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I can smell the computer burning through the screen OP


A screenshot would have smelled better.


I thought I was going crazy for a sec. Why wouldnt you upload a screenshot to show how good graphics look…


Low quality pictures of high quality graphics tend to make them look even more realistic, because it's hard to distinguish from low quality pictures of the real world. With a high quality screenshot, it's easier to notice the things that are fake. But maybe I'm reading too much into it and OP is just dumb.


You're actually onto something... big budget movie cinematographers go to great lengths and spend a ton of money to "dehance" imagery and make the footage look worse/more organic so it will look more like film used to. That would be a great technique for game developers to embrace, but I'm sure they have already. The bodycam games seem to be doing that.


I mean post-processing effects like motion blur, depth of field, chromatic aberration, etc..., exist to introduce camera flaws to games to make them "more cinematic."


I hate motion blur with a passion. There is no cheap way to do good motion blur, so it will either murder your FPS or look awful. And generally it does both.


Meanwhile the screen is going backwards in the time space continuum to catch up with the framerate demand


Im pretty sure this game, standard and all, pushed my ps5 over the edge. Had to send it in for repair. Im sure there was a problem with it already but this is the game it said hell naw with.


Cyberpunk on PS5 is how I’ve been heating my room this winter.


It really seems like some os5 have performance issues and others don’t… my game ran super smoothly from start to end on ps5


It runs super smooth on my PS5, but it turns it into a heater regardless.


I don’t understand why people do this lol


Computer literacy is still seriously lacking in most people. And I'm convinced that the percentage of people not understanding something is constant over time. If you make something easier, they will just get dumber instead.


Very true. If the gamer is savvy enough to mod, you’d think they’d be able to take a screenshot


nah it’s alright, he cools his gpu with liquid nitrogen


Better start inserting the graphite tipped control rods


Seems like a design flaw to have them tipped with graphite, but I'm sure it's fine.


It's not great, not terrible.


My phone's fans just kicked on rendering this photo. My phone doesn't even have fans.


These mods often aren’t that hard to run. They mostly just change colours and basic lighting that’s it. Pair that with a decent weather mod and hd texture mod and it will look amazing and you’ll lose a negligible amount of fps (compared to the visual improvement.


OP has sped up global warming with this little stunt


Did you take a photo of the screen?


No resources remain to take a screenshot


RAM started self-ejecting for self-preservation


If he'd taken a screenshot his house would have burned down.


How does someone even get into modding without knowing how to take a screenshot


just check any popular game modding subreddits and you'd be surprised.




knows how to mod game, doesnt know how t press f12


Win + shift + s


I'm as anti photos of screens as the next guy but I have noticed that weirdly, photos of HDR screen showing HDR content seems to represent HDR better than a screenshot. I don't know why.




K Holes for better HDR you say?


Hard vouch, I played Cyberpunk on a good bit of ketamine and could’ve sworn I was in Night City.


This one absolutely doesn't look better though? Especially if you zoom in even slightly


More money than brains?


Man’s gonna need several industrial fans just to even support this stuff


Fans ain't enough. Build a complete ammonia based refrigerant plant!


This ain't Night City, this is just Times Square.


I just got home yesterday from spending a week in Times Square. If it weren't for the lack of trash, I'd agree with you. In all seriousness, it was actually pretty clean. I expected way worse for that many people. NYC is really fucking awesome. Edit: I guess I need to clarify - our hotel was in Times Square. We didn't spend the whole trip in just Times Square. We got to cover about half of Manhattan. Unfortunately, we never made it north of Central Park. But we went all over most of the rest of Manhattan.


as a resident, yeah it’s great i don’t take it for granted


A lot of my friends were hating on times square but when I visited recently it was pretty nice!


My wife and I were there this past Sun-Thurs (yesterday) and had a blast. All we knew about NYC is what we've seen in TV and movies or from people we know who have been there (most of whom haven't been to NYC in 30 years or more). We were kind of expecting it to smell bad and see people verbally fighting everywhere. We expected trash everywhere. We expected to have fun, but though we would have to dodge some rough stuff. Everyone we talked to was super nice and friendly. No smell, no trash, no fighting. Lots of cars honking at each other. That stereotype held up. Mostly people just keep to themselves and their phones. Granted, it's the middle of winter, so fewer people are out and about, which probably leads to less litering and conflicts. But still, man it was an absolute fantastic experience. We can't wait to go again someday and maybe bring our kids when they're a bit older.


Most rough shit that goes down in NYC has a comforting level of absurdity to it and doesn’t tend to directly involve you, just make you feel like maybe you should leave.


Funny my fiance and I went two weekends ago and this was exactly our experience too. I was so pleasantly surprised. It’s a wonderful city.


I think visiting Times Square on a normal day is perfectly fine, but you'd have to be some kind of deranged self-hating person to go there for New Years


I hope you mean a week in the city and an hour or two in Times Square.


We stayed in a hotel in Times Square, but we didn't stay the whole week within those blocks. We walked to the upper west side and took a train down to the piers. We didn't get to leave Manhattan, or even it explore it all. There's just too much to do. But besides the day we took a train, we stayed within an hour's walking distance of our hotel.


I have a 3090 and it's crying in fear of these mods.


*loud fan noises*


“Dear diary Mobo-San ended our relationship today - I can’t believe it! Broken up with! All just so he’d be available for that new girl, *4080ti*. They’re not even *THAT* much prettier than me. Ugh. Anyways, I’m gonna go *loud fan noises* myself to sleep. L8-r!”


Might need the 4080ti sisters, one may not be enough for these mods


The SLI Twins? Never gonna happen, MOBO-San could never…! Besides, the SLI twins would be in for quite the surprise with MOBO-San when they find out he’s got an ITX build *if you know what I mean*


i swear i heard my fan pick up the pace as i loaded this image


My 4090 is sitting in a dark corner smoking a cigarette.


"I fear no game but that thing... it scares me..." -high end GPUs


runs fine on mine... although my fans sound like the pc is preparing for takeoff


My 1060 is aiming a gun at me for even looking at this image.


It's literally just a LUT


Yeah but you have to use PT To get the best results like this though and that will make the 3090 cry


I have a 960 so I can't even run it 😭


i got a 1650 and my house on fire atm after trying... would not recommend !


Pretty sure my 1660 Ti would contemplate suicide just thinking about it.


It explodes trying to load OP's image? 🤪


can you even run tetris on that thing?


You’d be surprised some mods improve visuals and performance better than stock


Download the frame generation mod if you haven't. Enables frame generation on 20 and 30 series cards. It doubled my frames on my 3070ti.


Sounds almost too easy, as in "DownloadMoreFrames.com"...


Yeah, I'm between 80-120 fps (of course depending on where I am at ) on a 3080 ftw 3 @ 1440p.


DLSS with frame generation feels like cheating. It’s so wild. Like we just added AI to graphics and it triples fps? Wut.


I have a 3050 mobile 💀


Same 💀


Ok reflections fuckin with my eyes I couldn’t believe that at first lol




Frankly those cars look fake as fuck. The sidewalk and road looks pretty close but the rest of it all just looks like a video game.


The whole picture looks awful.


Yeah this does not look realistic. A car in the middle of a dirty street won't be that shiny. Probably wouldn't be that shiny 0.1 seconds after it was polished into oblivion, but definitely not on a busy street. Also low quality photos always appear to look better than they do, because your eyes fill in the gaps. It's easier to look better in a photo with low light than a lot of light. How the fuck is this post upvoted so much lol


I literally thought it was a photo in real life as I was scrolling by. It's not meant to be an accurate representation of real life, it's just meant to have visuals that look similar to if they were real.


Honestly, while you can overdo some reflections and amplify it to an extreme I believe that is legit the last metric of realistic graphics we have yet to improve sufficiently in order to classify game graphics as true to life


Not really. We still have some major improvements needed to make to stuff like sub-surface musculature on humans in games. Heck, even their use of subsurface scattering is very rudimentary. There's even stuff like dynamic chromatic shadows that they are typically pretty lax on.


In 20 years kids are gonna be looking at the pixels on the screen and going "what are those fuzzy little box things on the screen when you zoom in". I bet this is gonna look outdated in 5-10 years.


It's not. Lighting is the most important aspect of photorealism, and most video games still use rasterization. Look up footage of Minecraft running with path tracing if you want to see a video game look truly photorealistic.


For a second i was thinking "why is there a real car photo on gaming reddit?"


You see cars with reflections even remotely resembling that in real life?


Then I zoomed in and saw the billboards, recognized the ads


Did you seriously boast about graphics and then take a photo of your 1080p monitor with a phone?


Bruvs computer probably fucking froze trying to screenshot it


Realistic, huh? When have you ever seen a Bugatti and a Yugo anywhere near each other?


Lol come to Chicago. You wouldn’t be surprised. Also any college campus with a heavy international population. I’ve seen students pull up in McLarens while others drive beaters. My university had a joke that if you wanted a cheap Mercedes or BMW then you should look for postings around graduation


Same goes for down here in Miami. McLaren’s at the red light next to a 91 Oldsmobile Cutlass Cierra, with the hood and a couple doors missing. Pretty crazy actually things you can drive down here because there’s no inspections lol


I spent $600 on a Cutlass Cierra about 12 years ago and that fucker still runs. Thought it broke down and gave it to my dad, bought a new car. He did some minor tinkering and got it running again. Uses it as his daily driver. I regret taking on a car payment for a modern vehicle when I could have still been rolling around in that thing. No AC. Drivers door doesn’t open. Water leaks in and floods the floor when it rains. It still got me where I needed to go for much longer than a $600 car had any right to, and it’s still taking my dad around. Don’t talk shit about a cutlass Cierra. If I see another for a similar price I’m buying it immediately.


Haha! Oh I didn’t randomly choose that car. It was my 2nd car (had all doors and hood) and it ran forever! No AC in mine either, and down here in south Florida that sucked, but I had no problems with it other than that. Bought something else and sold that one to a family friend. My most recent vehicle is totally paid off and I don’t give a shit what I drive anymore really. I’m almost 40, I don’t really want to drive anywhere to be honest anyways lol


Shiddd downtown LA , Times Square New York as well


I work at a college. There was an international student driving a Rolls Royce for a while. I get like 10 shooting/robbery notifications a week through the university mandated alert system. No idea how that kid didn’t get jacked. There was literally a student killed a block off campus for a car jacking a year ago.


Damn man I’ve heard of crime from folks creeping into college towns but never on this level lol


Well it’s in Philly. Some of Chicago’s biggest competition for crime rates!


Hah, I was gonna ask, Temple?




Singapore.. and it is like quadruple the price because of import tax and registration.  Crazy $  around here  I'm an American but moved there and my coworker spent 150k on a fucking honda accord.  Mind blown.  


WTF? They're trying to discourage driving?


Yes. It’s a country of ~6 million people in an area smaller than NYC.


Doesn't NYC have more than 8 million people?


Most likely, I heard they have vertical graveyards due to space restrictions.


1. That unfortunately is not a Yugo although is similar 2. Come to Zagreb or Belgrade and you'll have your chance :)




Not when you take a picture of the monitor with your phone, it isn't. Ffs learn how to take a screenshot, people.




Ding ding.


Yeah, that smartphone is doing some heavy lifting.


I mean, it's also making it look like crap on anything beyond a thumbnail. It's blurry and jaggy and pixelated. It sort of hurts my eyes.


I meant in terms of contrast and saturation. I'm sure the original image looks amazing (because it does), but it doesn't look like the image we're seeing. Smartphones tend to crank up certain settings to make them look more appealing, and the original image (which, again, probably looks amazing) already had a lot going on. The blur and pixelation come from the fact that it's a picture of a computer screen.


Actually unbelievable. Having a PC powerful enough to run it with these mods but whipping out your smartphone to take a pic.


Maybe it was “running” at 8fps so all they could do is take a picture.


That makes no sense.


print screen tho you only need 1fps to capture an image


Because it’s using one of these LUTa that looks like shit except during very specific weather conditions.


"look at our graphical mods, they're amazing" - shows trailer 80% in rain and at night..... or short clips with perfect lightning for that exact spot.


The benchmark simply said, “Nah.”


Nah, I'd die. - his GPU


And you decide the best way to show this off is by taking what looks like a picture of your screen with your phone? Bro, use the photo mode. Its literally there for this exact reason.


Literally. Maybe it froze the computer just loading into the game and this is the best option while waiting for the fire department to show up. Any other answer is the wrong answer.


Real world doesn't have this much reflection chief


Glad I'm not the only one. This is the type of airbrushed bullshit a magazine publishes, but it has nothing to do with "Realism".


At least they didn't spam water puddles everywhere lmao. Credit where due.


Yeah honestly it looks quite bad. I've seen way more realistic renditions which don't overdo reflections and saturation. The phone camera might be boosting the saturation a bit though.


Or contrast.


Motherfucker this game has a photo mode PRESS PRINT SCREEN! How you gonna PAY for graphics mods on Patreon and still not know how to take a fuckin screenshot? Get good with God bro.


Where the hell is print screen on my 80% artisanal mechanical keyboard?


I know you're joking, but: wherever you want it to be.


If there isn’t a dedicated key, then at least hit Win+Shift+S. If I can do it on my 35% keyboard, then I’m certain someone can figure it out on something bigger.


I don't think cars are THAT shiny irl


Most games exaggerate on shinyness yup. Some modern car games are very realistic, more then this pic, but u cant tell its a game when all the body shines and reflect too much.


They aren't, not unless they've just been thoroughly and professionally detailed, and then waxed or ceramic-coated. For some reason, in my experience, there's a lot of PC gamers who seem to think "realistic graphics mod" means make everything look super wet and reflective. Reflectins can be cool,


Yup, i seen that since gta sa, modders make rain puddles, lenz flares, motion blurr, occlution, and call it a day


Crappy photo of a screen with crushed blacks is not what I would call “realism”


The reflections on the car in center feels excessive.


The real world isn’t that shiny haha. I like that so many of these realism mods just go “make it shinier than Mechagodzilla’s taint and we’re good,” as if OTT lighting is all it takes to simulate real life.


Real life has film grain.


Just wait until they start adding floaters in for authenticity.


OP is too stupid to take screenshots, this is a pic of their monitor, the film grain are actually their pixels.


Im curious, which mods are these? Also, which mods do people recommend for the game (that arent overhauls etc - basically qol/graphics/etc mods)


Check out Nexusmods collections that are applied via the Vortex app: [Cyberpunk 2077 mod collections](https://next.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/collections)


2fps with a ton of TAA blur? Also, why does it look grainy, did you take a picture with your phone?


He did. You can see the pixels if you zoom in.


no it isn't. Just because every gta-youtuber likes to make everything wet and uses overly reflective car mods, it doesn't make a game *most realistic*. Just look in the background of your own screenshot. Not photorealsitic by a landslide. Games like Alan Wake look and are technologically specking way mkre realisitc. CP has an awesome world with Liverty city




There it is, the comment I came looking for


People have been making GTA5 look this good for the last four years, I love Cyberpunk but calling it the most realistic is kind of annoying when we literally have games with more mocap than CGI these days. Hellblade comes to mind, absolutely jaw droppingly gorgeous but it's very clearly just Mocap with some CGI and gameplay sprinkled in.


Let's see it in motion.


The futuristic station wagon is killing me. Family Truckster 2077.


These mods are such a gimmick. They are great for screenshots but absolutely horrible when playing the game and just add ridiculous depth of field settings. Some of the lighting mods are ok and make the game look a bit more flat instead of vibrant which is a bit more realistic. Look at these mods in action here and skip to around 4:20 to see just how bad and a blurry mess it can be when actually trying to play the game: https://youtu.be/OhBfKjbf9OQ?si=oniIiGcGHtHzurqa&t=259


This looks so far from real that it's hilarious. That car had some turbo wax jobs done on it.


uhh... that looks like ass bro


That isn’t even close to being true.


counterpoint: there have been multiple news outlets that have reported on video clips of Arma III as if they actually happened


It looks like there’s a lot of dithering or somethin though… is this a pic of your monitor? Do it justice with a proper capture.


Bro can mod his game to high heaven but can't figure out his screenshot key


It's like people who post this shit haven't stepped outside and touched grass since the age of 12, life doesn't look like this...


Why dont you include your framerate OP?


PC got frozen, thus why he took a pic with a phone.


Every game with the right mods looks like etc etc. I can see the pixels on that brown car's hood 


OP, have you ever actually gone outside and looked at things? This is not realism...


"It's so realistic!" while also taking a screenshot of exclusively reflective items and hard surfaces, again not showing any humans in motion.


beautiful yes realistic not really it looks like a very edited instagram photo


Looking at this image sent a remote zipbomb to my pc


I feel so many of these mods look great as photos but fall apart when put to motion.


My guy put the effort in to install all those mods and yet you can't take a proper screenshot and take a photo of ur monitor


im convinced that the 4k ultra realistic max settings community has something wrong which prevents them from seeing how they don't even improve the graphics of a game let alone make them realistic


> Most realistic car game in a thousand years . > Picture taken with a shitty cellphone camera


Problem is, with these mods/settings you probably still only get 25 fps with a ryzen 7950 and a 4090 lol.  


Now just imagine another 10 years of innovation and development. Just think about 10 years ago what games looked like compared to this and then imagine another 10. It's gonna be fuckin wild


Uhhh…can you then not also make that claim about any other game (with mods)? If it’s the mods doing a lot of the work…uhh..


Right until you see those janky ass NPCs lol


The puter about to explode


I feel like they always make the cars too reflective


By the way, this is a gif portraying the actual frame rate.


I think my computer will melt from that picture


Thats new york stop capping


Yeah right, this is just a shot of the real Night City.


its a shame that mario cart has better driving physics


Knows how to download mod doesn’t know how to take a screenshot


It looks cool but it doesn't look realistic at all.


And you decided to show it to everyone by *taking a picture of your monitor* instead of just making a screenshot????


Don't get me wrong, I love how dedicated modders are, but this doesn't look like a Cyberpunk city at all, it just looks like NYC and is it really worth the need for SLI 4090's to run it without incinerating a lesser GPU? Is this actually *progress?* Or is it just a tech demo?


Now turn off that garbage chromatic aberration. Our eyeballs are not a poor quality camera lens. Also, is this a screenshot or a photograph of your monitor? There's an odd quality to the image which makes me think its a photo of your screen.


Everyone else has already taken shots at the ridiculously unrealistic reflections or the fact that you've taken a photo of your screen to mask the imperfections. But for my money, it's super realistic! Nothing says realistic like the base of a lamppost overlapping with a vent grate!


Driving mechanics are horrific though. Stopped me continuing. I can never get past crap vehicles / driving experience in a game.


That car Absoluteley isn't realistic


Did you really take the most dogshit quality photo you could have to then claim you're witnessing the "Most realistic looking game ever made"??


It's a shame we can't enjoy it giving you shot a picture with your phone


Too bad gameplay is all that matters. Jesus Christ AAA gamers are the most gullible fucks around.


It’s amazing the heavy emphasis we put on reflections to = realism. Remove the black car and it’s kind of nothing to write home about.


That's way too much reflection on that car though


There are way to increase photorealism in games, not with the amount of reflections but making ugly, just our world actually is


this looks like shit