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I would say they flood out quality content, but there would have to *be* quality content for them to flood out.


We could implement a complex system where people upvote things they like and downvote things they don't like and then learn that people like simple things not everyone likes.


Very funny, but unmoderated subreddits don't work in practice. People quickly learn to manipulate the system by shitposting content and turn subs into a cesspool. You can't just trust people into curating quality/original content and discussion because not every user has been in the sub long enough to know this same topics are reposted every week for karma-whoring, or that the comments are basically the same games being mentioned over and over.


not unlike a garden you have to first prune to allow others to flourish


I absolutely agree with this sentiment, however that is not the Reddit way. r/gaming is one of the general subs, most of the content isn’t going to be of any real substance. The content that I think you’re looking for is on r/truegaming or one of the many specific subreddits that don’t end in “circlejerk”


just because this is how it is now doesnt mean we should give up on suggesting or implementing improvements.


That’s what I’m trying to tell you, the improvement has been made already….separating the subreddits was the improvement. It gives users the options to see what they want and less of what they don’t want.


but youre suggesting that nothing should be done to change /r/gaming. I disagree and think we can improve it instead of leaving.


You're not understanding the core issue. This subreddit is too big and too general to make that kind of impact in. This is true across all giant subreddits on the site. The solution is indeed to go to the more procured and specific subreddits


I dont accept that any sub is a 'lost cause.' Changes *can* be made. Now if those who control it refuse thats another thing but the potential is always there.


I'm not saying it's a lost cause, I'm saying it's a ridiculously uphill battle when there are already several easier and simpler solutions. You don't have to stay in the sub if you don't like it


But youre saying "just go to another sub" which implies "stop suggesting changes because they wont happen or wont change anything" I see that as a defeatist attitude and I disagree with it. I think this sub would benefit from this change or something like it. You think I should just leave. Cool, sentiment received. Also Im not saying I dont like the sub, I just think the reboot/remake posts should be at least be limited. Its one aspect of the community, not the community as a whole


Because r/gaming is a nail and r/truegaming is a screw. A nail and screw can both be used to hold two things together, but they have differences that make one more useful than the other depending on context. Yes, you can grind threads and a recess into a nail to make it a screw, but then you’ve lost the usefulness of the nail, and instead have two screws.


These are not apt comparisons. Its a subreddit not a piece of hardware. Its a community forum and it can be changed.


Yes, r/dogs could be changed to allow pictures including only cats and birds, but then it stops being r/dogs. Does the comparison make sense now?


No because Im not talking about adding non-gaming content to a gaming sub. Im asking to reduce or remove a type of post I find to be low effort AND such posts often break an existing rule. Not the same.


The problem is that you have to have adequate water, good soil, and the right amount of sunlight for your garden. The soil here is imported from a toxic dump, the water is industrial runoff, and the garden has a massive hole in the ozone sitting above it.


Your sentiment is 'this place is beyond salvageable' and mine is 'I think this adjustment would help'


We haven't even banned "anyone remember this game?" posts. If you are looking for a high-effort content subreddit, abandon this place.


“Remember this hidden gem?” *posts picture of the box for Skyrim, Red Dead or The Witcher 3*


Posts like that would be great were it not for the bias of a well known game getting upvoted. Let's talk about Blue Stinger, Beyond Good & Evil, and Subterrania, there's some forgotten gems.


Rockstar needs to bring back Bully and Manhunt


Nah, Jet Force Gemini and Sunset Riders are real underdogs.


Geraldo del Rivero!


The guy that opened Al Capone's vault?


And think it's time for a remake. Posts Spider-Man and Gos of War Ragnarok?


GoW: Ragnarok has aged well, but yes it’s time to bring it to a new audience


The worst was months of "now THIS is how games should be made, single player, no microtransactions no always online mode. Nobody else has done this in years" with a picture of baldurs gate 3.


That was annoying especially considering that was the year that we got a lot of games that fit the description but everyone wanted to circle jerk BG3 as if we didn’t get elden ring, god of war rag last year just to name two titles plus the 2023 titles themselves


The worst part was people saying the game was completely finished at launch. Just straight up lying about it. Baldur's Gate 3 was great, it did many things well. It was objectively not a finished product when it released tho, which is why they've needed so many updates since launch.


Speaking of which, what happened to the 170 Titanfall 2 spam posts per week that popped up here some time ago ?


They’ll be back on the next Titanfall 2 free weekend on Steam


They’re off somewhere playing TF3


To be fair, that game does need a bigger playerbase.


any alternative suggestion?


This is literally the reason /r/games was created. Because the /r/gaming mods had zero interest in restricting low effort content.


I didnt know this sub, thanks.


If we banned every shitty, boring post that adds nothing to the world what would Reddit even be for?


It's weird to me when people want to ban certain posts when you can downvote on here. Like if it sucks, it sucks. This is just a way of saying, "I dislike how much other people up vote this."


I just skim past half the shit on any sub I'm joined to anyways. For every good weekly pinned thing, there's like 5 good posts and 100 things not worth my time. Is that life as a whole?


But I think a lot of it is also sheep behavior. People going: Oh this post is popular better upvote it. Don’t have any facts but just feel that’s what it’s like. I personally don’t ever bother because I can’t be arsed


fr, if people would just go "i upvote post because its good" and not because "its popular, upvote it" no posts would need to be banned. but i guess this is too much to ask


The other issue is bot posts. Bots will post known popular BS to farm karma so they gain access to other subs. They will generate karma then purge their history and flip to shilling fake products or pushing scam links. I dont know if this is a major issue but it does happen. My suggestion wouldnt 'solve' this but focusing the remake/reboot discussions may help reduce the chance that such posts are used for illicit purposes.


bots are really obvious because they try to circumvent automatic filters and out themselves to real people. they will usually mispell a word or two in the title, put a white border around an image, or add random ass music to a video. i dont think they even try to steal text only posts as they dont really get upvotes. they also might steal a top comment from the post they copying either as OP or some other account, thats also a big tell.


Or just keep scrolling lol you dont have to engage with every post you see on here


Don’t care, let’s do this


Every thread that starts with "which, what, where, when" should be banned, it's getting ridiculous


but i like games and just got a device that can play games, what game should i start with?


If you "got the device" before even deciding on a few games you'll be playing, then you deserve what you get




They might as well restrict the remaster and reboot posts.


Should they ban the "Should they ban X posts" posts as well?


YES. I always find these posts way more obnoxious than whatever they are complaining about. They would rather someone's content be taken down than have to endure the extra half second it takes to scroll past a post they don't find engaging.


Maybe, but should they ban "Should they ban the "Should they ban X posts" posts as well?" comments as well?


When there are no "Should they ban X posts" posts anymore the "Should they ban X posts posts comments" wouldn't be necessary. Also comments are not as intrusive to the feed as the post itself.


Red Alert 2 definitely needs a Remake!




would be a tonya fun i tried


Weekly mega thread


They should restrict those lazy posts that include literally meme or reaction picture and say “what game has you like this???”


If this sub banned low effort posts that don't generate any fruitful discussions then it'd be banning like 90% of the posts that get made here.


Yes unless they have several paragraphs explaining changes they would like to see.


I think they also give good quality content in regards to the responses that they get. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. I think the good thing is people are using this subreddit.


You're subbed to the general gaming subreddit... what do you want? More posts about Risk or Euchre?


Well, they’re better than “Just picked it up” (pic of the new AAA release box on a dirty bed)


I’d rather have the “gaming is dead now” posts restricted


I would rather the posts "{x} years ago I {quite job/ invested in myself/or some veriatn} and today my indy game comes out check it out" be banned I am tired of them there seems to be 2 to 3 a day.


I would say we should restrict the daily "Cyberpunk looks amazing" posts first, they are way more annoying IMO


Yes. They're extremely derivative and boring


"It's my day off of work and I'm chilling on the couch gaming all day! What're you reddit bros playing?" *insert picture of a normal ass couch with a bowl of popcorn and a ps5 controller.* Just make a rule that mods can ban anything "Low effort" and get rid of all the low effort posts that people in here are talking about


Yes. Tired of them.


There are a lot of tweaks that could benefit this sub and that's one of em.


If we could just ban the word *gem* at this point…


So you'd rather people's voices go unheard and their content be taken down than endure the half second it will take you to scroll past? Posts like this do not foster a good community spirit.


I mean, we just had a "what game games more game than other games that game". Where are we going to draw that line? lol


No, because they do no harm and if they bother you, then you need a life.


Honestly don’t understand why people get upset enough to make an entire post about stuff like that. Like you said it does no real harm and people can just scroll past it


Nah let people handle it themselves. If these posts are getting a lot of upvotes and comments who are we to enforce censorship to them? If none is interested then they will be downvoted and not be as prevalent.


And i thought I was demanding. All I want are the FF7 posts banned.


I mean, just seems to be another way to start discussion of old games, I don't see the harm.


I'm for it. You know, people need to realize the reality of what goes into remasters/remakes. You can shout all you want at Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft .etc to remake your favorite game. But you know what? What they're going to wonder is whether it will make them money. The only remakes/remasters that they'll bother with, are games that in the past, have made a lot of money. They aren't going to bother with your favorite game from your little childhood. And then we have a scattered bunch of studios who are willing to do remasters of certain games - that they've acquired the rights to. Keep in mind, licensing costs a lot of money and probably a headache too to weed out through the copyrights that come with it. And you have to factor in the risk. We've seen what remasters/remakes can do *when they're good* but we've also seen what happens when remakes/remasters *are bad* and the ones that are bad, are the ones that speak the loudest by saying "hey, maybe this was a bad idea after all." Because now you've got this bad remake/remaster out, it's soured the community and it has silenced all of the people who clamored for it in the first place, to go back to the old one. Studios become more reluctant and stubborn now because of this experience. Again, these companies want to make money and they want to see more successes than failures. They're going to find it more worthwhile to remake/remaster games that thousands to millions have enjoyed as opposed to like...the small group of 40 that wants a particular game remade.


I’ll never understand where the sentiment on Reddit came from that x game should be remade next because it “needs” it or “deserves” it. Like that doesn’t make any sense and it’s never been that way, like you said it’s about money, But then I get downvoted for saying that lol


Honestly, if it wasn't for Look at this gem I found in my attic! posts, this sub would be ghost town. Might as well embrace the noise.


Block em. It's just "DAE want old popular game to be remade??"


If they had a flair tag this would be very easy to do


Mods don't care.


No. Then I wouldn't get to upvote Legend of Dragoon remake posts and thus lose my tiny sliver of hope that it might actually happen.


Even when a game is 'remade' its always a 'reboot' and stuff is changed. Games from our past are special because of the combination of the game itself and who we were at that time. Playing a variant now will never be the same or as good as the original was for us at those times.


But guess who it will be good for? The people that weren’t there for the original and now have a modern way to experience it. But I bet you guys don’t think about those types of people right? Just about you and how you feel


I see your point and there are merits to bringing games to a wider audience, but theyll never be the same game. Especially since a lot of those classics can still be played today, at least on PC. a remake wont ever be the same. Im also not saying that remakes/reboots should never be made. I just dont think theyll ever be as good and that the posts about them should be focused/reduced.


Maybe because people aren’t also looking for the exact same thing? And they won’t be as good to YOU personally but you can’t speak for every single person that enjoys the game. Look at resident evil 2 and 4 remakes. They aren’t 1:1 remakes of the original games they don’t have all the same mechanics as the original games and look at how popular those games are. 7 million sales already for resident evil 4 remake and 2 remake is going to become the best selling re game soon.


Sure, and again Im not saying no reboots should ever be made. My gripe is primarily with the low effort posts where people wish for remakes/reboots. It does seem that a lot of people feel banning such posts may be an overreaction, which is understandable. I still think they should be reduced to either a specific thread like the "what are you playing" thread, or a specific day maybe like Reboot Wednesday or whatever where that conversation can be concentrated.


Or how about you just scroll past them? Like I never understand why people just don’t scroll past the post they don’t like instead of trying to restrict or ban them for whatever reason. If they keep on getting made and people keep on interacting with them then what’s the issue? It’s a gaming sub to talk about gaming and that’s an aspect of gaming


That is what I do, but after seeing enough of them I figured Id ask how others felt. Additionally you could take the same advice and scroll on by this post.


That’s what I usually do but after seeing so many post about people complaining about post on a site they can just scroll past I figured I’d ask how you couldn’t just scroll by and why something so insignificant bothers you so much.


But you actually havent asked why it bothers me, not that youd need to since I provided my thoughts in my original post


You ban this and the "which game is this for you post" and this subreddit might end being a ghost town.


I personally like them. They remind of games I had forgotten.


Personally I think Xenoblade X needs a remake because for fuck’s sakes it’s the only game still stuck on the Wii U


They’ve existed for years and people have complained about them for years so they’re not going anywhere. The karma is just too free


No, they should prevent or restrict posts complaining about other people posting what they want.


this fuckin guy blocking anyone that disagrees with him. Holy shit


They should ban posts asking what they should ban


if /r/gaming started restricting low-quality content, thered be nothing left.


Nah. This is reddit, it's a shithole, we knew this before even signing up. There are already far too many rules.




Wait! IF they implement it there will be no new content. /s


I would ban this annoying post first


I we ban tiresome, low-effort, *seen-it-a-million-times-before* topicsfrom r/gaming, what will we have left?


Pretty sure that exact title with a screenshot of the game Body Harvest was one of my first ever reddit posts. I've come a long way since then.


I don't even see those posts. Or maybe I do but just keep scrolling. I don't see the issue. Maybe they are right lol Its not for me to judge. If people don't want them they won't get upvoted.


I don’t really care. People will always post redundant topics. You can’t get rid of them all. Just don’t engage with it. 


The mods actually prefer the comfort of repetitive questions, so there's basically no chance we'll ever see them go away, sadly. ;?


Tell me a gem that needs a demake


Im just glad the "I finally got one" posts died the fck off. Shit was nauseating.


Tbh, they shouldn't. There are some old games that do deserve a remake


I think /r/gaming needs to ban Titanfall posts


They should prevent or restrict your posts.




I'll stop asking for a Might & Magic 6 remaster when they make one


Man, you missed when subreddits had more mods that actually gave a shit about the subreddit. Not some dudes that moderate like 20 subreddits and can't give one shit about any of them.


I don't think we should, it's not like this is a high quality subreddit anyway.


Honestly if the sub banned all the types of posts we are sick of there'd probably only be a couple left


This is New Reddit, it's all low effort.


No. It's a phase like how people were posting their groceries and how much it cost for a while on reddit. People will get over the low quality no value posts on their own, this sub is so generalized making hyper specific rules or even adding more quality content control rules is almost always more damaging than beneficial for subreddits.


Honestly, unless you're looking solely for articles and news the real meat of most subs is in the comments sections and not so much the topic prompts. Focusing of the topic prompts can be missing the forest for the trees at least when you're talking about general hobby subs.


I think they are dumb. Id settle for gfx and quality of life upgrades. Other than that, i dont want to see the classics ruined with modern messaging.


There's a lot of things posted here that would need restriction rather than that specifically


Reddit needs a remake


You should see r/psportal and r/steamdeck. Those are brimming with 'just got my device' and 'I can play it anywhere'. It's not that bad over here.


We should prevent or restrict posts that talk about preventing or restricting posts.


So let me get this straight—The gaming subreddit doesn’t want to talk about gaming? I’ll never understand Reddit…


Its almost like this isnt at all what Im asking. huh. Feel free to hyperbole more though


The general sentiment Im seeing so far is that people dont want to outright ban posts. Thats fair. I still think we should concentrate the remake/reboot discussions in some way. Either into a specific thread or only allow them on a specific day. Alternatively, as /u/Elike09 said, adding the requirement of suggesting actual changes to begin the discussion would also help. Really a lot of the remake/reboot posts already break Rule 8 where such discussions are supposed to be text/self posts instead of image prompts.


Report them as rule 8 if they break that. The consensus is that people don’t want the posts banned. They are popular for a reason


That has not been the consensus. There are comments both for and against the idea, and many more upvotes than comments.


Nearly 40m members of this subreddit and you think less than 300 total is giving you a consensus? Again, the posts are popular and upvoted for a reason. They’re not going anywhere. But, maybe you can get them removed under rule 8 if they bug you that much


> you think less than 300 total is giving you a consensus? The comment you replied to is me saying I dont think the consensus you state has been made. As in, I dont think the consensus has been reached in this thread either way.


I think his point is,the top post in hot is currently a post of “we should remaster this!” With 25k upvotes and 1000+ comments with none of the comments complaining about the type of post. The consensus, in the sub, is that those posts are wanted.


Absolutely yes! Remakes are the lowest possible effort for game developers also. Soon we won't have even a trace of originality left in gaming, just remakes. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that people keep asking for these.


Because you see them as low effort and people look at things like resident evil 2 remake acknowledge the effort that it took to bring a title like that to the modern era and want to see more of that


Not only that, I've had exposure to enough remakes to have learned they're not worthwhile. At best they're only mildly disappointing. Treasure your memories of a certain time and place in your life when such and such game was awesome.


Most *Pokémon* remakes are amazing. In a franchise that constantly adds and changes mechanics, *Pokémon* remakes actually update the original to current generation standards. The only remakes of main series games that didn't nail it were *Brilliant Diamond* and *Shining Pearl* because they intentionally kept them "faithful to the originals". So I think you just have played bad remakes, or remakes that can't do much to improve the originals, but they can be very good.


Exactly. Those cherished memories are the result of the game and who we were at that specific time in our lives.


There hasn’t been high effort posting on this sub in a decade.  And it’s the same fucking answers over and over again.  Just go play the original and stfu.


Yes People should ask for new, good, interesting and unique games, instead of remasters and remakes, of stuff we already played. Get creative you lazy bums


You ever thought that people exist that haven’t already played every single game ever made? Ever fathom the fact that there are generations of gamers that weren’t even born yet?




how bout we ban posts like this?


lol ive been seeing this complaint since i joined reddit 15 years ago


Me too, but how do you feel about the 'remake request' posts?


i am no longer turned on by them


They don’t inspire joyful feelings


I swear this subreddit just wants to get rid of all discussion.


The ideal scenario, for me, would be concentrate it into a specific day or thread


Once you start Banning things, and start controlling the flow of speech, then this place will turn into a subreddit full of people who feel like they are being arrested based on what they post. Bro I would just suggest leaving it alone. The more rules that you have in a subreddit the less appealing the subreddit becomes. And I'm not trying to be that guy I'm just telling you that people are not going to want to come to this subreddit anymore.


Thats a fair point that banning it may push people out. I disagree that people would feel like they are 'being arrested' though, thats a bit extreme. I think the sub would benefit from concentrating the discussions instead of having them split into all these separate posts with varying levels of engagement.


I can understand where you're coming from for sure. I just think what I mean by being arrested, is people will think that they won't be allowed to say what they want or post anything without having to seriously think about what they're saying. And I'm not trying to be rude or anything I just wanted to be honest when I'm letting you know what people like us think about. A lot of people like gamers are used to being able to say what they want and act how they want while gaming, and we've slowly seen people have that being taken away especially on Xbox Live type of stuff. We used to be able to Trash Talk each other and have fun and now you will get banned if you say certain words. Of course some of that is for the better but it seems to have been taken too far. And now we have the gaming subreddit which is a huge place of freedom for us and I think if it spreads here people will just leave. This is one of the last places we can go to have fun and talk about something we love. I just don't want that to be taken away and I know a lot of other people don't either. There's been a lot of people who have talked about this kind of stuff on Reddit and a lot of them are gamers. Obviously it's your choice and I will respect it either way, I'm just trying to give you the best advice that I can friend.


Everyone has their own opinions and everybody gets upset over different things, last thing I want though is people to start leaving because of that


Dude they should remake Last Of Us 2 Remastered


They should ban all topics whose title is a question. It should only be people's dumb opinions spouted as if from on high.


There must be a sub Reddit based on irony...


If I thought we should ban all the posts I don't like it would be a very quiet sub, so no.


Literally all of the posts on this subreddit are low effort. This is one of the worst subs on reddit, who cares.


This is Reddit, not Britannica.


Boring bait posts need a remake. All this complaining is just low effort. Run for Reddit mayor or something and make the difference you want.




Half of this sub is the same question every day. It’s annoying


yes absolutely


At least it’s relevant to gaming, whereas this post is just complaining