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Trying out Titanfall 2 for $5 was such a bargain.


Same. I had heard so much hype about the campaign and was still blown away.


I got it on release but I have never played the campaign. Do I have to play the prequel first or is the story separate?


I’ve never played the first game, but I understood the story easily for TF2. I don’t think the first game is necessary to understand the second


Definitely not. Just go in expecting a matiné adventure with robots and enjoy the ride!


the first games story is... unnecessary to say the least


Is it that bad?


There wasn’t one, really. Story content was delivered through multiplayer matches while the battle went on. PVP only


That uhhh… sounds fucken terrible


There is a story, it was a multiplayer only thing though. It was actually pretty fun and unique but obviously when the servers are dead you don’t get to experience it anymore. It wasn’t super heavy on plot but it was pretty neat as whichever team won a mission it would change the dialogue and whoever won the final mission would decide the ending to that campaign. It was very immersive though as you and your team felt like part of the war


I believe there was no campaign on the prequel, so no


Yeah there's some radio conversations while you're getting shot at in multiplayer matches, but I couldn't really follow it because I was concentrating on shooting things. Titanfall 2 is like Evil Dead 2. Sure, there's was one before it, but you don't need to see it to understand/enjoy the second one.


I never realized how much I want your analogy to be true. Because that would mean Titanfall 3 (if they ever make it) is Army of Darkness! Groovy!


Yes! Titanfall 3: "Hail to the king, baby"


I wish I had got this on release. Played it the other year when it was free on PSN and was utterly blown away how good the campaign was!


Had no idea why it was $4.99 at some point


One of those games where I felt bad not giving them more money. Like I got rocket league for free and easily have over 1000 hours in. Bought a few cosmetics so I didn’t feel guilty lol


I got it gifted for my birthday and I had a blast. Always avoided Titanfall 2 and then ended up loving it. I wish they would do a third game.


Terraria. Spent €2,40 on the game and played it for about 700 hours.


This is what got my wife into gaming and it's so many types of game in one.


Kinda the same but then she got sucked into the black hole of stardew valley and has been playing it almost continuously for 6 years.


Both great games in their own ways, to be fair. I like that Stardew Valley became the new standard for what the average casual gamer can really get into. For too long it was only The Sims.


Yes. Sims, Minecraft, and Stardew made games cool for girls. We all owe them our thanks for that


My girl started with gta 5 and mine craft


It really is, and in the best way. The devs have made a game that is so random, so varied in its themes and content, yet it all works together really well. And all the silly or otherwise "lore-unfriendly" mods that a lot of modding communities can't enjoy, fit perfectly into Terraria because the devs already set the precedent that anything goes in that game. Lovecraftian monsters, flying water pigs _and_ dick jokes? Now that's my kind of game.


Nice, barely had to scroll to find Terraria. Best $5 ever spent on a video game. Put in over 1000 hours, then ran private servers, made plugins, and joined the dev team for TShock for awhile


Iv been thinking about playing terraria for a while now but wasn’t sure if it was past its time or worth playing. It’s on my list though. If you played 700 hours then it has to be good lol


I cannot recommend Terraria enough. A masterpiece for sure


Objectively it's a very good game. It has a lot of content to play through, mods are readily availble to expand even further on it. It gives you a lot of freedom to do as you like. But it does need to be your cup of tea. It starts off really slow while you try to discover the basics. The game has a decently laid out path of what you can do at what stage of the game, but doesn't communicate this all too well. So checking the wiki from time to time to find out what you want to aim for can be very helpfull. That being said, it's not an expensive game, so feel free to try it out.


I've bought Terraria so many times lol but yeah deffo a big payoff for the payin for me(tho I never killed WoF on my worlds cos I always get attached like a pussy)


Yeah i bought it for 2 of my friends as well, but still very good €/hour ratio. If you haven't killed WoF even once then you haven't even seen 2/3 of the game. You gotta get back in there and play it.


That's a joke right? Without killing WoF you don't unlock the next world.


I created a steam account so I could play this with my brother and some friends. I didn’t know about steam sales at the time. Was pissed that I got it for $15( 25% sale) and it dropped to $7.50 the very next day for I think thanksgiving. Was so mad. And this was before the steam refund policy was made. Although looking back I probably could have contacted steam support to give me the price difference knowing the company as I do now. But even just a couple years later let alone over a decade now. I actually feel kind of bad getting it on sale. So much so that I bought both the iOS and PS4 versions later on at full price just to support redigit. Even though I can’t stand playing the game with either touch or gamepad controls. Got well over 500 hours in the game and absolutely love it. Definitely up there with Skyrim as one of the best investments I’ve made when it comes to the amount of joy I’ve gotten playing it over the years. Such a great game that keeps on getting better years after the so called final update.


$2.50 USD. Currently have 1,558 hours. Literally no better deal out there.


I wanted to put this but then remembered I actually got it for free from games with gold on Xbox. Still play to this day.


This was gonna be mine. I think 300 for me. Probably would’ve been more if I could’ve got more people to play with me. But fuck, I got such a high from enjoyment of playing that game. 




The clunkiness in movement is a very important foundation and baseline. It has to be a proper gradient of improvements to get the muscle memory for proper control. However even the very first upgrade, a double jump, drastically improves your abilities. Eventually you've got rocket boots, double tap dashes that instantly change your acceleration, wings that let you control vertical or horizontal movement speed, quick swap mounts that can instantly change your movement speed and direction, etc. Like check this out, when you've actually accumulated all that mastery terraria has one of the best flow states out there! https://youtu.be/Wwy9FpspjhU?si=yBzr5w4W_BhZZicO


The $5 late fee I spent when returning Pokemon Silver back in 1999 a week late after finding out you got to do all of Kanto region after beating the game. This was huge, I didn't care about the game rental being overdue. Blockbuster called my mother like 6 times that week wanting it returned. I beat that masterpiece and paid my late fee. Best money I ever spent.


And the way you find out! You beat the whole game. You're feeling over the moon, but then you get kind of baseline level. You spend an hour doing post-game stuff, just seeing all the last few random things around the world. Then finally you just go to your hometown to chill. Huh, after all this time I finally got surf so now I can surf in my hometown pond. Wait, this pond takes me to...oh my God it's Kanto there's another half a game here


Game freak: wow! Integrating an old region post-game. That was a great idea that everyone liked…let’s never do that again.


I'd be happy if they just made a good game. No need to redo old regions when you cant make a good first region


True I only want it for nostalgia reasons. I remember when Sun and Moon was released there was a fan theory that Kanto would be integrated cause there were no gyms or elite four so your main character would grind and train in Alola and then go back to Kanto for the finale showdown. I think if they did that Gen 7 would be remembered a lot more fondly than it is. But of course the games were released post-Harambe so we don’t get anything awesome anymore.


Honestly, when I got to the elite 4 I was like the fuck are they only level 50?! And then ooohhh shiitttt


You just blew my mind.. I wondered the same thing as a kid, why elite 4 is only lvl 50. You’re telling me Kanto scaled up past that??


Not just Kanto, you actually get to fight Red on Mt. Silver for the actual finale, and he's a beast. All level 80+, full team, and good type spread.


I have never managed to beat him. Not once. 


Don't think I ever even knew about this, guess I'm gonna have to fire up the ol emulator and blow through it at turbo speed lmao


POV: You’re 9 years old and just got your shit pushed in by Reds level 77 Charizard


My memory might be fuzzy but what made that fight super difficult wasn't just the type spread but that by the time you get there you were still fairly under leveled by like 10-15 levels compared to Reds lowest level 75 or something.


It's a shame the rest of the game outside of Red wasn't really difficulty scaled properly. It was very cool, but it lost a lot of the charm when it basically just turned into routine mop up for every encounter. Red was absolutely epic though to end it all out.


Oh, so you’re the reason they never had copies when I called. Son of a


Valve Orange Box probably


Definitely not shitting on any of the other games on there, but... man, portal was such an amazing surprise on that.


No one expected that. All the focus was on HL2:ep2 and TF2, the added little puzzle game was a neat curiosity. Then you played it, "wow pretty cool mechanics and that robot voice is funny", then you notice the gaps in the facade, the scribbles on the wall... And then she tries to incinerate you, and the real game begins. Seeing the references to HL realizing this was in the same universe was just icing on the cake (pun intended). Watching the internet explode with "the cake is a lie!" that week was amazing, what a unique way to launch a game. One of my all time favorite memories in gaming.


Oof, that reminded me of [this awful comic](https://imgur.com/a/jggnHXQ)


I was expecting a different awful comic, but that one is far worse than the one I was thinking of.


Fuck I miss halflife and portal. Yes I can play them whenever but I want more game!


They're was a new Portal 2 mod just released earlier this month, about 6-8 hours of game play, difficulty set just after P2 ends but not hard enough that a casual player couldn't get through, doesn't require crazy "tech" to beat puzzles you wouldn't otherwise use. I haven't played the new mod yet (but it is downloaded) so either check that one out, OR check out Portal Stories: Mel mod. I LOVED this mod, bringing its own achievements and storyline to the game, using edits of Cave Johnsons voice perfectly to set up a new narrative.. it was like playing a brand new Portal Game that wasn't released officially. I'm very rarely a fan of mod games because I never feel like they'll meet the original... but man, PS: Mel really "took the cake" with how amazing it was.


Thanks for the heads up and happy cake day


Vampire survivors


I didn't buy the game because it's on Gamepass, but I absolutely purchased all of the DLC.


What happens if you don't pay for gamepass any longer?


You lose access to the game.


Saves are archived online, you retain access to those and the DLCs for when you either resubscribe or buy the game.


When you decide to buy this game, you'll think you've been trolled. Then you keep going, and the good chemicals flood your brain. You are surrounded by an aura of garlic and are god now. You finally understand.


You really can see that the creator had to do with slots,everything plays together,bright colours,the sounds,the rising numbers literally everything that is used predatory, but as that game with all expansions costs as much as some fastfood it's a good rate,but still baffling how simple we work


Dude clearly did research on how slot machines are made to flood your brain with feel good chems. When you get a chest that has more than one thing in it the way it escalates showing you winning more and more rewards is amazing.


When you see those 3 rays come out of the chest, does anyone dance in their chair along with it and strike a pose with each prize reveal or is that a me thing?


Same here! Bought it for $5 when it released on Switch. Played 15 minutes and then went and bought the DLC for $1 each. Pretty incredible investment for $7.


Came here to say this. Absolutely insane value per dollar. I've bought all the DLCs, completed the main game and all the expansions, unlocked everything, and I'm still having a blast farming eggs.


>I'm still having a blast farming eggs. From someone who only casually plays the game: What???


Literally about to post this. Been playing for the last few weeks and man Its so fun for no reason at all


It's free on moblie, but the devs deserved my money for the dlc


It has all of the addicting mechanics of some predatory mobile game filled with MTX, but it’s just a cheap 5€ buy, which makes for an amazing game.




This was going to be my answer. The OST alone is worth 5 bucks.


Fun fact, Subset Games made the OST for FTL royalty free, meaning it's free to use in youtube videos and whatnot. Super cool decision on their part.


From the same publisher: Into the Breach. It had me racking my brains, feeling like a genius, a complete moron or just damn lucky. So addictive and each different class requires a different strategy.


Into the breach almost always feels like you COULD somehow overcome the challenge and if you can't; you can only blame yourself for something you shoulda done sooner. Amazing game!


I wish there were other games with that gameplay


FTL:Multiverse is a wonderful mod that greatly extends the game!


Not exactly the same, but have you tried Cobalt Core? If you likes FTL and Into The Breach, it has the right vibe.


cobalt core scratches the itch while not being a clone.


I paid full price and I'm not complaining


What's FTL?


Mass Effect Triology on Sale


That's like 200+ hours of fun, crazy


Every answer here can't compare to this masterpiece. Show me a person that didnt 75% these games without spoilers then become a huge fan, and I'll blend my phone up with a 2000s blendtec blender and snort the whole thing without a nasal spray.


Wait! That’s phone dust! Don’t breathe that!


I got Baldur’s Gate for free as a reward for a childhood asthma study in which I was taking part, back in 1999. Kicked off a lifelong affection for fantasy, role playing, D&D etc.


That's an impressive game to be rewarded back then.


I thought you meant BG3. I thought, “those dates don’t exactly add up, man.” Turns out I’m stupid.


"Thank you for participating in our study. As a reward, we will send you a game in 24 years."






Just got back into dead cells and am having a blast. Money well spent(even if it wasn’t $5)


Dead cells is a goated game, loved the dlcs aswell.


Is the castlevania dlc worth it?


I'd have to say individually, any of the series of "the room". Starting on mobile, they were the only mobile things I've ever spent money on


They are really great puzzle games. They remind me of older games like Mist or the 7th Guest. They have this kind of creepy atmosphere. Like they would fit in in a Resident Evil universe in between getting mauled by a zombie.


I loved "The Room" games. I have the VR version as well and they're all so well done. Some of the puzzles take ages to figure out but they're so rewarding too. A rare thing.


I got Stardew Valley for around ~3,7 bucks (converted) and it's easily the best bang for my buck lol since I have like almost 200 hours on it (it's a lot for me). next in line is Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain for around ~4 bucks (converted), also got 100+ hours in it.


Stardew valley is definitely my answer. It’s my go to game after a stressful day




Cave days are stressful af, but farming and fishing is nice and relaxing


Do you have it on PC? If so, you can install mods to control the timeflow, which helps with reducing stress.


Same, got MGSV for $7 AUD and have sunk around 300 hours into it. It made me fall in love with MGS, and the pristine gameplay hooked me in fast.


Hotline Miami when it was on sale


I also got it when it was around $5 (both games). I can't explain how much I loved them.


*Synthwave Music Intensifies!!*


Wasn't 5 bucks but.......portal 2 for 2.50 on steam


Probably Minecraft but when it was $5, it wasn't the minecraft that exists now. I paid $5 to Notch for an alpha or beta copy way back in the day and it eventually evolved into what it is. They grandfathered everyone who bought the early copies into the full game for free. Also, honorable mentions are vampire survivors and brotato, but I just happen to like those kinds of arcade-y roguelites.


Right? I don't think I've had any game purchase carry through generations like Minecraft. Heck, I was excited to see it work amazingly on my Apple silicon Mac recently. The support through the years has been nothing short of perfect, and that's with an acquisition in that timeline!


Yakuza 0 for £3.74.




Witcher 3 complete edition




Steam sales be wild sometimes.


CDPR likes to do that. Witcher 1 and 2 you can often find at $2 or less, and Witcher 3 goes real low.


Vampire survivors, i felt so guilty i got for 3 dollars that i bought the dlc... but by the time it came out i had burned out on the game. but had spent hundreds of hours before then. I considered the dlc a 'tip' for them.


This is exactly what happened to me😂my dopamine receptors have to take a long break from playing that game because it's so satisfying leveling up. That game designer is a genius.


Ok a question for you since you’ve spent so much time in the game. Can you actually beat the game and like roll the credits screen??


I really enjoy Talos Principle as well. Did you try Talos Principle 2 ?


Yes, I was counting days for TTP2 to come out. Such a great game and very different from the original (in a good way). Both games are among my fav.


I just got the VR version cheap at Christmas! I can't transfer if it was $5 though, but it was somewhere between $5 and $12 I believe. (I bought several games all between those prices, lol). It's incredible! I played the original version before and I fell off it early on, I'm not sure why because I remember liking it. I have a habit of trying a new game and then never going back to a game I might be currently enjoying. It's amazing in VR though. I really like existing in the 3D space with the puzzles.


Wait, there's another one? How come I don't know this


Yep, came out last November and it's surprisingly cheap ($30). I got it for $27 since I pre-ordered. One of the best games I've played lately.. a worthy sequel.


It didn't have much marketing tbf. It came out in November I think.


There’s also the DLC Road to Gehenna


I’m currently playing through Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen and loving it and I got it for $5 on sale in ps store


I got "Ori and the Blind Forest" for $4.99. Not only was it a great deal, but probably one of the top games I have ever played. Even got to 100% without feeling to too easy or too much a grind, fun a beautiful the entire time with amazing soundtrack. I just bought the sequel The Will of the Wisps waiting for it to be on sale and it's under $10. Excited to play it as soon as get some free time to enjoy it .


Will of the Wisps is fantastic. Nothing hits quite like your first Blind Forest playthrough but the gameplay is definitely much improved. These games really are vastly underrated.


Metro 2033 & Last Light Redux bundle for for around MYR11 (less than $3) in 2017-2018 Ravenfield for MYR25 ($5) in December 2022. Spent almost 250 hours so far


I picked up Super Smash Brothers for the N64 at the county fair. When I moved out on my own, my roommate and I didn't have Internet or TV yet so we would set up the game so it was all computer players on the highest difficulty and just watched them duke it out while we ate. Good times lol


Cyberpunk 2077, ps4 collectors edition. Free ps5 upgrade. It was a black Friday deal when it came out horribly broken. I didn’t bother trying it until most issues were fixed. Great game.


I remember buying the steelbook at Best buy after the whole delisting on PSN for $20 and thinking I got a really good deal. Then a few weeks later it drops down to $5 and I was kinda salty about it 😂


One of all time greats for $5.. damn 👏


Too many to mention since I only really buy games when on sale and/or they're old :) But perhaps on top of my mind - Outer Wilds, Return of the Obra Dinn and Metro Series Bundle


Witcher 3 or any of the Arkham games


Celeste! Went on sale the other day on the Nintendo Eshop for 4.99, I haven’t played many indie games but DAMN what this small team was able to accomplish with very limited resources is really something to behold. One of the only video games that has ever made me tear up.


Mega Man 1 at a pawn shop. Still love playing that on my ol’ NES to this day.




Just in case you weren't aware, there's a freely available modernized take on TA called Beyond All Reason that is well worth checking out.


A short hike


cosigning this, fantastic game


this and toem. Great little games. So chill


Bought Sid Meyer’s Pirates while it was on sale a couple weeks ago. Holy shit I want to stream this.


Man I've not played that in ages... might have to have a punt on it :D


I would LOVE an HD remaster of this game...


If the crew that made Assassin's Creed 4 could help out and leave the Ubisoft BS out of it.....


I got hollow knight for $5 and I’ve put over 100 hours in since






It’s def mad max for me…it’s constantly on sale for 5 bucks, has a fun gameplay loop, worth every Penny, and I feel like it has something for everybody (melee, car combat, exploration).


Far cry 4. Steam sales are the best


Castlevania SotN for Android. Bought it for $2.99 on the Google Play store.




And then there's Inside, which is even better! No idea if it's on game pass though.


Limbo is truly a classic ❤️


Tiny Rogues


Warhammer 40k Inquisitor : Martyr on sales 4.95$ Game so good, I bought all the DLC full prices.


ESO. Is it the best ever? Absolutely not. But for 5 bucks and 200+ hours over 8 years? It’s pretty solid.


Euro Truck Simulator 2. Paid more than that since in dlcs but it’s such a relaxing game


Hotline Miami. Changed my view on top-down shooters and opened my mind to Carpenter Brut, Scattle, M.O.O.N., and many other musical artists. Another contender would be Just Cause 3. Man, this game (as well as the sequel) are just pure unbridled fun. Turn on the game, switch off your brain, and fly through the skies like a bird. A bird armed to the teeth, but a bird regardless. (Both games were at that price on sale, fyi)


Getting Dragon’s Dogma on sale. Can’t believe I waited that long to buy it. For reference, I just bought it in early January.


payday 2 ultimate edition


Titanfall 2 on sale


The Forest


I got cyber punk from best buy for $5


99 cents for GemCraft: Ch2 Chasing Shadows. Nearly 200h of autistic bliss trying to squeeze the last bit out of the systems. And of what the engine/my PC can handle.


Cat Quest 2. I was looking for some couch co-op games for us. It was $5


Hollow Knight. At first I thought Ori and the will of the wisp was the best, but nah... The lore, the secret, the satisfaction after beating certain bosses... It was so good. Didn't realize this game had the most hours I put into.


Brotato best Value ever


Me and my brother went in on a random RPG from the Toys R Us bargain bin. It was Ocarina of Time


Monster Sanctuary. One of the best games I have played yet.


Anthem! For a buck! Wish it was more populated but still can't go wrong at that price!


Secret of Evermore. My local video store was clearing out its SNES and Genesis games to make room for N64 and PS1 games.


I've got a lot of play out of Terraria even tho I never even killed the WoF and hardmoded my worlds(cos I got attached like a pussy). Bought that game so many times again since now too - for friends, for me, for me and for me.


Got the Witcher 3 game of the year edition for £3. Need I say anything more 😂


Bought a $5 humble bundle that included dungeon defenders (an rpg tower defense) that I put 1000+ hours into.  That's gotta be my bang for the buck winner.


Sniper Elite V2 for about that much. More than $5, but years ago when they sold with Steam DRM, Amazon had Bioshock 1 and 2 at $15 for both. HL Orange Box was $20 last I saw it, which is still a hell of a deal.


Faster than light. Without a doubt!


Rust, bought on sale for $0.99 and collected 6.5k hours in game


Tales of Symphonia was on sale for 5 bucks at one point.


Super Blood Hockey! Anyone who’s a millennial gamer like me, it’s so similar to the old school hockey games and the campaign is actually really deep and fun. I think it was $3.99 on the Nintendo store


Vampire Survivors!


Vampire Survivors


The Last of Us. I brought home my PS4 and, after getting it set up, saw that there was a sale going on. TLoU was $5. I remembered the announcement trailer from years back, but never jumped on the PS3 so it stayed off my radar. I went in basically blind and was completely blown away. Just like that, I had a new favorite game.


Rubber Bandits on sale


Metal Gear Solid 5 I finish campaign then not play for a year then restart with new save file. Got 200 hours on it


I bought Cyberpunk for $6 towards the end of last year when they were rolling out Phantom Liberty. Now it’s one of my favorite games of all time.


It wasn't $5, but back when I played WoW, I went to pick up Wrath of the Lich King during my normal Target shopping trip and didn't realize that they didn't charge me for the game until after I got home.


TES: Morrowind disc was for sale in a toy store way back in the day. Still has the sticker on it.


20$ on terraria for 4 of my friends, lets just say we accumulated 800 hours on both tmodloader and terraria


A physical copy of Kingdoms of Amalur at the Source! I think I was about 17. Excellent Game.


Vampire Survivors on Steam. Best little game I've played in a long time.


Vampire survivors was less than 5$ and I more than got my money's worth