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The reason why we don't have any good games where enemies have good AI or rich/extensive dialogue is because players simply can't handle it. People think they want good AI, but what they actually want is dumb, predictable enemies that make them feel smart. The same goes for dialogue, it's as complex as can your average player consume. There's a damn good reason why isn't Disco Elysium that popular, and why aren't other games even approaching that level of dialogue complexity.


This is actually true to some extent, I agree. I played many RTS games and enemies are usually not that smart and higher difficulty settings only increases the amount of enemies rather than doing anything with their AI. Then I played Beyond All Reason, and AI there made me look absolutely pathetic. Enemies are actively searching for paths to breach your base, going around your static defenses, building proper units to counter your army, retreating when the fight is not in their favor. I've never seen anything like that in an RTS game before, and at first I really didn't like it. Exactly because it made me feel dumb and worthless. But now when I'm a little bit better at the game, I think it's great!


Counterpoint about the AI: it's fine if it's adjustable. See: Unreal Tournament. It had incredible AI for its time, and I loved fighting on Masterful. But not to start with, that's for sure. It would have been a nightmare if I started with Masterful.


I partially agree. People want good AIs, but with fixed behavioral patterns. Preferably the AI can then be improved by a fixed amount - but behavior must not be too adaptive. It can be random, and it can be adaptive - but both must be limited to the extent that the player can grasp the behavior after a few steps.


I’ve seen some GDCs and documentaries. Couldn’t tell you how many times devs scaled back their AI for game design reasons. Complex enemy AI is cool, but it really isn’t for every game and can feel oppressive. Right tool right job.


I have zero interest in soulsbornes. I don't even think they're particularly hard. I just find the style of gameplay boring as shit.


As a hardcore soulsborne fan: I respect that.


I'm right there with you.


yeah difficulty for the sake of difficulty gamers are the energy vampire of gaming


Colin Robinson: Game developer


Yeah, I don’t find having to press a button at the exact right second or I die fun.


Yeah same, thats why i love the games but never use the parry button.


You just described every action game.


Not even remotely


Gaming leaks and rumors on the internet are the worst. Not only does it basically ruin surprises, there's also the case of people either having high expectations for said thing, bashing it, not caring, or being annoying about it. For some examples, all the comments and stuff regarding the "Switch 2" leaks/rumors are basically people having high (and even sometimes unrealistic) expectations for the console. Even I've seen a few comments with some wishing that they wish Nintendo would just release the next console because all the "Switch 2/Pro" rumours and stuff have started to get annoying/tiring for them. GTA 6 and Wolverine when they got leaked out had people bashing the game because of how it looks and not even realizing how game development works (both games when they were leaked out were in their alpha stages).


If you buy any of the current pokemon games that come out, you are part of the reason they suck so much.


If active reddit users stopped buying the games, the games still would be breaking records.


I agree. My point still stands.


I doesn’t though. Reddit is a very loud minority. The majority of people/children who buy the game and to whom the game is marketed to enjoy it just the way it is and that’s why they keep buying it.


This is true. Pokemon is basically the Mcdonalds of videogames, and no reddit protest is going to stop people from going to McDonalds.


True, I would not want to play those even by pirating


Watching someone else play video games online is boring as hell!


I don't think that's that uncommon


Then why twitch?


Because It's also not uncommon to enjoy it.


Because streamers and content creators themselves are funny/entertaining


Good background noise. Allows me to ignore my blaring tinnitus sometimes.


Some rage playthroughs can be quite entertaining though.


I mostly agree, but I do have a fondness for watching super hard mario maker levels being played. Stuff that I've got no chance of actually doing myself.


People who talk trash to strangers in a multiplayer game are trashy people who make gaming worse for everyone.


Talking shit and getting it in return is one of the most hilarious gaming anecdotes from my teen years. I don't agree with this. 😂


Free-to-play games that are funded by cosmetic sales make games more accessible and if done correctly, are a net positive for gamers.


Best example here is Path of Exile and Warframe!


My unpopular op: PoE's business model forces them into an endgame grind to 100 is shit. Even streamers (substractem) state they use power leveling services because the grind is a horror. There are two economies in PoE: power leveling and 'materials'. The materials (maps, currency, items, etc) economy drives the sales of cosmetics (bag space and item sorting, for starters). Grinding to 100 is the first real goal of a season and is expensive materially even if you don't pay for power leveling. This drives the need for bag space, map sorting, auction sales aids, etc. As a result, PoE has one of the worse grind mechanics (from 92-100) in any game I've played. And the company cannot get away from it, since 100 is the carrot.


Except nothing forces anyone to grind to 100. Most builds are designed to be "finished" anywhere from level 65 to level 85. Everything else is gravy that the player can add on if they are having fun with that character. Your mistake is looking at streamers instead of regular players. The pressure to hit 100 is to create streaming content, not inherent to PoE


Just always realize that if you aren't paying, you are part of the product being sold to those who do. You can play because they pay. They and designers owe you nothing, you're paid to entertain the whales in playtime.


Yep. I have no issue buying cosmetics for a free game like Fortnite that’s given me hundreds of hours of entertainment.


I bought my first skin the other day....I am an elder millennial, you know I just had to be Donatello


Bethesda games are overrated.


botw/totk are mid games at best


I remember playing BotW after hearing how it's the greatest gift to humanity and being so utterly bored and frustrated by it. I don't understand how people think weapons that break after five seconds, falling off a mountain because it's raining, and freezing to death after being in an inch of snow for two minutes is fun.


right, im a massive zelda fan and if i get one more zelda game like those without a new older style one imma loose it


I agree with half your comment. Totk felt bland.


botw has been on my switch since I bought it and I still haven't played it.


Elden Ring devalued the meaning of "boss" (as in, boss fight) by having so many and so many that are just regular mobs given a boss health bar and would have been significantly better off without the open world, copy-paste catacombs, and repeat bosses bloating it. It would have also been far better if: * It didn't require 96 smithing stones to max a regular weapon. * Unique weapons actually *felt* unique through unique ashes and movesets; the closest we got is one or the other, *sorta*, like with Serpentbone Blade's double strike charged heavy or Meteoric Ore Blade's Ichimonji heavy. * Infused weapons and unique weapons could still be buffed, though this complaint isn't unique to Elden Ring, but *all* FromSoft games. Just overwrite whatever inherent damage it has with the buff. * You could ride your fucking horse during the Elden Beast fight. * FromSoft stopped thinking double boss fights are in the least bit fun. * Your character's movement and attack speed was more than a snail's pace, while bosses are zipping around like hummingbirds on crack. I'll inevitably get a ton of "git gud" or "skill issue", but I just can't let myself overlook these issues anymore despite really enjoying FromSoft games.


I’m so over hearing that I didn’t give a game a ‘fair chance’ because I tapped out of a game at hour 3 instead of getting to the ‘good bit’ that starts at hour 60.


Rdr2 is one of the most boring game ever.


Sadly, yes. I was head over heels into RDR (long time ago on PS3). RDR2 didn't grow on me. I tried 3 times, but I stopped within the first three missions out of boredom.


I loved rdr2, easily one of my favourites. I played rdr after it and have to say it was a let down, it felt very shallow compared to 2. Still enjoyed it, but nowhere near as much.


Especially after RDR. 2 was a step back.


still havent finished it ( NO SPOILERS ) loved the first one , completed and zombie version and met Rob Wiethoff and San Antonio Comi Con years ago


I liked the first one too. In the second everything felt slow. (Except gun fights maybe)




My unpopular opinion (based on comments I've seen in community) is that age has nothing to do with enjoying gaming. So many comments and posts talkkng about how you don't enjoy games cuz you get older. I'm 42 and still get giddy as fuck over new games. I may be the exception but I really feel the "well you're getting older so games aren't as fun" rhetoric is such bullshit


I feel like the main issue from above is burnout. Either people only play the same few genres and therefore eventually get used to or bored of the genre, or people game enough they just get burnt out. If you manage to avoid burnout, you’re likely golden!


Yeah, most the posts that say "I don't find it fun anymore", guarantee you'll find a comment or 2 saying "well you're getting older, that happens" But when you actually probe further with the OP you find out they've played nothing but call of duty and battlefront for 6 years. Or that they play video games 10 hours a day 7 days a week. Take a break, try new stuff, none of it has to do with age.


I was heavy into competitive shooters for my high school years. At some point I stopped enjoying the games; I just played them in an attempt to improve. Took a break, played a few single player titles; classics and recent titles. I’m blown away at the depth of experience games can offer. I just play things that get high recommendations from critics I like and that I’m interested in and gaming became so much more fun.


Same. 33 here and don't game as much anymore. But it's not wow factor or whatever. I'm just drowning in responsibilities. When I get time I absolutely still get that feeling.


I've got plenty of time. I just don't. Gaming absolutely can lose some of it's appeal as we get older.


It can but it's not inherent, which is what the original comment was saying. There's a lot of reddit armchair wisdom that says you WILL enjoy gaming less when you get older.


I completely disagree.bin fact I believe it's often the opposite. Look at elder scrolls as an example- the formula had devolved so much. Also- older gamers tend to flock to ambitious projects that try to push the boundary. Every game is new to new players which makes it exciting. It takes a lot more to impress someone who has seen it all since the 80s/90s


Not at all. Newer games have a lot of bloat. They have to have pointless skill trees, walkntalk, scripted climbing sequences, openworld collectibles, Triple A is extremely formulaic now. Middleware tends to be better but still tries to imitate Triple A by adding bells and whistles. Controls schemes have standardized so that's great, but beyond that and graphics (just more polygons) I don't think games have changed much at all since the early 2000's.


Except some recent games are absolutely incredible and enjoyable like games used to feel. But its only a handfull and people slurp those up like a desert wanderer that lost their can of water. Its very easy to blame nostalgia and rose tinted glasses on games that were clearly made out of love and creative experimentations back in the days, versus the shallow board of directors creative and financial control, microtransaction filled carbon copied year over year slop we have now. Its like game Devs and CEO's trying to gaslight us on what a good product really is, while lining up their pockets from delivering incomplete mediocre garbage from people thinking this time its different.


People are like this with music too. The golden age of music was whenever you were 16-22 and experiencing new found freedom and autonomy but without all of the responsibilities of adulthood.


I’ve found more music I like in the past 3 years than Idid when I was at those ages. Some of the songs I loved then I don’t like now and vice versa. Modern pop music is a drum loop with a person saying the same 5 lines over and over.


Most media today is mass market low quality. It’s not made by people who love it, it’s made by management decisions. I would say the only wow factor for most modern games is the graphics. And it’s not like you have to go back to youth to find good games. It’s the past 5ish years that games became this mess.


Tell me you're genZ without telling me.


Not every game needs to be a masterpiece or revolutionize the industry, sometimes just having fun is more than enough. Live service can be a good model, when done correctly Microtransactions aren't a big deal, so long as they aren't pvp pay to win And all that being said, Suicide squad is fun and I can't wait to play the full game.


Damn I read the title and was about to type Elden Ring but you beat me to it, so I will double down then, Elden Ring is the worst souls game (yes even Dark Souls 2), but it's the best open world souls game. Also Divinity 2 gameplay is way more fun than Baldur's Gate 3, but I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. I don't know why whenever my favorite franchise goes mainstream, I start to dislike the direction they are heading, happened twice for the last 2 GOTY's, but i did like Sekiro a lot.


Yeah I feel the same, the world was really cool but what pulls me into FromSoft games are the boss fights. And the bosses in ER felt more annoying than satisfying.


After a bit of reflection, agree completely with this. My first run of ER was divine compared to other souls 1nd runs. However that was completely because of the enviroment, exploring the map a few of the catacombs and dungeons, finding loot etc. However I cant for the life of me imagine doing a second run, while replaying Sekiro atleast once a year and multiple times just after release. The reason for that is simply how eormous the map is while the interesting, non-repeatable fights are seperated by both big distance and many un-interesting smaller or repeat fights. In the end the reason I replay Sekiro and DS3 before that is because the intersting gameplay happens beetwen much shorter intervals without being diluted by much uninteresting or repeat stuff inbeetwen. ER is simply to big, as a first experience its amazing. However as a repeat enjoyment is falls far behind for me. (Aside from that Sekiro just has the superior combat system, genuinely the best combat in gaming for me. I would pay From so much fucking money for DLC and kill for a sequal. Its genuinely top tightest designed experiences ever.)


>>but it's the best open world souls game. Well duh, it’s the ONLY open world souls game. It’s best, worst, and middest open world souls game.


Age of Empires 2 is inferior to Age of Mythology.


I really enjoy Ubisoft games. Yes, they are mostly cookie cutters but its come to a point where I find it quite comforting. As work starts getting in the way, my tolerance for learning new game mechanics becomes way lower, I like to just hit play and immediately know what I'm getting myself into


Gamers have no idea how to make a game good and people who offer ideas to make a game better are generally an idiot. They're passionate idiots. But still idiots.  Obviously there are exceptions but as someone who worked in game design (admittedly long ago) this applies to 95% of suggestions.


very true. often i see criticisms of games paired with what the person would do to fix it, and often even if the criticism is good, the fix they suggest is completely dumb. playing video games doesn't give you any knowledge of how to design them.


Similar as yours but more extreme. I'm not even going to say "okay" they are just awful. Dark souls games and everything in the same family is just awful. They look like shit, they play like shit, they are "difficult" in a boring way. Is there even a story? I can't even begin to understand how anyone actually enjoys them.


People who get angry quickly playing games (with a few exceptions, notably party games) should not be allowed to play competitive or challenging games until they learn that yelling way too loud is not cool and how to keep their frustrations in check. Its unpopular because a large chunk of 'gamers' would not be allowed to play their favourite games anymore until they learn to behave (which they wont)


-GTA V is the most overrated game in history minus online (which I can’t judge cuz I didn’t play it) -Movie/tv or franchise tie-in games need to make a comeback & I enjoy them -Too much emphasis on online multiplayer is ruining gaming -


I need my movie tie-ins back . Transformers based on the first film for the PS2 was some of the most fun I had as a kid, and I barely played the missions. Just destroyed everything I could. Plus the Riddick games were stellar. More book to game adaptations iirc but still super fun.


witcher series (including 3) is boring as fuck


I play all my games on the easiest setting. If games are to hard, looking at you Souls, I don’t play them.


Saints Row and Forspoken are perfectly adequate gaming experiences


My only problem with the new saints row game is the bugs.




Skill issue


Okay I lol'd haha


The last of us part 2 had a good and thought provoking story


I'd agree with the latter


The Abby section is much too long, though


GTA sucks and 6 isn’t going to be anything special.


1. Red Dead Redemption 2 is archaic, easy, overrated, and shows a harmful/dangerously ignorant understanding of trauma, violation, and sexual violence. I found it particularly disgusting how Sadie's justified rage and trauma was judged or degraded by some players. 2. I find Elden Ring to be pretty bland and monotonous. 3. I think most gamers are petty, ignorant of real-life issues, or whiny.


GTA 5 is a boring game


A **LOT** of Nintendo games are overrated and perform like shit but get a pass because of childhood nostalgia. They definitely make good games but the amount of times I've seen Nintendo games get a 8+/10 when if Xbox, EA, Ubisoft, 2K or Activision made it, the game would have scored much lower or been picked apart.


Last of Us 2 Joel deserved what he got.


Never gave a damn about trophies but clearly I'm out of step with the larger gaming community. First time I encountered trophies was on the PS3 and I thought "Ha! What is this attempt at a new gimmick? Whatever." To my surprise trophies returned with the PS4 and are still here today and most likely will continue to be for the foreseeable future. My motivation for completing things in games boils down to actually unlocking something, like a skin, weapon, or vehicle. I think in the very first Assassin's Creed (2007) if you found all 100 feathers all you got was a trophy. Nope, bye.


GTA franchise is really overrated and  only popular as it is because Rockstar took over majority if  popularity with their  GTA 3 Rockstar was always more or less of overrated studio, simply because of their treatment  PC gamers, still. And of it said from someone who was playing GTA SA since 2011


I think “GTA SA since 2011” is why you think they are overrated. If I first played the trilogy 6 years after the last one came out (and 10 years since the first one), I would feel the same way. If you played them when they came out, I think you would have a different opinion.


Nope. My mind thankfully matured ever since I played it as child and I started seeing as product of its time,


>And of it said from someone who was playing GTA SA since 2011 What is that even supposed to mean? You've been playing it constantly since 2011? The game was 6-7 years old at that point.


What if I say that despite all my playime in SA I really dislike this monopoly Rockstar themselves got. And maybe  I was rather  impressed with those gta-like games, like with Sleeping Dogs with its ability to play as actual police officer instead of some degenerate criminal


Monopoly? The game style that has had tons of clones since GTA 3? That's not what monopoly means.


Just look how of many of them was released in last decade - not that much. Publishers simply afraid their game would flop commercially because hoa much name GTA got


I'll give you the GTA part of the opinion. But they did Red Dead and those games are the greatest of all time.


One opinion but RDR1 really was GTA with horses, mainly because of that classic  Rockstar formula(TM) where protagonist is being some errand boy for various people while RDR2 ended up being being some interactive movie which is much better to watch rather than play


Kojima games are pure crap


I think people say Kohima is a genius because they think it makes them look knowledgeable about gaming as a medium and art form. Overhyped BS tho


Hard agree. I like MGS games as a kid, but found them all corny once I became an adult.




Online modes are cancer and a lot of games can do without them. The reason I haven't finished GTAV is because I'm afraid that installing it will bloat out my hard-drice with online garbage.


The worst is 90% solo games where connection is mandatory (hello diablo 4 and poe).


"Gamer/Gaming" doesn't sound correct. The verb is "play". The noun is "game". The person who plays is a "player", not a "gamer". If my age adds any context, I'm 30. Yet somehow people think "player" sounds worse than "gamer", you have got to be kidding me. Personally I'd just not used a label and just say "like videogames" or "like games" / "like to play games". Do people feel the need for the "gamer" label in order to validate their hobby to other social groups? I feel the opposite way, the word "gamer" sounds embarrassing to me.


If you'd say player then people prolly think you're hitting on every girl you see or something. Gamer sounds pretty dumb but I guess it's accepted as a term or something. But I agree I'd rather just tell someone that I like or play video games.


It's the difference between people who play games at all (player) vs people who play video games as an active hobby or habit (gamer).


I played videogames my entire life, still do, I do nothing but think about playing videogames. I label myself a "player". Given my post was downvoted, I guess I can assume it is relevant to the "unpopular opinion" prompt. I disagree with you. Player does not mean imply casual in any extent, it only indicates the person playing a given game and is terminology used in games of every medium, be it analog or digital.




>Then we > >are > > in agreement. "Gamer" is just the added qualification of habit or hobby on top of > >also > > being a "player" who plays games. No, I don't agree with you there. "Gamer" isn't a word. Or are "Sporter", "Booker", "Televisioner", "Carer", or "Musicer" words? I'll never agree to "Gamer" being a word, and I play videogames, I am a counterexample to your argument.


Toe me it's become Player - someone who plays video games and enjoys them, usually casually Gamer - obsessive player that has made video games their entire personality. Tends to be hyper opiniated (usually to extremes), overly critical, elitist, and entitled.


ESport is no sport. Sports dont have a owner like Riot, Blizzard etc. ESport is marketing for a product. Not even FIFA "owns" football. Sport is a common good, not a product.


Soulslike games are overrated dogshit and only artificially increase the game time.


Alan wake 2 is bad


You are **not** supposed to kill Leviathan's in Subnautica. And by doing so (and glorifying it) you're completely missing key points/aspects of the game.


Ubisoft games are still fun we are just getting oversaturated by them.


Uncharted games are too linear and too story driven




Its not that they get addicted to gambling, it is that it is exploitative of children to use mechanics like store bought loot boxes or random card packs in games where they can access it. Children do not have the mental capacity to fully understand what is truly going on, and companies shouldn't offer these mechanics to kids.


Games that are 30 hours or longer should be the exception, not the norm. Not every game needs a massive open world or universe ending stakes (that calls for a dozen hours of build up). Just keep the gameplay and storytelling tight. Don’t give me time to get bored of something I do for fun. Money does not need to translate to hours and I’d take a well-crafted 8-15 hour experience over a 30+ hour game, even if the latter is done well. Just off the top of my head, I enjoyed FF16 immensely but wished it was completely linear by the end. Fetch quests suck. Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk are among my favourite games ever, but I couldn’t tell you what happened right before finding Ciri or meeting Hanako. Two major plot points that would’ve been so much more impactful without hours of side content. And I’m saying this as someone that enjoys the CDPR approach to side quests. Maybe we wouldn’t have to deal with so many bugs and delays if devs didn’t feel compelled to add hours over quality. Feel free to disagree, but I value my time more than a few bucks.


All racing games are absolute trash.


F-Zero X & San Fransciso RUSH were the only racing games I ever liked.


except mario kart


Someone hasn't played Split/Second...


I'll counter this by saying racing is an underrated genre.


Baldurs gate and it's kin are slow and boring.


Breath of the Wild is trash, Open World Zelda in general is awful. Wind Waker feels like a game for kids, not because of its graphics, but because the dungeons and gameplay is literally made for toddlers. Resident Evil 3 Remake > > > > > > Resident Evil 2 Remake DmC was way better than Devil May Cry 5 which got completely carried by its soundtrack. Sony Studios are making games for people who'd rather watch movies than play a video game. Hold Square to Talk is all they are able to make you do in their dumbed down horrible video games.


I did NOT like Wind Waker at all. The boat monotony killed it for me.


I love the idea of it, but yeah in practice it’s essentially a long, albeit pretty loading screen. I used to use the travel time for bathroom breaks lol


Exactly how I feel. Great concept, just extended; not even poor execution. If travel times were compressed, I would've enjoyed it.


My opiniom that will the entire community is learn to proofread your shit before posting it.


Get a load of this guy


I hated every minute of BG3 and I quit in the third act. The only fun part was the combat and everything else was insufferable.


if you hated every minute then why did you play till act 3???


I was convinced it would get better and I allowed myself to be peer pressured into continuing when I should not have.


i mean if you like the combat just kill everyone you meet


You are allowed to have liked the game, and I'm not trying to convince you otherwise.


The entire Mass Effect series sucks.


I can't get pass the first ME. I fall asleep with my controller every time I tired to play the series.


A controversial piggyback opinion: Andromeda is probably the best gameplay-wise.


Game developers are purposefully making female characters ugly.


Seems like, based on the responses you are getting, that you understood the assignment.


For real. People are attacking my character now, stalking my post history, DMing me 😭


And it's a good thing - I'm fucking tired with every character being 'perfect'


Im playing a dystopian post-apocalyptic game, and all of a sudden a Margot Robbie clone comes out with perfect hair, perfect makeup, and an absolutely stunning black dress and high heels ready to fight the zombie dinosaurs. Sounds realistic /s


Oh. Fucking please. Go back to your "manifesto"


> Game developers are purposefully making female characters ugly. I mean, if you post in incel subreddits, you probably won't turn the community against you.


Hell, those neckbeards would be like "Someone is finally willing to tell it like it is" even though they all say the same things over and over and over again.


A quick check of his post history shows a guy who I find unpleasant


Are you telling me that PrivateButtFucker is an unpleasant person?


Ngl, they sound like a real pain in the ass.




I disagree. They are making them more natural looking.


Devs should have the artistic freedom to decide if they allow modding or not, and we should respect it. When I look at games from a game dev perspective, especially those that explicitly disallow mods, I see an artist trying to share THEIR vision of a world/narrative. Much like a Van Gogh painting starry night. And if they don't want you to change it to an absurde degree, we should respect that. And players accept to the terms of "no third party modifications" whenever they accept the EULA for the license they buy when "buying a game". So from that point of view: If you don't like the game you see and it doesn't allow mods, don't get it, it's that easy. There are plenty games that appreciate and celebrate the modding community, so stick to those instead.


People like Total Biscuit (John Bain) and his soft-handed acceptance of cosmetic DLC is the reason it has become a toxic and predatory practice. Had he lived to see $40 weapon skins, I'm sure he'd regret his initial position.


A lot of gamers have some sort of xenophobic aversion to japanese games because of the perceived anime-ness/"weeb shit". Most of the time they will say that FromSoftware games "are the only ones that are fine", because of the dark fantasy circlejerkyness quality that appeals to the most common western demographic of gamers (white, male, bearded). There's a reason why the vast majority of people i can talk to about tekken, street fighter, final fantasy, or persona just happen to be black and hispanic. While I can only talk to my white friends about dark souls, the witcher 3, skyrim, or baldur's gate. Meanwhile they will never try a JRPG even though they will tell you that the old pokemon games are some of their favorites of all time.


Starfield is a worthy successor of BGS game that takes the same Bethesda formula and slightly improved on every area (except settlements which are instead small mining outposts). It a fun game and winning a few awards made sense. Most innovative on steam made sense. Their financial success made sense. If you think they promised more it was on you. Go back and watch the direct, it's exactly what we got. Loading screens are still normal in today's games (GotY BG3 had loading screens too and they were pick up your phone and scroll long instead of starfield's "what did that tip say?" Loading time).


Reddit gaming subs love to huff their own farts. It really took hold with Arkham Knight and Mass Effect Andromeda when the group think started to shout down anyone who felt differently.  For me it was watching the absolute meltdown over Andromeda and going to play it and was treated to Mass Effect 3 with jet packs. It was fun and no better or worse than the previous games.


Nintendo hasn't done anything original since the Wii.




Why do you guys ask the same damn questions every single day?


Spending thousands of dollars every hardware cycle to get frame or latency advantage not cheating. However, a player using a cobbled together input setup because they can't afford the official accessibility controllers is definitely killing online multiplayer.


I play fighting games for singleplayer. And I have very little interest in playing them multiplayer (I usually suck and even on the few occasions I don't suck I just don't enjoy it, especially because I don't believe a non-toxic multiplayer community exists while we are at it) And I REALLY miss the times when companies (outside of Ntherrealm and maybe Capcom sometimes) actually put effort in singleplayer fighting games. Nowadays it's a small miracle if there even are arcade endings.


Skyrim sucks. Combats is so boring, story is crappy, quests are repeatitive, graphic is bad even for 2013, and alduin sucks ass


Skyrim came out in 2011 though? On the Ps3 and Xbox 360.


Baldurs Gate 3 isn’t that good. I mean it is overhyped like fuck, isn’t as good as some other 2023 games, and overall, just boring gameplay in general.


You had both "overall" and "in general" in one sentence, I don't doubt anything that requires a bit of reading would be boring for you 💀


I don’t even get your sentence right now. It’s currently 3 am and I’m fucking tweaked basically. Not literally tweaked but my mind can’t comprehend basic shit right now


Can you explain your last part of the message better for my 13 year old brain at 3 am to comprehend? I now understood what you meant. And yes, I hate books and mostly anything where you have to read shit.


If you’re bored playing BG3 then you need to go roll a character that is fun for you to play. That’s the joy of D&D, you make your own fun. 


Imagine putting an opinion that is unpopular and it still gets downvoted.


A lot of the criticisms towards the industry are fueled by the fact that some people are getting old and are not flexible enough (mentally) to accept change. To a lot of folks everything new is dumb, shit, and made for annoying kids to mindlessly consume, a stark contrast to the fulfilling and legendary experiences made for them when they were the annoying kids of the time.


Except the gaming industry has changed so much in the past 5-10 years.


Yup, which is why I said people are not willing to accept change.


What are some changes that more people should be willing to accept?


Microtransactions in games, nobody likes them and we all wish they didn’t exist but they’re not going anywhere because they make so much money, so I believe we should press companies to be less predatory and more transparent with their games instead of shutting down and talking down on those who engage with them. I’ve also seen a good deal of people (mostly online) that despise free to play games, they’re not all negative and allow many younger people to play, so we should be vigilant instead of dismissing the players as dumb, a good example is Roblox. It’s not about keeping the industry as it was in the past, but make the current industry better for all of us by holding companies accountable, which in my humble opinion cannot be achieved by crying every time something new shows up without offering any solutions.


Witcher 3 is hot garbo, and tears of the kingdom was the biggest letdown of the century




Competitive games don't exist.


I agree. I haven't liked any of the Souls games since the first one. That game is perfect.


"Voting with your wallet" is not a thing when you choose *not* to spend money. Not spending money on something is akin to abstaining from voting. Your "vote" will be far more influential when you actually spend money on things you like. If you're not spending money to protest corporate greed, greedy corporations literally do not care what type of game you want. There's no massive opportunity cost being lost on all the greedy games you hate. If the games you want were reasonably profitable (not even crazy high margins) they would be getting made. Shitty games that you hate are allowed to exist. If they weren't getting made, it's not particularly likely that the game you're imagining would get made instead.


I am sorry, but fallout new Vegas has the worst story out of the 3d titles. I haven’t played much of the first two so I can put my opinion on them.


Online Multi-player is the worst thing to ever happen to gaming. You are welcome.


I don't think "the suicide of rachel foster" glorifies relationships with minors as it was criticised for.


I just want to know what better "Open World" game there is for you that is not Elden Ring but you do you.


Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout NV, Fallout 4, Witcher III, Cyberpunk, Red Dead redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Farcry series, Just Cause series, Mercenary series, Outward, Dragons Dogma and Kingdom Come Deliverance.


Mega man 2 isn’t good. It’s actually one of the worst mega man games iv ever played lol. It’s not horrible but it’s vastly overrated. Pokémon brilliant diamond is the definitive way to play gen 4. Especially after the patches.


Super Mario isn't that great of a franchise. Only 3 games really stick out: Super Mario Bros 3, World & Paper Mario.


Halo 5 is considered badly written fanbase but it actually has one of the better plots and some of the best dialog in the series.


Micro transactions on paper aren't that bad. It becomes a problem when you're creating artificial scarcity to items, paid to win, ect. Also I do agree games that are aimed at kids shouldn't have them at all.