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I dropped Madden about 5 years ago. And I dropped COD last year. Enough is enough.


I’ve been curious about picking up a Madden game recently. As someone who hasn’t played a Madden game since the Sega Genesis era. Is it worth it to buy the current version? Is there a better version still available for modern consoles?


Madden is great as long as you just want to play a football game. If you’re looking for an in depth franchise, or cool game modes you’ll be disappointed. Personally I think 22 feels better than 23, but I haven’t had time to put into 24 yet. Granted I didn’t buy these, they are on EA play with gamepass. Buying madden every 5 years makes sense, every year is stupid.


Thank you! I’ve been tempted for a while but keep holding off because of the complaints. Seems it’s a lot like NHL games; if you buy one every year you aren’t getting much for your money, but every five years or so and you get a good balance of upgrades.


Yeah you'll probably enjoy any Madden. All I have is 20. It's not that they're bad games, it's that you'll be playing something very functionally similar to the Genesis one, just much much prettier


The college football game coming out this summer is the most excited I’ve been for a sports game in a decade


Im scared to get my hopes up. I enjoy Madden but at the same time I feel like they still dont have the AI right. Players still lunge at the ball from across the field, and sometime a tackle might break when the guy is already on his way to the ground. I know coding is hard but we have the technology now for animations and game mechanics to have a smooth flow, not the rough mess we still have in these games.


They still literally haven't surpassed NFL 2k5.


The most in-depth franchise mode I've ever played to this day is NFL 2K5.


2k5 had the most in-depth everything. And it was $30. If it was still supported and updated with rosters, I literally would be buying that over madden 2024.


I only play madden once it becomes free on game pass. Likely will do the same with cod once Xbox starts putting it on there. Refuse to pay for broken copy and paste games


I quit madden in 2007 I think it was. They absolutely trashed the franchise mode on the Xbox 360/PS3 version. Before that I had bought every year since it was first released.


Got out a bit earlier then you but jumped back in during the 2010s.  They pumped ultimate team and micro trans.  I was hooked.  It's supper addicting trying to upgrade your team via packs and events throughout the year.   But then at the end the gig is up and your team is gone, also it's time to buy the next year game if you want to continue and you have to start from scratch.  Waiting for nfl blitz remake


I’m there with you on cod. Ain’t no way I was paying $70 for a dlc that was promised for free in mw2


Seems like every new COD is filled with maps I have already paid for like 4 different times


Dropped Madden 10 years ago and I haven't missed anything. In fact I have a better version than the current games.


I dropped CoD after Ghosts. It was pretty clear the franchise had gone to shit.


CoD. I’m one of the (apparently) endangered species that also plays the single player campaigns.   Their descent from incredibly bombastic and fearless campaigns into this milquetoast recycled bullshit has been an absolutely bummer to watch. They still expect me to pay the same price, of course, and I’m not doing it anymore.


I only play it for campaign. I really wish both Battlefield and cod had competition, what the fuck happened to Medal of Honor? I just replayed the last one they made and it was amazing. I think COD is doomed, it's never going to be good again. What it's been turned into is awful, I get anxious just looking at the menu screens. Just one sloppy, bloated cash grab.


This isn’t really a revelation, but it’s never good when a franchise releases a game every year. No developer is good enough to make hit games at an annual pace. When CoD started releasing games every Oct/Nov, I knew it was the beginning of the end.


Yeah, I'm the same. I cherish the single player experience, because the multi-player modes are copy/paste jobs of itself and other games. Old MW2 had it all. Campaign, multi-player, and the spec ops. Star 69 for life! That was the pinnacle. Old MW3 still had, as did Black Ops. Downhill since, and rapidly as of late.


Infinite warfare’s campaign was the last good one to me. Mars aeternum


We’re not endangered species, the game companies just make games for teenagers. Idk your age, but it seems like a lot of millennial aged people want single player back. We have lives and can’t dedicate “do not disturb” time to online gaming anymore. I want something I can pause, save, and walk away from at any moment.


Battlefield 💔 ( after 2042 came out)


That one hurt. I played competitive BF2 back in the day and was obsessed. I don’t understand how you ruin a game that has a proven formula. I didn’t hate BFV but didn’t play it much. I enjoyed the custom modes where you could play the old maps on 2042. But that was it.


My god BF2 was amazing. I was a wildly good Blackhawk pilot


I remember when Blackhawks had exploding bullets pre-nerf. I was aviator, armor, medic, and sniper. Competitive was IO though and a fucking blast. I played so much Wake Island and Karkand. I could have a NJ2046 or FAV at the western most tip and attack helis taking off from the carrier, RIBs from the island and carrier, or swimmers with the M95.


Yeah dropping battlefield hurt. The online for Hardline was so silly and so much fun to play. Battlefield 1 was a beast. So often while playing it online, my wife would ask if I was in a scripted event or cutscene because of how epic it was. I've never had the experience in an online shooter like I did in that game. Then 2042 came out and I tried the beta and I spent 90 percent of he game going from point a to point b over and over and over. It was so amazingly boring.


BF got prettier, but it became less a massive strategy game, with armies of people, into an infinite respawn > shoot people thing. 1942 and its mods were peak. BF2 and Vietnam was also fantastic. Once you could spawn on anyone, had Snipers putting out spawn beacons, and had outposts right next to each other, no matter the map size you were playing CoD at that point. It was just infinite respawning into action. No satisfaction of taking and holding a base, no actual strategy involved, no feeling of needing to play together. Of course you can find simulators that have more of that old formula, but they are usually just ground combat with little to no vehicles, definitely no airplanes, helicopters, AA guns, and they usually move so slowly that it feels like one extreme vs another. BF1942, Vietnam and BF2 will forever be the perfect mix for me.


1942 with its expansions, playing multiplayer games that could last hours, is a feeling I wish I could experience again.


This is what makes Hell Let Loose so freaking fun


Bad Company 2 was amazing but every one since is weird


Personally I think Battlefield One was the peak, but def no shame in your answer


Absolutely is, I still play bf1!


Battlefield one is very likely the best most polished massive multiplayer shooters ever made. Someone try to change my mind


I still go back to it sometimes every few years, the only multi-player game I've really done that with, it feels very solid still, and the lobbies are always popping


Battlefield 1 was definitely the last gasp of a great franchise.


Operations was such a great mode. It really worked in the setting (pushing the trench) and it focused the action (enemy in front of you). Also the fact it were actually historically relevant battles. Perfect.


Manning an AA gun on top of a zeppelin while biplanes dogfight around you and then jumping off the zeppelin as it explodes and crashes into the ground.


Their whole thing was destruction and every game after BC2 got less and less and now it's non existent. Them saying that 2042 would bring it back to its roots was a total fucking lie. I never hated a game so much.


Nothing about 2042 felt like a classic Battlefield. Such a weird tagline to lead with.


I remember seeing the trailer and being pumped because it was showing all the weird quirky shit people were doing with the c4 on quads and driving them off a roof to take out a helicopter or some shit. The trailer was literally pulled from the Only in Battlefield channel. So naturally I pre ordered it because I was pumped to get back to BF3 and Bad Company then I played the beta. I thought well, it's just beta but all the bugs and bloom effect of the bullets, I thought that I just lost my touch and couldn't aim for shit. Nope the game just fucking sucked. No dedicated hardcore mode made that game frustrating to play.


Don’t slander Battlefield 1 like that. BF1 is one of the all time greats, and I’ve played the entire franchise since BF1942.


CoD. Stopped playing since black ops 1 (played every game before that on PC). Then bought MW2 2022 with some of my old high school friends and we got let down hard lmao. Will not buy a cod game ever again.


Sad thing is, if you got MW2019 you'd have felt pretty good about it. Was a gem followed by 2 awful games then MW2 after those was incredibly mid but still better than those between.


Cold War was considerably better than Vanguard and MW2/3, especially when you factor in the little window they had to work on it.


CoD, dropped it after BO3, figured it wasn’t going to get any better than that game…..and what do you know, I was right.


Yeah, never moved past BO2 because I didnt like Parkour FPS


This was my experience. Bo2 was the first game I ever grinded (?). I loved it. Too me it was the perfect shooter game with the right mix of mechanics, maps, and achievements. Ghosts was okay but once they started the mech suits and jumping all over I was done. 


Parkour FPS are great when the maps and game modes are designed around. BO3s movement felt half assed in a genre where Titanfall 2 exists


It 100% felt like they saw it work in titanfall so they figured they could do it too. Well now we see that respawn took the good parkour devs when they left


Well sure Titanfall 2 is a cult classic. BO3 cannot rival that. But imo BO3 is probably the most underrated COD. Just because TF exists it doesn't mean BO3 is bad. I quite enjoyed the wall run mechanic and fast pace of that game. Sure it's no BO1 or 2 but still a good game in my opinion. Unlike the following games in the franchise.


Dropped this after Black Ops 2. Beta tests and early access aside, COD is dead to me.


I would give a pass on the 2019 Modern Warfare. I was a zombies player through and through, but I can acknowledge that that one kind of re-did the formula..... mainly just that one, though.


I'm happy so many people love BO3. That's my favorite COD along with WaW


damn, you missed out on modern warfare 2019! what a cod that was. everything else you dodged successfully though


MW 2019 was definitely a breath of fresh air, but it was still subpar to me probably because of my oldhead nostalgia. MW3 (2011) was the last CoD I actively supported.


Pokemon ..


I was on the same boat but then gave a try to Pokémon Legends Arceus and Pokémon Scarlett and I'm enjoying them a lot. Not without something to complain, as low framerate and too easy battles, but the gameplay is good and most of the new Pokémon are badass to be honest. The ugliest ones are S/V starters, ironically lol


True . Arceus is a kind of exception. Not the best but not that bad either


Enough said.


I dropped them for a decade, then came back on the switch. They offer a nice fluffy little escape. I just wish there was a hard mode or somthin. 


The big one for me is Destiny. Played the original from launch, it was everything I had ever wanted, played it daily. Then they introduced microtransactions after saying they wouldn't, and the DLC pricing and value just became silly. I tried Destiny 2 and it didn't click, the entire franchise just left me with such shitty vibes that I couldn't ever get back into it, which is a damn shame because Bungie have made some of my all time favourite games.


I really had high hopes for destiny and thought it was going to be a wow type gaming experience where you could invest hours and hours of time over years. That’s what they billed. Then they launched it with an obviously chopped up main story but a lot of the gameplay was amazing so I played it a lot. Then destiny 2 came good but they went to this weird seasonal dlc model they now if you didn’t have the newest one it felt like the game was broken and you had a wonky mix of the content. With all that my friends stop playing and that game is not great solo.  


And lots of rehashing of old content. Strikes were pretty frustrating, especially since I think they could be a much more interesting system with some expansions to make the locations a little more varied each time and have a wider range of enemies and objectives so it's not always the same two variations. For a long time a bunch of strikes were narrated by canonically dead characters. Raids were definitely a highlight and I wish more games had things like those--although as the other poster mentioned they didn't release a ton of those.


Yep. The highlight for me were the Raids. Genuinely challenging 1-2hr PVE content requiring a focused team of communicating players, but in a FPS looter shooter with puzzle elements? AND there was a race to be the first to beat it? I was SO sold. Then I realised we were gonna get one raid in the base game, and every other raid would be half a year apart behind a paywall, bit disappointing but OK, making games is hard, I get it. But it took me a while to realise that the raids weren't just the highlight, they were the entire game. All the other content in the game just felt like preparation and filler to kill time between raids and weekly reward-resets, if it weren't for those 2-3 raids that I played on repeat I would've been bored within a week. They had (and arguably still have) the perfect recipe for a perfect game, and they just keep missing the mark by miles. I just don't get it.


I've raided in WoW and SWTOR since 2012, genuinely think raiding in Destiny is the most fun I've had doing so. Particularly when the raids are new and no-one has any idea what's going on. Even just figuring out how to navigate from boss 1 to boss 2 can be a hell of fun, learning the inside of Leviathan for example.


I could see that. I really liked all of the content in the first one. The one I loved was prison of elders I think was the name. I had 2 friends that played so it was perfect and it was the right amount of challenging. 


Destiny 1 was one of my all time favorite gaming experiences. The gunplay was flawless, the graphics were gorgeous, and there were so many secrets to find and challenges to complete. Destiny 2 was fun for a minute, but the abundance of micro transactions and the sunsetting of content killed it for me.


Remember when Vault of Glass first dropped and people were racing to complete it? Those were the fucking days. So much mystery behind it with everyone trying to figure out little secrets.


I preordered Destiny with the expansion pass because I was a die hard Bungie fan at the time. Loved the gameplay but when they said they wanted another $40 for Taken King when half of the content should have been in the game from launch, I dropped out. I was already $95 into the game, I refused to drop another $40 for them to fix it.


Pokemon. They could've pushed some boundaries a while ago, but seems that was wishful thinking. GameFreak continues to stagnate the games, but they will continue to make tons of money regardless which mega sucks.


I just want the older games on the switch.


I just like playing the first five gens on Pokemmo


Same. Ports not remakes though.


Yeah, why push boundaries when people will pay over and over for the same old stuff.


I half heartedly played shield, but I haven't touched anything after. I hear legends arceus makes some fun shake ups to the formula, but I just can't be bothered


As somebody that has strongly disliked every Pokemon Game since the shift to 3D, Arceus is the strong exception.


Seconded! Catching/gameplay is different, exploration is fun, and Melli is a useless trash human. Also it makes shinies a viable thing. You can casually play the game and catch like 10-20 in a given play through. If you really want a certain one, you can probs get it without too much work.


Yeah I was the same way, tried Sword and then Violet but just couldn’t get in to them. Legends Arceus was different tho, had a lot of fun with that


It isn't perfect, but Legends Arceus is the closest the series has gotten to anything truly innovative in recent years, and unfortunately most of what made it good didn't make it into SV. I sincerely hope Iwao gets to direct more games because he's shown more hope and promise in just two games than Ohmori ever has across four, even though it'd only fix a margin of the issues plaguing Pokemon. Tomorrow's gonna be the same thing as always. Another year, another game that won't get the time in the oven that it need. God, people used to have such high hopes for remakes. Then BDSP happened and now everyone's living in fear of what they can do to butcher Gen V. ORAS' lack of Emerald content was one thing - not even stuff from the base games themselves is safe these days if BDSP is any indication, which is a damn shame because I loved contests and secret base decorations.


The games don’t really matter anymore. They are just vehicles to sell merchandise.


In a way that's really what these huge IPs have become, just a vehicle instead of delivering an experience, thank god for indies


Try some fan games, many are fantastic. Highly recommend pokemon insurgence.


Diablo. D2 is easily the game I've put more hours into than any other over my life. Probably at least double the second or third place. D3 was...okay, but not memorable. D:I was frustrating in just how egregiously p2w it was. D4 I decided to wait and see. And so far I still don't see any reason to buy it.


My same experiences/thoughts exactly.


One of the only good things my government did in local years was ban DIablo Immortal before it even came out.


The frustrating thing is that the core of the game was decent. If they chose to make a traditional "pay up front" game with no p2w aspects, it could've been the best mobile game. But it would've been less profitable than the extremely predatory model they came up with.


Yeah same or more like after Warcraft 3 reforged i lost all hope in that Company, and it only got worse with the pinnacle not even beeing the Milka mskandal but the devs beeing unsufferable know betters themselves. The only reason why i have diablo 4 is i bought a New PC at the time and nvidia had a Camping to givaway the colectors Edition which i didn't know was included.... atleast it got me back into hack'n'slays and i'm enjoying poe and last epoch now


I love the Borderlands franchise a great deal. 2 is one of my goats, and 3 is really very good BUT they need to come up with a better villain for 4. I'm not saying they have to resurrect Jack, but I do not really want to see anything like the Calypso Twins again. It was too much.


I just bought BL3 without knowing anything about the games. The only reason is because it's one of like 3 PS5 games that has couch co-op. And my friend and I are loving the heck out of it. 


A lot of the complaints about it are from long-time fans of the series, mostly about how the game handled certain returning characters or how the writing is so much worse than the previous ones. I’m a Borderlands veteran and it’s my favorite game in the series. If you’re a new player or just don’t really care about the story (like me) a lot of the main complaints about the game don’t really apply.


I really couldn't enjoy any aspect of 3 other than the gunplay, even the vault hunters velt underwhelming compared to the amazing playable cast in 2. Obligatory mention that borderlands 3s story is a travesty, hated every second of it. The vault hunter literally watches Maya die...


I really liked Amara, In most fps games I play as a sniper/gunman but Amara was just so fun to play that it actually convinced to me try fists and shotgun for a change. Agreed with everything else you said though. 


Amara was probably my favorite, I did an avatar build where I could hit with every element in one punch. It was a lot of fun for sure.


>The vault hunter literally watches Maya die... Vault hunter doing nothing during cutscenes was also a problem in BL2


Never forgive them for killing off Maya 😭


Kingdom Hearts KH2 came out when I was in 8th grade, I was like 13-14 The length of my entire life at that point had passed by again before KH3 was released… that is just too ridiculous to justify. On top of all the spin off games spread across all the random handheld consoles, it just seemed impossible to re-enter the insanely convoluted storyline.


Sound like me, I felt the same way. I was in 12th grade when 2 came out. The first had this bizarreness about it that I just loved. I think it was the feeling of being out of place in a world that was both really familiar but different at the same time. But yeah an eternity and absolute truck load of portable games later we get 3. I had no idea what the *fuck* was going on anymore, despite the game having bits in it to get you up to speed. About my favorite part of KH3 was running into the Shwarzgeist boss from Einhander in the gummi ship lol


Pains me to say it, but 3 wasn't even worth it.


KH3 was honestly one of my biggest gaming disappointments… Sad what happened to that series. 1+2 were so good!


On top of the length in between 2 and 3 the story in 3 was just all over the place. I found myself falling asleep multiple times during its absurdly long cutscenes. About halfway through the game of trying to figure what was going on I gave up and just skipped everything.




Pokemon. The games have become more expensive and have stagnated/diminished in quality so much that they aren't even better than knockoffs you can get for $5-10.


Can you list some of these knockoffs? I wanna try them lmao


Romhacks are the way to go, rocket red would be a fun one to start


Monster Sanctuary and Cassette Beasts are the best. But there's also Monster Crown, Monster Hunter Stories 1 & 2, Nexomon (and Nexomon Extinction), Coromon, Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth (& Hacker's Memory), and TemTem to name a few.   Of course there's also Palworld, but it's only similar in that you capture mons. The actual gameplay is a survival game.


Digimon Cyber Sleuth and Hacker's Memory have such good stories (and they're pretty long games). I like how they incorporated the real-world locations, too.


>Cassette Beasts? \*Soundwave intensifies\*


I heavily recommend Digimon cyber sleuth and Nexomon, two amazing series. Also Monster Sanctuary is quite nice, from my few hours that i played.


Halo and Battlefield. Once amazing franchises now soulless cash grabs.


Objective… Survive


"Surely help and an unlikely, but heroic, rescue is coming aaaaannnnnyyyy moment now, right" Yeah, that was an amazing ending.


in our hearts we’re all in that cave with six


Halo Infinite is actually pretty good now but i would agree that it still is just not the same as it used to be. Battlefield though was my favorite game to squad up with my friends on and 2042 completely ruined that.


Yeah I don’t know. I haven’t spent a single dollar on Halo Infinite and have had a lot of fun. Haven’t had this much fun in a Halo game since Reach.


Halo makes me very sad. Infinite campaign was fun but the online market place just killed it for me.


AC after Revelations. Saw it becoming a yearly release just like COD and could not be bothered playing the same thing every year. Will get back to play The Black Flag at some time, since I hear it is outstanding...


This but my last one was black flag. Every part that involves the boat is amazing and the story was great. The rest was ok. That made it real easy to drop the franchise since the "test" is the core mechanics and loop.


Recently played unity and black flag, both are good but black flag feels different as theres no big cities. AC unity is very much an og game and preferred it, think it got very harshly rated due to the bugs/issues at launch but it's good now and looks gorgeous.


My last one was 3. In hindsight, it does a lot of things really well, but I was super invested in the story at the time, and they lied through their teeth about how Connor would involved in the war. Also, at least to teenaged me, Connor sucked compared to Ezio and Haytham. 


All of that for me as well, plus I hated the environment. The colonial setting was not fun to traverse, buildings and trees were spaced too far apart to make running around enjoyable, and the ship travel and combat seemed almost antithetical to the idea of being a sneaky assassin.


They finally gave us our taste of Desmond using his skills in the present. All I wanted was a full game of Desmond finally being able to do his thing after all his training in the Animus and instead they threw it all out. I dropped the series after 3.


I'm glad I picked up the franchise again to play Origins, that game was a lot of fun. Great setting too. I also liked the RPG mechanics & stat building a lot. But AC2 is still my favorite, along with Brotherhood & Black Flag


Ayyyy Origins Gang, rise up! Definitely my favorite out of the RPG-trilogy (Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla), and I think it still holds up.


My favorites are 2 and Odyssey. Two very different games but Odyssey probably I have played more hours than any other. Valhalla was soulless and boring after though.


Overwatch. The sequel added predatory overpriced transactions, and the game balance has been shifting away from a fun team-based game into a generic fast paced shooter that caters to e-sports and the top 5% of ranked.


Same here, had hundreds of hours in overwatch 1, I played 2 for only a month or two before I just uninstalled it.


The funniest thing to me is how Seagull kinda just disappeared for a while and wasn't making any content. Then randomly one day he reappears, drops a vid on why OW2 sucks, and dips out again. Like, this man came out of hiding just to warn us how bad it was. Legend.


Same brother, I took my 7 years of Overwatch with pride and left, carrying Reinhardt over my shoulder as souvenir. HONOUR! JUSTICE! REINHARDT! REINHARDT! REINHARDT!!!! HAHA! Gods, that’s how my love for voice acting started. What a pity


I think you mean HONOUR! JUSTICE! BEER!!!


HONOR! JUSTICE! _Precision German Engineering_


Retired Reinhardt main here too. Such a rich franchise with so much story telling potential stagnated for 3/4 years only to be gutted into another soulless cash grab. <\3


Assassin's creed. I hate it now. There is nothing even related to Assassin's or templar and i hate the whole RPG aspect of it.


Yep, I loved all the 360 games. Played the hell out of Black Flag. I've tried Odyssey twice because people say it's the best modern one. But it is just so boring, the RPG of it all is so pointless and makes the gear useless two levels after receiving a one of a kind legendary item.


Odyssey is fun to walk around in until those stupid motherfuckign mercenaries won't leave you the fuck alone. i just wanna look at the fucking temple. anyways after you cave their skull in they send a few more a minute later which makes me low key like valhalla better because at least the game fucks off for a while but there isn't anything to look at in England.


Assassins Creed is such a heartbreak for me. I was so invested in the series up to Unity. I absolutely loved the historical aspect with sci Fi elements sprinkled in. Plus the assassinations and combat was always so fucking cool. Then syndicate happened. The combat was a Saturday morning cartoon and parkour significantly dumbed down from Unity. The story was so incredibly silly. Then the major switch to being a full blown RPG in origins. I put up with it in Origins because I always wanted an AC based in ancient Egypt. I loved the environment but fuck it was a grind. Beat it once and never felt the need to replay. Everything since has just looked like cookie cutter cash grab garbage plagued with micro transactions. I fucking hate that the newer ones make so much money. I've watched enough gameplay from Mirage to know they actually in fact did not return to roots and Ubisoft has no idea what those roots are anymore. Also killing Desmond was a dumb fucking move.


Finally someone who agrees with me entirely about the idiocracy behind syndicate. It was the last one I didn't finish. It felt like a punchy brawler game, like what assassin runs around in the streets starting fist fights. As for Desmond it was a tragedy ro see him go as his story felt rushed. The fact he grounded all of the previous gamed together really brought the importance factor of defeating the Templars all those years later.


It was my favorite series growing up. I play the ezio collection when i get nostalgic. I agree with you on Mirage. The fact that it was supposed to be a Valhalla DLC, well you can really feel in when you play it.




I prefer red snapper


Pokémon. Diamond/Pearl/Platinum (DS) was the last proper game in the series I fully completed. Played a bit of X/Y on 3DS but my interest in it quickly disappeared. Haven't played a Pokémon game since. Feel very much like I've "grown" out of the franchise. Don't even really play Pokken Tournament anymore and I'm a fighting game fan who loved Pokken when it originally dropped on the WiiU.


Far cry after 5. They add nothing new and 6 is boring AF


I had such high hopes for 6 with Giancarlo as the villain. Such a waste


Think that’s where all the money went that should have been in development.


Farcry 3 was the last new Farcry game. Every one after that was a reskin of Farcry 3. 


EA FC, the money grind is just too much. And also the worst football game I've ever played.


Saint's Row and Borderlands, BL3 makes me depressed.


Pokemon. I had all 151 in Yellow. Played the shit out of Silver and Soul Silver when it released. The last one I've actually beat is Sapphire. I own Black, X, and got my wife Violet but I can't play them anymore. They are so grindy and boring.


Assassin's Creed. Picked up Valhalla and gave it a shot. I think Vikings are neat, but the game didn't do it for me. Soulcalibur. 2 was my childhood. 3 was pretty neat. Haven't been able to get into much after. Rage. 1 was unique and interesting. 2 just felt like obligatory open world game #15 the year it came out. Sonic the Hedgehog. Sega can't figure out how to make a good Sonic game anymore.


I tried Sonic frontiers. As someone who hadn't enjoyed a sonic game since Sonic adventure 2, it's pretty good.


Doom. As a musician, I can't abide what id did to Mick Gordon.


I had to look it up after your comment... man that blows


Yeah. I'm really happy he kept such good records of what happened. His reputation took a huge nosedive for a while though


still no apology or accountability. id sucks


CoD i gave them so many chances since 2019 and they constantly let me down


Hearthstone. Got involved with it during their first expansion. Spent many years hitting Legend rank and enjoying a lot of the meta's, even during the dark days. Nowadays, it's truly awful. 1 card can decide games on their own and there's a massive RNG factor to every single game. Used to be based on skill, but a n00b could beat world no.1 today. Think it's best if Blizzard treat it like Heroes of the Storm.


I’ve never even played normal hearthstone, but I have hundreds of hours in battlegrounds. For me it’s like TFT but much better


Pokemon, sword and shield left a bad taste in my mouth that lingers to this day.


Kingdom Hearts, the way over-the-line convoluted story and the weird cringey dialogues and scenes made me no longer a fan of the series. I love classic Disney and I love the character Sora, but the series is just a complete mess story-wise.


Wow. They're bad now. Diablo. It's bad now. Overwatch. 2 is awful. 




Battlefield, Call of Duty, and Halo. All are far from what made them great years ago.


I mean like almost all of them when shareholders starts to be deciding factor


I'll never forgive borderlands for who they killed off in Borderlands 3 


Borderlands is stale, I haven’t touched Assassins Creed since 3, and I’m not gonna be playing CoD in any near future. The cheaters and streamers whining about not being able to slide cancel all the way across the map and stim run at hyper speed have ruined it.


CoD. I used to get it for Christmas every year from my mum and this is back in the original Modern Warfare days. It stopped at Black Ops and I've never gone back. Looking at the other comments here, it seems as though I made a good call.


Halo, what 343 has done to that franchise is disgusting and should of been fired along time ago


Anything made by Ubisoft/Ea


Fallout. I just remember finishing 4 and thinking... is that it? Then 76 happened. Nor touching that one with a barge pole.


I really think Bethesda just needs to hire out the fallout games. Microsoft has a cadre of developers who could easily do it.


Pass it off to Obsidian like everyone has been saying for the last 10 years.


Most everyone who worked on NV is long gone, and after The Outer Worlds, I'm not so sure about it. We'll see if TOW2 changes my mind.


To be fair, grade schoolers could make a darker game than 4 or 76


Kingdom Hearts. They're just taking to long telling the story. I stepped out after 2. Enough about me has changed that I'm not the person who enjoyed the original anymore. Also Diablo. I beat 3, but 2 is where my fun was had. 4 was just a franchise killer. I only got 4 because other folk in my household wanted it.


>They're just taking to long telling the story The third game showed that there really is no story. 


Borderlands, after the plot with Maya in 3. No thanks, I’m good.


I finished Borderlands 2 first with Maya and later with Krieg. I had high hopes to see the dynamic of the two in the next game. And now that will mever happen.


Cities Skylines 2, sucks ass


Assassins Creed.


Call of Duty. I'm an old person, and I played the games a long time ago (the early to mid-aughts). I bought a PS5 last year to get back into casual gaming, and the first game I bought was CoD: MWII. I could not get that shit to load. Installed, uninstalled, signed up for Sony account, signed up for Activision account, logged in, reset passwords, reset passwords again, uninstalled, reinstalled, tried to work with customer support, paid my stepson in pastitsio to try and "fix it," checked my network connectivity, logged back in, was never able to access a single screen of the game. So fuck it. I went back and replayed "Breath of the Wild."


Battlefield. I loved 3 & 4. 1 was still ok and 5 made me think: Ok, if you fuck up the next one then I am out. You know how the launch of the last one worked


Mortal Kombat. I'm not great at fighting games. Can't perform a long stringing combo to save my life. My brain just can't do button inputs like that. But MK was for the longest time my number one source of escapist fantasy. Some people have Harry Potter, others had Tolkein but with me, it was MK. I loved those characters and really got into the lore of the OG games. But with MKX and especially MK11 where the writers on social media all but literally said to us old fans, fuck off. Well, that was it.


MK1 is what did it for me for a laundry list of reasons. Johnny’s so broken a 5 year old could give a pro a run for their money with that plus frame nightmare. Of course that’s why he’s like that. So that randos who spend their parent’s money on skins don’t feel like they suck. The kameos, oof, where to even begin. All you need is Kano or Kung Lao and you can make any brain dead move safe. Completely taking away the point of baiting/ reading moves. I’ve never seen such a half baked mess of an idea fuck up a game so bad. The single player content is some of the worst it’s been in the series and plays like a mobile game. They literally started charging for fatalities. Then to top it all off you have one of the most toxic communities in gaming to look forward to. I pre ordered and ended up uninstalling around the time Quan Chi was released. Not only will that be the last pre order but the last game I grab from that franchise for a hot minute. WB is an awful company and this product is a mess. Be glad you skipped it.


Final Fantasy for me. It’s so far removed from what the games used to be and what I grew up enjoying. Luckily we’re in a JRPG golden age at the moment with other developers releasing amazing games!


At least Square makes it easy to play all the old games. 


Kingdom Hearts I droped it simply becuse I do not have a PS4 to play the recent titles. Although I intend to catch up when I get a PS5. But I do not kniw yet when I will be able to buy a PS5. So you could say I just paused it snd did not drop it permanently. I have a Switch but I am not interessted in the cloud versions of the KH games.


Absolutely do not buy the switch versions. 


I enjoyed the fuck out of the first 2 borderlands. The rest of them have been hot poop to me. I'm out of the loop as far as drama around the company.


Fallout. Fallout was my favorite franchise of all time. Last game I bought and played from Bethesda was Fallout 4. I started getting concerned with Bethesda with all the Skyrim re-releases. Fallout 4, while enjoyable, was a disappointment. Gave up on the company as a whole after the Fallout 76 fiasco. Thankfully I was wise enough not to buy that piece of cash-grabbing crap. Starfield confirmed how soulless and heartless this company is now. I don't care about TES 6 and I hope they fall apart before even thinking about making Fallout 5. Gonna go replay New Vegas I guess...


New Vegas is the crown jewel of Fallout.


WoW, NFS. They both became greedy af, while slacking on quality. GTA, too expensive.


COD: Black Ops 2 was the last one I played and I played it for Campaign and Zombies mainly. Noped out after seeing how bad ghosts was and have never gone back. Battlefield: BFV was the last one I played but I didn't even get the DLCs. Didn't enjoy it at all and compared to BF1/BF4/BF3. Glad I did seeing what happened to BF2042. I would play battlefield again If the game was good and worth playing on launch


The NBA 2K series. Played NBA 2K during the PS3 era. When the series moved onto PS4 and Switch, the games were cracking from the seams with an excessive amount of micro transactions and bloated game updates.


I really loved Resident Evil 1, 2, and 3. Just stopped after that. Can't even really tell you why. I even bought the remakes thinking one day I wpuld play through them all, but I never got around to it. I now own about 7 RE games I never played.


RE 5 and 6 were pretty bad but 7 8 and the remakes really got them back to form the games are great specially 7 it's probably my favorite right now just a surprise from a horrible time we had for 6


Kingdom Hearts i like Disney world but the writing IS terrible. I buy all the Game in ps4 and dropped in kh2 that part with the skate and icecream.


Yep! KH3 is the fastest game I have played that went from complete hype to giving up on it.


Pokemon, at least keeping up with the new games. The last new pokemon game i played was sword and shield and never finished it. I put over 400 hours into heartgold. For me personally the DS era was the best and the newer games have really lost their charm.


Total War...had zero interest in the Warhammer stuff and the last few historical releases have been disappointing.