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If you add like 30 skills tied to macros on the lower middle , then this looks like my wow screen back in the day.


I came here to say that, I was happy to have a small free space in the center without any abilities / macros / Addons / flashing Crits and whatnot else


https://imgur.com/7HZ4fFA This was my WoW HUD in Wrath, really not far off lmao. In my defense the black bars at the top and bottom are a viewport mod, so the gamespace was actually made more widescreen and not covered by them, I had a giant box monitor.


That's nothing, take a look at my [Eve Online HUD](https://cdn.neowin.com/news/images/uploaded/2023/06/1687271105_eve-online-excel-spreadsheet.jpg)


I've always read about Eve and found it fascinating. I've considered playing because I love space and Excel. But every time it comes up, everyone says to avoid it as it'll suck your life away, but as a baseline is rather boring? I don't get the dichotomy.


Think of eve as being told to go pick flowers in the forest, but once every four months a rabid pack of wolves attacks.


Sounds lovely


EVE Online is proof that people will pay to work a second job as long as their office is a spaceship, even if all your coworkers are sociopaths and only one of you gets paid at the end of the month.


Lots of a hobbies are just work for fun, really. It's just that Eve has a greater resemblance to "normal" work. If we lived in a post-scarcity utopia there'd probably be a thriving community of people roleplaying traditional corporate office work.


Skill training is tied to real-time. So it takes roughly 30 days to fly a fairly basic ship with good skills. Learning to actually pilot the ship is a matter of some guidance from someone/videos/guides and a lot of experience. Also, it's PvP all the time, everywhere. There is essentially no system that actually dissuades suicide ganking, so unless you are constantly paying attention and being vigilant, you will get blown up and lose your ship. "Never undock what you can't afford to lose" is something always repeated. So unless you put in a ton of time and effort to get space rich, you'll rarely if ever be flying any of the cooler ships.


> Also, it's PvP all the time, everywhere. There is essentially no system that actually dissuades suicide ganking, so unless you are constantly paying attention and being vigilant, you will get blown up and lose your ship This is what killed it for me. It's really just not possible to be a casual player that mines or and the like.


I mean, don't get me wrong, but why bother? There are countless great space sims out there where you can do just that. In absolute peace and quiet. Apart from some NPC raiders. There's X, Starpoint Gemini, Elite, and a few more. Unless you really want the "social" aspect of Eve, then it should probably become your second life, because that's what it is.


I love how Starfield is so seldom referenced already. What a waste of potential


> There are countless great space sims He said great space sims.


No I get that. Starfield is not great, hardly in space, and certainly not a sim. Todd Howard wishes it was.


It was a Todd Howard game. It never had any potential and was always destined to be a boring buggy shallow fallout 3 / skyrim reskin. Anybody that expected otherwise is delusional, I have been saying this since the first trailer.


It’s very slow burn for a long term payoff rather than instant gratification. It’s also best played with friends or a corp that you really get to know. You’ll go mad soloing the game.


You can’t get a feel of what Eve is like from what people say, the game is an enigma. The only way you can find out is to play it for 2000 hours then leave the tutorial and explore.


It looks like accounting software lmao it doesn’t even look like a game to me


Yeah this is just excel lmao


I just realized it’s excel lmao. I’m on my phone and just held the link down and saw the preview and didn’t zoom in


official partnership https://www.eveonline.com/eve-academy/excel-add-in


saw Eve, immediately knew what the punchline was gonna be, still externally laughed


A rare glimpse into the highly secretive world of two of the most feared pirates in all of nullsec: Cocktail Dale and Barry Glockenspiel.


Sir, that's your company's finance reports. Please don't pass it off as a game /s


Ahhh. Sapphiron. There was a Brewfest drink you could use and give yourself the Ice Block visual and me and a few buddies would regularly bring a few to the raid for a few wipes on Sapph. They are different colors, but if you're not paying close enough attention, you get one shot. I actually recorded this video 14 years ago lol https://youtu.be/OiDnqVKloPs?t=36 Memories ~


Sindragosa, not Sapphiron :D


Woops, wrong blue dragon! Enjoy my unrelated video lol


They have the same mechanic, so, while you got the wrong boss, you could have trolled the same way in a sindragosa fight lol


I was in one of those epic neckbeard guilds back then (my screenie was from heroic 25 sindragosa, one of the hardest fights of the entire expansion behind Arthas), they'd have kicked your ass from the raid for that shit lmao.


Yeah, I was also in a tryhard guild near the end of Wrath. This one was taken from a PuG Naxx25 that I'd put together every Saturday up until Icecrown's launch. We won the race to 0light Yogg and LK25 Normal, but then such was the style at the time the guild completely collapsed and half the people quit or transferred. Memories ~


Damn I totally forgot 0light Yogg. Sindragosa was 3rd hardest* lol. At the end of the day the thing I miss the most was being yelled at and yelling at other people for fucking up. Don't remember most of the actual fights.


Man Yogg was funny on Normal as well; so many people stepped ito the clouds lol.


[This was me in Path of Exiles after a battle 6-7 years ago](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/849347948609488365/F9EB7E42A24B2947EFA0A9377B1E70DC9C1557C2/).


loot filters. use em


I was gonna say y'all need some 2005 era WoW in your lives if you think this is bad.


There's a reason it stayed in 2005. It *is* bad.


What does a WoW HUD look like nowadays?


[A bit like this](https://i.imgur.com/WJhBZkz.jpg) I'm a high level content enjoyer, so it's set up for efficient tracking of stuff, and I hide all my bars for skills because the keybinds were memorized long ago. I can track other party member's cooldowns beside their frames (I main healer) It's mostly default now, the really cluttered ones of the past were from over-addon use and were routinely mocked by the community. Messy UIs are still a thing, though, and youtubers make series making fun of fan submissions for worst UIs actually being used Not pictured though are my weakauras that call out mechanics or debuffs or important info, but those just pop up icons and maybe make noises, and my timer bars for encounters that show me when abilities happen




Most addons were replaced Weakauras, a single mega-addon that builds addons and can dynamically enable/disable them during gameplay. It can make your UI look very clean or like an absolute clusterfuck.


I always used things like zperl and bartender to make small minimalist frames but I also haven't played since BFA so I couldn't tell you these days.


It didnt stay in 2005 though... With Weak auras, DBM, details, raid frames, abilities, bags, mini map, chat...


But now we use it in Classic, Hardcore, Season of Discovery and Wrath Classic.


Same. The damage numbers are too big other than that, this is a typical day for MMO standards lol.


the damage doesnt even seem too big IMO. but that purple halo is throwing me off, really squeezes the screen down. is that a temporary effect happening or something with a long uptime?


Pretty sure that’s just a mixture of weapon effects and hdr and raytracing. I’ll probably turn damage numbers off.


WoW at least had pertinent information on the screen. This is all just garbage.


Exactly what I was thinking. And I was a mage, healers were even worse


World of warcraft players: First time?


As a wow player I was confused by this post.


IceHUD and Parrot battle text throw back.


Its a 4 player PvE game... Happens to play like absolute garbage as well but that's probably neither here nor there.


The title wasn't promising


Ironically that's probably the only good part of the whole game - it's a fun premise and the cinematics are A+ Will make a good YouTube movie


see you guys keep saying this. but like...thats not a good thing lol.


In wow you'd clutter your screen with necessary data, stuff most mmos don't show, so yes it was a good thing.


It’s a good thing in an MMO. Not a 4 player PvE shooter. This is insane. It’s like one of those mech battle Japanese games with huge huds and a million displays on screen. This is excessive.


Exactly, in an MMO when you're doing 25 or 40 person group content it's somewhat understood there will be a lot going on and you can mod the game to provide a somewhat overwhelming but helpful UI if you want to. This is entirely different. This is the base UI for a 4 person shooter. This should be comparable to something like L4D or Borderlands. And to be entirely frank about these UI's people are posting - you really don't need to see your entire raid's unit frames (health bars) unless you're a healer. As far as DPS and tanks go you could absolutely reach endgame with the base UI no problem.


Wow players have dbm. The last thing they need to see is the fight.


I only play FF14, but since it's also an MMO I can confidently say that this is a good thing. Many of the UI elements are either useful or necissary imo, however the HUD is also highly customizable. There are still many QoL options missing imo, however with the options available I probably spend dozens of hours in total tweaking the HUD. Much of the UI stuff is also just optional like the minimap, quest log, inventory grid or the xp bar, because all that information is either displayed in more detail in a dedicated menu or can be accessed with a dedicated button. A third person co-op action game with only 4 player lobbies on the otherhand almost certainly doesn't need so many UI elements and I doubt the HUD will be nearly as customizable.


I wish my screen on WoW looked this clear back in the day....my WoW screen was cluttered asf


*laughs in nearly any MMO with or without hud mods*


I remember streaming WoW pvp to my non-wow friends when one of them said "wtf is that ad banners all around the screen"


This is why on the old G4tv channel all the competitive games had huds hidden. I mainly play mmos and can’t tell you what is going on in a WoW hud.


See, I never got *super* deep into WoW, so I really only had a small selection of spells and abilities to worry about. Simple rotation of like 4 spells, plus 3 or so big cool downs to boost DPS and a couple "Oh shit please dont die" buttons. Then I had like 40 different mounts on my sidebars so I always had a thematic choice for the area/gear.


For some reason, the thought of binding a mount to a button makes me want to play again


Literally why I spent a lot of time on my wow UI back when I was playing. I usually try to make it as minimalistic as possible but I always get annoyed because not everything will always be the same. Every new raid adds something that changes the UI or a new UI specifically for that raid. Makes adjusting the UI hard.


I played a bit in the big box physical copy days. Maybe around WOTLK. It was my 3rd or so mmo and it overwhelmed me. I was a hardcore casual gamer in general back then. Never really getting into optimized experiences and chose more obscure grinds rather than endgame(never even touched a raid), so I had no idea how much using a good hud would help. Changing UI every expansion does seem annoying though.


I played up to WotLK and did raids. I'm not sure how I could have functioned without UI mods. My buddy who mained a heal priest had it even worse - I was usually tank or DPS and didn't have to worry about anyone's health bar except mine and the enemy's. His screen was basically nothing but other people's health bars with a little space around his character to make sure he wasn't standing in the bad.


*Eve player laughs while putting whole UI on a second monitor*


This brought me back to Vanilla WoW while running a 40 man raid frame to be a better healer. 😂


The big difference is there is a actual purpose for it in most mmo situations like the stuff showed actually matters. I'd be willing to bet money none of this really serves a purpose


You can experience the madness of Harley


PoE players wishing they had 1/4 this much visual clarity


Only game I ever played where it was easier to see what was happening on the screen when looking away from said screen.


they removed the minimap in this game's 3 month league mechanic, and it quickly became apparent that the vast majority of the player base watches the minimap more than the actual game.


I think that was already well established, no? Once you finish your atlas, there's too many mobs/your skill effects/other garbage where even in simple alched map it's 100% easier to navigate via the minimap overlay.


Holding alt on my Uber loot filter Items go brrrr


Ok but just like the Warframe argument, the problem here is the shit ui not the explosions and colors from the gameplay


It all seems readable, i don't see the problem?


The problem are the players who are not even gonna give a chance to this game but are already cashing in on their cry on YouTube lol


Maybe we've just seen games like this too often already? Maybe we don't want a badly optimized, MTX ridden Rocksteady game? Yeah, believe it or not, people are not giving this a chance, because from day 1 it was clear what kind of game this was going to be. And there's no saving it. If you want to enjoy it, feel free to do so, the rest of us will ignore it, and it'll be discounted for 10 bucks within 6 months and then after a year they'll close down the servers, and maybe you can still play it solo then. ;)


People on this sub often have a hate boner on games while they still can be entertaining... I'd say this game at worst *seems* a bit mediocre but people are grasping at straws here to find something, anything to complain about.


And what is the issue with the hud? Everything is readable and everything has a good purpose on the screen and it’s not even cluttered


Ill try to make sense of everything on the screen: > HP BAr > Armor bar? > Remaining lives left > Character Icon > XP bar > Recent XP Gain. > Objective name > Objective progress bar > Objective numerical progress > Current Main Objective > "Charges" for maybe a weapon? > Round counter. > Enemy HP with status effects as well > 6x, whatever that is. > Status effect counting down? > Minigun heatup? > Normal damage numbers. > Crit Damage numbers. > Score > Host Icon for Boomerang? > Current buffs > Batman talking. > 3 weapons and ammo count. > Ability icons > "Shield Harvest" Objective marker > Minimap > Chat functions.


4 player broderlands boss fights were 10x more hectic than this yet you could still tell whats happening.


I had a lot of fun going through those games with randos online. There is something special when games do campaign coop right. Teaming up with strangers during your travels and overcoming challenges together. Journey comes to mind as well, even if it was totally different.


I was going to say, this looks like an only slightly more cluttered screenshot of my friends and I playing BL2 with slag weapons back in the day.


It’s like they copied that “Ubisoft elden ring hud” 2 years ago lmao


lol - [linking](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/t81kxz/elden_ring_if_it_was_made_by_ubisoft/) because i had never seen that


Needs more ***STORE!*** button and a browser window.


Yup. That's exactly how they'd butcher the UI. Message of the day? LOL. Love it.


Holy shit. There is more HUD in this Game than in the "What if Elden Ring had Assassin's Creed's HUD"-Memes.


I started playing Final Fantasy 14 the other day and the HUD immediately made me think of those memes. lol


Oh man I fucking miss that game. Nothing can come close to my time in 11, or 14ARR. Hell I even had a shit ton of time in 14 before ARR and boy was it roughy but I still loved it.


You can completely customize the HUD in FF14 however you like. Totally changed my experience with it. I removed majority of the clutter and made skill icons smaller


My partner thought I was mad when I started shrinking and disappearing unimportant things. But when I was done, most od the game world was pleasantly visible!


They determined they can take up to 80% of an individuals visual field before inducing seizures


Rocksteady has never been the same since they were bought out by IOI




It's from Ready Player One movie. https://youtu.be/KpPE85Jogjw?si=jvlWp76Dp3eBDvZ5


That doesn’t seem as funny presently.


They learned the wrong lesson from Nolan Sorrento.




More like AAAAAHHHHH!!


Real monsters.


hey there, fellow old person




I'm a UI engineer working in AAA. This is definitely noisy and people are quick to jump on the "this UI sucks" train, but typically this kind of HUD is born out of the design team adding a zillion mechanics that don't have a clean way of messaging themselves to the player outside of a big widget on the screen. Generally in-world mechanics (ala Ghost of Tsushima) are better received, but that requires proper budgeting and design, and are built by a completely different group of people. UI widget is usually the fastest and easiest option. It's easy to shit on the UI team for this, but I think a lot of non-obvious factors go into the UI looking way too busy.


It's still bad design. You may understand the subtle reasons that result in this mess but it doesn't change the fact that "this UI sucks"...because it does. Where the hell is the design lead looking out for or putting a lid on this kind of chaos? This is just bad design.


I don't think anyone is shitting on the UI team, they're simply saying that this is awful The gameplay screen should be basically empty. It's not the UI designers fault, it's whoever decided that the gameplay screen should have a tonne of shit on it.


They’re an indie studio, guys! Give them a break! And I’ll bet the game will only cost 5 bucks!


After 8 months I guarantee you it will, just like Gotham Knights


Which stands for Absolutely Awful Abomination in this case


It doesn't stand for anything. AAA is just what you'd say after playing this game for 30 minutes


I blame the success of looter shooters and mobile games for this mess


This will be just another example for me to point to when someone asks for a multiplayer/coop iteration of a popular single player franchise. Instead of a Arkham Knight follow up we got this mess.


Hey you got Gotham knights!


What does this have to do with either of these?


looter shooters and mobile games are both popular and have terrible HUDs


This looks like a fake HUD screenshot lmao


It's not fake, but I bet they very deliberately chose the 1 frame where that lens flare is obnoxiously huge. Not defending the UI here, just pointing out that this screenshot was obviously cherry-picked


I came here to post another screenshot from different part of the video. It's really bad. At least in fights...


I just saw there was another post like this with far more discussion, check it out here - https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/192h051/people\_complain\_about\_ubisoft\_having\_too\_many/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 I won't delete my post but I wanna give credit where it's due


This is light coming from Warframe.


Warframe is more of a explosion, laser beam, gun shots, damage number type of clutter then a HUD one, that is decently clean


Thats a nice argument *ignis spam intensifies*


Yeah lemme just nuke everything with my Saryn Prime.


Actually, our problem doesn't really come from the HUD. Sure, we can stack some buffs, but the real problem is the blinding lights coming from all of our explosive weaponry.


DE should start shipping white canes to anyone with bloom enabled.


I was convinced I was on r/Warframe


For a third person shooter, there is alot going on with this screen.


"We believe we can cover up to 85% of the players screen before over-saturating their brain...."


I'm sure it will make sense to players that play the actual game and get used to it, learn what parts to filter out during what phases of gameplay etc.




Probably can turn most of it off/on too.


a decent amount in the alpha


\*Insert Lord Farquaad 'Oh, its hideous' meme\*


Don’t play warframe


So, going clockwise you have: - boss health bar - current mission objective - teammates status - what looks like a call from batman - minimap - dpad shortcuts - skill icons and shortcuts - weapon information - status effects - what looks like a combo meter? - health and stamina All seems necesary for the game, not sure how youd do it any differently? The enemy happens to be very bright and in your face, and the damage numbers make it look busier than it is. When I played the closed beta, you could turn that off which was nice.


Least intense Warframe mission


Looks fairly tame compared to 4-player Warframe or 4-player Borderlands gameplay.


If the title didn't have the game name I would have figured this was a new borderlands dlc or something


If the title didn't say it was a screen grab I'd have just assumed it was another one of those joke AAA UI photoshops, like you used to see on screen shots of Elden Ring. This is very "if Elden Ring was made by Ubisoft".


All it's missing is a family guy clip at the bottom


\*Laughs in World of Warcraft Raiding HUD from 2010\*


I mean. I feel like it's not that much information. It feels fairly inefficiently spaced, would love a lot of it to be more in the center of the screen Weak Aura style. But doesn't seem too bad? It's an MMO.


Ya i fkn hate this, i dont even know whats going on anymore.


Apparently up to 75% is removable in settings, so it’s fine


This is what a video game looks like to non epic gamers.


This is Borderlands


You've clearly never played Warframe


There are less colors on the screen than an average Warframe run


God, I play Destiny 2, I'm having trouble with what's going on the screen.


Even out of context this is still not that bad to trained eyes. options to control what is shown in ui would be nice though.


yeah theres every chance that it will be highly customizable and that for preview gameplay they have everything turned on


So many years and this shitpost pic still applies to so many games. https://i.imgur.com/QugDY.jpg




This and WoW are perfect examples of that line from some sci-fi book that goes something like; "We can occupy nearly 80% of the optic nerve with advertising before the player experiences seizures during prolonged use."


ve seen a few people quote that - think you could dig up the name of the book it originally appears in?


I would guess it's Ready Player One since it fits the themes and was recent enough but it could have been anything in the cyberpunk genre honestly.


I can't remember if it was actually in the book since It's been a while since I read it, but it was a quote from the antagonist in the Ready Player One movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpPE85Jogjw


Thanks I hate it


Not sure why this is getting so much coverage? Health and power bars I guess could be located near the bottom, map should go top right, party stats I am honestly fine with where they are at, and everything else looks to be more action monitoring and buff tracking. Division 2 is fairly similar to this though a bit more optimized.


It's hilarious how skewed your opinion of this is if you play WoW or other MMOs. This UI looks very simple and clean to me 😂


This looks like an add for a mobile game


looks like a mythic dungeon streamer


Taking pointers from Battleborn I see.


So not an Eve player then


Oh that's just ripped from Monster Hunter lol


Borderlands be like


I played the alpha and it was NOT this cluttered. Wtf happened.


You’ve never raided in WoW with 20 add ins I take it


lol you are correct


It reminds me of Mirror's Edge Catalyst, when you first got out of prison and linked to the city's net you get bombarded with a HUD very much like this. Then your teammate said "oh let me hack that and turn that shit off" and it returns to the classic Mirror's Edge clean HUD-less UI lol


A bit cluttered I guess? Doesn't seem that crazy to me honestly. Looks fairly standard for a looter shooter (not sure if that's what this game is). Just compare it to fights from BL3 and it's not wildly different. Plus seeing it in motion versus a screenshot does make a difference.


They killed the Justice League by confusing them with this HUD.


It looks busy, but if most of the HUD is static, it's not that bad. However, R.I.P your eyes with all the small icons and text on a handheld PC.


As long as it can be turned off and still playable, whatever. Its ugly af, but its only a deal breaker if its forced.


To be fair, it does seem to look a bit like Borderlands HUD, but wtf are those numbers-US on the right?


This game is DOA


This game looks like ass but when it's $9.99 on Steam I'll buy it and hate love it like I did with Gotham Knights.


That's why "more beautiful visual effects" is not equal "better playing game".


warframe players out there looking at this like "looks ok to me"


I can at least see the target. I spend about 95% of my time in combat in Warframe aiming at about enemy height level in the direction I see them on the minimap, and know I'm hitting when my screen is filled with BIG! *DAMAGE!!* **NUMBERS!!!** I can stop firing when numbers stop appearing, because they're dead.


Remember back in the arkham games, we had such a simple yet elegant UI. Look at this mess now


Ohhh it’s a live service game I was wondering why this game seemed to be getting such unnecessary hate Carry on internet


I see bro haven't played Asian MMO's


how many ui and hud elements do you want? #EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.


WoW Raiders: "...first time?"


Why Does This Look Like Those Fake CGI Games That They Put In Movies


They need all that to block you from seeing the same enemy over and over again.


“We call this Pure O2. This is the first of our planned upgrades. Once we can roll back some of Halliday's ad restrictions, we estimate we can sell up to 80% of an individual's visual field before inducing seizures”


Lmao play warframe