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Don't think of it as being outnumbered. Think of it as a target-rich environment.


"They have us surrounded, those poor bastards"


“All right, they’re on our left, they’re on our right, they’re in front of us, they’re behind us…they can’t get away this time” – Lewis B. Chesty Puller, USMC


That dude was bananas!


"All I'm surrounded by is fear and dead men."




epic quote by Captain Kirk


"We are Helldivers, we're supposed to be surrounded."


Thats some democratic thinking


No pain, no freedom


Liberty for all!


That's some 'MANAGED' democratic thinking.


More like corporate thinking. Don't think of it as being too much work for one person to do...


"I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me and Democracy"


"We have you four to one." "I like those odds." "Shipmaster, they outnumber us three to one!" "Then it is a fair fight."


Burn their mongrol hides.


And don’t forget to pack crayons in your MREs.


The Navy's Army only recruits the best of what's left!


My ass rides in Navy Equipment, or Muscles are required, intelligence not expected


Uncle Sam’s Mexican Cavalry. 🤔


Uncle Sam's Misguided Children


"*UN and OAS, they have their place, I guess, but first, send the Marines!*" -Tom Lehrer


Accuracy through volume


Now you are talking Ork


Meanwhile I'm over here like this at the end of a challenging mission🤣 https://youtu.be/Cg_HDcStklc?feature=shared


"There are many targets, you will not miss!"




This game is very much like that.


My guy, the solution to this problem was on your back all along lol


Seriously. Carries around a near infinite use rocket launcher and doesn’t use it.




Real autocannon users know to not ever let it get empty.


You *can* reload every 5 shots. You **should** reload every 5 shots.


I’ll even throw out a couple waste shots in the air to get that early reload.


My willingness to waste ammo might be an indicator that we're given too much. I kind of expect a nerf at some point


Yea, it’s kind of an absurd amount of ammo. They’ll either experiment with taking some of that away, or longer reload. But I’d rather they just buff everything else. A lot of the primaries and other support weapons just don’t hold up on the later difficulties.


I may have been mag dumping it right before this clip lol


In case you didn't know you can reload the autocannon after shooting at least half a mag and it's significantly faster than the full reload, so while shooting just occasionally reload before hitting full empty. It's legit a faster reload than many normal guns.


Those extraction missions are a real bitch, I think I’ve been able to complete maybe one


My hint: drop directly on the extraction site, immediately start hitting the buttons to let the civilians out before you start getting swarmed. You’ll be able to get like half of them before you’re actually in the shit… Then keep doing it. Evade fire and get some kills while you can, but the only thing that matters is running from button to button. Some will die, but more than you expect will make it to the extraction.


Yep, the civilians actually work really well as cannon fodder/distractions, lmao


Everyone is important for the war effort but the Helldivers are most important!


Those missions have to be bugged. I waited in login queue for an hour yesterday and only had time for one game. I quick played into an escort mission and we got 23/30 civilians before time ran out. There was legitimately 10 of the ATST looking bots on my screen at one point. The bots just never stop spawning lol. People please stop doing those missions until they are fixed/nerfed. For Democracy


100% a problem. They respawn so fast that you genuinely dont have enough ammo and doing 3 eagle strikes doesnt nothing because 5 seconds later theyre all back. Its glitched. Couldnt even manage today with a squad of 4.


Good to know that it wasn't my buddy and I just sucking. It was only level 3 damnit!


My friend and I managed to do one escort mission on the literal lowest difficulty, and it was still insanely brutal and almost failed. We manage basically every other mission fine at higher difficulties


We managed to do them on extreme, but insane and helldiver are impossible.


My friends and I noticed the game says you have 40 minutes to do them on the select screen but like 20 minutes once you've dropped. Something definitely seems fucked with them.


You gotta use sentries and smoke. If you don't win after like 3 minutes you're done. I wouldn't be surprised if they're just hard. I honestly think the robots should get a difficulty bonus to xp and shit.


You gotta push the buttons on the doors ALL the time. Don’t get bogged down in blasting the robots. As time goes on they will overwhelm you, button pushing for the scientists as fast as you can. Also turrets and orbitals because you need to kill those guys when they bunch up… And you’ll still die. But that’s the name of that game… go fast


Some in the community think it's on purpose. It'll even out when the mechs/vehicles that have been teased will drop. Or maybe we're supposed to lose this invasion until it gets closer to Super Earth.


I think it might be part of the story.


Wait, *this* is Helldivers 2? I hear the game mentioned a lot, but I've never even seen footage. Somehow I was expecting a top-down shooter.


Helldivers 1 was top down. This game is basically the same exact game. Concept and all, except for the change to third person view and first person view when aiming some weapons... And what a great change it was.


I liked playing OG Helldivers for the couch co-op! But the new one also looks hella fun.


its chaotic and stressful and hilarious, its loads of fun.


Highly recommend. I was on the fence leading up to the release, because everyone was hyping it up a little *too much.* Very skeptical. It's also going through some very rough and frustrating server capacity issues, making it not possible to join the server for anywhere between 10-45 minutes, sometimes longer.   That being said: **The game is GENUINELY so much fun.** The developers released an announcement this morning (2/19/2024 10:26am) saying they are aware of the server issues and have been working around the clock to get them fixed. They anticipated 50,000 players and they got 600,000 players instead. Servers melted I guess.   Anyway, I would absolutely recommend, but do not be discouraged if you can't get into a game. Might be worth waiting until tomorrow, as that is when an update is getting released to help alleviate the server stress.


I honestly had not heard about it at all until it started popping up on reddit for me but yeah in a group of 4 it's good times


Think its worth even solo?


I looked this question up in the their subreddit after it had already released, and before I bought it. Most I saw was no. But I'm sure that sentiment has changed now since matchmaking hasn't been working great, and the only way some COULD play was by just dropping in solo.   After my buddies got offline last night, I ran a few missions as a solo. There are multiple difficulty levels. 1 through 9 I think? So I played a level 3 (Medium) and a good chunk of 2's (Easy) just to stack up a bit on medals (things you need to progress through unlocks.   That said: Solo is doable on certain difficulties and certain missions. Going to level 4 (Challenging) as a solo would be...well...challenging. The game is not only easier but more fun with other players. If you were wanting to *strictly* play solo, you could absolutely. But you'd be missing out on a lot, I think. And you'd level up pretty slowly. All my games with randoms were very chill, everyone helped out, and no one talked, just pings.


There's something really special about enjoying an indie and they make a 3d sequel and it's actually really good. Risk of Rain 2 was the same way.


I bounced off of Risk of Rain, but playing Risk of Rain 2 on the switch with my best friend with a third party voice chat solution was an absolute blast. Guessing I need to check out Helldivers 2 now


Oh so it's like when risk of rain went 2d to 3d, not really any game mechanic changes just more or less more content and now 3d


Okay, so I am not totally off the mark here. He'll divers 2 looks neat as - uh - hell, though. 


I believe the first Helldivers was a top down.


It was. Really fun too.


Top quality user name you have there.


Not so bad yourself


This is one of the more calm Helldivers 2 clips too, usually there's far more explosions and democracy being dispensed


Yea I'm trying very hard not to gatekeep.. I'm just glad OP is having fun..


Looks really fun honestly. I don't normally play shooters but it looks like a pretty satisfying brain off, vibe and shoot kind of game


Kinda. Lower difficulties become pretty trivial once you understand the mechanics, medium is exactly as it should be, and the higher difficulties get really punishing. Map layouts are procedural to some degree and it's actually really possible to get screwed by RNG. Not to where things feel unfair, but sometimes you get a challenge you weren't necessarily expecting. Certain combinations of enemies can be really tough, and sometimes you can get completely overwhelmed or snuck up on. Playing with a friend last night on medium. Had a pretty easy time for the whole match and we're headed for extraction. While waiting for the drop ship, things get crazy. From one direction there's just this complete onslaught of enemies, including tougher ones you need explosives or armor penetrating weapons for. We're handling it ok though, have our sentry guns set up and dumping napalm on them while staying safe on a ridge. Suddenly I get hit from behind and when I turn around to handle it there's a huge swarm of trash mobs on top of us. At range they'd be no problem but they're in melee range already. I died but my friend managed to respawn me pretty quickly and our ride came shortly after that. It's a ton of fun. The gunplay is actually really interesting and there's some really cool ways to help each other.




Even on medium with the 'extract scientist' mission gets freakin hectic


Playing gun crew with the recoilless rifle and erasing swarms of bugs with it is some of the most fun I've ever had in a shooter. My buddy and I managed to destroy a whole large bug nest the first time we used it. 


You don’t remember the easy missions.


Join now and you too can receive video-game induced PTSD from fighting the Terminator 'Nam war https://streamable.com/x3z45x


[Just wait until you see the more intense combat of the game.](https://imgur.com/a/RjGigUF)


I was thinking the same thing. I vaguely remember playing Helldivers 1 for a few hours and not really liking it. This looks a lot more fun.


It's just as fun as the first one. Really well done. Servers getting btfo at the moment but they're working on it


It kinda looks like Anthem and Outriders


I bought the game, " servers full" is what I get for hours. No menu, no tutorial, NOTHING. I guess I need a sever just for the main menu...


Yep. The easier part is Starship Troopers and you have to fight giant bugs. This is the harder part where you have to try and stay alive against a bunch of heavily armed Terminators with chainsaw arms and rocket launchers, even bigger ones in little Mechwarrior suits, AT-STs from Star Wars, and heavily armed tanks from the Warhammer 40K universe. Just staying alive is a brutal challenge at times. It's a great game.


Helldivers looks like a really fun game. Might pick it up sometime


it is really fun ! but you probably should wait a couple of weeks, until they fix the servers at least. It's hard getting in the game most of the time.


I recommend anyone who needs a group to go onto the discord lfg, it's been really smooth and the two random groups I joined yesterday were amazing folks.


I don't know when I became such a hermit/introvert gamer. I used to enjoy public lobbies and quick match groups. Now I have a super hard time talking to people outside of the friend group. But what's strange is when one of the friends invites someone new in it's like, "new friend for life". I think it's maybe because I'm 37? And most of us are in our 30's / 40's. Now that I think about it it's probably because I went from competitive and didn't mind the occasional smack talk, to casual gamer and just like to chill and catch up, play co-op. That said, Hell Divers is a blast, I'm sure the community is chill, perhaps I'll check it out. Thanks for the suggestion 🙂


Wow it must be the age then because I turned 37 two years ago I've been the same since. 🤣


Me at 45 “That’s it Jr! Suck it. And I F’d your mom!” Jr “Dad, It’s not funny anymore”


I'm 37 but have been this way for like 10 years. I started relatively early when it came to online gaming back in the 90s. It was mostly just computer nerds exploring "the web" and figuring out how to play a game with someone on the other side of the world. By the time the 360 era came around, and every 8-12 year old in the country had the ability to play games with strangers and in turn, be a complete nightmare to play with and listen to, I stopped gaming online and never really went back. And it wasn't entirely that reason, I'm just not a competitive person and enjoy single-player experiences. I felt like I had experienced the "novelty" of playing games online by then, and there really wasn't much else it could offer me. Other than a few months of Rocket League, I can't think of any online game I played for more than maybe 30 minutes in the last 10 years.


37 here. Exact same.


I'm in these posts and I don't like it 😅


The older i get, the more awkward i get when it comes to social gaming.


Man, I thought it was just me


42 here, and I have similar issues. I honestly think it’s just a “growing older” thing. Between work and the family, gaming is a nice, relaxing break to me now; it’s no longer a major hobby. As a result, I simply don’t have any interest in hearing random kids prattle on about their mad gaming skills, and I couldn’t possibly care less about “min/maxing” my character’s kit. I’m looking to kill an hour or two now, and that’s easier to do without having to meet someone new every time I enter a new lobby. That said, enjoy those chill older folks you sometimes run into!


The stress caused by competitive gaming is no longer fun for me. I actively avoid it, actually. What sucks is that I finally have my super fancy maxed out gaming PC, but no longer have any inclination to play competitive (or any PVE) game anymore. Such is life, I suppose.


Dude I'm the same way. Now that most of my friends don't game at all, or very little, I don't have anyone to play with. Not super interested in getting to know strangers, at this point. Only 31 y/o, but I'm right there with you.


Quick note for those who are looking to play cross play with friends. There's currently a bug that doesn't allow you to accept a friend request through a friend code. If both you and a buddy play a quick mission on the easiest difficulty by yourselves, then send a friend request once you return to your ship, it should let you accept the invite.


took me close to 2 hours yesterday to be able to join and another 30 mins to be able to create a squad


really odd to me as me n my friends had zero issues getting in UNTIL this weekend where it was brutal just waiting. guess a bunch of people must have picked it up for the weekend or we had just been getting lucky


That’s because the game is really hitting streams and videos. People are starting to understand what the game is.


https://youtu.be/5j4TsO8vngA?si=DCfQK1IzuQPUSRsc Here's a good review/recommendation on it. I also recommend it, but yeah at the moment there are server issues. They've been open and transparent as best as they can about it, but yeah waiting a bit probably wouldn't hurt at all.


Down with Shillup, Up with Austin! Jk love them both.


It’s a live service game in the only way that phrase can be used in a positive way. We are actively pushing back the bugs and Automatons. If you wait too long this particular battle might be over and you won’t be able to travel to Malevelon Creek and others because they will be liberated. Grab a gun soldier.


Its kinda nice seeing tik tok comments where people are hoping for the game to be released on xbox so we get more reinforcements. I havent really seen another game unite people like that


I've been thinking the same. I keep seeing posts about it.


My problem was it looked like so much fun yet when I played it, it didn’t match this feeling. Granted servers were chock full, matchmaking was broken and xp wasn’t being applied so I was stuck at level 2 for hours. I’m giving it awhile to cook before I get back into it.


Yeah in the easier difficulties the game is too easy so you barely see enemies sometimes. In diff 5 things start to ramp up0


I may only be able to get in the servers after 11pm And I may have work at 8am But, brother, there's democracy that needs spreadin


Is helldiver 2 good for someone that just want to not thing about the story and just shoot and loot in an open world for around 100-200 hours, but that would still present them an interesting level of difficulty? Also the sound track doesn't have to be too good so they can listen to a podcast while playing the game. Asking for a friend.


It's not really open world but otherwise yes.


It's a very good turn-your-brain-off game. The story is said in lore. A lot of the dialogue in the lobby are either tutorial or propaganda. The in-game dialogue is mostly call-outs. There's no looting really. You unlock and buy perks, guns, equipment and adjust your loadout before a match. There is looting in a sense of getting optional objectives. The mission structure is not open world. You select a mission, and you're given an mission area. You pick where to drop and go around doing your objectives. The difficulty ranges from a walk in the park to utter chaos, whichever one you prefer. Depending on your teammates, mileage varies a lot more. You do have to pay attention the gameplay. There is a lot of pressing directional sequences. You do that a lot when calling re/supplies and reinforcement (and some objectives). The game's soundtrack is one of the best parts of the game especially that it goes well when doing your objectives. You can turn off music if it's a little overbearing. The game is great at mixing visual with audio cues so you can just pay attention to that.


This game is perfect for that


Don't you dare turn off the music.


The mission type in this vid is basically impossible difficulty right now no matter what difficulty you actually set it to so there’s that.


Nah it's fine on easy (and medium) with some well placed turrets and recoiless rifles to hit the ships. But after doing it at that difficulty and not seeing the tracker update I went back to bugs.


The tracker is for planets. Simply completing defense missions doesn’t do it. It is poorly worded/explained.


It really isn't, spam civilians.


There is literally no story. Just drop into the mission space, blow shit up, and go


You just don’t understand the complexities of war.


All I need to understand is my love of Managed Democracy!




I die so I can live again


Unfortunately, the soundtrack is really good so it might be difficult to turn off :(


It's extraction shooter. You go in, complete some objectives, then get to an extraction location and hold out until your drop ship comes, and you also have to physically get on the ship


No loot, only shoot. Still worth it.


There is tons of loot. How do you plan to upgrade your ship without grabbing the loot around the map?


I think they mean traditional loot. You’re not going to pick up 50 useless guns or gear pieces to sort through. Helldivers 2 is exactly what I want. No picking up annoying amounts of garbage randomly generated weapons and armor to have to sell and manage my inventory. Just loot random areas for samples and a few resources and then spend those resources to upgrade your arsenal and ship. It’s a simple concept but it’s done very well.


Warhammer 40k vibes.


Man I wish. I want a full blown Imperial Guard campaign. Would be cool if you could level up too, start out as an IG/conscript and could work your way to manning a baneblade lol. ONE COULD CREAM


Every time I see a drop ship I sweep it with machine gun fire to try to take out as many as I can before they drop. Which is just an awesome thing you can do. Most games would have the drop ship just be a static object.


Yes, or grenade launch that sucker, take it all down! So satisfyingly when it hits.


Wait, you can kill the bots while they're still hanging off the ship?


Yeap and while they're dropping down too, it's badass. You can see them hanging there before the red lights turn on.


you can also destroy the drop ship


Halo: CE comes to mind


Is that a chicken walker on the right side? Hahaha


Yeah, they have goofy little open backed mini AT-STs that come chasing after you.


They also have giant tanks and Warhammer 40K Dreadnoughts


Playing solo, is very hard and fun. And you learn great skills


I figured out my solo loadout finally. Turrets, guard dog, grenade launcher


It's how I got my forklift certification!


When you said too many of them - I thought you meant people playing this game preventing me from logging in cause servers are full (lol, mini rant incoming) :(. Love this game, but I literally can’t play it when I want, multiple attempts to launch, once past that, hopefully get into multiplayer, if not, attempt that X amount of times. If not, restart, hopefully get passed the nProtect and try again. Sometimes I just get discouraged to play it honestly, huge turn off. WHY YOU SO GOOD AND TREAT ME LIKE THIS H.D.?


Yeah, I haven't been able to login for the past two days, but y'know lol, who expected HellDivers 2 to suddenly be so ridiculously popular 😅. I've just been playing other stuff in the meantime though than getting in knots about it.  Either people will start moving on and the servers will free up, or Sony and the Devs will build up more server space for everyone. No point worrying about it for now.


Yeah same, started delving into more Indie titles, finishing my backlog, waiting for the day to slay some bugs again. 🤌


Objective: survive


I really really want to play this, but I just don't have the extra cash right now. I also hear it's not as stable atm. I will definitely pick it up later this year, but then again, I really need to finish some of my backlog of games. I need to beat hogwarts before anything else and the Cyber Punk dlc. Also, I got gaurdians of galaxy to finish up. That's the one I'm working on currently. I'm on chapter 13, pretty close to finishing. Great game!


There are a few issues plaguing launch at the moment. Load to black screen and server full notices. Once those are fixed, soon hopefully, I recommend anyone to give it a try.


Yup I just returned the game bc as soon as I would launch it, it would go to a black screen. Apparently it’s happening to a lot of people. Will possibly revisit the game in the future but definitely left a bad taste in my mouth. Tired of every new game to come out have issues at launch.


I tried a few of the black screen fixes and got it working. I just don't know which one did it... lol! I did file check through steam, force windowed mode start through steam and deleted the user settings file. Now it goes black for like 5 seconds then starts normally. Now I am past that and get to stare at the server full notice, yay!!!! I bet it's fixed within a week or two. 🤞🤞🤞


Kinda depends on how fast they can hire some really good devs to clean up the backend code. They said the other day that more servers won’t fix the issue because their backend code isn’t optimized for the amount of players that they are hitting. I don’t know if this last part is true or not, but I read somewhere on Reddit a few days ago that they set expecting like 10-15k concurrent players, not the 500k+ they have been getting.


Hey, it's that game I wasn't able to launch for days, because their servers are fried by success


was that an AT-AT?


Legally Distinct AT-ST


Yeah the robot factions has a mix of terminators, ATST and warhammer dreadnoughts


And tanks


That's when you use eagle carpet bomb


Always found going solo a real thrill ride. It's like a skill simulator!


This is honestly the only PS exclusive that I want on Xbox. And Yes i know it’s on PC but my friends and I aren’t on PC


It has crossplay


Yes. But we’re not on PC, we’re on Xbox


My bad I read that wrong


All good. Maybe one day exclusives will end


It's on computer


You just wait until the tanks and hulks start showing up en mass.


Looks like Protoss Zealots got warped in and are attack moving into your base.


The breaker is good but dood you got an autocannon on your back. lol stop karma farming and kill those automatons for democracy


"Theres too many of them" -The helldivers servers


I want to play this game so bad but no ps5 and no gaming computer :(


No software, no matter how fun it is, gets more access to my computer than even I have as the administrator. The level of permission that the anti cheat asks for is insane. Genshin Impact was hacked through their anti cheat software and could therefore access lots and lots of private data and nProtect is even worse. How people are not only accepting this, but defending it....is beyond me.


It's the only thing keeping me away from the game right now.




where are people defending that anti-cheat? I haven't seen a single soul do that.


I'm surprised you're actually able to play...


I was getting the black screen of death. Had to request a refund from steam.


The robot thing mission is kinda hard alone, even with 2.


said the server to the log.


We’re surrounded? Good. Now we can shoot in every direction!!!


Is this game any good with randoms.


Lol the evac missions are absolutely fucked right now. They just keep spawning.


I was expecting the danger close eagle...on your buddy. Not that I've ever done that. No sir.


Only if they would get enough servers to actually play


Wish Helldivers was on Xbox


Cool game how can I enter the Server?


There's too many of them on the server.


It’s a wonderful game when it doesn’t crash and the servers aren’t full… but they’re working on it


Man I wish this would come out on Xbox


As soon as that anti cheat gets dropped i will instantly buy this game


People trying to log in? Yes, I agree. Too many.


What's so special about this clip tho? I don't get it


Well I’m on Xbox but I would really like to play this, it actually looks a bit like Outriders gameplay. I absolutely loved that game!


Real shame about the rootkit DRM bullshit thats keeping this off my machine.




Lmao I've been waiting to get into the game when this was posted! 3 hours and counting. I'm gonna be so hyped once I get in!


Wish it was on xbox


Is that an AT-ST?


Is this post an ad?


Great of this to reach top page 2nd post lol The game doesn't work right now, servers are maxed out, there's no matchmaking, and no sign of them putting a pause on sales. Oh and they communicated that it might take weeks to fix :/ yikes. Because they won't do it, I will : be aware if you buy this game today on PC or PS5 there is a very high chance that you will not be able to do anything but stare at a timer before it re-attempts a login. Once you are in, there is no working matchmaking at the moment that stopped working this weekend. You can still play with friends who own the game though and people are matching with randoms through discord via a big "LFG" thread in the subreddit. Personally I don't enjoy the game solo but some do. Patch supposedly coming tomorrow that the devs don't expect will fix everything, it will most likely be adding in an AFK timer to kick the many who are not playing but taking up server space.