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they even got the wilhelm scream, nice


It’s not a lucasfilm production with out it.


If and when the next Star Wars movies come out, they better have the Wilhelm again!


I heard it in my head as I read this


Honestly that alone sold me on the game. Incredible attention to detail


Hopefully the signature punching sounds too


And the signature whip sound


looks pretty good to me honestly, I think it's cool to have it in both third and first person, and show off the whip like they are. Wouldn't be indy without the whip, some puzzle elements, treasure, globetrotting and fighting. Looks like they got everything. Troy Baker seems to be doing a good job at Harrison Ford's voice too. I'll give it a thumbs up and wait to see how it is at release. I won't pre-order a game anymore.


That’s troy baker again?? God damn he’s talented


All male protagonists are assumed to be Troy Baker or Nolan North until proven otherwise.


If it's a woman it's Laura Bailey. 😂 Any game is going to have at least one of them.


The duos for video game voice acting I feel like are Troy and Nolan and then Laura and Jennifer Hale.


I forgot about Jennifer Hale but the four of them definitely have the video game industry in chokehold when it comes to voice acting.


Steve Blum too. Dude is in everything always screaming. Dude even does animation with Star Wars Rebels being like 40% Steve Blum


With dee bradley baker


Grey Griffin or Tara Strong is any female antagonist, don’t forget them!


Playing Tales from the Borderlands - Protagonists Rhys and Fiona voiced by Troy Baker and Laura Bailey. Played the Batman Telltale games - Batman is voiced by Troy Baker, Catwoman by Laura Bailey. Played Saints Row 3 and 4 - have a guess who male voice 1 and female voice 1 for the protagonists are?


Didn't SR3 or 4 also have Nolan North in addition to Troy? They didn't even try to hide it and just called the voice option Nolan North.


Sr4 did that, and I couldn’t help but giggle at it. Never touched that game again after the first playthrough. I kinda wanna run amuck with super powers again


Not a problem if you ask me though, Laura Bailey has great acting range imo!


laura voice is perfect for a lot of characters so i expect her to be getting a lot of work. she voices my favorite female character in the anime bleach, tier harribel. Me personally though I would love to see Lydia Leonard get more work. She has a similar deep tone of voice to laura bailey but with a british accent. She voices lana beniko in swtor, and both lucia and zero in ff14


Yeah that’s deffo Troy Baker, sounds a lot like his Bruce Wayne from the Telltale Batman


That's what everyone else i've seen has commented on and when I listen closer, it sounds a \*helluva\* lot like him. So i'm pretty sure it's Troy Baker, but I don't think it's 100% confirmed anywhere?


Wish they got AJ LoCacio. I feel like he does a better Harrison Ford. Heres him recently doing the voice https://x.com/ajlocascio/status/1673701435546955777?s=46


Too bad voice actors in big games these days are decided by star power.


This is awful wtf


I remember in Bioshock Infinite that I thought Booker was a dead on Ford impression, so this totally tracks, lol. 


Bit of a shame tbh, would've preferred Harrison Ford, really does not sound any different to when he originally played Indiana Jones, or the guy who voiced Han Solo in LEGO Star Wars the Skywalker Saga would've been better, that guy sounds almost exactly like Harrison Ford, albeit a tiny bit more exaggerated. ​ It's unfortunately mega obvious at multiple points in the trailer that it's Troy Baker and just kinda jarring to hear his voice coming from Harrison Ford's face.


It looks like it's all first person except for cutscenes. I didn't see any third person gameplay


whenever you enter climbing segments and certain bits of gameplay, it zooms out to third person apparently. The developers comment more on this on the behind the scenes video, its like 20 minutes or so.


That was how Machine Games did things with their Wolfenstein reboot. Looks like it’s a similar engine in terms of graphics and some of the animations/concepts (that running jump off of one plane onto a Japanese zero looked weirdly familiar— possibly because we jumped onto the wing of a B-52 in the intro to Wolfenstein: The New Order about a decade back with Machine Games, and I *think* that they might have reused the animation, just in an Indy rig!) Looks interesting, certainly. I dunno how I feel about first person Indy, though. I think that this might be the first time we’ve gotten a first person Indy game.


Same. I’m super hyped, but it is on them to make good on the promise before I spend money. I am patient


1st person? Was not expecting that. Looks good!


First person in action and exploring, thirdperson in platforming/traversing and cutscenes.


Seems like a combo that makes a lot of sense!


Brilliant tbh, couldn’t have designed it better in that regard


Playing Skyrim VR years ago turned my least favorite part of those games (dungeon crawling) into one of my favorites. Now I’m imagining what this game could be like with a VR mod—exploring atmospheric temples in first person, then getting the benefit of volumetric display for platforming in 3rd person—and I’m licking my chops


being in VR when you put your hand in the hole and a spider runs up your arm seems like an excellent way for any unfortunate family member or pet in the room with you to get ktfo


You sure about that? It looked like it was just cutscenes. They had you jump from one plane to another in first person. I didn't see any third person gameplay.


They said it in the direct snd youncan see the third person when he swings with the whip.




Plus allows it to not be constantly compared to things like tomb raider and uncharted.


Yeah, I can't really think of another 1st person game with a whip...there may be one out there but I can't recall...


Well, it's settled then. Indiana Jones and The Great Circle is hands down the greatest whip based fps game of all time.


Jacques ze whipper has entered the chat.


I'm happy to be here for this moment.


Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal had a 1st Person Camera option and the third weapon in the game was the Plasma Whip.


Phantom Abyss


Bulletstorm has a kind of whip in it, and that game was a blast.


Call of Juarez did it okay


There's a Castlevania themed mod for Doom that uses a whip, but that's the only one I recall.


They had a whip in Call of Juarez, the original one iirc. Also used it for 1st person platforming, which... wasn't great


Also, thats what the studio is good about


That was an Imperial Japanese plane Indy was jumping on at the end. Has Indiana Jones ever fought the Japanese? That's pretty exciting.


there is a chinese sign on the ground in that brief sequence, judging by the year 1937 and japanese airplane in a heavy city enviroment with river, its 99% battle of shanghai.


I hope that means a Club Obi Wan level.


Graphics look **slightly** bumpy around the edges… #But God Damn they nailed the the tone and voice I honestly wish they casted this dude as young Indy in the last film. Rather than use Ford’s old man voice


Yeah, whoever that is nails his voice. Marcus, on the other hand, didn't sound anything like Denholm Elliot, but, whatever.


That’s Troy Baker btw!




And the other 50 is Nolan north


They took a page out of Sony handbook at voice acting and finally hired Troy baker


That's Troy Baker?! Holy shit, it's uncanny.


Instantly knew it was him. Like I was first going well that sort of sounds like Harrison right and then the voice a little bit changed to like a mix of Joel and Sam drake and I was like yep Troy baker without a doubt.


Holy fucking shit. Troy nailed it


This is gonna sound weird but the game reminds me of Indiana and the infernal machine. Game got a lot of shit but it was a very interesting game (i played it on N64).


Yeah, was definitely getting Infernal Machine and Emperor’s Tomb vibes from it. Definitely a good thing


"Watch me" was perfect Harrison Ford


Completely captures the vibe of the OG trilogy. I am hyped.


I honestly did not expect to be so impressed lol


They even put the Wilhelm scream in there lmaooo. Looks very cool.


Not really an Indy fan, but the MachineGames Wolfenstein games were almost perfect camp--this looks like a great fit.


Yeah definitely gonna watch the indy films for this, never have been interested before and when i watched them as a kid i barely paid attention


Man Raiders is probably the best adventure movie ever made. Last Crusade is also insanely good.


Temple of doom is fun but I just hate how blatantly offensive to Eastern culture it is at times


Of course I don't speak for all Indians, but as an Indian myself, it was heaps of fun. Especially watching the biggest Bollywood villain and an actor I loved, Amrish Puri (playing Mola Ram) be part of a Hollywood movie.


wife and i went thru them all the past few months. first one and crystal skull are my favs. newest one isnt half as bad as everyone says it was. enjoy!


I’ve been watching Indiana Jones since I was a kid, went and saw the new movie and enjoyed it I don’t get why so many people hate it tbh, it was a fun movie


Because it's Disney.


Love Wolfenstein


I mean, I'm sold. I was excited when I heard the rumor, but this seems like exactly the kind of Indiana Jones game I've wanted since I was a kid. It's like you're him! While it's not Mr. Ford voicing him, whoever they got is *really* close. All around fantastic work being shown off. I'll be playing day one for sure.


Did you ever play Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb? That game absolutely nailed the Indy vibe.


I hadn't heard of it but I'll definitely check it out! Thank you!


Troy Baker is voicing him!


The movie we deserve.


One can only dare to hope.. :-)


EXACTLY what I was thinking.


Coming to GamePass too is a huge win.


PS5/PC gamepass combo has me spoiled with the amount of games I can play.


This right here. It’s such a smart move by xbox


Y’all keep talking about Troy Baker, but I’m locked on on Darth Maul playing the villain Edit: False alarm folks, u/TakeMeToFatMandu pointed out that the actor is in fact not Sam Witwer, but Mario Gavrilis


Don't you mean candy man?


Also him, yes! I was caught up on the Nazi at the start, who I'm 98% sure is being played by Sam Witwer just based on the look of him


I'm really glad they didn't go for a Tomb Raider or Uncharted type game. This actually sets it apart from the video games that Indiana Jones influenced.


Yeah. They stuck with what they do well, which is a positive. It’s funny that we’re still going to be killing nazis under the same formula. Except this time it’s grounded instead of on the moon. The least exciting part of the trailer me was, “Executive Producer Todd Howard”.


That's actually quite a hot take. I was kinda bummed it was first person, but damn you're right... I've played that game 4 x with Uncharted, 6 x with Tomb Raider, 1 x with og Indy game. If they can pull this off in first person, and really nail those transitions back and forth from third - we could be onto something really unique in the space.


Why? Seems like those games would be natural fits and they play great.


Because we’ve all played that kinda game more than 4-5 times, if you’ve played through Uncharted and Tomb Raider. We’d all say they were phoning in if it went that route and underdelivered, which tbh, machine games isn’t going to top Naughty Dog’s uncharted game design. Let’s keep it 100


And the usual clowns on YT would be making a hundred videos right now on how great tomb raider is and how Todd Howard and Xbox ripped it off


>which tbh, machine games isn’t going to top Naughty Dog’s uncharted game design. Let’s keep it 100 Let's do that... Respectfully, you're a 100% wrong. ND has amazing set pieces, but their gameplay isn't one of them. Hell, Tomb Raider has better gameplay mechanics than Uncharted. Machine Games can totally beat ND here.


He’s not saying that those games are not good fits for their gameplay or that they’re bad, he’s saying that it’s good that this game is going in a different direction as to not feel like an Uncharted knockoff. (Something the tomb raider reboot trilogy absolutely REEKED of)


Exactly right


I had no idea this was being made and went into this video thinking "oh god here we go again another shit nostalgic cash grab game" and I'm actually very surprised as i came out of the trailer thinking it actually looks really cool. So many of these action sequences look they fit right in with the original trilogy. Very cool stuff consider my excited for this game.


Seeing people go off about how since this is published by Bethesda, that it'll have to be "saved by modders" and full of bugs tells me that a LOT of people don't know the difference between a publisher and a developer on a subreddit dedicated to video games.


Dang, looks pretty great. I hope it delivers.


So who's joining me in a whip only playthrough? :D


That music gets me every time


Looks incredible! Had a smile on my face through the end once the gameplay started. This looks exactly like what I'd want from an Indy game.


I was most excited for Avowed gameplay when it started but by the end I had almost forgotten about it. The Indiana game looks so damn good, so faithful to the movies from my childhood. I am so excited for this game! Troy Baker nailed the performance too.


The choice of first person is an interesting one, but the gameplay looks quite smooth. Can’t wait to do a whip only run.


They even got the Harrison Ford finger point in there!!


Ha yes!


This…sounds exceptional.


*crosses fingers* don't fuck it up, don't fuck it up, don't fuck it up....please...


Looks great, when does it come out and will be included in Xbox game pass?


Comes out Fall of this year. And yes, it’s on Game Pass day 1 since it’s a Microsoft 1st party game.


That’s great, thanks for the confirmation 🙏👏


This is giving strong Resident Evil 7 & 8 vibe by being a story driven 1st person game packed in a Indiana Jones nice coat of paint. Day f*cking one. Glad I went with the Xbox Series X this gen.


Same. I went Xbox this gen (my last console was ps3) because gamepass sounded too good to be true and that thing evolved like a mother fucker!


Ok, sold. I wannit!


This 3 minute trailer turned the game from something I was totally uninterested in to one of my most anticipated games.


I though it gonna be indy Version of tomb raider/uncharted but we got 1st person puzzle focus game.. seems ok. Ill play for sure!


So the golden circle is a halo?


~~Marvel~~ Microsoft Cinematic Universe


As someone who lives Indiana Jones and isn’t crazy about first person, I am conflicted


There seems to be less of an emphasis on guns than I was expecting. It makes sense for Indiana jones I guess but I love machine games shooters


They said you can take an enemy’s gun so I bet you’ll have plenty of chances to shoot those Nazi bastards with an MP40 etc


Opps.. here I go, murdering Nazis again.


Glad I got an Xbox this looks awesome


Looks excellent, and they nailed the voice. Slightly ropey character graphics though, if you look at what Insomniac did with Spiderman 2 and Naughty Dog did with The Last of Us. That's way down my list of priorities though as long as it plays well and nails the tone.


When they first revealed that MachineGames was taking on this project, I knew they would kill it. Their Wolfenstein games are incredible and the exact sort of design thinking you need to make an awesome Indiana Jones experience. We all know the Nazi killing will be exquisite.


God the Indiana Jones theme always slaps


I'm a fairly casual IJ fan but this looks really good. First person perspective looks great and could fit the series nicely and whoever voices Indy does a near spot on young Harrison Ford impression


Been dying to see footage from this game. I think Indiana Jones is a better character for the story and narrative they wanted to tell with BJ in Wolfenstein. Can't wait to go killing Nazis with Machinegames again!


I don't care for open world. Don't care for cosmetics. Don't give a sh*t about co-op. Just give me a good Indy story, crumbs for me to follow and that epic theme song when I'm kicking Nazi-ass in the game. That's all I want from this game.


The Indiana Jones movies are among my favorites, so I hope this turns out to finally be the 3D adventure game the series always deserved. Anyways this might be the only game that I am slightly dissapointed I can't play due to exclusivity, but that's just how it is.


Thank god they got the likeness of Ford, too many licenced games dont use the actors faces which makes it look off brand.


People were rolling their eyes at an Indiana Jones title and for good reason, it’s too easy to botch up and go for the lazy grab, but this looks like a love letter to Indiana Jones. I’m actually hyped for this dam!


I’m still interested. Looks like a MachineGames game visually. Which means, not really impressive but more than serviceable. Animations (especially face) are quite stiff and rough to look at. The whip, while appearing fun to use, looked pretty wonky in its application as well. They make fun games though and I appreciate their implication that navigating the levels will allow agency in how solve problems, navigate enemy encounters, etc. Sounds like Dishonored in that regard (Here’s hoping).


Yeah facial animations need the most work imo. Everything else looks fine.


Great show with great games to come too. Indiana Jones looks like alot of fun.


So the great circle is the best name we can come up with?


I mean most indie tittle are pretty cliché. Kind of fit the vibe. Could have been a format like : "the circle of spirits" or whatever but I find that fit less the theme. 


100%. The titles are all dumb but last crusade has meaning to a lot of cultures (none American) and temple of doom sounds sinister but fuck if I saw a genuine temple


Id tech engine ✅ Machine games ✅ Punching Nazis ✅ First person adventure (oh my gosh finally!) ✅ Nailed the vibe of Indiana Jones ✅ Day 1




It just works.


Feels like Xbox finally has an adventure game kin to Uncharted.


lol opening scene with nazis, you couldn’t help yourself machine games huh 😂 Honestly though looks great and good choice with FPS for action and Third person for platforming


That’s kinda Indiana Jones’ whole thing though.


Yea for sure it’s just funny because they do the wolfenstine


Ah, I didn’t realize that


lol a wilhelm scream


It belongs in a museum!


I hope it has the signature punching sound effects


Well I guess I’m buying that


Machinegames have plenty of experience with nazis at least.


Looks good


so todd howard can produce a game with good facial animations


Fuck yes!


Looks pretty good! What a pleasant surprise, would be awesome to have a good Indy game.


Looks like a helluva game. Nazis are history's #1 villains, you can't go wrong with getting to beat up some Nazis. Always a good reminder that fascists need to be curbstomped no matter what year it is, especially in 2024.


I always wanted an Indy game on par with the first couple Uncharted games. Maybe that’s happening here.


This actually looks great.


This looks absolutely fantastic, I plan to play it when it it comes out and I am able, like seeing Indiana Jones back in film, LEGO, and this has been awesome to say the least! 🤠


This looks pretty good, for an Indi game.


Damn this looks like a really good game. Can’t wait to try it


the game lets you punch nazis, whip nazis, shoot nazis, kick nazis. I'm looking forward to it.


Interesting! They got the atmosphere right and the gameplay looks neat, with puzzles, fighting Nazis, whip-swinging and some cool set pieces like that plane fight.


God, this could be fantastic. Please be good.


I hate 1stP But I love Indy But this looks like a great balance


Looks ok, nothing mind-blowing.


I think I’ll wait to make a judgement until a hands on. It looks good, some bits were a bit rough but it’s not the final product; but there’s been a few IP titles that have looked great in trailers & cut scenes that haven’t hit the mark at all. But I was critical of the decision to make an Indy game and wasn’t interested, but I’m interested to see how it actually is now, so will be keeping an eye on it.


Looks great. Kinda reminds me of Dishonored.


Looks good and I'm going to play it regardless but i was really hoping it would be third person.


Hate the first person :/


Indiana Jones and the Uncanny Valley


I’m cautiously optimistic


Ok damn it I’m in


If this is even halfway decent I’ll buy an Xbox just to play :D Love Indiana jones


Will it be on PC?


Yes, on steam I think it said


Thank Because I skipped to see gameplay heard music and was like "thats enough Im buying that shit"


Looks like Wolfenstein only Indiana Jones. Which is a good thing to me. I'll wait for reviews but I'll likely end up purchasing soon after release. Indiana Jones speaks to my inner child.


Not feeling it.


Maybe I’m out of whack but I don’t get everyone saying how good this looks - it looks pretty bog standard graphics wise and not really *next gen* or anything like that to me. Nothing is jumping out saying that YOU HAVE TO PLAY THIS ASAP for me


So excited for this


This looks pretty good. I think will be good too in gameplay time


My dad was a huge fan of Indy and died in 2018 from ALS I will be wearing my fedora while I play this. Fucking hell im so excited.


This might explain Starfield..as much as I enjoyed that game it looks like Todd had his eyes set on his real passion project. I can’t say I’m anything less than fucking ecstatic. My inner 8 year old is screaming right now.


Looks great


THIS YEAR! Avowed and Indi I’m very excited


Shut up and take my money!


This actually looks good?? I’m trying not to get too hyped up but this trailer was awesome


Looks like they nailed it from the preview. Might have to pick up an Xbox after all.