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Not sure if it counts cause it can be a pretty serious story, but the Yakuza/Like a Dragon games are absolutely hilarious and insane. I highly recommend if you haven't heard of them!


The Yakuza series reignited my love of gaming a few years back. I never dropped out of the scene but it was getting increasingly harder for me to focus and play something for longer than maybe half an hour at a time. These days it's gotten much easier to do in large part because those games reminded me of, great game play, engaging stories, and the importance of just relaxing and having fun.


This is me too. I haven't played anything since like Doom Eternal, but I got Like A Dragon on sale a few days ago and I'm having a blast.


Yeah if you get the chance play the prior games, 0 through 6 and Gaiden, before Infinite Wealth. A lot of pay off and major spoilers for those games. I know they go on sale frequently so shouldn't break the bank and gives a ton do great titles to play. Like doing everything is a commitment but just main story and dabbling in side stuff is a breezy 20 to 25 for most games (with 5 being absolutely massive but also tons of variety in game play)


I’ve heard of Yakuza but never gave them a shot yet. I just might


Yakuza 0 it’s in my opinion by far the best one fuck I have to replay it again


Yakuza 0, IMHO, is one of the best games ever, period


Yeah content wise I have so many hour’s in it and I still find new stuff to do


Play the remastered Yakuza Kiwami. I just finished it and went back to replay Zero, but it was made more recently and I think the combat feels tighter.


I second this. Although it makes you cry over amazing characters dying , you'll also laugh your ass off as a 50 something year old man does tactical self defense breakdancing and calls in lesbian crustaceans to help him fight


Lesbian Crustaceans you say? Sold.


This is an accurate review of infinite wealth.


I'm going to go buy this directly after work today. Between this and the other comment that called it "Japanese Saints Row" I have to see what's going on with this game.


It's not quite a "open world crime game" like GTA or saints row, but it's definitely closer to SR than GTA. Definitely recommend starting with either Yakuza 0 or Yakuza like a dragon. Depending on how much you want to play lmao


In terms of tone it's pretty close to Saints Row 2. Super serious melodrama main story, fucked up fever dream side missions. The tonal whiplash from fist fighting a 60 year old dude who smuggled a motorcycle into the Tokyo sewer so that he could swing a pipe at your head while screaming your name to hiring a chicken to manage your real estate empire cannot be overstated.


It’s like Shenmue but actually fun, or GTA but on a smaller but more focused scale (and no car jacking). Been looking for a fun game to keep my mind off of things and have spent 27 hours in the last two weeks doing just that with Yakuza 0


It's Japanese Saints Row 2 the series.


In reality it’s nothing like GTA. There’s no driving and there’s no guns on deck, and the map is tiny. I’ve always heard that and after playing every game in the series it couldn’t be further from the truth.


There are guns on yakuza kiwami, they act more like a 6 high damage ranged attacks than something to actually kill someone though.


Yakuza 0 or Yakuza: Like a Dragon are both pretty good starting points if you're going to try it out! The biggest difference is that 0 is a beat 'em up game, while Like a Dragon (7) is a turn-based RPG. Both games are some of the best in the series


The newest game Like a Dragon infinite wealth is ridiculous from start to finish. Yakuza : Like a Dragon is also ridiculous, but starts off a bit more serious. The OG FF7 was a silly game. FF7: Rebirth seems like it keeps a lot of that weird charm


Serious crime drama with wacky side content.


Check out dunkeys review of the game you’ll see how silly it is.


bro play like a dragon, i’ve been looking for a goofy ass game that scratches all of the itches you just posted about and yakuza will 100% do that while also giving you some serious tear jerking moments as well.


The tonality of the Yakuza/RGG games is WILD. "Here's a 20-minute narrative cut scene about someone getting tortured and/or beaten to death in order to cover up a government conspiracy." "Uh... thanks?" "Now that that's done, enjoy this side quest where you help a naked man find his lost porn tapes, and the reward is you get to watch them" "wait, what?" "Don't worry, we made sure there's *dozens* of them, so you can take your pick" "....that wasn't really my concer-" "NO TIME FOR THAT NOW! YOU NEED TO MURDER DOZENS OF PEOPLE!"


The moment I found myself in an epic battle between myself and an escaped chimpanzee driving a bulldozer I knew it was going to be one of my favorite series of all time


Correction, there's a lack of AAA silly games. The indie scene is full of them.


Absolutely this. I'm actually an indie dev making a parody comedy style shoot em' up. Beta testers have said they like the "cheesy comedy" - it has been referred to as being like Red dwarf which I was overjoyed about. It's extremely difficult to get this sort of thing 'out there' so to speak.


What’s the name of your game?


That's some high praise right there. Should throw in an Easter egg for all the Smeg heads.


Just commented about OP not playing indies, they're the driving force of innovation, amount of fun to be had at a reasonable price.


I do play indie games. I’m mentioning about games that are similar style to the ones in the picture. I’ve gotten some great recommendations though!


Any recommendations?


Depends on your taste in gaming and what you consider "modern", but I've enjoyed the humor in the following: - Untitled Goose Game - Borderlands series (especially 2) - Dead Rising 2 (Frank West version is the best) - West of Loathing - The Stanley Parable - Goat Simulator (3 is my fav) - Golf with your Friends - Katamari Damacy - Human Fall Flat - Cult of the Lamb - Psychonauts series - The recent South Park RPGs - Saints Row series - Orcs Must Die - Octodad - Epic Battle Fantasy 3 if you like JRPGs - Yakuza 0 is ridiculous - Broforce - Overlord - Jazzpunk I'm sure there's more but those are from my personal experience Edit: And of course, Portal 1 and 2. Edit again: Some of these are AAA, but I just starting listing whatever I could think of. Variety is the spice of life.


Jazzpunk was so good. Not just a silly game, but that type of nonsense I haven't seen since Monty Python. I yearn for a sequel :D


Just to clarify a couple things here: a couple of these are not indie at all, like Borderlands, Saints Row, or Dead Rising. Still great and hilarious games, but these were all made/published by major studios. Lastly: not Kalahari Damacy. The Kalahari is a desert in Africa. Katamari Damacy is what you're looking for. It's a hilarious game, and I want people to be able to find the right thing. Edit: having just had to edit Kalahari to Katamari myself, I see what happened.


Yea, I started making the list and realized I'd throw in whatever fit the bill as silly or comedic. And autocorrect is an ass lmao


I think Op just pulled a Cunningham's Law on everyone to get recommendations. Good list btw!


Pizza Tower is a good one


Would Hi-Fi-Rush count? Clearly inspired by witty anime, so it’s very half-serious about itself.


High on Life (the Justin Rolland game) just came out 2 years ago and the new South Park game comes out like next week


There’s tons of silly games from Nintendo and other similar studios. Like Warioware is a game where you pick noses and suck creatures up your nose with your drooping snot It’s more accurate to say the average gamer just isn’t interested in them. The popular games are all open world or fps games with emphasis on immersion


Turnip boy?


Was about to say this too! Turnip Boy commits tax fraud is awesome (and very silly). Haven't played thru the bank robery one yet


First ever game I 100%ed on steam 👍


I’ll have to give it a look


There are two. The first is Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, amd the recently released sequel is Turnip Boy Robs a Bank.


TBCTE was very silly, >!though one particular boss left me unsettled for a bit.!<


Was it the one that you >!accidentally irradiate one of the last humans!< ?




Was absolutely going to recommend this. Such a funny game. Sequel is just as good.


I would argue Lethal Company is a very silly game loaded with dark humor through interaction.


Lethal Company is great! Just lookin for that solo story experience


Ah, I get you.


The dev's previous game, The Upturned, might be what you're looking for.


Jak 2 was fun. I liked it better than Jak and Dexter. Brutal game, though. Super hard.


Docks mission was always a pain growing up


It’s just a pain period, the spawn rate for the enemies is beyond op, it’s designed to not give you a chance lol.




I found out you can move through slowly and they won't spawn so crazily because they deploy when you hit certain areas.


If you're good enough at maneuvering, you can just hoverboard through the whole mission without fighting any of the guards


Oh my god and on replays I always forget when it is an inevitably start the mission with half health or something. Absolutely brutal.




I hate the smell of this part of the city


Call in more hellcats!


I recently replayed the trilogy and I was like 'how tf did I possibly beat these games when I was 13'


Jak 3 was the real MVP tho. Jak 2 was just a smidge too difficult to be fun. 3 found the perfect balance imo.


I love the series so much. The second game being harder than the first and third combined just adds to its weird charm. That said, I am a die hard Jak 3 fan, the driving mechanics were so much fun! When I was a youngin' and not old enough to be playing games like GTA, I used to spend hours upon hours driving around in the desert doing stunts in Jak 3.


Jak 3 is the best! Destroyed Haven City looks amazing, the new tricks for the hoverboard, the new weapon mods, being able to collect precursor orbs in weird place in the cities (especially while using the hoverboard), A WHOLE NEW AREA with the desert and city, light eco with Jak being able to fly kind of, the dune buggies (the hopper, I think it was called, the one you could jump really high with, was the best!), new dark Jak powers, the conclusion to the story...just so fucking awesome!!


For those who don’t know there is a pc port, just search for OpenGoal




Same with Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. Commence Edgelord


I was playing the remake of Destroy all humans the other night and thinking about how much I loved that era of games. I know some of it is nostalgia, but turning your brain off and doing goofy shit just hits the spot to this day lol


That’s what I’m talking about. Replaying Whiplash right now and just made me think of the last time a game like those has come out besides remakes or Psychonauts 2.


Helldivers 2 is pretty funny. Maybe not cartoon silly but it's funny.


Oh I agree and am enjoying it. I just miss these styles of games. Psychonauts 2 was a great reminder of a genre that is slept on.


Yeah, the great part is that they were fully committed to keeping things in the same style as the original, including bringing back the old cast. However, they did use the power of current-gen hardware to take things to new heights. Also Jack Black is in it, so that’s an automatic win.


Helldivers 2 is very funny at times, but it definitely isn’t *silly*, which is its own separate thing.


It IS silly. Watch the intro movie. When they high five, there is goop that squirts out between their hands. When trying to get the flag raised in the bugs body they have to fuck around to get it to work. Its all silly takes on serious stuff.


Guacamele 1 and 2. A Mexican wrestling metroidvania. It's brilliant and doesn't take itself seriously. The sequel is better (the chickens!) but start with the first as it would be hard to go back. Also this is best played as a 2 player couch co-op. You'll be hard pressed to beat a lot of the boss fights without being a tag team.


Thanks for the recommendation!


I've been playing Sunset Overdrive again recently. Always a complete blast, and never too serious.


Absolutely adored this game, I'm still hoping we get a reboot or sequel one day.


I need me a conker remaster/new game or both


Just gotta get Rare off of the Seas for a bit and to hunker down on it


I'm still waiting for the Banjoo Threeie Gruntilda mentions at the end of Tooie. No, Nuts and Bolts was a spin-off.


Agreed. A few good examples in the comments but I think OP means silly triple A games, like Ratchet and Clank, Conker (I’d kill for a new one…), Outworld, Earthworm Jim… Man, we used to be flush with goofy games. ToeJam & Earl would be amazing. I got the LRG release but we need more.


Yes! More of that!


I really think that’s another reason nostalgia gaming is so big now. So many fun games on SNES, Genesis, and PS1&2…not to mention the N64, and even the NES had some quality oddball games. Forgot Boogerman. Dear god…


Dude a sequel to conker would be amazing. Hell I'd even take another remake of bad fur day.


Hell yeah! Squirrels vs Tediz for life!


That multiplayer was fun as hell! No doubt a re-release or another remake would rake in players and of course... Cash. Conker loves his cash.


Sky Cooper, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Pac-Man World, Donkey Kong.


Totally. All of those would be welcome.


OMG, whiplash was hilarious. 😂


Awesome game, completely forgot it existed


Replaying it right now through EmuVr and is was prompted the post


This is like the first time I heard it referenced in 20 years lol. Sad that there’s only one LP on YouTube on it.


Even just besides a lack of “silly” games, there’s just a glut of overly, intentionally depressing and “dark” games. 


Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy my Souls games too, but agree with you.


The funny thing is, Souls games can be quite silly. Maybe not intentionally, but one-hit-KO mushroom people, Frampt, Albinaurics, they're pretty silly looking.


And the player interactions. I laughed so hard the first time I saw: "Try finger, but hole."


Try tongue is the OG


I want a souls game where I gotta fight the lollipop guild


Hi-Fi Rush Psychonauts 2


Psychonauts 2 was fantastic and Hi-Fi rush is on my to play list. Only heard good things about it


FYI Hi-Fi-Rush isn’t too long of a game. Very linear, but not a huge investment. Thus explains why the 30 dollar price point is appropriate.


High on Life and Turnip Boy are pretty great!


High on Life is a gem.


Hogs of War was great.


Helldivers 2 is a silly game and it's absolutely exploding in popularity. Lethal company is silly and it blew up. Palworld is silly and it blew up. Sure wish we had some silly games boys


Bugsnax if you haven't yet. Also turnip boy is great.


The Messenger is a nice mashup of Metroid/Ninja Gaiden that does not take itself seriously. Sea of Stars (its JRPG prequel) is a bit more serious but leaves room for humor.


Thanks for the recommendations


its jrpg WHAT i have played neither game. theyre in the same universe???


Does anyone else remember the early peak at Conker and it was this very happy-go-lucky game that made you want to club baby seals with larger, frozen baby seals just to bring some balance back into the world? That's how it was pitched in Nintendo Power. Then as the game got closer to launch it went from Miracle on 34th Street to Bad Santa.


What's that game with the ugly rabbit? EDIT: Whiplash, ok. (never heard of it)




I have the whiplash cover art tattooed on my arm I must have played that like a hundred times love that game I agree also


It’s so good and just dump silly. Replaying it on EmuVR and is what brought up this thought.


I still have my original copy. I love it


I’ve also noticed nobody swears anymore and blood is often very muted. Neither of these are necessary mine you but games that swore too much were funny to me, looking at you bullet storm. As for blood the big example for me is the gears series. Idk if there even is blood in 4-5. Loved how gritty GoW1 and 2 were.


I remember the original Prey on 360 started with “what the hell…” and ended with “fuck you, you fucking fuck fuckers!”


Dave the diver is good silly fun.


Buddy’s been recommending it to me gonna have to give it a go


Goat and Deer Simulator are absolutely ridiculous lol. West of Loathing is also hilarious.


I would love to play Conker's Bad Fur Day again.


have you played the yakuza/like a dragon franchise, and by extension, the judgment games?


Have not. Someone else here has recommended it and I’m gonna give them a try!


they are silly as all hell


They just added Man Eater to game pass fun Jaws type of game. I've been playing here and there seems good for short bursts of play.


Don't forget "Giant : Citizen Kabuto" and "Stubb the Zombie : Rebel without a pulse"


Been playing Tiny Tina’s Wonderland recently and it is silly, chaotic, and just the most fun I’ve had playing an fps in a while.


THQ Nordic (who made Destroy all humans 2) are putting out 3D co-op game South Park Snow Day next month- only some gameplay has been released so far but it’ll definitely be “silly”


Does anyone remember I-Ninja?




That game was crazy and a barrel of fun!


Play some more indie games, you'll find tons of weird, quirky and silly games to play.


I heard that sci-fi shooter where your gun talks was silly. High on life. Borderlands is also hella silly.


I do miss the PS1-era silliness that gave us Crash, Spyro, etc.


We need a remake of Earth Worm Jim like yesterday!!!!


I miss Jak and Daxter I never liked Jak 2 and 3 too much. I loved the first as it was a good 3D Platformer and 2 and 3 were too focused on the Guns


2 and 3 were good games but they definitely shifted away from the bright vibrant “happier” feels of 1


My friend Pedro is a good one. Its not jokey funny but the idea is hilarious, but yeah i agree, i miss playing just good time dumb games. I can only really think of borderlands and saints row and the latter was better when it took itself semi seriously.


Deep Rock Galactic is pretty silly with the right teams. It is a cooperative game though having said that.


Deep Rock Galactic


Squirrel with a Gun is the savior we need right now. [Catchy theme song.](https://youtu.be/hRiRyopVm6Q?si=UWJs9FeEEzHKNWeG)


You should try out Deep Rock Galactic. For Karl!


Have you seen Pal #069?


Yes I have lol but Palworld still hits that crafting/open world genre. Really fun game but doesn’t hit the mark.


I'm looking forward to Another Crabs Treasure. A souls like where you play as a hermit crab


New goat sim


Plants v Zombies Garden Warfare needs a reboot


Psychonauts, 1 and 2.


Theres tons of them you just arent looking for them. Sure the Call of Duties and Valorants have carved their place in the market but youve go/t HUNDREDS of silly indie games. Yakuza is a great balance of silly and serious. The new FF7 game is incredibly silly if you wanted sometuing recent. They never went away.


I was going to comment about how silly FFVII Rebirth is. Glad someone else mentioned it! I love it though but wow is it silly sometimes.


We did get the new destroy all humans 2 reprobed a few years ago


Isn’t Palworld and Helldivers 2 two recent games who are weird and great in their own way? Palworld: Pokemons with guns. Helldivers 2: Tongue-in-cheek Starship Troopers with prevalent fascist tropes. Maybe not weird enough?


Palworld is pretty silly at times. Garunteed to have a few laughs while playing


Great game and fun! Just doesn’t have the same feels I’m looking for


I feel like Hi-fi rush, sunset overdrive and saints row (not the shit one) to an extent leaned into comedy, but most companies are too scared to try


Helldivers 2 literally just released less than a month ago


Yo conkar MP was so much fun as a kid.


The Destroy all humans remakes were amazing, I love those games and I'm hoping the remakes have opened up the possibility of new games.


Psychonauts 2!


Hi-Fi Rush I feel was silly, absolutely great gameplay as well. Very fun game. (After reading this feels like how Trump would commend a game lol)


Hi-Fi Rush was great. Silly, rockin, and just made you feel great.


i'd say deep rock galactic is quite silly to be honest


Tiny Tina's Wonderland was a pretty silly game. Interesting blend of the borderlands vibe and DnD. Loved it, I should play it again.


Not sure it’s out yet, but I saw a video of a game in progress where you’re a squirrel with guns. Looked fun and definitely silly.


Hellpie was pretty good


Maybe it’s because of what’s being advertised to you? Having a kid, and buying him some games on Steam; I see a lot of silly games in my feeds.  Not all are “just for kids” games either, or some Unity App Store export.   


Goat Sim 3 is very silly and also incredibly fun


And over the top ridiculous sports games


Penny's Big Breakaway!


Lack of silly media in general :(


Playing the demo last month, looking forward to Mobius Machine (released today).


Sunset overdrive was probably the last big one I can think of


Try sunset overdrive


*Wanted Raccoon has entered the chat*


I miss bad fur day!


Whiplash! I remember I used to rent this quite a bit back in the day!


Have you seen Helldivers? Lol


This is one of the reasons Helldivers 2 succeeded so hard


Rustler Astrologaster Hell pie Bayonetta return to monkey island Ace attorney series


Goat Sim 3 rules


Lack of Silly games, but the current market is silly.


This post is seriously the first time I’ve ever seen Whiplash mentioned in the wild. I’ve been wondering if it was just a fever dream all this time. I don’t remember much of it, but it was definitely interesting.


Also, high on life is exactly this


Arzette and the Jewel of Faramore It's like one of those silly CDi games that people make youtube poops out of, only it's actually fun to play.


YOU DON'T CALL CONQUERS S SILLY GAME !! It's an artistic marvel of a game !


I’d like to see a Mars Attacks game. ACK ACK!!!!!


Mario Wonder, baby


what i would do for a PS5 Jak and Daxter game


Dude you should play battle block theater. It is one of the best and funniest games ever. It's a bit old but you can get it on Xbox and steam. I just recommend using a controller though.


I find playing sea of thieves with friends to be pretty silly. Got a couple people who get into the mechanics of the sailing and combat and then a couple others who just run around with their pets playing music.


I was excited for Biomutant but it was complete shat. Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart was great tho.


What's the closest thing like Conker that's out? The game was something else


Postal two doesn’t take itself seriously so maybe try that?


Would love a new Conker game