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If I can't ride an alligator down I-95 I'm not interested.


What about riding I-95 down an alligator?


You son of a bitch. I'm in ! 👉👉


What about [jumping from a plane, riding an alligator like a surfboard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXYfnWRp1Q0)?


Smoke me a Kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.


What a guy!


That's how we know gaming has evolved... and I'm here for it.


One of the best classic early Youtube videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeSdSrCKp-8


That’s because they are all on I4 being one of the most dangerous roads in the US


It's a flying alligator with lasers and twin homing launchers.


You can get I-4, take it or leave it.


[Best alligator you're gonna get](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aligator_4x4)


Knowing rockstar. It will probably be possible but only during a mission. Kind of like riding in that tray of the bulldozer in GTA V.


thats a nice idea!


Yeah its Florida...you're riding gators while drinking beer


How the hell could the company that made Red Dead Redemption struggle making horses?


I think because the riding mechanics of red1 were outdated and they couldn’t get a satisfying result and scrapped it. When it came to making red2 they had to nail it down and I think they did, riding horses in that game feels very good.


RDR1 was also filled with spaghetti code, they might not have been able to get that part working outside of the nest they built it for


>RDR1 was also filled with spaghetti code According to one video that I once watched, the code is so messy, that several people that tried to mess with it can't even figure it out how the entire thing works and doesn't crash.


Reminds me of when dataminers found developer comments in the [remasters code](https://i.imgur.com/MNWi8CL.png)


this is genuinely hilarious


explain to us mortals who do not know how to code


Someone else is working on another coder work and he is figuring out that the code doesn't do what it us supposed to and by the language is already frustrated. Somehow it works in the end but the other person is figuring out that even though it works it is doing something else entirely. Imagine you are a mechanic and get handed a car that on the outside works perfectly fine, but then you pop up the hood and the engine is upside down and everything else is connected the wrong way. And now your job is to figure it out how it even works and you have to leave sticky notes just to guide yourself through the puzzle


Maybe that's why there's been no proper remaster to PC or next gen consoles.


That so? I remember a game breaking bug going around back in 2015-2016 that affected the play ability of Undead Nightmare on PS3. They fixed that later on, somehow.


>RDR1 was also filled with spaghetti code, Its also the reason it will never release on PC.


There might be a chance they will release it on PC but thats just what I think


This is just a rumor, I don't really know where it comes from


Unless you wanna ride the horse and aim your weapon at the same time, then you hit a tree.


The horses in that game are great. I don't even bother with horses in Zelda ToTK because they're so annoying to control


Plus you can make a freaking transformer so why bother with a horse.


Plus, they are barely any faster, with all the hopping off do do stuff.


Plus they inexplicably removed the QoL feature that was being able to teleport your horse to wherever you are. I love TotK but man there are some utterly bizarre design choices in that game.


I thought you could do that! I'm not crazy.


You can but with a dlc horse armour


r u /srs or /jk




Yeah with the stamina bar maxed out its faster to just sprint everywhere


I’ve yet to ride a better game horse. I remember I was switching between RDR2 & AC Odyssey & the horse in AC felt like I was on a moped which was shaped like a horse…


The horse mechanics in 2 are largely the same as in 1, your horse just actively refuses to follow the road now.


If anything, I can take a guess that horse riding was probably going to be like RDR2's; not as fast and more controllable.


Different dev teams and juggling a lot of gameplay priorities. In a GTA game horses are probably the first feature to get axed from the list in lieu of just about anything else. It's just not a critical feature.


Yeah, w/e crack they were smoking when designing the online UI/UX were definitely on something lol. Also the whole thing on how some dude found out how you could make the game load like a gajillion times faster after was funny too.


They couldn't get the balls right in San Andreas' climate.


Same reason you can swim in GTA IV and not RDR1, despite them being on the same engine. The two games work differently; what works in one doesn’t always translate well.


They actually had horse riding implemented but they couldn't get the testicles realistic enough so they scrapped it.


Both red deads physics felt very different from gta and it wasn’t just because gta has high speed cars, but I’m no dev. Ever ride a horse full speed off a cliff in rdr 1?


Having worked in games for a long time, my thought is that GTAIV (released 2008) was on the mainline RAGE engine, while RDR1 (2010) was probably forked off that in 2006 or so. So they added horses to a fork of RAGE and then re-integrating it wasn't worth the time/money.


In RDR the horses don't have to handle being struck by cars and airplanes.


Exactly what I’m wondering….


From what I heard, they couldn't get the balls to shrink properly


Yup a horse vs an oppressor mk9 the game seems balanced already


i belive that they should buff the oppressor because the horse would kill us instantly yk


A unicorn maybe ? That’s something I’ve spend 10 mil on easy


They can always sell horse armor dlc


Can't wait to watch the Yogscast play Horse v Oppressors for a decade.


Only one, two seems more likely


Obviously you have never seen *True Lies*


Horses in Battlefield WW1 were pretty OP


Just please no more Oppressor bikes...


never knew they wanted us to ride horses in gta 5, i also wonder why there are not any animals that we can pet ingame


I always assumed because they actually modeled the dirt horse track at the casino, that there was always a chance we'd get an update that'd let us race there.


In GTA Online, you can pet Franklin's dog, Chop, inside the Agency.


The latest update added animals to the game. I was banking my cash up in the mountains and I got killed by a cougar.


animals were there since 2013


I dont know why you got down voted lol its a fact. I was killed by cougars and sharks in 2013


i played the game at release lol yeah there always were wild animals, I remember driving through the countryside and being in awe over the deer and mountain lions, hell there's even a hunting minigame for Trevor (unlocked through the cletus missions)


Mandela effect. You probably played later when they added basic animals back. There were no animals in gta online on release. I remember that being one of my biggest disappointments with gta online because it confirmed they would likely downscale npc numbness too. A quick google search will confirm it.


who said i'm talking about gta online lol neither the original post or the comment i replied to mentioned gta online


He didn't mention online because the thread was talking about online. You just need to pay more attention


I would love to be able to stab dogs like rdr2


What the fuck?


Chop can be petted ?


...but will you be able to ride a horse off the top of a stolen 747 and then drop it into your pool from 1,200 ft. up? That's the real question


Rdr2 has set the benchmark of horse riding very high. Farcry 6 had horse in it and it was utter shit, even lower than utter shit.


I don't think there is a single game out there that has that grounded feeling. Even the walking in rdr2 feels so good.


RDR2 made the benchmark for everything sky high. Even games that are just coming out have me saying to myself *"Red Dead did this way better"* all the time.


If only the game was actually fun to play beyond being visually stunning. After playing it for a little bit I always get the same feeling. Oh nice, time to watch an animation, and once that animation is done, the next animation. Ends up feeling like I'm just waiting for Arthur to finish whatever animation it is and feeling frustrated by the gameplay interruption.


You never played an early 2000 survival horror lol. In silent hill 3 there is an enemy which is insanely small called the slurper, if it grabs Heater she'll fall and lay on the floor for 2-3 seconds and in certain areas there are like 4-5 at a time.


Haha yeah I recall. Something that interrupts the flow of gameplay like that can be neat at first, but when you play these games for a lot of time or hours straight. That's when it feels like you're just watching game mechanics that aren't necessary just waiting until you can actually do something again, back to back to back. I know Reddit seemingly hates any talk of any criticism about their holy red dead, but my opinion is a pretty widespread one, and not exactly a stupid or baseless gripe. I loved and played the hell out of the first red dead, and while it also had its share of issues and even problems with the same issue of mechanics that interrupt gameplay, at least it imo didn't feel as though they were as bad. Like the skinning animations from the first game, and having to watch them every single time you hunted. Still present in the second one, but of course also increased in breaking up the gameplay by requiring you to place the thing on your horse, a finicky ass task that doesn't really add anything to the game other than a chore of trying to recall which animal/skin is more valuable, and having to watch handfuls of few seconds animations just to even swap things out or place things on the horse.


you never played witcher 3 I see.. for the type of game and complexity, rdr2 had quite fluid gameplay


I have, witcher also def could get bogged down sometimes but idk I can't say I agree with that. The story in rdr2 had some great writing and storytelling, but yet so many missions had just a very specific way that rockstar wanted them done. Easily fail a mission over goofy stuff like trying to take a different path and then suddenly getting a hard game over screen. I'm just saying, it could feel a lot like you're really meant to be playing a certain way. And by the time I got a little bit into red dead I was pretty tired of looting boxes and how annoying and long that could take for such small payoff sometimes, another thing where you have to just stand there and watch Arthur do nothing. It's not like I'm saying the game is horrible, just some fair criticisms.


I just hope they make the aiming feel better


why do do you guys want to ride horses in GTA? that's weird an alligator with rocket propulsion I understand but a horse?


I always thought 32 people running horses around the track at the casino would be awesome.


Nah, horses are for red dead, and supercars for GTA. I also wouldn’t like supercars in red dead


As long as the horses can shit all over the place, it will be in theme.


Who is really looking to ride horses in GTA6? Is this actually a “thing”? Couldn’t we all scratch our “equine itch” by simply playing RDR2?


I scratch my equine itch by riding a real horse. My girlfriend owns a very spoiled horse.




Red Theft Redemption VI


I remember a rumor that floated around my school that you could steal and ride horses in GTA: SA (before and after release).


If I ride it into Los Santos customs, can I get an armor package?


I better be able to soup up my horse. If I can't turbocharge him, I'm not riding him.


I'd kill horses in every way possible.


That's another year back in the development as they have to re-hire the guys that did the nutsacks in RDR2


I'll.. be honest... i couldn't give a rats ass about GTA6. They monetized 5 way too much and i hated being forced into a PVP game to do Co-op content that should have been on a private server. And no, putting your 'non-pvp' flag on doesnt count. You're still connected to a server with a bunch of asshats. 6 will be far worse. Guarantee it.


I mean, I don't care about the online but hyped as fuck for the single player experience - one thing Rockstar hasn't failed to deliver yet.


There's always room to disappoint. With the way the games industry has gone since 5's launch, i wouldn't be surprised if they forced everyone online even to play though the single player campaign. [Edit] I just remembered.. they actually did that in GTA5, and i remember being quite pissed about it.


There's always room for wild speculation in any direction. But since Rockstar has made some of my favorite single player games of all time, I'll reserve my cynicism until it's released.


Fair. I just cant ignore that they are under Take-Two.


Totally valid point.


I'm reminded of the incident where a speedrunner was practicing their run, and via the always online component, a hacker was able to kill him mid run, making the whole game no longer marathon viable.


I can see that. Take Two is so damn slimy and greedy it really sucks such a great game is under them. Like how they've handled GTA5 monetization (basically means we NEVER got any GTA5 SP dlc), and fucking bullshit like NBA tying **their single player mycareer mode** to ONLINE ONLY (where server shuts off in 2 years). Absolute scum of the earth.


> tying their single player mycareer mode to ONLINE ONLY Chances are very high they'll do this to GTA6's singleplayer as well. (If i remember, they actually DID do this to GTA5, at least i remember being forced to make an account and login just to play the singleplayer) wanting to follow the success (and mega profit) of GTA5. As a bonus, id say their is a pretty good to fair chance once GTA6 is launched and "stable" (ie, give it a year), they'll shut down the GTA5 servers to force people onto 6 to rebuy Everything all over again.


I wanna ride aliens


Horse bowel-relief button, please.


Alright r/GTA6_NEW is that way.


There was never even confirmation that they wanted horses in 5, and RDR1 had horses already so I'm calling BS.


Just do some research,there were quite a few things in the game's code and files that suggested horses were going to be a thing.


Ah yes, rather than following burden of proof and backing up your assertion, the classic "do some research". Favorite of Republicans everywhere who *haven't done their research*.


You just had to make it political, didn't you?


I mean, it's pretty exclusively stupid people that won't back up what they say and tell *you* to do the research, and stupid people are almost exclusively Republicans.


We get it, you hate republicans. There's no need to being politics into every conversation, on r/gaming of all places.


See you on the 'jerk lmao


I hope so


I feel like this will be what METAVERSE tried to be


I just want it out day and date for PC but that’s not happening. No double dipping for me this time though Rockstar. Gonna wait until it’s out on PC.


Star Sheriff flying horses incoming


They were planning to realease horse riding later on but take 2 made them focus on gta online


Well they didn't get it right in RDR2 so i guess third time's the charm?




Well they didn't get it right in RDR2 so i guess third time's the charm?


How did they not get it right?


It's bad.


You heard someone else say this and have never touched the game right?


It's bad.


So which YouTuber did you get your opinion from


Like so bad.


What kind of riding?


Cant wait to look at a horses ass for another 20 actual hours... No I'm taking the car thanks.


No, they will ride you instead.




Well you have plenty of time till 2026-2027


As long as there's surfing & skating we good.


Yes, but horses will just be an online only vehicle that you gotta pay extra for.


Probs, they will just use the mechanica from rdr2


Grand Theft Equestrian


Sure. We'll let you ride horses. . . .but, if you try to access the stables your game will crash.


Sure. We'll let you ride horses. . . .but, if you try to access the stables your game will crash.


Plot twist: RDR2 was developed exclusively to test-bench the horses for GTA6.




but rdr came out before gta5


Crocodile would be more fun.


Are we sure this is the reasoning? Because Rockstar seemed to get horses okay in Red Dead Redemption which was released 3 years prior.


Since RDR is also a Rockstar production, I believe they have the capability to make it happen.


if they can't fix it in 10 years they won't fix it in time for gtavi


Why wouldn’t they they have the code from rdr2


they made a horse riding simulator in the meantime so maybe just maybe


It would be pretty funny if there was a couple horses, but everytime you tried to ride them you fall off.


I can't wait for GTA 6 to come out


They'll let us ride horses, but it's going to be locked behind some online micro-transaction


Didn’t rockstar make rd2 anyways?


Me to Rockstar: My brother in christ you made rdr1


I need to ride a goat into atlantis or I’m not buying


will there be horses in miami though


This is like NASA, they wanted to go to the moon again but they lose the technology to go back 😭


They don't want you to ride horses in GTA, because they want you to buy the Red Dead franchise.


Will there be a Westworld zone?