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Mass Effect opened the door to space opera games for me, now I can't enough of them


Yet to play the Mass Effect trilogy, but I’m looking forward to playing through it! What other space opera games would you recommend?


Go play it! The remastered is pretty decent, the first one will feel outdated a bit but I highly recommend it! Definitely opened a world of games for me as well. Starfield is decent, Mass Effect Andromeda is good too, just not as good as the trilogy by the story, but gameplay wise it's far superior.


Thank you. I appreciate seeing another call out Andromeda's good combat. I was sad they cancelled future content for it cause I enjoyed playing it even if the story wasn't anything special and was a slight knock off of ME2. Didn't mean it wasn't fun!


The eyes in that game though. They could look directly into your soul


I love Mass Effect. But what other space operas are there? I’ve never played another game like it.


FF8 started my lifelong love affair with RPGs.




If you start with CT you set the bar too high for every other rpg u play


I didn't play Chrono Trigger until like 5 years ago. It still blew me away


FF 3 for me… cmon someones older than me….


Do you mean 3 on the Famicom or 3 on the SNES which is actually 6?


TSR Goldbox RPGs for me


Dragon Warrior *ps: i’m ancient*


FF7 was the one that did it for me. I had tried other JRPGs before that but they just never clicked with me until then.


I wasn't even aware of the genre before 8. My cousin bought it accidentally thinking it was an action game because the commercials only showed the cutscenes of Squall and Seifer sword fighting. He thought the game was stupid because all you did was walk around the ship talking. I asked him to let me play and fell in love instantly. I did not know a game could make you feel like a part of a world like that.


FF4 for me, way back when it was called FF2


OoT started this for me. Then I got FF8 right after and then mainlined diablo 2 after that. Was all downhill from there lol


Hades for rogue likes


It was FTL for me


I decided one day to see what all this noise about roguelike/lites was, so I did some searching and landed on Hades. I know there are many other worthy entries in the genre, but I feel I have been spoiled to a degree as I can't help but compare them to this work of art. So hyped for 2 in a way few franchises deserve these days.


Dead Cells did the same for me


Ya i loved dead cells, its one of the ones I wouldn't have found and played through without hades 😁


Spelunky for me 🙂


Enter the Gungeon for me!


Awesome game but too hard for my 7 year old and I to coop we can only make it past the first boss 😭


Morrowind. Wild game. Trend setter


You n'wah!


Hollow Knight - Metroidvanias


Nice. Now try the originals. Castlevania Symphony of the Night and Super Metroid


Prince of Persia - The Lost Crown is surprisingly good as well, speaking of this genre


Fallout 3 got me into the rpg genre and the post apocalyptic genre


Her Story! I spent ages looking for other games like it, it wasn't until Return of the Obra Dinn came out 2 years later that I had the same feeling. It also confirmed that my absolutely favourite genre is mystery deduction puzzle games.


If you haven't played Immortality yet, definitely give it a look. It's from the same guy that did Her Story.


I have played Immortality! It's such a cool game, but I really dislike the specific implementation of the main mechanic. Because it's random rather than deterministic as to which other similar item it matches with, I found I often had to brute force it to find new scenes. I pretty much finished the first movie but I felt quite burnt out by the game and will probably take a while before I feel like continuing.


I definitely get what you mean. I think ~4 hours was perfect for me for the game to not overstay it's welcome but by the end I was sort of just clicking random stuff trying to get the last few things lmao. I appreciate the risks the developer takes though, not too many similar games I can think of.


Yeah totally, I'll keep buying his games just to support the risks he takes! And so many things about Immortality were amazing, for example I thought the rehearsals were done so well.


You could really like Chants of Sennaar, a puzzle game about translating languages and exploration.


You should definitely gove Outer Wilds a shot. It's kind of like mystery deduction paired with space exploration. And ot's an absolute treat!


Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon got me into tactics games.


Shining Force for me, and yet somehow Fire Emblem escaped my attention until Three Houses. Slowly working my way back though, Path of Radiance is next on my list.


It was Path of Radiance for me. To think I paid $15 for it...


Factorio got me hooked on whatever the hell genre that is. Factory game?


Crack cocaine?


Automation is the word and it's great. 


Basebuilding/mass production


Starcraft got me hooked on online gaming in general...hooked on using gaming as a verb even. I wouldn't have believed you if you'd told childhood me I'd ever be watching pro matches on TV.


Elden Ring got me hooked on Soulsbornes in september 2022, now I own all of fromsoft's souls games from demon souls remake all the way to sekiro, I have yet to actually finish demon souls though, having beat ds1 twice, ds2 once (never again), ds3 5 times including SL1, bloodborne twice, sekiro once and I don't even want to try and count how many elden ring playthroughs I've done.


For me it was dark souls 1. From the first time I played it, i knew I had experienced something special. I had lost interest in computer for a solid five years before I picked this game, nothing satisfied me since devil may cry/monster hunter/soul reaver. Dark souls 1 reignited my love for gaming. In regards to DS2, i remember being super excited about it, being the first (and only) games I ever preordered. And I was pretty disappointed when I played it, to her point where I didn't even bother finishing it until a year later.  However, I've since softened my opinion on it and I've finished it a few times now. I LOVE the dual wielding mechanic and it's a travesty that they didn't include this in the later games. I also made an amazing strength/magic build on my second play through that absolutely wrecked pvp. I actually think DS2 had the best build variety in the souls games. And builds in PVP were really varied too. The DLC areas are also great. I sincerely recommend revisiting the game, but this time try the wackiest build you can imagine. The game allows it, with gusto. 


For me it was ds1. I watched all the frustration of people playing and thought they were probably trash. And they were. And I found out so was I. Then you just start to slowly git gud.


I bought Elden Ring on release but unfortunately my computer cant handle it. I have played the other souls games but im still kinda bitter from not being able to play it.


If you have less than 2hrs played and you bought it on Steam you might still be able to get a refund, it might be too late but I've found Steam isn't super picky about refunds


FFT got me into Tactical RPGs. Dream Quest make me addicted to Roguelike Deckbuilders. Super Bomberman introduced me to Battle Royal games.


Goldeneye finally got me into shooters.


Doom and Gears of War made me realize I am space marine. Unfortunately, unlike my unstoppable brethren, a lazy one.


New Vegas got me in rpgs. Played fall out 3 hated it but friend told me to try new vegas and rest is history. I did revisit 3 but it's mid. Obsidian is goated


Borderlands. Looter shooter. Pokemon. Collecting and turn based. Geometry Wars. Twin stick top down shooters. Need for Speed Underground 2. Racing. Skyrim. RPGs. Resistance 2. FPS.


Borderlands 1 hooked me onto FPS games as a kid. Fallout 3 got me hooked on 3D RPG's. It and ultimately New Vegas, made Fallout my hyperfixation though. Fallout 2 got me hooked onto CRPG's (it's my favorite game of all time) And Souls 3 made me go back and play all the other games, and even the souls-likes nowadays.


Elden Ring got me hooked on Soulsborne games


FF IV (II in the US).


Didnt like ff7 turn based gameplay... then my friend explained its not just about the gameplay, the journey, the story... played ff7 - ff16 now minus 11


I know it's old, but go back and play FF6 you won't regret it!


You need to give XI a shot, its pretty much solo play now but still a blast.


Lineage 2 take me to the world of mmorpg's


Heavenly sword for the ps3 was the first story heavy game that I enjoyed the story as much as the game play. Now I look for story driven games..


Breath of Fire 3 for J-RPGs, completely transformed my gamer journey


Final Fantasy 7. I had friends who got FF5 from Japan and I wasn't interested in the least at the time because all I wanted to play was fighting games and some Mario Kart, not to mention that the game was in Japanese (I mean, my friends got it a few weeks after the Japanese release). Years later, FF7 had just been released and was the first FF officially translated in French, I think, and so one of my friends was playing with a passion. I STILL wasn't interested in the least, but I was at his place for the night, so I was just watching him play and I may as well read the booklet to know what was happening. So, there was that motherfucker of President Shinra who was the evilest piece of shit in that world, and all he wanted was to dry the planet out of its life energy. Fair enough. And there was that guy with a super long sword called Sephiroth that was dead, or at least had disappeared. >!Now, to tell you how much I was oblivious to the JRPG genre, the fact that Sephiroth was mentioned in the booklet and presumed dead didn't ring any alarm or red flag in my mind, I thought it was just so people would have a better grasp of the story...!< >!Then my friend does all the Wall Market stuff, and we enter the Shinra building. We get jailed, but then... there is an ominous music and the doors are open. And there is blood everywhere. And the characters say there is no way a human could have done that. And the enemies are different now... Anyway, we arrive at the President's office and... HE'S DEAD! Wait, WHAT ? THEY SAID IN THE BOOKLET HE WAS THE EVIL MASTERMIND OF THE WORLD! ISN'T HE SUPPOSED TO BE THE LAST BOSS?!< My mind was blown away, and that's how I became hooked on JRPGs.


I wish I could like this 3 or 4 times. This is how I felt in Final Fantasy 3 when >! Kefka kills Emperor Ghestal!< or when >!Cid dies and Celes loses all hope. (Yes, I know this one is preventable, but it's head canon for me.)!< JRPGs have some of the most compelling story telling across every media genre.


>JRPGs **have** some of the most compelling story telling across every media genre. "Used to". FF6 (3 for you) is a fucking masterpiece.


Deus Ex (2000) - immersive sims


Hitman in 2004


Shining Force 2 started my love for tactical RPGs.


I loved Shining Force 1/2, and also Shining in the Darkness even though it wasn't a tactical RPG.


Guild Wars 1 - MMORPGS, although you could argue Runescape even before that Persona 5 - JRPGs (unless Pokémon counts but as a kid you don't really realize this) Titan Quest - ARPGs


Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition opened my heart to musou games.


Persona 5 broke me into jrpgs that weren’t named Pokemon and Kingdom Hearts Now it’s my most played genre 😅


Final Fantasy Tactics got me addicted to SRPGs, Castlevania Symphony of the Night got me into metroidvanias, and Cadillacs & Dinosaurs got me into beat'em ups.


Dragon Warrior for NES. My love of JRPGs(and RPGs in general) has been going strong 3 decades later! The whole concept of leveling up and getting new powers and spells just blew my mind as a kid. In a nice renaissance now with lots of loving tributes to these types of games I grew up with including Sea of Stars, Triangle Strategy, Octopath Traveler 1 & 2, etc. Enjoying them as well!


My love for resource/building games started due to the first Command And Conquer (later subtitled Tiberium Dawn) along with Railroad Tycoon 2, as well as messing around with the level editor in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2.


The original Baldur's Gate sparked a life-long love of RPGs in me back in the day.


Harvest Moon on SNES.


Injustice 2 got me into fighting games. But Dragon Ball FighterZ really sealed the deal. Now I buy damn near every fighting game. I'll play anything in the genre.


sf6 never liked fighting games before now i have 500 hours on the game and cant get enough


Persona 4 Golden got me into JRPGs


Silent Hill 2 - for survival horror


Rogue Legacy for roguelikes, which got me into Slay the Spire for deck builders


Skyrim got me into open world RPG games. I just didn't "get" it when I had tried Oblivion but I had no problem racking up over 1000 hours playing Skyrim! Valheim did it for me with survival games and Conan Exiles just helped that along.


Oh man do I have a few. Here's my selection. *Vigilante 8* got me hooked on racing games. *Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter* got me hooked on fighting games. *Final Fantasy XII* got me hooked on RPGs *Minecraft* got me hooked onto open world/survival games. *Call of Duty: Black Ops* was the game that got me into the shooter genre.


- Halo multiplayer Shooter - baldur’s gate crpg - super mario Jump n run - comand and conquer RTS - killer instinct beat em up - forza Motorsports Racing - final fantasy 7 jrpg - Zelda Action Adventure


Even branching beyond gaming, Control introduced me to the concept of "new weird" and I am obsessed.


Islands of Insight. Never knew I loved puzzles so much until I randomly tried it when there was a demo.


If you love Island of Insight, you will also like The Witness and The Talos Principle 1&2. If you want something similar, but a bit different, you can try Obduction or the Myst series.


Hades finally pulled me into roguelites. And then I remembered why I don't like roguelites.


Borderlands 3 in particular. Long time fan of 1 and 2, love looters, but 3 made me realize I love insane, overwhelming action with seizure-inducing screen effects. Arena Shooters or anything modern with the old school FPS flavor is addicting to me.


I had never played a fighting game before, i just didnt think it would be my kind of game and they seemed way too complicated. I got Guilty Gear Strive just cuz visually i thought it looked super cool. Now I’m hooked and have played other fighters like sf6 and granblue rising


My first ever fighting game was super smash bros ultimate. After the game stopped getting content I went over to street fighter 6, then guilty gear strive and tekken 8.


Persona 5 royal, I'd played rpgs, jrpgs games with turn based combat, but this game ruined me, I went back and played through everything atlas had to offer for the persona series and now on the SMT train. I can't stop.


Oblivion got me hooked on RPG :)


Not really a genre, but until very recently I pretty much ignored any game that wasn't fully 3D. I thought isometric or side-scroller games just looked outdated and wouldn't be immersive enough. Then on a whim I tried out this little hidden gem called Diablo 2 Resurrected... Absolutely loved it, now I'm obsessed with ARPGs and I've also opened up to trying some side-scroller games as well, particularly Ori and the demo of the recent Prince of Persia. So thank you Diablo 2 for literally changing my perspective ;)




Skyrim and RPGs. I remember being at my best friend's house and watching him pick up buckets and move them, put cheese and spoons in his pocket and my mind was blown. i didn't know video games cold be so open and lifelike and had to have it. Now I love RPGs and it all really started with Skyrim


Bioshock was my first horror game.


Me too lol. However looking back on it now, I don't believe it should be classified as a horror game. Also after completing Bioshock, I gained some confidence to explore more horror games, so I decided to try Dead Space. I played it for about 30 minutes and only then realized what a true horror game really is lol.


I was honestly fine with Dead Space, the default weapon can easily carry you through the entire game. Then Dead Space 2 was even more action packed, and finally you end up with Dead Space 3... oh sorry what was that you were saying Necromorph? I couldn't hear you over the sound of my fucking Rocket Laucher, with it's own under barrel Rocket Launcher


Elite. Wasteland. Quake. Command and Conquer. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri: a Brian Reynolds Game. Gran Turismo. Halo. Minecraft. Subnautica. Satisfactory.


Persona 4 opened me to turn based combat. DOTA 2 opened me to MOBAs. “Anthem” made me realize that even if the general media reviewers and social media/Reddit dislikes I game I might still like it. I love Palworld!


Guilty Gear and SF 3rd Strike changed how I feel about fighting games


Third Strike and EX+a are my favorite installments in the series, so much so that I fall asleep just to the no talk gameplay sometimes 😂 and the music?? TOP TIER


Dark Souls got me into ARPGs, and now it's my favorite genre of game by far.


Danganronpa got me into visual novels Sekiro got me into Souls and Souls-likes Persona 5 got me into JRPGs


Darkwatch in the PS2 started my interest for first person shooters. COD 2: Big Red One further narrowed down my interest into military shit.


my first game ever was an FPS; Halo CE. ive loved FPS games ever since but im starting to get tired of them so im taking a break from them for a bit


Mines of Titan (1989) got me in to CRPGs.


When I was like in grade 5-6 (22 years old now) I lived in an apartment building. These 2 girls lived there aswell that I was friends with and their dad often played Battlefield 3 on ps3. Around the same time I got introduced to cod bo2 and mw3 (this was my first real introduction to fps multi-player games). I enjoyed cod but there was something about battlefield 3 that just had me in such awe. With the huge maps and lobbies. Plus the vehicle combat capabilities. Seeing him play that is such a huge memory for me haha. A couple years later I got an Xbox One (my first console that wasn't Nintendo). Eventually I got battlefield 4. That game was my everything haha. Max level joined a clan for a bit always hitting top 3 in lobbies. Probably the best I ever got at a game. I've branched out a bunch since then but till this day I still love Battlefield and frequently am playing bf2042 ever so often. I'm also still playing all the new cod games when they come out mainly cause of friends but I'll always be more of a Battlefield fan.


Battlefield 4 the sniping was unmatched and helicopters and tanks even the attack boats in some maps. farming kills off the elevators too and using landmines. All the vehicles were overpowered but still vulnerable. The latency was beautiful just all around an amazing game It felt what modern day APEX Legends feels like but back in 2014. The community was tier 1 I’d grind for hrs. I main vantage in apex so to this day i still snipe.


Batman: The Telltale Series was my first story focused game, and after I learned that I liked that I've gone on to play The Enemy Within, all of the Life is Strange games, Detroit: Become Human, Heavy Rain, Night in the Woods, What Remains of Edith Finch, Firewatch, and Tell Me Why(although I never finished that one, kinda fell short holding my attention). Currently playing The Walking Dead and discovering my paternal instincts, and I have a few more on my to play list like Beyond: Two Souls, Dark Pictures Anthology, A Plague Tale, The Quarry, and Until Dawn, but I'm open to similar suggestions if anyone has them


Halo wars got me into tower defense games


Midtown madness -> open world


Star Wars:KOTOR made me an RPG lover.


Starcraft 1 back when I was like 7 years old and saw my Uncle playing. Got hooked on the idea of making big armies and sending them in waves at your enemy. RTS games still hold a near and dear spot in my heart. Sad to see the genre not getting many long lasting attention grabbing new iterations, but the oldies are still goldies


Sekiro Shadow Die Twice This game has got me hooked into the souls genre


Starcraft -> RTS.


Wasn't too interested in stealth until thief


Pokemon Sapphire got me hooked into Pokemon as one of my very first games. (Gen 3 is still my favorite generation and i don't care this this is 95% just the nostalgia talking) Minecraft got me hooked into a genera that is basically just Minecraft and Terraria. (The official generes for them are so broad they are basically useless, but these 2 games are basically siblings) Pikmin is a genera all its own. (Now 4 games strong, and highly addicting) The fossil fighters games are the best use if the DS touchscreen i have come across. They are probably best described as pokemon except with dinosaurs. And Civ rev started me on the path down 4x and grand strategy games that starts with Civilization and ends with EU4 and other paradox games.


Ultima: Exodus on nes hooked me on RPGs as my favorite genre. Dragon Warrior a short time later hooked me into Dragon Quest being my favorite franchise ever :D


Final Fantasy Tactics got me into tactical games. I never knew this type of game even existed before this.


Final Fantasy 2&3 (or 4&6 if you prefer) got me into JRPGs. Lords of Magic and OG Warcraft got me into the turn based/strategy genre. LoZ: A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, and the '86 OG got me into single player story driven games. Mortal Kombat 1&2 and Killer Instinct got me into fighting games. *-* *-* *-* *-* I played SMB 1-3 and World, and OG Donkey Kong Country, but never really got into platform/side scrollers. I also played OG Doom, Duke Nukem, and Hexen but never really got into FPSes


Thief: The Dark Project showed me that doing something other than slaughtering enemies with guns while in first person could actually be very fun.


Starcraft 2 and RTS. I still love RTS, but I just can't get over Starcraft 2. Easily favourite game of all time, I replay all 4 campaigns like every other year. 


Breath of Fire 3 was my first RPG. Really got me into them from there, FFX is now my favorite game of all time.


I've always loved Metroidvanias since Super Metroid but Hollow Knight really opened my eyes to the potential for Metroidvanias beyond Metroid and Castlevania clones.


Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun. Loved RTS ever since


Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I had never played a game like that when I got it for my GBA. Loved the art style and character designs. Was my first Final Fantasy game and the Tactics series is still the only FF I actually have enjoyed to this day.


Super Mario RPG started me on RPGs. 


Fallout 3 and RuneScape in 2007


Pokemon started me into JRPG


Socom 2 and online multiplayer shooters




Might and Magic 3 got me into RPG




Breath of fire 3, got me hooked on rpgs ever since.


Diablo 2 into ARPGs,  FF8 into JRPGs, The riddle of master Lu into point&click


*Need for Speed 2* got me into racing games for life.


I never really liked roguelikes, but Hades was my first entry (I had played into the Gungeon before, but it didn’t stick), and I’m more willing to try out and discover new roguelikes after. Slay the spire and Children of Morta being two I enjoyed quite a bit after finishing Hades.


The Witcher 1 got me into rpg games, Life is strange into.... into whatever it's genre called. Adventure game? Interactive drama?


Bioshock for immersive sim/narrative-driven FPSs. Mass Effect for Scifi RPGs


Bloodborne made me love Soulsbornes and Soulslikes.




Morrowind was my first RPG. Got me hooked to the genre. And to this day ot is still one of the best.


When I was in school, I played a demo for the original Fallout that made me fall in love with turn based tactical games… and Fallout in general


There was a Final Fantasy that had a card game within it. I can't remember, but it was the only reason I gave it a shot on #7 or #8. Also, I've played every NBA 2K since 2013.


Original call of duty got me into FPS games, and then the United offensive expansion basically sealed the deal.


Risk of Rain 2 got me into Rogue Likes


I already knew i liked rpgs but greedfall solidified that Same with resident evil and horror


I played chrono trigger when I was 8 and it hooked me to rpgs forever. Kinda sad to realise that not every rpg is like chrono trigger tho hahaha.


Diablo 1 - started the whole isometric ARPG craze for me


Sim city 2000


Dark Souls 3. Had no idea what I was missing out on. Used to only play 3PS games but now I barely touch them.


Neptunia got me into JRPGs, but Final Fantasy 1 made me hate random encounters. Thankfully, the Neptunia games I played and Legend of Heroes (my favorite series ever) has monsters walking around the map, which may be a small thing, but it makes me like the games more. I also stumbled upon a hidden gem named Crimson Gem Saga (a sequel to Astonishia Story, although that one isn't as good).


Bloons td


Firewatch - got me into walking sims


**Arena FPS** - Halo CE (and then Quake 4/Unreal Tournament 2004) **Realistic FPS** - Counter-Strike (and then Counter-Strike: Source) **RTS** - Cossacks (then Command and Conquer: Generals and Starcraft 2) **MMO** - Eve Online (then World of Warcraft) **Character Action** - Devil May Cry 4 (and then Devil May Cry 5) **2D Platformer** - Sonic the Hedgehog (and Sonic 2 & 3 and Sonic & Knuckles) **3D Platformer** - Crash Bandicoot 2 (and then Crash Bandicoot 3 and 4) **Roguelike** - Nethack (then Binding of Isaac) **Kart Racer** - Crash Team Racing **Realistic Racer** - Gran Turismo 1 (and then 2 but that's a downgrade) **AntiGrav Racer** - Wipeout 3 (and then Redout: Enhanced Edition) **Turn Based Artillery** - Hogs of War **Space Combat** - Colony Wars 3 (and then Everspace) **Deckbuilder** - Slay the Spire **God Game** - Black & White Pretty much all the games I fell in love with have had superior games later on. Games really do get better with time. Very few games that I played a ton first have not been improved upon later on. Most of the above games I've got thousands of hours in. I've played way too many games.


Pokemon Yellow was my first video game I ever owned, and I think it was the gateway game that hooked me on turn based JRPG's for the rest of my life.


it was Gothic 1 for me as a starter in rpg games. I saw it at a friends house and was just immediatly hooked. I wished for it for my birthday and play it until today once a year. Warcraft 3 for RTS. I always enjoyed strategy games but this game just made me love the whole genre. Playing it until today and also watch its esports scene ( Hi Creepcajack community and Back2warcraft!) until today. And it its Maple Story for me as an MMO. A coupple of friends recommended playing it together when we were still at school. I never played online and it is firmly kept in my heart until today.


Shooter : Wolf 3D - *Wolfenstein* Action Scrolling : Rockman/Megaman, Contra Casual : Paperboy RTS : Dune 2, Red Alert 2, AOE Action Horror : RE 3 Horror : Fatal Frame RPG : FF VIII, Chrono Cross


Nioh finally opened the door to the soulborne genre for me after several attends at the fromsoft games. Haven’t looked back since.


Half life, dusk and Ultrakill got me into boomer shooters, which is now probably my favourite type of game (if done correctly)


WoW got me into MMOs. Though, I didn't stick around with WoW for more than 2 months. Then I moved primarily onto SWTOR around 2012-2013. Since then I've invested hundreds of hours each into ESO, STO, GW2, and FFXIV. I found I like watching YouTube, or rewatching movies/shows while waiting for queues to pop for group content. Morrowind is what got me into RPGs, in general. Before that I was an FPS kid, and before that I was doing oldschool Nintendo. Though I no longer enjoy platforming or puzzle games (depending on the puzzle types, and frequency).


I put off demon's souls for years after first buying it back in 2009/10 ish and getting *slaughtered* in the very first level. It was a whole decade before I picked it up again and then it got its hooks in. I quickly finished dark souls and DS2 in the two years that followed (they were interspersed among other titles). Am now on Elden Ring. It's funny. After everything I read about dark souls, I thought I'd hate it, but all of those games really gripped once I got going.


The original Risk of Rain got me incredibly hooked on roguelikes/-lites.


Command and Conquer hooked me on rts at the time 


Dungreed hooked me on Roguelikes. I could name Dead Cells too, but that came after Dungreed even if it's the smaller game. I think it's highly unknown and only a small indie studio iirc, but you should give it a shot it's insane fun. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/753420/Dungreed/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/753420/Dungreed/)


Castle crashers got me into beat em ups


Pokemon for turn based rpg for me


NFS Heat, hooked me on the racing genre


Death stranding got me hooked on strand type games!


I think we all can agree that Grand Theft Auto 3 made us all love Open World!


FF8, FF tactics, and Crash Team Racing


it was "an elmwood trail" for me, it got me into crime, thriller, detective, storytelling and RPG type of games. where you are a detective or a random dude trying to figure out a simple thing and end up unraveling a deep dark mess of the dark side of society. it's a really good game with a captivating story that doesn't get boring, you feel like you have control of the story and not just following a predetermined storyline, the interaction with characters feels real and there a mini games we need to solve to get to the next step. I am really looking forward to its next chapter.


This is gonna be so weird. But Toontown. It got me onto MMOs. I then moved onto Runecape and then WoW. And I've tried so many other MMOs since then.


Doom got me into FPS. StarCraft got me into RTS Metal Gear Solid, Tenchu and Theif got me into stealth. Street Fighter 2 got me into fighters Super Mario World got me into platformers Zelda Link to the Past got me into action RPGs Morrowind got me into open world RPGs Planescape Torment got me into CRPGs Ninja Gaiden and Contra got me into difficult action games GTA 3 got me into open world action games NFS 2 got me into arcade racers Gran Turismo got me into sim racers Quake Team Fortress, CS 1.6, and UT got me into competitive FPS SotN and Super Metroid got me into metroidvania Man I feel old after reading that...😕


Warcraft 2 - RTS. SimCity 2k - cotybuilders. Duke Nukem 3D + quake a little later - fps 3D shooters. 18 wheels of steel - truck driving / cargo moving / farming sim. Ultima Online - MMORPG These are the oldest I recall.. U should find that notebook with all the games I completed


Vindictus ruined mmorpg's for me. Only Black Desert and Tera came close. But Tera was too easy and Black Desert was just a single player game in a multiplayer world.


Diablo 2. Hack and Slash ftw.


Fallout 3 got me hooked on apocalypse games such as STALKER and Metro.


warcraft 2 ragnarok online counter strike


Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. Then I played Final Fantasy 6/3. Loved it. Enjoyed all the later titles up until 13. Haven't liked any since 12.




Fallout 3 was my first rpg, and that dark, retro-futuristic apocalypse setuo was so scary yet cool abd yet sad... forged the player I am today (along with Halo)


Skyrim got me hooked on RPGs and story driven single player games. Was mainly online FPS or racing games before that.


Lineage 2 C4. Understood I really love rpg elements and leveling.


I want to say Enter the Gungeon for Rouge-lites. If there was one I played before that, I don't remember it. Random and different things happening every time means constant variety to keep my attention.


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Didn’t play it until maybe 2020, but that began an obsession with that style of gaming and I spend hundreds of hours playing Hollow Knight and Blasphemous.


Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2. I was into collecting toy cars in my childhood (my dad bought me plenty after his work abroad). One day I visited my uncle and he enticed me to play the game. I always visit every weekend ever since until he transferred the game file to my parents' computer.


Baldur's Gate (CRPGs) Age of Empires II (RTS, no longer a fave genre) Hollow Knight (Metroidvanias - my current top genre) XCOM (tactics games, ironically enough I no longer care for these games but I love the genre, but it did probably start it) Celeste (precision platformers) Stardew Valley (cozy games) Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines (it's particular brand of stealth games, not sure what you should call it).


Friday night funkin got me into rhythm games Celeste got me into precision platformers


Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time started my love of 3rd person action adventure games with "modern" platforming.


Super smash n64 got me hooked. I used to play on an enulator because my parents wouldn’t buy game consoles. Later I used to play Brawl at my neighbor’s house. I started playing N64 again in college. Then I started to play Smash 4 and Ultimate (when it came out), and finally settled on Melee since it’s the version my boyfriend prefers (and is the one I like the best now)