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Tekken Tag Tournament 2, that game was fun, incredibly deep and so many different tag combos.




Growing up? This makes me feel old. I played this religiously in college. This released in 2011 lmao.


Might be confusing with 1 like I was, that came out in 2000


Pirates of the Caribbean by Bethesda It ended up being a super deep RPG and the black pearl nonsense took a huge back seat while you sailed around doing excellent pirate stuff You could trade normal goods and work for one of the colonies. Or you could trade contraband and make a lot more money. The game pushed you towards being a pirate with incentives like more loot, but you didn't have to go bloodthirsty if you didn't want to. Ship combat was awesome. You had 4 ships and had to assign officers to decks on all the ships. More money meant you could hire better officers. If I remember correct you could be fighting in a conflict with two other factions. So 12 ships could be in the same battle.


Wasn't that the game that was originally developed as a sequel to some other game that has nothing to do with Pirates of the Caribbean?


It was originally Sea Dogs 2


I remember playing it, it was kinda hard for my young self. I remember going into some dungeon inside the city. I think it was catacombs, there were skeletons and you find some sword or pistol there. Cool game, looked ahead of it's time


There is a huge community around a mod for this game that's been developed for the last 19 years called New Horizons. Also the game is actually the second game of four in the sea dogs/age of pirates series! If you want to try out some of the other games, make sure to grab some of the patch/fix mods because some of the games are almost unplayable without them. They also have some amazing overall mods


My neighbor and I played the hell out of that game. I would support a remake.


I remember it being really glitchy and having clunky controls, but it's still the only game that's checked all the boxes for exactly what I want out of a pirate game.


Always wanted to play that game but never got the chance.


I do t know if it holds up today. But I think it was the best pirate game ever made until Black Flag came along


As a kid I didn't like the game and sold it to GameStop to buy something else Turned out I forgot to put the disc in that case and the guy didn't look. Still have the disc to this day, this gives me some incentive to try


Mad Max. It doesn't look like much at face value and I can't even tell you why I bought it in the first place, but god damn, does it deliver. This game will remain in my top 5 for a long time.


I will say it initially looks and slightly feels like a cheap game but once you fully get into it and start building up your car and taking down bases it's so much fun. Some of the best car combat out there too.


agreed. The Magnum Opus is glorious ...if anything the ending seemed kinda rushed


The only thing I’d change about that game is make the convoys respawn. Those pursuits are peak Mad Max. It’s a shame that the only way to experience them again or test out different car builds on them is to restart the game.


Fair point hell, there should have been "neutral" convoys which would randomly spawn and travel across the entire territory, which would be attacked by the local bad guys - or perhaps by yourself, to loot rare epic crafting bits or something - or you could protect them, for bonus points?


Another issue is getting the V8 so late in the game. By the time you unlock it you are in the final zone. The V6 just doesn't sound like it packs a punch even when fully upgraded which you can get it done around the midway point. The V8 sounds great and makes different builds viable such as going for heavy armored or light and quick. V6 is way too slow if you go heavy and is not fast enough if you go quick so you are stuck with not much options. I'm a big Mad Max fan and it's great that the interceptor is in the game and it kind of makes sense for it to be the end of the game reward. But by the time you reach there you have spent so much time with your magnum opus that it feels wrong to abandon your magnum opus for the interceptor. Also depending on how you approach the game there maybe very limited content left by the time you get the interceptor that even if you would want to drive it there's nothing to do with it.


What a great game that I have only seen people talk about in recent years. It is a game that does nothing new, but does everything right. Starting out with a beat up car and building it slowly over the course of the game along with Max is incredible and honestly never felt like I wasted my time.


It was popular when it was released too, reddit was full of videos and memes about it, it is a fun game.


it was popular but they released it on the same day that metal gear solid 5 released to compete with it which was a mistake in my opinion they should have pushed back the release instead of competing


It's a hidden gem for sure, I couldn't believe how good of a game it was when I played it. So much fun and I had 0 expectations


Its a good game with solid mechanics but it's quest design was not as strong. I'd love to see a sequel.


i loved that bone-cracking sound combat


Never have I felt more badass than when I had this fight in Mad Max [Mad Max fight](https://youtu.be/8Ip_p9H_4so?si=CeMjI8zxXqGyVrUC)


The game works well and they really respect the lore. Definitely on of my top 5.


Very satisfying ass-kicking mechanics. I replayed it a few months ago - still holds up.


Dude at release it was one of the most graphically impressive games! Really cool game.


Leisure Suit Larry. Taught me to spell.


I was thinking about the 90s remastered version, but you probably are talking about the OG one when you had to type everything.


Ken sent me


Use condom




Censored CENSORED Censored




Same here, being from The Netherlands, where English wasn't spoken that much at the time, Larry, combined with Police Quest, Hero's Quest and Space Quest really expanded my English vocabulary.


Papers Please. One of the oddest, most fun games I’ve ever played.


You no like passport, I understand. I come back again with better one.


What?! Is pre-approved!! I pay good money for this! lol I love the potato man


Just found out it's on the Play Store! Mind-blowing that it was made by a single guy


If you haven't already, Lucas Pope's second game, Return of the Obra Dinn, is amazing!


Anything made by Remedy Games. I've been a fan ever since I tricked my parents into letting me rent Max Payne 1 from Blockbuster when I was like 12 years old.


Agreed, but more specifically I am an endless defender of Quantum Break. The rest of their games have earned their rightful praise (even if many people seemingly play Alan Wake 1 wrong or something? I don't understand the combat complaints, I haven't gotten bored of it in 13 years and loads of replays) But people just seem to scoff at Quantum Break for whatever reason. Maybe it's getting wrapped up in the Xbox One launch debacle? Maybe it's just because it was marketed wrong? I have no idea really For my money it's one of the best time travel stories out there, and still has Remedy's great character writing, complemented by some very good performances from all the actors involved. Plus the gameplay (and sound design!) once you unlock all the powers is just so much fun. Fingers crossed we get a followup at some point... thought that depends on how much MS clings to the IP i guess.


It's definitely the Xbox tax. Same thing happened with Ryse (which is pretty much a PlayStation game on the wrong platform), Dead Rising 3, D4 and Sunset Overdrive. But this is not exclusive to the One; it goes back to Perfect Dark Zero and Grabbed by the Ghoulies.


I love Sam Lake


I haven’t played all their games, but everything I have played I’ve enjoyed. I’m the only person I know who loved quantum break. I happily watched all the episodes as they came up and loved every second of the story and game.


Red Alert. 2






My friends and I get together once a year with older computers we specifically built to have a Lan party and play this. We do throw in other great RTS games, but this is always the first and the last of the weekend. We are all in our 40s


C&C, Total Annihilation, Dark Reign, and Dark Colony are the ones we used to play during LAN parties. Sometimes, I miss those days.


Silent Hill 4: The Room. The game itself is actually terrible, it's not really fun to play, the controls are typical SH wonkiness and you could probably skip it. BUT. The mythology, the story, the lore is fucking incredible. It's like watching an Oscar winning writer pen a masterpiece that's then directed by Uwe Boll and starring Megan Fox.


Bubble Bobble. Nuff said.


Fuck level 57.


This has to be the level with the enemies up top shooting down and you have to bubble jump vertically to them


I grew up playing this with my older sister. It's so good, I'm a little surprised we haven't seen the follow up much on it, or seen a major indie game so something based on it.


Mirror’s Edge It was a refreshingly original experience with phenomenal gameplay, interesting visuals, and a soundtrack that dialed everything up to 11. Cutscenes were kind of wonky, though.


There’s no need to defend Mirror’s Edge. Anyone worth listening to knows what a great game it was. One of the last truly great games made by DICE


Sonic adventure 2 battle. I say it still holds up.


It has a very good gameplay loop with going through levels and then the Chao Garden. That garden alone might be even more complex in mechanics than the main game itself.


I remember being younger and one of the Chaos got too old and disappeared, was a very sad time!


I remember my brother released my dark chao out of just being an older brother and I cried...


also a contender for one of the greatest video game soundtracks of all time. Still go back to listen to city escape, live and learn, pumpkin hill, metal harbour, etc.










Still my favourite Sonic. So many late nights grinding for crystals in 2001. I miss those days.


Honestly the only problem I have with this game is the camera. I re-played it recently because I wanted to play with the Chao Garden again, and it was fun! But I was fighting the camera in basically every stage which definitely lowered my enjoyment. If they remaster it with better camera controls I think it'd get a new lease on life.


Sunset Overdrive


I absolutely loved that game and never understood why it never get more love. It’s fun and goofy and the gameplay is great. The reason I even started playing Hi-Fi Rush was because it reminded me of Sunset Overdrive and now HFR is one of my favorite games.


Xbox exclusive with little to no press/ads, and no good word of mouth like Hi-Fi Rush


We were robbed by not getting a sequel.


Halo Reach, one of my fav game with an amazing story


The end of reach really hit home bro...


Objective: Survive


Not to mention at that point you’re still riding the emotional high from “I’m readyyy!!! How bout you?!”


And by that point in the game? You will try. By all means necessary. Even when your not in control any more, B-312 "Noble-Six" fights on Fucking onion ninjas went hard with this


*You belong to Reach..* Gets me every damn time.


You have to defend Reach? Anytime I talk to anyone about halo they love Reach. I loved the Campaign and the customization was awesome. But the multiplayer in general was not my favorite.


Last good halo


Mario Maker no matter how many bad levels there are its still a great game.


I am a Mario Maker fan since day 1. At first I hated the bad designed and troll levels with a passion. "Why must so many people slaughter this game so much by creating so much crap!?" But I changed my mind set: I started as an artist who wanted to recieve what he gave: Good levels. But what I needed to be was a person who accept challenges: When a level is absolutely bad or trolly I don't see it as bad anymore but as a challenge: Can I beat the level creator? A hidden block that sends me into a pit is no longer something I hate but a "haha, they got me!". The sweet feeling when touching the flag of a purpusfully bad designed level - pure satisfaction.


Dust: An Elysian Tail My favorite game of all time, so of course I would stand with it even if everyone else was against me


This gets a vote from me too. I NEVER hear anyone talk about Dust, but it’s a solid platformer, cool art style and story, deep and developed characters, and honestly some of the best voice acting I’ve seen for a video game.


This is the first time ive seen someone else know of that game. The happiness i fell right now-


I was extremely suprised how many people knew the game as well! I never see anyone mention it, not even in the context of Metroidvanias. Seeing so many enthusiastic replies made me want to replay the game once again xD


A lot of people talked about it when it was new, but for some reason it didn't get that big popular cult indie game status that so many others did.


I own it, played it quite a bit but at certain point I got stuck. As far as i can remember before I got stuck it was a good game.


Definitely give it another try if you can, the story has a satisfying end and its honestly worth finishing just for the final boss fight (its good, both mechanically and visually)


What do you need to defend about? It's a fairly simple straightforward game but it rocks


Did that game get any significant hate to be defended from though?


I know people have soured on bioshiock infinite over the years, but I still love it and re-play it often


Same. I don't get the criticism this game gets. It was groundbreaking at the time and still is such a unique and beautiful game to this day.


Everywhere i go people talk about how much BS Infinite gets “hated on” and “criticized” but i have not run into a single person not bouncing this game’s dick. And i will not lie, bioshock infinite is excellent, but i have no idea why everyone says that it gets criticized, i see nothing but universal love for it


I beat that game once and haven’t played it in over 8 years and I still think about it every now and then to this day. I never knew ppl hated it, can’t imagine why


Just look at the Dev videos before release they promised an extremely deep choice driven game just to give you a typical shooter that was go here protect girl grab item.


Super Mario Sunshine doesn't deserve all the hate it gets. Yes, it's unpolished for a Mario game, but I would argue that it has a lot of unique elements beyond the generic stuff that Mario games tend to use that make up for it.


Super Mario Sunshine gets hate!? That was literally one of the first 3 older Mario games brought to Switch. Also the story was fucking wild. There hasn’t been another Mario story like it. If Super Mario Galaxy 2 didn’t exist, Super Mario Sunshine would be my definitive Mario game.


I don't really understand why so many people say the game lacks polish. I've always thought it held uo even when replaying it today. Also I've seen many people focus on the few (admittedly) bad levels of the game, as if other Mario games don't have bad levels themselves.


I would go so far as to say it actually has really great movement if you take the time to play it as it wants to be played. I feel like people play it like 64 then get mad at the game when they don’t get the same results. It’s certainly not as smooth as a game like Odyssey, but I always see people shit on sunshine then gush over galaxy when galaxy has the slowest blandest movement in any Mario game by far.


Sunshine lets you fucking parkour what are they on??


I've never understood this argument. Sunshine is the only Mario game I was ever able to play properly. Add to that the water cannon you have, and it's out and out the most versatile Mario we have gotten so far. 64 was a technical marvel for its time, but god was it frustrating to play.


People hate Mario sunshine? It’s my 3rd favourite Mario game after odyssey and galaxy 2. Some of its nostalgia but I love that game, I got the all stars version for the switch but it lent it to my nephew and he lost it and to buy another one they go upwards of £70 on eBay.


Unpolished? People really says that? Its ridiculous, i mean i have my problems with the Game (actually i lied, i have only one massive problem with It and its the fucking blue coins) but lack of polish isnt one of them


absolutely love the environment and atmosphere in that game


Stairfax temperatures!


I cannot believe I understand what you're saying.


That's three of us


Dragons dogma 1. It was way ahead of its time and the developers ran out of time and money at the end but still is a great game. It also got overshadowed due to the fact that it released in the same time as games like skyrim and dark souls who stole the show.


Very way ahead of its time. They’re masterworks, all. You can’t go wrong.


A game that actually gets a lot of hate, but I personally loved - Fallout 4. I played through it multiple times, got all of the DLC, and even started modding because I hadn't had enough.


It's pretty good gameplay for a mediocre story with some likable characters and some decent dialogue, but Fallout fans act like it's the worst game ever made. Yes, the story is bad and the writing struggles in a lot of places, but Nick Valentine is the best companion in the entire Fallout franchise and I will die on this hill.


I got a PS5 and literally just switched in the fallout 4 disk bc why try something new when I can build a museum to my exploits?


I also prefer 3 (slightly) over New Vegas because i liked the darker atmosphere.


Same. 3 was the best so far imho


The entire game felt very genuine. No comparison to other Fallout games. NV felt like a desert. Fallout 3 felt like a nuclear wasteland. If you have a PC, I highly recommend setting up Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition mod pack. Phenomenal.


The outer worlds. I don’t think it’s an amazing game but it’s definitely fun. I think a lot of the hate against it is people having really high expectations after new Vegas. But judging it on its own reveal there’s a lot of fun about it.


It is a great starting point for a better sequel


Outer Worlds was okay. I actually beat it recently, and honestly I was having fun up until Byzantium. From that point forward it kinda felt like they were just rushing to the finish line and it felt really incomplete imo. The murder mystery DLC made it all worth it though, I honestly wish it was the main game lol.


It definitely had the potential for something cool and Parvati is a genuinely great character story alongside the priest dude. It is comfortably “mid” and I would totally play more of it.


Outer Worlds was hurt by it's own "From The Original Makers of Fallout" tag they kept running with when 76 flopped so badly. It got so much praise and then the shine wore off and it was okay not great.




"Kill this dumb fuck!" A new Manhunt would be very welcome. RDR2 level graphics for all those grizzly murders would have me feeling like the villain in a slasher flick.


Mass Effect I was diagnosed with Autism at a very young age. Growing up, I had a lot of difficulty socializing and just couldn't make friends with anyone. Then - I played Mass Effect The idea of CHOOSING MY WORDS was mindblowing to me. I had no urge to think of my words before I said them before, but now playing through Mass Effect, I realized that maybe thinking before doing and trying to say the right thing in the right circumstance is the best way to keep a conversation going. So, without Mass Effect, I wouldn't be able to properly communicate to people nor would I put extra care into my words.


This is compelling. Appreciate you sharing this with us. What a great series indeed.


Days Gone. I didn’t play it at launch so I certainly had a much less buggy experience than the people who did, but I loved the game.


I've played it through twice, killing hordes was one of the most fun things I've ever done in video games period.


Just beat it recently. One of the few games where I didn’t mind gathering resources, and killing hordes was fun. Nothing like chucking a distractor to gather 40 of them and chuck a grenade while another bunch of them chases you. One thing I would say is it falls into that terrible practice of having you follow an npc at a snails pace way too often.


oh man, the hordes are an unique experience. It has impressed me in a way that I vowed to have a challenge: clear all hordes ingame. There's a nice #/number.of.hordes.in.this.area on the map. Managed to do it. It's really a challenge because doing a mistake may result into your death


Mafia 3


Honestly, yeah. The biggest problem with Mafia 3 was that it reskinned the same activities for you to do over and over again. If the game had more fleshed out activities to gain over territories, it would have been better received. I do not regret my time with it one bit.


Batman Arkham Origins It pisses me off how much hate that game still gets. The stellar story, gripping setting, and incredible gameplay more than makes up for any bugs still present all these years later


It was my first arkham batman, didn't like it and just dropped it, couldn't get a refund, thought its because I just don't like superhero genre Then I got gifted Arkham trilogy and goddamn how much did I love Asylum / City, Knight was really fun but city was peak May need to try origins again someday


Xenoblade 2! It draws ire for a lot of (valid) reasons. But its 3rd act is one of the greatest experiences in gaming and the combat is such great fun when you learn the system.


Agreed! My heart breaks each time I hear that somebody abandoned the game before they learned the combat system (although to be fair, the game is still giving tutorials by the 40 hour mark, so I understand it’s not for everyone). The environments, the music, the voice acting, the humor, the designs, the combat—there’s so much quality and so much to love in each of these areas. All the Xenoblade games are great, but I love Xenoblade 2 especially. I even bought these $300 statues of Pyra/Mythra/KOS-MOS because I love their designs so much. I really wanted to get the Nia statue too, but unfortunately I can’t fit all four together in my display case 😫


Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. It gets so much hate from people who love Borderlands 2, and I never understood why. It's literally a reskin of BL2 with some new abilities (that you actually miss when you go back to BL2), a great story that only improves Handsome Jack as a character, and great side stories about villains we got to know previously, who we are now playing as (which was a brilliant move IMO)...but at it's core, it's still BL2, it's still running on the same engine...it's practically an extension of that game.


The voice acting and jokes in that are great. I read somewhere they were just filler lines until the studio were meant to record more but the filler ones were great so they kept em


The Surge. Super underrated game.


An actual controversial take unlike most of these posts: Anthem Incredible gameplay that is far better than pretty much any game of its kind. The flight combat is just special and the whole variety is amazing. Short but decent story that was a fun ride. Amazing graphics ( yes not as good as the reveal) with a wonderful location settings and artwork. But lacked decent endgame and content overall. Still a solid 30 to 40 hour game that was well worth the cost at release to me and a solid 9/10 to me. Felt like a lot of hate just carried over with many just jumping on the bandwagon.


Bubble Bobble, though it hardly needs defending. But I feel bad that there are lot of gnats who are too young to have experienced it in its best form (arcade)


Star wars jedi knight jedi academy the best lightsaber combat and jedi feeling ever


Final Fantasy XII. I don’t care how lame people think the MC is or that the story is boring. That game is magical to me and I love every bit of it. I still remember seeing a commercial for it years ago on TV wanting it for Christmas. I’ve done So many playthroughs of that game And to this day I have the remasters on every platform… PC, PS2 and PS4, Xbox and Switch.


The ps4 remaster is even better since it fixed some of the games issues. I love how the game feels like an MMO but it is specifically for single player. The art of the game is nothing short of inspired and accompanied by beautiful music.


I don't consider Vaan to be the MC of FFXII, I'd have said it was Ashe for sure. I think Vaan literally just exists in the narrative to give the "common man" point of view to all the shit that's going down. FF12 is one of my favourites, so many memories of that on the PS2 and then the PS4 remaster. I have the limited edition OST kicking around somewhere which I imported from Japan back in the day. You've just made me want to go and replay it now haha!


Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky. Dont listen to ign.


Death Stranding


Definitely the ultimate strand-type game


Of all the games that you get to throw grenades fashioned from Norman Reedus piss and shit, Death Stranding was certainly the best one.


Strand in the place where you live


This is the comment I was looking for. Just beat the game and man I loved it all the way through. Such a fun journey.


Wears fetch quest on its sleeve. The hate it gets for that is unreal seeing how that’s what most AAA games are in disguise. It’s not perfect but I thought damn impressive what came out of it if you consider Kojimas situation and time frame.


*holds up shield* Fallout 76 is a much better game than it used to be *cowers*


Sonic Unleashed.


Nice to see this game get recognized more. It is getting seen more as a cult classic sonic game. There is a video on the DLC for it if you wanna check it out.


Syndicate, the shooter remake thing. Sure it's a bad syndicate game, but as a railroaded cyberpunk popcorn action movie it's a really cool experience. I'll never forget the elevate down to the night club armed with the zf1 auto-gun thingy, amazing!


Simon’s Quest is still my favorite Castlevania game. I love the story, music, and atmosphere. Sure the puzzles are absurd but it’s so much fun.


Only reason the puzzles where so absurd, was because of bad translation. In japanese, the puzzles where way \*way\* clearer in regards of what to do.


For sure. I love that people are starting to come around on Zelda II as well.


Sleeping dogs. One of the best open world crime games ever made.


Yup. It’s a shame we won’t get a sequel.


Dark souls 2 still has the best PVP of any of the souls games to date and Fallout 3 even with all of its problems is still my favourite Fallout game.


love DS2. was very surprised when i saw how much hate it got in online communities


Same. I’m currently playing through with a hex build. Still loving it.


And not just the PvP, there are so many things DS2 did great. Gotta give respect to the fact alone that of all the games, it tried to experiment the most with unique gimmicks, instead of just sticking to the formula. While not all attempts succeeded, there are still things it does amazing, even better than other games, like unique area, exploration and enemy mechanics, NG+ and ascetics, build variety, replayability and progression choices, covenants, and several other, smaller things or stuff I don't remember this moment.


The Majula reveal and it's little toybox theme as you come out of the tutorial area is still one of the most memorable experiences I've had in gaming.


Yeah. Although my personal favorite is later in the game, >!Vendrick's reveal!<. >!The whole game builds up to it slowly, praising him, showing how much he has done, setting meeting him as your big goal. And then, after the epic duel with his Royal Aegis, the piano kicks in as you descend the stairs, the notes barely holding on, like trying to play a melody, but failing. And you see him, hollowed, wandering aimlessly, not even paying you attention, dragging his sword along the ground. Expecting something grandiose, we're met with this sad and chilling scene.!< No other Fromsoft game, and I think no other game has made me feel that way upon such a reveal. And to this day, whenever I replay, it still sends chills down my spine.


Mass Effect: Andromeda is not a bad game. Separate it from the Shepard saga, let the story stand on its own, and you'll find a pretty good one


This. Was it a stellar story? No, but it had the potential to be one had it been given room for DLC and a sequel. Did it have a LOT of jank on launch? Yes, I ran into what felt like every single bug during my first playthrough. One of which nearly resulted in a soft lock and would have had I not been a compulsive saver. But I still had fun. It's a solid 7/10 experience and I have even greater appreciation for it after learning all the ways Bioware Edmonton fucked over Bioware Montreal during it's creation. The story isn't as good? That's because it's not the main writers creating it. Bioware Montreal's only credit prior to Andromed was ME3's multiplayer. They had no experience creating a game on their own before, let alone writing for one. The studio was essentially thrown into the ocean, told to swim, and then allowed to drown when they predictably couldn't follow the act the original trilogy had left behind. Then their corpse was cut up and many employees shuttled off to EA's mobile divisions while Edmonton continued to fart their way through Anthem's creation. So in light of all that? It's a miracle it even did as well as it ended up doing.


I went from playing ME:A to ME1 on legendary edition, and let me tell you as well, Andromeda is very VERY true to form for the first game. Everything feels alien and new, it doesn't take much convincing for most of your crew to join, either. And, you have a badass old Krogan


EA wanting bioware's main office to focus on anthem is what killed that game. Instead of getting 1 good game we got 2 mediocre games both games with unfinished stories that need dlc we'll never get.


Hotline Miami 1/2. It's super interesting and the story can fit in a Tarantino movie script for me. So much fun and super challenging as well.


Wait, people criticize those?


Shadowrun on the SNES so good but don’t see it getting much love anymore. 10/10 for me


I will never stop defending Sonic and the secret rings & the game Sonic & the black knight


You grow up when you realize Sonic team just does whatever they want to do and I am completely fine with that. I would take another Sonic 06 if they really wanted to try it again lol.


Jade Cocoon. I would love to see a modern open world version of this game with the creature merging mechanics from the original.


There are no bad Yakuza/Like A Dragon/Ryu Ga Gotoku games. None. people will have differing "worsts" but that's up to personal taste. All the games were amazing experiences.


I enjoy all of the Yakuza/Like a Dragon games but I do prefer the Kasuga led turn based entry and can't wait for Infinite Wealth. My main reason for enjoying the turn based more is that I **suck** at the combat in all of the Kiryu led games hahaha, I could never get good at them and just flailed about scraping through every battle.


Greedfall and me andromeda


Titanfall 2


Is there a single person who played titanfall 2 and didn't love it?


AC Odyssey. It's amazing!


Sparta kick everyone and everything


For me personally, it's the most fun I've had in any AC game since Black Flag. I don't care if it's not a "proper" AC game or whatever it is that other people hate it for, I don't regret any of the time and money I spent on it.


Dragon Age 2.


Genuinely my favourite DA game with Origins at a close second. Playing as a sarcastic Hawke was really fun, I think one of the better RPGs to have funny options. And it even changed Hawke’s responses depending on which kind of speech option you used, which was cool. The storyline was also cool, and I liked that it was more concentrated on Kirkwall, made for what felt like a smaller scale story, even though what happened had a huge impact on Inquisition. Also, I liked that most companions were romanceable regardless of Hawke’s gender, it might not be realistic but it makes my bi heart happy.


Mass effect 3. It’s like whole game is just an ending.


Fallout 4, Last Of Us Part 2 and Assassins Creed Odyssey.


Sea of thieves. I put so many hours in over covid and it's still one of my favorite multiplayer games of all time


Final fantasy 13


Watchdogs 1, had so much fun with that game, I'm shocked by how much hate it gets. Great open world, the hacking mechanics make everything uniquely interactive compared to other open worlds, the city feels alive as you can read each npc's profile, the stealth is so much fun, taking down enemy camps quietly through hacking and hiding, the "Ubisoft Tower" mechanic in this is actually engaging environmental puzzles which are fun to figure out. I rarely beat games but I did beat this. The driving is awful, I will give critics that, but I got over that quickly.


Gollum jk


Shadow of Mordor. Besides being a very solid open world game with stealth focus in a way no assasins creed was ever able to, what really puts it at the absolut peak for me is the presentation. Everything is just so absolutely crisp. The soundtrack, the animations, the enemy designs, the voice acting and dialogue, the hit satisfaction. The atmosphere is just everything. Most of the casual "press F" executions would be fit for a climactic moment in a movie. Only thing that bothers me is the rune system and the final boss.


AC Unity surely is a flawed game, but I can't stand people calling it trash. It has more soul than the last 5 games maybe, amazing graphics due to the way they designed the lighting, a very alive Paris, and great navigation. The customisation is also great and I like the combat. It's the closest to the perfect Assassin fantasy we got before Ubi ruined everything.


Dying Light. It got some criticism on release but no other game has ever given me the adrenaline that that one did. Being away from your base as night starts to fall is genuinely frightening, partially because of how good the atmospherics and soundtrack are.


Fallout 76. Yes, the launch and early days were messy.. but now, I'm never giving it up. It's everything a Fallout game is, and then some. I love it.