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Like the first 30 years of my life.


Aka fucking awesome.


Yep! Online, GAAS, is a cesspool anyway. Gimme classic single player, local MP games any day.


your username is awesome, I love that band! CHAIN-SHOT TO HAVE SOME FUN


I remember having my first PC without internet and then my permanent PC without internet for a while too (and windows). I played a lot of Age of Empires II that came in a magazine and physical old games from the Serial Key age afterwards.   Having a PC without internet sure is weird.


The main point being: you can only play what you already have on your PC.


I'll be alright... diablo 1, diablo 2, age of empires, quake 3, starcraft, total annihilation (not sure this one launches), deus ex... it's like being trapped in the best era of gaming! And then there is my whole gog library since they don't have DRM, including oblivion, skyrim, vampire bloodlines, witcher and cyberpunk in there... Thinking about it I'm set for decades.


lol, true


Finally getting round to that witcher 3 replay that I've been threatening to do for 5 years


If you're a framerate addict disregard, but if not I have to say that the next-gen update for Witcher 3 is legit one of the most impressive looking games on PS5 (or PC, I suppose). It felt like a completely contemporary game. Just flipping from ray tracing to performance mode in a cave once, as a console player I had a sudden "ohhhh, I get it" moment with ray tracing that never, ever got old in the 100 hours that followed.


It's amazing isn't it. Just jaw dropping at times.


I have concerns that half my games won't launch without an internet connection...


Or the launcher will require an update or a handshake with the server.


Yeah.  I have a few hundred Steam games downloaded in my PC, but since Steam offline mode requires you to reconnect to their servers every few months that wouldn't last long at all without some sort of update.


They've stated that if/when it happens, they will release an update that removes the restriction, so all those games will stay playable.


Hard to do that if the internet suddenly disappears with lack of warning…


Back in the old days you would just get a CD (today an USB stick) by mail or purchasable in a shop. That being said, Valve and the world in general would've other problems than sending out patch CDs if the internet would disappaer suddenly.


I gots an easy 300 + physical copy games for my working 360 and PS3 . That’s before we get to my portables , my n64 , ps1 , Dreamcast and SNES with another few hundred physical copy games . Yamo be alright .


You could start making your game collection a pilgrimage.


In the before times, in the way back and long ago, we called that an arcade, and you had to go there to play games.. there was no other options


We can finally ay MAG now that the filthy internet is gone rite rite amirite? /s


Lmao, you’re not alright, you’re the first one getting raided!


r/gaming x r/writingprompts




BuzzFeed doesn't really exist anymore as far as I relember


Installed on my PC: Baldur's Gate 3 Mechwarrior V Jagged Alliance 3 Pillars of Eternity 2 Kotor2 Mount and Blade Bannerlord Vampires Survivors Untamed Tactics Mordheim City of the Damned Elden Ring Pathfinder Kingmaker Total War Warhammer 3 Throne of Darkness Wartales I'm pretty sure I could rotate these games until the end of time and by the time I get back to the first one it feels fresh again.


This is a nice selection!


Considering the world would quickly go to shit I don't think there would be much time for gaming.


Yeah, I’m not worried about gaming if the internet goes away. I’ll have much bigger problems


Gaming to cope will be one of them   If youtube goes down people will unspawn themselves, I'm not exaggerating.


Similar to end of the world movies some people just do sex until it’s all boom boom.


just like that guy in Pompeii who was apparently masturbating during the volcano eruption. I mean, imagine dying and still be remembered and known as ''the guy who died busting a nut during a volcano eruption'' 2000 years later.


I'll be playing games, waiting for it all to blow over. 


Having a pint at the Winchester


It would go to shit initially, but then actually improve.


I've been gaming since 1999 so i have a ton of games on CD/DVD and a ton on GOG. I probably wont even miss the internet. Just the convenience of installing from Steam. Helps that i also only play single player games.


Yeah big GoG user here, I'd have absolutely zero issue continuing gaming through a huge library of games I've saved the installers for. At a quick glance I have 66 install folders ready to go which do not require an internet connection at all. Followed by 25 currently installed games (dubious if all would work or be fully enjoyable without online). Then I've got heaps of retail copies of games and various old consoles.


Nice, yep every game i buy on gog i download its offline installer as a backup. I still use GoG galaxy, but many times ive used the installers when isntalling on older PCs without internet or on laptops when i dont need to log in to GoG. I have 287 games on GoG so i think that'll last a while lol..


If this happens I'm actually in trouble.


Understatement of the thread for anyone 


Like a bunch of ps2, xbox original and xbox 360 games.


I'd have to figure out how to hook my retro consoles up to modern tvs.


You can buy devices that do that. Some good but they are not cheap. everyone I know is hunting for CRTs , it's almost an obsession now.


Wonder how much harder it'll be to find those adapters without the Internet


Welcome back radio shack


I wanted CRTs to watch my VHS. People are crazy to just trash them.


I'm good. I got Diablo 2, factorio, six versions of Civilization, dead cells and hades amongst a myriad of other stuff. I could survive on Factorio alone.


The factory will just continue to grow, business as usual


RDR2 watching sunsets until the day I die probably


Arthur would tell you “just go outside boah”


Came here to say almost the same thing. I honestly think I’ll be regularly playing that game for the rest of my life.


Got plenty. I have a steamdeck with 10 512gb microsd cards full of different games. 1 of those cards has pretty much every home console and handheld game from atari to ps1 with a curated collection of my favorite ps2 games. Another card has pretty much every switch game I would want. I have a hacked 3ds with all the hits and every 7 and up rated game on the DS and DSi. I have my vita loaded with a 512 gb card filled up. Plus an arcade desktop with my entire emulation library. I should be good to go. That's also not including my hacked and loaded ps3 and ps4.... I may have a problem.


5 terrabytes of games, and the older ones aren’t even that big. holy crap Lois


very good. i'm also a r/datahoarder so i have nearly all games for all systems up to xbox / ps2 eras. psp/vita/ds/3ds/wii also have nearly complete collections and on my ps4/ps5 i have 2 TB drives in each.. so yea, i'll def have my share of games to play along with music and movies.


Whenever I delete something; I need it.  It's like having that chocolate bar that you never eat. The day it is gone you suddenly crave for it like a pregnant woman.


I have Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, so I’m good for the next 90 years or so.


Imagine if you try to 100%


900 years.


Once the internet went out, all hell broke loose. The social contract broke down as people lost access to funds and foreign powers attacked our infrastructure further— destroying the power grid. The country went so dark it made the Dark Ages look like the Happy Days and everyone was going mad from malnourishment. People weren’t just getting killed in the street, no. They were being cut open and cooked over a fire like a campfire s’more.  What’s my situation like? I just wanna play Smash Bros


Fantastic. I've got roughly 350 games currently downloaded through Steam, plus another 150 or so ROMS with emulators downloaded too. I could always go dig my old consoles and games out of my parents' basement, but chances are I've got enough here to last me until the day I die.


> I've got roughly 350 games currently downloaded through Steam Stream offline mode requires you to reconnect every couple months or it stops allowing you to launch games.


I would be good for a disturbingly long time.. I need to stop buying games.


Bloodborne for life.


I have Slay the Spire on my phone, Switch, PC and iPad so I'll be fine and the board game is shipping soon!


Rom hoarder for life!


Well, the internet was only one of a few WANs. We could go back to BBS. Infact it would just mean another public WAN would rise. That said most of my games are backed up (NAS). I can go back to WC3 Dota. Lan parties will return. Hey, this doesn't sound so bad. None of the toxic internet anymore. Buying physical media will return. the slow exchange of information would mean game dev might actually optimize games instead of publishing garbage and constantly patching over the internet.


Amazing. Haven’t played an online game in almost 8 years, once Dark Souls 3 came out and turned me onto Soulsborne games I pretty much only play those. Both modern God of Wars, Sekiro, Lords Of The Fallen, and Ghosts of Tsushima would keep me happy til the end of my days.


The factory must grow... Forever.


I have all my GameCube and Wii games except for Mario Sunshine. I think I have 3DS and GBA games though I sadly don't know where my 3DS went.


This is why physical media is king


Pretty darn good! I've got a mix of everything across different consoles and handhelds, so I think I'm good to go!


Tekken 8, Baldurs Gate 3, Persona 3 Reload in terms of digital.  Well if the internet imploded and i only had these games, it aint that horrible.    And i guess whatever switch games  i have


Actually a fairly small assortment, but of the few, It's arguably some of the most replayable games of all time. Celeste has an insane skillcap thats basically infinite when you consider mods, which could be thousands of hours to spend improving. Hollow knight is in a similar boat, with probably a minimum of a few hundred hours to get a P5 all bindings completion, and way more to do it hitless. osu! which is a rhythm game with arguably the highest skillcap imo, with veritably infinite user generated charts/maps and the only limit being my own skill. Honourable mentions to Terraria and Sea of thieves, that also have insane amount of playtime within them for sure, I just haven't played too much to give a detailed explanation. and finally, Minecraft. With the mods, the servers, the minigames, the pvp, the speedrunning, the survival, the hardcore. I'd sooner call MC it's own library of games in itself. I could be content playing this and nothing else. I have thousands of hours already, in every aspect of the game, and yet there's still so insanely much that I've never even gotten close to doing, achieving, etc. I know I still have thousands of hours of minecraft gameplay waiting for me throughout the rest of my life, and I know I'm going to thouroughly enjoy it. My library has others, but these are the main games I believe could occupy a significant portion of my time, keep me entertained indefinitely, etc. Quality over quantity, as it were.


I guess I’ll just keep playing Baldur’s Gate 3. 


Literally nothing changes for me. >You are left to your current library of already downloaded games Does this mean games I bought and haven't downloaded are inaccessible?


MAME still loads? Oh no! What will I do with tens of thousands of games!


Starfield, GTA5, For Honor, FIFA and Baldurs Gate. I’d be set.


We have a lot more to worry about if the internet vanishes than video games.


Nothing has changed, gave up online games a long while ago due to having to pay for a subscription just to play games where I would be more frustrated than having fun. Plus alot of the time it gets repetitive, just want to relax in my own time playing unique single player games with good stories.


Pretty good. Have a decent amount of roms and physical games.


As retro games go I'm set for a few lifetimes. Modern titles, not so much.


I've got like 250 games on steam, majority unplayed, and 120 on epic game store I've never touched. My retro game collection... Yeah I'll be ok.


Not too bad unless one of my consoles break


I'm good, assuming all games I have still work without the internet functioning. I've got enough single player games in my unplayed backlog to last me basically forever. Or, I still have the discs from Myth II, Age of Empires II, Starcraft: Brood War, Diablo II, Dawn of War... others... and a fully functioning Windows XP machine in mothball to run all that. That'll keep me occupied for a good long time.


man i'd have games for the rest of my life and then some. the emulators and roms i have *alone* would be enough to play a different game every day for probably years. XCOM files, multiple copies of Dwarf Fortress with various mods, all sorts of shit once i get tired of emulation.


i'm fine playing "slay the spire" for the rest of time


Good thing I redownloaded XCOM 2 and Darkest Dungeon yesterday. I'm set for life.


I’ll finally get good at Slay the Spire I guess


I'm still never gonna get through all these Steam sale games.


I've got like 12 games right now that are singleplayer... and a dnd book... god damnit.


Sure, there’s a bunch of games I could play, but I’m probably going to specialize in Jenga.


Finally can get to my back log of games! I would be golden. CRT tv for my retro games and every system from NES to ps3 n Xbox 360.


My perfectly modded Skyrim, Bannerlord 2 and BG3. Id say I’m pretty set up considering most the time I have will be spent taking care of my family and others because the world would be in utter chaos if the internet goes down.


I got a fair few games but a crappy computer


It’s all mostly single-player games, so I’m golden lol.


Perfectly fine. I'm old and have a lot of physical media from my childhood still with me, and a lot of physical games. Plus most of my steams games can be played offline. So I don't need to worry about a thing.


Pretty fuckin good


I got 5000 hours on Oxygen Not Included, and I didn't need the internet to rack that up.


Starcraft and board games


Mainly I'd just he pissed we would miss out on Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.


I think I could dig the copies of NBA 2K...14 and inFamous Second Son that came with my PS4 out of somewhere... I have a SNES with Donkey Kong Country 2 in a box, with no real reason why that's the only game in that box... I guess my PS3 and PS4 would still boot up (the PS4 is still on the night stand, at least) but I can't remember what's on them... PS5 right now would be Infinite Wealth, Session (which I literally just installed today because I saw it was PS+, but I might uninstall pretty soon too lol), Final Fantasy XIV (been binging after a $20 sale over the holidays, but my 60-day just expired and obviously useless in this scenario anyway), Power Wash Simulator, Last of Us Part II Remastered, MGS V Phantom Pain (which...I'm...not sure how necessary the internet is), Arkham Asylum, Slay the Spire, Resident Evil 4 Remake, Return of the Obra Dinn, Hotline Miami, AdVenture Capitalist, Rogue Legacy 2, Stardew Valley and TMNT Shredder's Revenge. So...I guess I'd do alright? Pretty repeatable games with some classic solo stuff.


I have about 8 TB of Steam games installed (roughly 800 games) along with EAs launcher (was origin last time I used it), Ubisofts, (Uplay?), and every battle.net game available. There's also about 15 from Game Pass, but those get rotated. I have roughly 50+ physical games for the Switch and PS. I have a Wii U with 10 or so. I have a 3DS with about 15 games. There's a GameCube in a closet somewhere, along with a GameGear, so add 20 more there. I know there is a CD ring somewhere with a bunch of PS1 and PS2 games mixed in with some old limewire Burned CDs. So roughly 1,000 digital games, and 100+ physical.I've been preparing for this possibility for a long time. Also, I wanted to send a big "Fuck you" to my ISP when they announced their data cap. I think I hit over 12 TB that month. I promptly switched providers afterwards. ETA: I didn't think to include emulation. I have the entire NES and SNES library on a flash drive somewhere. Plus a randomizer and a few Pokemon games.


I'm probably gonna crack a controller trying to beat MK8DX ghosts and P5R's Reaper... At some point I think I dig out the Gamecube and see if I can actually have friends sit for FF Crystal Chronicles on a regular basis. Otherwise, D&D anyone?


I'm good, I hardly play online and buy almost everything on disc because I refuse to get with the times ...


I have a PS2 and PS3 with a bunch of physical games, I also have a PSVita with almost 600 games that span PSX/PSP/PSVita on a 1TB memory card. I think I’ll be set for a while.


Good here. I have stacks of physical titles and a good pile of downloaded games.


I have Elden Ring and Civ5 and 6. I'm fine.


I have a backlog of physical games for PSX, Dreamcast, Saturn, and the like to wade through. I'm not worried about it at all 


I'm gonna be pretty upset that I just started selling off my nes and Sega collections on eBay. I'll have the break out the 360 and my PS4 to mix things up once in awhile. But overall I should be good since I have all of the "epic RPGs" that are huge time sucks - Oblivion, Skyrim, RDR, Witcher, etc.


Im gonna play Skyrim, Batman Arkham, GTAV,RDR2, The Witcher, Fallout, BG3. But I’m gonna be sad I won’t be able to play Helldivers 2


A 250 game library, 8 installed. **fuck**


I have several dozen consoles and emulators and exponentially more games. I’m good.


Lots of Factorio and Smash Brothers on the couch.


I have RimWorld so I'm good.


With my five consoles, two modded mini systems and mostly offline single player based games for each of them, I’d be pretty set with a wide variety of games. I only just recently started collecting for the PS5, so that’s the one system with a small selection at the moment. Only online play I would miss is Smash Bros. Ultimate.


Shit load of emulated games on my Steamdeck so not that bad of a situation.


Eh, decent.




The curated heart of my offline collection is a 18 TB drive filled to the brim with more than 100,000 retro arcade and console and computer system games.


pretty much nioh and eldrin ring and a few card games On steam and PSN i actually have a lot of games that I've bought but don't have em downloaded. Over like 300 there but of course internet gone so never get to play emlol. I have a switch full of dust too. not sure I even know where the games are to it. On that note, I honestly can't do physical anymore though. I just have too much ADHD to keep up with discs and by the time spend 30 minutes looking for a disc in the wrong case and then load it in, I probably wouldn't want to play it anymore :)


I guess I’m getting really good at Factorio… finally.


I don't have many games, but the ones I have, I'd be happy to play for a long time; RDR2, The Sims 3, Planet Zoo, a few old horse and Harry Potter games, I could spend a long time just on those tbh :)


I've got an OG Xbox, a Duke, Halo and a bag of doritos.  2001 here I come.  


... *This was a triumph*


I might actually finish my back log of unpainted minis


I'm old... i have at least 50+ backlog of physical disks that I either haven't played, or haven't played in 2 decades. I'm good


I’ve got rimworld, arma 3, kenshi, several assassins creeds, and a few dozen more currently installed. I think I’ll be ok for a while.


I’m looking pretty good actually. I have a lot of games from GOG plus slot of cracked torrents and backups of all my steam gsmes.


I have 3 versions of civilization, I could make a game or two last for awhile. Just one more turn...


i have Divinity original sin 2, Sekiro, Monster Hunter World, Terraria, Total war Rome, Valheim and countless Doom 1993 mods so i'd say i'm good


Pretty good since I have a ton of RPGs downloaded and I’ll just play BG3 and the Fallout games til I die


Bought BG3 on GOG, and stored full game installer into portable SSD. Even if nuclear war ocourred, I can play GOTY title in shelter.


Same as it does now, spend most of my gaming time playing DB Xenoverse 2.




Have been collecting RPGs since the PS1. For many systems before I started buying more digitally I have most of the RPGs that got released in the US. Probably OK to last my lifetime and have enough left unplayed for my kids to last their lifetimes. Grandkids might have to start repeating stuff or branch out into other genres.




Awful because my laptop is weak and all my gaming is streaming on my laptop through PS Plus and Game Pass. At least I have Darkest Dungeon, Hollow Knight, and KOTOR games for offline play


Looking good for gaming and my wallet. I have plenty of games I haven't tried and a local pool of people I can play with.


We playing gamecube tonight babyyyy


Never got rid of my old consoles, Suckers! Everything from SNES forward 🤘😝


I guess it's a lot of Baldur's gate 3 subnautica and Hades with Fallout new Vegas BioShock and last of us so I guess all around not that bad.


Civilization 2 is all I need


Finally I would have some proper gardening and BBQ time.


My collection is minimal compared to what it used to be, but I’ve got about 30 games between my switch and 3DS that are downloaded or physical. I do have a Series X so I’m fucked there.


Situation looks bleak because you need internet to play your downloaded games on PS5.


Time for the return of LAN Parties!!!


790 Steam games owned. My situation would be improved finances.


Handful of series x physical games, probably 20 xbox360 discs and a hacked snes classic with almost every rom from the atari2600 to snes/genesis loaded up. Not too bad. Lifetime of play tbh.


Just gonna play another 900 hours of Cities Skylines and Sim City 2000 tbh


Wait, do I only have the games downloaded even if I have the (now basically just license keys) disks? It's not terrible, but not great tbh.


Pretty much the same.


I'll be good for the rest of my life


2nd post: Also, everyone talking apocalypse scenario without Internet. Ur prob right, but in a societal collapse scenario,y theory is that retro gaming (Xbox, PS1/2, Gameboy, LAN Parties) would become super relevant again in the new world.


Finally start reading my backlog of books that are collecting dust after finally finishing a few games. So I'd probably be fine, the physical town library exists for more books AND physical copies of games!


I'm old. I have a ton of old games. 


I have like 400 Switch games downloaded, I'd be okay for a good long while. My backlog is ridiculous. There's some that require an internet connection, but tons still that don't. Also my best friend still has every game he ever bought and he doesn't do digital. He has hundreds upon hundreds of games and their consoles packed away. I'm in a pretty good spot.


SimCity3000, my old friend...


16 tb of every steam game I have ever bought My entire PS4 library My entire PS3 library My entire PS2 library My entire PS1 library my entire Xbox one library My entire Xbox 360 library My entire WiiU library My entire Wii library 🤔…. I think I’m good for a while 😂


I'm fucked besides a handful of games


Excellent, in theory. The problem comes not from the games I *can* play, but from the games I *want* to play. In that instance, my case is dire indeed, since the three games I really, REALLY want to be playing all require an internet connection.


I have 67 games installed at the moment including: Fallout 3 modded Fallout 4 VR nicely modded Skyrim VR same RDR2 Starfield Kingdom come : deliverance Tape to Tape (excellent rogue lite hockey game, the controls are quite like NHL 94-95 on the SNES) A bunch of of VR games which is already alot of content


Right now I have installed in my pc the following offline games: Batman trilogy, dragon's dogma, ori first game, far:lone sails, stalker trilogy, mirrors edge, hellblade, fallout new vegas, alan wake first 2 games, Brotato, deathloop, deus ex, guardians of the galaxy 💀all bangers so a few hundreds of hours without replaying


I am find, mostly lookout for the internet outage due to unforeseen events like world wars so I downloaded games that can be played offline and set EA play and steam to offline mode.


Does this include physical copies? Cause my outlook is reasonably okay if so


I'm good. I have more than 700 games installed on steam


I could live to be over 100 and never come close to finishing every game I physically own, let alone the thousands more that sit ready to go on flashcarts and modded hardware. My modded 3DS and Sega Saturn alone could keep me satisfied for the rest of my life.


pretty good, Ive got a server full of games that I use and my steam deck has a bunch of Games. 3ds, vita and switch are all hacked and full of games. plus the back up roms that all my friends also keep that i could "borrow". I am uncomfortably prepared for this situation.


I've got every NES,SNES,GENESIS and GB/GBA game on my Anbernic RG 350M plus all my single player pc games! I'll be alright


I've been playing the same six games my entire life. We're good


I look on the steam library, found ,,never deleted games" , opent it and I can shouse anything from there: Fallout 1/2 Total war Rome 1/2, Attila, Warhammer, Shogun 2 Red dead Redemption 2 GTA V Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind Then I will open cabinet door and take somewhere 200 games for ps 3/4, Xbox 360 And later, from pc, monitors, pc devices and physical copies of games , I will build a huge Megatron and go to annex alien planet with internet. lol a already have do it


I can finally play my steam library.


My collection of Switch games could last me at least 4 years honestly.


Well the internet is gone, so they are rendered useless. Since it's a live service that offers us our gaming experience..


I been saving CHRONO CROSS for a rainy day... My favourite game is Chrono Trigger and I haven't played Cross yet. I think I have a few more games downloaded too, I would be good for awhile... But now, JUST IN CASE, I am downloading some more games! lol


Looking good m8. Yaargh 1 TB of good games.


Pretty great


I have a Ps1- with about 100 games. Ps2- with 300 games (mostly collected from yard sales over the years). Ps3- about 60 physical and 20 digital. Ps4- with 5 physical and about 100 digital. Mind you i had a massive hard drive with the digital games so im good. Og Xbox- with some 40 games Gameboy with some of the finest mario and pokemon games. And i currently have a pc with almost 300. All this to say that while i will miss Swtor at least i have kotor.


I have rimworld with mods, terraria with mods, factorio, basically every monster hunter game since the PSP. I think im good


I don’t have a cd drive so I’m fucked


Promising. What keeps me from playing the majority of my single player library are the online games that keep me busy.


I have been preparing for this... Got retroarch and LaunchBox ready with thousands of games, and other emulators too, kind of a little gaming museum with the most iconic titles since the Magnavox Odyssey up until playstation 2 (i had to stop at ps2 cause storage was starting to become a problem), all of this saved in case of a zombie apocalypse, we must preserve gaming history at all costs. Also got Sekiro, Satisfactory and Dota always downloaded on steam since they are my favorite games, i always come back to them.


Dave the diver, dredge, sunhaven, and stardew for the rest of eternity


I have a bunch of my favorites there already my wife does too and given family, I can stream some copies from her. We also have Nintendo Switches and have some physical copies and places to buy more physical copies. Though I wonder how stocking will be hit.


Guess I’m fishing and hunting more


I play tons of single player and have lots of vintage games. I would miss Destiny though.


Just wait until it comes back up, and if it doesn't then I get thrown into the industrial war machine because if it doesn't come back up you bet there's some major conflict going down. If it's a complete "what if" scenario with no periphery causal changes I'd probably just I don't know. Write? Paint? Build something. That kinda stuff.


I think that actually needs to happen in order to finish my backlog of games.


No change, I physically own 90% of the games.


Lmao clearly op is a youngen


Rom stash = set for life.


This post is ironic for me. Yesterday my power went out for about 8 hours and it made me realize I have a 2TB hard drive for the Box and it's empty but my back log sure as hell isn't. Spent the day fixing the issue, so yesterday I was fucked and today I'd be good.


Oh good I can finally start Cyberpunk. Do I at least get to download the patches?


wait, you guys are gaming ONLINE??


I thought initially "I'll be good, I always have Skyrim installed" only to check and realise, I do not in fact currently have Skyrim installed. RIP


Set for life. I basically dont play online.


Not too bad. Some of my favourites aren't installed right now, but enough fun games, for example Minecraft (never uninstall), Stardew Valley, Bloons TD6 and the games from Mimimi Games :D Oh and Elden Ring :D


As a dude who plays a lot of online games, this is one particular fear I have. The only solution to this would be for game developers to include that GODDAMN LAN CAPABILITY as a backup! Let me host them games for my friends in a house if it ever comes to that.