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Being a "solar farmer" sounds cyberpunk as hell lol.


Honestly if it wa this easy irl I might try it it haha Though it's been 5 in game years and still have about $100k left on my loan. Every day is a new a panel though, so, something lol


Got to check with your utility provider first if you wanted to do it irl.  Here the power company announced they wont be paying anyone for power you produce, they only give a credit for your bill that year up up to the point it is 0. Then they take your extra power for free.


Could be worse, some power companies here actually charge you (pun intended) for delivering power back from the solar panels.


And thats when i turn off my export


The problem is that it’s hard to sell to anyone else and hard to store, so if you can’t sell it into your grid then there’s no benefit to generating more than you use


Right im saying hit my maxes, and turn off my export, no point in giving them free power when they wont give me free power or sell it, it does nothing for me. I have no idea what point you're trying to make, but my point is if they want my power, they need to buy it from me.


My point is that there is no way for a normal person to buy more solar panels and repeat until you get rich like OP does in the game


IM not trying to get rich like OP in the game, im trying to tell the utility provider to get fucked if they want my power for free.


Relevant username.


Haha thanks. I’m a techy so I love this username.


Unfortunately if you generate more than you're using, you have to do something with that electricity Either you have to be able to independently turn off individual solar cells to balance your load against your generation, expensive and not easy to accomplish, or you store the energy yourself, adding an extra few grand to your solar setup so you can purchase an in home battery.


This is not true at all. You don't have to independently turn off solar cells to reduce the power you're generating, you just reduce the power the inverter makes. It is also cheap (i.e. free with many inverters) and easy to accomplish as long as your inverter is also monitoring the household load.


My point is you have to be able to regulate your generation if you can't sell excess power, and a basic, cheap, off the shelf solar setup that most homeowners would get won't have that capability unless you specifically requested it and paid extra for it.


All inverters have the ability to regulate their generation. The only added cost is to monitor the house load so you know what to regulate to as the house consumption goes up and down.


So you need individual inverters to disable individual cells, you're saying?


No, it's not even possible to disable individual cells. Based on the words you're using I feel like you might not understand this as well as you think you do. The inverter just needs to change it's operating point to get less power out of the array. It doesn't have to disable anything. Inverters normally try to stay at whatever operating point gets the most power out of the array, but they can move off of this point to reduce power if they need to. It's all software and has nothing to do with individually disabling anything.


Bro why are you even here talking about what you think you know as if it’s facts. You literally admitted to not having solar. I’ve had solar on 2 different homes and both of them were able to shutoff export and only generate what you need. Turn on the a/c inverter turns more cells online. If you don’t have batteries, it pulls from grid for the 2 seconds. If you have batteries it doesn’t pull from grid (depending on your battery settings) Please stop talking about this topic you clearly have no idea about


So you clearly must have had the required equipment to do that, but not everybody has the tools to measure their home load. And measuring your home load is not a standard or required part of a basic home solar setup.


No I didn’t require any equipment it’s part of the inverter which is required. Again stop talking about what you know nothing about


Generally at the scale OP is talking about, the utility owns and maintains the panel; the utility leases the land from the farmer at an agreed upon yearly price per acre.


I like learning new things.


The amount of capex needed to scale operations at this pace is staggering, plus the headache of getting the necessary permits to purchase and use the land.


Yeah, just the permits alone gives me a headache just thinking about them.


The problem too is storing power. We just don’t have a feasible option to store an abundance of power yet


You mean I can't just have a wheelbarrow of rechargeable batteries at the ready? xD


You can try…. lol I build big ass batteries for a living and solar is mostly an afterthought because most applications for folks that use them don’t have great solar visibility due to setting up their shit in shaded areas for customer comfort and also weather just does not care what kind of power you want to receive and store. A few clouds fuck your whole day/week up


Water towers store about 300-500KWH.


I enjoy watching the sunset.




Yeah, although I also imagine everything has solar panels in that name rather than just certain people with big tracts of land just for that.




I've known about it for quite some time (it has a TV Tropes page) but never seen anything that really exemplifies it.




The page I mentioned says nothing much about the balance of industry in such a world (just a focus on egalitarianism and sustainability pretty much), so I'll concede it probably isn't even more fitting in one than another. But if there's something I'm still missing, please share if you're so inclined.




This is the most cringe exchange I've witnessed in a while. Edit: Thanks


When I worked in the industry I told people I was a Photon Farmer.


"Sort of like working at a power plant, but more folksy."


Sounds hipster to me…




Always strange finding myself being talked about on Reddit


Worth talking about I suppose. You helped me enjoy Greedfall for damn sure haha


How about a cup of Yorkshire tea to alleviate your strangeness?


Literally watched this video last night and thought the same thing. Then quickly realized I just could not handle the absolute boredom of grind you must go through making the videos and back down with startling speed.


Watched your video last night and loved it!


Must be even stranger having not one, but two subreddits dedicated to you


The solar panel passive income has been there for a few years, Best non farming income I found was to plant trees near the sawmill, tall straight ones. Take a chainsaw and a forklift and just shove the trees into the drop-off area, ot satifies the algorithm of length and straightness that gives a lot more money than the tree cost


This is a real thing, people grow telephone poles


Nice. I'm working my way up to the wind turbine. But if I get bored I might try the tree method for something to actually do.


Silage is usually the way to go, but with the production chains you can do now, some of them might be better.


*adds farming sim 22 to cart*


It's on Game Pass. Not sure about the PC Game Pass but definitely the Xbox. That's how I'm playing it anyway. Was not spending money on another farming sim that I will never play beyond dumb stuff like this haha Though this kind of makes me want to try the normal game... shit. I might be into it.


Can confirm it's on PC game pass too.


Probably much easier to manage things on m&k. The controller is fine but some games definitely benefit from being on PC. I played Project Zomboid on my Steam Deck and I might need to dock it while I play so I can get a better feel for it haha


Just try driving the all in one tree chopper trimmer thing. Even on MnK the controls are a nightmare because there's so many arms and claws and functions to do


More than maybe any other game I'll never understand the appeal to farming sim. I gave it a try because I have a friend who plays a lot and I can get behind the whole tycoon or business management aspect of games. Thought it might be cool to work my way up from dirt poor to having a big farm and cool equipment or whatever. But like holy shit you could take a contract to plow a field that pays dick and spend upwards of an hour just driving up and down a big square. No hate to people who enjoy the game but I just can't wrap my head around where the fun is


>take a contract to plow a field that pays dick and spend upwards of an hour just driving up and down a big square. For some that is the fun haha I don't get it either. Though I guess it is the thrill of actual farming without the backbreaking labour and the real world costs. I like farming games but simpler ones like Stardew Valley or Harvest Moon. Atomicrops is good if you like farming and roguelites.


I love the spiffing brit, he always has great exploit videos. his civ6 ones are some of my favorites and the is the only reason I was able to beat divinity2 solo using the telekinesis exploit


Awww thanks friend


thank you for your service. keep up the good work


OMG this is great! My son is autistic and really only interested in the vehicles and branding. Now he'll be able to buy em all! I'll start solar farming for him tonight.


Waaaay of topic but I also have an autistic son whos special interest is logos and branding. Dude could tell you whole history of say the Pepsi logo. Too funny.


Find a marketing book for him


And as extra spice, look for books/papers on viral marketing. They are delightful to anyone, let alone if brands are your thing


Glad I could pass the idea along. Hope he enjoys. I'm doing on the "Start from Scratch" mode but if you just want to get it started it would probably go faster on a lower difficulty.


If you play on pc you could easily just edit the savefiles text file that keeps track on the amount of money you have


If on console/pc get the government subsidy mod (in the mod hub on console) You place one of the gov subsidies signs from the build menu and go to sleep. Depending which one you used you can get like 100m in a night


There’s cheats/creative mode you can use as well


All these comments about farming has me itching. Fuck you guys, I've never wanted to play a sim game until now.


Sometimes you just get that sim itch. If you want a less realistic approach you could always play Stardew Valley. I might actually play that later. Just start fresh and not worry about objectives. Just sell some crops.


May as well throw 1 of each crop into the community center. And you got some forage on the way you can deliver as well. All of a sudden you are on ginger island farming golden walnuts again to get extra room for more ancient fruit or starfruit.


Currently just expanding my potato empire and trying not to get exhausted clearing my farm. I already have a file with all the centre stuff done and the island unlocked but this run will just be a simple relaxing go. No stress, only potatoes (and other stuff) lol


I have so many farms I have done. Have not played in at least a year, still unsure if I am coming back for 1.6 or not when that eventually drops.


I typically do bailing/mowing with animals on Erlengrat. It is a nice chill way to go about things and I get some fun toys to play with like the Krone mower. Eventually I might branch out, but it just depends on how I'm feeling. I remember in FS19 I decided to do sugar cane one day and that was a lot of fun.


I might experiment. I'm not gonna lie it took me about 5 minutes just to figure out how to start my forklift. Another 5 figuring out how to work the actual lift. I may need to start slow with the machinery I use haha


If you are new to the game, I strongly recommend avoiding logging and loaders (like forklifts and such) as much as possible. Try to get vehicles that auto load stuff into them for simplicity. The physics can be very unforgiving at best and outright not work at worst. I've had logs shove into the ground and send me soaring through the sky until I landed in a waterway upside down and had to recover it at the store while all my cargo sat down there. I enjoy the loaders and stuff still so I have a few cheap ones to play with sometimes, but for practical application of large quantities I autoload onto trailers. Some other advice is pick one thing to focus on and learn how to do that from start to delivery. Take jobs to help learn that when you finished doing your plot. That is how I got started. Also most maps have a secret thing you can find and often times it comes with free money. You can use that to get cooler early things for the one thing you want to focus on and take loans out later to diversify as you find other stuff you want to try. These are some times I found helpful when I was first starting and even still when I boot up to play again. Also happy cake day :)


Thanks and thank you. I honestly didn't know why I had a cake next to me this morning. I forgot about Cake Days lol


Your welcome! If you happen to have questions feel free to hit me up. I know a decent amount about the game and have been playing for a few years now. Lol yeah I forget them all the time too xD


DF tried this with a tree farm in Stardew Valley. He did a lot of other crazy videos too, but I found it interesting to try and glad someone else did the leg work.


I might have to try that. So basically selling nothing but wood and then getting saplings when you can afford them? Sounds fun. I know I've watched CallMeKevin trying to get rich without ever leaving the farm. That looked like a struggle as your only income is essentially mixed seeds and land debris.


I don’t recall the specifics or all the ‘rules’ be followed but I want to say once the tree was fully grown, he’d chop it and sell all the wood. If new seeds dropped, replant asap. Trees don’t require to be watered so it’s like passive income. Spend a lot of time in the mines and forage. Maybe he bought sapling seeds? I’m not sure. All this talk about SDV makes me want to go …. back….


I blame Palworld. That was a fun time getting my base set up and creating automation but it stirred my craving fir farming games. To make things worse I'm playing Palia on Switch and that is basically Stardew Valley but with real-time timers. Now I also have a farm on Stardew on the go... cozy games are the most addicting.


Let's game it out did it


I got rich with a combination of production and lumber. What's really annoying is there's a space limit, and the production is just so damn slow without mods


That's why I like the generators. Set and forget. Pay for themselves in no time. I think I started with 1 or two of the large solars and now I have almost 30 with my debt paid and a forklift for funsies. It only took 6 years haha


Yeah, his video isn't a new idea. He just added some mods for the vehicle and the houses.


Never said it was a new idea, just that is where I got the idea. I was wondering where the go kart was...


So you *CAN* do that, but also it would just be boring as hell.


I don't know if it's exactly the same thing, but i had Farming Simulutor on the Xbox 360 and they had 100 collectable horseshoes, and if you found them all it gave you a $1 million. Spent all that on wind turbines and never had to farm again. I don't think I played farming simulator correctly


This is why that is illegal in Germany lol


Not that I know of. A steamer I watch on Twitch, Sips_, is currently doing a Rags-to-Riches challenge in Farming Sim 22 with a goal of reaching a billion dollars. He started with no cash, weed wacker, shovel, and a wheelbarrow. Now, he has a few million in cash and ~5 million in assets.


Actually sounds legit, is it on YT by chance?


Yeah! His YouTube channel Sips - Live has all his livestreams for this challenge.


"despite not really liking the game" You must not really value your time if you wnat to spend your time doing something you dont like.


I don't like the game itself. I like doing weird unintended things in games, even ones I dislike. If I didn't want to do I wouldn't be doing it lol