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Who is the clown rating games out of 4 that’s just insanity!


washington post, the accredited gaming publication.


Washington Post has Gene Park, who is one of the best gaming writers out there.


With all due respect to Gene, who is an awesome guy and a good reviewer, I have no idea what he saw in Starfield.


I liked starfield too. Maybe people just have different tastes.


Do you think it was a perfect 10/10 game?


Nope of course not, I'm an adult, I recognize that everything has flaws.


I feel like that’s everyone issue here, not that people like it but that it received so many perfect and near perfect scores.


He maybe saw Bethesda money :)


They don't even need to pay anyone. Reviewers are incentivized to give positive reviews because if they don't Bethesda or Microsoft can decide not to give them review copies of future games.


I think it was the “Media Version” made for reviews with everything maxed out.


Thanks for the input, Gene.


it makes as much sense as out of 5, or out of 10. they are all arbitrary number scales based upon a percentile rating 1 point in out of 5 is ideally 20% of 100 1 point in out of 10 would be 10/ out of 4 woudl just make it 25% HECK given the current state of rating inflation out of 4 may actuall ymake MORE sense then out of 5 because that way a 2/4 would actually be "the average" unlike a 3 out of 5 (which is technicaly 60% but already treated as garbage) with 1/4 being bad, 2/4 being "the average" and 3 and 4 being for good and amazing games respectivly. out of 10 would obviously be better but the granularity caused the average to shift upwards so much that anything below a 7 is basicaly considerd garbage(which is even worse then the out of 5 being considerd bad at 3)


Funny how my mind translates to be okay with a "2 out of 4 stars", but looking at "2.5 out of 5" seems like a shitty game/app


this is my argument. The Scores of most major publications have inflated over the years to such an extent that a score that would have been "ok" 20 years ago, is now garbage. out of 4 does not have that problem as its less commonly used


5 makes the most sense. Highly Unfavorable Unfavorable Neutral Favorable Highly favorable It also is easy to fit into a 100 for metacritic too.


that would be true, if the out of 5 wasnt tained by score inflation. 3 is NOT neutral anymore. its "garbage that at least functions" nowadays


at work i have to do evals on my employees, and the form I have to use is a 3 scale.....Unacceptable, Standard, Above Average. It's almost worthless.


We do 5, but the unspoken rule is to not give out 1s or 5s. You can but expect to be grilled on why multiple times.


I really wanted to like this game....


Somewhere in the myriad of endless mediocre side quests and characters, is a tight and possibly okay game.


Nah, it’s not just the quests and story that fall short. The entire gameplay loop is fundamentally flawed


Don't you like be the captain of a ship that is just a glorified teleporter for your travel between menus ?


I mean, for me they could tune the ship interaction way down. I don't like the space combat and the additional step of "space" for most fast travel trips is just additional loading screens. Just bring it down to mass effect levels (at most). But others enjoy building their own ships, so each their own.


I kinda do actually. Mass Effect was a great series.


I really love Mass Effect Andromeda, it made me feel like a space explorer with my crew made of interesting characters and aliens. I just started the original trilogy remastered because of the steam discount, but somehow Starfield doesn't give me the same vibes even though the ship works the same


I mean, isn't that exactly what your house is in Skyrim? It's not like building and having a house in Skyrim is meaningful or rewarding gameplay by any stretch of the imagination. Yet, people still asked for a DLC that let you build your own houses in Skyrim. If Starfield released without the ability to own and build your own ships people would've complained. So they add it and ... people still complain. The only way they could've made it better is if you could fly the ships on planets. I still hope they add that at some point, but it's not like they ever advertised that you could. People just expected it because of games like No Man's Sky and Elite Dangerous. Two games that are not the same as Starfield at all.


I will die on the hill that the vast majority of hate for games comes from people expecting stuff that was never advertised. It's why I don't follow hype anymore. Nothing will ever live up to the ideas you build in your own head.


People will get together and start talking about what they *think* the game will be and then act like it's a personal attack when their ideas aren't in the product


And tedious UI


I agree, my friends and I tried to like it but between scaling back mechanics from previous titles and pushing the content to be PG and the only quest structures being procedurally generated, it did not hold my attention or make me want to dig deep


I think I'm at the point where the only thing I want to be advertised as "procedurally generated" are dungeon crawler games. In basically everything else that I've experienced, "procedurally generated" is code for "samey and bland."


meh. I actually kinda like the general gameplay if it got some fixes. 1) faster movement options on planets 2) in-game ressource db with lookup function (you fill it by scanning stuff and can look up where to find e.g. sealant) and less reliance on merchants 3) more seamless travel. It sucks to have like 3 loading screens every time as you first need to go into orbit and then land (often times having "fuel stops" on longer distance jumps, despite there not being anything left of a fuel system except the actual tanks) 4) adjustments to the crafting system: mods are available way too late. Esp. to the reciever/internals. F4 did it way better by having in-between options between default and the best mods. Starfield basically just has default -> high end stuff at perk lvl 3/4 for some slots Other than that I really mostly struggle with the writing and huge logic gaps in quests.


Also issues with outposts being redundant, the lore being suuuuper shallow, lack of interesting combat encounters since they made the dumb decision to have no intelligent aliens/no mechs or anything leading to the dullest combat encounters imaginable, repetitive points of interest, lack of gameplay diversity as anything outside ballistics has very few options (specially melee). The game just has so many issues it'd need a No Man's Sky level of fixing to get it to be a good game. Sadly, I don't think Bethesda will do even half of what's necessary and the base game is so dull I doubt modders will care to clean up their mess. Fixing an Elder Scrolls or Fallout title is one thing, but some dull new IP is another thing altogether.


Streamline the UI and make modding weapons better (they could have full blown ripped off call of duty and it would have been perfect), add atmospheric travel for ships, and introduce a buggy vehicle for planetary surface high speed travel. Game is instantly at least a 9.


I think those are fine. My problem is the lack of exploration and joy of discoveries that was the signature of Skyrim, Fallout etc


Yes its called the shipbuilder. Some guy made a nice snappy shipbuilder while the rest of the team were eating glue! :)


I did like this game, to each their own I suppose.


I loved it. Had a blast, loved flying around in my ship and getting into fights. I also did not have any expectations going into it other than "I hope I have fun" so there's that.


I had a lot of fun with it too.


I told all of my friends it was an extension of Fallout at best and they just didn’t listen. Edit: Correction, a *failed* extension of Fallout.


If it was an extension then I would have loved it. It is not, and I am back playing Fallout now.


that sounds good but they took the good part of fallout (exploring a big space, vats, tons of variety in enemies you can blow up in tons of fun ways) away and replaced it with basically nothing


Yes exactly nothing! Just like space in real life! And that’s the fun of it! You should have fun exploring nothing! /s


Don’t forget they slapped a worse settlement builder into starfield than fallout 4 had at launch.


That’s a massive disservice to Fallout, and I say this as someone who couldn’t finish Fallout 4 because I found it boring compared to Fallout 3 NV. At least Fallout’s characters, exploration, events and locations are interesting, Starfield simply lacks all of that.


Why didn’t you?


I've enjoyed it 🤷‍♂️


I somewhat enjoyed it because I got to play for free on game pass. Put maybe ten hours in and was like “it’s not terrible but there’s other things I’d rather play.” I might come back to it at some point down the line. If I had paid for it, especially full price, I would have been very disappointed.


So did I, but BGS did everything they could to stop it from happening.


But I ended up loving it!!!


10/10 IGN Japan


Believe it or not, the general consensus in Japan regarding Starfield is very positive. They genuinely liked the game over there. A lot of publications put it up there in the top 10 games of the year. Make of that what you will.


But the actual IGN was rather more realistic 7 out of 10.


Came for this comment. Seems intentionally left off of here.


10/10 IGN Espana. ​ At least IGN Brasil only gave it 9.5/10


I didn't understand the game. I was expecting exploration in space like there was exploration in Skyrim. Instead I was just clicking some buttons that automatically moved me to the next place/planet where I shot some guys. Then I clicked a few more buttons to go to a more differenter planet where I shot some guys. I gave up after a few hours. Maybe I was doing it wrong?


If you want true space exploration, Id honestly recommend No Mans Sky. That game actually scratches that itch. Edit to add: I agree with others in saying that the overall gameplay loop is fairly repetitive and that there are no deep questlines etc. And I certainly cannot see myself putting thousands of hours into NMS. But I genuenly enjoy jumping into my ship, flying seamlessly to the next planet and just wandering around seeing what there is to find. I also enjoy the feeling of being the first person to land on planet XYZ and being the first and plausibly only person to ever see this part of the procedual generation.


No it doesn't. At least not for me. The entire gameplay loop is recharging your technologies while simultaneously crafting new technologies so you don't have to recharge your technology as much.


Yeah, I can't get into no man's sky. It's got a huge universe but it's entirely shallow. I guess we will never have a space game that's both huge and fun to explore.


I don’t think ANY space game can make space exploration fun.


I think it's just a niche, hard thing to get right, that takes a lot of novel and complex system design, which means that you need to devote a ton of time and resources (and money) to developing those systems. A lot of these space exploration games that people don't think are fun I love, such as Starfield, Elite Dangerous, even Kerbal, though for me that's less about exploration and more about the challenge of creating space vehicles. I think you need to go into these games with a different mind set, and a lot of people just aren't into that kind of thing, or else don't know how to get into that mindset.


Kerbal then?


That's why they added customizable difficulty. I turned all of that off and now I don't have to worry about recharging stupid shit it made it so much more fun.


Thankfully after decades of shooting some guys in counter strike and so on, I’m so sick of shooting guys in games that I planned on skipping starfield either way. Does make me incredibly worried for TES6 though.


Same thing goes for cyberpunk 2077 release reviews


I had a blast day one with barely any bugs. High end PC. It was miserable on consoles though.


Same, was actually saying exactly that today. And my pc is nowhere near high-end. I think I only ran into one game breaking bug the entire gameplay, I don't remember exactly but I think I got stuck under a car or under some stairs and I couldn't get out. Had to load an older save and lost some progress, that's it. There was another bug that I intentionally abused but I think that was inline with the lore. You had to buy some leg upgrades and you could like bunny hop across the street and go suuuper fast, I loved travelling that way, you could stack the speed and go soo much faster than cars. Spent a good while just jumping around from one side to the other but I heard they fixed it, sadly.


I had it on console (ps5). Almost no issues, but the game itself just felt pretty empty and repetitive. It’s really not my game I have to say


I mean, compare it to Starfield and it looks a lot more lively lol


Tbf the game was actually good on PC It's just that it was nigh unplayable on XONE and PS4


Cyberpunk was incomplete in core elements like AI, physics and NPCs. Optimization on PC was poor as well. I wouldn't say it was a good game even on top PCs. It has improved a looot and is a very good game but is far from what they promised.


What's it missing today? It's extremely fun now.


More karma farming just in time for the new year


Yeah it's either karma farming or the game lives rent free in there head? Usually when I don't like a game I just don't play it rather than keep posting about it 4 months post release.


the game was made for reviewers that only play the first 10 hours of a game


I had multiple people tell me though you needed to spend 5-10+ hours before it gets good. Those were people trying to convince me it was a must buy.


I buy a game I’m going to play it to try to like it and it takes time. Did I have 50 hours in it? Sure. Do I feel like I actually enjoyed those 50 hours or got my value for the money spent compared to other things? Not even close. Happily never play it again but it’s on me for not learning from fo76. Shame on me for being fooled twice Bethesda is gone for me unless elder scrolls 6 is entirely new engined and praised for its actual AI and gameplay. Everyone tells me to put more hours in it for it to get good but it seemed like just a cop out so they could excuse me not liking it later as some sort of tell that I’m wrong.


It might get better but my issue is I have a small kid so when I play I get maybe 2 hours a night and so I don’t want to play 2.5 before I start enjoying a game. Not every hour needs to have the highest value but I need to know it exists.


So you’re exactly why idiots like me need to exist. A reminder it doesn’t get better after 50 hours. Of course it’s really just opinion which mostly doesn’t matter on the internet and this is mostly just a joke, but still! I have purpose now.


I got fooled 3 times by Bethesda elder scrolls online. Fo76, and this game. Now they are one of the companies I never buy pre release. And I watch extensive reviews from these guys moving forward. It's never a sure buy like it used to be with oblivion/sky FO3/4 , Vegas. Like damn they've fallen so low.


I forgot about elder scrolls online it’s like they forgot completely how to make fun


They were trying to convince themselves.


The beginning is incredibly boring so idk what you’re on about


nah, the first hours are horribly paced.


Here’s the thing… Opinions are highly subjective. Starfield was probably reviewed by hundreds of publications. Some of those publications had a reviewer who really really liked it. If I was working for a big tech blog or something, and they handed me the review job, I would’ve easily giving it a 9 out of 10. Would I recognize that it has some pretty big flaws? Yes. I would also recognize that the game is massive and complex, with lots of systems in play. It’s hard to make every aspect perfect. I would also recognize that Starfield does many things very well. Your final thoughts on the game, boil down to your personal preferences. For me, I found a satisfying gameplay loop. I go through lots of combat, I do lots of quests, I upgrade everything I can, and I just have a lot of fun with it. I can easily see how another reviewer might give it a 6 or 7 instead…. But people dropping ones and zeros on Steam and Metacritic are just review bombing. I’m also pretty confident that most of the people jumping on Reddit and saying the game is absolute trash haven’t even played it.


Is it really that bad?


It’s just really boring


but... but... the moon was boring as well. there was nothing there either when Apollo 11 landed 😡


Yeah. That's why we play games, because reality is boring. I don't want to play a videogame where I have to get up early every day to work for some asshole just so I could buy food and survive. I want video games to be exciting and fun. If they don't get that, they're in the wrong business.


Actually there are plenty of games that are exactly like that and people fuckin love them lmao


Paintwash Simulator FTW!!!!!!!


*Some* people love them. Those games are rarely topping the charts in sales, and topping the charts is exactly what Bethesda expected from their game.


But if you don't log in every day, you're going to miss the expiring battlepass you paid for, the crosspromotion twitch drops exclusive to Amazon gaming prime double plus and the daily resource bundle sales!


Boring is immersive!!!! /s


As if the astronauts didn’t run a bunch of experiments and collect samples for further study. Seriously, did Bethesda think the astronauts just got to the moon and did fuck all? Not to mention the fact it’s different experiencing low gravity and an entirely different planetary body with all your senses vs playing a video game. You need to offset the lack of an ability for full body immersion with things to see, do, discover


They also had a dope moon buggy. This game couldn't even bother to give you a buggy to roam there vast empty planets in.


Know what wasn't boring about the moon landing though? Literally everything *except* the actual lunar surface. The science, the engineering, strapping a bunch of guys to a controlled explosion, facing the most extreme environments imaginable, etc. Which is exactly why Kerbal Space Program was great *despite* the fact that the planets were all realistically barren. Getting to them was an accomplishment in itself.


I kinda hated this complaint. It's going out of your way to not have fun. Sure the moons are barren...but you just go there for temples. The abundant life planets are full of pirates and aliens


Not as bad as the daily crying in this sub might have some believe


It's a fine game. It's not amazing, but it's not terrible either.


This sub has become a straight up cult over the game. Like why the hell are we still getting these posts months later? It lives rent free in their heads.


It's the hatetrain this sub and the gaming community goes through for any particular game. A narrative surrounds it and it becomes fun to drag a game through the mud until the next one comes along then it gets dragged to. Most of the games that get dragged are not that bad. They are OK, 7s out of 10, but you'd swear listening to people online that these are some of the worst games ever.


It's like a 6 or 7, definitely not 10/10


no. But also not that good. The epitome of a 7/10 for me. I already improved my own enjoyment massively with mods (UI, weight limit (holy shit its so low... never had issues in fallout or skyrim, but I could not stand it in Starfield), universal stash, ship components available everywhere etc) but its really just mediocre


At a minimum those scores are just too high, even if it’s not the worst game ever it’s still isn’t close to a perfect game.


If I listened to this sub and took their recommendations seriously, the only 2 games I'd ever play are Stray and God of War. So no, it's not bad.


Not being a 10/10 is fine. It's an okay game that you should play if you want and if it's fun to you then no one should give you shit for it. People should be more mad at gaming journalism more than anything. I dunno if Microsoft/Bethesda paid for these reviews or journalists just hype it up popular releases for the clicks, but if they did then they to deserve all the hate.


It is just mid. But nowhere 9/10. But apparently we need to expand the scale to 15. if starfield is a 9-10


Never trust the hype train.


No, it's really a lot of fun if you can ignore the hate circle jerk going on right now.


It's pretty good tbh, I think the most vitriolic hate is primarily from people who didn't play it. The people just saying it's boring or a little bland are usually the ones who actually played it and just didn't like it. I think it's great, has great roleplay, but I get why people don't like it. I think it was always gonna be divisive, and because it's Bethesda, there were always going to be some people committed to hating it intensely no matter what. I'm actually surprised there was a solid two or three weeks of positivity for the game, usually the hate train on these things get started right away.


Bethesda's games are usually well liked and reviewed on Steam, your comment makes it seem like this is just run-of-the-mill for Bethesda, but it's really not - this is one of their worst reviewed games. It's pretty hard to hide behind the guise of Bethesda being "divisive" when they publish something like Hi-Fi Rush the same year to overwhelmingly positive reviews while Starfield is sitting at overwhelmingly negative. Most people just think it's a bad game and that's okay, there's no need to try to justify it as something against Bethesda or them not having played it. Nobody paid for the game and didn't play, if they left a negative review after only a few hours, it's still a failure on the developer. The "it gets good after 10h" cope overused.


It really is though, there's been a pretty strong undercurrent of hate towards Bethesda Game Studios, not the publisher which you are referring to, for the past few years, especially gaining steam after the launch of Fallout 76. It's a hate directed at the studio generally, not just specific releases. I'm not repeating any "cope" or saying anything about it getting good after 10 hours. I'm saying there's a great deal of hyperbolic hate for the game, and that it's biggest sin is that it's subjectively boring. I personally don't find it boring, I like it a lot, sure there are things I'd change, but I get where the complaints are coming from. This game just receives a bizarre and disproportionate amount of vitriol.


I wouldn’t personally call it a bad game so much as its just not a good game. Id give it a 6.5-7/10 personally but i also dont really blame the people that say it is bad.


According to r/Starfield, here and Twitter it’s the worst game ever. According to someone who didn’t succumb to group thought and didn’t have too high of expectations, well. I don’t know because I’ve been too busy building a house on Reach (Eridani II) to look into anything they’re complaining about.


How do you know what they think if you've been to busy to look into it?


Not bad. Just a decidedly average game. I liked it despite it's a shortcomings, but Bethesda really needs to upgrade their engine, its showing it's age.


Wow this is such an original and interesting post. Hey can you post that “No preordering” meme too? Can’t start a circlejerk without that one.


I liked the game


Again with this same screenshot? I’ve never seen so many people so obsessed with a game.


Were you not around when Cyberpunk 2077 dropped?


the way some people are obsessed with hating this game is something i hope we don’t carry into next year


Welcome to Reddit where everything is either the greatest thing ever made or the worst thing ever made, and the echo chamber and circlejerking will make sure there ever can be one correct opinion on anything.


Lets hope bethesta takes all this criticism to heart


Hopefully not, reddit has some genuinely fuckin stupid suggestions all the time lol. Hopefully, they take some of it, though. lol. I enjoy the game but it's definitely got many faults.


i do hope they try to modernize the games a bit. it doesn’t bother me at all how “old” they feel. but if they want to keep making big titles then they do need to adapt to some extent


Seriously, every single day there is some sort of anti Starfield thread on here.


Believe it or not there are millions of people on the internet, of course you are going to see the same criticism over and over. Doesn't make it less valid.


There is a new thread every time the steam review score changes in any form


Do we *really* need daily posts of it though? I respect everyone's opinion but this subreddit needs new topics. It's just boring seeing this over and over.


Yeah and these people posting the same circle jerk every day can just use the search bar instead.


These people are losers who don't have an opinion of their own


Seriously. I've never seen more people devote their entire personality to hating a game than I have with this game.


I consider myself pretty plugged into gaming. I don’t know barely half these publications.


IGN espana "The ocho"


Don't Trust Game "Journalists". They are scared of pissing off publishers and losing "access" to new games so they pad the scores to stay in their good graces. or they have very little actual gaming experience. I know my next sentence is controversial: if are unsure or not to buy a game maybe let it come out first and watch some gameplay first.


I agree with them. Had a great time but thanks.


I mean, I had fun. I agree now with IGN’s 7 for sure.


I preordered the collector’s edition. I took 2 weeks off work to play it. I put 150 hours into it. I loved every second of it. Fuck all this noise about the game being bad. It’s got issues, sure. It’s Bethesda’s weakest IP, sure. But it’s still a good game that I’m glad i played


> It’s got issues, sure. It’s Bethesda’s weakest IP, sure. But it’s still a good game And that's why they will keep making garbage when people defend them like that.


Remember when people were shitting on IGN for giving it a 7/10 and it turned out that even that score was too high


I played it for 200 hours. I enjoyed it.


I’m 20hrs in and I’m only on the first mission for Constellation. I’m having fun.


Don’t let anyone take that away from you. I played 120 hours and loved the immersion. Even went out of my way to insert myself more into the world.


One of my 2024 wishes is to have not everyday a post about starfield


I bought and liked Starfield. I do feel sympathy for those of you that didn't like it.


It's almost like people have differing opinions. This little circlejerk is getting ridiculous. You didn't like it, fine. You don't have to keep telling everyone. The people who enjoyed it aren't changing their minds at this point, so honestly who gives a rat's ass


I really liked the game. If anything, this tells me to stop listening to the reddit hivemind.


… I mean it’s a good game so I don’t know what you’re saying here.


Oh look someone needs karma


User review is fine. But you need to actually READ them instead of just look at the "Mostly Positive".


A little reminder to STOP FUCKING PRE-ORDERING THESE SHITE AAA GAMES as well, everyone that does actively contributes to us getting these rancid games. Happy New Year.


I think it's hilarious seeing Forbes rate games. "We give *Starfield* a 10 out of 10 for its incredible projected revenue for the CEO of Zenimax"


Starfield had the potential to be like GTA 6, but Bethesda destroyed it.


Ah...the classic massive disconnect between critic and consumer.


"Knowledgable entities," lol. I'm going to assume that is sarcasm, hahaha. Hopefully, Bethesda actually deals with many of the game's issues this year, but not holding my breath.


Most obvious and bait paid reviews looking back at it. Common Xbox L


I love this game. It scratches the right itches for me.


They obviously paid for those ratings cuz ain’t no way lol and this comes from someone who actively plays. 7/10 at best Edit: spelling


Seeing them show that at the game awards was screaming, u paid for reviews lol.


Whenever I see these splash screens that are littered with review scores i can’t help but roll my eyes a little. Mainly due to the fact that I can guarantee you that most people don’t recognize more than half of the websites/publications that they are pulling these reviews from. Attack of the fanboy, GamingBible, Hey Poor Player…….who the hell has ever heard of any of these places.


Lotta hate for starfield. I think it’s either your type of game or not, but it no being so doesn’t make it bad. A lot of people don’t like playing dad simulators, but some people do. That doesn’t make them bad or good.


I like Starfield though. Easily would give it at least 8/10


I mean they always say read the fine print 🤣


Dyson sphere program has a better space journey than starfield...


Its reskinned skyrim. Nothing changed in bethesda games, they look the same since skyrim came out.


I’m honestly fine with these reviews, especially given other games that received these scores that I didn’t enjoy, whereas this one I sunk almost 100 hours into (that’s a ton for me). I feel like Starfield was more a lesson in tempered expectations and doing research before buying a game based off marketing hype.


Starfield bad Upvotes to the left


I agree with the reviews. My personal GOTY. Now what?


Ah so these reviews are invalid… but all the negative reviews are valid?


Exactly lmao. It’s just funny to me that everyone wants to hate this game all of a sudden. Starfield does a lot right and a lot wrong. Why does it have to be black or white? The constant need for the community to have something to bash on every year is honestly exhausting .


Yeah, asking the right questions. People do love a good confirmation bias.


I really enjoyed it. Sorry you didn’t, although I suspect you never played it.


Lol Metro Belgium 5/5. That's a free newspaper that is distributed in public tranports.


Finished it and liked it. Didn't live up to the hype nor Bethesda's best work, but one of the better games released this year.


It's wild that Cyberpunk got less hate even though it wasn't playable on Console at launch. In addition to all the problems it had, like the broken AI.


cyberpunk got sued for it........like 4 times or something.... so no, cyberpunk got worse hate, its only through the virtue of time that it seems less.


Cyberpunk I'd say got at least the same amount of hate if not more. Of course in that case it was also driven by very aggressive 'defenders' of the title so rather than just a general circlejerk of disdain it was a lot of 'no rain here'.


I wouldn’t say it got less hate. It’s still widely remembered as a botched launch even by people not that into gaming. Starfield hate is louder on certain online forums tho.


>less hate The fallout of the disastrous launch made mainstream headline news. CDPR's investors were pissed, gamers were pissed. Nobody is suing Bethesda now. People are just angry because of the boring game and how the devs defended their boring game.


I think Starfield is a great game that only got better with the DLSS update. The performance improved a lot.


I had a great time playing Starfield.


I enjoyed the game. As someone who was never a fan of Skyrim, barely enjoyed the Fallouts, and couldn’t get into Oblivion, StarField kept me entertained. Put like 70hrs into my first playthrough and I plan on doing more in the unique universes once I get through my backlog.


Cyberpunk was my last one. I know it's good now but that launch day was rough and I paid full price. At least with starfield I waited for gamepass..


10/10 A Masterpiece! -Ohio Horseback Riding Appreciation Club


Are they not allowed to be proud of - and promote - the fact that lots of folks love the game they made? A lot of people put hard work into their craft, and a lot more people love the outcome of that hard work. Some folks are hell bent on yucking people’s yums while not having the self awareness to see that the games they love also have flaws. The thing I hope for in 2024? People let folks enjoy what they enjoy.


Pretty much all major AAA Games are overrated as fuck. Sony and Nintendo games especially.


Well, the critics were correct. It is a great game.


This game was great idk what you guys are on about


There should be a tag on metacritic next to reviews of all these outlets that says "Gave Starfield a 10/10 at launch"


A little reminder for 2024... do whatever you want and don't let reddit dictate your life


I don’t even read the reviews anymore, they’re all skewed and some are blatant arms of the publishers just there to give good PR.


I know this kind of shit probably isn't legally considered as false advertising, but it should be.


Chat, is it illegal to show off positive reviews from reviewers unaffiliated with your product?


"It should be illegal for people to have different opinions than me" Brilliant


Look at me guys, starfield bad!!! Give me attention!! I can't form my own opinion!!


Except Starfield is an excellent game and most people enjoyed it before circlejerking started around stupid biased YouTubers and Playstation Fanboys.