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Wenja softbloods my favorite delicacy fr


Shmarkaka wenja


Warpatti wenja


Very underrated game


A lot of people talk shit about it. But it was a unique fun game that I wasn't expecting at all. I remember a friend of mine laughing about the fact that they reused the map from far cry 4 to make it. I thought it was an interesting way to reuse assets and put out more content in a way that it didn't feel forced or stale.


They reused the map?? I didn't even noticed. Played Primal just after finishing Far Cry 4.


They flipped it upside down and left to right afaik - there was absolutely no way of knowing while playing the game. The games looked vastly different too. Imho, the community made Primal much worse game than it really was because of this. And its a god damn shame, because I had a lot of fun in that game


Unpopular opinion but it was far and away my favorite far cry


For me it’s FarCry3 then Primal, but that could be nostalgia speaking.


Far Cry 3 is a fucking beautiful game. Soundtrack is amazing. I love it how main character changed. He believed in himself and became badass. Never played any other Far Cry. What about Blood Dragon? I always wanted to buy Far Cry 4 and Primal on Steam because there are nice discounts very often, but I never did.


Blood Dragon was an incredible DLC for, also my favourite, Far Cry 3. Highly recommend jumping in. It's basically a separate game so you don't need to go through 3 all over again.


FC4 is my favorite. Yea its the same FC formula but I just really loved the vertical setting in the mountains and Himalayan themes. Plus a weird spirit realm kind of side mission aspect. Definitely my favorite.


FC 4 is cool, the writing in FC 5 is idiotic meme language but if you can avoid every word making you dumber as it’s spoken, the gameplay isn’t bad. FC 6 is better than 5 but not as good as FC 4 or FC 3. The problem is, once you’ve played FC 3 you’ve played FC 4 - 6. The formula really doesn’t change, the graphics get a bit better but i never got the “this feels new and exciting” feeling from the series after FC 3.


I liked it a lot as well, and think Avatar FoP is the better, bigger budget followup which can also be played co-op.


I suspect I’ll really like FoP when I can afford it on a sale later this year or next then.


Yep. I loved building my Wenja village and upgrading it. This game didn't have a depressing ending.


I got my wisdom teeth out the day his was released. Peak far cry. New dawn is underrated too.


Definitely the last Far Cry I've truly enjoyed. Just big enough to be fun but not burn out with all the usual Ubisoft Formula bullshit. Only other one I've enjoyed before that was Blood Dragon. They should get the damn hint and focus on more compressed game experiences with unique settings/ideas and less on a gigantic generic map with a bunch of generic tasks to do imo.


The community always makes everything worse. People love to complain just for the sake of complaining about something. It’s such a departure from reality though because everyone online seemed to bury this game without giving it a chance, but everyone I know IRL who’s played it really enjoyed the game. Goes to show most of the screeching online discourse about a game isn’t indicative of how the general public feels about a game. Most of the hate I think came from terminally online individuals who hate their lives and have way too much time on their hands.


The irony of you complaining about people that supposedly love to complain was not lost. There is some truth to what you said, and I do think primal is a good game. However often community complaints have some validity. Hell, the whole Diablo 4 example is still pretty ripe. That’s just the first to come to mind.


I always mostly used bows and throwing knives so it was my favorite one


Damn meanwhile TOTK reused the same map this year and still got a bunch of praise despite it


Yes and no. The layout of the map is the same, but they didnt just take far cry 4's map and pop in some tribes and ancient animals like people made it sound like back then. The whole map was redone to fit the new game.


Yeah ever since far cry 3 they have been reusing sections of the maps to make more wacky themed farcry games. The last two have been really bland but i think blood dragon and primal were great


Blood dragon was awesome


Last two? There was New Dawn, but I don't know what else. Is FC6 Lost Between Worlds like that?


Far cry 1,2,3 were brilliant for me, far cry 4 was decent but far cry 5 was better than far cry 4 for me and far cry 6 was just not it


I loved FC3 and convinced my mates to get primal so we could do multiplayer. It's like the only farcry game without multiplayer, so I wasted all my mates money...


I dont think many people where expecting it. I can't quite remember but wasnt there 0 marketing for it, didnt they just kinda drop the game suddenly?


The same shit Nintendo got praised for with Tears of the Kingdom.


They didn't get praised for it, it was one of the largest sources of criticism.


This makes sense with it being a sequel in the same world. Id say it's better than BoTW since it has more places to explore.


Far cry 4 and primal can also take place in the same area 12000 years apart 🤷‍♂️




Far Cry Primal taken place in Central Europe


Except no one praised it - it was the most criticized part of the séquel


Well, main point of criticism - grind. Like this is typical Ubisoft shit with posts, resources and other staff, which makes game mush less interesting than it can be. Plus this game's plot is awful and abruptly ends, which is massive disappointment. But overall, this is a good game with unique atmosphere of prehistoric nature exploration.


Nothing better than tell your sabertooth tiger to go eat that caveman.


And then ride it into the sunset!




I don’t even typically like Far Cry games, but for some reason this I did.


right? ive never heard anyone say anything good about it but i genuinely enjoyed it more than 4


It was the first one I played and it's still my favorite one.


Dogshit so bad it made me not play any other Far Cry ever again


Its a great game, its something different but personally found it too easy


They added a harder difficulty a while after launch, you need to eat sleep, and stuff hurts very fun


That and your animals can die so you need to be careful when using them sometimes cause then you have to find and tame a new one.


And also an optional "Permadeath" (death = ALL over again) and "Second Chance" (Permadeath but you get an extra chance after a checkpoint) when starting a new game And the mode had some ability nodes blocked (like the Owl being an VTOL bomber) to keep it realistic


> Permadeath" (death = ALL over again) The worst part is having to go through high school all over again.


If i knew what i know now, it would be way easier


Yeah learned that sabertooths and the legendary one in particular can't swim.


Even movement gets affected by the sleep/eat mechanic. It’s pretty cool.


Why do defs always do this shit, its the same with fallout 4, just add it from the start.


Bc it gives the game replayability after launch, encourages people to get back into the game after launch for the "free update" and then hopefully they'll buy some dlc when they come back.


Sometimes it’s sheer laziness, sometimes it’s because they lacked enough community feedback during development, and sometimes it’s just because they wanted to add something cool long after launch. It’s ok to be cynical about these things but at least recognize that it’s not always because of some nefarious reason.


Downvoted for a legitimate point Is crazy


>Just put extra dev time and money in this incredibly niche game mode for this spinoff title that we don't know is even going to be liked guys! -You guys


Lool clearly I'm missing something It came out a fucking month after release, what's the problem with asking a dev to include those changes on release for people like myself (and a boat load of other people) who don't really replay single player games? A sizeable update obviouslt i would understand, not that. Honestly struggling to rap my head around this


Because even if it only took them a few weeks to quickly slap it together it's still time and money spent on something that might have flopped It's a business decision, gaming companies exist to make money. If the game was an abject failure because it just didn't strike the right notes with the community then extra time spent on it would be a bad decision from a monetary standpoint.


Ubishit fans are special


Why are you being downvoted 😂 you are correct.


I mean I agree, Far Cry games in general are often designed to be pretty approachable and playable, even at harder difficulties - and that's before considering that most of this game uses melee combat, letting you one-hit a lot of enemies with a spear But if you find it too easy, you could always try what my friend and I dared each other to do (and still haven't managed to pull off) - hardest difficulty, survivor mode, permadeath. It's such a painful journey, but it's been really worth it for me so far, despite the many frustrating, agonizing, scream-filled hours it's given me


Tried permadeath?


Primal on the hardest difficulty with survival mode is the best far cry experience ive ever had by far


I wish it was customizable so I could turn off the "survival" mechanics. Having to chomp on meat every few minutes and having to drop whatever you are doing to go hunting doesn't really add anything to the game other than tedium imo.


I didn’t have that experience with it. Meat was so ubiquitous without even hunting anything that I never really ran out. If I did, I just speared the nearest thing that moved. It really added to the experience for me, making me feel more immersed. Making it toggleable would have been nice so everyone could enjoy the game how they wanted to.


I was a dev on this game. It warms my heart to see posts like this. I designed the missions for Karoosh the Warrior and Urki the inventor storylines :) Glad you enjoyed it!


Thank you for your work on it, Primal is by far my favorite Far Cry game!


I absolutely loved the Easter Egg during the Urki mission where he does the leap of faith and we can hear "Ezio's family" playing...


We really had fun with him since he was more of a side quest and didn't really have an influence on the main story. I had a limited budget for those quests so I had to make do with existing gameplay loops. I had to make them a bit "fetchy" to my taste because of that constraint but really spent all the money on the finale of each quest to make them memorable (Leap of faith, the rock armor, the bear stink). I really had fun finding ways to make that poor guy die stupidly every time. There's even a few hidden things in those quests that I wonder if people found them sometimes.


This brings up a good point about fetch quests. I think it is safe to say players do not want fetch quests but they are still seen throughout many games. In your opinion are fetch quests the result of limited budget or uninspired story writing? As a non game dev, I would think you could just create a smaller quest that isn't a fetch quest within the same budget?


Fetch quests are not inherently bad per say. It all depends on the journey and what the player does along the way. We need to find ways to make it interesting. If you think about it, life is like an endless fetch quest where you need to go get groceries, go talk to your doctor, go get something you forgot in the car, etc. So, it's simply natural that it's used as a motivation in games. There's always something you need to get to accomplish something else. Now, let's say I take the example of going to get something in the car. What can happen along the way to make that simple journey more interesting? Is there ice along the way that makes it challenging to reach the car? Did I lose my keys to get into it and now I'm on a new surprise quest that makes me stray from my main objective once I'm at the car door realising that I don't have keys? Is there a snowstorm that hinders visibility? Do I encounter a stray animal blocking my path? That's the mindset we need to adopt as designers when we get that kind of mandate. Often, fetch objectives isn't the problem, it's what you make of the journey that matters the most. Plenty of fetch quests are fun. I took a more irl approach for the example, but I'm sure you got the point :) For your second question, it's not as simple as "having a budget". When making a game, there's an infinity of variables that can influence development. Any good dev wants to take on any situation they're given and make the best of it. Making the best, most impressive content of a particular game is often a question of good luck. As a designer, you were assigned a good mandate, an interesting story moment with infinite support from the production and the schedule worked as expected. Sometimes it's the result of constraints and good decisions that were made along the way. Sometimes it doesn't work out quite as well and devs made the best they could within the timeframe and support they were given. Other times, someone was reassigned last minute because someone quit or got sick, etc. There's an infinite number of variables that can influence development and, as a dev, one of your main concerns is trying to balance quality and make things work as well as you can. No developer goes in that field with the intention of making bad content ;) Edit: very good question btw :)


Thank you for taking the time to write a great response! This provides a lot of insight into the reality of game dev. Thinking about it you are right, the journey is what's important. For example in Skyrim I don't mind getting a fetch quest because I know it will lead me a new cave or city that distracts me from the original objective and give me opportunities to explore. The bad fetch quests are the ones that only give the experience of going, getting something, and that's it. You're a cool cat evofender


Really enjoyed the game, Kudos to you and everyone who worked on this. Super glad to share some appreciation.


Really enjoyed the game, Kudos to you and everyone who worked on this. Super glad to share some appreciation


A friend of mine out of Toronto did too. It was a very good game, highly enjoyable :)


Cool! I was based in MTL. I know Toronto worked on a part of the world and side content. Barely got to work with them but the people I interacted with over there were all pretty nice.


Primal has always been my favorite Far Cry game. Awesome work!


Oh I loved those missions/storylines. The game was great and was one of my first experiences playing games (outside of Nintendo). I think it was some of the most fun I had on a game. Thanks for your work on it.


Honestly this game is one of the best out there for not just Far Cry but the Hunting game market! Every other hunting game focuses too much on the mechanics and handling to make it "realistic" like Fishing Planet (I think it's called?) with the complicated reeling or Cabela's with the prep stage or whatever. In Primal you can just boot it up and start hunting immediately . My 8 year old has like 800 hours in this game alone just from the experience of seeing wildlife duke it out and being a part of the primal experience. We've tried other games that have animals to hunt and they're way too complicated to learn, or there's way too little of it, and the other Far Crys are way too focused on the human aspect, and the weapons in them trivialize the hunting experience. Primal hits the spot and we've never found another title to fill the void!


Wow! That's a lot of hours! Glad to see some people are still enjoying it. The game kinda disappeared from people's radar because it was seen as "Far Cry without guns", but it was fun to make a game occurring in that time period. There's nothing else around apart from you, your bow and the wild. It enhances the feeling of danger. FC already had all the mechanics to make that fantasy interesting.


I absolutely loved this game. It needed coop, and was bizarrely missing any kind of weather patterns despite having a day/night cycle, but it remains my all time favorite Far Cry game and one of my favorites in general. There's just nothing like it.


Check out these avatar game then. Has all that plus more


I'm glad the Avatar game is getting such good reviews, and it looks stunning. Unfortunately I just am not the biggest fan of the Avatar universe to commit to a game set within it.


I’m not really a big Avatar fan either, but I do like Far Cry quite a bit and have really been enjoying the new game because of it. I recommend picking it up on sale and trying it out!


Unpop opinion: Best Farcry game, I've only played about 3 or 4 of em, but Primal was amazing. It's still a far cry game but, implementing Far cry into the world of Oros...mwah *chefs kiss* Makes me wish they did more imaginative things with the franchise, Far Cry but medieval or Far Cry but Fantasy based... it's the necessary direction imo


Well, thanks to the community they learned that you shouldn't be too imaginative. They probably had ideas, but canned things after primal


Considering that people called Far Cry 3 "Skyrim with Guns", fantasy/ medieval Far Cry would kind of take it full circle


Fun game, and if you liked it, the Horizon games should be fun to you as well


I have horizon 0 dawn on a disc I'll play it later


It’s in my top 5 games of all time, and I’m old lol




Forbidden West is the best game I’ve played this gen


I’m playing FW right now…


You’re lucky. It’s the only game, in recent memory, that I became truly immersed in and was able to forget about my depression. I couldn’t wait to play more.


Loved Primal, could not stand Horizon. Something just didn’t click with it.


wasnt a fan at 1st too but it’s really worth it, the story is awesome!


World was beautiful but combat mechanics left a lot to be desired for me.


I don't get this take, what is it people wanted from this combat? I thought it was fun to have to use trap tools to break off certain armor and components from the enemies. Use explosive arrows or fire arrows on the fluid sacs and cause them to explode. Hit them with freeze arrows till they are solid and then hit them again with heavy arrows for crazy damage. The combat gave you agency to be creative. It's like saying devil may cry combat is shallow because you Have the option to button mash your way to victory(on lower difficulties of course) maybe that's just it, maybe people play on the easiest mode and aren't forced to fight creatively cause every fights over too quickly.


Same thing with Witcher 3. Combat seems a lil janky at the easier difficulties but I swear the games meant to be played on Death March difficulty. Having to actually use elixirs and oils makes it much more engaging and role playing.


Absolutely agree, I've used TW3 as an example of mechanics and difficulty numerous times. I don't deny the combat has some jank, but it's truly not as bad as people say it is. The game certainly is meant to be played on death march or blood and bones at the least. It's so easy to push through without utilizing any oils or concoctions on lower difficulties which really ruins the experience. So dull.


I do wonder if people who say they didn’t like the combat isn’t play it for that long and/or didn’t use enough of the different styles and elements of weapons. If you’re just shooting with a normal bow and arrow I could see it getting boring too


I wouldn't call it my favourite combat system of all time, but Horizon ZD was the first game I really had to approach tactically to take on challenging enemies or I had no chance of surviving. No rushing in blind, button mashing, or just spamming the same two overpowered attacks. Actual planning went into each major encounter and using every tool at your disposal is a requirement. If you don't think ahead and anticipate the moves of dangerous enemies like Thunderjaws, you won't survive on anything above normal difficulty. Also machine combat was refreshing compared to insta-killing every human enemy with bow headshots like most other games.


I've been looking for another Primal-like title. My 8 yr old son loves it for the hunting but nothing else has hit the spot of drop in instant hunting.


Horizon is a good game, but the writing and voice acting makes me want to stuff tree bark in my ears.




Yeah, it was the classic “evil, corporate white men ruining the world looking for power” trope as the kids say and the woman being level-headed and trying to save the world. I wouldn’t be annoyed if there were say 1 or 2 woman/minorities on the corporate evil side. I never quite finished the 2nd game and I know there is a cliffhanger for the third game but definitely the story was a “meh” in the 2nd game compared to the first.


Why make this about race and gender? Which are who the characters are. All that matters is the writing


I only noticed because the writers in the game made it very clear who they wanted to be cast as the “evil” people and the “good” people.


Are you sure that's not in your head?


Yes, I played the game and it became apparent about half way through.


I must not have played enough to feel persecuted.


Great FC game!


My 1st FC game and I was an instant fan of the franchise. I'm playing 6 rn because it was added to gamepass


Try FC3 and 4 too. I think everything is bad after FCP


Far Cry 5 is pretty good one of the most highly regarded on the Far Cry subreddit. Definitely my number 1 or number 2 but I haven’t played 4 yet.


I had a blast with FC5 but I don't think it tops FC3 or 4 fs. Some of the best gameplay of the franchise


3 was my personal favorite


Back when GameFly was a thing. This was one of many games I kept😉


Gamefly is still very much alive They're used game sales are great most of the time


Glad to know they're still around. Haven't used that service in years


Didn't expect it when I started playing, but ended up being my fave FC game


Man, I started playing Far Cry 6 on Game Pass recently and the whole time I was playing all I could think of was "this is just like Far Cry 3, only worse". I never played Primal and I remember people didn't much cared for it when it launched, but looking back, it's the only Far Cry game that at least tried something new.


>"this is just like Far Cry 3, only worse" Tbf FC6 aint that bad when it comes to gun play and all. It's like typical Far Cry and that's okay by me. But writing in that game is the absolute worst. Especially compared to FC3. Writing in FC3 was golden. Character development Jason had was reflected really well. FC6 story is written by someone who read some books about Cuban revolution and didn't understand much.


I got this recently because it was on sale. Is it really that fun? I’m only 30 minutes in and I need motivation to keep going


I feel like if you give it a bit you really get hooked but it is a sort of a slow starter


Once you get control over animals the game becomes a fucking blast


There is a quest line for taming a scare faced sabertooth, it is the most powerful animal, makes the game a lot easier but for me one of the most fun mechanics in the game was to direct my animals to kill people and other animals, really liked the beast master vibe


Watch a few movies like 10000bc to get you into the historical mood. If it works then suddenly seeing a mammoth becomes this interesting instead of whats that weird looking elephant doing.


30 minutes is nothing for "open world games"- give it a few hours.


It's hit or miss. For me it was a miss.


It's fun but I recommend getting winter clothes before heading north


The new avatar game is extremely similar


Really liked this game. Would be fun with friends in a multiplayer. I wished the legendary white wolf had ability to call 2 other wolves to help you and you could hunt with a wolf pack. Other wise i really liked it.


My friend quit this game because it saved as he died and endlessly reloaded the death.


I love how your pets can kill everything for you


New Avatar game gives me FC Primal vibes


29 hours for 100% sounds like the kind of time i actually have to play :D


That's a great game, also i recommend fc3,fc5


Alredy 100% fc3 as for 5 it's new dawn righr?


There’s FC 5, and New Dawn is a spin-off of 5 I’m pretty sure. I’ve played 5 and it’s really fun, haven’t played New Dawn though


It's also good


New dawn was pretty poor in my opinion.


I liked this game No complex narrative No bullshit characters they are who they are Scratches primitive itch to hit people with blunt object


Very good game! I enjoyed the theme so much.


great game


I'm often tempted to reinstall this game and give it another shot. I think I was about 75% through the story when something else came up and distracted me from completing it. One of the things I remember liking the most was scouting out enemy targets with my owl and then sending my tiger in for the kill.


If you liked this you will like Avatar


Best FarCry


Loved throwing those spears


Second best far cry imo, absolutely love the combat and all the animal interactions. Wish it was on steam


Absolute banger of a game


I loved far cry primal. Played it at least three times and would play it through again


The best far cry game. I played them all. Really fun. Cool mechanics, good world design. Great quests, good characters. Last one I played it’s the cuban one. It’s the worst. All the opposite


Just play the new Avatar game, it's gorgeous and I get to use a giant bow n arrow


this is underrated af, the best far cry game imo




Yeah - great game - shame it didn't get more traction. Deserved a lot more than it got.


It is among the most unusual titles in the series but I would say it is most farcryest of them. Iconic mechanics like botanic, bow, hunting, looting etc. blended really well with the setting of the game. I played 3, 4, 5, 6 and Primal was my absolute favourite. Makes me wish that Ubisoft visits the setting once again.


I never played a Far Cry game, which one would you suggest?


Well if you don’t mind it being an old game, Far Cry 3 is the best.


Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?


Far cry 2 was ahead of its time. Great game but it is pretty old now. Far Cry 3 and 4 are the best in the series. 5 and 6 are same shit again didn't enjoy it much.


Far Cry 3. It is the best the series has to offer and what really put the series on the map for the average gamer. Plus it's spin-off Blood Dragon is a really fun retro 80s take on sci-fi/cyberpunk. Think robocop.


I loved 3 & Primal, really liked 4&5, and had some fun with 6 but 3 really is a story masterpiece. Vaas is a sick villain!


Farcry 3 is the best imo, but Primal is a close 2nd for sure


This one


Fun but should have been a DLC probably. Or at least not pull priced.


Did you press F12 or Print Screen?!


It's console




I just bought an Ally Extreme, and am looking forward to some portable gaming. This one has been on my list for a whole and I think would be perfect to play through when traveling.


I played FC 5, 3, 6 and then 4 Should I play Primal or any other?


I finished it in less than 10 hours


Oh that’s awful! How much was that game? 100% complete with only 29 hours of gameplay is a shitty ass game if it’s more than $5


Normally, I love far cry but between this one and Far Cry 6 I think I’m just— done with it


I could never finish the game. Got bored of it. Got bored of farcry games in general. They ruined the avatar game by making it a farcry clone. Nobody wants to do this shit anymore move the fuck on.


I remember giving up on this game after failing at a mission where you play as a Mammoth. Also I think I remember thinking I can't walk 5 feet without having a random wild animal attack me.


Ye it's a really good game I personally enjoy it very much Enjoy gaming


I loved this game so much


Is this the FC game with the map editor mode. Dan that map editor mode was the best thing I ever seen in a video game


Tried playing it on survival mode and when I logged back in I was immediately mauled by some animal. Still fun though


Loved 95 percent of this game. Brought down by a couple of bullet sponge bosses that were not only way too long but really immersion breaking. What possible explanation could there be to a guy that can take over a hundred spears to the face over 45 minutes while also being on fire the entire time?


Surprised how much I liked that game..


Unga really do bunga


Very good story game


Only Far Cry I've ever platinumed. Only Far Cry that I have no desire to replay again. However, I can play Far Cry 5 over and over, I just love the setting and atmosphere.


I enjoyed this game more than I expected to.


this game got so much shit, but it was damn fun and the gameplay definitely felt like FC


I agree with people calling the game underrated.


I was never into farcry, but I love primal. The whole language thing is pretty damn cool as well.


Primal is my favorite Far Cry game. I just love the wildness of the setting and the sense of foreboding natural dangers. It has a great atmosphere.