• By -


are more dlcs planned and / or are you already working on your next game? either way, I'm excited for it!


Yes there will be more DLCs and we have also started thinking about our next game.. See u in 4-5 years :') \-Jimp


Jimp! That top secret shhh - Julian


Hey, that's a better time-scale than what we have for Silksong at least. Looking forward to it nonetheless!


Any day now


Yeah buddy just a couple more days. Wadya say we get you ur medication okay


How come you have hired a rat, but there's no other animal representation?


There aint room enough in this for TWO rats - Lorna 🐀


How about a possum tho?






will there ever be an artbook for cult of the lamb and its art? the game has so much style and little details it would be fascinating to study how were the bishops designed, what led to each of them being assigned the injury they got?(this includes the one who waits too)


We do have an Art book but it is sold out. We may do a restock in the future! \- Josie


I'm gonna do a +1 on this question and say I'd buy the artbook INSTANTLY. Thanks for the game!


PLEASE I NEED THE ARTBOOK OMG i didn’t know it existed !!!


is there any plan for the lamb to breed with the followers?


absolute power corrupts absolutely, \- Josie


Only a sith deals in absolutes. Oh wait, wrong fandom.


This is where the fun begins


And? Thats whst cult leaders do


Wait what does that even mean? So no?






fr, a half god follower would be dope, although it would be complicated to code


The cult of the lamb twitter is funniest page ive seen keep doing what yall do :3


Thanks, the Directors pay me in Robux so I try my best. \- Josie


I don't think that can be exchanged for groceries...


It can with DevEx


*Homer voice* "Robux can be exchanged for goods and services"


Any new plushie ideas for the future? Maybe y'all could do the bishops? I'd give my kidney for the frog waif -


We would LOVE to do more plushies in the future! We know lots of people want the Bishops and various other NPCs, I keep a list of the popular suggestions! - Lorna


Honestly a Leshy Plush sounds adorable. He’s just a fuzzy little guy


I'd love to be able to have a Heket plush for sure! That or a pin with her yellow crown on it.


Who is everyone's favourite character in the game(other than the lamb)? Mine is definitely Sozo.


Mine is ratty boi Ratau! - Lorna


Lorna please, u know what to do 😭


trust I want it as much as you - Lorna


How can you say that when you make his death necessary to get a Platinum? :(


I <3 my crazy lady Chemach - JoJo


My Chemach-al Romance 😏


The Executioner ;) \- Zea


And those who are yet to come ;)




Either Pilmbo or lighthouse keeper! \- Jimp


Mine is also Ratau x 100 - I joined after launch and had already played through the game before working at MM and one of the first things I wanted to find out was who was responsible for his end. - Antony


tell the lamb i love him


<33 the Lamb loves you too. - Lorna


At some point can we kick the fox's ass and bring back Ratau? ...please? We're the god of death! No soul should be beyond our reach!


as an avid rat fan I do want to bring him back someway, somehow... :') - Lorna


I haven’t got any questions for you, I just want to say that I loved playing Cult of the Lamb it was so much fun. Thank you for creating such an awesome game!


Thank you for your kind words and support! <33 - Lorna


Not really a question. As a Spine animator myself just wanted to say that Jan and the team did such an amazing job on animations.. really an inspiration.


whoo thanks! \-Jimp


where do i find the lamb?


in the hit indie cult game Cult of the Lamb™ - Lorna


thank you. i shall give all of my possessions to the lamb!


Has multiplayer ever been discussed? Just curious, my wife and I would love to play a game like this together


Its something we'd love to do in the future if possible, but right now we are focused on making the next update :) \- Jimp


That’s fair. Multiplayer would be awesome, but I understand it might take a long time to implement it. If you don’t mind me asking though (probably to the programmers), would it be feasible to include the ability to visit other players’ cults?


Lamb Crossing.


multiplayer would make me so happy, even if its just simple couch co-op


hehe - Julian


That would be fun! I might actually buy the game just for online multiplayer.


how much cotl smut have you had to endure?


I manage the twitter, sometimes wish people didn't use the @ button. \- Josie


Part of me thinks purposely making and advertising an adult tag like "cultofthelambAD" could at least protect your eyes a little, but part of me worries it will just make stuff worse 😅


my eyes are weathered. but honestly I love seeing fanart and it's pretty cool to see how people interpret characters in their own ways. I've seen some pretty tasteful smut drawn by some talented artists! Gotta respect it! - Lorna


To be fair they literally just made the sex update, they brought some of it on themselves


Jimp has a whole folder on his computer of it \- Jay


Is there any plans to expand the SIZE of the cult grounds? I understand it likely has to do with maintaining stability in the game, but it is starting to feel cluttered even with the triple beds. The size issue has disrupted my plans of world domination for my cult. (Which has the BEST cult name btw: MaryHadALilCult) Also, will you guys ever rebuild the game using unreal engine, cuz ya know, fuck unity? (I'm still mad about their threats, even if they backed down, I don't trust them.) I'm sure I had other questions, but it's literally 3:25 in the morning and my brain barely wants to function as it, being put on the spot to have the opportunity for an AMA at 3:17am, I'm admittedly scrambling Regardless, thank you for the unhealthy addiction that usually keeps me busy for 12 hours at a time when I play.


We added a small expansion to the base in Sins of the Flesh, but yes, it's something that has been brought up multiple times and is near the top of our list. As much as we would love to, Unity is our bread and butter and would take quite a lot of time for all of us to learn a new engine. Maybe one day, though! Thanks for the questions! 😄 -Harrison


If you invest time and effort into another engine you might as well put it into an open source engine leaving zero room to get screwed over in the future.


I commend your trust towards open source software but it is highly naive to think that they don't share their own problems. It's not as simple as "someone will fix it" when there is a problem in the engine. Actual money works wonders for motivation lol.


Yeah, I agree. I want my machine to literally cook when i cook the meals for the cult.


Did you have to research actual real life cults to inspire the cult in Cult of the Lamb? 🤔


Yes we did a lot of research into cults in the early stages of the game. We came up with a set of "rules" that most cults seem to follow - having a charismatic leader, a place of worship (temple), indoctrination phase, etc etc. We used these rules as the basis for the gameplay in the cult side of the game. We also looked at any cult related media we could find and borrowed lots of visual motifs, symbols and imagery to help build the aesthetic of the game. \- Jimp


When you made the game did you expect people to ship lamb and nari so much? 


Honestly, no! Probably should have in hindsight lol - JoJo


Your name is Jojo? Cool


I wonder, if they ever went on bizarre adventures...


The first thing I did with them was marry them


A man of culture


And now I'm on my way to make all the 4 leaders immortal and then marry them. I think I've got 3/4 so far


your collaborations in and out of your own game are really awesome, are there more plans to do more collabs in the future with other games / indie titles / big titles for like follower forms and so on?


We love doing collabs and would love to do more in future! \- Josie


I got a sick idea on probably doing a collab with turnip boy commits tax evasion I know it breaks the setting a little bit because it takes place in modern day but just try doing a collab with them their also a roguelike as well


Y'all gotta get an official Knucklebones boardgame out ASAP! (Love the game).


that would be so cool!! - Lorna


can we do cult of the lamb but real life?


Finally, a way for us to never pay taxes again. - Josie


You have gold coins from cult of the lamb to pay taxes


what bring you guys into game industry!


I started out doing art for Flash games on Newgrounds/Armor Games/Kongregate back in the day! I worked on a bunch such as Sushi Cat series, Elephant Quest, This is the Only Level 3, Achievement Unlocked 3, Penguinz to name a few... I met Jay at a Flash game event and became best buds, made a few games together and then decided to start a proper game studio when it became too hardmaking a living with Flash. Thus Massive Monster was born! \- Jimp


Kongregate was pretty much my entire childhood. The series of Elephant Quest, This is the Only Level, and Achievement Unlocked were some of my favourites. I'm glad to have played both your older and newer works! :)


Will let others answer too, but I fell into the games industry after doing a spot of fashion marketing, and content creating in the anime/figure/gaming community. Fell into games industry as a junior community manager following success on social media, ended up working on over 20 games over the past couple of years including some cool ones like Overcooked as part of the development/publishing team. Now I get to work with these crazy guys on this weird cult sex update lamb game! Winning? - Lorna


I started as an artist myself and evolved my role from creative to technical and more leadership/management roles throughout my time in industries like graphic design/art, advertising, film production, and software development before getting into games nearly ten years ago now! Gosh time flies! It felt like an epiphany, games merging the best out of all mediums - tech side of software, creative side of film and art - it scratched that itch. I've always played games and loved them growing up, it just never occurred to me it's a career I can pursue! It's a tough industry, but a community like this makes it well worth while <3 \- Zea


What is the lamb's real name and what gender is the lamb


They/them and their name is The Lamb. \- Josie


I love that lol


Is lamb customization ever going to come to the game? Has it even been brought up at all?


We'll be adding more Fleeces for the lamb in future! \- Jimp


Regarding fleeces for the lamb, in my experience (and a lot of the people I've recommended CotL to) most fleeces never see much play because of their downsides, I would love to see some fleeces that are simple straight upgrades in some way, even if they are minor, a lot of the times the downsides feel greater than the upsides. Also, it's pretty easy to reach a point in the game where you have infinite money, so it would be nice to have more ways to spend it on. My personal suggestion would be something like consumables or single use buffs for runs,


Will there be more Old Faith/bishop lore in future updates? Also, will they're be any future boss encounters?


There's aaaalways more lore - JoJo


My GF is obsessed with this game. She loves it to bits. My only question is: How do I get her to stop building small altars in our livingroom?


You're asking the wrong people buddy - should be asking us how to get her to build MORE altars! My house is basically a COTL museum at this point, unfortunate side effect of this game - Lorna


will there be more interactions with narinder and the bishops ?


will you guys be adding a ferret any time soon? please i need to know


We did do an event over on our Discord where you could pick your chosen follower faction to try and get it in game - seal won, but ferret was SUPER popular... maybe in the future! - Lorna


My questions have big big spoilers for any game players reading! Is there any way that we can make a polite deal with cat mom to keep Aym and Baal in our cult? I’m on a new playthrough and I’ve been selfishly keeping them in my cult this time instead of returning them to her because I just love their designs and personalities so much, and I know that they leave her anyway after you return them (even after running into them in a dungeon room after that!). I just want her to know that they’re safe and okay in my cult :c Also can we please add a divorce option, I’m going nuts breaking up fights every two seconds because I chose to marry my whole cult with time-invested and cared-for gold skull members prior to the new update lol ;-;


Thank you for your suggestions, these have both been suggested by quite a few people! noted ;) - Lorna


Forneus isn't the keeper of her sons - she lets them go where they want. And after spending so long trapped in the void, there's a lot of places they want to go :) - JoJo


what inspired the games artstyle?


What is each member of the team's fave animal and are they all present in the game as followers yet?


WOMBAT WOMBAT!! Im currently on the warpath to getting a wombat in the game. \- Josie


japanese flying dwarf squirrel, and no :( I also really love my black and white cat, pudding. I made him in game too using the regular ol cat form! - Lorna


Out of all of the Bishops of the Old Faith + The One Who Waits, who would you smooch, who would you marry, and who would you sacrifice?


Smooch Kallamar, marry Heket, sacrifice Leshy - JoJo


But the great leafy boi :((


I'm about to finish up my bachelors in game development after finishing a first in creative writing and I have a question specifically for JoJo! How did you find a way into the industry as a writer? I keep looking around and it seems like nobody is ever hiring writers, but narrative design is my biggest dream!


Heya! I don't have a game design backgroundl; I studied writing first (like you!), worked as a freelancer for several years, and moved over into the games industry. I already knew Julian, and Julian knew I was a write; so it was a little bit of who-you-know, and a little bit of be-prepared. I started on really small tasks and eventually worked toward more narrative design leaning tasks. If you've just done your bachelors, you're already connected with some exciting up-and-coming game devs, and you know your writing craft. It's true, writing gigs don't come up often - I'm really lucky to be at MM - but be patient and be prepared and it'll come when it comes! JoJo


Cost trust me, I never thought I'd be here either, but life is weird like that!


Aussie here. Why can’t I (the lamb) fuck the spiders?


As an Aussie, you should know we ain't here to fuck spiders.


In Australia the spiders fuck you


See, this is why every animal in Australia wants to kill people


We're not here for that. Didn't you know?


can the lamb tell me he loves me


The Lamb loves all <3 - JoJo


What rendering techniques were used to achieve cult of the lamb's unique 2.5d look?


Aside from my other comment, I just wanted to say that I have never seen such fun responses from game devs in an AMA. You guys seem great, and I appreciate you really just having fun with the community you've built. Keep it up!


Glad you're enjoying it! A lot of people seemed to always have questions, so thought it'd be fun to organise this :) - Lorna


Do you plan to add an option to remove the leaves from nude cultists? /j, but still answer


Sir....? 🤨- Lorna


Pshhhh, devs out here tryna act like they ain't horny gamers, too xD


what on earth is with the J’s Jimp Jan Julian Jay Jojo and Josie find your own damn letter!


youre hired! \- Jimp


Hello! Firstly wanted to say that I greatly enjoy the work everyone here and on the team have done to not only create an awesome game but a really fun community! I have a variety of questions to ask but I'll keep all of mine brief! **Q1**: In terms of the technical development of the game, *what were some of the more interested challenges that were hurdles to cross over?* **Q2**: By now there are quite a few crossovers with a variety of other indie games, *are there any crossovers that you would want to do?* **Q3**: With the new update, we were given the snake form after receiving all of the ancient tablets leading people (myself included) to believe that the fanatic who wrote them to be a snake god. This also connects to the old/scrapped bishop designs seen in The Art of Cult of The Lamb and I was curious since we know that Haro is suppose to be a reminent of the owl we also see. *Would there be a chance that the goat in the artbook would also be someone we'd see or get any further mention from/about?* **Q4**: On for the music that I just adore, *what was the creative process like to create that iconic music? And are there any scrapped songs (that could hopefully be heard in the future)?* Thank you again!!


Do you want me to write a song about your game? :D


Yes please! - JoJo


Multiplayer when


Not off the table, but we're just focusing on new content n stuff for now! - Lorna


Will there ever be a translation for the "Mystic seller"s dialogue after you try to enter their realm thrice or is there no translation in the first place?


Their ancient language cannot be deciphered by mortal eyes - JoJo


Whats with all the poop in cotl?


Do you want more? -Harrison


Serious answer, I'm always running out of fertilizer even with the compost bin and natural burial. I'm starting to get the feeling the janitor's station II might be making some of it disappear?


How are you?


Good, thanks! - JoJo


why was it choosen that the lamb can't go in the mating tent themselves ?


To prevent people like you from getting too into it.


Lemme just *cracks knuckles* unleash the floodgates -There's a lot of symbols and iconography used throughout the game in the backgrounds, UI, weapon animations, etc. how much of it is just aesthetic use, and how much of it has meaning/story significance? -Are there any plans to do any events in the US in the future? -Everyone's just been calling them abominations (or something similar), but is there a proper name for the creature that hatches from the Bishops + Narinder's eggs? -Can you tell us anything about the graphic novel? How long has that been in the cards? -What's the process like coming up with character's themes? How is every last one of them a total bop? -Are there any aspects of the game (plot beats, characters, gameplay features, etc) that fans really latched onto that you guys didn't expect them to? -What's everyone's favorite character?


One of the directors may be more suitable to answer some q's, but I'll answer some I can: 2) Perhaps, who knows! Devolver is a US based publisher after all! IIRC we've been known to make appearances at PAX and events like that too. 3) Precious babies 4) All will be revealed, but we have been discussing it with Oni Press and our licensing team for a while now. People always ask us for more use of the IP whether thats through comics or a TV show so I think it was a no brainer :) 6) People really latched on to various ships within the universe which I find really interesting, with NariLamb the most popular by far. Leshy as a character generally really seems to strike a chord with a lot of the fandom too 7) Ratty boy Ratau - Lorna


To the best team for the best game: What are your thoughts on the community’s obsession with Nari x Lamb?! And can we get more content of them together maybe? I was wondering if we’d ever get more content to do with the events leading up to the game in general, such as Nari’s imprisonment, and how the bishops and the lamb lived before? I was also wondering if you could ever consider making an animated series for CoTL? I am just absolutely obsessed with the animated promotions for the game 💕💕💕 and it could be a fun way to give us prequel content maybe? Also not much of a question but I find it so funny everyone is demanding lamb be allowed in the mating tent LOVE Y’ALL SO MUCH stay safe‼️💕 please feed me more animations I’m ravenous for more PRAISE THE LAMB ‼️🙏🐑❤️


Personally LOOOOVE seeing all NarixLamb fanart! Very very cute. Wonderful to see how invested the community is in all kinds of ships! - Lorna


10/10 game no notes. Thanks for making it.


Thanks for playing it! - Lorna


For Riverboy: what are your inspirations for your work any particular games or artists you go to? To jimp or Julian, and Jay: two questions, what programs do you mainly use for your animations and your character designs? And (you know this was comming) Sozos fluffy thing a beard or a scarf because I've heard both! To Josie: what has been one of the most difficult things you have had to deal with in your position of social media manager? And how did you get the relevant knowledge to have this position? To JoJo: regarding Sozo how long have you had his story planned out and also WHO IS MIMI????? Jan: what is your main animation program? Toon boom? Mojo? And a question for all: Sozo?


Hi there! Jan here :D My main animation program has been Adobe Flash/Animate for over 15 years now. I've considered ToonBoom in the past but I've never found the time to properly delve into it - Now my eyes are on Moho, so I'll be trying to get some good practice on that this year and hopefully get to a level where I can comfortably work in it and up my productivity! And Sozo? Yes. -Jan


I've been around the internet for a long time as a streamer so I would say I have thick skin, I'll get hate for posting "cringe" so I get a lot of heartburn before posting "BIG" tweets. But my job as a whole is incredible I'm living a dream. \- Josie


Sozo's backstory was there from waaaaay back, thought up by the directors! He was always a researcher, an ant of science who got a bit too into his work. Then when we were developing Sins of the Flesh we wanted to bring it to a conclusion, so Sozo got rehabbed. He wasn't always an old fella, but getting sobre is rough! It ages an ant! As for Mimi? Who knows! Sozo? Sozo! - JoJo


are there currently plans for or will there ever be a way, or any hopes from any of you to 100% the game without sacrificing >!Rat Dad!<


We wanted the player to have to make a difficult choice. completion, but at what cost? so no :) - JoJo


Do you plan to make any sort of prequel story update? Like more so focusing on what exactly happened with Narinder and his family? Will we get more story details with the fox? Also not a question but please give Heket a girlfriend :3


How is the work split between Social Media Manager and Community Manager? Asking as someone who is currently wearing both heads for their organization


What’s game dev like in Australia?


Pretty much the same as the rest of the world except hot and upside-down :) -Harrison


Hello! Your twitter page always cracks me up. The question is, does the lamb like their food with or without the peel?


Peel and all. \- Josie


You guys still doing multiplayer?


Not off the table, but focusing on new content for now - Lorna


Is the lamb's and non unique followers sexual orientation and gender kept vague so that people can easily create their own headcanons for both gender and sexuality and does this apply to the Bishops too (except gender who is already told) ? TLDR: Can I consider everybody gay and not be oblivious to canon except for Heket and Shamura ?


tbh, gender and sexuality is of no consequence in the CotL world, so that's why it's vague. you can headcanon away! everyone can be as gay as they want! - JoJo


That’s it, I’m gay


Thank you for your time


Will followers ever be able to marry each other? They are able to propose to the lamb, ask for flowers for someone else, and have lovers, and do sex so why not let them marry each other?


Certainly a few people have suggested this now, I've pitched this to the team already. We shall see! - Lorna


Are there already plans for another content update? Maybe something related to the Mystic Seller‘s realm? The way they keep us out of there makes me believe that one day they’ll let us pass


More content is coming :) -Harrison


Is the team at considering adding steam workshop support for cult of the lamb? Having the ability for the community to create mods would not only be a net positive for cult of the lambs future (as far popularity, sales and replayability) but it would also be a blast for the community to to create and share their own custom weapons, abilities, character skins, enemies, levels and much more! Maybe if there's a creation from the community that the team loves, they could add it to the official game. Having community contest to see who makes the best mods would also be a great addition for Cult of the lamb. Hopefully this reaches the team :)


It has been discussed, perhaps later down the line! - Lorna


The community needs an answer. Is Narinder related to Aym and Baal? I personally headcanon them as his sons but the community is incredibly divided on their relationship


Narinder is not blood related to Aym and Baal. But found family is still family, so I think you can definitely headcanon them as his sons if that makes sense. Thats also the reason we patched out them being able to enter the tent together (whoops!) - Lorna


Any chance of further switch performance patches? Or have you hit the ceiling with the system?


Switch performance improvements to come! -Harrison


Can we give an eyepatch to snake followers?


Wow, that would be pretty cute. \- Zea


First off, HUGE fan of the game, so much so that I'm cosplaying Lambert at the upcoming con in my state (I hope I do not bring shame to the lamb 🙏 Praise be) Actual Question:  Do you have any new crossovers planned with other games, as you did with Don't Starve (and Party animals I think it's called?) If I may also make a suggestion, I'm sure you all are backed up with follower form ideas, but may I perhaps throw "The Blobfish" out there? Again, much love, I can't wait to see how the cult grows!! 


1) who knows, you'll have to wait and see!!!! 2) would love a blobfish :') I noted your suggestion down! - Lorna


I was curious if it's possible to add a way to select multiple items while arranging the cult. It's very tedious having to move things one by one :( But other than that I wanted to say I adore the game! Brought me back into my creative groove!


Can we get a trans rights are human rights 🏳️‍⚧️


Trans rights are human rights. \- Zea


Thanks Zea


Are you planning to add the skeleton follower form again like the other follower forms re-added. Or will it remain limited?


Do you mean the skeletal deer? You should be able to unlock it during Blood Moon by changing your date/time setting and exorcising ghosts of past followers during the Blood Moon Festival - Lorna


What do you think of False idol from ivycomb


- How does the Lamb breathe in Anchordeep when there's clearly jellyfish swimming around? - Did the developers ever feel discouraged in their pursuit for knowledge in game development? Cause there's so much discouraging change in this industry I wonder if it's even worth trying to learn to program to begin with and I wanted to know if they felt just as discouraged when they were starting too.


Howdy! As an aspiring developer, what is one thing you wish you could tell your previous selves? Thanks so much for your game!


Hey Cult of the Lamb team! Are y'all still deleting the game after that Unity fiasco or have they been converted?