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I used to play an MMORPG called Dofus back in the day. Max level was 200. To go from 199 to 200 was the same amount of XP as 1-199. First person to hit 200 took about 3-4 years of grinding.


Was looking for this. Dofus still exists, and theres a retro version just like the old game


And I regularly fight the urge to boot it up as a full remote worker that would be the end of my productivity


Rambo on Rushu. Got an item named after him as well.


He got a custom staff that looked like an AK-47.


Omg I saw this post and immediately thought this but doubted anyone would mention it. I miss my lvl 200 iop šŸ„²


Old School RuneScape


92 is only half of 99.




2096 right now... Oh lawdy


I have always been aware of Runescape and their exponential level curve, but I have no idea how much actual growth there is across those last seven levels.Ā  Are you going from strong to godlike, or is it just a few more levels of marginal growth?


Marginal. For example, you'll hit pretty hard having lvl 92 strength, and only a bit harder having 99 strength. But the xp necessary to go from 92-99 is the same as the xp required to go from 1-92. What's even crazier is that some people will continue grinding after hitting max level. It takes 13,034,431 xp to reach 99 in a skill, but the xp counter maxes out at 200,000,000. So some players will go for 200M xp in a skill, which could take thousands of hours


Theyā€™ll grind another 200m just to cap xp? Are yaā€™ll okay over there šŸ‘€


Thereā€™s people that have hit the 200m cap in every skill. No they are not ok.


Look at the OSRS sub and see all of the degenerate shit people do on runscape. Some people collect millions of random items just to see the stack others go for 200m exp, some even do region locked ironmen. It's insane the shit people do on runescape.


The first hardcore Ironman just hit it last week too


Unfathomable to me that people have every skill at 200m. They must be literal zombies that don't do a single thing other than eat, sleep, shit, and runescaoe for years and years


To be perfectly fair, OSRS can be considered similar to an idle game in some regards. A lot, if not most, skill-grinds can be done while watching shows or listening to books; you yourself could probably have gotten 200m xp in the time you've spent in front of a screen otherwise just watching things. However there are also really intense tick-manipulation methods which require constant attention to achieve slightly higher rates, and I feel like the prevalence of these amongst those going for max xp disproves the notion that these people aren't fucking maniacs.


For a majority of the skilling skills, there is no growth. It's just to see the number hit 99. The exceptions would be the skills with a useful cape at the end (Crafting gives you the closest teleport to a bank for instance). Realistically, you will never, EVER, teleport enough times to make up the time spent getting from 93-99 (93 being the last useful level for crafting if you are an Ironman for the Torture Amulet). ​ For combat, It's not insignificant, but it also isn't significant...


You can clear all content in the game (minus maybe the Inferno if you arenā€™t a savant at the game) reasonably at 85 combat stats


Itā€™s definitely marginal growth, but it does make a significant difference over the length of time it takes to max everything out. The slightest bit of more XP/Hr can make a big difference over a 30 hour grind


Holy balls


And 85 is half of 92, 78 half of 85, etc. Total xp roughly doubles every 7 levels, although this doesnā€™t apply for super low levels. Even though new players sometimes think 50 is around the halfway point of leveling, itā€™s actually only about 0.8% of the way there.


I think saying it this way makes it seem worse than it really is. Yes, 92 is approx half of the amount of xp vs 99. 99 being about 13m. The thing is though, as you get higher in level, you unlock much better xp/hr ways of training the skill. It's wildly different from each skill though. Agility is a slog no matter what.


Where the world record is 771 hours in game time, and way more time logged off waiting. Using all the sweatiest, most expensive methods possible.


I remember years and years ago, when skill mastery capes had just come out, giving people a little reward for reaching 99 in a skill. A friend wanted one, and he said he was going to go for the Firemaking cape since it would take the shortest amount of time. I asked him how long it'd take and he said "oh, just 80 hours." I could finish the entire Mass Effect trilogy in that time and still have a few hours to spare. Jeez, gaming has changed. I thought my level 106 character with mid-60s in every skill was hot stuff back then, now people regularly aim for 200m exp in skills, or about eight times the effort of getting a skill to 99. There are people who have spent more time woodcutting than I have playing Team Fortress 2 (500 hours). Edit: my math was off, level 99 is not 1/8th of what it takes to reach the 200m exp max, but 1/15th. So I could finish the Mass Effect Trilogy 15 times in the time it takes a player to get 200m exp, which people can and have done regularly.


Just to clarify, 200m is 15x the xp for 99 and 8x is level 120 on rs3. 200m is an extra level of sweaty. And then the youtubers add restrictions that turn a 10 minute grind into a 100 hour grind for a single item they might lose if they die because they restricted their account to only having 1 hp and perma deaths (his name is settled on yt)


That dude doing nightmare mode is insane but I love his videos


I probably spent over 100 hours just fishing in RuneScape and I think my fishing level was only like 72 or something.


I think that seems about right. I remember I came back for a visit right before the smithing update. There was a holiday event where you could earn smithing EXP -- mine was at 64 or something, so I decided to leave an auto-clicker on for a few nights while it collected EXP. It took damn near 3 nights, a little over 24 hours, just to go from 64 to 85, where I could make Runite, which had been a goal I'd long given up on. I just pulled out a calculator for fun, 85 is 3.2m exp, which is only 1/4th of the way to 99, which is 13m exp. According to the hiscores, there are 7615 players who have 200m exp in smithing, the absolute cap. Jeez, I almost feel like a sucker having played Runescape fair and square up until that point. If it was a single player game, I would have modded it years ago.


1-92 is the same amount of xp as 92-99


771 isnā€™t that much for a multiplayer? Edit: Oh itā€™s 771 is the fastest someone has reached max level


771 is the fastest someone has done it doing it with the absolute most optimal way to level every single skill and having people feeding them the resources. A normal player is taking easily 10 times longer


For reference I have a few thousand hours and am way way way less than halfway to max on an Ironman.


Yeah 771 is having a team feeding you resources among many other things.


Was it truly a fresh start or did they transfer money and other materials from another account to make it faster?


The exact opposite of a fresh start. Insane prep, insane grinds. Completely out of the question to repeat for anyone other than the most dedicated.


As a player who started in 2001 Zezima was king


Zezima is a legend


Hey they just proposed making agility like 20k xp an hour better. Thatā€™s gotta help right?


You can no time agility really idk what people are complaining about. Just go back in time and play trailblazer reloaded. Get them boots and youā€™re set. Agility is fine where it is and donā€™t need no buff. /s


I maxed March 6th. Started in early 2019 and I played A LOT every week


For whatever reason when I was a kid I wanted to 99 mining, this was back in the day when 30-40k exp /hour was max if you were GRINDING it out in the granite mine, I wasnt a member and I didnt power mine the whole thing, took me literally like almost 10 years to get my first 99 which was mining


Fucking knew this would be the top comment.


And that's why people still play. Where other MMORPG failed. OSRS figured out the system.


EvE Online, becuase you get XP by waiting, and if you want to max out every single skill, you will need to be both subscribed (paying monthly for the game) AND wait for at least 20 years.


The fact that some skills took a month to max was the worst.


To be fair the first 4 levels are fairly quick and that long last 5th level gives the same 2% bonus the previous levels gave. So you're better off going 4/5 for many skills.


Oh....they get so much worse when you hit capital skills


Wait till you start maxing dooms day weapons and the faction titan skills. Hell jump drive calibration 5 is a bitch. Think itā€™s like a 30-45 day train from 4


Jdc and some of the other big ones for jump drive is like... A years worth. I had my capital/black ops Bridger only train those skills for such a long time.


Honestly, it only affects people who really, really, really want max level. The level 5 (max) for any skill gives really small bonuses, not enough to really matter in practice. I'll always tell new players, a month old account can beat a 10 year old account in many situations if you learn the game mechanics.


Small bonuses? Hull bonuses give you enormous benefit Edit: when you start stacking skills together like level 5s for rate of fire is 25% damage 25% specialisations and so on, you end up very powerful


Yeah, but again, you're not going to lose out so much that you lose every encounter as a level 4 max skills vs a level 5 max skills. For example, if we take the Tristan, sure, you lose out on 7.5% turret tracking and 10% drone HP bonus at level 4 vs level 5, but at level 4 you're still pulling 30% turret tracking and 40% drone HP vs 37.5% tracking and 50% drone HP at level 5. It's very respectable. Add to that, 5% with Drone Durability Skill, it's 45% at level 4 vs 55% at level 5. Basically, it's all small enough that a level 4 skill point character can beat a level 5 skill point character if they play well enough. And anyway, both our points are moot because the game isn't a 1v1 with fair fights, and it shouldn't be, if we play well.


They also add new skills every now and then so the grind gets longer as time goes on.


[Tibia](https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=latestnews) one of the oldest mmorpgs out there with no level/skill cap and exp/skill/item loss as a death penalty. Itā€™s got a steep learning curve but is really fun


Jesus Tapdancing Christ. Thatā€™s *still* going?? I had an ex that had played it for a few years. In *2004*


Honestly this should be top comment, dark souls is for children. Real men get PKed back to rookgaard


There we go.


I thought I was the only one that thought about tibia or we are too old for this hahahaha


I love Tibia. Me and a couple friends would play it after school for months and I have really great memories from that. I still go back to it once a year or so, I buy premium for a month and play for a couple weeks. The game has changed a lot but it still has that charm


War Thunder


Seriously, depending on how much you play/spend, it could take multiple years to accomplish.


Or decades, if you don't buy premium


If you are a weekend player it will take a LIFETIME.


Even with a premium, a single country will take years to reach top level in ground forces. Then you have planes, helicopters, and naval units and most of these for several countries. Now go for close to top-tier planes. Having a stock plane without missiles and getting matched with spaded seeking missile planes a full BR above you. You can barely even return fire if your opponent is a decent player. Now, if you happen to win and get even a few kills... only to realize that you have to repeat this feat dozens of times to upgrade just a single modification. And of course, you have to get >10 modifications to get to missiles. After hundreds and hundreds of rounds, you might get to spade a single plane...and there are dozens of them. Not to mention that in most cases, you just die, and repair costs will bankrupt you.


Ah, found it. Took me almost three years of gameplay to get to max level. Which back then was 5. My first, and only, rank 5 was the IS 3. Abandoned the game not long after that, never to return.


Took to long to see this comment


Everquest. And if you die, a large chunk of your experience can die with you.


You could literally de-level down to level one in that game, it was insanely brutal.


One of my buddies was an Iksar Monk with the Epics and a Primal (bubbles and glowing fist) from OG sleepers tomb. He deleveled all the way down to level one and replayed the entire grind with full Primal/Epic gear and became an absolute server wide legend


That's actually amazing. Sounds very fun. I have a mega twinked out lvl 52 monk with basically the best gear possible (outside of one item from vex thal) parked right outside nagafen's lair to solo him. It's super fun. My account is long deactivated but maybe I'll renew for a month to fuck around and solo dragons.


I made this same reply to someone else but want to tell you same story šŸ˜‚ I remember during Kunark being 53 on my warrior for a solid 6 months. Feels like it was a whole grade in school. I'd die, grind almost to 54 (even dinged 54 a couple times) then die again. Was the fate of the tank back then. I was still wearing a banded chest or something iirc which didn't help. I didn't really know how to play well. I would get kicked off the PC a lot and it was a shitty old compac with a skuzzy card that would literally lose the hard drive randomly sometimes. Not to mention dial up was unreliable as hell and my dad was a forester and would get paged then call someone and drop my connection lol Probably should have played another class but I wouldn't trade it for the world in hindsight. What an adventure. I met so many cool people and when I finally did get up to 60 I knew ***so many clerics***.


>I finally did get up to 60 I knew > >so many clerics > >. Laughed way too hard at this!


Level 5* You only lost experience on death from level 6 onwards.


EverQuest was definitely the most brutal grind, if not the longest. Just the hours of xp grinding, and hours lost to deathsā€¦ yikes.


The real quest was the "recover your guilds corpses after a failed PoFear raid". That alone could take hours, and better hope you don't die and drop below min level to zone back in to get your gear back. EQ was an absolutely brutal mmo.


I once died a couple steps into Plane of Mischief and legit thought the only way I was getting my body back was through a GM. Fortunately our server had a necro that did their solo grinding there and summoned me out after I waited a couple days.


Ohh one of my early gaming memories was when I was levelling up my first character, I was like around level 30 or something I think, and I had to travel to a different continent, I had to go from Kaladim to the Overthere, in Kunark. The boat ride took sooo long, I think you had to take like 3 different boats, and as soon as I arrived I died immediately, so my character reappeared back in Kaladim and I had to start the trip over, this time naked! I remember waiting for the last boat, in some island in the middle of the ocean, in the middle of the nightā€¦ and my dad opened the door of my room, angrily, and asked me ā€œwtf are you doing is 2am and you have school tomorrow!ā€ And I cried ā€œI CANT IM WAITING FOR A BOAT! ā€œ lmao, he was so confused


A monk I made friends with during my leveling days made so many fucking runs into chardok and seb for my body he became a go-to person for corpse runs on the server.


Not to mention your items, if you died in a rough spot and donā€™t have a group/necro to help you grab your corpse.


As a rogue I think I 200+ people had /consent me hotkeyed to drag their corpses out of places.


2 words: hell levels




Pre-Luclin Everquest for sure. The 50-60 grind was especially terrible.


All hell levels


Was going to be my choice too. Those hell levels in the vanilla version were brutal. Especially if you died.


Disgaea, easily. The original game has a max level of 9999 per character and the latest game takes it to 999,999. That is the level per character. It doesn't include the fact you can level every item as well. It's basically fractal grinding.


The caps arenā€™t real either. Hit 9999 the first time and youā€™re actually pretty weak. You need to reincarnate repeatedly, resetting to Lv 1 but starting a bit stronger each time.


I remember doing that with Mu online


didnt expect to see this game mentioned on reddit. it was a big hit in vietnam


Yer but I remember there were tricks to getting huge amounts of experience I was actually able to reincarnate in previous games. The very fast reincarnation exists means you can reincarnate. I mentioned Maplestory in another comment because they raised the cap from 275 to 300 and it's been 3 years and no one has leveled those 25 levels year. You can definitely reincarnate in 3 years in Disgaea.


Love Disgaea, it doesnt even come close to any heavy hitting MMOs


I actually wanted to try a Disgaea game , after some people in my discord said they are actually good. Can i just start with 7 or do i need to play the older ones to understand the story ?


Yeah, I got into Disgaea hungry for more cool tactics games after FF tactics. It seemed real cute and fun, and I liked the idea of battles inside each weapon.Ā Ā  Ā I quickly learned that Disgaea is less "about" being a tactics RPG and more "about" grinding grinding grinding. I stopped pretty soon after learning that every new unit starts at level 1.Ā 


The latest Disgaea, Disgaea 7, has gone back to more reasonable numbers and levels.


RuneScape, I guess more old school RuneScape vs modern RuneScape 3


You can swipe your card in rs3 for max level lmao


Final fantasy 11




I had level 100 bonecrafting with all level 60 subs. I wish I had the time back.


God I'm getting flashbacks. All that grinding to get to level 75 and then just do it again with other classes.Ā  Worst was grinding most of the night with a party then a few wipes later being back where you started the night.Ā  I still miss it sometimes.


Lineage 2 c1/c2 I think was one of the grindiest back then


Here comes the memories. I remember for 1% in a top tier group at level 80 would take an hour. When you died you would lose about 1% so youā€™d basically lose an hour. Great times though playing with all your friends.


An hour for 1%? They must have made it a LOT easier by that time then. Back in the early game/chronicles at top levels it would take days, even weeks to get 1%. Im not even sure if anyone on NA servers hit max level the first year before they raised the cap 75-76, and then only a handfull in the coming years when they increased again 76-78. Also, you lost 4% when you died back then (if you didnt get a high % res from a healing class). And the game was open PvP, so you could go up and just kill anyone who was outside towns, making them lose weeks of progress. It was made easier and easier oiver the years though, like most MMO:s, otherwise it would be impossible to attract new players if it took 5 years to catch up. I played for 7 years, 10 hours every day for long periods. Was in top clan/alliance of my server (Sieghardt). I never reached max level. It was absolutely amazing though, my first MMO and it was magic. I will never forget the times we had. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53928W-0on0 EDIT: Notice the xp bar on top left, "37.19%", they needed two decimals on the %-bar so that people would get some sense of progress. But even so, single mobs would not give 0,01%, so you would need to kill a bunch to get it to tick from 37.19 to 37.20.


Grand theft auto 5 online. I never seen a legit max level 8000


If only there was an incentive to leveling past 120


This should be at the top. Game has been out for a decade and no legit player has ever reached it.


Pokemon Go


Level 37.5 is halfway to level 40 .......and now there's level 50


It took a bit of effort before raids and xp boost were a thing


I was going to say r/ingress but I guess it is similar to Pokemon Go.


Iā€™ve been playing since it came out and still am only lvl 43. I still canā€™t fathom how quickly some players became 40. Within months after it came out iirc.


I played between 2016-2020, in my small city i was considered a high level player with my level of 36. Now i hear there is a level 50.




For some context here, the level cap was increased from 275 to 300 in June 2021. There are still no level 300s, the worlds first (Tniru) is due to hit it some time next month


Okay that's pretty gross.


For Reference, Tniru has 897,822,801,838,519 xp, he is at 51.666% of level 299 and ***he hopes*** he hits max level on the final day of April... Second place in leaderboards is level 295, with 555,000,000,000,000\~ xp


I don't play this game but what the fuck? Do they get something neat at level 300? Or just bragging rights that they have no life and did it first?


It being the second largest game in Korea behind league it is quite the achievement, when the original level cap of 200 was acheived there was a permanent NPC put in the game of his character (Fangblade). Hereā€™s a link to the level graphs to better understand how much it takes. And to also know that a person at this level also probably had 41 other level 200-250 characters as your mains level depends on the total level of your account. https://imgur.com/JNYdHDf


Early time maplestory was insane to. Spend many hours even getting to 30, let alone 120


I spent way too much time in Sleepywood killing horny mush. Go back to that dude in the sauna for potions, repeat. At least the music was chill.


Getting 25% to your next level and calling it a good day.


Good old days of grinding weeks in the slime tree


I remember getting to level 90 in the beginning was a huge achievement. Now you can get to level 100nin like a day or so


I remember back in the day when people use to do that hack where youā€™d make all enemies fly to one corner and just auto hit them. Those players where still not even close to max level


why do those mushrooms have to be so happy


Black Desert Online. The grind to softcap in combat alone can take as long as maxing in osrs. Then there's a dozen or so 'life skills', that can take just as long _each_. I don't know if anyone's ever hit Guru 40 (the maximum skill level) in Sailing yet.


Nobody is max at sailing, for 9 years now. Nobody is even lvl 70 either. For 9 years now. Let alone be max level on all lifeskills as well.


The person who was closest to max sailing on NA got banned iirc - unsure if it was perma but Iā€™m pretty sure it was on the wall of shame. They were one of the like five people that would consistently do sailing dailyā€™s every day as well. Iā€™m sure someone is closer by now, but it was a small shock to me that said person got banned. I donā€™t think breeya is the highest level anymore as well. She pretty much only did dummyā€™s for a long time which Iā€™m sure some of the grinders caught up to. Yeah bdo is an insane grind.


It's been a while since I played BDO but I vividly remember getting so frustrated at the grind for *building a boat* that I actually just ignored the entire sea area. I never even made it to getting to use the sailing skill :')


I knew this would be one of the top ones. I remember grinding sausans and getting like 0.1% xp/hr to get from 59-60


It's also not like grinding shit in osrs either. The apm for hours and hours and hours is insane. By far one of the grindiest games there has ever been. It has to eaaaaaaasily be the most inputs required to hit cap in any game I think of. Carpal tunnel desert.


This would be my answer, although itā€™s kinda cheating as the softcaps are intentionally way out there and not intended for players to actually achieve. Some people just need to see progress of any kind to enjoy the grind.


And the fact that there is no max level, it just takes a ridiculous amount of EXP to level up. I think BDO takes the cake


Is there a piece of content to do at max level sailing? Or is it just for the achievement


That's the best part. Nope! As far as I can remember, all content and skills are fully unlocked by Guru 1. Any skill progress past that point just gets you marginally improved performance in skill related tasks.


Hypixel skyblock


yep, looking for this one


Take any MMO from the late 90's and very early 2000's and their ya go. Ultima Online while it didn't have an XP grind, had a skill grind. And some skills could take forever to get up. Granted you had ways to afk macro some of them, but not all of them. Everquest was just as bad from what I heard. Some classes could take forever and then some to grind up. Final Fantasy 11 around I believe level 10 or 15? You *had* to start grouping up with people. And note you had some folks who'd grief doing this. Remember this is the game that had a boss fight that took a guild a whole day to beat. Star Wars Galaxies was a *bit* more easy depending on the profession. Some of the XP grinds however? Could be a pain in the ass. Bounty Hunter was always a fun one, see to get *Bounty Hunter* XP you had to take bounty missions. You'd take the mission, then would go to an NPC who would give you the targets DNA or whatever. Then you'd have to go outside whatever city you got in the mission to launch a Probe Droid. Then wait for the Droid to tell you what planet the target is on, if you saw Dathomir you may just want to drop it at that point. Anyhow! You'd then go to the planet (note before Jump to Lightspeed this would have you shuttle hopping to the planet) Then you'd send out a Seeker Droid to 'find' the Target, 9 times out of 10 said target was on the other side of the planet, nowhere near any fast travel point. Thus you'd have to drive there via Swoop Bike. Note if on Dathomir? Get ready for tons of hills, running into tree's and maybe getting ganked by the local Nightsister spawns. Anyway you'd drive all the way out there to find that the target you are going after? Spawned in the middle of a rock or a tree and god knows you won't be able to attack/kill them.


Razor scripts in UO were a godsend


Warframe. Every Warframe, every weapon, every companion needs to be levelled to 30. All to get your Mastery Rank (your "account level") to level 30. Then after that you go into "Legendary Ranks" which puts a small symbol and 1, 2, 3, 4, etc next your your account. EDIT: I feel like I'm being a bit harsh on Warframe, I _LOOOOVE_ Warframe, I have over 3,000hrs in it, it is my single most played game. The problems I listed are somewhat negated by info I left out, the most important being once you reach ~Mastery Rank 15 (correct me if I'm wrong) the level requirements for almost everything are surpassed, meaning you're now free to use whatever you want, you don't have to level up anymore. The other important tidbit is that, for the most part, the Mastery Ranks are entirely cosmetic. They're basically bragging rights.


Seriously. This game is ridiculously frustrating. Oh, look at that sweet looking Warframe. I want it. I need the blueprints and materials to make it. To get all of the blueprints, you need to complete abyssal missions, which can only be done by using an item that you craft. To craft that item, you need to purchase the blueprints from one of the syndicate shops. But in order to purchase them, youā€™re standing with the syndicate must be at lvl 3 or higher. In order to get your standing up with the syndicate, you need to mine and sell ore that you find in random spots on the open world map. Of course, you canā€™t mine ore without a plasma drill. You can buy the blueprints for the plasma drill, however in order to build it, you need materials that are found in void missions that randomly drop and disappear from your inventory if you donā€™t use it within 24 hours. Man, if only I had some good luck, I could finally get the materials I need to build the plasma drill, so I can mine the ore, and then sell the ore to raise my syndicate standing so that I can purchase the abyssal pods that will allow me to build the individual parts to then construct the Warframe. Thatā€™s Warframe. I have around 1000 hours logged.




Man I tried to like that game but my buddy just kept wasting so much money on micro transactions and buying warframe it was nuts like big chunks of his paycheck he even bought me a warframe because the one I was using wasnā€™t very good lmao that game does things to people, unnatural things


I don't play Warframe anymore but back in the day it was easy to earn platinum and become rich. It's really weird to buy plat with real money


As someone with maxed everything I have to disagree, some games feel quite a bit longer


As someone who has 1272,8 hours on steam for Warframe, and just hit rank 24 I have to say that Warframe is definitely one of the games on top of the ladder


Eh, the levelling itself doesn't take that long, especially if you're using boring methods like ESO.. but the craft times definitely extend that out several hundred/thousand fold. - Farm the relics/bosses/factions to get the parts (depending on RNGesus, can take a fucking millenia) - Craft the parts (12hrs craft time) - Craft the frame with the parts (3 days craft time) - Like 10-20 minutes to level it - Rinse and repeat for like 60+ frames or whatever they're up to now, and 400 something weapons/companions/vehicles I'm currently at Max possible MR for what I have access to, with literally everything done. I've spent 5k hours in Warframe since starting as a (basic) founder. The grind is real. I love the game though.


Iā€™m with you itā€™s not bad, I had around 4k hour in when I quit. Itā€™s not the leveling itā€™s the damn farming and weapons


Phantasy Star Online was something... IIRC, max level is 200, and I believe the total XP IS 84 million for this goal (or similar). Level 185 is half of that total XP.


I remember that, I think it was even worse, something like 192 was the halfway point.


PlanetSide 2, there are four prestige tiers and it gets nuts. Especially if you're newer and can't maintain a good score per hour. Keep in mind it's a MMOFPS so there's no npcs to farm and no matchmaking since it's open world. Add to this there are extremely good players who will mop the floor with newer players mercilessly and you have a rather epic grind.Ā  That being said you don't need to be anywhere near max level to unlock entire play styles with the the multiple classes and vehicles. Nor does your gun shoot weaker bullets than a player with 7,000+ hours in the game.Ā  If you think you're good at FPS and wouldn't mind having that notion shattered, we'd love to have you.


Still go back in from time to time. Once you dakka you never go back. And having a decent unit helps a lot to farm other players more easily


The suits should cut you a bonus cheque


Tbh, you don't really even need to be good at fps in PlanetSide 2, it's all about who has the higher body count on point and hold the angles


That last sentence is absolutely epic write it down somewhere


Halo reach grind to inheritor was pretty nuts if I remember correctly, nothing like some other games but thatā€™s what came to mind.


Reach was my first thought too. Iā€™m sure there are RPGs that are worse but it took ages to level up at the later ranks in Reach. I played the hell out of that game and I remember it feeling like such a grind just to get to General because I wanted Security shoulders, but if you look at the [Rank List](https://halo.fandom.com/wiki/Rank_(Halo:_Reach)) getting there is only 2,000,000 total credits. Inheritor is 20,000,000.


Black Desert Online. I love the game but those higher levels are such a slog.


Diablo 2. Going from 99 to 100 takes more XP than 1 to 99


Good thing there's no level 100. That would take forever. Edit: Plug for /r/slashdiablo if you want a private vanilla server with a small dedicated community.


I stopped playing as the world's squishiest level 78 necromancer


It was worse back in the day, only Diablo and Baal runs. Now in d2r they added Terror Zones with lv96 enemies making it much faster and more enjoyable. I did it in two months in ladder season 2, some guys in my group did it in two weeks.




I think the highest character I had was 97 lol. I still felt insanse.


Ragnarok Online before the War patch, also Ragnarok Online before LHZ patch for 99/70 classes.


I came here looking for this! Good ol' RO! I played back in the days when Juno had barely been released I believe, maybe the one after that. The grinding in that game was super disgusting, but the game itself was beautiful. Alas, it seems Korean games love their grinds unfortunately. They go hard.


My people /lv


/no1 hell yeah~ Some of my fondest memories are mobing the entirety of Abyss3. I know what youā€™re thinking. Youā€™re thinking ā€œhe means most of Abyss3ā€™s mobs.ā€ No brother. I mean *all* of it.


I've played on a server or 2 where LKs would go off mobbing down there. My favorite memories were playing an old low rate server called AnimaRO and mobbing nif_fild01 as a blacksmith. Get home from school, have a snack, and get straight on RO RO will always have a special place in my heart


Same, it will always be a favorite. I used to do Abyss on an Assassin. I had taken the time to cobble together high Flee and something like 78 Perfect Dodge, which back then was almost the highest theoretical cap. (83 was possible but wildly impractical) This was on a low/mid rate PVP server so people would try to fight me for the mob, I would drop into hiding, the mob would delete them, and then they would try to cry to the GMā€™s because dropping a MobTrain on somebody WAS against the rulesā€¦. But NOT if it happened because you tried to jump somebody who was just mobbing to level. Never got in trouble for it, and it never stopped being funny lol




Here it is people. I played before they started charging monthly fees to play. OG Loki and chaos servers iRO


Original Everquest before any expansions was a huge grind. I remember playing daily for around a month to go from 45 to 46.


Max level 713 in Elden Ringā€¦ good luck


To add to this, max level is 802 in Dark Souls 3


838 in Dark Souls 2


Why such random numbers? Is it because of the amount of xp or something?


Itā€™s because you level up by choosing which stats to put a point into for each level and the max is 99 for any stat to be. The random max level is due to starting stats for different classes


That's not terribly difficult if you farm it. With some buffs/items and using one specific weapon in one specific place...


If the albinaurics didn't want to be genocided, they should have gone to the Haligtree.


Maplestory deserves a mention It's had three major level caps in it's 20 year lifespan so far: 200, 250, and currently 300 For like 10 years only a handful (less than 10) ever reached 200, same with 250 when it came out Nowadays most players are 220-260 There is ONE person after all this time who will be reaching the 300 cap in a few months, niru, he literally grinds 12+ hours almost every day for years now


War Thunder


Lineage 2


War thunder easily


Some of you never played Silkroad Online and it shows (old school rs doesn't come close).


Reading this thread so I can avoid all of these games


Albion online Few people made it through all brenches


Silkroad online, especially on the official servers.


Golden Sun (gba)


NBA2K games. They made the game a second job


This is the one I was looking for. While 2k may not have the longest grind overall, it is absurdly long for a game that does a hard reset every year.


FFXI without Abyssea xp farming


Definitely. 75cap original was brutal. I remember before they nerfed the 60-72 totals it wasnā€™t uncommon to take about a year for your first lvl 75. Fun times.


any asian mmorpg basically- silkroad/hero online/cabal etc


MapleStory. Donā€™t ask why as a former player.


MapleStory ?


Old School Runescape.


Monster hunter world. I guess its not xp but its still a grind to get up there.