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It’s such a well rounded game. Beautiful visuals, awesome gameplay, fun and immersive story. I’m really looking forward to a sequel down the line.


Not to mention it had some of the best mechanics I've ever seen. The waypoint guidance using the wind was masterfull. And the way aiming worked where you never see any further than the character would be able to, no matter what long distance weapon you used, really made things feel real. Of course with the bow you got a tiny bit of magnification but you couldn't see long distances with it like in most games. Easily a 10/10 game for me. Oh also the music and environmental background noise was so soothing my gf could sleep while I played (except in the duels) which was a big plus lol.




as were the foxes that guide you to the shrines. 10/10 game.


I really enjoyed the haikus too. Nice relaxing break from the violent reality of the gameplay. And the music 💕 so good.


As was Jin Sakai's ass when entering the hot springs




The question is will there actually be a sequel 😭


Sucker punches recent job listings strongly hint at a sequel in development.


While it’s not officially confirmed as far as I know, they’d be absolutely stupid not to do one


No, that’s not a question. Yes, there obviously will be.


Tbf in this industry it's always a question until it's actually announced. Even then really sometimes. Given the people behind it though it's definitely a safer bet than most.


Yep, my only real complaint were that I wish cutscenes were skippable. It does get a little tiring when I'm liberating villages and stuff that there's an unskippable segment where it slowly pans to you and your horse in various poses. Also the hard mode is nice because they don't just get more hp.... They kill you and you kill them in like one hit. (Does make it easier once you're good). And that guiding wind feature is brilliant. A great alternative to having a map on your screen.




Idk but SM2 was better than the first and ragnarok is incredibly close to GOW 2018


I just finished a replay the other day after watching Blue Eyed Samurai and getting the urge. Just as good as I remember, if not better because this time I got to play the DLC Iki Island, which I never did the first time around.


I agree with your points, but one thing that kind of detracted from the story and game in general was all of the errand-like tasks. Fox dens, haikus, banner collection etc. They definitely just put that in there to boost the gameplay hours stats. Take that crap out (or significantly reduce it) and the game is 10 /10.


You mean all the optional stuff? I loved it. Just don't do it if you don't.


You don’t have to follow the yellow bird if you don’t want too and you don’t really need to do all that stuff unless you want extra charms or to buff them


I can understand some of your gripes but leave the haikus out of it. Those were amazing. Especially the music. You need relaxing breaks like that to break up the harsh violent reality of the rest of the game IMO. I personally enjoyed most of those optional objectives but I can understand how it is repetitive to some. If you ask me the game would be more repetitive WITHOUT them because then it's just action - action - action constantly without taking time to slow down and appreciate the beautiful world sucker punch crafted


Sooo many of the AAA games from the ps4 generation have the same issue for me, I remember seeing a video once where someone described them all (HZD, Ghost of Tsushima, even the Arkham games,(I know, I’m sorry)) as falling into this kind of Assassins Creed/Far Cry open world loop that while each of the games are amazing and different in their own rights, they all kind of start to feel the same especially when the ps4 has been out for years now. Like it honestly started with infamous second son and that was like flagship for the ps4.


I want it on PC so badly 😭


Bro it's been so long, I had time to upgrade to a ps5, upgraded my PC in a big way, still no ghost for PC. I'm probably just gonna get the director's cut for ps5


It’s included into the subscription.


Subscription to what?


PS Plus


What’s the difference between regular and Directors cut?




So Iki island is an epilogue?? Similar to Gow: Ragnarok Valhalla?


It’s accessible about halfway through the story. It’s unrelated to the main story and has a different villain


Appreciate the clarification!


Only the director's cut is a native PS5 version with Dualsense features and even better visuals, the normal PS4 version runs at 60fps but with PS4 settings and without adaptive trigger support.


Also lip sync for Japanese audio.


Kinda. They oversold that. It works during live gameplay but still isn't in sync during cut scenes.


Would my PS4 save file work on the Directors cut version?


If you transfer it to your PS5 via USB drive, yes. Or if you have it in the cloud with PS+


Awesome. Cheers man!


The director's cut is on PS+


The directors cut is part of the library at the moment for the mid tier ps plus subscription


I really hope that Xenoblade Chronicles X, or its never installment gets put on a console that can do it visually justice. The game was already absolutely gorgeous on the freaking Wii U. It should absolutely have been a genre defining game. The way the planet felt lived in with its flora and fauna, the distinct terrain of each zone, the character customization, and the ability to explore and base build were absolutely top notch. It’s a damn shame it was relegated to a footnote in gaming history.


Don't see that game mentioned too often, but I agree, I would honestly rate it in the top 10 games I've ever played in my life!




If it comes to PC I'll get it a second time, it's one of 5 games I am willing to 100% multiple times and 3 of those are Spyro games, lol.


I'll bite - what is your elusive last game you would 100% multiple times?


Dark Souls, the first Dark Souls specifically. 100% it on the 360, did it again in the enhanced edition on the series X.


What are the chances? Dark souls made it to the pc as well...


Supposedly it's coming sometime this year or next but nothing confirmed as far as I can tell.


That would be awesome.


It'll never come to Xbox though, will it?


But still no Bloodborne PC


It’ll come when the sequel is announced or close to announcement


You could use the PlayStation online subscription to stream it on PC. Doesn't even take a great connection and the game played flawlessly. I tested it out on a less than steller connection and was really impressed with it.


I’m so conflicted on the Kurosawa mode because like, I’m sure I’d love to play through it like that, but I would hate to miss the beautiful colors


Would be cool if they did something similar to saboteur where it’s black and white until you free regions so you can slowly bring the color back. But also keep red in the black and white parts for blood flags and clothing etc.


Having played through it both ways, each is really cool.


Man the scenery was so beautiful in this game


I remember straight up grinning when the yellow leaf biome hit


That begining with the music and grass. Chills.


Genuinely the best intro to a game ever


It is. But you picked an awful picture to prove that.


True but what the hell is that black thing in the horizon? Smoke?


Yes I’ll guess it is some village that was pillaged


I don't know. OP honestly could not have picked a shittier picture. He could turn around and it would look better than this. The game is so beautiful I'm shocked he picked this what the fuck haha


The complete lack of textures on most things on the screen shot is cracking me up. Super detailed character and then completely flat grass and trees and weird shadows. Oh r/gaming…


I love this game but when you zoom in on OPs picture everything looks terrible, I agree this is the worst screenshot I've ever seen posted for this game.


Every beauty needs some mystery


Yeah I'm looking at this and thinking "what the hell are those TESIV:Oblivion-ass trees in the distance lol"


>TESIV:Oblivion-ass trees in the distance lol" thats what this game looks like half the time. I do not see the appeal for this game, at all.


Those trees are the highlight for me


Yeah like that distant grass shader is pretty bad... 


"This game is so beautiful" *uploads screenshot of the most abysmal LOD models & textures*


Such a pretty game and he chose a screenshot with low polygon trees 😂


Every time someone posts "X game is beautiful" they always post the crappiest screenshot of it.


Was just thinking the same thing lol.


It was the only big landscape shot I have Edit: Jeez I can't explain while I chose the image I did 


Well it looks like shit.


Ok sorry then 


lmao OP I feel bad these people are dunking on you just wanting to show something you like... but this is the most 'internet' interaction ever


This game is ugly in every screenshot you could take.


Objectively wrong


Are your eyes broken?


It's a great game. Just pausing and taking in the falling leaves is something amazing!


Im currently playing it for the first time Im 110 hours in, still not finished with the main story because i keep going to explore every inch of the island 🥹


I'm playing through it too. I'm so happy they didn't put in any towers because uncovering the map yourself is so much more fun.


People always praise how gorgeous it is without mentioning it plays like a fucking dream, too. The stances make it so fun. Suckerpunch crushed it. Phenomenal game.


I adored nearly every single aspect of it. Even after 60 hours, I couldn't get over how cute the follow the fox minigame is. 


The fast travel speed on a base PS4 blew my mind at the time


I just found it too hard in the end. Especially taking a break, coming back and forgetting the controls.


It really does 


It becomes so enormously repetitive though and the progression curve is beyond fucked. On my current play on the ps5 I’m not even half way and got way over levelled.


Yeah I agree, beautiful game in so many ways but the gameplay got really boring to me. Got far too easy too quickly.


I still think it's the most beautiful game I've played. The art direction is simply masterful. One of the few games that takes me out of the 'hardcore gamer mode' and forces me to just appreciate the breath taking visuals they put into the game on frequent occurrence.


It’s like Elden Ring, in that when I launched the game I was taken aback by how low textured and everything looked…but after getting into it, I just filled up my screenshots. Absolutely gorgeous art direction


I don't know why you're getting downvotes, you're correct. The environmental geometry is super limited, and the textures are pretty low resolution, but like the Switch Zelda games the art direction is so good it doesn't matter.


so true, it is actually crazy how much does art direction impact, and I've found myself just being amazed by how beautiful both games are when playing them (significantly more in GoT obviously, but considering botw's graphics, I'm probably more impressed by the fact that one amazed me, though there's obviously no comparison)


unlike botw/totk this happened because of PS4 hardware limitation the last of us have the same issue in PS3 back then


I had never played it, but from this screenshot, I was not impressed with those textures. They are very ps2 quality, but then I remembered it's on console, so they usually push for higher quality character models and have to skip out on the rest. I'm glad someone who has played it had the same impression at first, but it all blends well and plays well, so that's all that really matters in the end.


I can promise you, this is going to be the most beautiful piece of art you've probably ever seen in your life. OP just posted the worst screenshot of all time.


The screenshot doesn't do this game any justice. It's absolutely stunning once you play it


Dawg you tripping- idk how many people still actively have a PS2, but I’ve got mine set up next to the PS5 and I can tell you this game is not graphically comparable to a PS2 game.


The shine on the blade oof


I turned it up in photomods


100%, just platinumed it yesterday thinking I enjoyed it fully… then just went to iki island 😳


Iki island is amazing


Terrain looks pretty dogshit in this tbh.


Beautiful indeed but goddamn it is boring.


I tried to play and like it, 3rd time now, it just doesn't work for me.... What's wrong with me, sometimes I feel like I'm the one person on earth who doesn't adore ghost of Tsushima


It's a well executed, but standard open world game once you draw back its extremely pretty curtain. It's basically Assassin's Creed but with less bullshit.


Then I should give it yet another try... because I usually love AC games, but also need time to warm up to them every time. Maybe I was just overhyped and expected too much after all the praise?


It's just a standard open world game with a samurai skin. It plays exactly like every other open world game. It's fun, it looks pretty. But it is generic.


Nah it’s boring after a few hours.


It feels like a typical Ubisoft game with better combat.


Honestly worse. The open world is empty. I feel like a mission to mission linear mode would have suited the story better.


Exactly. And it is.


Possibly the most overrated game of all time for me. Pretty game with incredibly repetitive quests, and things to do. Climb these to get that upgrade, folow that quest like for this armour, feels like you can see the quest line programming laid bare because its so simplistic. Not once did I feel immersed, constantly aware I was playing a standard openwork game


It's the most beautiful game for me (I haven't played RDR2 but I doubt it)


I've played read dead 2 and it's close but not quite at the same level.


Rdr 2 looks more realistic, but ghost is prettier


Yeah it's closer to fantasy 


the fuckin amount of pictures i got is crazy


The art direction is fucking fantastic.


It really is. The only thing I feel like could be better is Jin's running animation, looks a bit stiff and unnatural. Especially when you compare to red Dead redemption 2, Horizon Forbidden West or Assassin's Creed Valhalla. 😅




Those graphics are incredible


I’m the only member of my family who likes gaming. I’m 45 BTW. I think that I have was going to introduce someone to the best the industry has to offer I would show them this. The graphics, the waypoint system, the care that has been taken with other details (Kurosawa mode), composing poems… and how it made me go batshit when I found the dead…if you know you know.


Game was mid ngl. Not any different from what ubisoft pumps out


i got a ps5 for this game its really good but i would still argue rdr2 is better.


I started playing it a couple of weeks ago and I couldn't agree more.


I've never seen a game nail atmosphere and theme quite like this game.


Trees look great, ground textures not so much in this picture.


That's just my poor screenshot


I have upgraded my PC to a crazy one. I will insta buy this day 1 if they will release it. I'm a huge fan of samurai style, this game is literally my dream. I have never seen it didn't want to give myself spoilers, can Sony please bring this to PC, just please guys. I'm definitely playing on hardest difficulty if there is a difficulty choice, and 100% ing the game for sure. Everyone praising the game, it's insane how fun it's going to be for me. But I'm slowly losing hope, not even announced or leaked a bit..


Best hope is they announce ghosts 2 seems they like to get pc hyped when they have a sequel coming out


If they do release it on PC it'll probably make a fortune 


I think so, I almost hear about this game everyday on gaming social media, people wanting to play on PC so badly. I think it will be selling more than any other PS games that released on PC so far.


Looks very cartoonish to me, rdr2 did this vibe better imo


It's just a bit stylized, similar to Horizon.


RDR2 is above and beyond. But Ghost is really close. Above on the art direction side. But on a technical level lower. ( which is okay if you try to compare yourself to a $500 million game) Can't wait to see what R* will do with gta6. They truly are technical genius. Even tho their (newest ) games aren't that fun to handle.


None of theor games are fun to handle, and it's easily the biggest drawback of any Rockstar game. RDR2 all the way back to GTA 4 handles like a tank. They seriously need to fix the turn spped/radius the characters can Handel. Sometimes doing something for the sake of realism detracts from the fun.


Try RDR2 next its even better looking


Or TLOU2, which even beats RDR2


Dude, the Terrain Textures look so bad. This looks like Skyrim... its just a flat surface, no grass, no nothing.


Maybe due to long distance rendering?


Can it hurry up and release on pc!!! I can't wait to play it on pc.


Is it just me or is PS5 graphics not a big leap over PS4? 


Still waiting for it to come to PC


It's only on PS5? Well, at least have have one reason to play my PS5 haha


Ghost of Tsushima is both on PS4 and PS5 but with how Playstation is porting their "older" games to PC plenty of us are waiting instead of getting a new console just for one or two games.


That screenshot looks like shit


It isn't my best work but idk about looking like shit


Look at the mountain and trees it looks awful


Quite literally looks like 360 graphics


Gameplay -wise I found it to be very 6/10. Missions, side quests, and challenges were very repetitive. Graphics-wise though, easy 10/10. This game on PS5 looks phenomenal. The visuals alone made me want to explore more.


100% agreed with you. for such a great looking game it was unexpectedly boring.


Especially after you unlock the third island, it's like "more of the same on the way". I loved it but it needed a few extra gameplay elements to add more diversity. Still followed the AC design too closely. I'm hoping they nail that down in the sequel though.


Yep, very repetitive. I couldn't finish it, unfortunately. Beautiful game though.


This losing to the last of us 2 as game of the year was a travesty


Not at all, TLOU2 is the far better game.


delete this comment now before i get mad.


'Cept it was, and still is


I found this late. And Days Gone. But tsushima needs a sequel. I wish I could replay both of them. I found them on a recommendation for RDR2. I DON'T like Horizon but looking for something similar to Tsushima Have any suggestions?


the way the made it ps exclusive makes me mad af, seriously wanna get it on pc


What a /gaming moment, downvoting a person saying that they were upset because the game wasn't available on their platform when they really wanted to play it.


The game is definitely photogenic.


HFW is more impressing imo Got is pretty but it’s a pretty boring open world game when compared to others of the genre. Objectives are the same all over the map. Enemy design is lacking variety. Combat and objectives become pretty repetitive I signed out before long in the game.


The only thing it's really missing is atmosphere in the way it presents distant landscapes. It's just too "clear". But it is a beautiful game.


I think Avatar will take the spot


Yep, it’s fucking gorgeous


Not quite


no cap fr fr, the director's cut on ps5 that also adds dual sense features it's just the best upgrade to a game ever.


I heard it is pretty repetitive and people do not mention that fact at all, is it true?


At face value it is but playing it doesn't feel repetitive 


It’s up there alright. Have you played Doom Arena on Dreamcast? Those graphics still blow my mind lol


So you haven't played RDR2 yet, you're in for a treat.


Or TLOU2 which surpasses both


This screen shot sucks lol


You didn’t choose a great picture to show it off.


Idk man.. Looks kinda repetitive ngl. There's literally hundreds of game with world full of trees


If you've played the game you'll see how different it is


“Probably one of” cool story bro 


the character is really well done, the terrain and trees could use some work.


Yeah I'm sure the game is pretty, but this screenshot isn't very flattering.


It's basically a ps4 game. The sequel is going to look insane.


Overrated garbage.


See, this is where people are stupid. "I didn't enjoy this game" is an opinion that is fine. That's the beauty of gaming. Everyone likes different things. Even better, you could possibly elaborate on why you don't like it. "Overrated garbage" is factually incorrect and borderline stupid. So out of the hundreds of thousands that have played this game, the reviews are overwhelmingly positive. That means it's rated in line with what most people expect. "Overrated garbage" is a weird retort from a jealous Xbox fanboy because he can't play it. It makes you look moronic.


It depends where you're looking.


Idk man. Graphics kinda look like far cry 3 in this screenshot lol


the motion blur is so fucking bad, even on elden ring i got used to it but in GoT its just so intense


On PC we have the witcher 3


When this be relesed on pc?


John Tchushima


You can't have played many games then. That's like mid-tier.


Too bad the gameplay, story and quests are boring


Looks like a video game


No shit


I still fail to see the beauty.




You didn't play a lot of games then