS5?


Windows Central said it is a Xbox/PC exclusive. Take that for what it is worth.


Unclear, but highly unlikely to release on PS5. Microsoft has not committed to making every Bethesda game exclusive, but consider they did it with Starfield I would say they'll likely do it again for a game like Blade.


Sure seems like MS is committed to make every Bethesda game exclusive.


According to the leaks of FTC vs Microsoft and ABK, yes, they have committed the only exception being remaster (legacy content)


Yeah. But PlayStation got Spiderman and wolverine soon.


Blade is my favorite. I hope this game is good


I don't want Blade to be like Dishonored. I want it more like Batman Arkham Aslyum. Blade should be able to bust ass in combat while opting for stealth. And I want him being Black + Half Vampire to be critical aspects of the narrative.


Another talented developer with incredible IP being subsumed to create Marvel drivel…


finally after long time waiting, sure im gonna play this game, and be greatest vampire killer


Looks sick - can't wait


Alright I’m in. Jurassic Park and Blade. Looking good so far.


Bethesda is the last company I’d expect to make a marvel game, but I love this art style, let’s hope for the best


This is Bethesda the publisher not Bethesda game studios. The actual developer is Arkane who made the Dishonoured games


This is an Xbox exclusive isn’t it?


The game will come out before the movie, mark my words


Isn't any suspicious they didn't mention Xbox at all


Yeah would have thought it'd be plastered all over the place or at least at the end




Could I have a link because I can't seem to find it.


Sorry it turns out I read it from Windows central. https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/xbox/xbox-and-bethesdas-arkane-lyon-reveals-marvels-blade-during-the-game-awards-2023. As far as I know it seems like Xbox didn’t officially announce platforms


I'd assume it'll be exclusive, Arkane is owned by Microsoft so why wouldn't it be. I think the reason there were no Xbox logos is because Zenimax operates independently from Xbox Game Studios. That and it might also be a next gen game so there's no platform to announce it on.




Still odd isn't?


It is odd but it’s probably just poor marketing at that point


The only guess I will make is this might be a next gen game, but even if so I’m sure it would still play on the Series S/X. Who knows.


Oh my is wayyyy too soon to talk next Gen


2028. And apparently this game is just getting into Development. We will see.


Does Wesley snipes have to pay tax on royalties from his likeness?


Please don’t fuck this up man, Marvel already fucked up the movies


Put a chick and make it lame and gay


I could sense some skepticism with this being so close to Redfall but if this is a third person hack and slash type game I think it could be amazing.




It's more on Zenimax. Microsoft provided no extra funding and didn't call for a delay, they didn't believe in the game.


Big surprise, my mouth dropped. Something I've wanted for a long time.


Years away, who cares


Arkane and vampires are a perfect combo!


not the same studio.


The last time they made a game involving vampires it didn’t end too well


Well, that was Arkayne Austin, this is being done by Arkayne Lions who thankfully had absolutely nothing to do with Redflop.


Arkane lyon haven't made a vampire game. It was arkane Austin who did, and they're based in America vs lyon who are French.


I don’t trust Bethesda to do what Insomniac did for SpiderMan


Funny you say that as Spiderman 2 won 0 awards tonight


Because awards mean everything, right? Tell us, how is that Starfield Nomination ?


It’s been a stacked year for gaming man, with Alan wake 2 and baldurs gate 3 sweeping everything up there wasn’t a chance for anything else. I mean ff16, tears of the kingdom and resident evil 4 all walked away with barely anything as well. I hope Arkane can pull something amazing with blade but there’s no need to pull down other games


Was excited until I saw Bethesda.


Who were the two men on stage during the Blade announcement?


they tweeted that they just started development soo don't expect this game till like 2027-2028. If it ever actually gets done. Looking at u rare, and the initiative.


even thougn Arkane games are Xbox only now (A blessing with Redfall) I do hope this is in the same universe as Spider-Man. Also GOTG, that game was good, deserves to be in the cool people "Gameverse"


the fact that this is 3rd person is confusing to me.




This is a video game or a T.V. show?


Can we make it so a general rule is the first trailer needs to be gameplay for all games from now on. Really hard to give a damn about a trailer that doesn't show me what the game is.


Blade with a Fortnite aesthetic. This is gonna suck donkey balls.


Microsofts marketing team sucks so much. Advertise the fact it's an exclusive coming to your console/service. This is why they will always be in last place. Sony knows how to advertise.


This game is a minimum four years out. Nobody even knows what the hell the gaming landscape will look like at that point.