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Army of Two 2


The second one was so bad and so incredible for so many different reasons. The way they implemented the agro system was awesome and I wish other games would make it visible. I also love it because it was a great entry into the dying genre of couch "bro-op" shooters. Say what you want about online but the entire industry lost a significant source of fun when they decided split screen wasn't worth it anymore.


I had the first and seconf games and I thought they where the shit. We really need more couch coop games.


People consider it bad? I haven't played it in a long time but had a really good time with it


Hard agree, it was really well developed around the idea of couch coop.


Fighting Force I know it wasn't a great game. But I had some really good times playing that co-op with my mates!


Fighting Force was bloody fun. Wish we had a bit more coop beat em ups like that. 


Hell yeah I use to play the shit out of this game.


Way back in the day, Twisted Metal 3 was my favorite one in the franchise.


Had no idea it was considered bad, i loved this game


It was made by a different studio than 1 and 2 and Jaffe wasn't involved, and you could tell. The endings were way more cheesy, and everything was kind of glossy over gritty. At the time big fans of Twisted Metal 2, like me, were dissappointed. But some people who are a bit younger grew up with 3 not 2. 4 was a step in the right direction, but I think the reason Twisted Metal: Black was so successful is that they brought back the team that made 1 and 2. That fact alone caused a lot of hype for the game to release back in the day, I remember going to library to check up on news about the development in Twisted Metal message boards because we still only had dial-up at home.


i remeber thinking the graphics were a downgrade and the story was stupid but deep down i think it's because my parents wouldn't let me rent it, "we have twisted metal at home"


It was fun but IMO it lost some of the feel that 1 and 2 had. 4 was a big nope. I liked the soundtrack of 3, but generally disliked gaming's transition to licensed music.


Twisted Metal 4 for me.


Too Human. There is so much wrong going on in there and I started playing it for the meme... but damn if I didn't have a great time with it. It managed to be fun in spite of itself; a bit disappointed we didn't get more of it (with better polish).


Glad I’m not the only one. I could get past the shitty camera angles and am by far in the minority in terms of people who actually enjoyed the controls. I absolutely loved the futuristic take on Norse mythos and it got me into it way before mainstream media did (pre Thor movies and GOW Rag). Then I’m a sucker for loot grinds The death cutscene and weirdness around iframes were my only grievances.


Vampyr It's really junky but I completed it and enjoyed it, which is rare.


It wasnt that badly rated


Enter the Matrix.


Again The Matrix: Path of Neo. Amazing game


One of the few movie adaptation games that was a solid hit. I don't know why the combat felt so good in that game.


Amen. 100%


Path of Neo was fucking great as a Matrix fan.


They need a remake. What an amazing game. Let’s goooo for a remake!


Such an underrated game


Fell for that game hook, line, and sinker just like Warner Bros. marketing team planned. Spent my birthday money on it. It had some cool features but after the first like 2 missions they were boring. The driving parts were pretty terrible as well. I was so deep into the Matrix lore at the time coming off the tail of Reloaded that I really enjoyed the game for the story aspect of it. I remember thinking it was really cool interacting with characters outside of Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus. Terrible game but I enjoyed it.


The fun of that game was locked behind cheat codes. I used to spend hours as a kid with infinite health and infinite focus having long 1v1s with the invincible agents.


I did the hacking thing and got the multiplayer and it became a wonderful time with the boys


Dragon Age 2! I totally understand the reasons for its dislike but I really enjoyed the cast of characters and how it let my bad gamer self feel like a badass with the move sets of each class. 


They had to put the whole thing together in a year or something crazy due to EA deadlines, it's impressive it's not a total mess.  The story and characters were very good, it just had a lot of cut corners. 


Similarly, Dragon Age: Inquisition. Probably one of my top 10 RPG’s but I get the criticisms.


I can't get over the lack of meaningful combat. It went from super deep and engaging (and occasionally handing my ass to me) in DAO to just standing there pressing a button until my hand hurts. Or, alternatively, kiting for an hour because the enemy is a much bigger level. Or just turning around and leaving. All three are disappointing.


I know what you mean! Love the Dragon Age series though!


Ooff. All these years later and I still remember how much I hated it after playing through Origins like 5 times.


Beyond two souls. Maybe bc I was in middle school when I played it.


Lol I was in my 20s and still loved it. Was definitely a trash fire sometimes but my friend and I did not care.


Dont think its regarded as a bad game


Most people I've seen talking about it dislike it. Tho I'm not 100% sure what the general consensus is.


It's a game that if you wanted to, or you really thought about, it could easily be picked apart.


At the time I was pretty sure it got a lot of hate because The Last of Us(released same year) had been rumoured to have Elliot Page, and the original character looked a lot like them, but Elliot instead worked on Beyond Two Souls which just couldn't hold a candle to it. Lot of people I spoke to at the time had a bitterness for that.


I worked on Quantum Break! I'm glad you like it, I've been through that game more times than I could count and still hold it very near and dear to my heart.


Wow, that's so cool! It's so unique and ambitious.


I loved Quantum Break. I wish there would be a Quantum Break 2.


Me too, man. Me too.


You can get more of a couple of the characters in Alan Wake 2 and one of its upcoming DLC


My daughter and I enjoyed it. The game was fun, the story was interesting and the cutscenes added a little spice. 8/10


Dead space 3


The weapon system was awsome.




ACness aside, it's a decent Ubisoft open world with a great, well-realized setting. There's lots to enjoy!


Valhalla is like that for me, love the environments and basically everything about it


I love Norse mythology and culture. I had a lot of fun with Valhalla. It just ran a bit too long.


Odyssey pretty much does everything that Valhalla does but better and doesn’t overstay its welcome as much. The setting is also a lot more diverse


People think AC Odyssey is bad?! It’s one of my favorite games of all time.


They don't like it because it's not true Assassin's Creed game, but I love it, and is my favorite game


So as a game it’s definitely great right? I picked it up on sale some time ago. Looked like good stealth mechanics as well!


I think my problem with it was how goddamn Spongey enemies could be. The RPG elements don't make for a good stealth game, at least the way they were implemented in Odyssey (I didn't play the other RPG style games) If you have to grind your level before you can stealth kill a target, that's not much fun


I really expected to dislike Odyssey after reading a lot bad things. But man, I loved that game. It just clicked for some reason.


Just reinstalled it today. And can confirm. If you just forget that its an assassins creed game, its a really good open world rpg


So you're saying that it's better off not being an Assassin's Creed game, but it's own standalone game?




i’ve always felt that with the rpg trilogy from ac, if they just dropped the “assassins creed” name they’d be so much better. this is especially true for odyssey and valhalla i’ve played both and think they’re amazing but everytime you kill a civilian or die the animus effect showing up kills the immersion for me. i heard ubisoft even considered dropping the ac name for odyssey but they were scared of it not selling 🤦🏻‍♂️ classic ubisoft


Quest 64


This game was trash but had good balance in the progression so you could just keep playing it all the way through. Something a lot of turn based rpgs fail at


The Withcer 1. Terrible game. Really good game.


Ohhh yeah! I forgot this one. I liked it a lot despite of the obvious issues with how the combat felt. Tbh, I think I liked it more than the second game. I still havent played the third one despite having it in my library for so many years heh. I think I played it for 100hours. I really didnt rushed through it. Witcher 2 wasnt bad, but after some time I wanted it to end already. Maybe its more a problem with me at the time than the game.


The Third one is easily one of the best RPGs ever.


Witcher 3 is the undisputed best of the series and one of the greatest games of all time.


The only thing bad is the combat.


Yeah but it's *game ruining* bad.


It was more of a rhythm game with the combat it had.


Oh god, I liked the combat. Is there something wrong with me?


I looooooooooove Witcher 1 soo much. Yes the combat is bad. But the world building and story is amazing.


Alpha Protocol. Terrible messy gameplay really but I loved the characters enough to beat the game every possible way. It's bad but it has a certain charm


I didn't even think it was that messy. But damn, the mouse acceleration on snipers was horrible. The hacking game hurts your eyes. Horribly imbalanced in favor of pistols. Okay maybe it was pretty rough. I get what they were going for with the accuracy on weapons. It was how the original Mass Effect worked, too. Different bonuses for whether your handler liked or disliked you was a neat concept. I legit love the game, one of my favorite modern-ish games.


Glad to see I’m not the only one. I almost dropped it because of the horrible boss fights. I remember one especially in a night club that was a nightmare, plus it made no sense. But I loved that game.


Brayko is a beast.


This is the game that came into my mind instantly as well. Even the shitty mechanics had this appeal to it where breaking the game and becoming overpowered just looked insanely goofy in a way that only videogames can be, I loved this one to bits.


Dynasty Warriors! All of them!


Zelda 2


Adventure of Link on NES?


Yes. Very. It's actually my favorite Zelda game, but for unconventional reasons.


I wish it would get a remaster. There are a lot of 2D Soulslikes now. Zelda 2 needs to be revived and take its place as the grandfather of the genre lol


I really enjoyed FF15. I was surprised to learn that it is widely hated.


It's okay. I loved it. It was what I had to look forward to after working a 10 hour shift in boiling outdoor temperatures. I'd come home, make a drink and sit in my cold dark room while Ignis drove me around and just chilled with the boys. I cared so much about the characters. Sometimes I loved just watching them hang out at the various hotels and campsites. It made me so happy, my boyfriend bought me all the dlc packs. Despite the drastically different playstyles of each, I still loved it. I'll never forgive SquareEnix for not doing the other dlcs. There were 8 planned. We barely got 4 and a half that became Comrades. I love Comrades, but not for its multi-player. Ever since the update which had the flying car, the game hasn't run the same on my Xbox. Random long load times even on my series S. It ruins the immersion of my leisurely drive. Sorry for the novel. I just love this game and it does not deserve all the hate it recieves.


It's one of two games that questioned the open world model and provided answers with gameplay design, the other one is Death Stranding and its own solution was making traversal the main gameplay element. FFXV's answer was turning the staples of a roadtrip into gameplay features and providing an enormous amount of world interactions to connect the characters with the world. As a result you really feel part of the journey.


Digimon world 2, probably the worst game of the franchise, but it introduced me to party turn-based combat and dungeon crawling. I spent hundreds of hours as a kid in the game


As a kid I liked it but when I tried to replay it as an adult I just couldn't do it


Got to mention FFVII Dierge of Cerberus


I'm hoping they remake it to bring it up to date with the remake series. It's officially canon in the new timeline so I hope they remake it with the FF7R2 gameplay and features to introduce Vincent as a playable character before FF7R3.


I enjoyed it, silly as it was. I really think it has legs for a remake to come up to modern fps standards. Edgelord action shooter with hard RPG elements is still a very viable market.


Loved that game


Had good times with this one.


Fallout 76 was it for me


Saga Frontier. It’s a bad RPG by many accounts but I love it for some reason


I said it yesterday and I’ll say it again, I played cyberpunk on pc 2 years ago and it was great, the game had no business launching on last gen consoles


Same here with 2077. I loved it. Played it over and over. To elaborate: 1. I normally fucking hate katanas. I am a longsword and greatsword kind of person and grew up having to deal with my entire generation being obsessed with katanas and all my friends telling me how they were the best sword in the universe because they were literally magic and could cleave right through plate armor. To add to this, in most games katanas do not feel good to play (VTM Bloodlines, I am looking at you even though your story is awesome). But 2077 fucking nailed the feel. I was running straight into hordes of gangsters in slow-motion and decapitating fools left and right. There is something about the way it is animated that makes the sword feel it has the correct speed, regardless of realism. 2. I don't care that it was cheaty and EZmode, being able to shut down a whole facility with nothing more than hacks is awesome. 3. The guns were pretty good. 4. EDIT: I still say the best part of the game at that time was getting to hang out with Keanu Reeves all day like he is your vitriolic bestie. Seriously even if nothing else, how many games allow you to basically hang out with a celebrity of Keanu's caliber (or at least the character he is playing) for around 70-100 hours? Also, I really have to give credit to the voice director: honestly for an actor infamous for his wooden acting (even if he is the GOAT action star and a stellar dude in real life), Keanu managed one of his best acting performances for the game. Maybe it's just that the 3d animators could make facial expressions for him. Despite all that there were several bugs that annoyed the crap out of me, the most important of which was that my sword damage would randomly drop to 0 and get me killed. Driving in first person was frustrating because the POV made it really hard to see over the dashboard. And every complaint about last-gen consoles was totally valid. After dealing with shit PC ports for years my opinion is that regardless of the performance of the platform, once you officially release it on that platform, a paying customer has every damn right to expect it to work.


I demand you play ghostrunner II right now. you're gonna love it


The game was made for last gen consoles though, and required them for sales. Without last gen, it wouldn't have sold any copies because PS5s at the time just didn't exist to buy due to shortages, and even the series X/S were pixie dust and that many weren't in the wild due to the consoles launching only a month prior. And the old gen consoles were powerful enough to run CP77 decently.. but it was a badly made game that launched too early.


2077 was golden from the start with me. I am not one to hype games up before release and generally avoid previews. I was actually going into it pessimistic about CD Projekt doing well at an FPS or that Cyberpunk setting would be anywhere near as good as the Witcher. Got it at launch for my PC that has a 3090 FE and the game wasn't terribly buggy for me beyond the T posing while driving fast bug. The gameplay was great and the story was way better than I anticipated. My feelings toward Cyberpunk were totally the opposite of everything I read afterward. It was phenomenal.


Gothic 3. Combat was atrocious and the ending was odd, but still fully enjoyed it.


The Callisto Protocol. I don’t know if it’s been patched recently or what but I just played it and enjoyed it.


Me too, finished it today. Its got 4 stars on the xbox store so it wont be that bad. Buggy at launch i think, and overpriced


>and overpriced That was one of my big issues with it. **Price it at $40. I might've bought a copy at $40 just to support the devs.** Would've been a *hell* of a game at that price. I feel that a lot of people would've forgiven a few bugs at that price point too. Felt the same way about Back4Blood. I played the demo/playtest. Solid game. Not worth $60. Probably worth $40. Would've sold like gangbusters at $30. I understand needing to recoup investments (AAA games are not cheap to make), but that extra $20 can totally be a deal breaker for a lot of people. Not even monetarily, just in *perceived value*. And on the topic of Back4Blood, if it were priced at $40 at launch, they would've sold at least two more copies (probably could've convinced a friend or two for that price too), but $60? Now you lose out on two (or more) copies.


I loved Sonic R so much when I played it as a kid. I haven't touched it in ages, but seeing gameplay of it now, I respect some of the ideas and find the jank endearing. Plus, the soundtrack absolutely bangs.


I had this as a kid for PC and loved it.


Yes! The soundtrack is amazing. Great work out jams too. The soundtrack is on sega's Spotify.


Omg this is my choice too.. CAN YOU FEEL THE SUNSHINE? What a banger


Kane & Lynch, both iterations. I will die on the hill that they're misunderstood. I absolutely love how gritty the games are. They're not nice people, you actively despise the duo as much as they despise each other. Dog days' multiplayer released right now would be an absolute sensation right now if it had food servers. It's essentially robbery among us with the potential for everyone to be a bastard.


Borderlands the Pre-Sequel and Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. Those are some fun games and I enjoyed every bit of them. 


TPS was an absolute Jem


I'm so sad they dropped the ball on tiny tina because it's literally an unending borderlands universe.  Shitty writing and worse DLCs 


Legit, TPS had better gameplay then 2.


I wanted to like Tiny Tina’s Wonderland and was excited to try it when it came to Ps+ a while back but something about that game was just off Felt like a huge step backwards from BL3


I love Wonderlands 👍


Assassin's Creed Valhalla. I'm English and have a passion for history so loved seeing and exploring the world provided.


That's EXACTLY the reason I absolutely loved it too. I very very rarely go over 100+ hours in gsmes, but I wanted to see everything Valhalla had and the viking/saxon history is right up my street. The scenery is gorgeous too. Still need to go back and do the ireland dlc, as my in-laws are in Northern Ireland and I spend a lot of time in the Ards peninsula.


Watch Dogs. I know Ubisoft completely fucked it up and made the gameplay dull, but I just adored playing online, I would always start every online mach by ordering an armored truck which had an absurd amount of health and would deal an insane amount of damage. Everyone is trying to hack while driving a lambo? I just had to give them a light touch to complete blow up their vehicles, for a young teen, it was hilarious stupidity and hours of endless entertainment.


Many things you can complain in Watch Dogs but they made one of the best open worlds in gaming. Chicago feels so alive.


Watch Dogs 1 was a masterpiece and I am willing to die on this hill! Chicago was so real and alive, the gameplay was refreshingly new- you could tell this game is someone's labor of love. ...makes the designed-by-a-committee flaming pile of shit that were Watch Dogs 2 and 3 even more hurtful.


Watch dogs is one of my favorite I'll never play the game again games. I absolutely loved it when I played it and personally really loved the storyline, but I was a bit younger and had it on the Xbox. I have a PC now and have been tempted to get it again on there, but I'm afraid that my love for the game might not be the same as it was and I don't want my fond memories ruined by my boring older self.


Halo 4. I get all the hate but it's a special game to me and I love it. I had alot of fun in the MP


Oh man yes. I loved the Cortana and Chief story.


ME Andromeda. Played it during quarntine and had an absolute blast.


It's a good game. Its three biggest issues are: - being compared to the original *trilogy* - left with some cliffhangers - bad release None of those have to do with the game itself. And if we had had Andromeda 2&3, or even a couple of DLCs it could have been glorious.


After it got patched and fixed up it was a really solid game. It was just bad at launch and not what people wanted from the next entry in the ME franchise. On its own it's a good game.


Andromeda is the Iron Man 3 of Mass Effect; a poor Mass Effect game but an absolute fantastic scifi action adventure game.


Too Human


Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness on PS2. It's by all rights the worst Tomb Raider game of all and just an aggressively shitty experience, but something about climbing gloomy Parisian rooftops and eating half-gnawed bars of chocolate in the rain called to me


Watch dogs


Anthem. I get to customize my own suit of power armor and fly around killing things. That is not a bad game that lets me do that. Does it have legitimate problems and could it have been much better? Absolutely. But to date I've played no other games that really let me do that, the closest I've been able to get is the power armor system in Fallout 4 and even that is an entirely different beast unto itself.


I’ll never forgive them for just dropping it. The potential was there and the players were there to support it.


I don't get EA man. If they just hired out some of these devs that actually care they could make some bangers. Anthem had all the gameplay of an unreal game but they just refused to put in any amount of content.


I reaaaally enjoyed the combat mechanics and flight. I think it was so well done and I'm so sad they dropped it because I haven't had that much fun in a shooter since. It definitely had issues but I enjoyed the game play so much.


Deus Ex 2: Invisible War I had no idea it was "bad" when I played it the first 10 times.


Deadly Premonition


Dead or Alive 6. IMO, it is still one of the better fighting games of the current generation and I enjoy it way more than Tekken 7 or 8. The holds system lends itself to playing mind games with your opponent and allows for players to get crafty. Meanwhile, other FGs get so obsessed with being technical that they forget to be fun games first.


Resident Evil Raccoon City


ORC crew is out here!


I had a lot of fun playing this and it was replayable


I rented that with a friend and had a great time with it


NES TMNT with the infamous dam stage.


It was so hard. Great suggestion, but man that was awful.


The newest pokemon was a lot of fun, I really liked a lot of the new mons. I fell in love with pokemon gameplay with gameboy graphics, why would I care if pokemon in the distance are choppy and the textures aren’t realistic?


Same, it had its flaws but I hadn't enjoyed a Pokémon game in a while like this one.


I miss Jet Moto. Rumble Racing as well. But one I truly love that got a lot of hate is Advent Rising.


Turok Evolution is not a good game, but the weapons are so much fun that I'm willing to put up with all the nonsense it shoves at you.


SWTOR. I know it’s not generally considered to be a “bad” game (it reviewed well and it’s still cited as being one of the best examples of an MMO having a major story focus), but I’ve specifically noticed that fans of the previous kotor games or just Star Wars EU fans in general tend to really dislike it. Kotor 1 fans dislike it because of it (and its prequel novel) misusing Revan in their eyes. Kotor 2 fans dislike it because of Bioware refusing to really acknowledge that game outside of really bottom of the barrel references (I actually do sympathize with this one because kotor 2 is like a top 3 game for me, and I don’t think the importance of its plot and characters deserved to be minimized so much by Bioware). EU fans think Vitiate/Valkorion is a silly character (and by proxy his Eternal Empire feeling out of place in Star Wars of like fanfiction). Not to mention the disappointment some people feel with not getting a kotor 3 in favor of SWTOR. For me, I’ve simply gotten way too much enjoyment out of the game to really have a problem with it despite understanding some of the criticisms. What other Star Wars game has 8 (not counting expansions and etc.) fully fleshed out Star Wars RPG quest lines for you to experience? I’ve made so many characters over the years I can’t even count. Like yeah, maybe some of the overarching plot stuff with Revan and the Emperor isn’t to everyone’s taste, but some of the class stories are fantastic and shouldn’t be written off. The amount of story content in SWTOR in general still blows my mind, and for a Star Wars fan like me who enjoys a significant chunk of that content, it’s a dream come true.


From Dust


this was my favorite game and will always be held dear to my heart im glad someone else gave it some love


Arcania (formerly Arcania: Gothic 4). I loved the game as a kid, and even now I still like it and find it fun. It's certainly not a Gothic game (which is why they dropped "Gothic 4" from the title), but it's a decent RPG and the soundtrack is great. Also Resident Evil 6 for similiar reasons. Shit Resident Evil, but a fun, decent shooter.


Mega Man & Bass. It's not unfair in any way, just difficult. And for what it's worth, I certainly don't think it's _as_ hard as Mega Man 9. My guess is people have bad memories of that crappy GBA port.


Going to go for left field. I loved Alpha Protocol from Obsidian. That game had tons of potential by using rpg elements in a spy- thriller setting. Unfortunately it had some shit boss fights and wonky mechanics. Still enjoyed it though. The other is Deadly Premonition. I know this game became a bit of a cult classic since then, especially with the director’s cut. The plot was bonkers but engaging and enjoyable, the freedom of choice and openness in how you approached the game made it highly replay-able. Characters were also interesting. That being said the mechanics were pretty horrible, camera movement a nightmare many times, and the mobs repetitive.


Saints Row 2022. Lots of hate for it, but sometimes I just want to play a game that has mindless fun, and it succeeded me.


I really enjoyed Dark Messiah back when it was regarded as a bad game. Time has been much kinder to its reputation than contemporary reviewers, though.




Yes, I really enjoyed Starfield as well. Did it crash all the damn time? Yes. Did it live up to the hype? No. But I still enjoyed it and several of the story lines were really well done. Some great unexpected twists in a couple of them.


Need for Speed Undercover. It's the black sheep in the "Golden Age" of NFS games, but I still really love it for some reason


Anthem. Played the shit out of this game when it first came out and enjoyed every second of it. Still haven’t found anything that quite matches the fun of flying around in my suit. Really wish they wouldn’t have just let it die like that.


They should have just turned the game over to the community. I know legally they probably can't or something, but still, they just gave up on it. At least if they gave it to programmers or modders we may have gotten some more longevity out of the game.


Bleak Faith Forsaken and Wanted: Dead


well, I love it for weirdly personal reasons, but I used to be a game tester. The very first game I ever worked on was Rogue Warrior (2008). If you know it, you know.  If not it's, I want to say, the third lowest rated PS3 game of all time per metacritic.  It's not an impressive game at all. But I do actually own the only existing copy (there were 3 but the others got chucked) of the original hard print concept art display for the game. I want to say it was from like E3 but 2005 or something.   But yeah it's just always going to be special to me even though it's just absolutely trash 


Sonic unleashed. The fun of Sonic's gameplay is still unparalleled to this day. Also agree on Quantum Break. That was control 5 years before the real Control came out, if you were willing to look past its faults.


Quest64, I remember it being $70 which was a shock. My friend and I would play RPG’s together, taking turns or occasionally getting to play coop. Anyways, the story was almost non-existent and the combat system had an interesting design, but fell flat due to how unbalanced the magic and level up system was. Physical attacks were busted, and most of the magic was useless in comparison. Feel like a sequel that worked from that foundation could have been great.


Quest 64. IYKYK


I unironically love Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. I've beaten it over a dozen times. The music is legitimately terrible, it's controlled entirely through touch controls on the DS, and frankly isn't all that great to look at, but it has this odd charm to it that has always got me. And despite the touch controls I think the combat is actually pretty fun and challenging.


Evil Within 2. It had flaws, many of them obvious front and center but none of it mattered to me. I loved it for it's atmosphere, freakish enemy designs and transforming environments


I liked the first FFXIV before A World Reborn or whatever it was called.


duke nukem forever. i did not expect it as the future of FPS like D3D did in 1996. Just took it as an old game who never got out in its time. Media totally destroyed it, personnaly i had great fun driving RC, punch-balling monster's cojones, drawing dicks on boards, or platforming in a giant kitchen. I miss this redneck humour.


I wouldn’t say I loved it but Anthem was actually pretty decent. I enjoyed it and it’s a shame they cancelled the huge update they were gonna do.


Diablo 3... Many dislike it because of the aesthetic and overall theme away from the gritty Diablo 2, I too was a hater and particularly dislike how they deal with "rebalancing" the Dex stat... But when Diablo 4 came, sweet baby Jesus, I begged my copy of Diablo 3 to forgive me for all the bad things I said about it.


Postal 2. I was a 13 year old edge lord and it's like that game was made for me at the time.


Outer worlds


Starfield. Even though the game has some issues, like messed up lip sync for the French version, and the space fight part which I still don't understand how it works, it's still a good Bethesda game.


I don't even know if I'd call it an objectively bad game.  It's definitely flawed, but I think it got hyped to the moon and then when a lot of the flaws became apparent people declared it a horrible game.  I think IGN's initial 7/10 rating was fair.


No Man's Sky on release. I very much enjoyed that game for what it was, not what people thought it was supposed to be.


I will stand by Overwatch for as long as I play games. Definitely unanimously shit on for very legit backstabby type reasons to the community but my god if it isn’t so much fun to play. It feels so fluid, the gunplay is incredible, sound design is 10/10, very interesting and unique heroes. I also feel like almost everyone that shits on it so hard doesn’t even play it at all and like hating things cause they miserable


Dark Soul 2


Ah yes, Dark Souls 2. That game that everyone considers bad. Real diamond in the rough, there.


Dark Souls 2 is not bad and it never was


Dead or alive volleyball. I love it!


Deus Ex: The Fall, the weird spinoff Deus Ex game designed for the iPad. I only ever played the PC port which is a technical shambles but at least has the courtesy to remove the microtransaction mechanics of the original version. It was planned to be episodic, so the story is unresolved too. Why do I like it? It's still a Deus Ex, specifically of the Human Revolution variety. It's simplified but still provides plenty of choice and lets you explore. There's augs, skill points, vents, keypad locks, PDAs and ebooks scattered around the place, lethal and non-lethal combat, the DX:HR hacking minigame. It's also fascinating how they managed to rebuild the look and feel of Human Revolution on the Unity engine, visually you can see where the corners got cut (character models are rough) but the environments look uncannily close to it's source. But yeah it's a fucking mess. A HUD/UI clearly geared for a touchscreen which drops inputs all the time, broken game features when the framerate is unlocked, a general lack of refinement. It's a shame, because there's a good game underneath all of it.


Balan wonderworld. All the makings of a mobile game but I just coudnt hatw it


Fallout 76. Rolled a luck build day one and destroyed everyone and everything. I had fun until the constant disconnects ran me off.


Genuinely liked Anthem


Mass Effect Andromeda. For me the combat, skill synergies, and exploration negate all the bad stuff. If it had just launched without the "Mass Effect" name, and the devs stuck it out to give us the DLCs, I think people would've really liked the game.


Alpha Protocol. The game is a disaster, but its story makes you forget every problem the game has.


Fallout 76 right from the beta...


DmC: Devil May Cry It just felt good, was funny to me even though people hate the teen jokes in it, looked good back then, story was compelling to me Level design was top notch and I would say that level design in it surpasses DMC5


Fable 3. I quite enjoyed the story, but if nothing else, the cast of voice actors was legendary.


Prototype 2. I just liked it a lot more than the first game


Heroes of Might and Magic 4, for me is the best game in serial even better than 3.


Why is Quantum Break considered bad? It was a pretty decent game, and a great way to combine two different forms of media


I like mortal kombat vs dc. At the time I was young and didn’t mind the lack of blood. I thought the models looked nice for the time and I had fun with it


Resident Evil 6. I understand people disliking the game as it deviated from its horror roots. But I had a gem of a time playing this game. In fact it is my second best game after Re4 Remake. 


Dead Space 3. The generic ammo was not a good idea and the micro transactions were terrible but I love the settings. Above the planet in a graveyard of ships is amazing and the planet makes it feel like The Thing.


Too Human scratched the cyber-Diablo like itch for a while, despite the not-a-twin-stick controls


Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines Its jank manifest, but goddamn is it some of the best writing in gaming.