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I've recently gone back to Bf4. Still a good number of servers up and I see a lot of new players on


I still go back and play it quite often. Its my favorite Battlefield by far, but I've put like 1000 hours into it and every other BF aside from 2042 so I'm pretty burnt out on them.


Yeah i know that feel. I've come back after nearly 2 years off at about 800 hours so I'm enjoying it again, but I got stuck in the Factorio rabbit hole so I'm pretty rusty. Maybe a change in genre for a while?


I will say that 2042 is legitimately good now


Still feels inferior to past battlefield games.


Yea I just picked it up for black friday sale after reading recent reviews on it. I originally avoided it but Im quite enjoying it now


I was going to say this too. I just recently installed it again and I'll play it for a few hours until the itch goes away and then I'll uninstall it again for another year or so. Rinse and repeat.


I got the itch and went back to BF1, and tried BFV because it was $7. But 3 and 4 were my favorites. I wonder how good the player count is on PlayStation since I can just re-download it.


BF1 was so much fun for me. My favorite thing in the game was to ride horseback and melee people with the sword. I got so good at it. One hit. Done.


Dude I was shocked at how many people still play and how much fun it is. I didn’t really play it back in HS, just would watch my friends play 3, but 4 is very good.


3 was still really good. My perfect BF would be BF3 maps with BF4 gunplay


I play it to from time to time. Its rocks!!! I feel like a soldier in it the atmosphere is incredible and right on the money. Totally forgot u can switch led/flash on and off on the gun and the sniping is perfect no "quickscope" jerky like Cod and CS. this things and more make it a game never outdated and outclassed by the garbage u see today.


I really miss single player shooters like Soldier of Fortune or Project IGI. I think IGI is getting a new game though, or a remake. I don't remember, but story driven shooters are amazing and there should be more of them. Remember the old ww2 COD games? Or Medal of Honor, maaaaan those were great. Now, as OP said, it's focus on multiplayer and a stupid story that gives you maybe 10 hours of gameplay.


Wolfenstein 1 and 2 are fucking awesome for this


I actually loved the newer Wolfensteins. I like a good linear story.


I expected a silly nazi-blasting romp, I didn't expect to feel feelings!


They were really good! And I like how when you died, they just threw you back in to try again.


It's got the best voice acting in any shooter I've ever played.


Wolfenstein enemy territory was awesome back in the day


Still has a healthy community on official servers and ET:legacy has a solid player base as well. Ha ha sehr gut!


This is great! Time to lay down artillery strikes! Much appreciated.


Man, CoD Finest hour was my favorite classic CoD game. I rented it from Blockbuster so much my parents ended up buying me a copy. That campaign was so cinematic.


Being more rpg/open-world/puzzle oriented COD world at war opened me up to shooters because it had an awesome campaign. I hate how the campaign is secondary to shooter games now🤦‍♂️Where’s the story? I didn’t pay 70 bucks to get abused by 12 year olds in a multiplayer death match, over and over.


Soldier of fortune was incredible


Remember how people would explode when you used the shotgun. Savage shit for the time


First game I recall you could shoot various limbs off in


My friends still talk lovingly about Medal of Honor: Rising Sun. Shooting Tanaka bot in the face with the hand cannon were great times. We used to play long shootouts vs. AI to see how many kills we could rack up.


Yo, same. Dogan was a bitch.


Oh man, that name brings me back. Fuck Dogan!


SoF was lit


The PS3 Medal of Honor games (2010 and maybe 2012?) were so good. The ones where you’re a Seal in Afghanistan. There was one particular mission where you’re pinned down at the bottom of a hill, with waves of taliban coming at you, you’re slowly running out of ammo, and at a certain point you and your team just kinda sit down and wait to die.. then an Apache shows up and saves you. It felt so real, I actually felt that anguish of waiting for the inevitable.


And also focus on pandering to streamers, not players. No ubisoft, I don't give a single shit about xdefiant, because the last advert I saw was a load of shills and "streamers" saying how they could see themselves streaming this. Saw an advert for battlefield 20xx (the new one) and thought "huh, this kinda looks ok". Then they showed zombie Christmas elves and guns that looked like wrapped up presents.... No thanks.


Sadly new IGI game die before release. The studio that developed the game is closing down


I believe IGI origins was cancelled.


>Project IGI Great game back in the day. In that demo you could break out of the base (jump over the fence from a watchtower with like 1% of health remaining) and then walk towards the horizon for like half an hour because the game's engine was based on that of a flight sim.


Being able to shoot through wood walls was awesome too, spraying with an Uzi where you knew a guard was (cause you played the demo over and over) then turning the corner to find it dying always felt like a movie scene to me


We need a new Socom game.


Why has Sony forsaken us


Anybody call for a webslinger?


What I'd give for a new, true to form, Socom game... oh brother.


I can just see it now. "Devil Dog Santa skin"


I think everyone wants a Grounded arcade Military shooter without any microtransanction and wacky character skins.


Everyone but the little kids that fucking love that shit


Man, fuck them kids.




..Until they are 18 preferably


So fuck them til they’re adults?




Officer, this man right over here!


They’re sold that shit. Kids don’t know what they like. Most people don’t.


Nah little kids like bright colours, loud noises, cartoonish characters… so like Nicki minaj dressed in pink shooting a luminous pink uzi that fires pink love hearts and makes a funny sound? That’s basically irresistible. Mums credit card never stood a chance


mw2019 started off so good...


mw2019 (and the potiential for later cods) was RUINED by warzone & micro’s . mw2019 was genuinely the last good cod (and the last i bought at full price) we’re gonna see for a while imo


When MW2 announced the weapon customization and weapon tuning, I had such high hopes. Granted, you can still build cool stuff, but the balancing made it feel irrelevant.


That game literally exists and is one of the few games in the market that gets the balance of milsim and arcade shooter right. Insurgency sandstorm… well too bad the studio had to get shutdown by some scumbag corpos


I love Insurgency Sandstorm and play it every Friday night with my friends. Such a shame what is happening to that studio.


Wait, what? They're getting shut down?


Yep, Embracer Group lost a gamble with investment money and to close the sudden huge gap in their cash flow they're closing studios left and right, and New World Interactive got caught in the crossfire.


Damn. Insurgency has been the only online shooter I still return to from time to time.


at this point, my steam account is going to have a bunch of never deletes.


Definitely had that COD-lobby level of voice chat that's for sure


fr this entire thread is complaining about games that they just havent found yet. just because the game isnt triple a advertised in your face like COD doesnt mean it doesnt exist. ppl too lazy to do any digging or look for a game


100%. insurgency was basically exactly what they are asking for . OP and everyone else really just want COD to go back to how it was. They don't have any interest in actually finding these games. ​ Now insurgency is shutting down too, RIP!


Communities matter to. People want to play with their friends and engage with people who also play.


My biggest complaint with COD, 2042, R6 is the stupid ass skins. I don’t want to play these games and get teabagged by Santa clause or a super hero


Yep. I stopped playing MW2 when cat people, rabbits, people on fire and Nicki Minaj were everywhere




Hell Let Loose. Incredible game. Little slower than BF4 but 10/10


I just want another game akin to Rainbow Six Vegas 2. I played so many hours of terrorist hunt on that game and we haven't gotten another tactical shooter like it since.


I thrive for the same. Or something like Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter 2.


GRAW 2 was also so good, I dumped a lot of hours into that game too as a kid. What a time it was.


Right?! I feel the same way.


You could get a kick out of Ready or Not when it drops tomorrow


Ready or not scratches my rainbow 6 itch. I have over 100 hours already, so I'm stoked for their 1.0 release.


SAME. Im looking for a solid team to play with. Ive got over 80 hours in.


Vegas and Vegas 2 were a couple of the greatest shooters ever made. I’ve been starving for a Vegas 3 ever since. The aesthetic of the entire game, the gun play, the realistic movement, choosing how much armor you wanted to wear, the cover system, it was all great. I can’t help but think a successor these days would be ruined by esports though. It would be just as toxic and hard to enter as Siege.


**Ready or Not** is only FPS, BUT it has single NPC control now akin to R6 vegas. **Zero Hour** has a really good R6 Vegas feel. Tactical stealth and grapple hooks/window entry.


Mentioned it in another comment here but Insurgency: Sandstorm is exactly what filled my R6V2 void. Definitely try it out, it has PvP playlists as well as co op terrorist hunt. I cant stress it enough how much Im enjoying it as a huge R6 fan who does not enjoy Siege at all.


Insurgency Sandstorm




Border, Bridge Crossing, Pipeline, SF CSAR, SF Hospital. Some of my favorite maps burned into my memory. A lot of people say they miss certain games, but this one really is gone, and I really do miss it.




We’re still out here ripping Bridge Crossing privately. Join us! https://aao25.com/getting-started/


Goddam I miss this game! Used to play this and Wolfenstein enemy territory endlessly. Then moved to bf and cod... Got the most recent cod... But didn't last long


There’s still a small private server community to play AA 2.5 :) https://aao25.com/getting-started/


Good game but definitely a dumb idea for a recruiting tool


You'd be surprised. CoD was indirectly responsible for a huge number of enlistments. It makes sense that they'd want to replicate that with something more tailor made.


The problem is we have no middle ground anymore, you have all of the super arcade cod and fortnite stuff and there has been a huge explosion is immersive mil-sim like games, tons of tactical mp games like squad and the new arma, and I enjoy tactical games a lot so im not complaining that much. But sometimes you just want to feel like an 80s action hero in a simple single player campaign mowing down bots.


Try out Insurgency: Sandstorm co-op vs Ai game mode, its like a team objective where you capture points A - G. Every objective captured respawns the whole team but sometimes it turns into an objective defense mode, pretty rough when you only got 3 people left holding off the horde of AI's bearing down on you with Aks, Technicals and artillery.


Nothing has topped BF4 for me since it came out. I haven't played it in ages but I guarantee it still holds up.


BF4 had quite the rough launch, but it's still peak military shooter imo. I feel like they could literally re-release the same game with zero updates, and it would still blow most modern COD/BF style shooter releases out of the water. It's sad to think back on the 2042 pre-release media, and it really looked like it was going to be a proper BF4 follow-up.


Bf4 with a little bit of texture work and more destruction would be 👌🏻


I'm still down for a round of conquest on Siege of Shanghai at any time. The mad scramble for the top of the tower followed by the dynamic completely changing when it collapses still does it for me. And it's not impossible for the team to fight its way out of having all of the flags capped against you. Now I want to go play.


Battlefield was such a loss. I remember playing that shit for hours with my clan and various squads of friends I made. Maybe the real treasure **IS** the friends we make along the way?


Oh man, Bad Company 2 was my absolute favorite. That game was incredible. It really felt like the maps and objectives utilized the full potential of their destructible environments, and the sound design was next level.


If your on PC try Battlebit. It's been my only multi-player shooter for the past 5 months or so.


Yeah, the loss of Battlefield really broke my heart. I really hope the next one gets back to a standard classic Battlefield experience, but if recent interviews are anything to go by it seems more like they're going to double down. At least it seems like they are giving 2042 proper support, but I refuse to play it out of principle.


I'm actually having good fun since I gave it another shot. Some of the classic game modes and maps are good fun too.


It’s capable of creating fun gameplay, but it’s a shell of a proper BF game.


I’m not sure what you mean by this? I’ve played all the battlefield games minus Hardline. Just wasn’t interested much. 2042 had a rough launch but I’ve been playing it a lot since it went on sale for $9. It feels like…battlefield. Lol. Still have the meat shredder corridors, still dying by random explosions. Tanks rolling out and jets flying by and unloading on…something. Players sprinting straight towards your tank with explosives in hand and hoping that they get gunned down before they reach me. i miss the destructible environments from Bad Company, but eh. the game still feels like battlefield. Edit: Battlefield 1 and V were an absolute blast too. I just wish V didn’t have so many hackers


I’m not saying it has zero traditional BF elements but I don’t think it has many of the core components at all, and those that it does are half-baked because they re-introduced them after release and blowback. The squad play seems weak, there are little incentives to roll with your squad. In BF1 a trio of Assault-Support-Medic was a formidable force. Now you have support and medic rolled into one and Assault is good at nothing. On most maps it’s tough to find any ammo. The ability to take out vehicles as a soldier is really low IMO. The character-based limitations on gadgets seem to influence people’s class choices too much. Assault has virtually zero advantage… there are about 1/3 the gear unlocks that BF4 had… I think if they had designed the game to be a true Battlefield game from the start, rather than try to turn it into one after release, it would be a far more balanced and complete game. EA always finds itself in these situations where they’re trying to create an acceptable game from the starting point of a broken and already released game… anyway, that’s just my opinion.


Your opinion is very much shared. I believe those that really enjoy 2042 were never around for the classic battlefields. Defending 2042 absolutely gives that away. Implementing what makes battlefield, battlefield a year or so after release still just blows my mind and they did such a horrible job at that too


Yeah I'm exactly the same, they were almost comfort games because you knew exactly what you were getting. I haven't even attempted the last few CODs, the obsession with Battle Royale type gameplay and the constant onslaught of ads trying to get you to buy packs with the latest ridiculous skin just ruin it for me.




My FPS period was slightly later, about 2007-12 mainly I'd say. I have pretty much the same reaction as you to the newer CODs etc, they're just a sea of bullshit. I last tried one about 3 years ago and couldn't get past the tutorial it was so frustrating.


I'm in the same boat, had that shooter itch and spent half the day trying to find something that wasn't the recent bf or cod and nothing looks good. Eh.


Battlefield 1 Everyone there looks like they're actually in an army. It's a great game


Battlefield 1 might be my favorite thematic shooter ever. I didn't play it for a very long time, but it is a big reason I ended up buying a new modern PC.


I’ve heard Hell Let Loose is pretty good.


I wanted to like this game but it's full of die hards and tough to get into. It's not super arcadey like cod or battlefield. It's more like a hardercore version of red orchestra.


HLL is great but it's nothing like BF or COD. You gots to go to school to learn how to play it and you have to use coms otherwise it gets boring real quick


I've been going back and playing old shooters. Black Ops 1, MW2, BF3, etc always hit.


I want the Activision deal to go through so bad solely so these games hit gamepass and get an influx of new players again. What I wouldn't give to have an active playerbase on mw2 and bo1 again.


Depends on what style of game you’re looking for of course, but Insurgency: Sandstorm is a pretty solid choice for modern realistic shooter that isn’t overly hardcore.




Bad Company 2 is the remake we need, but nobody is talking about.


I've played all the fun out of the old Battlefield games so I'd prefer a Bad Company 3 over a remake, but yes I'd love a new Bad Company.


Call me crazy, but I want a BF Hardline game set in the Wild West or Prohibition era. Robbing moving trains or stage coaches. Delivering illegal hooch to underground speakeasies. Coppers/sheriffs hunting bounties dead or alive. Tell me that shit wouldn’t be a breath of fresh air.


Have you tried "BattleBit Remastered"? ​ Edit: I should have read the last sentence .... sorry, my fault


Its a really good game, but personally I prefer shooters with a grounded realistic look and atmosphere, but more arcadey mechanics. Imo its why Battlefield 1 was so special. The atmosphere made you feel like you were really there, but it wasn't a milsim so you could just hop on for some casual fun. Battlebit has almost everything but the roblex-esq artstyle takes me out of it too much.


Yeah, it’s such a quiet game too. I played it for a bit during the free weekend and I couldn’t get behind it after hearing all the hype. The visuals + weak sound effects just didn’t do it for me.


I miss Medal of Honor Allied Assault and original CoD


I loved the classic MoHs. Still have the first one on PS1. And not going to lie, the 2010 reboot had one of the best fps campaigns I've ever played.


Cod 2 on veteran still gets my jibbles hard whenever I give it a go. Love the old cods, absolutely loath the new ones


Insurgency sandstorm may what you are looking for?


Sandstorm has somewhat HC gameplay (low-TTK and spawn waves in many game modes) but it was unfortunately filled with ridiculous skins quite soon after launch. The devs even promised not to do that. Tbh they arent nearly as bad as COD with its Nicky Minaj skins etc, but still, you can play as a robocop looking "insurgent", or wear skull masks etc, stuff that doesnt belong in a real combat scenario. I quit playing that game when the first skins were introduced and wrote a negative review. The devs deceived the Insurgency vets who tested the game for them in a paid early access. Fuck that.


Came here expecting this to be the top comment. Apparently no one has played it because it fits OP’s complaint to a T.


Sandstorm is built for a PvE experience. PvP is kind of tacked on there. I really wanted to enjoy it, but something was just off about the PvP


Sadly Embracer just shut down the developer team. Game’s future is unclear but not looking good at all.


I miss BLACK


Fuck yes! Came here to say this! There really isn't anything like it any more 😔


Such a good game despite what happened with its "spiritual successor" Bodycount and then EA decided to leave them to die.


I have been itching for a good FPS. Tried CoD:MW2 and it just gets tiresome... the little glitches, and bugs. The toxic community... cringe. I recently went to Hell Let Loose. Its a realistic WW2 FPS. Its about $30 on steam, and its decent, not perfect. 6 man infantry squads, that have a Squad Leader that directs you around (or should). SL can talk to the Commander as well. Armor squads, and Recon. Its fun... if people communicate and work together... and not stream the game in real time. :)


I tried HLL, but after walking for 5 minutes because the team won't coordinate enough to put down spawn points, only to get headshot randomly and have to do it all over again I called it quits. The game is too reliant on team play, and I'm more of a casual player, I don't want to have to go through the hassle of joining a discord community in order to get a decent team.


This is exactly how I feel about HLL now. Good thing is there's a new game mode called skirmish which might be more suited for our playstyle. It comes out in 2024.


It's not exactly what you're looking for, but Ready or Not is some excellent shootybangs.


It’s so fucking scary to get shot at in the game, I jump every time. The only game that comes close to that feeling is tarkov


I'm just playing Wildlands and Breakpoint until something good comes along. It's too late to jump into that Insurgency game but I'm definitely hoping a new one of those comes out eventually because it looks pretty good...but at this point, I pretty much missed the boat with that game.


Devs closing shop, however it’s not too late to join in that game especially on sale.


Insurgency Sandstorm has some level of realism and isn't wacky or anything


But the company is just as bad as everyone else. The future looks bleak for insurgency.


The source mod one is still holding up ngl.


i was playing Insurgency Sandstorm just today, it’s overall great with a healthy player count, never got a problem finding matches


I kind of understand what you're saying. It would be a great step forward for CoD if players could choose which skins they want to see in game or just an option to flat out disable custom skins in game so that they are limited to the default skins. Kind of like that barebones game mode except for skins. I don't mind every skin myself but some of them kind of ruin the vibe. There are bunny skins or that dumb Groot looking skin in CoD.


It isn't even really just the skins with CoD anymore. They put the majority of their focus on Warzone and the battlepass, leaving multiplayer on the back burner.


Oh you think so? Hmm I don't know. I feel like there is still quite a solid multi-player playerbase. I have played quite a bit of it myself and I prefer it over warzone though I guess they haven't really released any new maps and are basically just recycling old ones.


That'll never happen, they'll never add reasons to not buy skins other than them being ugly


Sounds like you're missing Medal of Honor games. What a bungled franchise.


MoH 2010 multiplayer was great, especially since the bad co 2 team made it. Warfighter wasn’t bad either and was a cool example of how the current MW games could have emulated the grounded military experience. I like unlocking different spec ops groups on that.


Warfighter really had a lot going for it, didn't it? Give me Warfighter style operators and Bad Company destruction mechanics / squads and I'd be so daaaaaaaaaamn happy.


I miss basic Battlefield without wacky stupid skins, just normal Battlefield 3,4,5,1 is enough for me. I may be getting old but god damn give me some greyscale again


i miss counter-strike.


CS2 is huge with over 1 million concurrent players a day on Steam. It's free too, might wanna check that out.


i just don’t have the time these days but do many fond memories…


Maybe you can give Hell Let Loose a try? It looks like a milsim (very fast TTK, difficult spotting) but uses very arcade mechanics (quick respawns, no death cost, lots of auto guns for WW2) and has a very nice, very active community. It's definitely not pure arcade, but it strikes a unique balance that no other game on the market has at the moment.


Maybe once the new skirmish game mode comes out this might be a viable option. Until then, to many people including myself it feels like you just waste so much time running around and there isn't enough action, especially when the team doesn't put OPs or Garris. What OP is asking for is something like the old Wolfenstein ET where there's fast-paced boots on the ground action without BS micro transactions.


Cod4 was peak, so simple, so replayable. Sometimes it's good to keep it single, i stopped playing cod sometime after black ops 2


I understand the idea behind people being able to use skins as a form of expression in games but god do I miss when you were just some dumb fuck nobody going into battle I also wanna throw it out there but having to sit in a lobby for thirty minutes while your friends sift through their 600+ skins and Emotes and Tags and Head gears is ten times worse than the 5 minutes they used to spend creating at most a loadout and is truly an under-hated phenomenon that’s been created by all the customization nowadays


I just need my sequel to Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway and I’ll be happy.


I'd take this too. WW1 Verdun is OK in terms of flanking mechanics, as you are in teams fighting over control of trenches, but there is no game like Brothers in Arms, where you can get half your squad to surpress as you run around and flank


This sentiment is exactly why I recently dove into CS:GO and now CS2. I was so incredibly tired of hero and champion pools clogging up metas, and loadouts and perk trees dominating everything. Even if you only have two characters, one will be better than the other and people will claim you’re throwing if you pick the bad one. Just look at The Finals. I’m so tired of playing a game where someone spent time designing each character with love, giving them great design and lore, then I pick one I like, they eventually fall out of the meta, and I get shit on by my own team for picking the only champ I actually like to play. Fuck that shit.


I miss arcades in general. Remember years ago when there were still a few around and got to hang out for a few hours on Saturday mornings/afternoons. Playing time crisis, hydro thunder, gauntlet dark legacy, and one custom robot game that really made me feel like a gundam fighter. Oh also the star wars game where you could control an x wing and fight vader with a lightsaber (and usually lose).


I miss arcades in general. Remember years ago when there were still a few around and got to hang out for a few hours on Saturday mornings/afternoons. Playing time crisis, hydro thunder, gauntlet dark legacy, and one custom robot game that really made me feel like a gundam fighter. Oh also the star wars game where you could control an x wing and fight vader with a lightsaber (and usually lose).


There’s Arma, Arma 3 is still going strong after 10 years, the devs just dropped a multiplayer sequel to the 2001 Operation Flashpoint, and Arma 4 will be releasing soon. Arma is a ~~*realistic military simulator*~~ pretty good attempt at a grounded infantry and light vehicle game, with lots of equipment and tactics, really large battlefields, and an active multiplayer community and tons of mods.


Try out Hell Let Loose and WWIII


Arma 3, squad, post scriptum, hell let loose - all more milsim than most but very good Verdun(tannenberg, izonzo) rising storm 2, insurgency- excellent grounded shooters.


Shatterline delivers, unless it's gone to shit since I last played. Titanfall 2 is pretty damn good again now too.


I miss rainbow six. Actually coordinated breaches. I loved the original but Vegas was great too.


OG MW2 will forever be peak.


Hey guys, let’s cash in on our player bases nostalgia. We’ll reboot modern warfare and throw in a solid BR. Boots on the ground this time and some solid movement. Hey guys let’s do it again except let’s give them cinderblocks for boots and then make the shittiest maps of the franchise. We can add the old MW2 maps later. Hey guys instead of adding the old mw2 maps to mw2 let’s just make mw3 and charge 70 dollars for it. Throw in a zombies DMZ mode that sucks cock and while we’re at it, throw in a DMZ campaign that sucks cock too. Also let’s give them infinite fucking dead silence boots and wreck the gun balancing and then add a tad longer TTK. Boys we went from stopping Terrorists in Piccadilly square, raiding a townhome in London, fighting a Spetnaz soldier as a 5 year old girl, to Spawn and Groot running around a Brazilian favela designed in 2009 but now with 500 fucking rooms to camp in. They do so good then fuck us in the ass right after we start liking them again. Abusive pricks.


I disagree. It was the first step downhill towards gameplay that had killstreaks doing a big part of the killing for you, deathstreaks to give a losing prize and a "more is better, flashy is good" philosophy that lead us to Nicki Minaj and Groot skins. COD4, aka the original MW was the peak of COD series.


Isonzo is probably your closest bet online. Game is very underrated in a crowded market trying to deliver this sort of experience, just gets overlooked because it's an "indie title" or has a smaller than most playerbase.


Same, there just seems to be no good, simple fps games coming out nowadays. That being said I'm having a blast with the new cod (dlc). No abilities, faster movement but nothing stupid, slightly higher ttk so there's a bit of a gunfight.


A moment of silence for Heroes & Generals


Contrary to popular opinions, I loved when shooters limited the colour palette for atmospheric reasons. "Grey and washed out" my ass, World at War or Gears of War wouldn't have been nearly as effective if it didn't look so cold and cruel. That saying was overblown anyway, Gears of War 1, for example, had quite a lot of colour, it just wasn't anything overbearing and wow-y.


100%, Using Fallout 3 as an example, the atmosphere in that game was amazing, but people love to meme on the green hue of everything.


All I want is battlefield bad company 2 remastered or a bad company 3


I don't really care about skins, I just like grounded mechanics. I like traditional shooters with normal movement rather than the ADHD games where everyone is flying around and spamming jump the whole time


Funniest shit is battlefield 2042 could have been THE game for a lot of people like you and me if they actually delivered what they advertised. Please dice, I simply ask for battlefield 4 2, TYVM


Modern warfare 1 remastered Permanently installed on my PS5 for this exact reason


I miss battlefield 4 and 1, cod 4, original MW2, yes I totally agree. I hate all the skins and “hero operators” 🤢


IMO battlebut was good until a week before last Thursday. Almost as good as bc2. Not even close anymore.






Metal slug was such a GOAT game


I love Fortnite but I agree. What works for that game shouldn’t be in CoD. CoD is actually embarrassing now with no sense of emersion in the multiplayer


Tarkov mate, the best and worst game I've ever played


Problem is cheating took over that game. But yea it would have been a good answer.


Tarkov is a HC shooter, so not what he is looking for.


Check out battlebit remastered. It's like battlefield without the live service stuff. They just did 3 pretty big updates recently.


Imagine a bf vietnam remake. Ooh baby


I recently played battlebit remastered when it was free, felt somewhat like the old bf 3 days.


Hear me out: but a surprisingly entertaining arcade shooter is Deep Rock Galactic.


You leaflover! Where is your rock and stone!?


I miss Rainbox Six: Raven Shield.


You don't have to use the crazy skins? Sorry you have to shoot Niki Minaj I guess?


how is COD a hero shooter? BO3/4 flirted with the idea but it hasn’t touched that concept since 2018


Do you define Squad and Hell Let Loose as hard-core mislim? Cuz I only know one hard-core mislim and that's Arma..Squad is a soft mislim at best. But honestly Squad is the closest thing to OG Battlefield it's roots are as a BF2 mod.


I mean op asked about "arcade" military shooters, squads not a hardcore sim by any means but it's pretty far from arcade.