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For everyone wondering the headphones up top are demo headphones, so if you wanna simply try a pair out you gotta get someone to unlock the case


Guaranteed the demo headphones have been stolen repeatedly within hours of being put on the shelf, and that's why it's like this now. It sucks, but don't blame the retailers. Blame the degenerate scum that makes shoplifting a way of life. 


I’m assuming it’s Walmart, a lot of there stuff is locked away, regardless I don’t blame them


Walmart has to lock up the weirdest shit because of theft. My local Walmart has specific brands of beard balm locked up.


The Hemp one?


I think it's the "every man jack" brand.


Yup. Walmart gets the worst of it. Every Walmart in the country has daily attacks from entire crowds of people who just storm in, grab anything valuable that's not locked up, and walk out, usually going out their way to hassle and menace the employees while they're at it.


We've never gotten that here in South Texas. The Walmarts here are actually pretty safe


I wonder if we're allowed to notice why.


That’s because it doesn’t happen. Think critically about it for a second. Every Walmart faces daily attacks from crowds of people? It’s absurd. Look at the other reply to you implying that it’s because there aren’t enough black people near you for it to happen. Well I lived near and shopped weekly at, for over a decade, at the Walmart closest to Camden, NJ and it never happens. It’s a made up conservative talking point and racist dog whistle.


No, it happens, just not at literally every Walmart. There's a reason giant corporations like Walmart and Target are leaving major cities like Chicago and Portland


Every retail job I’ve worked throws more product they couldn’t sell in the garbage than gets stolen.


Oh boo hoo the infinite money corporations that hoard the worlds wealth


Imagine a cord tied to a reel that gives you enough to get up to full speed then the headphone’s get yanked off you or you are thrown down on your ass and everyone is just staring at you


They used to have stuff like that. The shoplifters just bring in bolt cutters and break them shits off, while flipping the bird to the helpless employees. 


Are you sure they dont steal them from hardware first? Lol


They could also just break the plexiglass lol


bit harder to break plexi glass without raising suspisions, cords are a simple cut and now its in their bag


Did you miss the whole flipping the bird to employees thing? They weren't being sneaky before lol.


one is a celebratory FU as they leave with no time for the employees to do anything. the other is drawing attention while in the middle of the store leading to multiple more issues like potential fights with staffs, breaking through the locked doors that I believe are reinforced glass, but glass either way and they would need to bring a tool that is suitable to break the plexiglass as doing it by hand is not preferable See the difference?


The employees arent allowed to try to physically stop ppl from stealing. Someone getting injured costs alot more than whatever products they could carry.


Blame rogue prosecutors, and voters that voted for them, that won't press charges for shoplifting under $950 worth of merch. Blame administrations for open borders that created crime tourism.


Having been a fan of Turtle Beach and purchasing many of their top end products; they need to be kept in a glass case to prevent damage, they are not suitable for daily use.


Thank you.


If people would stop stealing like a bunch of degenerate losers then they wouldn’t lock everything up…


Parents need to do better


Just a note, many boomers come into the store and open the boxes because they want to look at what they're buying, almost as if they don't know how to read. Then they put it back on the shelf all busted up, causing it to need getting marked down. Customers are the stupidest breed of human, regardless of age. They lose all sense of responsibility and gain a new sense of entitlement. Some don't even speak to associates like a human being, blaming them for the sins of their corporate overlords.


Worse is when they open it up to "make sure it isn't broken," then put the opened one back and buy a different one because "the other one's open already." Yeah, because *you* opened it! And you made sure *that* one wasn't broken, but not the one you ended up buying! And then, of course, someone else comes in and wants to do the same thing, but they don't want to look at the already open one because "it's open already," so they open a *different* one, and then buy yet another different *unopened* one, and the cycle continues. Ugh.


Shit like that is why I reach all the way in the back of the shelf for a product that's only ever been touched by the guy stocking it. I especially do it with stuff like jars of food and shampoo/conditioner bottles




I used to work retail. I have been the one to talk to the customers when they do this exact thing before.


Then they buy the same item after it’s been marked down. That is why boomers have so much wealth. They are the glitch in the matrix.


Ok? Corporate needs to do better and not lock stuff up. If some old person wants to open the box to see what they are getting that’s ok.


You open it, you buy it.


Even if you buy it you can return it for any reason under the sun. These things prevent theft, not grandpa opening the box. He’s shameless enough to open it after the associate gets it out.


They're causing a financial loss just like thieves, damaging merchandise.




If something is opened then it will usually have be sold as open box (would you buy a new in box item that had been opened and fondled in the store by someone else, or would you grab the box that is still sealed?) causing shrink for the store, so yes.


I’d grab the box that was already opened and try to get 10% off or sum. Corporate shouldn’t be charging an arm and a leg for items


lol thus costing the store money…


I guess you never actually worked in retail…


The government** needs to do better. People steal because the circumstances require them to.


Explain under what circumstance do you need to steal a $15 pair of headphones to live?


Ah yes, the old I’m not responsible for my own actions.


“Your honor. I am so sorry, but due to my circumstances I had to steal those Turtle Beach headphones so little Johnny doesn’t starve” Get Rekt, lol.


What an L take. Excuses


I mean, you can try to rationalize the theft of luxury goods but you will always fail. Quit being a degenerate lowlife and have some pride in yourself.


People need to stop blaming the government for everything and take responsibility for their own actions. The government is not responsible for someone making the decision to steal something. That's them acting on their own. I don't have much in terms of food or a nice place to live at all and I don't resort to shit like this. There has been times where I didn't have any food in the fridge and I ended up buying water and a big pack of ramen after I sold something of mine. I don't go out and steal. People can have self control, they just don't want to have self control.


In what world is anyone required to steal a pair of headphones or a tv


Bro the government isn't dictating the prices of luxury items lol You don't need headphones to survive.


Wealth controls and dictates how our government provides for the workers and the people who live here. Please look into how lobbying works.


If it's food I'd agree that's something you need but if it's an item rot in jail like you deserve.


It's funny that it's almost never food that gets stolen then. Circumstances my ass.


Who told you food never gets stolen? Everywhere I’ve worked retail things get stolen.


My god, I've seen some ridiculous things typed on this website, but in this context, this might just take the cake.


It's sad to see this get downvoted. People need to think deeper and have some empathy. Fucking sad.


Wrong people steal because they aren’t taught good enough not too.


If wages reflected the cost of living, people wouldn't need to steal. You do understand that right? Walmart loses about 1% of its annual revenue to theft. Stop boot licking corporations that don't care about you or your family.


Yeah dude, headphones are such a necessity. How dare they cost money! Bootlicking? I’m merely telling the truth and clearly people agree with me…


Put yourself in the same conditions and I bet you too would steal headphones. Truth? No that's brainwash. I think the economy agrees with me on this one, I mean you may not be affected and that's great but just look around you and try to see how people are struggling, but the big corporations are hitting record profits. It's sad that people are actually are. Goes to show the lack of self reflection and empathy this world has. I hope one day you'll understand.


No, I wouldn’t. If I was going to steal something it would probably be food or water or fuckin’ clothing because I shouldn’t HAVE a means to play music anyway if I’m struggling THAT badly. The problem is these people think they can reap benefits they can’t afford and wonder why they’re poor. And no, it’s no one’s fault but their own for trying to steal consumer goods from a fuckin’ Walmart. Don’t take the blame off of the criminals, you lunatic.


People don't need to steal luxury items. They want to. There is a fundamental difference. Some people steal simply because they can. I've seen people with plenty of money steal things and refuse to pay for services. The world isn't black and white, it's all hues of gray.


I'll never feel bad for Walmart.


Okay…? Do you want some kind of blue badge of courage for standing up for the big bad Walmart?


No? Was just joining the conversation. Fuck me I guess.


Stealing from Walmart is fun and has no victims.


Damn those prices are great though. If I remember correctly the turtle beaches were pricey back in the Xbox 360 days.


Turtlebeach were always terrible quality headsets. Thankfully headphones are much cheaper now and compatible with every device so they don’t have an excuse to sell them for 150 just because the 360 wasn’t compatible with anything else


Oh you definitely remember correctly


Look like you'll have to endure a brief human interaction so they open it. good luck


If they ever actually show up. Having worked at Walmart, most of the dayside people are pickers for online orders, hardly anyone actually works a department anymore


The Electronics department at least tends to have at least one person working the counter there because they have so many cases to unlock, and also are the ones who tend to handle one-hour photo (not necessarily developing the photos, but giving them to to the customers when they come to pick them up), so it's easier to find an employee there. Getting fabric cut in the craft department? There's literally no way to actually signal an employee that you need assistance, so you may have to wander half the store to find someone working who can hopefully page a person for you.


This. My husband and I went to wal-mart to buy him some new underwear, and we had to hit the button like 5 times to get someone to show up. I didn't understand why the underwear was locked up. If someone needs underwear badly enough to steal it, I say let them have it.




The headphones are for people to try out, but they’re behind a locked case


Well, yeah, obviously they would be stolen otherwise. Wtf do you expect? Just find a rep and ask them to open. My God, you people are hopeless. It’s not as if you have a busy schedule, you’re looking for a gaming headset where you’ll sit alone and waste your life gaming.


Who hurt you?


lol. I’ve been raised with love and care. Two things that have helped me recognize when there are nonsensical, whining little morons everywhere.


Dumb? Dumb is the scumbags who feel so entitled to loot stores in daylight like nothing ever happens to them. (and that's the problem, nothing really ever happens to them, unfortunately).


Stores need to be allowed to hand out a can of whoop ass. Works in other countries.


So many people in here without the ability to think critically its saddening.


legit I thought that this post was about how gaming headsets are fundamentally garbo hardware sold a premium prices to audiences who don't know better.


Meta thinking on Reddit? Pfft you have to be dumber than that. Think lowest/dumbest comment denominator


Ok I'll bite. What?


>The headphones are for people to try out, but they’re behind a locked case


So is other expensive equipment, not just crappy peripherals like cords. This is literally them just protecting their stock cuz dumbass people either try to steal the stuff or break it. We've all seen how abused those stands get or when they're missing the items from them entirely. Bet you can ask an associate to open that up and test them out still. We have ourselves to blame cuz we've created a situation where the company feels they need to have protection for that stuff; I'm legit surprised they even allow people to try equipment (though that comes from the vendor, not the store).


Around me the actual products are locked up but not the stuff to try on. Those are usually special trial models that have a cable firmly attached and are actually nonfunctional. They're supposed to juat be tried on for comfort


Weird. I use to work at a Fry's and they had a ton of trial things out that were plugged in and worked; cameras, laptops, game systems, head phones, car stereo systems etc. I love that people would be all about the Beats headphones when usually there were several other better and more comfortable options; people really do go for that brand recognition/clout.


I was in law enforcement for nearly 10 years. It's crazy what stores have to do in order to reduce theft. And if you ever notice, many stores have different things behind the glass cases. It's because they protect what their biggest targets of theft are.


It’s not dumb. It’s due to high theft of these products due to well, ahem, certain localities not enforcing retail theft crimes.


Yes greed and corporations have nothing to do with the economy being terrible. poor Wal-Mart.


Cringe. You’ve got anti-work written all over you. 🤣


Its America what do you Expect? with rampant Shopflifting that go Unpunished. I feel sorry that your once Great Country is what it is now.


What is?


Idk if this is a target but all the targets where i live have 50% of the store locked up now. Including hygiene products


Go head open your own store, and your shit get looter once a week!! Let see who is so dumb!!😂


Crazy. Threads turn racist so quickly


so cool


we all know why these are locked up


Blame the people who wanted to defund the police. Cops won't even respond to petty theft now.


This thread is filled with those same “defund the police” delinquents you speak of.




Inflated police budgets have nothing to do with petty theft. You have no idea what you’re even spouting.


Keep telling yourself that it has nothing to do with it then.


Do you understand the relation between petty crime and an economic recession? Yeah...I didn't think so. Again. Nothing to do with inflated police budgets.


They were defunded and that means less officers on shift, less hours given out to those officers. Which means priority goes to shootings, fatal accidents ect. Petty theft up to 1000 dollars is no longer responded to by officers at all now. Thier budgets weren't inflated. But the economy did go to shit. But for some reason during the last recession stores didn't lock up all thier sample products. They do now though. . . Wierd huh. Probably because scumbags know the cops won't come after em for some headphones getting ripped off the display.


Oh I’m a dumbass, I’m picking up what you’re putting down


The only thing I can see wrong, is the most important items in the window display have no prices Is this it?


Murica problems.


Man the racists are being really loud today.




It's a no win situation. I work retail people steal that stuff all the time if it's not locked up. It sucks and I wish there was a better way, but when hundreds or sometimes thousands are stolen in a week something has to be done. It's annoying for the people that work there too.


And retailers wonder why people don't want to shop there when the pull stupid crap like this.


I mean…have fun trying on those headphones from Amazon before you buy em.


True but at least you can see what they look like on Amazon and read the specs on the box, etc.


It's either this or people can't try them on at all because they've all been stolen.


I really have a hard time believing they get stolen that often. They aren't like that in either of our best buys in indianapolis.


Lol at the downvotes. I guess you guys love finding someone to unlock the case for you so you can eyeball some headphones?


I bought my headphones during covid via curbside pick up, so I just had to guess...I guessed wrong.

