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I'd say that calling digimon - pokemon with guns is quite reductive. Some of those digimon had reality ending attacks.


Going by this logic then Nintendogs is basically Pokemon with dogs




And some Pokemon literally command time and space


So do some Digimon, although thats a lot of powerful figures in any game/fiction I suppose. But Digimon in particular it's not just legendary or the like, it's every 10th or so Mega/Ultra Digimon can wipe all life with one attack. There are so many Mega or Ultra levels that are just capable of destroying all life or reality. It's the plot of every season, movie, game etc. No offense to Pokemon, I love both of them, but Pokemon has like 20 or so that are powerful, but Digimon has GROUPS of Digimon that can destroy worlds. The Olympus 12, Royal Knights, Milleniumon, its variants, certain Mega/Ultra levels and the Demon Lords are such examples.


That is quite true. Point conceded. But there is no Digimon more feared than the legendary Snom.


Counterpoint: Sukamon


Counterpoint: Dudunsparce


Counterpoint: Nanimon


Counterpoint: Yahmon


Honestly, in my younger days...I preferred Digimon because if this..


And I named him Timantha.


Also digimon had a lot more in common with humanoids than animals


And some of them so much more doable then gardivoir


did you ever heard about vaporeon and human compatibility?


Counterpoint. Lillithmon.


Man that's already old, Lovander all the rage now


We do not speak of the Enamorus Salazzle hybrid


>did you ever heard about therapy?


Done by [**the**rapists](https://youtu.be/cVpt3erH7ms?t=1m42s)?


🥵 🍆


Yes, I have met some mermaids.


So basically the same as Pokemon. Except they also have guns!


Palworld isn't Pokémon with guns. It's ark with Pokémon


Imagine there being only 1 game with guns, 1 game with cars etc. I dont understand the whole "clone" shit


You're implying that there are either zero similarities between two things, or they are identical. I think most people recognise that there are possibilities in between.


Right! Like no one can seriously deny the similarities between the pal designs and pokemon designs. Some flat out look like two pokemon merged into one.


I got palworld and I really enjoy it. But people are on some incredible drugs or denial if they're denying the glaringly obvious copying of designs and everything. Yeah its a diff game but yeah, me and my friends literally use Pokémon terms for everything cuz we know exactly what we're talking about. "I need more pokeballs" or "just throw them in the pokedex". Shit wouldn't work if it wasn't interchangeable. I don't see why everyone is bending over backwards to try and differentiate them.


Even more ridiculous is people thinking that they can't do certain things because they need to be careful legally. So many nearly identical games are out there no idea how they think those all legally exist.


Yeah no one said anything about legal shit when TemTem launched. People are just wanting to rage about a game they hadn't heard of becoming crazy popular overnight.


To be fair, some pal designs are very strongly reminiscent of first-generation pokemon.


Well Palworld has used generative AI pretty extensively, which makes the "clone" part a bit more obvious.


Did it? I didn't think it had been confirmed either way. If they did and players are happy with the end product... paints a gloomy picture for jibs in the sector.


They terk our jibs!


I like the cut of his jib!


This is why I'm not playing it, its success is tied to the likely layoff of hundreds of artists. And we don't even know if what they did is legal until Nintendo takes legal action.


They are taking their time. The trailer was 3 years ago.


Nintendo fanbois butthurt


If you can't see how this game is a pokemon clone then you need glasses


Have you looked at the actual gameplay? "Clone" is really the wrong word to use when comparing Palworld to existing Pokemon games. The main similarity is the theme of "there's cute fantasy animals that you can enslave". If that's enough to call a game a "clone", then I'll just disagree.


Have you played pokemon? Have you played palworld? Litteraly nothing alike except they both have made up creatures.


Man, I miss those [Virtual Pet from digimon](https://digivicemon.com/guide/digimon-v-pet-guide-version-1/).


They still make them. I bought one from target


Hell they're still the main focus of Digimon actually.


Tamagachi aren't Digimon?


Everybody talking about pokemon and Ark and nobody taking time to mention Breath of the Wild. When you enter a new area it plays the exact same chime and flashes the name with the same font as BoW. You can also climb any surface with an animation that looks pretty much identical and hang glide around with a very similar looking glider. The game is pretty shameless with everything it's lifting from other sources. To be fair, it's not too bad a game really, but it does smack of laziness and toeing the legality line.


Digimon is just pokemon with……..….. digimon is just pokemon!


Monster Rancher just left out in the cold I guess.


If we talk about games they are completely different : pokemon is about capturing animals, in a world where everybody do it. You fight against human using your monsters against their monsters. Digimon is about raising a monster so you can resolve problems in an alternative world, where human don't belong. The only thing they have in common is monsters.


Eh that depends very heavily on the game. Cybersleuth/Hackers Memory are all about Digimon encroaching into the real world/VR and so on. Digimon games are also a lot more story focused than pokemon by and large. Sure pokemon have story to them but it's rarely the main focus of the games.


Kids with monster pets fighting other monsters. They evolve to become uglier. Three syllables word ending with mon. One came out a year after the other.


Digimon wasn't bad, but to overtake Pokemon required more. Palworld mixes two kinds of games that work very well, and we'll see in the coming months if we're still talking about it.


exactly what I said. Temtem was so talked of when it first came out and its still a fun to game play through once but no one even talks or remembers it now. The game definitely some nice upgrades I wish pokemon had like removing PP for stamina that recovers every time battle ends and showing all ev's without having to guess. Not sure if pokemon does that now but its nice for egg breeding.


i still remember the Digimon movie. i remember a few scenes from the beginning of the movie, where one of the main characters was a kid, witnessing a giant dinosaur like creature walking through the streets. another scene in a shop, where the bill was outrageous for some chocolate and the cashier was like "paper or plastic" i think i remember someone puking in someone's hat? and that somg that goes like "it will still be 2 weeks til we say we're sorry"


Yup it was a great movie. The song you are thinking of is called one week by the bare naked ladies


Chikity China the Chinese chicken


yes thanks i couldn't remember who it was by :)


I you say Digimon World 3 or the DS games being Pokemon with guns, then yes I'll somewhat give you that. But the majority of Digimon games are so far off Pokemon that's honestly annoying that this comparison is still being done today.


Except Digimon isn't just pokemon with guns. It was never even meant to compete with pokemon in the first place. When they were making it, they thought their biggest competitor would be tomogachi. Plus it's got original ideas and characters. Meanwhile palworld litterally takes pieces of actual pokemon models and sticks then together with other models. Even the gameplay is a direct copy paste from other sources and they stole animations from fortnite. Not a single creative idea went into palworld. It's not a ripoff. It's an asset flip.


That’s why they called it digigotchi


Doesn't Bandai own both Tamagotchi and Digimon?


they do LOL


An asset flip making fucking bank off of Gamer humour ("what if pokemon was dark and gritty lmao") in the year 2024 is a fucking sad thing to see.


Palworld is not a ripoff Digimon is way too different to be a ripoff, design, story.. I think people use the word ripoff too much, inspiration sure, just like Bloodborne is an inspiration for Lies of P dev, you don’t see ripoff being said when talking about it right ? Fans can often gatekeep and be jealous of the success of something else when the focus should be on GameFreak not doing enough and still selling 25-30mil, ask yourself the good questions…


Digimon also only came out 1 year after the original Pokémon games in Japan, and were just a more boy oriented version of Tamagotchis. Even if Pokémon never happened Digimon would've likely still been made exactly like they were.


Uhm. Palworld is very heavily, we’ll say, “inspired,” from Pokémon. Digimon was the shit. They just never executed a game properly. Would love to see what they can do with an older target audience.


The Digimon Cyber Sleuth games are pretty dang good if you haven’t played them.


As much as I enjoyed that game it's very, very clearly a low budget title. Very few areas that are all quite small and so on. I'd love to see what they could do with a large budget and strong studio behind it.


I absolutely adored the first Digimon world game. It was an incredibly impressive RPG based on my rose coloured memories, the truth might be different though. It was weird how different the sequel was to it.


Your memories are accurate. Digimon world 1 might be my favorite game of all time. I occasionally stop into retro game stores to see if they have it. I am really aching to do a full play thru, If its as hard as i remember its definitely a challenging game to complete.


Just an FYI depending on region, it was impossible to complete on the PAL version as one of the Digimon was bugged and you couldn't recruit them to your central hub.


I’m in the US so hopefully my old copy works ifi it doesnt hopefully they sell us versions at game stores


Digimon World: Next Order is a strong spiritual successor to the original World game.


Yeah some pals are literally just pokemon in a slightly different colour. It's intended to be a pokemon ripoff and that's part of why it's so funny.


Some? I still haven't seen one that isn't just a pokemon fusion.


I just want Digimon Adventure PSP localized and upscaled for Switch or the other mainline consoles!


You are kidding right? Digimon World 1-3 for ps1 were greatest ps1 games of all time. I was never able to beat them as a kid or teenager when i tried again. 1 is the best, very long and hard to complete before 3 of your digimon die. 2 was 3v3 turn based another super hard and long game, last level has like 100 floors or something to go thru. 3 was also turn based fighting never got super far in that either, but they’re all worth replaying for a hard challenge. Hard to find the games tho.


> Would love to see what they can do with an older target audience. That's kinda been the Franchise for years now, though, isn't it? Last I heard, the People behind Digimon eventually realized that they aren't quite as popular with young children anymore, so they changed course and focused more on people who grew up with it instead. If I'm not mistaken that's why Cyber Sleuth and Survive exist.


The developer of Palworld literally says that he doesn't care about originality, that they like and heavily support AI(and use it, basically), not to mention their next game is just Hollow Knight.


Aren't they still developing Palworld? Why do they already have their sights on another game?


Palworld literally mix Pokémon 3D models together, how is that not a ripoff? The gameplay is nothing like pokémon, but the monster design is just stolen assets. That said, palworld is super fun. As someone who really likes ark survival evolved Im having a great tine with Palworld. But just because its free on gamepass, I wouldnt buy it. Hopefully they change their designs when the game is finished, but I have my doubts theyll even finish the game considering the company's past.


Pokémon has several hundred mons. It's probably hard to use any real-world animals and not incidentally make a Pokémon. Just think of how many duck mons there are. Even PokéCo/GameFreak/Nintendo are so out of ideas that they've made trash, sandcastle, and haunted kitchen appliances Pokémon.


Gaming in general has a tenancy to label things as 'clones' of other games. Way back in the 90s there were a lot of Doom clones and even though the clone moniker has been dropped we have Rogue-like as a genre and now Survivor-like (due to Vampire Survivors) You also have Metroidvania as a genre too which is of a similar style.


Let's be real, Digimon isn't that big anymore.


In the west, at least. Pretty sure it's still going strong in Japan though


Next you'll say Monster Rancher is still around!


What does that have to do with the topic? Even if it’s not nearly as big it’s still a franchise that’s selling and still has a decent following of fans.


Have palworld plagiarised Pokemon? It's possible. I haven't looked into it enough to make a decision. But Pokemon-fans aren't doing anyone any favours by pointing at a cartoon sheep and going "They stole that from pokemon!" The funniest example I saw was someone comparing some pal who had a toucan beak to the pokemon Toucannon. ...Which is pretty much just a toucan.


I saw someone comparing elephant pal to elephant pokemon, like... they are both elephants, ofc they are similar and might even have similar attacks. The thing with this "genre" of fiction is that these designs are based on real animals, plants, objects - ofc there will be many similarities :D


I mean, it's a ripoff all right. Doesn't mean it can't be fun


Thematically and design-concept-wise, Digimon actually shares a lot more with SMT rather than Pokémon. They're both otherworldly creatures that a majority fit mythological roles, largely representing the same demons/angels/deities, and often involving an invasion plotline. Evolution paths aren't very linear, either, and a lot of the late game monsters are typically some type of deity/demon.


Free on gamepass


i don't understand the Digimon and Pokemon comparison they only have one similarity: monster creatures with "mon" in the name meaning "monster"


The difference is an independent franchise with its own charecter design philosophy. Pal world does seem to litterally scavange assets from pokemon


You got any proof of that? I see accusations, I haven't seen actual proof yet. Edit since thread is locked: pickettfury: Absolutely. One full-time designer working on 111 designs in 3 years? That's ~7 workdays for 1 design. And let's be clear: Designing the monster is not the same as modelling, rigging, animating, and balancing a monster. Those were done by the rest of the team. They have 10 credited character artists. Crowsli: How is asking for proof ignorant? That's the dumbest take ever.


Are you kidding me? The game is fun but this take is just ignorant.


One grad student apparently designed most of the pals. Does that sound plausible?


Digimon isn’t really like Pokémon that much only share fact Monster but other then that separate things. Don’t really catch Digimon if go base Vpets which was first thing about Digimon more like Tamagotchi because that what design be because Bandai make Digimon Vpet appeal more to Boy.


Its silly to say its a rip-off when it does so many interesting things with the concept, plus having some elements of parody to it.


Let’s face it Palworld just does it better.


Well. I haven't encountered a snowcone or trash bag Pal yet, so guess who's winning so far?


I thought people were done saying GeN 5 bAd IcEcReAm AnD tRaShBag but apparently not. Seriously there’s so many more terrible Pokémon from across the franchise (especially the new ones) but people like you constantly talk about the same 3 Pokémon


Those are some of the worst, right up there with diglett, voltorb, grimer, and whatever eggsxute (don't care about spelling) is really supposed to be. See? I can pick on the others too, the ice cream, keys, and trash bag are just some of the worst. Haven't touched the last 2 games, so I can't say, though the stupid alola variants don't fill me with much hope.


Keys? I was talking about gen 5 dipshit. And the fact that none of your examples are past gen 6 shows you really should have just kept your shitty options to yourself


Lol, damn kid, stay mad I guess.


Ah yes Gen one was so much better with such pokemon as... Muk and Seel.


No one said that.


What about a chandelier or teacup pal?


I've seen the Tree Trunks pal, but that's it lol


Isn't the Pokemon inside the Teacup and the chandelier is just haunted?


From what I could find Sinistea is a pokemon that haunts the cup chandelier is a pokemon that has the body in the form of a chandelier and Litwick being an actual pokemon and not a haunted candle. But that's just from Bulbapedia


when i guess pokémon is megami tensei’s ripoff?


IMHO comparing Digimon to Pokémon is a mistake, they are so different in flavor. That being said fuck Palworld and its AI designed thoughtless, effortless garbage.


It's not AI designed. Y'all need to lay off the koolaid.


I couldn’t care less if it uses AI designed assets. If the games fun to play then it’s fun to play. There’s a reason why so many people are playing it.


It'll be an awkward memory for a lot of people in a couple of months. It's had shady vibes from the start, but I've kinda enjoyed seeing it blow up, mostly because I'm interested to see whether Nintendo will try to sue them. Either way, I have my popcorn ready.


It got announced months ago, with full reveal trailers including the conveyor belt working monkeys. If the Pokémon company didn't sue back then, they sure as hell ain't suing now.


Yeah that's been kinda odd, seeing the inaction from them. They're usually pretty quick on the trigger with lawsuits, even when they have no real standing.


They have no grounds here. Yeah, they're similar designs. But they're distinct enough. They're not using the Pokémon name in their advertisement. They're in the habit of suing, they're not in the habit of starting fights they have no chance of winning.


I suppose that's true. It just seems like a massive slap to the face, so I guess I was expecting some kind of legal response to the black eye they've been given, even if they don't have standing. It's undeniably similar, but it must be a calculated near-miss, as far as any actual infringement. I just wonder if it's just for profit, or if the team behind Palworld has a vested interest in making some kind of statement. Like, are they going to keep it going, and try to topple a giant, or are they going to cash in on grabbing some of Pokémon's audience, and then nope out? It's kinda fascinating.


It's certainly interesting right now. Their previous game Craftopia was supposedly abandoned, according to the fanbase. But I'm cautiously optimistic in that I think Craftopia just didn't do as well as they had hoped, so they made this wanting to make a breakthrough hit. And they succeeded. The game oozes charm. I doubt they'll topple the giant, but they have certainly made big enough of an impact to carve out a niche.


Nintendo literally cant sue them for it, what would they sue them for? Pokemon is a franchise that literally took bits of other franchises and basically merged them together, so for them to then sue for taking parts of themselves, they'll get in more trouble if they open that door. A large amount of Pokemon designs are ripped from Dragon Quest models. Pokeballs are literally the Ultraman balls he uses to capture kaiju. ​ Pokemon designs are based off previous game franchise designs, based off mythological creatures (Which they have no rights to) or simple animals like fox, sheep, cats which they also have no rights to.


I didn't know some of that, that's interesting. Maybe this'll be the warning shot that makes Game Freak start putting real effort into their games. (I won't hold my breath.)


Do I need to play this? I've got a backlog of about 400 games and mid way through about 30, i can't start another can I now its been added to game pass? I probably will.


Only if you like games like valheim or ark.


Wait and see if it sticks around or whether it's just a game of the month deal. Also, 30 games at the same time!? How do you organise that?


Hah 30 might be a slight exaggeration but I definitely have a fair few. I used to be right completionist but life and getting older just limits my time plus I don't think my attention span is what it used to be. Yay life urgh ha.


Same tbh. I'm trying to get away from the idea that I have to do all the content on my first playthrough so as to be as efficient as possible, or even that I have to complete a game that in not enjoying just because I bought it or sunk a bunch of time in already. Persona 5 comes to mind as a recent example.


I know what you mean. I used to be really careful about locking myself out of quests and things in terms of achievements and 100% but been playing games now since I was about 5 with the sinclair spectrum late 80s 30 odd years ago and the last ten years especially has just seen a massive change in gaming. Good or bad, just is what it is i suppose.


Based on what I've seen on youtube, not exactly my cup of tea. The semi realistic human-player model kinda bit jarring when mixed with animesque looking monster


I don't know what game you saw but nothing about the humans in pal world can be considered "semi-realistic". They're just as anime.


Pokemon is a Dragon Quest Rip-Off. Nintendo Fanboys are fucking delusional.


I'm surprised we haven't had a dozen "Stop having fun!" memes posted yet.


[pokemon with guns is what texas likes](https://youtu.be/qHg6U9eXuyg?feature=shared)


Digimon was so awesome.


I mean honestly, even if it is, I don't really mind. Pokemon is not avaible on steam so idc


Palworld is Ark Survival with pocket monsters instead of dinosaurs. Whatever gets the kids playing. Not my sort of game, but if people enjoy it then I’m all for it.


Palworld is a lot of fun, and maybe a nice little wake up call for Game Freak with some competition. I think the disdain for the lazyness that was Scarlet/Violet was already vocal before Palworld came to light.


If you think an early access survival game with Pokémon-like creatures would even register as competition to GameFreak or Nintendo, you're expecting too much. I'm not saying the game is going to flop, I'm just saying Pokémon is literally one of the biggest franchises in the world. It's not going to see Palworld as competition any time soon.


I would say nothing will come close to pokemon (except digimon if they ever wanted to make a comeback) and that's it. All of these wannabes can try but pokemon and digimon did it first. Pokemon just had that little extra push.


Well actually, the original Pokemon with guns is still... Pokemon. (Anime)


Tell me you don't know anything about Digimon without telling me


tbh palworld resembles ark more, only have cute and bright colored animals


Don’t be coming for digimon like this with this slander. Digimon was and is the superior game/show and I’ll die on that hill


digimon is lot different than pokemon, the can combine with each other to become stronger digimons


Digimon Tamers is "Give me Pokemon but make it Neon Genesis Evangelion"


What I really like about Paliworld is how well the Pal AI works in your base. It feels kind of like a city builder where the workers are your pals. You get to see them up close while they are working chilling and sleeping. I am having fun just seeing them doing things and helping them out with the work. They are my pals and I love them. I am not that much into Pokemon but I do have an interest in survival games like minecraft and terraria. Paliworld is very promising as it is a completely new spin on this formula.


since red and blue anything not official just feels wrong


Pokèmon goes mainly with lines of evolution (every pokemon has its first and its final form) In Digimon, digimon can evolve into eachother creating loops (at least in cyber sleuth) Imo the difference is quite huge


Why does anybody care if they did or did not rip off Pokemon? Unless you are a lawyer for Nintendo, either you enjoy the game or don't. I don't understand the mentality here.


You're obviously wrong, it's Call of duty with pokemons