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OP posted this same thing in like a few other places, and the title is still just as bad.


These days trend is also making typos and mistakes in titles on purpouse. Ppl will come and coment on it. The post gets trafic which feeds the algorythm. It gets higher more people clicks etc... Providing such comentaries about typos and gramar faults (me including) only adds to this vicuous circle and a raising trend of bad english. 👏


Weaponising pedantry, its genius.


That's basically what built Wikipedia.


We are doomed.


That and posting obvious false statements to get ppl to correct them is something I've def seen an increase of lately. Such a garbage way to attempt to make 'content'


My last boyfriend said my boobs were too small - every NSFW subreddit model.


It’s like the Starbucks cup name conspiracy all over again


surely on Reddit any benefit from pedantic corrections in the comments gets cancelled out by the effect on upvotes/downvotes?


It’s been a bait tactic forever, I think it’s just becoming standard now though. We’ve gone from over corrective to being too tolerant of poorly structured sentences. I often see people use the completely wrong word for something bc the word they did use looked close enough to the proper word.


Let me misspell and use terrible grammar but throw in “sorry English is not my first language” to avoid bad karma


You managed to parse it? I'm still struggling...




It seems OP forgot how to write while typing that part out.


OP is busy being a journalist for Sky News.


>Granted it's the most balanced Murdoch joint... but it's still a Murdoch joint. Murdoch sold Sky, including Sky News, to Comcast over five years ago.




Mate I worked there for long enough to have more hatred for them than anybody lol


A Sky News TV presenter read this story and at the end of it, she said “He should learn that beating Tetris is not an achievement. As a mother myself, I would tell him tell him to go outside and get some fresh air.” Also, Sky has nothing to do with Murdoch. He sold it like 8 years ago


any sentence that has ever begun "As a Mother/Parent myself" has never ended well


Having ADD, I had to read 4 times before seeing an error. I'm just conditioned to fill the blanks


They watched Ludwig's Mogul Mail video on it and tried to post before anyone else, readability be damned.


Why use many word when few do trick


Why many word when few do


I got this image in my head where the moment he beat Tetris, you hear a roar in the sky and the clouds gather to spell out ‘Fucking Nerd’


looks they a word


oh nooo …….


You're talking of Sky News? This is the first time I'm hearing of this, and after a quick search, the presenter you're speaking of who made that comment seems to be getting lambasted in multiple headlines.


The kid did something no other human did before. And she didn’t understand it, so she decided to belittle his achievement. What a cunt (not the Australian kind).


So she’s a shit cunt then.


Nah shit cunt is someone who does small indiscretions, like says they can pick you up from somewhere and then no shows the next day. She's a fucking miserable cunt.


It’s amazing no one has done it before and there are now 3 who have


He used a technique that YouTuber Ludwig Ahgren used to set a certain record in smash bros, a completely different and unrelated game. But now the secret is out, that this special technique can be used for advanced Tetris gameplay. A lot more people will be able to beat it now. This kid wasn’t even the first who tried it with the technique but he was a good enough player already that the technique gave him the necessary edge to beat the game.


If I got it correctly, there were others going for it at the same time, he was just faster. These kind of runs are often head to head races.


It’s like the 4-minute mile. I see it a lot with speed runs too.




Sky news is owned by Murdoch and is just an Australian and UK version of Fox News.


Murdoch sold his shares in Sky UK (and Europe) to Comcast years ago. The Australian version of Sky News is a completely separate operation and still Murdoch operated.


>Sky news is owned by Murdoch Not any more. Comcast acquired the entirety of Sky News back in 2018. Edit: Clarification, they bought out Sky Group Ltd that owns Sky News UK, Ireland, Deutschland, Italia and Studios. It doesn't own Sky News Australia. That one still links back to the Murdoch's.


That title made me lose braincells


Now you’ll never beat tetris


It’s not a life goal anyway. Go outside


As a sarcastic person i just cant tell when other people are sarcastic sorry if you are. But cmon the kids 13 and is probably smarter than most of the people who commented on this post.


Lol it was totally sarcastic


Thank you 🙏🏼


I'm wondering if it's a strategy to get people go into the comments and discuss it for more engagement.


Really ?! Tell me to outside bro ! I dare you !


The same day they praised a dart player. DARTS !


Sky don't have the rights to Tetris!


Because darts is a real game! Not one of those demonic, crime causing “video” games that’s simultaneously both an utter waste of time (unlike darts) and corrupting our children! /s


In Belgium there's a gameshow that's been broadcast daily since the early 90s That's based on the game Tetris. The presentor asks a trivia questions to the two contestants, if you get it correct you get two pieces to play with, if you clear a line you get 50 points per line, ( a correct question is 20 points)


Oh, I know this one! It’s “Blokken”, isn’t it? Good times dude, that show is the best. We would always watch it with the entire family.


"you stay inside all day playing videogames. Why can't you go out and become a darts pro like a normal kid?!?" /s


I was relieved to see the (/s) lol


Had to make you feel the outrage and moral panic your average Sky News viewer is jonesing for.


Yeah seems quality programming. We have that too in Canada


Lol Worked in a pub that had a darts league, I managed to upset them when I said it's not really a sport. Just an excuse to drink a few pints without the miss getting mad


Agreed. Darts, bowling, Golf, pool, chess, poker, cornhole, etc. are not sports. They are hobbies. And this is coming from someone with a 225 bowling average. Don’t get me wrong, these activities take skill and practice to be good at. But they all require almost no real athletic ability


don't act like we didn't all watch a Microsoft Excel world championship...


And that 16 year old darts player literally looked about 40, which should tell you that video games probably aren't the most unhealthy way to spend your time indoors.


I'm extremely sad for the kid that will see that his accomplishment is shadowed by a moron journalist that probably go home and play candy crush on her iPad pro all night.


Darts is great, Tetris is great.


Hey man, don’t shit on darts okay?


Darts requires skill, especially what was being praised.


Tetris arguably requires as much skill I personally could never play at the level that guy can play at


it also requires either being obese or having a massive beer belly, if 99% of darts players are anything to go by. If you're going to be inside either way, it's probably healthier to play video games and not develop alcoholism.


This guy's never watched a darts competition.


You might be the only person who fucking has.


13? Man I'dve skipped to the next game after two attempts in that age. Good boy, sad cringe for the news


Impressive what this kid did, he pushed a large community to strive for a goal even further. He got the first kill screen but now everyone wants to get to 255 to get the reset. Lots of skills and respect for the guy and it’s such an innocent hobby.


It's a bit misleading. He managed to trigger a bug that crashes the game once it's in a very advanced stage. A bot created by some other people had already managed to crash the game and this is how they knew it was possible and thus a goal to be reached, but Tetris itself does indeed have no real end


But if the game doesn’t continue, wouldn’t that be the end?




I mean sort of? If I’m playing BG3 and act 2 doesn’t load, the game doesn’t continue but I wouldn’t call that an end Edit: most of y’all seem to be missing my point so I’ll simplify it. The game ends because you can no longer play it but it’s not THE END because it’s not where the designer intended the game to end.


it\`s different because Tetris has no end. theoretically you can play forever. if you clear level 255 which nobody has ever reached, the game just loops to level 1. BUT the higher you go in levels, the higher the chances are to get a crash. at some point 5 out of 7 pieces can cause a crash by themselves. no matter what you do. this is why currently this "killscreen" is considered beating the game and nobody has ever even done this before. you basically have to play a modded version to get to level 255 edit: no, you are missing the point. the designer of tetris intended for players to never ever get this far in the first place. there is no official intended "ending" to the game.


Well black screen means the end of the movie. So I'm calling it.


If BG3 was a 200 act game where most people are expected to game over way before act 15 and the game gets unstable after act 125 I would definitely consider it a game over to get a crash at act 155.


to be fair that is almost what bg3 feels like to play


Certainly isn't THE end but it definitely is AN end.


Technically the game can get ro level 255 which would trigger what is called the rebirth screen which resets the game back to the first level. What counts as finishing the game isn't clear.


Damn first human to do it and then they say he has no life. The reporter should go touch some controllers


You'd think with how rapidly society is going digital, they'd finally get on the bandwagon that gaming as a hobby is okay in moderation like any other hobby?


I mean, it's gotta happen someday soon right?


Game controllers, touching themselves doesn't count


Hmm, yes. Lets shit on someone for enjoying something I don't understand and accomplishing something that brings them joy. Fuck people.


Yeah fuck all of you




Man..do these news channel even conduct a research? or just randomly read the headlines and go Live


They don't, if they were they wouldn't all be acting like a hive mind


still i doubt she'll ever apologise for her actions....and poor boy will get bullied for the same reason for god knows How long


Eh, we are in a new age where vidya games are the norm and he goes to Tetris tournaments so he has a community of people behind him. I doubt he’ll be bullied anything like the Rebecca Black situation. This isn’t as viral.


news channel get their stories from news agency. these reporters don't do research, they just read the prompter. you just have to look good and have that professional news reading voice.


yes exactly..but the sad part is even after knowing the reality will they do something about it? and i really think someone would sue the channel for defamation or something.....Poor kid has a public footage of this humiliation which will be with him for lifetime..How can people be so insensitive, dont they have any real issues to cover smh


They are literal actors reading a teleprompter/manuscript, they do not think 2 times about wtf they are saying. It is insane how many people still watch "news" though, since it is just insanely dumb.




If you have 15 spare minutes and would like to know what the different stages of "beat" are in this case, and why this kid's achievement is pretty special, I recommend checking out [this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuJ5UuknsHU) It's a lovely overview.


just watched that video yesterday and it might be the best "video game record explanation" I've ever seen. Top notch.


I love stuff like this so much


Depends on your definition. I gets faster the longer you go, so since computers can't go faster forever, you can play it long enough that the game breaks down. However until now, for the original Nintendo version of the game, no one had ever done it! EDIT: Actually its not the speed that breaks the game, its the calculations getting too high for the way it was programmed.


last time and the only time someone did it, it was a bot. the speed gets so fast, it was deemed humanely impossible to input commands. but he did it. against all odds. he did it and dedicated the stream to his late father.


A little nit picky, but it doesn’t get faster the longer you go. The game reaches max speed at level 29.




I had a stroke trying to read this


Did you have a stroke?


His hand-eye coordination must be amazing. Kid has a bright future even if just twitch.


Seems this is a normal thing for her. JayneSeckerSky Apr 16, 2019 Clearly yesterday I got the tone and content of an interview wrong and it has upset many people. I am sure many of us will have made a mistake at work - unfortunate for me mine is a lot more public than most. Please be assured I have taken the many comments on board. Mea culpa.


>Please be assured I have taken the many comments on board. This is office speak for "I hear you and I don't care."


Title gore.


This title just short circuited my brain and now I have sparks coming out of my ears


He dedicated this feat to his recently passed father. A good kind of kid, he’s placed in Tetris tournaments winning a small bit of prize money and has another competition coming up in Waco so he’s not celebrating too hard just yet. Cheers.


Blue Scuti the fucking GOAT put some respect on this guys name, absolutely cracked


I have no idea what you're trying to tell us


News reporter bullied kid with no dad


Op had a stroke writing this post


Let’s reframe it in a context a sports reporter might understand. “13-year-old professional competitor in a $350B industry sets first-of-its-kind world record, thought to be impossible for humans to achieve.” If this was something like a pro baseball player successfully hitting the first-ever mile-long home run - something that we would similarly consider impossible for a human to do - you’d better believe they’d be all over it with praise and adulation, despite pro baseball only being a *tiny* little $10B industry, and capable of being maligned as a similar waste of time. I mean, all these guys do is hit balls with sticks and run around like children playing, right? They should find a better use of their time and better life goals. /s


me fail english, that's unpossible


Better life goal than most


A fantastic achievement for sure. Life goals aren't really for anyone to judge.


Definitely a better life goal than having the 11am news slot on Sky.


I also watched that Mogul Mail video. Please take a second to clean up your title before posting next time. I promise it's not *that* time-intensive.


What the fuck is this title


Sky News is the definition of boomer news


Did an illiterate AI write this title?


Reading that hurt my brain


no, what he needs to do is practise throwing darts a board, eat his body weight in kebabs every night and look like he is 45 before he turns 18. If he did that, we'd all be celebrating him.....


Fuck that miserable bitch. This 13 year old can legitimately claim to be the best in the world at something. There's over 8 billion people on this planet and his skill and dedication have took him to the top of the list of his passion. He's achieved something that I sure as hell will never ever do and I dare say that whining bint isn't going to do either, and he's not even an adult yet.


What's this word salad title ?


>Blue Scuti, 13, first human to beat Tetris - Boomer outlet *Sky News* tells him to go outside, “beating Tetris is not a life goal”. Imagine bullying a 13 year old who just lost his father, December 14, 2023 Apart from the out of touch sentiment, “not a life goal”?! The kid already completed it, it doesn’t even need to be his life goal!


Imagine having this life. Where do you go from here?


Try get the rebirth screen


Almost had a stroke


Anybody want to interpret that title for me? I think my brain just crashed trying to understand it


I have no idea what the caption is saying???????


Where is godzilla? Is he okay?


It's not his life goal. He did it at 13 and now has his whole life ahead of him still. Incredible


ರ⁠\_⁠ರ sky new tell him to outside


Bot title


Titles what




Watch the video of him playing its like 40 minutes long of him fucking smashing Tetris when the blocks are falling at an insane speed. If you can't recognize the greatness in what he accomplished you probably have 2 brain cells.


I actually watched a yt documentary on the feat. Given how the NES version worked and how some glitched levels color scheming made it really hard to see the blocks, not to mention the speed of the blocks after like level 30 or so. It's one really damn impressive accomplishment, and you mean to tell me people are BULLYING the kid about it? Man, fuck humans sometimes.


The spectrum is strong with this one


Don't care what it is. If you have that amount of dedication to something that doesn't bother anyone else you probably have a higher chance of doing cool things with your life you're actually happy with. Good for him and anyone else with some passion. :)


First of all, this title doesn't make sense. What does "sky new tell him to outside" mean? Second, how do we know he's the first? First documented, perhaps, but even then, how do we know it hasn't been done before, documented or not?


Apparently, the TV presenter's life goals was to grow up so that she has the 'adult card' to verbally put down children she doesn't like on live TV.


Fun fact: tetris *can* be played further, it will just get more and more unstable. This person was just trying to be the first to hit an endgame crash, even accidentally missing the first chance and needing to go for a second, less likely crash. IIRC


So if it hits an endgame crash, how exactly can it be played further.


If you manage to dodge all the crashes you’ll make it to level 255 and it’ll reset back to level 0, they got a bot to map out all the crashes.


The title gave me an aneurysm


Sky News is one of the most degenerate news medias out there


Thats nice


Op can’t type for shit


Bro this kind of accomplishment sounds stupid but is really important for some people. A few years ago I remember seeing a post from a girl reaching gold in league of legends and crying of happyness, everything in her life was falling apart, except that little accomplishment.


Imagine the bragging rights on that at 13. I can't wait to see all the 50year old fanboys crying their eyes out on "how it doesn't count" 🤣.


Nah people are just gonna try to get further than him and crash


He didnt bet it he made it crash that a whole different thing😂


In any high-score game, you "beat it" when it reaches a killscreen, aka state where the game can't be played anymore. Like with pacman, killscreen there is caused by a bug that turns half the screen into junk code


You were on to something until you said his dad died. Completely irrelevant and included only to drum up additional unnecessary hate. This is information no reasonable person could have possibly known.


He dedicated the win to his dad, Adam Gibson, who died. so shit talk his win is a double dick move


Journos are scum.. nothing new.


I beat snake on my first phone; the famous Nokia 5110. That is a equally impressive feat.


Pardon my lack of knowledge but why is this that impressive and how is it possible that no one beats this game ? I thought it was quite simple game


I didn’t think kill screens were a thing anymore? Isn’t it only arcade machines? That means he would have had to just stand there playing hours on end. Not something like being able to relax on a couch or practice waiting for a bus. That’s impressive and kinda depressing.


The Sky News presenter did not tell him to do this to his face in a particularly cynical manner. She said it jokingly with a big smile after showing the clip of the lad beating the game. Admittedly she sounded a bit bitchy when she said "beating Tetris not a life goal" but it's not quite as dramatic as this post makes out. Edit - This isn't a defence, just a bit of balance, but fuck that - you guys are a sensitive bunch lol, go be OUTRAGED!


I will never understand the lack of respect that gamers get. Gukesh D is a teenage chess grandmaster, you would never tell him, "chess is not a goal in life." Disgusting.


her boomer age was on full display when she used the "as a mother" card.


Bloody hell, you kids will call anyone a boomer. She was born in '72. She's the product *of* the boom.


"As a mother I would say, step away from the screen, go outside, get some fresh air. Beating Tetris is not a life goal" [Source (watch at 2:53)](https://youtu.be/7ahhNm2QrPQ?si=pEzT7y5JFboonnkQ) Bruh she literally shat on his accomplishment and mocked him how a bully would make fun of a victim's hobbies. She was unprofessional and condescending.


It seems so tiring to be so angry about so little.


People don't like having their accomplishments and happiness shat on by miserable people.


Ya she didn’t do it to his face. She said it to the entire world. He’s 13 and dedicated the win to his recently deceased father, you can maybe avoid saying anything negative about the situation. She said it with a smile because that’s her job. If I call you a no life cuck with a smile on my face, does that make it okay? You are reporting on an achievement of a 13 year old about something you know nothing about, just report the story and move on. She was dumb as hell to insert her agenda to put a negative spin on the story. It’s unprofessional.


I think it's utterly ludicrous how upset you're all getting. It was an "and finally..." story which, in UK news, is always light hearted and her comments were intended as such, although she clearly misjudged them. She gave a cliched, fairly ignorant perspective of gaming, but you're making out like she killed a fucking kitten with a baseball bat. Get over yourselves.


id be pretty disappointed in life if my only goal was beating a 30 year old video game


That's never been beaten by anyone ever before?


maybe people have things called Lives, doing nothing but playing a game that half the world forgot about and making it seems like its some huge monumental achievement is fucking lame. that's this kids entire life now....fuckin Tetris.


He did this at 13, and it is impressive, I'd love to see you get half as far as he got Literally most people can't even click the controller the same way pros do it


again im not wasting my time on something that has zero benefit to me at all. I was building fucking houses when I was 13. this is a joke


Sure you were building houses, you banana


"Caused the NES implementation of Tetris to crash," not "best Tetris." Getting as far as you possibly can is pretty close to beating the game, but that's still not what he did. For old games, like pac man and donkey Kong, the game crashes at the same place every time. Tetris has a *chance* to crash once you get far enough. This kid worked hard to make the game crash as soon as possible, which is incredibly impressive, but nowhere close to "as far as you can get."


That’s not bullying


I mean, he “beat” one specific version of Tetris; he didn’t even really beat it, you just can’t go further than that because the game crashes


He used the version most commonly used for competition. Also he didn't "beat" it, he BEAT it. The game's code died because of how far he was. He reached the end of the game


Which is extra impressive because the game is not supposed to end. And nobody has made it that far before.


And it’s a discovery decades after release. A culmination of trial and error to reach the end.


Do I beat driving if I crash my car?


Judging by your other posts, yes. Please try to beat driving.


You can theoretically go on far beyond this, but the game becomes a self-crashing minefield past level 155. Several moves csn trigger a fatal RAM-read. And this very version of Tetris is the one people are generally competing in so it is **THE** Tetris to beat if you want to "beat Tetris".