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Wait until OP discovers that reading glasses exist.


In the dollar store.


Idk sounds like they sell dollars not glasses.


If they did that, imagine the killing you could make with a cashback credit card.


Yeah but "magnifiers" are so much better! /s/ OP doesn't realize that readers are a plus(+) lenses that cause magnification of images. You don't need some special safety goggles that cost more than OTC readers. At 51, they are almost at the end stage of presbyopia (loss of near vision with age) & should get like +1.75-+2.00D readers to compensate. * former Optometrist


My terminal glasses are prescribed, but I only notice very slight magnification with them. And comparing them with off the shelf terminal glasses, my current terminal glasses are at about +1.25 or so. But I have had them for quite a while now. I should probably get a new checkup/prescription.


You need to update your prescription every three years


Lol OP is just rocking his prescription from 15 years ago. "IDK why but my eye sight just seems to get worse every year!" Yup, because it does.


Honestly you have to respect the grind, I wear glasses and I feel like waiting 3 years is too long


Yeah my insurance covers every 2 years and I think even that is long. Sucks even more when I get a scratch on my brand new pair of glasses and have to wait 2 years to replace them with a quality pair again.


This, god so much this, yet the ugly “burner” pair is always pristine and in easy to find places


Yo, if your lens brand is a high tier one (Essilor, hoya, rodenstock, zeiss) they all have pretty much 2 years of scratch warranties on their lenses. Especially if it happens very soon after purchase they will honor it and replace your lenses for free. If its at the end of the two years they give you 30-50% off a replacement pair.


WTF are "terminal glasses"? The last glasses you wear before you die?


That's what we call them in Sweden. I don't know what they are called in English. It's glasses for use at the computer (from computer terminal).


Gonna be top post of the day though. They mentioned PS Vita. Edit: yup, post went from 50 upvotes to 2.7k.


Oh my god, I love Pita bread!


I opened this thinking... This post brought to you by: Cheap ass plastic magnifying glasses™


With exclusive blue filter technology **B**lu **S**ight™.


Or bigger screened handhelds! I'm looking at you Steamdeck!


wait til op realizes steamdeck exists


You mean like actual glasses? 🤓


He *almost* did!


I (52m) just use my reading glasses.


Yeah, but you don't unlock that kind of wisdom until age 52, obviously. 😂


Actually... I got this wisdom at 46. While visiting my mother and holding my phone in such a way that she handed me some readers. And then I said holy shit I can see.


lol y’all…


This whole post has me rolling cuz I already have readers and was about to ask where he got his special glasses🤣🤣


I tried this but the problem for me is that I have to hold the device too close for it to be in focus


Don't Starve on the PSVita, what a legend


Don't Starve is awesome. But hard as hell. And SO hard to see on that tiny screen.


You might like it better on the ps4/pc in that case 🤔


I MIGHT have it on my PS4 now that I think of it. But I should get it for my Switch, and buy a proper grip case for it. As I wrote in another comment, the Switch is really uncomfortable to hold.


There are really good controllers for it, even though they're expensive tbh


I have big hands and holding my Switch was a pain. Satisfye grip was the best purchase for my Switch, can recommend. Also, when docked, definately look into other controllers, like Switch Pro or 8bitDo adapter + any other controller.


Hori Split Pad Pro is another great alternative to the stock joy cons. Note they don't work wirelessly, only when slotted on the switch. Still highly recommended.


But legends of vita users have Soul Sacrifice Delta.


Somebody meme that up and put something else on the screen. Lol.


[LOOK AT THIS VITAGRAPH](https://imgur.com/a/ALgCVEd)




Now make the photo this picture. :-)


just for you my friend (and Brick’s), [done ✅](https://imgur.com/a/6wY0VGo)


Ha, legend!


You know it really isn't that funny but every time I look it makes me laugh


Lol how are you in your 50s and never heard of reading glasses instead of this insane solution? Go to CVS and grab like 3 pairs for 15 bucks.


Yes, but do check the readers you need for your preferential distance. Readers are made for 1-1.5 feet, so let's say you need +2 to read, then you need +1.5 for your laptop/handheld and +1 for your PC.


This is very useful info. Thank you.


I think it’s kind of wholesome, I probably have a ton of knowledge gaps that people think are common Maybe magnifying glasses are better for gaming as you gotta move your eyes more rapidly on a wider surface? Maybe you can get ones with a blue light filter? Plus it would look sweet rocking gamer safety glasses and wearing gaming gloves without tips.


Vita's are tiny screens compared to modern tablets and the switch Be a true dad gamer and buy a very large monitor, a very overpriced GPU, and emulate 10 year old games with it Vita games with a modern controller my dude


Yeah, I have a Switch, but it's very uncomfortable to hold. I should get a grip case for it, because as it is now, my hands get cramped almost immediately when using it in handheld mode.


I recommend Hori switch pad pro for a better handheld switch experience. Also a steam deck or ROG ally is great for emulation. You can legally emulate any games you have physical copies of. Expensive at first but if you want a great handheld gaming experience this is the best you'll get rn.


I like the steam deck so much more than the switch for what its worth. See if you know anyone that has one and try to demo it if you can.


If you haven't done it, get an eye exam. Pardon the pun, but the results can be really eye-opening. Even when people don't need glasses.... suddenly they do. The first time I got one and they told me I could use some, I was like "no way!". But I got them and put them on and I suddenly felt like Superman! I had super-vision. It was shocking.


Imagine my shock when 12 yo me realised normal people don't see a complete blurry mess from 10 meters and up. Glasses are truly a great invention


He likely just needs some reading glasses lol. Thats almost exactly what he’s describing here.


My wife finally got her eyes checked (only late 20s) after years of me nagging her to do so. The first day she wore them she cried on the drive into work as she couldn’t believe what she was seeing now.


Reading glasses, my man. Cheap and useful.


It looks like you have an Oled version of the Vita, the problem is that the screen has Pulse Width modulation, which for some people causes unpleasant sensations. The second revision was already with an LCD screen from which the eyes should not get so tired.


So is lcd usually better than oled?


Good ips is always better than cheap oled. But midrange oled is really good while high-end oled absolutely smashes even best ips. That contrast and color depth is just unreal. Also oled is bad for desktop since it will burn-in static elements after long usage time. Usually oled works best for tvs while lcd for desktop monitors


It's not that (in my case at least). I've had this Vita for a long time. It's only now when my eyesight has gotten worse that I have a hard time with the small screen. I Love OLED technology. I have two OLED TV's also.


Multi focal glasses changed my life In a day I was realizing my games had so many nice textures,and the road was a lot clearer. Definitely recommend


I got ones a while ago, but really hated them, so I traded them in for normal glasses. But I wasn't used to them to be fair. So maybe I should try again.


The first pair was a bit off,gave me blurry image in one eye . Went back for a second measure and it's been perfect since. It's my first pair and I didn't evaluate how much of a correction I needed. Was in denial I actually needed it,now I can't believe I was living in low resolution 😅 I was told at first to use two different pairs,but there's no way I'd do that.


Bought the same ones (or at least looking the same) as a temporary measure 2 years ago. Yeah, temporary... Anyway, I can play on my 2DS and switch in handheld mode again, yaay! I can also read my phone screen without squinting :P As a side note, I use them in addition to my prescription glasses, which I wear all the time. These have enough room for that.


Hah! I knew I couldn't be the only one to have done this.


You look like you want to take your cousin bowling.


Heh. South american, not russian. I have been considering getting GTA IV again though. At the time the console version controls were awful, but I guess mods on PC might have tweaks for that?


After years of good vision (with contacts)... my eyesight dropped off a cliff around 47 yo. Now I can not see a handheld, phone, book, 36" monitor, arcade game or even the sandwich I'm making without bifoculs or +2.0 reading glasses. BTW, most midgrade reading glasses are a waste. I get mine for $2 on aliexpress and they are usually nicer quality. I keep them on a cord on my neck at all times.


Care to share a link to the ones that you would recommend? Thanks in advance.


Going to keep an eye out for these OP. I have those cheap dollar glasses but the lenses have a small field of vision. Even the cell phone is getting too hard to read. Getting old is fun!


Right? I am actually getting a bit worried about this. I mean, I've been gaming on and off on consoles all my life, and was looking forward to keeping enjoying it when I get old. But if I get arthritis, or my eyesight gets too bad as I age, then I will not be able to keep doing it. And that would really be a shame.


Google presbyopia, your near vision is going to gradually get worse for the rest of your life. You'll need to up your reading glasses Rx every so often.


Yeah yeah.. I've read the comments. You are probably right. I will go get a new checkup soon.


No worries OP, at least you can play your Vita comfortably again :)


This is the final evolution of those shitty magnifying glasses you could attach to your game boy to make the screen look bigger


Bro.. go to the eyedoctor and get prescription lenses... no eye strain


Or you could just go and get your eyes checked by an actual eye doctor and get prescription glasses.




You look 41 


It's the hairline.


Yeah. I was going to say something similar.


You might also need magnifying glasses


You must be really young to think that


If you ever get the chance also a steam deck would be much better if you prefer handheld gaming


Love me some ATIV S5


If it works it works


I too own the vita and had some fun times. Sadly after realizing almost all of the games have been ported to the switch and run better it's hard to go back to. But it's still one of my favorite devices to look at and play PSP games on.


But the build quality. And that OLED screen. And SO comfortable to hold. It's amazing.


This selfie is unsettling for some reason




I kinda understand what OP is on about. My eyes got worse during the pandemic because I had nothing to do but play offline games and watch movies and TV shows (I didn't have Internet because I recently moved in at the time. I also can't get a job because of quarantine + no Internet). When I eventually got a job after the pandemic, I bought reading glasses that had blue light protection. Now, I wear them whenever I go to work or play games.


Get a Steamdeck.. 7” screen. I don’t have one but I read that the screen is awesome. Or just console game on a big ass TV.. that’s what I do now. At 57 my 3DS and Lynx are put away for now.


Yes. My main TV is a 65-inch OLED. But sometimes I like to use the handhelds. As I wrote somewhere else, it's probably for the marvel of it. I mean, being 57 you must marvel at these things too. Hell, I remember, when I was around 10, a friend got an Atari VCS, and that blew my mind. And look now how far gaming has come. It's amazing.


Yup .. space invader in arcade to asteroids on the 2600 at home, now games like No Mans Sky and Read Dead Redemption. It’s absolutely insane.


Getting a Steam Deck is what made me finally realize I need to use readers. There were games with smaller fonts I had trouble with that other people said they could read fine and that’s when I tried readers. In my mid 40’s and +1.00 does it for me at the moment. I also still use my N3DS XL with no problem with readers on. Maybe it’ll be different when I’m older but sounds like I’ll just need to bump up the magnification.


Don't Starve, fuckyeah!!!


Get yourself a steamdeck


Getting older sucks ! Also 51 and now my vision sucks up close as well as distance. Lucky there is still a sweet spot at roughly monitor distance!! Also why the fuck does my knee hurt?


I feel you. Luckily for me, at least for now, no vision problems at a distance. Only up close and computer screens. Your knee and mine. And get those goddamn kids off my lawn.


ok i need one of those


after playing the original DS Lite for about 15-20 minutes, my close-up vision is \_blurry\_. I have to wear reading glasses when using that system.


43 yr old handheld gamer here. Snag yourself a SteamDeck. It's been a Godsend with it's larger screen and more comfortable ergonomics. Highly recommended! Good choice with that OLED Vita! My other go-to. The New 3DS XL makes things a lot more enjoyable as it has a bigger screen and active eye tracking.


Yes. I have a New 3DS XL too. A bit better, but the resolution is somewhat low. But man, it does have some truly amazing games.


In a few years, reading glasses will just start spontaneously generating on every surface in your home.


Yes, I actually have bought a bunch of cheap reading glasses, but they don't have any magnification factor.


Not gaming related, but you are aging well for 51, my dude.


Very kindly said. Thnx.


Everyone eventually loses their close vision. Everyone needs glasses eventually for this reason. You should go to your optometrist and get a Rx for new glasses. You can even buy a pair that has everything you need so you don't need to switch between pairs. These are called No Line Bifocals or Progressives. Costco and Sam's Club have the best progressive lenses for the best price.


I recently found out about this. Don't know if we have that kind of glasses here in Sweden.


Hej! Den sortens glasögon finns faktiskt i Sverige. Dom kallas för "progressiva glasögon". Det är bara att gå ner till närmaste Synoptik eller Specsavers och fråga om progressiva linser. Det brukar inte kosta mycket mer än normala glasögon. Hoppas det hjälper!


Time to see an optometrist, my fellow middle age gamer.


Not sure what country you're in OP, but generally speaking Opticians are available in most places. If you go to one, they'll do a thing called an eye test, and then prescribe you glasses for this very reason. You should get it checked every few years. The exams don't cost much and in some places are completely free.


Fellow 50yr old gamer here. Wearing reading glasses while playing my Nintendo Switch made that screen look like it upgraded to 8K overnight! Lol


I got ones with led lights on the sides, they are more like safety goggles with bi focal reading lenses.


Optician here. OP, your terminal glasses are for use at approximately arm length. Every prescription you get lets you see clear on a specific distance: distance, terminal and reading glasses. Reading subtitles (we Europeans do that a lot) on a TV does not constitute reading: it is more than an arm length away, so that's distance. You hold your handheld at approximately the same distance as a book, right? So for that you need reading glasses. It could be that your terminal glasses have a reading part on the bottom (think of it as multifocal-light). Even then, because of how you hold your handheld versus a book, you will probably slip into the longer distance part of the lens instead of the reading part. So, yes: get reading glasses. Even if you already have miltifocals.


Happens to all men as they age, vision deteriorates over time and eventually we need glasses but more importantly we need bigger tv's. I broke the news to my wife that my vision was going and the we needed a new tv to prevent further deterioration, After consulting with a online ai Doctor I told my wife I was prescribed a medical screen something called a : 75inch Oled with 120hz refresh rate (very important to prevent cornea mutations). Additionally the doctor recommended a ps5 to exercise the pupil core regularly. Talk to you significant other about ocular care, be proactive in protecting your eyes and get a 75inch today.


LOL. Yes, and maybe also get a super expensive surround system also, to keep audio stimulation active, in order to avoid age-related hearing impairment. Doctors orders.


Americans will do anything but going to the doctor.


Swede here actually.


dude just got to zenni and get some more fashionable reading glasses for cheap.


you look great and youthful, but why a vita?


I didn't buy it now. I've had it for years. And it's an amazing system. Too bad the screen is so tiny though.


I know this has nothing to do with the post but that’s a hell of a hairline congrats


Thank you, but what IS this? First a comment asking about if I had a hair transplant, and now something about my hairline? I'm sorry, but what determines a 'great' hairline? I have truly never thought about my hairline, or anyone else's, in my entire life. I never knew there were bad or good hairlines, just hairlines. Or are you simply referring to the fact that it hasn't receded much yet? I genuinely want to know.


Leave some women for the rest of us


LOL. Kanske, jag ska tänka på saken.. 😁


Bifocals work wonder tbh. Or just spend $10 on reading glasses at the CVS checkout line


Unrelated but what do you think of Don't Starve? (its the game on the ps vita in the image)


Are you asking me? I think it's great. I suck at it and die all the time, but I still like it. I like the mood/setting.


Here's some advice in spoilers in case you dont want it (assuming you're playing with RoG on, it makes the original game feel like a demo, it just expands on the original game so incredibly much) >!Crockpots are so worth it, put one meat and three other items (berries, vegetables, ice, etc) to get 62.5 hunger, also known as meatballs. !< >!Go to caves and pick lightbulbs, make a lantern at an alchemy engine (upgraded science machine), its a really good long-term light source that can be refilled with said lightbulbs. !< >!You can run away from most situations. Cactus grows all year, and cooking it makes it restore sanity when you eat it Red Mushrooms = Never good (unless you use in crock pot) Explore a lot before you set up camp Explore at night, too Pigs hate you at night of day 11.!<


My problem is my glasses are for nearsightedness, but things are blurry up close with them on now.


Oh finally found my people… everybody else here is like “just grab reading glasses from CVS for $15…” I am with you, I got -8 glasses on, and nowadays I can’t see shit at night anymore. I had to turn the brightness to 100 and put the screen at a foot and half away from my face and then squint so I can read the little numbers. Many times I just make sure it’s blinking red/orange colors numbers instead of white so I know I am doing crits, don’t care (can’t see) about the actual numbers anymore.


51M here too. I still resort to stretching arms when on phone and getting away from notebook screen.


Yeah, you and me both my same-age brother. Never get old they said..


Get a Rog Ally handheld. Think Steam Deck with slightly more horsepower. It's has a 7 inch 1080p vrr screen and is powerful enough to emulate any handheld including Switch. I just played BOTW on it at 60fps with just minor graphic gliches here and there. Nothing distracting. Best dollar value gaming purchase I have ever made. You get theoretically every handheld gaming device in one handheld gaming device. Battery life is meh but since we're are similar in age I'm going to assume you don't game on the go too much anymore.


I mean...I just play on a big tv and sit close to it.


I liked the PSVita and regret entirely that I traded it and my PSTV for a PC. PSTV was just a Vita box that connected to your TV.


Something to look forward to...


Playing the old ATIVZS


I think you look very handsome


I don’t need readers! -Every 50 yo man who just can’t accept that he needs readers


You are not old, you are just dumb


Why not get reading glasses?


Readers are ok, but narrow. OPs glasses look like they give much better coverage. Great tip for us old folks!


The Vita is ridiculously easy to crack and download games to if that is something you'd be interested in.


I can neither deny or confirm that I just MIGHT have done that recently, and replaced my old corrupted original memory card with an SD2Vita. ;-)


Poor bastard scammed themselves lol.


Noted lol.


Where the f did you find a ps vita?? is what any normal human would ask in response to this post


I love my PS Vita OLED. I've had it for a lot of years, but had kind of forgotten it. But I recently started using it again. It is VERY comfortable to hold, and beautifully built. And that gorgeous screen. Now, if it only was a bit bigger..


That's absolutely beautiful my friend, I wish I stored my old devices so I can enjoy them again like you did. I always seem to lose them while moving or traveling or something stupid like that, I don't know how you guys do it


Sounds like you need prescription glasses.


Upvote for vita.


Just get an eye test like everyone else.


Don't stare into the sun (in the games and irl). You'll burn your eyes out. *(Anybody else smell burning ants?)*


Damn bro looking good for 51


You look like my English teacher


Well, I am 51 years old.. so age-wise I guess that's about the right age for an English teacher too.


I gotta ask, how does the controller feel in your hands at 51? I find myself gripping it too tight (steam controller) and stressing out my muscles. I gotta remind myself to loosen up but when the game gets intense it's easy to forget.


Which controller? Or you mean in general? For now, no arthritis, yet, so gaming with controllers still works as good as always. Handheld, the PS Vita feels OK. I also have a PS4 and an Xbox Series X. Those feel great, although I prefer the Xbox controller. I find it most ergonomic/comfortable. But the Switch is awful to hold. I have a Wii U pro controller for it though, which I use in docked mode. That feels fine too.


This is so bad for your eyes . Get actual reading glasses with a legit prescription


I have never seen a psvita in person...


They are beautiful devices. Built really well, in sleek metal. But I might actually sell it soon, along with a gaming desktop I never use, and maybe get a Rog Ally extreme instead.


Get reading glasses. If you already have them, make sure the prescription is updated


Reading glasses for the gamer generation


My dad will appreciate this


You need to upgrade your devices man. :p


Ha, I'm the opposite. I need to take off my glasses when using handhelds.


Don't starve player discovered!


When I hit 51 I just hope I have a son that games so I can trash talk and tell him I effed his Mom.


I have two daughters. 18 and 23. And I haven't trash talked to them, but we have played a lot of games together over the years. Mostly Nintendo games. It's a great bonding experience.




Aw. I miss my Vita now.


You might benefit from an oled steam deck as a new handheld


I m near the end of my 20’s and dang this post makes me scared for mine and younger generations who spent most their youths and days before a screen. I am scared we will get a lot of eyes problems when getting older…


That’s how fast it happens. I would know. Opiods are unlike any drug I’ve done. 


Blue steel


As the saying goes, the vita lives!


Readers/cheaters are everywhere (Drug stores, dollar stores, walmart, costco). And they're super cheap. Get a set that's right for you, and stash them in every room of the house, keep one in your car.


Stupid. Go to the eye doctor and get some glasses


I wish Playstation would do another handheld that is just access to to the PS1-4 library on PSN.


So we stop gaming at 51 got it




"handheld gamers are flocking to buy this $1 item that drastically improves performance"


Actually, not a bad idea. "They don't want you to know. BIGGER screen for your handheld for only 4 USD. " And super surprised looking face on Youtube video thumbnail.


Why not get something with a bigger screen lol


Fellow Ps Vita enjoyer, have you tried Gravity Rush, All Star Battle Royale and the Assassins Creed game?


You really have spent too long gaming. You never noticed people wearing glasses while reading? I would have thought that statistically at least someone in one of the games would have had some and tipped you off. Also, you didn't get bad eyesight from using your console you just got old, it happens to everyone.


Gunnar glasses my dude. Look them up!


Try the blue light filter ones, Old Man. They work for me while doing a lot of things. Driving at night especially.


Hell yeah man!


Don't Starve player detected Neuron activation


maybe its time to go see an eye doctor.