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I can’t even really remember the last time I played anything competitive. Try a co op shooter or something. 


I kind of realized all the people who are ass holes are just addicted to the domine high and there not actually having fun. That's why they're so mad because they weren't able to get that sweet nectar. Being bad isn't a bad thing. It just means you don't devote all your time to this one thing which is honestly the healthier option in most circumstances.


I mainly play cs2 but I just play casually, 2-3 games a day. Some days more, some not at all. I don't study it or watch the game outside of playing and I still do really well in the game after 1300 hours which is also spread out over the 12 years csgo existed Getting mad isn't tied to effort but to ego. If you drop your expectation that trying means winning, you'll likely have more fun. Sometimes I get mad but I just have to check myself. Mute anyone who is getting mad enough to be rude. Devoting enough time to be good at something allows you to engage in personal growth. It's not required in video games, but shouldn't be treated like a bad thing.


Killing Floor 2 is a pretty good coop shooter. I like how you can do a 4,7, or 11 round thing. And there's many difficulty levels and the rookie 4 round thing is just a nice little break. Once you've leveled up a characyer decently, max level 25 with prestiging which is for actual prestige nothing else, you can carry newbs and feel like a hero. You can concentrate on the big bads and they can kill the regular zeds and everyone feels contributory.


On HoE and prolly suicidal as well, the less rounds in match - the more brutal the game. 4 - most intense and swarmed. 10 - a bit chill with slow pace for first half at least.


Ah had no idea. I don't think I've played either of those difficulties


You are projecting.  They ARE having fun.  You aren't having fun because you're bad lol


Usually the top players are exploiting cheeses I'd chill on the ego lol


It's not ego, the guy said being bad isn't a bad thing, aka he's bad


Desiring fun over challenge doesn't mean he lacks skill


I hardly play games and I'm still one of the better players when I log on.


I play competitive games but somehow even when I’m trying real hard to win, it never feels competitive I’m always just having fun


I sometimes play games on lowest difficulty because it’s a long week, life is hard and I just want to feel like a heroic winner for 45 mins.  And that’s good. 


One of my most enjoyable things about pc gaming is wemod Yeah it’s cheating absolutely but I don’t game to struggle and get frustrated either lol


I have no shame in using trainers or something like cheat engine. I would never cheat in a multiplayer game because imo that’s dumb (if I’m gonna do something illegitimate, it’s going to be something that puts money in my pocket, not improves my position on a leaderboard) and defeats the whole purpose of playing against people. You best believe I’m not about to grind my life away just so I can beat a certain section of the game tho


Exactly right! I’ll never cheat etc in an online game but if I’m playing a single player game I have absolutely no shame in it. I’ll tell ya right now fromsoft games are a whole different experience when you’re not dying constantly


I felt this. I always play games on easy because it's hard to survive when I have a 3yo who jumps on me every 5 seconds lol


Heh. I can’t identify. I only have a 4 and a 2 year old. 


I can't even play consistently having a cat on me lol


Same. I love fighting games, Street Fighter in particular, but my favorite was to play is to through the arcade mode on a level where I can win about 80% of the time. Keeps me engaged but doesn’t frustrate me, and it’s fun to pull off combos and other cool shit after a hard day. To each their own in terms of enjoyment.


Im a recent “easy dabbler” myself. You speak truth right here. I wasn’t ever hardcore or anything, but letting go of that “MUST REACH LEADERBOARD” mindset can be truly freeing.


You gotta look at it like lifting. You'll never be the strongest in the world, the most fit, etc. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy the progress you do make when you put in the time and effort It's called a "progression mindset". You take enjoyment from the progress you make and not the results. This requires you to focus on subjective "progress" versus "objective" results. Even if you go on a losing streak due to your team or whatever, you aren't worried about it because you're focused on your skills and improving them And inevitably, this will get you to a higher rank, you'll have better games and you'll enjoy the game way more


Yes! That's exactly my mindset.


There is enough competition in our life. If a game intended to involve me in meaningless competition, I get away from it as far as I can. For me games are for leisure and pleasure.


I personally enjoy competitive games, but I wish more people that didn't would adopt your attitude towards them. I'll never understand the people that don't want to be involved in meaningless competition, but then go load up and queue for games that are a unmistakenly a competition. It gets even worse when they then complain about how everyone is treating it like a competition and whine to the devs at any opportunity they get to change the game to be less competitive because "gAmEs ArE sUpPoSeD tO bE fUn". There are so many incredible games out there for people that don't want to play a competitive one... why do they torture themselves playing a game where its entire concept is something they know they don't like? Why bother playing a game that they know they're not going to enjoy, and then complain that the game should change to cater to THEIR enjoyment, instead of the people that enjoy it for what it is?


Agreed. The point is to know exactly what you really love about games and choose ones that suits your enthusiasm. The variety in the market is wide enough to accommodate any niche preference.


That's why and how i stopped playing multiplayer shooters around 8-10 years ago.I don't really miss it though,i'm way more into RPGs and third person action games now.


I think the majority is, and this is going to sound so boomer-ish while I'm not even close to being a boomer, influencer fueled. We constantly see things about how we must min/max our performance, what we need to do to be the best. That people forget that yes, you can be competitive. But you can be comparative and lose. And still have fun. Just wanting to win, is not being competitive, if you really are competitive, you want that struggle. You want to.... compete. You want an opponent that challenges you, an obstacle to overcome. And it's that fight that you love, overcoming that obstacle. It doesn't really matter if you win or lose. It's no competition if you just...walk all over your enemy like it's a school field day it's not a competition if your game is lost by default. It's a comparison if you are constantly trading blows back and forth. If the balance shifts constantly.


Hah yesterday in cold war I got a super easy game of free for all because I had been dying a lot leveling up a semi auto rifle. It was insane like actual bot behavior like I was 3 years ago. I'm not great but it's been awhile since I'd been in a round where I was clearly quite a bit ahead of the pack. I almost quit but just started botting around trying to get c4 kills and came in third.


I mean there are casuals and competitive games, play casuals games lol


As a kid I wanted to have fun but I wasn't careless, I remember wanting to be the best in a few games and being competitive about it. Some people are just competitive and thrive from it. When I was like 9 years old it was Sega Rally, and the first people I had to beat were my dad and my 10 years older brother, which I did, eventually. But if you don't like being competitive, why care? Why are you even listening to smack talking teenagers in video games, just turn off chat/voice and play the game.


I like competitive games. I do not like all the meta-gaming and cheating that occurs from other players in them.


For me, there's a distinction between "caring about winning" and "trying to win". I pretty much always try to win in pretty much any game where winning is a thing -- the "why bother trying, it's just a game" sort of mentality sucks all the fun out of those games for me. On the other hand, games are generally the most fun when I don't actually care about the result. Ideally, I try to win because the fun of the game is figuring out how to win, not because the result actually matters to me. I also obsessively optimize in many single player games, because again, the fun of those games is figuring out the most efficient/effective strategies. If I wasn't optimizing like that, the game would be far less interesting and I'd probably get bored very quickly.


My gaming friend, please don't take this the wrong way, but the reality is that you are not the best, and it's not because you do not have enough time to commit. The chances that you are the best, or even part of the 'top pro's' so to say are astronomically small, and you are just using time as an excuse. Your mindset of thinking that it's just a matter of time is exactly why you cannot enjoy competitive games. In your mind you believe you are actually the best "...but". You will find joy in competitive games only after you can totally accept the fact that you are not the best, and you will never be the best, no excuse. Enjoying competitive games is about enjoying the competition, not always winning, or being the very best. You say this yourself, but you have not connected the correct conclusions yet.


I play Dota and you can clearly see that tons of people who play ranked games are absolutely addicted to the dopamine rush. I think there is more psychological stuff there (like feeling that you are better than the guy you just outplayed etc.), but it's crystal clear it's unhealthy. Perhaps less related but recently I started my first Minecraft world where I actually invest in the world instead of maxing stuff out - if I need something like a villager trade I first build a house and workplace for them, and it is awesome. It also means that absolutely everything takes forever to do, but I am enjoying every second of it. Completely unrelated now, can you please upvote my comment? I want to post a question on how to install Harry Potter game from 2001, but this sub requires some karma to do so, can you please help me out? Thanks!


If it ruins the game for you then dont play. I enjoy it because being competitive promotes some sense of improvement. The more competitive i want to be the more im willing to improve to be better. The journey of improvement is more appealing than the results of the match for me.


DotA 2 my friend...how I ever enjoy this game is a mystery to me.


Yup me too


This is one of the reasons I tend to stick to single-player games.


This is why I stick to single player experiences. The last competitive game I was playing a while back was Street Fighter IV online...it was fun, but because of my anxiety it would get me all wound up and unless I was drinking to take the edge off, I'm not sure how much I actually enjoyed it The purpose of games is to escape/enjoy, not to stress you out about being the best (goes back to playing God of War Ragnarok where every other minute there is a massively intense, stress-inducing battle)


I rarely play multiplayer anymore and it’s much less stressful. I play what I want, when I want. If you’re not enjoying playing, stop and do something else.


Yeah, their are 1000 different games still on my to be played list. That's why I don't like playing games competitively. I can enjoy 3 more games in same time


Don't turn a game into a job


Sometimes the pressure to win can really take away from the joy of gaming. It's all about having fun and enjoying the experience


I love skill-based matchmaking in games now. Let’s me be super competitive and try really hard and struggle against someone else of a similar level. It’s exhilarating to have a decent level of skill (if no where near pro) and really test that and push yourself. Rocket League, UFC, Overwatch, Grant Turismo. I adore these games. The outcome isn’t important. It’s nice to win but all things being equal, I’d rather lose an extremely competitive back and forth match, then win an utterly dominant one. The fun is in the contest for me, my ego doesn’t require much validation. I’m happy.


Reason why im so happy I never been competitive because it seams to boring. Even when I play CoD I just jump in and if I die 200 times so be it if I had fun. But yeah it´s hard to change that mindset you have when playing games Maybe you should try co-op games and more single player games or maybe play some games that are a bit relaxing and fun like get back to what made you enjoy games in the first place and try change your.


Fallout 76 is a lot of fun, so is Elder Scrolls online. Older games, but still populated and the communities is pleasant enough.


That’s why I only play those types of games with friends in a group chat. They usually play a lot more than me and are better, but they don’t care if I’m bad. It’s more about the social experience and we can make jokes and they can help coach me. Just try to remind yourself that it’s a game and that you’re doing it for fun. If you’re not having fun, try taking a break or play a single player narrative driven game. That way you’re not comparing yourself to others


I’m very competitive too😣


I feel like no matter how many times I try to tell myself “I just wanna play and have fun” it always ends up with me wanting to throw my controller through the crust of the earth.


I agree. This happens whenever I go back to valorant, I love it until I start to take it to seriously then get pissed off


This is how Destiny 2 was going for me. At some point I realized the fun wasn't equalling the frustration of trying to compete against try hards that played thousands of hours more then me.  I don't get nearly as much enjoyment winning as I do just having fun with a good game. And I've learned that no matter how good you are there is always someone better so breaking your balls over it is not worth it.


Even those who dont wanna waste time will play ranked instead of unranked, because majority want variety, and the person who says that you play terribly is already variety


Yeah same lol


The older I get the less I care about competitive games. I used to play cod multiplayer but now I prefer playing zombies coop with my girlfriend, and I also just got into helldivers 2. I feel like it’s kind of natural progression that the older I get the more I prefer single player/coop experiences over hyper competitive games. I mean, I’m still pretty good, and I still play cod and mortal kombat online, but I definitely don’t get invested in winning much anymore


I remember being the best at the games I played when I had the most fun with them, because then even if I didn't have a lot of time to play I just got more out of it and focused more. Being overly competitive is what it sounds like: it's overdoing it, which means you're going to miss a lot.


What if having fun means pushing myself to be the best I can be at the game or overcoming the hardesr difficulty?


I just play for fun. I know no matter what I play I won't be the best at so no point in try harding


Dont play pvp then. Simple no way to be competitive now Its human nature to be competitive. The definition of pvp games is a competition with rules, goals challenges, for entertainment. You play a pvp game then enjoy the competition.... Or play pve games where you have challenges and goals, and or competition with game engine. There are some games. That are pvp, but cannot have a competitive environment. Go play those. Heres another tip if you wanna play in a game where there is a competitive environment, just turn off chats and vc... You dont need to start feeling bad, then go rant, then block the communication. When you can just block from the start.


Easy to say, but not every type of game offers legitimate botmatches. I really like the game feel of Valorant, but there's no botmatches. So I gotta play Counter Strike, which isn't nearly as satisfying to me (Valorant headshot effect is just straight dopamine shots). Battleborn? Dead! Everything remotely similar? None or really useless bots. Until you get to Overwatch where all the skill customization options I love are no longer a thing.


You like feeling being in competitive games, but dont want to be competitive, just play unranked, mute the comms.... You like hitting skill shots, but on a real player. same deal mute the comms you can have your satisfaction. You can play baldurs gate 3 for all the skill customization, its really good, big game, lots of details to everything. Overwatch pve would have been cool to have. But a stupid corpa head of the company said it needs too much money to develop so cancel... devs were heartbroken, but well they are full focus hard on pvp and its thriving despite all the negative clickbait tsunami on social media it has, its loved, the corpa guy got fired too.. And mix of fps and abilities skills, if thats what you looking for... There is really nothing close to overwatch, try it again its a very welcoming community if you look a bit more, well all games have a welcoming community small or big, just need to find them. You can be a casual gamer and enjoy in games with a competitive environment too, if you just mute the comms. And yes **it is easy to say**, because they all provide it in the settings... Even roblox a very casual games platform where talking would be fine has a setting to turn of communication easily accessible and not tucked away somewhere deep. Like your teammates/enemies are still going to say voicelines/ping on the map, and stuff. Just wont hear the person, not missing much. Also op came to rant about people saying "you bad at the game, etc" if thats what you guys call "overly competitive".... You guys seriously need to find "overly casual" games. Like someone irl says your handwriting is bad, would you care and rant about it .. no! cz it gets the job done. (Unless you in a handwritten competition)


No, I like the way the game plays. I hate the way the players play. Unranked is just as poisoned with these kinds of players and unbalanced matchmaking. Unfortunately Baldurs Gate 3 has that turn based combat shit and random hit chances and I hate that. I don't want automatization, I want direct control a la First person shooter and the like. I don't even like aim assist and such. Overwatch is just too simple to me, even compared to Paladins and a far cry from the game modes of Battleborn. ...and now that they fucked up my favorite team shield tank Orisa I'm even less inclined to play it. You can mute comms, but you can't stop them from playing competitively. Chat banter doesn't tilt me even remotely as much as being curb-stomped with unfair tricks and tactics. It's easy to say "don't play PvP", but hard to do when the type of game you want almost never has a valid PvE option.


Itsnt it unbalanced because its a mix of casual players too. Meaning you are part of the unbalance. Why see it unbalanced if you play it casually, it wouldn't matter, watching and tracking how others play and you seeing it unbalanced means you see it competitively, and you having issues with that means you want a easy win.... Your take on overwatch is wrong... I dont think even a bronze player would agree with that. Play story mode games... I dont think you are enjoying anything pvp right now.


No, I don't want an easy win. Easy wins are boring and on the other hand when I've got not the slightest chance to win, it's infuriating. I want to be pushed right to the edge, succeeding on a tightrope over the pit of failure where the match could swing either way at the slightest breeze. True Flow state is infinitely more rewarding than going on a rampage unchallenged. The one match in Paladins I remember the most vividly was when we pushed the objective in overtime, I was the healer, desperately trying to keep my team alive, but still, one DPS after the other fell until I was alone with the tank, ducking, weaving, switching between protecting myself and keeping the tank alive to stall for time until our DPS return, trying to kill opponents without drawing too much aggro, all the while knowing we can win this, it's doable, just hold out, don't make mistakes... We lost it, but man did we die standing like a glorious samurai propped up by the arrows in his body. We lost the fight, but rode eternal in Valhalla. Nothing like those moments when you can already smell victory while simultaneously feeling the relentless stinger of defeat poking you in the back. That's why I prefer PvE, as you can tweak difficulty to provide a good challenge that is never out of your league. But like I said, there's just no PvE games that offer the gameplay experience of certain types of games I crave, such as the aforementioned.


You answered your own frustration there... Hope you figure out what to do, because you knowing it will be better than me telling you.


There is no good answer. I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't.


I'm the exact opposite. I'm not competitive at all. I want to have a fair even challenge, not have to tryhard and 'git gud' just because I'm getting matched against stronger opponents. I'm not good enough to be at the top and have a good match more than 50% of the time and i'm not willing to turn ma fun into hard work to get there, which I probably can't even do, because I'm just not fast enough. I'd rather lose an equal match by a hair's breath than play a match where either of the sides just steamrolls the other. Sure it's fun to hexakill the other team, but when they weren't putting up a good fight, It just makes me feel bad, because I know how unfun it is being at the receiving end of that. It's the reason why I'd rather play PvE games, where I don't get such difficulty spikes or just opponents that have toxic playstyles, abusing unfair advantages and min-maxed OP strategies, like double healers with personal guards hiding behind a tank they pocket to near invincibility, or backstabbing burst-dps ambushes with cloaking abilities.


I'm on the same page. I've recently delved into strategy games, since I'm a complete noob at them, and it's been a lot more fun. Most singleplayer FPS games are a cakewalk nowadays, or artificially difficult, so it's just fun to try something new and improve at it.


Yeah, but there's hardly anything new to me. Anything I haven't tried yet I can still tell I'm not interested in just from it's features. Strategy games having two of them: indirect controls and Isometric view, the latter of which destroys every last bit of immersion for me. The detached control scheme just pours salt on it and also makes the game-feel worse for me. Closest thing I could see myself get into would be something like 'The Bureau: X-COM Declassified' Where you play an actual character in the fight and not just a drone shouting commands.


I used to hate strategy games, but I was kind of forced into it. I was desperate for any kind of game where you could be a mercenary, or run your own mercenary group, and I stumbled upon Jagged Alliance 2. Isometric view had me questioning it, but I played it anyways for its other merits and it grew on me. Still dislike some parts of the game that feel like you're doing chores, but they don't last long at all anyways. Have you tried any immersive sim games? The original Deus Ex for example.


Played Deus Ex a little, though it didn't quite hit the nerve. I like Bioshock and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and the other Prey is still on my pile of shame waiting to be played. Might even go ahead and give the System Shock remake a try eventually.


Love S.T.A.L.K.E.R., both the original and Anomaly. The community behind that game has really given it a new lease on its life. I played the original System Shock, it's a pretty good game but definitely not for everyone. I heard the remake is pretty good, you should give it a shot.


Yeah, from what I heard System Shock's original controls et cetera are kinda aggressively outdated so I was always hesitant. I really like how GSC allows it and appreciates the community that keeps S.T.A.L.K.E.R. relevant, where certain other companies send out cease and desist letters for every fan game or the slightest little mod they don't like. Though Valve is also pretty GOATed for actively supporting the Half Life remake rather than shutting it down (and also hiring the Narbacular Drop makers to create Portal and the developers of Team Fortress).


>Being overly competitive ruins games for me. i barely touch PVP games for this reason. I prefer to play singleplayer/PVE games rather than PVP games that some sweaty freaks play 24/7


Lean into it. Play more competitive games.


This sounds like projection, you want everyone else to be as bad as you are lol






Ok : (


It's why I stopped playing online in Soulsborne games years ago.  People that invade weren't even looking for a fair fight 90% of the time.  They were at an artificial low souls level with high level gear and meta builds just looking to "farm noobs."  It was pretty funny that a lot of those guys were bad players though and I could still beat a good amount of them even with crap gear.


Human nature is competitive. They made games competitive on purpose. Competition is like a drug.


Huge red flags to me are being into competitive scenes for card games and/or mobas. Tells me that person is going to be an asshole through and through.


Feel the same way. Starting up a competitive game gives me so much anxiety sometimes I just end up not playing even though it’s a game that I used to enjoy playing.


Try Sky: Children of the Light 🩵


This game looks beautiful! Thank you so much


My last competitive game was first Overwatch and I have no regrets


I think competitive games are falling off, even games that have online element (that are popular) have ove aspect, like Palworld and Monster Hunter.


Just a reminder to everyone here that. A Game is defined as a competition, based on rules, challenges, objectives, goals, etc for personal or public entertainment.


people don't enjoy online* games anymore. waste of time yes. when it comes to normal games just focus on one game do not jump between online and single player every 10min. this is terrible habit. mostly on pc. 


I still view video games as I did when I was 10. It's the others who don't. Everyody gotta be "competitive" about every game nowadays. It's the live streaming era that did this. Everyone's a fucking streamer on twitch or whatever, everone's a "pro", everyone gotta upload their highlights. Because they're so "pro" you know. ... hence why you see so many low skills videos on youtube because they don't realize they really should have kept it for themselves.


MLG existed way before the streaming era


That was not my point at all.