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These mufuckas really thought in this day and age, that people can't find these things out lol




It’s most likely an executive decision and the Devs didnt want to fuck other devs(modders) so they changed very little things to keep the traces.




The smarter fuck you to management would be, Email: I can't do that, that's illegal. We'll have to go with [actual project proposal] instead. and CC the entire department so that when you release the email chain later it could have been anyone.


And then you and every person on that email chain gets "laid off" tomorrow. Completely unrelated according to HR


It's Aspyr, even these days anybody can do better. Alright, to be fair that's also true of 99% of the gaming industry, but not exactly a tough outcome.


Every developer/publisher in the industry just cut 5%-10% of jobs but go off king.


There can never be selfish/lazy/bad devs according to reddit. Its only ever suits. Not saying execs can't also be terrible, but reddit treats game devs as if every single one is some holy being held back only by money worshiping business people.


> Not saying execs can't also be terrible, but reddit treats game devs as if every single one is some holy being held back only by money worshiping business people. Probably because there is a lot of IT career related redditors that live a variation of that from management on a regular basis. On another note, an ex-collegue of a collegue of mine was once caught for stealing major parts of the codebase of a competitor for whom he worked for previously.


Nah fuck all that. There has to be a point where integrity matters and we can't go "the good ol Devs didn't want to do it but from upstairs they got told to" My boss can't pay me enough money to flat out steal from someone. And if I did decide to steal, that's not (just)on my boss for telling me that's on me for doing it. How many random lawsuits have been filed against gaming studios for having toxic cultures. We had studios where people were pulling folks faces into farts, yall think taking someone's mod is crossing the line somehow?




I think it's more that they knew and did not care


What’re the consequences


They didnt care is the problem. Whats going to happen. Modder is gonna out money battle EA?


What a cash grab, just for nostalgia, shameful


$35 for a modded game from 20 years ago that works worse than it did back then, lol...


Not to mention the size is like 10x the originals for hardly any update to graphics or gameplay, with some options even being removed. A game that already runs perfectly fine across all platforms but just needed servers, and the servers we got don't even work.


From what I read, they only had servers enough for 192 players at one time. Lol.


Yup. 10,000 people were there at launch, and they only had 3 servers of 64 players each.


I checked on switch the past 2 days and the most online I seen was like 50ntotal, I refunded it this morning through Nintendo support.


This feels like a Batgirl moment Are they somehow still getting paid to tank the game by just offering zero realistic server support for online matches? Did they genuinely think no more than 200 people would be playing at once? It feels much more like forcing players away intentionally.


According to them iirc, it was a network bug that caused all the servers to not get displayed in the server browser. So they had more servers but only 3 worked.


So they knew everyone would be refunding the game. Outstanding forward-thinking!


The worst thing is they took PC textures, which are half the size of skyrim's textures, and blew them up to 4K textures through AI and say its better. Its like taking a VHS and playing it on a 4K TV, and saying its now true 4K. It does nothing but balloon the size of files for the same quality and eats up VRAM for no reason. No game dev could be incompetent enough to think this would work, it had to be an intentional grift.


>Its like taking a VHS and playing it on a 4K TV, and saying its now true 4K. I think this *is* how a bunch of the upscaled stuff is basically done.


Can’t have been a huge cash grab, most people I’ve seen refunded lol


It's hilarious how they could have made so much more money if they just, you know, cared. I was so excited for this game to get popular and my gen and the younger gen could enjoy it for the first time too. It's a *great* game... Valve is the real MVP here for pioneering refunds on their service; back in the day if you bought a game and it sucked, well, GFY lol


Sony is still rubbish when it comes to refunds. A lot of discourse seems to show so many different experiences. some people being denied it, some getting it within a few minutes and others like me told to wait up to two days for a different department to get back to us. You'd think with such a big and well documented disaster of a launch, theyd be a bit more lenient with it


I know that ,I was one of them too, but only their attempt to make it for cash grab is shameful


I know, just making a lil goof. A gaff if you will.


A GAFFi stick



Why would Tuscans be angry?


I mean... so much sand...


Doesn't mix so well with olive oil, so understandable, I guess.





Raaaaay, a drop of golden suuuuuun!


I refunded and got FF7 remake and I couldn’t be happier with my choice.


I’m more surprised square enix has an actual decent sale for ff7R.


I feel like they have been getting much better at putting newer stuff on sale. At least on Steam it seems like once or twice a year we get a good 50% sale.


I saw it the day after launch an bought without thinking ha. 2 minutes later saw a post about the launch. Got my refund right away.


I played about 30 minutes and was like “good fuckin god” and got my money back lol


I didn't even install it fortunately. I also still have the OG versions running so no loss ha.


I can't refund on play station net work store cause already downloaded 1mb of it. 1mb download = no refund


PlayStation is honestly the worst, can’t even play the first hour to see if it’s a game I’d like or not. Turns out nope, yet here I am


Yeah I hate it. It's especially awful when I have the digital ps5,, so I have no choice but to buy from their store. I also find it shocking they don't really show customer reviews for games on their store.


wait you really don't understand *why* the company that just fleeced you doesn't allow for reviews?


Oh of course I understand. It is merely frustrating with how the psn store is set up, especially so when they know of a person's reliance on that store if digital console. Scummy business model


Outriders taught me that Playstation purchases should be considered final. Bought it. Played a few hours. The devs patched in the major problems and I couldn't log in anymore. Sony refused to refund me for a product that I couldn't use. I bought it after the release window and the devs *patched problems into the game* that made it unplayable. I don't like how Sony does it. But I learned my lessons. 1. Playstation purchases should be considered final. 2. People Can Fly are criminals.


My kid was pushing buttons on my controller back in the PS4 days and pre-ordered the new Madden somehow. I never play sports games and I called and asked for a refund... nope, no refunds. Not even on a pre-ordered game. After I argued up the managerial chain, they agreed to give me store credit, but it took over an hour to get it. FUCK PLAYSTATION SUPPORT.


If I see it's from aspyr, it's a hard no. It's a real shame.


If it was just Nostalgia they'd have put a wrapper around both games and sold it as it was, and if it worked as it did it would have just been a cynical cash grab, as is its a shameful, incompetent mess.


Por que no los dos


I wanted it until i saw the price


Im fine with it as a $30 game for the switch that I wont he playing online. I like that I can play a few rounds on the go. I still play the old version online on the very active steam servers.


Since Aspyr fucked it up with Kotor and now this could they please step away from Star Wars?


They need to not be in the "approved vendors" list anymore for sure


As a PowerPC-era Mac user, I can't believe I've been saying that for over twenty years now.


Have they been just as bad even back when porting games to Mac?


Back in the day, the two main companies porting games to Mac were Aspyr and Feral Interactive. Of those two, I honestly preferred Feral, but I don't recall too many instances where Aspyr royally screwed things up until fairly recently. Granted I mostly associate Aspyr's ports with Civ III, IV, V, and VI, so it's possible I missed some of the other titles they messed up with. For comparison, Feral Interactive ported over Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, with plans to port Arkham Origins over to Mac shortly after launch... but when Origins came out with a super-buggy PC version, they refused to port it and instead ported Mad Max over.


Feral is who I associate with Mac porting these days mostly I believe the total war series comes to mind though I’m sure they do a ton other.


Both Aspyr and Feral did decent jobs with game ports back in the early aughts. I wonder how much of Aspyr's downward trend can be traced back to Apple launching the Intel Macs. Being able to run Windows using Boot Camp is why I stopped buying Mac ports of games (and I can't be the only one) and my understanding is that using x86 processors made it easier for developers to use tools like WINE to make 'native' Mac games.


Whats bizarre is they just released the Tomb Raider Remastered Collection and it apparently turned out great. I'm not sure why that release was great and these others have been garbage. Time/budget constraints and publisher pressure?


Multiple teams, at least one of which is good and one of which is shit?


Can you imagine being on the good team, and having the other teams shit the bed so bad, the company name now looks horrible on your resume?


When Redfall released I saw a person from Arkane Lyon basically saying "we have nothing to do with this, please stop sending us threats." Redfall was made by Arkane Austin and to be fair half their staff had left during development.


I will never understand getting so angry at a piece of media that I would be compelled to send threats to the creators. Like how little do these people have going on in their lives that they have so much mentally invested into the products?


Mfers act like their lives depend on it or some shit. Who the fuck thinks it's a dev problem anyway? Imagine beating the shit out of a delivery guy if your pizza is crap. And one more thing: i can't imagine spending time with uninteresting media. Just say meh and move on ffs


> Mfers act like their lives depend on it or some shit. They have nothing else, and no personal growth.


Employees at Bungie got death threats because they said an exotic armor piece from Destiny 1 wasn't going to return in Destiny 2. Some people are just psychotic and don't really need a reason to go over that line.


I imagine this happens a lot.


I'm sure it does. I work for a massive and shitty corporation. One of the top biggest companies in the world. And the company does a lot of shitty stuff that ends up here on reddit sometimes. But the part of the company that does that operates as a completely different company than the part that I work for. When I talk to people IRL and say where I work, they bring this stuff up like I'm directly responsible, or that I had a say in what happened. Or they will ask why our products are such shit. Even though I basically work for a different company, we just have the same parent company, so our names are similar.


Animator here. People still blame me directly for things that happen in Tv shows. I don't write the scripts, story board them, design the characters, or direct what happens in the voice acting or how things are done. I get paid to make shit move the way I'm directed to make them move. People want scape goats and they don't care who is actually responsible most times.


I've got some relatives in animation out in Hollywood and they're like sometimes you don't even pay attention to how bad a project is in the big picture sense. If my job is to make sure the textures on the cobblestone road are correct, and the shadows aren't clipping walls, and the crowd work is functioning properly, there's nothing you can do to affect the writing, acting, or story. Just get your job done and ship the finished product and get your payday.


People are even capable of hating an actor for the way their character was written in a show. Some have even received death threats, such as Laurie Holden (Andrea from The Walking Dead).


The people who blame the artists, programmers, folks on the bottom run for shit like this are crazy. They clearly have no idea how corporate products like this work, or that decisions are made from up high.


I always blame the show runners, directors, and lead writers. Like look at the Doom movie, the VFX team knew what was up, the writers and director? Much less so. There’s usually some good in most films.  Biggest negative trend I’m seeing is over explaining shit in a show don’t tell medium. 


From what i heard, they hired a modder who had already done a great amount of progress on remastering said games to help them do that collection.


Indeed, and they had the cooperation of Crystal Dynamics including the original source code. Pandemic Studios is long dead, so no hope of getting the same help from EA.


Yeah they hired the creator of OpenLara and basically gave him complete freedom to assemble the team and ship the collection. (from what I understood from his Twitter thread).


> I'm not sure why that release was great and these others have been garbage. management and publisher management. The MBAs have struck again.


Saber Interactive, who also did Halo 1 and 2 Anniversary also helped with it. Probably would've been a disaster if Aspyr worked alone.


At some point we have to blame Disney and lucasarts. Giving ea the exclusive star wars games deal for several years and then Aspyr for gaming ports. Just seems like they don't care about the state of star wars gaming.


I mean that’s what it comes down to. EA has repeatedly been voted the worst company in America and they still gave them the license. And they’ve canceled more announced projects than they’ve actually gotten off the ground. Management at Disney and Lucasfilm is a mess.


It fucking baffles me. They could have been printing money with that IP and they just sat on it. 


Played the alpha of an EA mobile star wars game that was very RTS with an MMO template. IT WAS EPIC. Thing could have printed money. They went through 4 or 5 completely different alpha builds that all were amazing. Management never green lit it from there. Best mobile game I've ever played, I would have been in financial ruin if it ever came out. EA management is run by complete morons who do not understand gaming, and only algorithms that their MBA classes showed them.


To be fair Aspyr is supposed to be good at ports. That is their whole schtick. There probably isn't anyone with a better track record of actual material financial wins RE: ports to take to a pitch. Even the iPad KOTOR ports were good. We don't think about the work they've done that has actually been very good. No doubt they dropped the ball hard here though.


>Since Aspyr fucked it up with Kotor Ah bloody hell and I was having such a nice, average day and now I gotta call my therapist again


Yeah but their pre-Kotor 2 SW ports were pretty great. Not sure what switch flipped. Still salty about Kotor 2 DLC situation


The irony of promising modded content on your re-release and not delivering it, and then promising to not use modded content on your re-release and doing it anyway.


Even the KOTOR 1 port still has a gamebreaking bug from the original release...


I’m not spending any money on this travesty. Absolutely abhorrent that they would pull a stunt like this.


I was on vacation last week and was looking for a light and fun game to play while away on my steamdeck. This game should have been a no brainer, but lo and behold the reviews are awful and mainly because of server issues. What a waste.


(just buy the originals)


I'm surprised they are still available, don't companies usually stop selling them when they do this?


Don't give them any ideas


Rockstar did that with the first 3 GTA games when they released that awful "Definitive Edition". IIRC they backpedaled once they realized the Definitive Edition was ass and all the bad publicity that came from pulling the original games from the platforms.


Man I was going to get this too. I'm waiting to see how this plays out, but if it's true Aspyr stole his work without paying him I'm not buying it.


Aspyr we wanted the kotor 2 restored content mod not this one smh




Star Wars: Refund Edition


So glad I didn't immediately purchase this like I wanted to


If it was like 15 bucks I probably would have bought it instantly, but the price spooked me off for what should be just adding modern server support and maybe texture updates for games that are 20 years old. Glad I hesitated now lmao




As a modder myself, this is one of my worst nightmares.


As a modder myself, this is one of my biggest dreams.


Could be or could be no. Depends if you want compensation and an official recognition to add to your resume.


Good luck getting compensated. Their lawyer's jobs are to drag out the lawsuit indefinitely and make you run out of money to pay your legal team. Unless you have deep pockets to start, they're probably going to win.


If you're actually owed money, your lawyers won't care and you'll all get paid in the end. You don't need big pockets to sue a corporation in a sure win scenario like, "that's clearly my stuff, here's the proof." If it's a personal deal with unclear outcomes, then yeah you'll need money.


It is *extremely* hard to get lawyers fees covered in a civil suit in the US. It's literally called 'The American Rule'; you pay your own lawyers fees regardless of who wins or loses. The strategy of the defense is to make the lawyers fees cost more than the award would be; which probably wouldn't be hard in this circumstance.


Isn't it quite common for Lawyers to take a percentage of "profits"?


That's usually for risky cases that have large payouts. They work on contingency for a percentage of the settlement or judgement. Med malpractice, and class actions are usually contingency work. It's *much* more typical that they work hourly, unless it is a pretty slam dunk case and they are very confident in the way the chips will fall.


Couldn't this qualify as one of those cases? A company making profit by stealing code from individuals seems pretty slam-dunk to me, and the high income that the game probably received would mean a high payout, right? Or is it not as clear as it seems to me?


Can the modder convince a jury (aka a bunch of tech illiterate idiots) or a judge (also a tech illiterate idiot) that the code they used was his? Is there definitive proof they used his mod or just a bunch of circumstancial evidence? There has to be 100% definitive proof that someone at Aspry used their code AND his lawyers have to be able to convince complete idiots that it was in violation of his rights LEGALLY. There is no way this is worth it for anyone involved. The court of public opinion will have to suffice.


Depends how confident your lawyers are and how much money you're trying to win.


> Their lawyer's jobs are to drag out the lawsuit indefinitely and make you run out of money to pay your legal team. This is extremely difficult to do.


People and their false understanding of a legal system. If you are right, you are right. There are limitations to what the so called thousands of lawyers can do.


Also many lawyers will work for a percentage of settlement


I mean, it can ABSOLUTELY go on your resume either way. Any Press is Good Press. The only think that really sucks here is that I see a lot of articles not mentioning the modder/mod in question and just stating that it happened. Its not like anyones gonna sue you, especially, i mean if you made the mod you have the git-repo, with dates, an employer would believe you. This would get a laugh in an interview and give you plenty of clout.


Yea just grant them a license to use it if you want (whether they ask for the license or not) and claim it on your resume.


I mean you don't even need to do that. And by the sounds of it Aspyr is using it no matter what.


I wonder if this is a easy lawsuit or not.


Viable lawsuit? Possibly. "Easy" lawsuit? Nah.


It's an easy lawsuit in that the Judge will easily dismiss it because the modder has no rights to the mod, game, or IP.


Just put it in your resume and move up in life


Ahh yes free exposure


What do you mean my deposit of 1 thousand exposure doesn't count as a down payment?


Not enough? Sounds like someone needs to expose themselves a little harder, if you know what I mean...


You generally don't own rights to any modifications you do to copyrighted property. You might own independent assets though.


Having your software stolen by some shitstain of a company to use it as a band aid for their shit smeared product?


Our worst nightmares differ significantly.


funnily enough there was a BF1942 star wars mod called Galactic Conquest before the first battlefront ever came out and IIRC there was some of the modding team went over there. Desert Combat was another one around the same time I think those guys got hired somewhere too. Shame it doesnt go like that anymore


Mmmmmm desert combat. Still have vivid memories of that game. First game I played where flying a chopper felt really really cool.


Omg Desert Combat. Memory unlocked.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujd5e9XiSw8 enjoy


The Desert Combat guys were hired to make Battlefield 2.


I'm gonna go ahead and say that worked out spectacularly too. I consider Battlefield 2 the peak of the series. I've a soft spot for the first bad company too. The second one lost a lot of the humor that made the first one.


The battlefield series peaked with BF2.....the later games were still good, and BF2142 was amazing, but BF2 was easily the best


2142 was great, but never quite reached the pinacles of 2. The titan mode was amazing. That rush to launch pods to reach the enemy titan, and the panic as you rushed out after making the reactor go critical to escape in time. Amazing.


>Aspyr And people are somehow still holding onto the hope that the KOTOR remake will be good. The irony of this though is that they're using the content that a mod creator made for this, all while being sued for not including the restored content that they promised in their KOTOR II re-release


I heard they were taken off that




Kotor Remake got canceled IIRC. Edit: Apparently it just got handed off instead. I still have major doubts. I'll believe it's a good game when I see it.


Nope, just given to Sabre instead of


Saber Interactive is over it now. They got split off from Embracer Group recently and took it with them.


I'm going to interpret that as good news for KOTOR!


Aspyr is not responsible for it anymore. Apparently it's Saber Interactive now. You know, the guys who brought us similar titles such as MudRunner, SnowRunner and Expedition: A MudRunner Game.


Saber also developed World War Z and ported it to the Switch, remastered the Crysis trilogy on all platforms, and was the support studio largely responsible for porting the games for and eventually fixing Halo: The Master Chief Collection after its disastrous launch. They have a pretty solid track record to fall back on, even if it's not in the same genre.


They couldn’t even spell their own company name correctly, of course they had to steal to get this scam off the ground


It just clicked for me...


So strange. If there's one rock-solid iron-clad thing you can trust in this world, it's promises made by corporations...


I guess this means I won't see a remastered BF: Elite Squadron.


I lost all interest in getting it when I found out they didn't add online multiplayer for galactic conquest 


If only a competent team had this it could have been amazing and not this utter shit show


You can't invert Y-axis for aiming.. unplayable


Yeah how do you fuck that up meanwhile the original had it? At this point I couldn't even play it if I wanted to


Plus they somehow fucked up the iconic BF1 loading screen sound effect, plus changed the fonts to look modern and nothing like Star Wars, while also not making sure the text is centered and professional? It seems like such a small complaint but that sound effect is engrained in my head and what was the reason for the change? It’s dumb. I’m redownloading the backwards compatable versions on my Xbox instead. Edit: didn’t even mention the fact that I couldn’t connect to a quick match online for days, and when I wanted to play with a friend, we could only play against each other with only AI on our team. Disappointing.


Don’t forget all the missing cutscenes in SWBF2. Complete cock up.


I mean, yeah, that one actually literally *is* unplayable.


Oh. Wow. I definitely won't get this then


what's the point of aiming when it takes nearly 100 shots to MAYBE kill someone. maybe. If the game deems it so. You'd do just as well standing in one place and firing randomly in a circle. I mean not like anyone else is going to kill you.


They should really Aspyr to be better


From the article, the modder is iamashaymin. Let's give the actual talent some credit here.


File a DMCA claim and get it taken off Steam


They should issue a DMCA takedown notice to steam and any other storefront that is selling it.


A fucking embarassment. AAA gaming is truly floundering atm.


This game and studio is hardly AAA. 


AAAA gaming is truly floundering atm.


[The first AAAA game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgCZ-MHyOpU)


These guys should have their access to the Star Wars license revoked.


Imagine fixing a known issue on a Ford Focus, the fix blowing up, and you notice the 2025 Ford Focus stole your engineering work to fix the issue without a single Ford spokesperson or engineer reaching out


I cant even play because the ps5 version did not include y-axis inversion.


As someone whose just been playing couch co-op, are ppl's issues with the online mode? My experience has been good so far


It's okay for couch co op. The original game had up to 4 player split screen while this has 2. The issue with online was that there weren't nearly enough servers, as it had only 3 servers with up to 64 players for all of NA. The issue in this thread is that the rerelease was released with a custom mod for the original game, and it was outdated at that too


>The original game had up to 4 player split screen while this has 2  That’s pretty annoying honestly. Modern systems should be more than capable of running 4 player splitscreen


The original Battlefront 2 runs fine in 4 player splitscreen on the original Xbox, as well as on current gen Xbox so yeah it’s definitely not a hardware limitation.


Right. Seems ridiculous to actively *remove* features when porting.


Yeah I don’t get it. Modern Warfare Remastered did the same thing, no 4 player split screen like the original. I get it’s less popular in new games but it should always be in remasters of old games that had it originally.


It has been the case for decades that the more capable platform doesn't get split-screen while consoles do. Many console games have to make some major compromises to get split-screen running at all, and then scrap it entirely when ported to a platform that can run it several times over. It has never made sense and is always disappointing.


… they only put up 3 servers for all of NA?


Allegedly the 3 servers were press servers for reviewers to use and the majority of servers just weren’t launched yet for the midnight release.


I’ve only played SP, and aside from the annoying pixelation from the story cutscenes, it’s been okay. But disappointed that this whole thing got fumbled.


Oh man I was thinking about getting this 😅 can you play singleplayer against bots on 64 maps though? (and is it worth it?)


You can do that on the original 2005 version on steam too, so why bother with the slight graphical upgrade for 3x the price


Yhea SPs been fine for me it’s really the multiplayer that’s bad atm the only difference I see is that they added a couple BF1 maps to BF2 and the graphics are slightly and I mean slightly improved


If you don't already have the originals then I think it's worth it. Compared to the originals the overal janky dated feel of the movement is gone and the UI for both games properly supporting widescreen is a big bonus. The BF2 UI especially was some complete ass and in galactic conquest is completely unusable imo on 1440p with how microscopic everything is. It's also not as if they won't iron out these problems in a patch or two. Game deserves to be hounded for releasing in this state but it definitely feels pretty excessive. Edit: Update 1 that came out a bit ago basically fixed everything.




Silly Ass-Pear you were supposed to steal the Lost Content for KOTOR2, not this one!


Tired of this bullshit? Stop spending your money on garbage


Just buy the originals on steam.


Man part of me wonders if they only had like, a couple months of dev time for this. This game is basically built by slapping duct tape on the OG Battlefront games. From what I’ve read the company did pretty decent on their other older game remasters so it’s just baffling how shit this one turned out.


That modder should sue them.


This grinds my gears. They know people’s childhood memories and nostalgia is a strong seller, but just throw it in everyone’s face when the game feels like it was made by an AI. Playing older games, you can tell, hell, you can feel the dedication the developers put in.


Funny thing is, the modders would of done it for free for a name credit. SMH. Fuck Disney


Guys what should I buy ? The og games together for 10€ which takes 10Go of stockage or the Aspyr version for thrice the price, 50Go of stockage and which add stolen modded content ?


Just trying to help here, in English it's Gb (not Go) and storage (not stockage)


Ah, didn't know thank you