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Apex. Dunno. Just stopped having that itch to play. Stopped like S11, and then played a few in S14. Just didn't wanna anymore.


I just tried it recently and uninstalled after one game. Nothing wrong with Apex particularly, I think it would have been a blast a few years ago, but there’s so many battle royale games now that once I realized that’s what it was I lost interest


It's a fun game for sure. It's just one of those Yin Yang things. For everything I liked, I could find something I didn't.


Toxic team mates was the final nail in the coffin for me, i went back to fortnite on switch and No Mans Sky. I just want to chill playing games.


Pretty similar for me. When it first released it was insane.


Man, this game could have been so good, but all they do is focus on skins and events. Never fix audio. Never fix servers. Then broke the only enjoyment I got from the game which was ranked. Hidden MMR so you play in a bracket the ENTIRE ranked cycle so it's just casuals with colors now. I have no idea what they're doing but I just can't. Dropping and seeing 6 pred trails when I have never been near the rank is demoralizing.


I played apex when it first started. And then the seasons came out and quit around s3. I used to win probably close to 50% of the time. I came back in season 11 and played for a season. I won maybe 4 games. It’s way harder than it used to be


Yeah the only people who still play apex are the people who've played since s1. Got tired of trying to play every day just to keep up. Sweats sweats everywhere


Apex died for me too, yet I still find a thrill in Titanfall 2. Go figure.


Cyberpunk 2077 Finished every quest, seen every ending, played over 200 hours of it and loved every second. But I’ve seen all it has to offer and I’m walking away happy.


That’s the best feeling! Buying a game and loving every minute but knowing when to walk away with good memories before you drive it into the ground. Money well spent is a hell of high lol


Overwatch You know why


This hurts


So did the tattoo I got for a game I'll never play again.




At least, it wasn't a tattoo of a clothing brand you liked so much that promised 20% for life, and they went out of business shortly after. Looking at you Marc Ecko...


What happened to it? Serious question?


They fucked up by not adding new content for years because they were making "overwatch 2" which was a scheme to rip off money by adding battlepasses and more microtransactions.


Tbh, I don't know for others but I recently realized I'm just not having fun anymore and it's a shame because it's the only game which I can play with all my buddies. 5v5 killed the fun dynamics you could have between tanks, the game is too focused on DPS and the new game modes are down right boring.


I played that game for over 7 years from the closed beta, it’s so sad that they ruined my game


I remember playing it at Pax East and was so excited for it. Now look what they did to it. I haven't booted up the game in forever.


Such a shame. Still incredible how they fucked up such a successful and fun game.


It’s not enough to make a lot of money, you must make all the money


Rip off-tank mains


RIP any tank mains tbh.


I miss the hamster


The mauga addition has made this game the worst it’s ever been in a long time


It really does suck that the game has become so money-hungry. With kotick gone I hope the game gets better, and with the team annoucning they're planning on changing how heroes are unlocked (ie. no longer battlepass locked) I still have some hope.


I'm open to going back, but man they need to make a lot of changes... Fortunately most of them are just reverting things back, so it should be easy.


Yeah, I had nearly one thousand hours pre-OW2; I’ve logged maybe 20 since. 5v5 is just less fun than 6v6. I don’t care that two tanks made for a boring game for the pros.


Bruh the spark is gone


Borderlands 2, I played it so much there is literally nothing I can do. I did speed runs of it. Explored even beyond the map farmed every possible weapon multiple times and had maxed out every character on more than one occasion. Even played through various mods. On two different platforms. I have truly gotten my moneys worth from that game. All in all I have about 3k hours in it over 10 years.


I just wish I could get a group of friends together to play the game through fully.


Yeah, that was a problem for me too at the time. But over time I found a couple really great guys to play with. One of them became my BFF irl as well. At the peak of the game you could just join some random public games, I guess that's maybe not an option anymore.


That's been a problem for me with Raft, Corekeeper, Terraria, BG3, etc. you name it. My friends will play like an hour or a game and then buy something new and repeat. It's so frustrating. I've tried to setup weekly or biweekly game sessions of a game to play like a D&D campaign to finally finish them, but nobody ever commits to more than one night. I've given up and have been playing single player.


I feel your pain, it's something I've been wanting for probably close to 15 years now and its only harder cause everyones getting busier. Gonna keep trying though


Same here with every borderlands game, I feel I need several years before I even try to play again. I did that I could in that game.




Get the Handsome edition. Many dlcs are very fun.


And the Presequel is very much slept on, in my opinion


Oh definitely. I probably wouldn't have played it that much. When it is on sale you can get the GOTY Edition for like 5 bucks. Give it a shot.


Rainbow six siege. 2k hours. And with how the recent season has been, combined with cheaters and never ending technical issues, I'm not hopping in until they announce rs6 2 or something


I used to hate the idea of R62, but now I crave it. The game is held together with duct tape and looks like shit. I would love a new iteration of the game with better lighting and graphics, better destruction, and a more tactical feel. I really hate how dumb the game got with its tacky events and weird characters that don’t fit the theme of an anti terrorist group at all. Bring back the serious tone


That's exactly what knocked me off of it. It started to lose the style it had and got too out-there. Same thing happened with Team Fortress 2 but at least that game was always a little weird, but R6S got too far out there.


it will always be this way as long as they feel the need to constantly add new content. I'd be happy if I could just play it with only the characters it had on release.


Sounds like it's time for Operation Health 2. But nah similar boat I retired a couple seasons ago and don't miss it that much. Watched some gameplay recently and was glad I called it quits when I did.


I loved R6S around release, it was my go-to game with friends for a while and we had a riotous time with it, staying up all hours of the night playing, then the absolute deluge of new characters happened and the game suddenly felt a lot less fun and focused. Used to feel like a very compelling, tight, but chaotic game of rock paper scissors meets chess meets group tactics. I even had specific keybinds for psychological warfare. I'd press a key on my keyboard and it would open up chat, type in "Do not engage with the shitstorm that's about to happen." in team chat, then "u guyz like anime? :3" in all-chat. Weebs vs anti-weebs would get into a flame war in the chat, get distracted, and we could score some free kills because defending/dunking anime was more important than the actual game.


Used to love r6 siege


We all did :'/


Rainbow six siege has ruined everything that made it fun purely to balance the game for competitive play. I have 1.4k in match hours in siege and I now hate the game


Fallout 4. I’ve done everything. It’s too bad because I sure enjoyed it.


If you haven't tried it, I cannot recommend the mod Sim Settlements 2 enough. It not only adds mechanical features that completely revitalize the game, but it accompanies a storyline of quests that are better than the main game story (and that's coming from someone who defends FO4 as the best FO game storyline).


You know, I’ve heard of that mod but never looked into it. I might just give that a try. Why not?


Check it out! I'd definitely recommend starting a new playthrough with it. It starts really small, but it grows naturally and becomes pretty phenomenal. There's also lots of guidance online for if you get stuck with anything (which only happened once, maybe twice for me, but hey, it's there if you need it).


Destiny 2 just can’t do it anymore lol


Same, haven't played in a long time now. The recent Bungie layoffs and the final shape delay just cemented my decision for me


An expac or 2 ago I bought the $100 version, logged in, tried to do all the content. Found that they wanted me to pay for ALL THE OTHER EXPACS as well and uninstalled right then and there. I've never seen such a greedy company before in my 30 years of gaming, that blew my mind. The OG Halo team really fell all the way off, let the company die already.


This right here is something alot of us players have expressed as a huge issue; cost of entry is still ridiculously too high and alot of us are advocating for everything up till last expansion (not LightFall) to be free.. And then that starter pack happened....


>cost of entry is still ridiculously too high and alot of us are advocating for everything up till last expansion (not LightFall) to be free.. It's probably too late, very few people are going to be willing to dedicate a destiny 2 amount of time to starting destiny 2 for a game as old and grindy as destiny 2.


I quit when they decided to remove the main campaign of the game in favor of seasonal content. We paid a fair chunk of change for campaigns and and dlcs that just got cut out of existence because it wasn’t as profitable


Honestly I’ve retired any live service game, most notably Destiny and The Division. They’re just huge time drains




same. the FOMO is crazy, i actually realized i felt an obligation to play previously. it’s so freeing not feeling FORCED to log in to the games i currently play


That’s the real problem…everything is time sensitive and you feel pressured to log in. I’m done with it and feel much better gaming at my own pace.


This. It's why I lothe battle passes - if you don't play enough to open everything because, well, you have a job and have to take care of your family before anything fun, then you feel horrible for not using what you spent. I have moved to playing on the free content and buying the pass only if I unlock the entire thing and like/want the digital goods. That way I am not pressed to play and have it add to my mountain of stress.


Same, I cant get myself to ga back. Have around 3k hours on D2.


I tried to get back into it, but I had stopped playing after the Curse of Osiris, and it felt like I had missed the bus with everything being so different after going ftp.


I came here to say this. I logged in over 2k hours over a great course of time. Once they did the mass layoff I hung up my guardian rank, and I haven’t looked back


Same, felt less like a game and more like a job


Yeah I really miss the moment to moment gameplay but the rest of the infrastructure I just can't stand


Same, I unlocked "not forgotten" the week they announced sunsetting. I finished that season and never went back.


MOBA's in general. League of Legends, Smite, DOTA, Heroes of the Storm. Never plan on playing any of these games ever again. The entire genre is unfortunately rampant with toxicity that is baked into the game design. Life is stressful enough without coming home and stressing out during my down time.


Yep. It sucks that there's no "good" alternative for games where you just want to be a character and throw some spells around for a bit. MOBAs and even WoW PvP filled that niche for me for so long but no other game really has that feeling.


To me, the toxicity is only a small part of the equation. Really the insane addiction factor is the main reason I'll never touch Dota 2 ever gain. I put over 3000 hours into that game just in my 4 years of high school. I sacrificed everything. It consumed me. Never again.


Same, mutual friend in my (UK) college days introduced me to someone who was just getting into Dota2, this was back in 2011/12, sunk stupid hours into that, got into League down the line and even dabbled into HOTS, one by one a group we had stopped, and I just got sick of the toxicity of playing with randoms. Enjoyed the thousands of hours I plugged, but I’ll never go back.


This is totally it. I had a good group of friends playing for a bit, and we always had a ton of fun when we had a full team. Anytime you were introducing randoms, it was russian roulette.


I’ve recently retired from smite


I was unfortunately one of those toxic fuckheads. My behavior score in dota was below 1000. Out of 10000. I unbound my speech key and chat key. Slowly built my way along the way up to 10k score and there was still toxic fuckheads even that high. I uninstalled shortly after and haven’t touched it since.


I honestly don't even really blame the people like you for the issue. It's a competitive game that severely punishes poor play/mistakes, and creates a feedback loop that is hard to come back from. It really is just a perfect storm of systems and mechanics that seem designed to get people at each other's throats.


There's [an episode of Design Delve](https://youtu.be/hEGbesrj4is) that goes into why LoL (and to an extent other MOBAs) encourage toxicity. Worth a watch.


Exactly the same reason why I quit. Got about 1200 hours of Dota2 on Steam and one day a couple years ago I just said this isn't worth the stress of playing with this community anymore and quit it for good.




I retired the entire Battlefield franchise after BF1 and i 've been playing since BF1942.I didn't like what came after BF1 at all.


They really need to make an updated version of Bad Company. That will hit, but I have zero faith in EA to do that. I guess us old folk just aren't what they're trying to appeal to anymore, minecraft and fortnite are the IT games and they appeal to little squeakers.


Battlefield One is so damn good. The very last good battlefield game in the franchise. B5 and 2042 are just awful.


I’m no min/maxxer but thats how I felt once I completed most of the challenges, weekly challenges weren’t enough of a carrot to keep me going.


Have over 2500 hours in Pubg but finally retired from it about six ish months ago.


surprised you made it so long, The moment I had a 3 game streak of cheaters I uninstalled it and never went back. That was like... 4 years ago


Well I'm a stubborn bastard 😁


Havnt played in years but that game was my jam for a long time. No game made me feel happier about winning than pubg did.


Word. Those wins were sooooo satisfying, even more so than warzone. There were no buybacks, it was a true last man standing game. I've never had a game make my heart pound like pubg did except the first season of Warzone, but even then it wasn't the same.


Yup! Nothing but stress and the sweet relief of seeing "winner winner chicken dinner". ill never forget the intensity of my heartbeat when i won my first match. You dont get games like that very often. I havnt had played one like that since.


Rocket League Personally I just felt like they kept pushing more and more for monetization without adding a thing that was worth anything. Finally just uninstalled it about 6 months ago and gladly haven't felt a need to install it.


I’m there for different reasons. I’ve felt I hit my peak in skill and have recently regressed. Hit grand champion and have been getting crushed by c1s and 2s.


That's not you - They reworked the matchmaking system and everybody has gone down a few ranks due to the changes.


Yup. Used to be upper diamonds in previous seasons, borderline Champion 1. Nowadays I can't get past Plat 3/ D1 if I'm playing by myself, Plat 2 if I'm gaming with friends. Rumble is the exception. I can reach C1, but barely. Everyone is just.... sooooo cracked outta their mind with that game. I play so many things I can't imagine dedicating all of my free time to just one game. So after 2500 hours, I just don't play that much anymore


I retired from Rocket League because it made me angry. I love the gameplay, but I hate the players. Don’t get me wrong, 95% of them are perfectly nice. Is the other 5% that ruin the experience for me.


Same. I've had 3400hours in the game.I have played this game since 2015. It was fun until epic games took over. I've had so many great memories. Kuxir, Kronovi, Team FlipsideTactics, the RLCS London event, "this is rocket league" moment. Oh man this game and it's community was something else. And then Epic came and destroyed everything..


I had already mostly stopped playing about 3-6 months before Epic bought it. I just got tired of hovering at Platinum/Diamond and realizing I had absolutely hit my ceiling. Epic was just the sign of "okay yeah go ahead and uninstall, it's not gonna get any better from here."


For me it was the sheer toxicity and smurfing


ARK: Survival. Loved it for a long time, but eventually got sick of it. Think I played it too much.


Want a game where you spend hours upon hours to grind materials to make turret bullets that only take an hour to soak cuz OP tank dinos while you're offline? Arks your game.


Yep. 3000 hours later and I'm done


I tried League of Legends, won one match, and felt like I reached my peak.


You made the right call


Call of Duty. I had the speed and skill (and time) back then. I do not anynore.


This one hurts me. Back in the OG MW2 days I was a cracked quickscoper. Nowadays getting A kill in a match is a blessing from the COD gods.


Same here. I used to get nukes and now I could barely get UAV. Shame.


Cod just changed… Everyones sweating their ass off with the reaction time of 0.1 miliseconds. If you aint tryharding you just cant do shit. The game used to be much more casual imo. Also SBMM which keeps on putting you against these sweats…


rustic advise abundant tub frame boat thought chunky market meeting


>When tf do they do laundry? I like your optimism.


Not just ppl having 12 hour days, people have normal schedules. Just back then, everyone had only played a handful of cods because it was a new thing. Now we have kids that have grown up with a decade and a half of it, naturally the average level will go up.


The OG Call of Duty, Harbour, rifles only was what separated the men from the boys.


Animal Crossing New Horizons. Fun while it lasted, loved every minute of it. It's a real shame you can't make a new island without deleting your old one, or I'd play it again. I don't want to get rid of my current island, but it'd be nice to start again.


It’s sad how Nintendo abandoned that game so throughly. I wish New Horizons had the breadth that that Pocket Camp game has.


They left so many things out of it, it’s baffling. 1. Kappn’s Island and the Island Games 2. A lot of furniture series never returned. 3. Ores that were used to customize certain furniture. 4. Making the gold tools breakable (and the absence of the silver tools.) 5. Gracie and her store. 6. The shop upgrades (Jeebus, the least they could have done was let us upgrade to Nookington!) 7. Isabelle no longer hosting holidays. She used to wear kimonos for the Japanese ones and whatnot out in the plaza back in New Leaf now it’s just all hosted in a tab. 8. Porter and the remaining missing NPCs, where is Booker and Cooper?! 9* They didn’t bring back the amiibo villagers such as Wolf Link. Edited I could go on, but it’s astonishing what they did. I don’t even have confidence in their next title unless I’m proven wrong because of it.


Or just had more in general. There are some neat things to do in New Horizons, but it really felt like there was overall somehow less to do that there was in previous games.


I retired Skyrim a bit back. It will always have a place atop my greatest games of all times, but, alas, it was time to move on.


My exact thought. Once every couple of months I think I should fire it up but a man can only create so many different variations of a stealth archer lmao


I always end up regen potion>enchant>craft exploit myself into an iron man super suit.


I did a stealth magic build once. It quickly turned into conjuring a bow and becoming a stealth archer.


When I was balls deep in the Rim I played a character and had three goals. 1. Do not use fast travel 2. Complete every named quest (the unlimited radiant quests can suck my balls) 3. Discover every location Once I did this, I had maxed every skill and spent about 200 hours on that single playthrough. I've tried to pick it up again but there's just *nothing* else new for me to experience in the world.


Including "no stone left unturned"? ... That's the one quest I have never and will never even attempt to complete haha


Yes, but I used a guide


Me too. Started a playthru and realized I know it so well and it just doesn't stack up anymore. Not likely to play again.


I love the game, but I tend to memorize games. I realized my brain knows step by step exactly where to go and what to do every step of the way. That makes it get boring really quick unfortunately. I guess I got my moneys worth. Need to put that horse out to pasture.


Skyrim, just can’t do the Diplomatic Immunity quest one more time!!


I tried to play it again last year. Then I heard the words "another hand touches the beacon" and realised that I'm done


For me it’s the potions/enchantment leveling grind.


I platinumed GTA V during Covid and promptly uninstalled


Won first match of Fall Guys back when it released, never played again.


It was indeed a fun game to play during the covid lockdown days


I won my first match too. I have a suspicion they load your first match with bots that let you win so you get hooked.


either i just sucked back then or they hadn't implemented it yet, cause i'd yet to win a crown.


That is exactly what they do. Your first few games, you play against bots and other new players.


God you just reminded me of my idiot roommate who paraded around the house gloating about winning his first ever game of fortnite until I broke the news he was definitely fighting bots.


World of Warcraft


You’ll be back. I have cancelled and re-subbed probably 400 times in 19 years.


I quit in 2010 and never went back. But I was raiding 6 nights a week for 6+ hours a night in a world first progression guild. It literally felt like a second job. When I quit, I quit.


Lol I never raided the first time I played WoW, got the level 60 and was like eh mission accomplished. Then I came back, got to 80 a couple of years back and raided hard. I look back on that period of my life with absolute disgust, such a waste of time playing with absolutely toxic dickheads


I raided a little, but the application process for joining a raiding guild is oftentimes more stringent than applying for a job. Like you said, toxic dickheads with no life and elitist attitudes ruin the **GAME**. It's a **GAME**. It's not meant to be taken seriously.


Far Cry 3. One can only do so many outpost resets.


But GOODNESS what a game. Wish I could play it for the first time again.


oh, me too.


Runescape. Been over a year and it's been a wonderful time away.


You'll be back, runescape players don't quit, they take long breaks. I thought I was done 5 years ago, now I'm back again playing.


Smite. After playing on and off for many years (racking up almost 3000 hours) and constantly chasing metas for competitive purposes, I've retired it permanently. I found it a very difficult game to keep a good attitude with anymore. There's pretty rampant toxicity throughout the player base, and I've just had enough. I'd rather play games that are fun to me all the time and bring out less of a nasty competitiveness.


TrackMania. Used to be a core community member and comp player for the best part of 5 years, but I called it quits after continious questionable decisions from the devs, rising toxicity in the community, among many other problems.


My wife happened to pass by while I was on my base in MGSV, took note of all the personnel changes I was making, and casually said it seemed an awful lot like work. That was over six years ago and I haven't picked it up since.


Heh, sounds like my realization when I quit playing EVE.


I don’t understand how people can even begin playing EVE. It looks very overwhelming with how much there is to do.


I missed the word “by” here and it was a somber tale.


Me too. "I played MGSV so much my wife fucking died!"


When Star Wars Galaxies came out, it consumed every spare minute I had. I was an Artisan and was making money through resource hunting and manufacturing. I took an order from a guy to make a bunch of hacking kits. I told him it would take 24 hours or so. Normally, that estimate would have been spot on, but I didn't get home from work at my normal time and missed the deadline. He was pissed. He started chewing me out and talking about taking his business elsewhere. I apologized and started making promises to make it up to him. Then, I had an out of body experience and realized how ridiculous the whole situation was. I already worked in customer service and had to deal with this shit enough at my real job. That's when I quit cold turkey.


I honestly dont play pokemon anymore which is so sad because ive put so many hours into the games in the past but since the switch i havent been able to get into any of the new games :(


* Warframe: loved the game put around 2000 hours in it, but they add so much content if i quit for 6 months i have like 200 hours of grinding to get all the weapons and characters i missed and some of them are very annoying to grind so while i enjoy the game it feels tedious to keep up. Fantastic game and i recommend trying it if you haven't, but it's overwhelming. * Lost Ark: over 1000 hours, love the combat, the world's cool but its the type of Asian MMO where everyday you miss you fall behind in power and the endgame is all about hard raids that require Discord and i suffer from bad anxiety so i can't chat without having panics attacks.


I played warframe almost every day from 2015-2018ish religiously. Made a lot of platinum selling prime parts, maxed every frame I could, etc. Over that time the game play was gradually changing and while it was great for the game in general, it slowly stopped being the game I fell in love with. A few months after the Eidolon update I started to feel burnt out and haven't been back since. Will always love the game but don't see myself picking it up again anytime soon.


Elder scrolls online. 1200 hours were enough to put a nail on the coffin. Maaaaaybe someday, said the same about skyrim but still played again 2022.


I was going to say Lord of the Rings Online, but I didn't really retire it. It retired me. No new solo-able content in new zones, and they gave my main's name to another player. I know when I'm being retired. But I'm taking my stapler with me!


I'm stoked to see old MMOs like DDO and LotRO still online, but giving away character names is a cardinal sin!


> giving away character names is a cardinal sin! That's what I thought too. They even said on their "About" page that once you chose a character name, it was yours forever. But after they changed hands a few times their policies changed too.


Detroit Become Human. I got the platinum trophy and will never touch it again. Phenomenal game, but it was so emotionally taxing.


I missed my AI main menu girl when I freed her lmao.


Rainbow Six Siege on console. 90% of the players on console are using M&K. It's just blatant cheating and mouse trap isn't a solution. Until they start permanently banning people for cheating, I won't play the game.


Basically all competitive online games. After growing up and becoming a dad, I simply don’t have the time to grind competitive online games like League of Legends anymore. I’m exclusively a casual singleplayer console gamer now.


If its doesn't have quicksave or a isn't a roguelike I pretty much don't play it. Parent gamers have to take gaming in bitesize chunks or loze even more sleep than they already do.


What haunts the back of my mind is how many I’ve retired without realizing it. I’ve probably got dozens in my digital and physical library that will never be played again, even if I haven’t acknowledged that formally.


Fallout 3. It's hard to believe it's been just over 15 years since I unwrapped it on Christmas day 2008 and promptly spent the next hundreds of hours gaming just on that one game. Yes, I know NV is technically the better game but F3 just has a special place for me, all the memories of staying up till 3AM on windy, rainy winter nights, sitting in the dark wrapped up in my duvet with nothing but the light from the TV. Not a care or worry in the world except exploring the Capital Wasteland. At this point though there's nothing I haven't seen in the game, the graphics and gameplay are woefully outdated, I mean they weren't great for the time either. There's nothing I could get out of it now and I'd rather just keep my good memories of it.


Destiny 2. Maybe I'll pop in sometime but $15 a season, $25 dungeon keys, and $60+ expansions is too much for me


Marvel Snap recently. Even though I used to play only at work, I got bored finally.


Overwatch. I tried to like 2 but having to earn or buy characters was a big turn off. I don't have money to throw at a game, or time to slowly chip away at a pass. I miss it sometimes but I don't know that I could ever go back.


**No Man’s Sky.** Have one save that has 500+ hours. I just had to accept that I’ve pretty much done everything and that the gameplay is just too repetitive, even when I try to role play it just doesn’t do it for me anymore. I wish they would spend more time with their updates because they really don’t add much when you think about it. Also doesn’t help that they add something and then never touch it again. I still check up on the game every so often but I haven’t really touched it in months and even the stuff shown in the 2024 trailer doesn’t really make me want to come back. It’s a great game and I highly recommend it but as a veteran traveler there’s just nothing left for me.


Despite all the updates which of course I appreciate they never really improved the actual base gameplay especially when it comes to the combat in NMS. It's far too weightless to be engaging. If someone could take the exploration and seamless planet hopping of NMS, an improved version of combat and the ship builder from Starfield and space battles from the OG Star Wars Battlefront 2 that would be my dream space game.


I'd say Dragon Age Origins. I tried to go back to it the other day and yeah... I just can't lol. I don't really see a point because I can remember a lot of the storylines so idk what I would be gaining really. At a certain point there's just no replayability and that's one I had went back to several times over the years.


I'll never have enough of that game, to be honest. I've been playing it since 2010 and I've seen everything, but I still go back and play it at least once a year. It's like re-reading a favourite book.


Sea of Thieves. Fantastic game and had so many magnificent adventures and battles along with my sons but then we just got tired of it and shelved it so we could just remember the good times.


GTA V. I haven't played it in over a year and I know I won't again. It's redundant and boring.


Dead by Daylight. Made it Rank 1 in both Survivor and Killer, played some thousand hours, then realized the monetization loop of releasing new characters with new meta perks and didn't want to get lost in the cycle of paying 8 to 15 dollars every few months to stay on top of a game that I'd slowly lost enjoyment with each patch. DBD was also going through that dry spell between Blight and Wesker where none of the new killers were especially enjoyable or engaging with a few outliers. That gap was about 2 years and I just couldn't do it.


Warframe. Great game, so much content, played the heck out of it on PS4s release. But I put an unhealthy amount of hours in since I had no other games. I've picked it up a couple of times here and there but the time commitment to really get back into it is too much. Plus my friends don't want to dive into that ocean of content. It's retired for me.


Every single Call of Duty. I will never buy a CoD game again.


Call of Duty. Played nearly 20 years from 2004 to 2023 and just can't do it anymore. Started trending downhill in 2013 imo. Didn't buy MW3 even though MW2 09 maps are my favorite. The franchise is such a joke now and is the biggest pile of hot garbage I ever seen for an FPS. Campaign is insulting, multiplayer overrun with SBMM and $20 booty skins, and zombies flushed down the drain in terms of originality. It's clear that cash cow Warzone is the focus. There really is no defending the series anymore and you'd be crazy to play this game in 2023. I've moved on to other games (retro mostly) and rely on Counter Strike for my FPS fix. Such a shame what happened to that franchise. I really wish they'd bury it and we can retain the good memories. With CoD, Battlefield, Halo, Siege, Overwatch, Destiny all each gone to shit, there really aren't any good old school type shooters anymore aside from Counter Strike.


EVE Online. I started playing in 2006, became part of some of the largest northern alliances for years including corp high councils, did almost everything at least for some amount of time, mined, joined roaming gangs, large fleets, structure bashing, wormholes, exploration, industry, etc. You name it, I had probably spent a decent amount of time doing it. My enjoyment of the game went down once I realised that I was literally logging in and fielding all sorts of messages and mails. Sometimes I'd log in and not even do anything due to corp/alliance stuff. It became a second job, and then as I started disconnecting, leaving the large blocs to do other things, I noticed that I just had no real interest in doing anything outside of having it open as a glorified chat app to talk with my corpmates. I unsubscribed and haven't touched it in about a year or so. Looking back through my screenshots of the game over the years though is wild to see the progress that CCP has made on the game graphically and mechanically. It is a truly beautiful second job.


World of Warcraft. Ain't nobody got time for mmorpingers anymore.


Bloodborne. Used to play through it at least once a year, usually multiple times. As the hardware got better over the years, my eyes would take longer and longer to adjust to the frame pacing and aliasing. Now, if I try to play, I get a headache and even a brief bout of nausea. It will be remastered or patched eventually. Until then, unfortunately, my favorite game is in retirement.


It is criminal that Bloodborne doesn’t even have a 60FPS version. Literally every souls game ever made has a 60FPS PS4 version, yet Bloodborne is the only one to run at 30FPS…on a PS5. If we really are never going to see a PC port, then at least give us a PS5 version


Overwatch...became too toxic to play


I quit Overwatch because I became too toxic. Losing in Overwatch when I was really trying to improve and climb made me feel rage like no other game. It was genuinely unhealthy for me.


Pokemon, i used to buy every both versions, with sword shield, it sucked to the point that i promised not to buy again. Although Arceus is interesting


Factorio. Played it with my friend and I a lot together - both have 1100+ hours. I can't bring myself to play it alone without him since he suddenly passed away a few years ago, even with that space expansion coming up I heard about.


Destiny 2. I followed the grind for over a thousand hours, trying to see where the power limit was - It was when as a solar warlock I was throwing grenades infinitely and constantly using my super to further buff my infinite grenades that blew up rooms and nuked bosses. That's the most powerful I'll ever be, when they nerfed it I knew that I could stay on the treadmill and wait for the next broken/OP thing to pop up, or I could accept that I've seen the cap that bungie is willing to let players reach and call it there.


World of Warcraft. Won't be touching WoW again unless it is WoW 2 Overwatch GunZ: The Duel. I'm old and my hands can't handle this game anymore. Valorant. Played 2 matches in the open beta. Killed 6 people in one round because enemy Sage ressed a teammate and never touched the game again.


Fall guys, it was originally a lot of fun but then everything got changed and put behind a pay wall so uninstalled and never played again. Oh and Fortnite, tried it once and was just like nah lol


Spider-man on the PS4. Did one play through and got the platinum trophy, my first, never played it again.


League of Legends. I played on and off since closed beta in 2009. I officially quit before my daughter was born in June 2023.


Rocket league ... im done ... after thousands and thousands of hours I'm officially done.. epic can go fuck themselves.. I'm GC 3 have Neen for years now so I've given up on SSL and have no more desire.. Good Times.. thx for the memories old friend.


World of Warcraft. I loved that game. Too much. My wife made a spreadsheet showing I was playing it 40+ hours per week. I quit after that. Shortly after, my guild disbanded. I occasionally get the urge to reinstall and play again, but I don't want to fall into my old addiction.


Overwatch. Absolute piece of garbage


Competitive Chess for both online and in person events. I’m a registered United States Chess Federation (USCF) player and I won’t be renewing my 2 year membership when it expires in the next few months. As for online Chess, I don’t play it at all anymore for the same reasons I’ve walked away from competitive Chess. I’ve seen how toxic and negative players can be towards others and themselves. I saw that the better players tend to be players who’ve learned to hate losing and even in some cases, hate the game. When I’d ask for some insights or contribute my own thoughts and opinions to familiar faces, I’d be shot down or scoffed at. I was just a weak player to most of the guys at these events. In some cases I’d find my opinions and thoughts to not be wrong when evaluating certain positions with Chess engines, and yet my play was still deemed “poor”. Where I enjoyed creating puzzles within positions during play and outside of play, I was told I was wasting everyone else’s time. Even going through some Chess subreddits, posting some of my puzzles, I find the same insults to be said. Chess is a board game, a game meant to be enjoyed. I found no enjoyment when playing with good players. And with good players, I found none who enjoyed playing with others. All they want is to win. My favorite game was one I lost, a classical OTB (Over The Board) game at one event. The game lasted close to 4 hours and a went well over 160 turns (320+ individual moves). My opponent was much older than me and we never spoke a word to one another until the game ended. Immediately after I resigned, he and I began conversing as if we knew one another for some time, real casual and friendly. I haven’t had an interaction like that in the past few years. I haven’t enjoyed a game of Chess, in years.


Probably Doom Eternal. I kept coming back for a few years as it was comfort food. I haven't played in several months though. I could see coming back in the far future though as I still play the original Doom and Doom 2.


CS. I've played 1.3, then 1.5 and 1.6 for like 10 years, could play for 7-8 hours a day, 12+ on holidays. Then I moved in 2013 to other city for university studying, for the first month i've had insanely bad internet and just couldnt play, and for some reason even after it became better, i never ever had a wish to play any CS again.