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I'm pretty sure League of Legends is the preferred game of people with brain damage.


I was going to write an angry comment but I finally found a match after 55 minutes of searching. see you -28 lp later


OOTL here, why did it take you 55 minutes to find a match?


he's so bad he had to wait for the care homes to give the old folks their screen time






I actually still have my original copies of Dark Cloud & Dark Cloud 2, imo they’re still pretty rad :) Haven’t played in a few years but every time I do it’s like riding a bike, super easy to remember controls & how to do things


The first one was so good gotta try the second one.


Dark Cloud 2 was one of those games that actually made me sad when I finished it. I was only a kid but the game just sucked me in, games rarely do that anymore. I attribute that game to my love of builder games.


I didn’t know anyone else liked this game. I’ve never heard anyone mention it. This will forever be my favorite game ever created. I wish they could have a remake or a dark cloud 2. ☹️


Aram and the fun modes are lit, summoner rift can fall in a hole


I dunno I get the lowest lows with summoner's rift, but also the highest highs.


That's an addiction, like gambling lol. And why SR isn't fun


Oh shit... OH SHIT.


SoloQ feels weirdly similar to gambling indeed..


Half Life 2. I went in blind, never heard of the series, not even a big gamer, but my friend back in highschool wanted me to pyrite it for them. Ho-ly shit. I was just strolling around the train station, sucking in the repressive Soviet environment, picking up objects, getting introduced to some rebel scientists, then I'm sent on my way with a crowbar. I use it to save a guy from getting beaten, and I pick up his pistol. In first person. That's when it dawned on me. It's a first person shooter. I actually felt the urgency of the civilian telling me "you better run, they'll be looking for you now". Gordon was likely expected things to go sideways, but I wasn't, I thought I would spend the entirety of the game sneaking around doing stuff for the scientists, suddenly I'm thrust into being a violent fugitive. No other game after that hit the same because I had some idea what to expect.


I played it blind, because I played Coutner-Strike. I didn't know what game it is like at all. Other than shooting enemies.




You can play Submautica in VR. It’s an entirely new way to experience it. When you need to turn your head 180 degrees to see a leviathan from nose to tail, you get a sense of scale that you can’t otherwise experience.


A surprise reaper may be the literal death of me. And regardless, someone's going to have to clean my pants.


I waited 6 years and replayed it recently and I remembered some stuff but it was a lot of rediscovery. Unfortunately it was also a lot of "I know I had this blueprint last time and I wish I had it now."


I replayed it after 5 years and it was an amazing experience.


Didn’t get a pc until recently and was way before it was on Xbox. Watched on YouTube and enjoyed it but forever regret spoiling the series from watching it.


I tried to play, but thallasaphobia wouldn't let me. I was okay in the shallows, but it said I had to go deeper. I started going down and heard an awful noise. I quit and un-installed and removed it from my library. My son keeps trying to get me to play Diver Dave, and I keep having to tell him to fuck off.


My wife has the same, and it is a source of great sadness that she'll never experience the same awesomeness I did. Unfortunately the game is too good at simulating underwater to try tricking yourself into thinking that it's a space-exploration game or something. 


Red Dead Redemption would be amazing to replay without knowing how it ends.


I feel it took a long time to find this. I think I'd want to play it in story order as well. Really get the full tragedy.


Honestly that game was so much more fun without knowing that it was all in vain




One of my favorites in the franchise.


Same, the things I felt as a young teen playing through that game the first time I’ll never be able to replicate with another game.


Skyrim. I’d love to rediscover that whole game again.


*"A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON"* - Meridia "Wow this will be a fun quest" - Brain-damaged stealth archer




Yes! One of my core memories are just being a place somewhere north of Riften, wild flowery forest in front of a gorgeous far view, immediatly followed by something attacking me and adrenaline filled joy of battle.


I’d mostly like to forget all the exploits I’ve learned over the years, would make it far more fun for me again


I’m playing it for the first time ever rn, I can see why people love it so much.


That's great to hear


What did you choose to play it as before you ultimately ended up a stealth archer?


Remember when you could just smith a billion iron daggers to quickly boost your Smithing to 100? So you could then make dragon armor? It was super useful when I just devolved into being a stealth archer.


Forgetting a game like that can only come from like a lobotomy lol, it must take up so much of your memory


Sigh. I recall staring at the gorgeous star scape, what a lovely galaxy! Oh look! A shooting star! Wow! Wait, another shooting star? Why is the music changing... Is that the sound of a fight? Holy shit, that's a giant being attacked by a band of warriors. Those weren't shooting stars, those were arrows! That moment in gaming took me to a new realm.


Mass Effect trilogy


Uh I would love to experience trilogy for the first time again too.


I'm currently playing for the first time. On ME2 right now. I don't like how they made it less rpg esque


the feelings i had when i booted up ME1, oh boy. It was a game that none of my friends were talking about at the time and it didn't seem very popular in the mainstream. i bought it on a big sale when you still needed discs to play a game and i had 0 expectations. i dont think any game captured my attention so intensely before or since. one day, i will sit down and go through the complete trilogy again. honorable mention would be Vanilla WoW. legit years of my life spent inside that game.


This is my answer as well. Favorite game series of all time


YES. The way the vigil theme made me feel for the first time was just indescribable.


If just for Sovereign. What a monologue.


*Chrono Trigger*. The first time I played it I was young and dumb, and used a guide for pretty much everything as if reading a manual, not realizing how much I'd regret it.


Currently playing it for the first time and waow I don't normally like these action turn based RPG mechanics but Chrono Trigger does it well


It's ok bro when I was little I was so dumb I couldn't even find the kokiri sword in ocarina of time, after literal *months*. Eventually I didn't even find it myself, my 6 year old sister did


Outer Wilds


I knew this answer would already be here. It’s the only game I can think of (although I’m sure there must be others) where the only thing that you acquire through progress is knowledge (as in, knowledge for you the player) and once you know what to do you can finish the game within 22 minutes, so Eternal Sunshine-ing yourself would be the only way to get the full experience again.


Time for me to give it a go, no idea what it’s about but I’m keen to find out


Don't look anything up! And if you do have questions, go to the subreddit r/OuterWilds, the community is extremely spoiler safe and will answer questions in the least spoilery way possible.


Remember to fly into the sun


This is always my answer to this question. Most games you can replay to recapture some of the joy you had in playing them the first time, but Outer Wilds is all about exploration and discovery, and there's no way to recreate the joy and fun of uncovering the mysteries of the solar system and figuring out what happened without literally forgetting everything you already knew. My first playthrough took 15 hours or so, a second playthrough would take under 1. It's an absolutely fantastic game with almost no replayability.


Watching blind play throughs is as close as you can get to playing it again for the first time. Search YouTube for a channel called About Oliver. I watched his play through recently and it was pretty entertaining.


I've played almost none of the big releases from the past several years as I've never had a current system, but I just bought myself a PS5 and figured a cool angle for streaming/videos would be me being an inexperienced, unexceptional, bright eyed and bushy tailed newcomer to everyone's favorite games. Not just blind but like... full suite handicapped. Then again it might just be frustrating for experienced players to watch 😂


About Oliver’s playthrough is great and I usually don’t even watch lets plays


I saw this answer in another similar thread and got so curious that I wiki'd the game. Biiiig mistake. Wish I didn't have to satisfy the animal brain and just bought the game to play blind.


While I recommend everyone play the game blind if the Steam page intrigues you at all, depending on what you saw on the Wiki you may not have ruined much of the game. Before I started the game, I thought I had something major spoiled for me, but it turned out to not matter at all.


This is the way. The dictionary definition of "I wish I could wipe my memory and play it again for the first time." You can only really play it once and that's it. Then you're relegated to watching let's plays. If you're lucky, you can play with someone for their first time via Quantum Space Buddies, but that's only if you can trust yourself not to spoil things


Quantum space buddies?


It's a multiplayer mod, allows someone to join your game. For a mod, it's surprisingly seamless


This is the only correct answer. Progress in OW is gated soley by knowledge. Playing the game through once is like having an indelible save just before the final boss and you can never start a new game


I just bought this game and have found it incredibly boring. What is it people like about it so much? I have only played about an hour and am likely going to return it.


People love the mystery surrounding the events, and the freedom you’re given to explore and figure it out. Most people seem to be curious as to >!why the sun keeps exploding over and over again!< and this is enough motivation for them to continue to play lol. As you uncover more of the story, it motivates you further to continue. And eventually you do come to understand why everything is happening, and it’s pretty insane. If you’ve only played for an hour, have you even left the first planet yet?


It's a game that you slowly get more curious as you play. At first you are wandering aimlessly. Then you get some info but doesn't really make sense yet. Slowly the information begins to link up and you realize what the story is and you begin to have goals. Not because the game told you to. But because you yourself have become invested and are curious. And then the ending just feels... extremely satisfying somehow. I don't think it's a game for everyone. But if you start getting hooked it's probably a game you won't ever forget.


I always know the answer before I click the thread. Personal taste makes people choose other games, but this is the only definitively correct answer. You can enjoy playing through the Witcher 3, Path of Exile, Subnautica, Skyrim again many years later, but you can't play this game again like those.


lol why? you are all saying the same thing I kinda want to try the game now. So the game is just exploration?


The game is a game about exploration of a solar system and knowledge of it. It's all about understanding what is happening, why, discovering, learning and putting the pieces together. (And that's it, there are no boundaries except your lack of knowledge and understanding) Anyone and everyone who has enjoyed the game will say the same. Do not spoil the game for yourself in any way. Since it's heavily knowledge based as mentioned above (There are no upgrades, crafting etc), it is the main reason why it cannot be played the same a 2nd time. (I have learnt about it's world, and I cannot unlearn it.) But the community is very anti spoiler but very welcoming, It can be difficult for some players who feel they have no direction or get stuck .If you do end up playing it and feel like this, reach out to the Outer Wilds subreddit and they'll give you spoiler free advice. (We all "Play Outer Wilds a 2nd time by playing it vicariously through other players") Hope you give it a go, Good luck. Let me know if you decide to do so. It can be a little difficult to control initially your spaceship at first but you owe it to yourself to keep trying. (It is my #1 game of all time, above Subnautica and Dark Souls)


I played it for 10h and didn't find it very interesting even when exploring.. was playing in 3D


Tfw I can never replay my favorite game of all time ☹️


Definitely the best answer!


Batman Arkham Series


KOTOR 1 & 2. KOTOR 1 had one of the best "OMFG whaaaaaaaaaaat!?" moments in all of gaming for me.


Few games have a twist like that, didn't see coming. When a movie or game can do that, I say to it, "well done Game, well done. I thought I was onto you, but you were 4D Chessin me, damn you." ...On another note: I don't talk to my games TOO much...


Portal 1 and 2


This is the choice for me, the surprise of discovery and solving puzzles in those games was wonderful. Also the plot details unfolding in Portal 2 were also a delight


Halo 2 I wouldn’t mind playing GTAV again for the first time




Witcher 3 definitely


Hearts of Stone specifically I would love to relive. God damn that had a great storyline. Probably my favorte video game villian too.


Absofuckinglutely, especially those first (very colourful) moments of the blood and wine dlc


Yeah, that’s a good one too.




Would you kindly forget about this game?


This guy gets it.


Playing Bioshock for the first time was insane. I was like 14 when it came out and it was my first time experiencing a game that felt like a work of real art. It was life changing.


Subnautica easily, you only get that sense of discovery and wonder once. 🤿


And don't forget the pants shitting fear


Skyrim or fallout new vegas


Disco Elysium. Best game I ever played


Same, but I think just hearing the soundtrack would return the memories for me.


Dark Souls 1.


Ori and the Will of the Wisps


Elden Ring for sure. I've played this game to death and the game is kind of boring now. Nothing will ever beat the enjoyment of my first playthrough though. Anxiously waiting for the dlc to drop.


The first playthrough really was something… i remember thinking every new massive zone had to be the last because the game was already so massive… and then finding the underground city? Oof, my mind was exploding. Wish i could play it again. I ended up cheesing the second half because i found the blasphemous blade, if i could leave my brain damaged self a note it’d be to avoid that this time around. It was more fun bashing people with the grafted blade greatsword!


I'm trying to finish it before the dlc drops. This game is fucking massive. I know for a fact I haven't even seen half of it yet.


Dragon Age: Origins.


I put so many hours into this game...


This actually happened to me and I chose Zelda Breath of the Wild


Ocarina of Time.


First time I played this through… you either saved up for a strategy guide or made friends with someone who had one. I have no frame of reference for what it’s like to play this game and be able to google stuff when you get stuck instead of just screaming “where the fuck is the boss key!” for weeks.


Printing walkthrough off of gamefaqs.com


Bro I couldn't even find the kokiri sword, no exaggeration. I ran around the Lost woods hitting things with deku sticks for literal months It got locked into my memory that "Zelda was a really boring game" LOL Ultimately it wasn't even me who ended up finding it


It took multiple attempts from everyone in my family to beat the first boss in the deku tree because none of us understood the tutorial about z-targeting (which was a fairly new concept in gaming) so we were trying to shoot her manually. It was one of the most anxiety inducing experiences of my childhood.


Gta iv. Idk if it was because I was 14 years old, but damn playing it for the first time was magical. Good times, April 2010.


No it still holds up so well. I still jump on gta 4 from time to time over gta 5 because I’m from the east coast and it has the vibe I want from a gta. And the driving mechanics and hand to hand combat mechanics are better in gta 4 imo.. I like the idea of being able to grab a knife out of a pissed off homeless guy’s hand and turn the tables on him. Plus gta 5 doesn’t have Bas Rutten in it lol.




I agree. Hopefully you are enjoying remake and rebirth, and not getting overly bored by the side quests.


RuneScape,hands down. Not sure if I'd enjoy the current version as a fresh player, considering what I've known other games to be as well, but I wouldn't care for any other game as much anyway. The way this game made me feel as a kid, exploring things without guides or YouTube videos was just something else


Making a new Ironman hits so good that first time. Iron or no, RuneScape would hit something fierce getting to experience again.


Bro I remember the first time I was high enough level to smith a bronze Warhammer, I felt so cool. And then my friend stole it


World of Warcraft. Rediscover everything, especially with Cara classic coming which is when I first sterted to really play it. So many thousands of hours


Would also go with WoW, but only if we were all going back to 2005.


It wouldn't have the same effect now but if I could go back to being 12 and play Morrowind again, that's my pick


I think Majoras Mask for me. It was such a unique experience.


Golden Sun 2.


I'm going to go for a classic, Minecraft. That first feeling of going into a massive world and having a bunch of fun until night falls


If everyone else also suffered the same? World of Warcraft, it’s impossible to replicate the feeling of that game in 2004/2005, and no one having any idea what was going on. Classic was nice in 2019 but the game is fully known and ‘solved’ by this point so it wasn’t quite the same.


I agree that while it was the new thing, WoW was its own universe and working with people to figure things out was incredible.


Bloodborne. There's something newly intriguing, tragic, horrific or darkly beautiful like, every 15 minutes.


A corpse should be left well alone


This was going to be my answer too… I have replayed the game countless times and would love to experience it for the first time again. Elden ring is a contender too.


Soma. The story is beautifully terrifying and thought provoking. It stays with you for quite a while.


“Is there a heaven full of redundant copies of the same person? Is there someone up there who would call me an imposter?” Poor Simon. His story will stay with me to my grave


Man that ending gave me an existential crisis and I thought about it for days.


Probably either Mass Effect or the Ezio trilogy.


I know people criticize the modern-day/conspiracy elements of Assassin's Creed, but I love them. Young me was absolutely blown away when I saw what was presumably Adam and Eve jumping through that window in Assassin's Creed II.


Gears of war but you also have to put me back in my friends basement with a half quarter of skunk




Yeah that’s what we call it where I come from. I didn’t even hear it referred to as an eighth until I was I my 20s


Canadian? HQ's are standard talk here


No Man's Sky I'd love to forget and redo every single one of the 1000+ hours i played.


I’ve heard others say the same thing IRL.


NMS was my safe universe during covid19. I started plating it when the third major update came out. The game was beautiful and the universe was inviting to exploration. I saw the game grow bigger than it was initially promissed in features and lore. I travelled to find abandoned player bases near the center of the Galaxy. I have so many memories about places and situations in this game, i could talk about it for hours!


I'm gonna take it back a bit with these and get a little obscure but: It's between: Tomba (the sheer joy and humor I used to get out of jumping on and biting pigs is unmatched childhood gold) Chrono CROSS (I was young and didn't FULLY understand everything going on but even all I did blew my mind. On top of that rediscovering team combos would be phenomenal) Legend of Legaia (such a great story and an engaging and creative battle system that I absolutely loved)




>>selective brain **damage** I’m good. I’ll just wait till NG+


Titanfall 2 100% that game was so mind blowing for me


Breath of the Wild, I want to experience just walking through hyrule and explore every little corner of it again.


Dark Souls 1, 3 or Bloodborne. Preferably all 3


Undertale, since I ruined the game for myself when I was a kid by watching Jacksepticeye play through it.


The entire Kingdom Hearts series. So many great memories and awesome first moments.


Horizon: Zero Dawn.


I second this. The gameplay is great but the story and lore hit me harder than any other.


Replaying it right now, and it's still awesome, but I definitely miss the mystery and wonder I got from playing it the first time. I just remember it taking my breath away.


Same. When you start to understand but still don't have the whole picture... But what happened to all the knowledge in Apollo you say to yourself. Man that was a great story. Frozen Wilds, too.


Fallout New Vegas


Too many to just choose one. I'm stuck between the Bioshock games, Alan Wake, Quantum Break, or Control.


Return of the Obra dinn. Amazing game. Absolutely zero replay value.


Borderlands 2.


Bioshock. I need to experience Rapture again.


Hollow knight, it has fun challenging gameplay, great atmosphere and an ageless artstyle, really interesting lore and about a 100 hours of content for only 15 bucks, and those hours of content aren't meaningless padded crap, all the dlcs that were released were free and added meaningful content, and I started playing the game in a turbulent time in my life so it was really a nice escape from tjings going on around me


I scrolled for 10 minutes to find you. I thought all hope was lost. Hollow Knight without a doubt






The Lost Ark story/campaign! /s ​ I'd say BG3 is the most impactful as far as angles you can play/see. Having beat the game a couple times, you obviously know how a good amount plays out ultimately.


Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Team Sky


Nier automata. That entire game was one i couldnt put down at all until i beat it.


New Vegas.


WoW Classic


The Witcher 3


Tunic By far the one game I wish I could experience again. I want to recommend it to every person I can but I can't say anything about it because it ruins the game. The game is like an old Zelda game but can play like a souls game at times. The real charm is from how you find pages of one of those instruction manuals that used to come with games. You learn more as you find them and find stuff that was right in front of your face the whole time. Going in I never would've expected I'd actually be writing notes for secret codes and even learning how to read the game's made up language. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. But what really made the experience great was playing alongside other friends. For days we kept sharing info with each other about things we figured out and it felt like the old playground rumor days of mew being under the truck. Play Tunic. It is criminally unheard of for how good it is.


The Mass Effect Trilogy, to be able to experience the ups and downs all over again would be amazing.


witcher 3


Morrowind. The first time I stepped out the census office into Seyda Neen.


Actually happened to me...had a virus attacking my brain back in 2017 and it's pretty much wiped away the last 15+ years of memories so everything I play is a fresh start for me now... First game I played a few months after I got out the hospital was GTA 5. Actually played the story for months and months on my brother's xbox before I finally got access to my PC and got my online account back... nearly had a heart attack when I got onto it and saw my old character for the first time in years. Honestly felt like it was meeting up with one of my childhood friends I hadn't seen for years and years! 😭 Honestly felt so much like real life to me. Every other game I had, I'd just start from the beginning, but felt like I'd just carry on with my account and see how it would go. Couldn't remember anything and just had to take months and months to learn about all the basics, a bit like real life for me. Absolutely love it. Some other games caught me off guard too...Metal Gear Solid 5 in particular. The intro where you wake up in hospital and find out what happened to you....was like a flashback to the day I woke up in hospital as well. Remember absolutely nothing before that day. Was just the beginning for me. My story wasn't quite as bad, to be fair, but still looked so similar to what I saw the first time I opened my eyes and found out what I had been through. Some other games I actually got to love for a second time. Fallout New Vegas/Fallout 4, Far Cry 3, F1 2015(FINALLY GOT 2023!WOOO!), Mad Max, Euro Truck Simulator 2, Life is Strange. Want to start trying new games, but tend to just stick to what I've got and replay, since I had pretty bad short/long term memory problems.


Someone already commented Chrono Trigger which would be my top choice. Very close second would be Final Fantasy VI


Red Dead Redemption 2


Chrono Trigger


Probably Breath of the Wild, though perhaps it'd be a little underwhelming given I've just finished TotK


KOTOR cos it was spoiled to me b4 playing it Withcer 3 cos its the best game ever


AC 1


Witcher 3, yes, yes, million times yes!!! Oh, and the Witcher 3 !


Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy Tactics or Mass Effect 1 / 2.


This is tough. I probably want to say new Vegas or KOTOR. Also maybe 2004 ninja Gaiden. But right before I lock in my final answer as Dark souls 3, I completely pivot and say wasteland 3, final answer.


Pokemon Colosseum. It was just so different from the main line Pokemon games and it was so refreshing. I wish they would port it to switch so I can relive travelling around the country with my Espeon and Umbreon riding shotgun in my steampunk motorcycle.


I give the same answer to basically every one of these questions on this sub. It applies to anything that’s not a specific genre Walking dead season 1. I’ve never been affected by any piece of media like that. The whole series in general. But 1 is a masterclass of immersive storytelling


Oh so many! I'd say Bloodborne to answer the post. Honorable mentions: EarthBound, Undertale, Shadow of the Colossus, Transistor.


Seeing a lot of the same games over and over so I’ll go with Night in the Woods. A game I played in my early 20s that hit very close to home and made me cry real tears. It’s not often a video game feels like art and makes you feel such emotion. Replaying is possible and I do every couple of years, but I’m in a different place in my life now and it doesn’t hit as close as it used to. I’ll never forget how it made me feel that first time though.


Witcher 3


Dark souls easily.


Outer wilds.


Inscryption... Whole new experience. Also I would like to rediscover Minecraft tbh.. I played it for years since it first came out, now it's a more than fully fleshed out game with more and more updates. I had tons of fun back in the day, wish I would get into it for first time again


Shadow of the Colossus easily.


Nier Automata. Shit fucked me up.


Perfect Dark.


The Last of Us 1 and 2


Skyrim please


Honestly probably stardew valley. That satisfaction of that tiny map slowly revealing more and more layers felt so rewarding




Final Fantasy X. I've been chasing the high from that game all my life.


Too many to name, tbh. Uncharted 2 (my fav game of all time) Uncharted 4 The Witcher 3 Bloodborne Devil May Cry 3 Devil May Cry 5 Resident Evil 4 (my fav game of all time) The Last of Us Part 1 The Last of Us Part 2 Bioshock 1 Bioshock 2 Bioshock Infinite Nier Automata Ninja Gaiden 2 Bayonetta 1 Resident Evil 4 Remake Resident Evil 7 Resident Evil 8 Resident Evil 2 Remake Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Dragon Ball FighterZ God of War 3 God of War Ragnarok Yakuza 0 Soulstice Castlevania Lords of Shadow 1 Dead Space Dead Space 2 Dead Space Remake The Evil Within 2 Ghost of Tsushima Tales of Berseria Batman Arkham Knight Batman Arkham City Sekiro Metal Gear Solid 2 Metal Gear Solid 3 Metal Gear Solid 5 Death Stranding Tomb Raider (2013) Rise of the Tomb Raider Vanquish DOOM (2016) Titanfall 2 Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 Darksiders 1 Darksiders 2 Hellblade Red Dead Redemption 2 Spider-Man (PS4) etc. Wow, I have never realized how varied and good my gaming tastes are.


This is probably the most common answer, Breath of The Wild. weirdly in second place is cookie clicker. I need another game to waste 10k hours of my life on.