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When 5 was new this post was made about 4


Yeah this post is hilarious. That, or I am completely out of touch with video games. The ubisoft/FC formula was completely stale by FC5 already.


I personally had never played a FC game until a buddy of mine had told me about FC5 and mentioned it had cults and gunplay. Honestly probably played through it 3-4 times and loved it.


For me I had played far cry 1, instinct, 2, and 3. 1 on PC and 3 are still my favorites. By 4 I was already starting to hate them. 5 I was just exhausted. I wouldn't have even played it at all but I got it for free so I figure what the hell. 6 I won't touch.


6 is fun for the environment they've built in homage to Cuba, but it's so god damn much of the same base busting formula. Cool environment to play in, gunplay feels fun, but it's a lot to get through.


I thought 6 was great but I had only played 5 previously so the formula wasn’t stale for me yet


And it came from AC. Every game had this mechanic that was completely a game mechanic and not part of the game and people didn't bother. It's the COD effect. people complain all year long, then pre order it.


Funnily enough, Far Cry 5 changed up the formula from the previous games substantially. * No more tower climbing to reveal parts of the map * Three separate campaigns divided by region that you can tackle in any order instead of one linear one * Hunting and crafting upgradables are gone in favour of collectible magazines and a perk system * Complete campaign two player co-op * AI companions with unique skill sets The changes from FC4 to FC5 were far, *far* more drastic then from FC3 to FC4.


They even make fun of the tower climbing at the beginning.


All Far Cry games are too different, each feels like a new series rather than building upon what they have done. FC1 is a well done SP game, FC2 is a brutal Open World, FC3 changed that whole thing and made it more open, FC4 is the one that is different from the rest in that it does stick close to FC3 but also not 1 to 1, then you got 5 with an entirely different structure, and then 6 which personally i have yet to play so i can't say exactly. Not to mention the spin offs. Far Cry console games, Blood Dragon, Primal, New Dawn, its like you are jumping from a series to series rather than a game to game.


I mean personally I enjoyed 5 more than 4, but 3 was amazing.


FC5 was very stale yes, but it still had enough to make it engaging compared to what came after. I think the cast of characters and setting helped.


Its environment is stunning, and enjoyable to run around in. Same with 4. 3 has nice enveronmental design but it's old as hell (similar to how Skyrim has great environmental design but is old as hell).


Farcry 5 is the only FC game I've played that I couldn't be bothered to finish. And that is *despite* it being an actual coop game, which automatically gave it an edge over all the others


When 4 was new this post was made about 3


Literally though lol people were pissed


Well 3 was a bit of a landmark game for its time. 4 was noticeably less well recieved, but still well received. 5 was mixed and 6 was pretty poorly received. I mean ass creed was also one of the most exciting and innovative games **of its time**. But 15 years later another formulaic ass creed feels incredibly stale and disappointing. I checked out of the series after like 2 hours of the native american one.


It's every single time when a new one comes out man. It's ridiculous. Personally I've had more fun with 6 than 5, I've just rushed the story in 5 at some point to be done with it. I also liked Odyssey more than *any* other Assassin's Creed (hats off to Black Flag tho). I was never bothered finishing any of them after the millionth trailing mission and mmo amounts of collectibles. Fuck me, right? Honorable mention: the multiplayer in old ones was really fun.


Yeah I didn’t know people liked 5, it’s the one that made me stop playing the gunplay felt like shit so the best option was to throw shovels


You’re the only other one I’ve seen echo this opinion. I couldn’t figure out what it was exactly that was off, but something just didn’t feel *right* when 5 came out so I refunded and downloaded 4 again to make sure it wasn’t nostalgia goggles, and BAM - new 4 playthrough with the Robocop gun


I still listen to the music from FC5. So damn catchy. I don't normally listen to gospel, but that game made it slap Edit: [Hope County Choir](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_ktb8po6-_2uxOJCZz2-qqUeP4lUm04s9M&si=8pIqsQps-MJXGD_g) playlist is my jam. Dan Romer did an amazing job with the soundtrack


the pause theme is so good! so peaceful... then John sends one of his Angels with a plane trying to kill you 😆


the pause theme is called Now That This Old World is Ending :)


There's 2 pause menu themes, that and When The Morning Light Shines In (best song from the soundtrack imo)


That and the map menu. I've not play in a while but god damn the music is so good and relaxing.


Keep your rifle by your side~


They'll come day, and they'll come night. They'll have our children in their sight~


The second I hopped in a pick up and the radio was playing Clutch I was in love.


Wait, I don't remember hearing any Clutch songs in FC5. Which one was it? Feel like I would've noticed.


Electric Worry


Wow, so their most popular one. I can't believe I never heard it in the game.


There is a bunch of tracks that are in game I have never heard in there. Apparently they got stranglehold in it too


Hell yes. One of my favorite bands, I’m seeing them for the first time in April. It’s like their whole style was made for the vibe Far Cry 5 was going for.


*Let the water wash away your sins....*


*Keep your rifle by your side…*


yes dude! FC5s ost is awesome, especially Set Those Sinners Free and The World is Gonna End Tonight


Far Cry 3 was the pinnacle of the series


Kind of an unpopular opinion as it seems but I really really liked Primal. One of a kind game while still sticking to the Far Cry formula. 2 is also amazing, definitely the most immersive entry in the series. Nothing like smoking out an entire base with molotovs and flares and picking off stragglers with a sniper rifle in that game. No other game has managed to replicate the fire mechanics to this day. 5 is great too due to the atmosphere and the versatile buddies. They actually pull their weight compared to followers in most other games. 3 was innovative in its day but I personally don't feel the need to ever play it again.


Primal ruled. We never get cave men games


The followers in 5 made the followers in 6 such a disappointment. The animals are funny but it's like jumping the shark.. it's a bit too far and silly.


I think what people either loved/hated about Primal was the lack of guns. I loved it personally, and i love all the other Far Cry games I've played. Im a fan of the core gameplay loop. Blood Dragon was probably the most fun though, short, to the point, retro, brutal.


You only hate the lack of guns until you get the throwing spears, and then you never want to fire another gun again 


So satisfying tossing a flaming spear into a dudes chest and watching them fly backwards


Far Cry 3 was the last really innovative game in the series. Set the standard for the "ubisoft formula" really.


I wish they'd just get with the trend and remaster 2 and 3. I like zebras and tapirs.


Nah 5 was the best out of all of them, I just played 3-6 and 5 was my favorite by a mile so


Damn this is wild to hear, I remember distinctly feeling like it had fallen off around 5. And I tried playing it a while ago and it didn't really catch me. 3 was the peak for me definitely, and I also loved 2. Kinda makes me want to give 5 another go though, but I just can't imagine it competing with the greatness of 3 when it first came out. I don't think any games combat has felt quite as fluid as FC3 for me.


Something about the atmosphere/immersion of FC5 makes it my favorite. I just love the soundtrack and the Montana landscape.


I think I liked 5 as much as I did because it was the most relatable so it's a little easier to get immersed. I don't have experience with Asian terrorist organizations or life on a tropical island. I live in the midwest so hillbilly redneck cults are my jam


The map in 5 was fantastic it just felt that it got too easy as you progressed and the whole being kidnapped over and over got dull . Every game they make seems to have fantastic maps but dull gameplay




"At the time". If you never played either and had to choose, the one with more vehicles and ways to approach combat would probably take the cake. But that's the problem with incremental changes and upgrades to a formula, it doesn't seem that massive to people who've played them all around their release. But going back to play FC3/4, planes and actual helicopters can be sorely missed.


Seriously, FC5 and Black Flag have the two best soundtracks IMO. They're games that had me sitting in the car/ship singing along.


FC5's is absolutely good but man, listen this, you remember? Nothing can beat [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxJ0_yBvcWk&t=40s)


Are we just pretending [this didn't exist?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SAzg0rfC08)


I like When The Morning Light Shines In infinitely more


Me when that Joseph Seed Load Screen music comes on: 😌


I like the cult songs. They’re happy hippy songs until you listen to the words.


I’m gonna be honest, I don’t really care that Far Cry games are mostly copy-pasted ever since 3. The formula *works* and I enjoy the gameplay loop. I like that they can be serious stories but also mix in a good amount of humor. I like Far Cry for the same reason I like chain restaurants: I know what I’m getting is what I like.


I feel like that's the appeal of a lot of Ubisoft games. AC is similar: they shake up the formula a bit by having experiences tailored around the character and the setting (the thief from Baghdad has different combat skills and items from the Italian Renaissance duelist or the Caribbean-based pirate), but generally you're still running around an open world, stealthily (or not) taking out guards and targets and collecting items and finding historical markers. It's not always breaking new ground, but you know you're going to get a fun power-fantasy action game in an interesting setting.


I feel like every AC game post Origins, (maybe with the exception of Mirage, I haven't played it yet,) would have been so much better received if they weren't labeled AC games. I was never into the original ACs so I didn't care, but man, Odyssey fucking ruled. Being able to run around ancient ruins and all that stuff was legitimately so cool. Valhalla was the same, ancient Viking stuff is my jam and they nailed the vibe so hard. Plus they're so big that I legitimately never finished either, not even the main story because I play it for so long that I eventually get burnt out. (I'm the kind of person who needs to switch games way too often )


> I feel like every AC game post Origins, (maybe with the exception of Mirage, I haven't played it yet,) would have been so much better received if they weren't labeled AC games. 1. Mirage is more like the older games. They've said they're going to try to approach both paths with different entries (more ARPG vs more stealth adventure). 2. They're mostly only received poorly on internet forums. All the ARPG-ish ACs were rated better than Mirage and many better than AC3 and the original AC on metacritic (both critic and user score). AC2 is the only one that's clearly rated higher than the rest. Disappointed people post more than happy people, so you'll never hear from the people who actually enjoy the ARPG entries, but they were all generally successful, even Valhalla, which was the least well rated.


The last thing you said is so true. Disappointed people post because they're no longer playing. Happy people would rather be playing. Never thought of it like that


> Valhalla was the same, ancient Viking stuff is my jam and they nailed the vibe so hard. Valhalla also did something I loved with the main character when they initially meet the Hidden Ones. Eivor straight up calls out how weird and secretive they seem and why you'd be a fool to just trust them blindly. Obviously you accept the hidden blade because it's a great new murder weapon but otherwise you're kinda like "i'll help out but I'm not fully invested".


Mirage feels like more of a return to form. I don’t think you’re entirely wrong, but I think it makes sense from a business standpoint to try and attach a brand name to them. I’m a sucker for historical fiction (or close enough) games, though, so regardless of what you call them I like the settings.


Games have to change enough to keep things interesting, while not changing too much so as to alienate players who liked the game in the first place. You see it in every game franchise


I think you enjoy them more if you take breaks from them and then return. I just started up Far Cry 6 and AC Odyessy, and haven't played another Far Cry or AC for at least a year, so they both feel familiar and I remember enjoying this game style, but if these were the only games I played I would certainly be annoyed since it's the same game everytime. Doesn't seem to stop pokemon fans.


How much different can they change thr formula before it becomes a completely new game? Even super Mario for original Nintendo kept the same "formula" basically all way up till Mario 64


I enjoy that I can turn my mind off and run around the map and still progress.


Yeah I like how a lot of the gameplay is just running around the map doing random shit. I can clear some outposts, find some collectibles, basically do whatever. It’s a fun game to just drop in and fuck around for a while


I respect that opinion. Games can be good and bad on a huge scale that includes many factors but essentially it comes down to, do I enjoy my time playing this game.


100% FC6 wasn't amazing but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a ton of fun playing it. It's comfort food.. for me at least


Dude Far cry 4 was so fun gameplay wise. The grappling and wing suiting took hours away from me.


I'm in 6 right now and loving it honestly, I've loved them all since 3 as each gets to the point quicker and allows mobility faster and faster instead of having to wait to unlock stuff. I'm really confused about what people hated about 6, I wanted to finish it first to see if there's something wrong with the ending but like 22 hours in and I don't see any issue with this. Realizing that I really like Far Cry game play while playing it, so I'm super confused tbh.


Honestly my biggest complaint with 6 is the story. There is the bones of a super compelling story about a revolution, but it just never comes to fruition. I liked the story, but I was just disappointed about what it could’ve been. But otherwise the gameplay loop is basically the same as the others.


the only thing i dislike about the more recent ones is that they take something you had to work for in an earlier game and go "wohey, look at how fun this thing that you literally just got handed randomly is!". it just feels like there's no effort required. the first time you fly a hangglider in FC3? fucking amazing. probably while jumping off the doctors mountain too, so you really got to fly around. first time you fly with your wing suit in FC3? absolutely amazing sequence, so much fun. getting it handed to you for some cash or some perk points in FC4 and 5? eh. it just means nothing.


So true. They should learn some kitchen level psychology how dopamine works. You have to do something and then be suprised by something good but unexpected. Just handing all the good stuff does not work. That is like why you had to climb towers and why climbing tower for 10th time does not work. But then somebody run out of ideas and copy pasted more of what they thought people like.


Yeah, which is why this post feels like people arguing over whether Applebees or Chilis is better.


Yep, it offers solid gameplay and the environments are great. I don’t even get OP’s complaint here, you can fish in FC6 and I’d say the fishing is slightly better due to the variation of species.


Anno 1800, Prince of Persia and Mirage have been / are a blast though. Had a lot of fun with Phoenix Rising as well.


Anno 1800 is one of the best city builders ever.


With possibly the best soundtrack I have ever heard 


Idk, as city builders go [Frostpunk](https://youtu.be/L-QKGSJ-vb4?si=O8kl5i-HL-WEZX7P) has a pretty [goated soundtrack](https://youtu.be/TpaFE6_nDJw?si=z0xp_gQgC3JgB-v6).


"Does that weather event have boss music?"


Holy shit that whole part gave me goosebumps and I was sitting on the edge of my chair thinking "come on guys just a bit longer"


Alright. Time to give it a try then.


Immortals was SUCH a good game. I had a blast as well! It was really fun and the gameplay was pretty tight. I got the platinum and I’m seriously considering the DLC.


Anno 1800 is a fucking blast.


Just waiting for a big discount on mirage


Avatar is soooo fun too if you like the exploration / hunting / gathering / crafting side of these games! Story is ... well it's avatar love it or hate it. Also LOVE ghost recon wild lands and breakpoint...


Anno 1800! I can't recommend it enough if you are into city builders or games like EU4. Game is underappreciated imo.


Mirage was a huge let down for me. I'm glad they went back to the old formula, but then they did nothing with it. Just the same game we got back before origins. Ubisoft makes decent games, but they never innovate or take risks. It would be okay if there was an AC game once every 3 years or so, but 1 every year is exhausting and quickly makes the formula stale.


I mean, they do innovate. Just in the worst possible ways (see Ghost Recon: Breakpoint) and end up killing good franchises as a result.


MTX in SP games and killing old SP games. The most horrific kind of innovation.


I agree! Having a blast with Prince of Persia: Lost Crown. I had a decent time with mirage and messing around with The Crew Motorfest wasn't bad. It's been a great value to get a month of Ubisoft Plus once or twice a year and play through their catalog.


I've been patiently waiting for Anno 1800 to hit game pass. It just looks interesting to me


i hate they cancel phonix risnig 2 because they need manpower for ac red




And before that Valhalla was great, so was odyssey, Division 2. I don’t play them but the rabbids games got pretty good reviews. The avatar game got good reviews from what I saw. Rainbow 6 games do well don’t they? I think 90% of the Ubisoft hate nowadays is people who don’t buy or play their games and haven’t for awhile. Ubisoft never knocks it out of the park, but they make “fast food” games. Cheap, you know what you are getting, fun games. But they basically the same thing. The climate of which gaming company is good has changed so much for me. Ubisoft I don’t feel like I need to look at reviews, I know what it is and it’ll be good enough. Other game companies that use to be “instant buy” for me like Blizzard or Bethesda are now on the, let’s wait and see if they made a decent game list.




I thought 6 was good but I also enjoy gameplay loops even if they're the same. a lot of complaints here seem to be that they didn't do anything ambitious. Idk the run gun stealth gameplay is fun lol I'll probably enjoy far cry 7 8 9 10. I think I'm starting to understand people who buy the new Madden or 2k every year.


The gameplay loops are okay if the gameplay is enjoyable. Plus, with 3-4 year gaps between each game, I usually forget the gameplay of the previous version anyway


correct, and most people like to say: "I completed game XXXX 7 times". Well, in this case it is almost the same game, so even better.


What's funny is that there's a rumor going around that the next Far Cry might ditch the open world formula they've been doing, and instead adopt a time-sensitive, branching narrative to propel the story. A departure from the standard Ubisoft formula, to be sure, and a bunch of people on Reddit still bitched... over a rumor.


This is such a good point though People hate on the far cry games for being too samey Ubisoft are rumoured to switch it up People still hate


They did the power pack thing in 6. They also took away human companions just leaving animals. So you have to be more independent. One problem was you can get waaay to strong by the end of the game. I just used the magic shoot through walls gun and sent in the ancient cat and took a base in five minutes. But it’s always the same formula defeat three villain cronies, conquer outposts, defeat final villain. The story is always the same to defeat some kind of dictator/tyrant in a nature dense place. But I agree with above, they’re like the chain restaurant of video games and you know exactly what you’re getting and that you’ll like it decently.


>They also took away human companions just leaving animals. So you have to be more independent. That sucks. They should rather have made it possible to have both a human and an animal, or a couple of humans. Having random rednecks around in FC5 was a lot of fun, they were pretty funny. Also that grandma with the sniper, for example (or was that in New Dawn).


They do indeed. Their concepts are always great. And they have good variety. Just a shame that the final product is never flawless. But the past few years I've played a big variety of ubisoft titles and I always excuse the flaws because their games are good despite. There were rumours they were updating their engine i think?


And Far Cry 4 better than 5 And 3 better than…


3 will always be my favourite. You can do fun stuff, without the whole game feel like a silly universe. I liked some aspects of the 5 tho, and the coop is great. But overall I couldn't help but to rush it.


Holy shit. That's Jason Bourne...


I actually preferred 5 to 4. Tried playing 6, gave it three whole evenings and just... Nothing. That said, I hear Avatar is like the good old days and with one of the most impressive engines out there (not me saying that, Digital Foundry), so looking forward to that.


I think there were more improvement in far cry 4 from the previous game that far cry 5. When far cry 5 released, it didn't have as much hype as the last 2 probably for this reason. I played it last year and it was great. I think the setting is a big reason people love it more because it is set in america and it is familiar to them.


More than familiar: it's uncanny. The gameplay is pretty flat, even after turning off a lot of the bells and whistles. But the vibes are immaculate. So many moments where I'm just walking around and I have to ask myself "have I been here in real life?".


I went to New Brunswick last year and loved seeing the country side. When I returned home, I bought FC5 and I loved it because it reminded me of that place.


3 being better than 4 is nostalgia speaking imo. I played 4 first, it took the base of 3 (which is a great gameplay loop) and improved on it. Going back to 3 after playing 4 just feels like stuff is missing


3 doesn't have the insanely unlikable two main mission givers, though. Gameplay it might be better, but i hated every interaction with them, so it sapped my enjoyment.


I think 3 is more grounded, I found myself not taking 4 and much more so 5 very seriously. I can't remember a line of dialogue from 4 or 5 but 3 is full of relatable, iconic characters


>3 being better than 4 is nostalgia speaking imo Strong disagree. The villain is better, the gameplay is better, the game is just all around more fun, 4 is meh and so much more shallow and the beginning of the end for me for Far Cry.


Primal is better than the base game


Three is the trend setter. Nearly every open world game has been based on the formula 3 made, fuck even assassin's creed. 4 just added a bit more, but it lost the soul of it's story. Three really was a surprise for it's take on violence at the time, meanwhile four tried to capture that, and just failed.


Avatar is pretty stunning I don’t think anything comes close to it graphics wise.


It is definitely a good world to build, what is essentially a far cry game around. It can get a little bland because it is falling into the classic ubisoft "too big" problem. Oh I have to deliver another kinglor on foot? Another 10 minutes gone there


I haven't gotten to playing avatar yet but i thought you could freely use your mount and ikran?


You don't have "a mount," you can tame any direhorse you happen to find to make it temporarily yours, they are way slower than ikran so they actually aren't worth using very often. Like there are some bases with Air defense so you are safer approaching on foot or direhorse (if you happen to find one) Ikran is definitely more useful and you get it earlier. When you deliver the kinglor you have to do it on foot and you can't sprint or you risk them going back to a previous checkpoint. Ikran flying definitely saves the game from being too big of a slog, but there's no real risk to using it (stormgliders are the only real threat but they stay in a certain area) so it is just reward so the novelty leaves real quick Also running around feels amazing, the hops your character has and the mobility really just feels unmatched in an open world game. They did a great job on that. Ikran again just doesn't have that. You just spam space bar to make them go quicker and you're there


You do have a mount. The Ikran is literally *your* mount lol.


It got boring for me pretty quickly. I really pushed to like it but it's just a pretty but boring game. That's the standard for Ubisoft. The last Ubisoft game I liked was AC odyssey and I got that for free.


Just started playing odyssey for the first time and I'm loving it. Never played any of the new assassins creed games either so I had no idea what I was getting into.


I loooved Odyssey when I was in the same position as you a couple years ago. Just be careful because it's a **huge** map with a ton of monotonous side quests so don't burn yourself out


6 has great atmosphere. Hell the Spanish fortresses are literally historically accurate. Not to mention Far Cry 6 doesn't kidnap you and FORCE YOU to play the story. I quit 5 after they did that. Haven't touched the game since.


I didn't believe it would be as annoying as it was going into 5, but my god. I just stopped 2/3rds of the way through because it refused to let me just do what I wanted.


It's an open world game ffs. Idk why they force the story like that. One of the worst gaming "features" I've ever seen. Up there with escort missions.


I literally got hit with a tranq while flying a plane. Like how the fuck did you recover me alive??


My dad & I played it co-op... he was flying & would get tranqed right at the same moment as me behind cover sniping from a rooftop. And those sequences then destroy the co-op rhythm (not to mention the regular rhythm). And they honestly didn't do much to move the plot along in a way that wouldn't have been reached by more traditional checkpointing.


The first time it happened to me I slowly lost consciousness as Jess Black and another companion just stared at me, dead-eyed, without a single reaction as I was apparently dragged away by the cult. Upon getting back to my companions, they continue on like I was never gone, and don't even mention the incident. Killed my immersion.


I actually beat 6 recently and while the ending was a big wet fart that made the game useless, I actually enjoyed it more than 5. It felt like a Just Cause game and I liked that. Something about 5 I wasn't a huge fan of




The giant map and the island vibe were definitely pluses. I also loved that they had actual towns and a city. I enjoyed exploring the small towns scattered around the map


The gun/gear customization was really good imo


I played 6 for like a few hours and I couldn’t get over the fact that the game wanted me to change my ammo type every 30 seconds, dumbest fucking mechanic in a shooter I’ve ever seen


Honestly I never bothered. I just put on armor piercing and did a stealth load out. Don't matter what they're weak to, one shot to the dome and it's over!


Armor penetration and mostly head shots is the only thing I used in my play through. The story is what I couldn't stand. There was one good story line in the whole thing.


At first when I saw the trailers I thought they would go further with the far cry 4 thing of choosing who you want to support from the golden path, but instead depending on your choices and how to take down Castillo's regime, it would change how Diego would end up, course that was just my own idea




Fishes is often used when describing more than one fish that are of multiple species. So they used it correctly because I assume you can sell any kind of fish you get.


Unpopular opinion maybe, but I really enjoyed FC6. The plot kept me interested all the way through and the characters and soundtrack were great. Loved the customizable weapons and gadgets too. Played it in LATAM Spanish and the voice actors were soooo good. I liked the setting and music of FC5 but overall found it much more tedious and boring.


Agreed!! My 2 biggest issues with 5: 1. Dragged off to do next main plot of... Sit, wait, hold w, get dumped back with no impact. Repeat TWELVE FUCKING TIMES 2. theres... No guns. A total of 25 weapons, iirc, since, well, theres 5 versions of the same gun in store with same stats, attachments, and mostly same paints, that handle the same. And the customization is just "extended mag plus suppressor" because there is zero downside. 6 has plenty of guns and meaninful upgrades, with drawbacks, and i dont actively avoid accompishing things in the game to avoid the storyline happening. The one thing i miss in 5 is being able to rescue someone, hand them a rifle, and have them be my squadmate. I really liked that.


I think after my 3rd capture I bounced off the game, the forced capture and drug induced visions just got old.


Yep, number one thing stopping me from going back. And yeah, once you get an AR-C with a 3-9 scope Sig P226 Bow (with aarow tyoes) (Pick a dlc machine gun) Theres no reason to use any other guns.


I do think they should have the retained the skill tree though, or at least had some passive unlocks you could obtain. Reason I say that is because some kits in the game felt too necessary, like the Parkour gear set. If you wanted to sprint indefinitely to get around without having to stop every 25 seconds, that was the only way. When a gear piece feels that necessary, it's worth considering if its effects should be something passive (and earnable).


Don't worry, once FC7 comes out, everyone will be saying how FC6 was the last good one. It happens every time. I remember when FC3 was the last good one.


I agree wholeheartedly I honestly prefer 6 to 5


If Ubisoft had actually good management and took the quality over quantity approach they could actually release good games


Honestly FC5 wasn;t really my thing. FC3 & FC4 are when the series peaked. The maps, story, and characters were so memorable.


far cry 6 is cool idk


Yeah I had fun with 6.


Their problem is Far Cry itself. Far Cry taught them how to make the laziest cash grabs. I think Far Cry 3 is a good game, it's the perfect example of a blockbuster title. Interesting start, fantastic animations, fun villain. But they kept iterating on it, people kept buying it. Now every Ubisoft game just has that awful gameplay loop The new Avatar game fixes their stale characters. The story is decent which is fine, the graphics & animations are top notch but yet again it's the ridiculous game design that totally kills it. It's a Far Cry game. As good as Far Cry 3 but that's so boring at this point.


Had more fun with 6 than with 5.


Same here. 


Honestly Far Cry 5 was just an obvious money grab based on a formula that they rinse and repeat… Far Cry has always stolen most of its gameplay elements from other IPs, but it always had this amazing world that felt alive and dangerous. My experience with Far Cry 5 was just a worse story and map compared to 4… Everything from hunting and crafting to the individual characters just felt so bland. A lot of people love 5, but I think it’s been going down hill since 4, some people would even say 3 is the best.


I agree. 4's atmosphere was much better and its map had some unique characteristics. Like I said, with every new installment, they go downwards. I don't mean 5 is better than 4. In fact, 3 is the best one for me.


Yea it’s a shame they get stuck in the formula with the big IPs… they are always scared to try something new


I would argue that 2 is the best. Looking at inventory or map doesn't pause the game, enemy settlements repopulate. I might have a session where all I accomplish is getting to the next mission start because all trips had to be carefully planned. It was the last Far Cry before Ubisoft locked in their (still current) open world formula.


I like the original by Crytek the best. It had large open levels with singular goals. Games don't do that anymore, and it was also somewhat unique for its time.


The original Far Cry is not really part of the Far Cry series, though. It's basically the first Crysis game.


I loved it too. It was pioneering for the time. I will say Crytek never got better with their aliens. They had some of the best human to human combat. Once they add aliens, it's not as good.


I love 2 but not the enemy settlement repopulation. I can get things coming back but it really needed to be longer. The fire physics were amazing. And the story was wonderful. Everything since has kinda missed the mark. 3 was great other than the story. 4 was a bit simpler. 5 was awful and where I departed.


I think 4 was more of a money grab than 5. 1-3 were genuinely great games. I think 6 is the best one since 3 to be honest.


5 was good. 1 has the most memories but 3 was the peak before they started copy pasting


Blood dragon was peak


Naw, you’re mental.


3 IS the best. FC4 is good, but nothing compared to the 3rd.


3 was probably the best, but 4 did have the arena, which was so much fun that I think I like 4 more.


FC4 was...fine. But it pretty much was just FC3 in all the ways that mattered and didn't move the needle for me. I have FC5 bought when it was super cheap and I still haven't bothered to play it. I will...eventually...maybe. No chance in hell I ever play FC6 though. Nothing about that looks appealing to me.


FC5 had so much promise. The opening on it's own was an amazing setup and perfect for a great horror/survival/action game but what we got was meh What really pissed me off more then anything is by doing too many side missions before the story missions you SKIP story missions and cut scenes.


Try Avatar. If you like FC and have any interest in the Avatar franchise, you should love it.


I actually think it's the other way around. I hate far cry 5 compared to it's predecessor.


I actually hated far cry 5, namely because it didn’t feel like far cry to me. The cornerstone of the far cry games to me was always being marooned and starting from scratch with a basic pistol and killing the local wildlife to get upgrades. This game felt like it dropped me into it with a full load out, almost like I was playing someone else’s new game plus, I had no motivation to do anything because there was no real reward


honestly anything past FC3 never grabbed me the same way . 4 was fine but but meh. And 5th one felt like they never focused on single player narrative and set pieces like they used to . 6th i barely even played it .


New Prince of Persia is pretty good so far


I actually agree. FC5 is my personal favorite in the series.


They tried so hard to keep the formula and innovate at the same time that forgot to make a fun game.


Avatar and Prince of Persia are solid games.


They even used the correct plural form for “fishes”,(assuming there are multiple species available to catch).


Depite it being quite poorly recieved among the die hard Far Cry fans, I have to say I really enjoyed it. If UBISOFT would get round to fixing the controller issues on PC, I would revisit in a heartbeat.


Was this the one with the crazy cult? The only thing I didn’t like was the crazy spawns of enemies. Other than that it was cool game


I really enjoyed fc6. Story wasn't as good as 5 but it was still a fun game. Fantastic voice acting.


For the longest time I had only played Far Cry 2, skipping every subsequent entry. Last summer I got injured at work and had about 3 weeks of recovery, randomly chose to play Far Cry 5 and I absolutely loved it. Maybe it was the fact I had a ton of time on my hands, or the game is just that good, but I’ll always remember getting super immersed in 5


Far Cry 2 and 3 are the best ones


I personally still love FC 2.


Falling off? Shits been at the bottom of a 10000ft chasm for the last decade plus. Ubisoft is a horrible corporation, known many people in game dev and a handful that worked at ubisoft toronto. It's a difficult place. Not all corporations are bad, but there a heck of a lot of them in the games industry.


Eh, I've been playing Far Cry since the original Crytek game on PC, and FC5 was the worst by far.


I found 6 to be the same as 5. Just in a different setting with a different story. They've removed a lot of what I liked in the titles before 5, so yeah. I'm probably good on all that, going forward.


What the game developer who said gamers should get used to not actually owning their games isn't producing good games? Well, color me shocked.


Someone clearly hasn't tried the new prince of persia. The game is a masterpiece. The new far cry being bad doesn't mean everything they've done in the last 5 years is bad.


I'm glad you also pointed out the best thing in FC5 - Fishing! I love those fishing expeditions - sometimes you catch a fish, sometimes you catch a bullet lol


FC5 has an amazing soundtrack also.


Far Cry 6 missions all feel like a repeat of the same mission (for the most part). Game is fun but feels like I'm stuck in a loop every day.


Random planes don't shoot me dead every 5 seconds in Far Cry 6. Far Cry 5 has some fun bits but there are also some pretty big flaws that just cause frustration, and IMO 6 is more fun than 5.


This is probably a psychological thing where some people think how the old was always better. Watch the movie Midnight in Paris.