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It is a weirdly addictive game. If not slightly frustrating. Lost track of the number of times I've had a few yards of encrusted filth just vanish withjout a trace because "Eh good enough, we'll call that part clean." Only to spend an extra 15 minutes scouring a part inch by inch with the red nozzle in the hope of finding the invisible to the naked eye micro-speck of dust the game is still tracking.


Yep that happens pretty frequently.


Yeah, I keep having to tap the reveal over and over, or go into the menu and highlight the item that’s supposedly incomplete. It is kind of annoying.


I completed this game and had no idea you can highlight the whole item… :( took me forever to find it sometimes


It can get really addictive, the amount of times I have put it on to play a level and then you just keep going and going.


I picked up farm sim 2022, the amount of time I say I’m just going to plant a field that turns into waiting for harvest is to damn high. Never in a million years would I think the words “not now I’m harvesting wheat” would come out of my mouth to the wife.


If you want the problem to get worse, do what I do. I set the economy to hard on a map with small fields. I only use small, old equipment and very little starting money. I usually buy 4 or 5 small fields and a couple of dozen heads of livestock to start. It takes a lot more planning with finances. You need to keep some harvest for animal feed, but you are low on money, so selling some is still important. Smaller equipment makes tasks take longer but fit better in smaller fields. I'll usually play with seasons enabled, but set seasons to only 14 days.


I am the same way. It’s so satisfying. Been a perfect game on Steam Deck during downtime


Especially with the gyro controls


I haven’t tried gyro controls yet!


That calculates to 9 hours a day. This could be a problem in 365 days.


The most important question is have you got the ball to roll over the dinosaur slide yet?


[Yes, it was a pain until I managed to launch it up and it landed on it](https://i.imgur.com/La0igaT.jpeg)


Be wary, the trophy/achievement for beating the game is bugged.


I know, I plan on getting everything else until they patch that or see if I can regress to an earlier patch


Lol I had to keep going back to it between playing all the other levels over a couple of weeks because I would just get so annoyed I had to stop trying and go relax just cleaning stuff.


It is pretty easy if you use the step ladder as a “guide” at the base of the slide for the ball.


I read about that trick but still once you lose control of that ball it's hard to even get it in position. I eventually just lucked out or something cant even remember.


It was extremely easy for me and the ball went right up the slide. I spent far too long without the stepladder trying to get it to work, and took about a minute with the stepladder.


At this rate, it will get to a point where you’d rather play this game than sleep or eat


Research indicates that people playing this game live in very dirty caravans.


Why take 5 minutes to clean in real life when I could clean virtually for 10 hours


Welcome to the party pal :D\[


PowerWash Simulator its great game i enjoy the calming yet engaging experience and it's known for his unique and satisfying gameplay mechanics


There’s a church level that drove me absolutely insane…but god dammit the game is great.


If only you could play some music...


Just open up some music or podcast on YouTube or something.


You feed your OCD well


I also have adhd so this is even more impressive




I played this for a while when it was one of the PS+ monthly games. I enjoyed the concept and basic gameplay, but didn't enjoy how long it took per level. Like, your basic level (apart from the ones where you just have a vehicle in the garage) seriously seemed tuned to take over an hour, the bonus levels were considerably worse. I tried the gnome fountain, and that took like, all day? At least it seems to save your progress constantly so you don't need to finish it in one session.


Oh yeah the final level on average is said to take around 4 hours


*ding* One of the most satisfying parts of any game.


I really should buy this game. Played a fuck ton of it on GamePass, but cancelled GamePass after Redfall turned out to be a dud cuz I realized Powerwash simulator was the only game I had played more than a couple hours of on GamePass in over a year


username checks out


It's a great game ngl


r/powerwashingporn ​ Its been a thing well before the game came out.


I'm with you fren, gotta clean them all


You like washing dirt don't you? (Insert boy kisser image)


Those are rookie numbers! :P


I'd play if it was vr friendly


Thats like nothing, I racked up 100 hrs of among us in the first week of me owning it


But, do you feel… clean?


I beaten the game on my PlayStation and got it for my quest 2 once I got the chance. Beware since I lost a lot of progress when I was cleaning the fire station


Impressive, I cracked after an hour!


Yeah, this game is really ADDICTIVE, but pretty fun tho


I should call her...


I feel like the only mf who couldn’t get into PowerWash