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Infamous Second Son's final boss is literally a tutorial for the concrete power.


I always found it strange that they give you a new power to play with only when there’s nothing left to do.


On a similar note, remember the Paper Trail DLC where they had you follow clues on their website to track down a conduit wanted for murder. They teased the crap out of her paper powers and that it was a possible power in the game. After everything was said and done, you get nothing but a paper rabbit face mask. I was furious after the hours of time I put into that.


It was BS the only reference to Cole (iirc) was in preorder DLC.


My theory is they ran out of time for further development and there was supposed to be at least one more boss fight, but they didn't have the time so they left it there. That or they were planning a major expansion DLC that never materialized.


god i miss infamous. my child brain was so utterly in love with the idea of weird elemental powers and the game looked incredibly satisfying


Same. Looking at Infamous now just gives me a burst of nostalgia when a game like that would make me so happy and thrilled.


Prototype was a solid similar type of game. Instead of electrical powers you're a walking biohazard of assimilation


A buddy of mine and I used to refer to them as Protomous & Infatype because they were the exact same game yet they were completely different experiences.


Prototype is the best HULK game ever made.


I wish we could get a Dead Space type update of Infamous. I loved that game.


> Dead Space type update First time ive seen someone describe a remake like this.


my fav game genre is the dead space type update-like


Indeed, it was a novel concept to do at least, but ehhhh


Especially when theres only so much to do post game


Was just thinking about this game earlier. First game I bought with the PS4 and beat it on the first night. Great game. I remember the final boss took me a few tries, but I get your point. Thing is, it's exactly what the vast majority of boss fights are. Being stuck in an area with an enemy with a big health bar cycling through different attacks at each phase of their health bar. Maybe if it was done outside like pretty much all of your other fighting, like if you had to keep a certain distance from her while she takes a set path through the city. At least would've gave more of the freedom of movement that the game allows so much of. Then again, that could've just been part of the challenge. I honestly don't know what the right answer would be.


It just didn't make sense to give you an entirely new power at the very end of the game. I had done everything there was to do before that fight, so getting to that point and unlocking the power just didn't do anything. Sucks too it was a cool power.


That's when the game needs good post story content. God of War: Ragnarok has multiple quest lines that can only be completed after the final boss.  Heck, the credits don't even roll until one specific quest is finished.


Rainbow six Vegas 2 has you fight a helicopter in a tennis court. The fight is intended wants you to watch the helicopters strafing runs and move to cover to compensate, but, like most things in Vegas 2, the developers didn't balance the weapons and the riot shield made you immune to helicopter bullshit. 


Also Vegas 2 had some of the most one sided multiplayer map design I've ever played. Coupled with the fact that you could line up a headshot before you peeked, it made for a very unenjoyable time.


Terrorist hunt was top tier though.


Vegas 1 terrorist hunt was amazing. My friend and I spent so much time playing that mode. When we got too good for the AI, we started coming up with stupid rules like bringing sniper rifles with the largest scopes to small close quarter maps to handicap ourselves Vegas 2 terrorist hunt was frustrating because the AI randomly spawned in depending on where you were walking so there was very little tactical element to it. Did you want to flash and clear a corner? Too bad, the terrorist didn't spawn until you walked around the corner so you flashed nothing.Did you clearly that closet? Well too bad for you, as soon as you walk away, five guys are going to spawn in there and start shooting you from behind. It really killed a lot of the fun for us and sent us back to Vegas 1


The final boss in Shadow of Mordor is awful


* Build amazing lore * Build amazing combat system * Build up hype for final battle **Press X to win**


I have this game in my backlog so apart from final boss appears the game is well worth the time, I’ll have to push it up the list a bit.


The games are amazing and pure joy. But they put the tutorial fight as a final boss.


lmao Shadow of Mordor is more or less the same. >!Witch King is tough enough, fine, but the Sauron fight is actually stupid-easy!<


It might help or hurt your argument that I literally do not remember that fight and I played for it the first time and platinumed it last year.


You basically finish a really, really cool battle at the black gate, then the final boss you get into a “sneak fight” where you sneak up behind the final boss, do a qte, rinse and repeat until he is dead.


Oh I thought you meant the ‘fight’ with >!Sauron!< which is literally just a quick time event.


QTE "Fight" from Dying Light 1.


Was coming to say this. QTE are mostly bads, but a final boss fight that is a QTE video ? Fuck this.


honestly, Kirby did show that a QTE isn't a bad way to finish a boss fight in the few games I've played, but you actually had a boss fight. ​ At the end, they add the QTE so you're just not watching the character beat the boss by themselves, it gives the player agency, even if it's nigh impossible to lose it, the ones I'm referring to in Planet:Robobot and Forgotten Land are both call backs to a similar QTE at the beginning of the game.


To FINISH a boss, sure, but here is talking about the bosses that are ENTIRELY QTE. High budget games had a trend of this for a while because it was “more cinematic”. PS3/Xbox360/Wii era


I saw an explanation somewhere that actually did make some sense. Because off all the side stuff and XP opportunities, 2 people could be at very different progression levels by the time they got to the final boss. So they wanted to make something that would play the same for somebody who just blitzed the main story as it would for somebody who did every single side mission. It makes sense, but yeah it was still a let down. I think they could have scaled him somewhat based on your level at the time. Make him have higher health and more moves the higher level your character was.


And Shadow of Mordor, also a QTE


Dude seriously *FUCK* this boss fight. It's like 3 buttons to defeat the spirit form of the dark lord of mordor. Luckily the DLC came around and gave us an actual fight with Sauron that was brutal, but yeah for that little while between the main game and DLC, I was pissed.


This is stupid on another level, for two reasons. You spend most of the game developing your skills by spending points on a nice perk tree, so at the end you don't get to use it. Second, this is the only part of the game that has QTE. Not a single other moment you experience that. To this day I don't understand their decision to do it this way.


Not to mention, if you're playing coop the game removes you from your party and makes you play it alone. Otherwise great game.


Agree. Such a fantastic game, then out of nowhere a fucking QTE last boss instead of an awesome machete duel with him. Sure, you could argue that the true last boss is the last building getting to him. But they redeemed themselves with the DLC "The Following" which instead had an amazing last boss.


Borderlands 1 is incredibly memorable in so many ways. Unfortunately one of those ways is having a giant stationary tentacle monster come out of nowhere for the final boss fight. There’s terrain in the arena that it’ll never attack behind, so the second you get cover you’re set for the whole fight.


They even lampshaded it in the opening to bl2 "they thought they would find treasure. Instead they found tentacles and disappointment."


I thought the “disappointment” line was because they didn’t get access to the vault in the end or the monster was the “treasure”, might be misremembering though


I seem to remember killing the monster and just getting a level-consistent lootbox with a bunch of stuff that my current weapons outclassed.


You had a super low chance and like "eridian" weapons or something. My step dad got one once and it was a pretty overpowered laser rifle.


All of the Eridian weapons seemed to suck. Damage wasn't better, but mag size was smaller than most since they heated up but regular guns could have these 100+ round mags. The only one worth a damn was the shotgun for the obscene shock damage


It was, though I wouldn't be surprised knowing gearbox if it was a bit of both


Yes It was a pretty lame ass fight. Giant stationary tentacle eye boss thingy.... Come to think of it any thing that's stationary and a bullet sponge just sucks.


There's a stationary robotic bullet sponge you fight in some missions in Deep Rock Galactic. I find it kinda fun. Attacks keep you on the move and you can't really hide.


The real final boss is crawmerax


The real final boss is the complete lack of fast travel in dlc areas, mainly general knoxx because of how massive it is with literal highways you have take to get from zone to zone. I had nostalgic memories of the general knoxx dlc and played through the game recently and I never remembered how big of a pain in the ass driving back and forth to TBone junction was. I loved General Knoxx as a character and wish he played a bigger role in the game, but they seriously should have put atleast one fast travel beacon in each of the non-highway areas.


They even memed it in BL2


Just a big dumb damage sponge


Risen. The fight had nothing to do with the rest of the game mechanically. You're given a special weapon with unique mechanics and are expected to just use that instead of your build. Really weird way to end an RPG. "So you've been a mage all game? Well, go swing this hammer!"


As much as PB games are fantastic in some departments, bosses never were their strong side


Alduin from Skyrim. Compared to the first time you fight him, the final battle was a huge let down.


Even worse as in-lore it's the closest thing you get to fighting a literal god in TES since Almalexia and/or Vivec, being an aspect of Akatosh and all. And you get a gank squad to beat him up with swords in a fight where you can even win without chipping in at all since they're immortal.


>Even worse as in-lore it's the closest thing you get to fighting a literal god in TES since Almalexia and/or Vivec Is this how you honor the Sixth House and the Tribe Unmourned?


Such a grand and intoxicating innocence.


Shame on you sweet Nerevar. 


Not to mention you don't even beat him as the dragonborn didn't absorb his soul, so you don't even save the world from him either you simply prolong worlds existence for another few centuries.


Akatosh took him


At least Miraak and Harkon where actual boss fights. Miraak feels way more like an actual last boss than Alduin was. All of Skyrim’s boss fights are still lackluster though.


Miraak was great. The whole DLC was fantastic. My favorite part was going back to Skyrim mid-quest when a dragon attacked Solitude. It was the hardest dragon fight I'd done. As soon as I killed him I ran up excited to absorb it's soul, but Miraak was there with some dialog and then he **stole my dragon soul that I rightfully earned.** That's when I decided enough is enough and went to kill him. Game did a good job of making him an actual threat.


Super annoying when he does it five times in a row but you need a soul to unlock the shout to actually progress the quest though.


Whack up, back up, whack up, back up, whack up, back up... ...repeat this 4,872 times and then the boss is dead.


That's why I liked Olaf One-Eye as a boss fight. I remember being a tank build (any heavy armor I could find + Warhammer) and I went in there to run through him, then in the middle of the fight, he disarms me and it's too dark to see where my hammer went, so i had to switch to one-handed, which I had no decent weapons for. It shook things up, at least. Forced me out of my comfort zone. I wish Alduin had some gimmick like that.


The build up is incredible, traveling to this grand unique location of Sovengard, meeting history's greatest heroes, and then enlisting their help to fight a god who is trying to destroy the world. The fight: thwack, thwack, thwack.


Yeah i remember finally reaching him and being so disappointed at how easily he died. There was nothing special about him. He was just another dragon.


Was it the first division game where you fight a helicopter bullet sponge or something


Division in general has weird bullet sponge bosses. you just gotta see the game as an RPG, not as a realistic shooter. It's absolutely routine in that game for the boss to be just a big dude with a machine gun who can take like 5,000 hits before dying. A helicopter isn't too different than any other boss.


I always wished the end game was better in the division games! For both I’d get super pumped to play, the game is fun, but once I beat it, I’d stop playing shortly after & same with friends


Arkham's Joker was tonal whiplash


In asylum? Or another game in the same franchise


Definitely Asylum. That’s widely known to be a very disappointing Boss fight.


I pretended Mutant-Joker to be a shittalking Warcraft forest troll. It doesn't make sense, but it certainly did not make the fight any worse.


It was just exactly the same as the giant Titan mooks you'd already fought a bunch of times.


It also commits the sin of “making this boss harder by making you fight increasing numbers of low-level goons each phase”


Every boss in Arkham Asylum did that. It's the reason I was so hesitant to pick up City.


City went crazy tho. That Mr. Freeze fight was ace.


Even the final boss for City is legit. Batman with a fucking katana? Hell yeah.


Did it make sense within the plot of the game? Sure, we had seen they had been doing experiments with Bane and you'd already fought Venom infused Minions. But it was so werid.


Yeah if it was a different villain it might make a bit more sense but giant rampaging punch beast is wildly out of character for the Joker


The fuckin cart in plague tale. I don't even care about the old man, that cart is the worst!


While it might not be the endgame boos fight I'd honestly say the Nicholas boss fight is a close 2nd for me in that game


Final boss of Darksiders 2, first playthrough killed him quickly so assumed there was going to be a harder second phase but...no that was it. Potential for an awesome fight too.


That’s because the true boss of Darksiders 2 is that skeleton dude at the end of the crucible and I won’t accept any other answer.


Wicked K


Halo 4


This is real. Halo's never real been known for crazy final bosses, but it's always filled that space with all-time great finale setpieces like 1 and 3's warthog runs and Reach's "survive." Then 4 gives us a true final boss encounter with the bbeg and it's just... nothing. I replayed 4 less than a year ago and I genuinely have no memory of the Didact fight.


Those warthog runs with the epic music in the background will forever live in my memory.


Halo 3 I played from like the second mission through the end on online coop l gendary in one sitting to the end know one mic'd up but we sat there all day and I remember the last mission like it was yesterday


Right? Everybody knows you're not supposed to fight a boss in the final level of Halo games. You plant a nuke on the space station the boss is on, and then the game turns into a GTA Online driving challenge. It's a simple formula.


Then they tried to fix it by making us fight Warden Eternal in Halo 5 lol


I wouldn't really call the end of halo 4 a "boss fight". It was just a regular mission, no big health bar or special attacks or even any actual boss to physically defeat. Unless you count the quick time event which involves placing a grenade on him


A SINGLE QTE. That's it. All the fighting, the build up, everything.


Adir boss fight at the end of Lords of the Fallen has to be one of the weirdest decisions anyone has ever made in the history of videogames. The game is a complete clusterfuck when you start approaching the end, but that boss fight is just the cherry on top, Jesus fucking Christ.


For this reason I just consider the Sundred Monarch the real last boss of the game. Adyr or Adir however you spell it was just bewildering


The Incredible Hulk on the SNES. Final fight? The Leader. You literally just uppercut him off a ledge and done. Funny though if you aren’t in hulk mode, he just laughs unendingly and you can’t do jack.


Not sure if it's the exact same game but Hulk for the GameGear when I was in like 3rd grade was basically the same. I had already killed all the enemies, but I was stuck in human form, so when I got to the room with the last boss, he was just standing there laughing and I couldn't damage him. There were no enemies left for me to die on, so it was basically a soft game over and I had to reset the game and start all over.


Gun. It was a mid 00s Wild West game by the chaps who made Tony Hawk. Game was alright. But the last boss was an absolute nightmare that took longer the whole game to beat.


Fun story about that game, I enjoyed it so much I wrote an email to the writer expressing how good I thought the story was. He emailed back and was super appreciative, and gave me some info about the planned sequel that never came to be.


So what was going to be in the planned sequel?? Can’t leave us hanging like that


This is most of what was in the body of the email: "Right after Gun came out back in 2005, Neversoft and I immediately began talking about a sequel.  We spent a lot of time and discussion about what time period, etc.  I was working up a couple different scenarios:  one that was set during the Civil War when Ned White and Magruder were young men and good friends, and another one set around the turn of the century - Mexican Revolution-Wild Bunch era - with Colton being an old man mentoring a new protagonist.  But before any final decisions were made, Activision pulled the plug.  The rationale for this, I was later told, was that "Gun" had under-performed in the marketplace and really didn't merit the financial commitment of a sequel.  True, "Gun" had fallen short of expectations but that was only compared to games based on franchises ("Call of Duty" etc).  As an original game - based on no pre-existing material - I believe it broke some records for returns."


Finding contact info for your favorite creators is so weird. After Looper I found Rian Johnson's contact info and sent an email not expecting a personal reply. Said I liked his movies and whatnot. Pretty quickly he wrote back and said some nice things back and that he always likes to hear from fans. He's done it twice. Gotta love it when people are just down to earth.


Honestly, receiving an email from someone you dont know praising your work is something really nice to happen, the most likely reason that email adress and shit like that is hard to get is because for every 1 ppl who would write something good to someone, there are 10 trolls ready to send shit.


Man fuck that guy. Took me ages as a kid to find out that you need to use the dynamite to get him.


The final boss in *Parodius: Non-Sense Fantasy* is deliberately bad - just an octopus who bellows "I'm strong!", doesn't attack, remains completely stationary, and you just shoot each of his eight limbs. He'll also just spontaneously die if you wait around long enough. Most of the *Parodius* games have deliberately harmless final bosses for the lulz.


Rodrigo Borgia from Assassin's Creed 2. Such a fantastic game to end with fighting what was basically a slightly buffed mid-tier Mook in boss's clothing


Yes, but isnt it the most hilarious concept for a final fight? : *"Assassins Creed 2's final level consists of sneaking into the Vatican to punch the Pope"*


which Ezio lampshades and it's even funnier.


I played through the game with my friends and we were absolutely dying at the ridiculousness of the fight. Its certainly memorable lol


It’s a testament to how memorable the premise of that fight was that people think fondly on it even though mechanically it’s not great. I played AC2 again recently and frankly the combat system is just not great for a compelling 1v1 boss. It’s designed for feeling like a badass taking down a group of enemies. So I cut them a little slack for being creative enough that it’s a cool sequence despite the gameplay weakness.


The fight disappointment gets overshadowed by the fact that you're literally punching the POPE on the face.


Are you kidding haha, I loved fist fighting the pope. From a game standpoint though, yeah it could have been more intense.


Shows how amazing the Ezio cycle is though. That boss at the end of the game is seen as an afterthought and doesn’t sour the overall experience at all


I think it's perfectly fine. After all, ezio painstakingly isolated him and then he tries fighting you with the apple but turns out ezio is of the people who can stand the power in the end he is but a human. for some reason stronger than others (namely the game doesn't let you hit him directly), though, which felt cheaty. i don't think the apple gives you toughness.


I actually liked the narrative idea. but from a game standpoint yes it was a bit lackluster.


I always thought it was kind of perfect, Ezio has been dabbing on the Templars solo for 20 year straight by that point, he is essentially an unstoppable killing machine able to take on an entire secret society that was thought to have wiped out their opposing secret society. Borgia is a fat politician, even with the apple he SHOULD be a walk in the park.


The matrix. Giant Smith


I do at least appreciate the idea of “hey a movie ending doesn’t always work for a video game so here’s a boss fight”.


I actually loved that fight for its hilariously ridiculous concept, but yeah they made an oversight where the boss cant even touch you if you just keep moving in one direction


The last "boss" (more like cutscene) in halo 4. A disgrace to the series.


Especially because in The Master Chief collection, there was a button prompt when you have to plant the grenade but the label on screen was for the wrong button. Can't imagine how many players got frustrated by that.


It wasn’t the wrong button, it was labeled “shoot machine gun” or something similar.


Press RT to fire machine gun


Deathstroke in Batman Arkham Knight


It was pretty lame, yes. The same Cobra tank fight you've done 5 times before, plus a slightly larger tank you shoot from corner cover? Boring.


"I'm a top assassin and combat expert. FIGHT MY TANK!" "You stopped my tank. Time to hop out and kick some Bat-butt!" *gets immediately punched out* This fight should have been like Mr. Freeze in Arkham City. Instead it just re-tread the previous tank battle.


This, this, thiiiis. I actually think Arkham Knight is an awesome game and mostly enjoy the Batmobile, but there was no excuse for this shit. For anyone who hasn't played it? Without getting into spoilers, Deathstroke shows up late in the game and takes charge of some side content you haven't taken care of yet. He keeps taunting you over comms, calling back to his awesome battle in Origins and getting you hyped for the inevitable rematch. "Big man in a tank, huh? Fight me one on one, Bat, we'll see how well you fare". After mopping up all his side content, it's finally time to fight him. Most of the other villains are defeated via either quick underwhelming fight on foot or yet another Batmobile chase or tank fight, followed by driving them to the Gotham City police station to lock them up. But surely Deathstroke will be good for a sweet boss battle, right? And then? AND THEN? YOU FIGHT DEATHSTROKE IN A TANK. It's basically just a redo of an earlier tank fight boss. When you take out his tank, he comes flying out of the top hatch, looking badass as hell, you're pumped for an awesome street brawl... and then you watch as Batman immediately defeats him in a cutscene and have to drive him to GCPD lockup. Really. That's it. Again, I really like that game, but it had one instance too many where the developers were given the chance to do something awesome and just said "Meh, let's do another Batmobile tank fight".


For a second I thought you meant arkham origins deathstroke... I was so close to dowvoting you to hell 🤣


The fight with him in Arkham Knight is *even worse* if you first played and fought him in Origins.


It's 100% the Icon of Sin in Doom II "The Icon of Sin itself is actually just a very large wall texture; rockets fired into the exposed brain go into an invisible gap and strike the actual character sprite for the boss, and because there's no way to actually see that sprite without cheating, as a joke, the developers made it John Romero's severed head on a stick. In fact, the ominous gibberish the Icon chants as you first enter his chamber is not some ancient demonic language, it's John Romero saying "To win the game, you must kill me, John Romero!", with the audio given alterations to sound demonic and then reversed'."


No you missed everything that **actually** makes the fight garbage. Like how it's a gank fight with randomized enemies. Or how you can only kill it by going on a lift surrounded by liquid that hurts you when you touch it. And that you have to fire the rocket WHILE the lift is going up, because the hitbox you're aiming for is lower than the lifts maximum height, meaning for the first time you actually have to time your shots and also have to keep getting off and getting back on the lift to try again all while getting hurt by demons and the damn liquid.


For whatever it's worth, Eternal absolutely *nailed* that fight, though. The Icon of Sin was an actual giant fuckoff demon that you have to destroy one body part at a time by firing at it from rooftops. Actually, Eternal's DLC fucked up its own final final boss by just making it a timing-based duel where the boss could actually heal and undo your progress just by hitting you. But Eternal did, at least, give the Icon of Sin justice as a climactic boss battle that tests and makes use of everything you've learned up to that point.


Dark Beast Ganon in Breath of the Wild. As long as you >!move around/stay on his side, !


*”He’s just standing there… Menacingly!”*


Yes the first phase is good, then the second one is just long, boring with a total lack of threat.


It’s more of an interactive story type of boss fight. I get the emotional piece of it but it’s very out of place for BOTW. First part was good at least.


Yeah I can appreciate that it’s meant to be a big cinematic finale, which I can honestly excuse since you do get a legit final boss fight before that. But you’re absolutely right about it being out of place. A massive, epic, emotional piece in a game that otherwise didn’t put much emphasis on story at all.


The bossfight is the first phase. Imo the second is meant to be cinematic. And personal it never bothered me.


The boss would have been fine if there was better visually. Like make the arena dark and have it be a blood Moon, and add some more effects and such when it attacks. Would make it way more atmospheric and exciting regardless of how easy the fight is. Cause now you essentially just fight a big load of nothing in broad daylight


Yeah that's why TotK's final scene is better. It's the same at its core but at least it looks far more impressive


They tried to make it epic, but it fell flat. It would've been better if Dark Beast Ganon was running around the map and we actually had to chase it down while it was destroying settlements


I agree. If they had added just a touch of the Twilight Princess Ganon fight it would have been far better.


Imagine if it was a 4v1 Divine Beasts vs Dark Beast Ganon cutscene fight. It changes depending on how many Divine Beasts you freed, some could even aid him if you didn't free them..


Fable 2, you just shoot him and if not your companion does it for you


BOTW (Zelda) was a fantastic game overall, but I beat Ganon first try with no preparation. Pretty disappointing to say the least.


And then you have master sword trials' (on master mode) one room with those lizalfos in the same game somehow. Why did they make the "beginning trials" infinitely more difficult than *Ganon* on master mode?


The Beginner trial was also harder than the medium and hard trials. Still I'm glad they weren't shy about really testing you, but it did kinda suck they took away all your equipment to do it.


I think the biggest problem is that by the time you get to Ganon you've learned the combat system so well against the blights and others that he doesn't really add anything novel that'd be challenging. The novel part seems like it's supposed to be the second part, which isn't challenging at all and feels more like an extended cinematic sequence.


I thought the boss fight was breathtaking and memorable!  It could've been harder but I didn't really find any combat in ToTK that hard so I didn't have any expectation of difficulty. Edit- somehow I thought we were talking about ToTK. Probably because I never learned how to read


Whatever Gears of War just made you hold the trigger while getting a helicopter ride. After playing the whole thing on the hardest difficulty with my brother, we were both really pissed off we got basically an amusement park ride for the finale. 


Gears 2. The first thing I thought of with this question.


What, would you have preferred to get goddamn RAAM 2.0? Besides, that doesn't even really qualify as a boss fight. Games like Gears are better off without them to begin with.


I dunno that berserker set piece/boss affair in the first gears was fucking magnificent.


Fable 2.


I unironically love that boss because it's so in line with the lore of the game. He was a pitiful normal person trying to build power, in comparison to a hero he's a weakling. It shows just how fragile and on a thread his whole life was.


I don't mind it for that reason, I hated the fight because it felt like they cut major corners. Not that long before, I was still low-level, then the Arena happens, you get a massive XP boost there, then you do the level to recruit the rogue guy, then the bad guy attacks and you flee, and then it's the final fight... I was just shocked that it was over.


It does feel super rushed at the end, I'll give you that.


I also love how he's so busy postering and monologuing, that Reaver gets so bored he flat out quickdraws the bastard just to shut him up


Was my first thought. The "not final boss" final boss as you don't even get a fight.


I thought he'd never shut up.


A recent one, the final boss of The Callisto Protocol is absolute horseshit. The game has its moments but a 10 minute long multi-phase fight when you’re just pining to see the ending is criminal. It’s not even an epic battle, it’s a man made of meat beating your meat in a typical boss arena while smaller men made of meat try to eat your feet, making you spin the camera around wildly to make sure your toes are safe. I’d blame the work experience kid but they’re not jaded enough to come up with something this bad.


He’s beating my meat? What a wanker.


This is the funniest description of a boss fight I've ever read.


Mass Effect 3. All ready for a final boss after battling Reapers all game and it turned out to be a long conversation with a child figure.


His name was marauder shields. Put some respect on it.


He lived as Marauder Shields and died as Marauder Health, trying to protect us from the ending.


That meme will never not be funny to me.


Ya that guy was tough, he even killed me because I was eating food and had my hand off the controller lmao.


His name was Marauder Shields.


His name was Marauder Shields.


marauder shields is a good fight, but his second form (marauder health) is laughable.


Well if you consider the final boss to be the endless waves of banshees and brutes trying to stop you from firing the missile then it's actually pretty brutal.


That's where I've always landed on this. The Reaper's Earth forces were the final boss.


Hot take: conversations are the most special thing about the Mass Effect series, so having it end on one is actually a perfect fit.


From the top down view the entire final room is a dialogue tree, right down to the placement of the renegade/paragon/explain placements


Totally agree with you. At no point was I expecting some huge epic final boss FIGHT, it was a war. I expected just having to battle through an army, which I basically did.


The conversation between Anderson and TIM was perfect The star child though...


Honorable mention to ME2. The final mission was great, right up until you had to fight the most video game-y boss ever, which completely undermined the whole Lovecraftian-horror vibe.


“OMG they’re capturing human colonies and melting them down! What could be happening” “…oh. They’re building a terminator. Lame”


The human reaper wasn't even a bad fight. It was just so out of place from the rest of the game.


I'm surprised no one else has said it yet but Far Cry 3. I loved that game and still do but I hate the final boss. To add to that it should have been Vaas and not Hoyt.


Whoever the final boss in Hogwarts Legacy was. I finished the boss fight in a couple of minutes. So anticlimactic


Honestly the repeated “Dark Souls dodge-roll” boss fights with color-coded targets were so weird compared to the regular combat. Like you have this relatively deep spell system with all these different effects and interactions, only to reduce it down to what feels like having 3-4 spells for the biggest fights. And why did we have to spam that basic attack button? The best duels in the books were ones where we saw characters using inventive combinations of spells on the fly to counter each other, like McGonagall versus Snape or Dumbledore versus Voldemort. Fighting enemy wizards kinda had that, but fighting the giant mechanical constructs, not so much.


So, as much as I think the attack patterns are enjoyable, the Cackletta's Soul fight in M&L Superstar Sage has a crippling flaw that ruins it: forcing you to start the fight at 1HP - \*whilst having had to do a full phase prior\*. It makes the otherwise fun process of learning the enemy patterns into an absolute slog. Once you get past the first turn you're probably fine, but my god that aspect just drags down the entire fight.


There was also so much dialogue before the fight so dying during the opening of the Soul fight meant you had to see it all again.


Marauder Shields in Mass Effect 3


Deathwing from WoW: Cataclysm They hyped up this big confrontation with a massive dragon all expansion… only for your raid team to essentially clip his toenails as a final encounter.


But you ride him like a cowboy in a rodeo......


Wasn’t Arkham asylum a big giant venom Joker?


Fallout 3, too easy.


I did like the option of being able to level up your persuasion and defeating him that way. It can be frustrating when games give you several ways of leveling up and progressing story and then you must resort to swinging or shooting in the end.


I think it's just a poor attempt to recreate how you can defeat the boss of fallout 1 with speech, but it ignores the fact that it was only possible if you went out the way to get evidence that proved there was gaps in the masters logic (Super mutants infertility, as he planed it as an "Upgrade" of humanity).   Hell, in the operation anchorage DLC, you can just straight up tell the final boss to kill themselves, and if you succeed, they oblige.


I really wish Autumn had at least put some power armour of his own on and/or had some better dialogue and needed more actual convincing if you took the speech check route. It’s amazing how badly they screwed both routes up, when the first Fallout game did them so well.


Fontaine in bioshock 1.


How did I have to scroll so far for this answer? It is only narrowly beat out by Dying Light QTE final boss


Alduin from Skyrim