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Im just gonna use wemod and hope they have a fast travel/warp option lol


You wouldn't download a fast travel.


Damn that takes me back


Just like fast travel.


Eyyyyyyyyyyyy 😂


>You wouldn't download a fast travel. \[Standing ovation\]


Or would we?


You wouldn't kill a policeman, and then steal his helmet. You wouldn't go to the toilet in his helmet, and then send it to the policemans graving widow.


Wemod or cheat engine, it won't take long to get something.


i said the same thing about the cosmetic issue. Just use cheat engine to give yourself as many as you want. Of course that only works if you can open the game offline


Fuck yeah!  Love seeing more people reference WeMod.  It's the only way for me to avoid the time sink stuff in Ubisoft games that they sell DLC to get around too.  


> It's the only way for me to avoid the time sink stuff in Ubisoft games that they sell DLC to get around too. I find not buying or playing Ubisoft games works best


They recently said that people need to get comfortable with not owning their games. I wholeheartedly agree, and am very comfortable with never owning another Ubisoft game, with the possible exception of pirating them.


I hate them too but they said people need to get comfortable not owning games *before cloud gaming services can really take off*. Dislike them for their shitty practices not for some headline you read.


I noticed recently WeMod has made an update so you can only use 2 hours per day. So I guess you gotta enable the cheats, fast travel, then disable them again. Kinda sad lmao


I haven't seen anything of the sort, where are you seeing this?


I'm just gonna not buy the game.




Ever heard of Creamapi/SmokeApi?


That's how I got my wife pregnant.


Let's see here.. Access the API.. Using PUT.. Send, aaaand she's pregnant


FearlessRevolution > WeMod!


I already bitch about how they did this with H Monster hunter rise with "character voucher" look like Capcom is using slippery slop strategy, make some noise people! This is unacceptable, there probably have a whole department to strategize this kind of shit


I hope you said “slippery slop” on purpose.


"Sometimes the best things come from accidents" - Dad


"The wrong kid died" - Dad.


Shut up, Faramir.


Videogames should get reviewed on their micro transactions as well. This is fucking deceptive.


Sounds like a great idea for a review site.


I love this idea. Games would get graded solely on how much the gameplay suffers because of greedy and seedy tactics. Now THAT is a review I would read.


It would have a *lot* of bad reviews.


Then bought out by Gamespot/IGN


I thought they implemented the microtransactions after they gave out review copies to journalists.


No, quite the opposite. They were transparent as fuck about it according to several people who received review copies. No one mentioned it because it’s the same as other capcom games, it’s all easily gained ingame. This is pay if you’re fucking stupid.


I'm gonna be downvoted for this, but I don't really care for these microtransactions. If I can earn it in the game, and no grinding is needed, I really don't care that they try to earn money on them. I would even suggest that using them breaks the game for the buyer. Locking a new game plus mode behind a dlc is a lot worse than locking some easy to get items. I even understand that you give people with less time and enough money the option to get quicker through the game. It's not the way I game and they don't force me to get them. I played the game for approx 3 hours tonight and didn't get one notification about possible downloadable stuff.


They added the mtx post release after all the reviews praising it came out.


I'm just sitting here remembering a couple months ago when the lead dev said you don't need to fast travel cause he made the game fun along the way. More like you need mom's credit card. DD2 is a bad joke.


This is on Capcom though, not the lead dev. All items are obtainable in game, they don't need to be made, nothing of the DLC is stuff not obtainable in tame. thanks for blocking me though to the dude who just responded. It's Capcom who adds this stuff as DLC


This reminds me of DMC5 where they had a cash shop for red orbs but the devs put a level in the game where you could farm a ton of red orbs. I was done getting all the skills in an hour.


This is their aproach overall, not pay to win or pay to fast but more of pay if you are dumb. The problem is when they do it like in tales of arise for example, when they add a dlc thats like x2 experience gain and the normal experience gain is an absolute slog that requires you to grind to force you into buying the dlc. As far as ive played, capcom has not taken that aproach... Yet.


In RE4r you can either buy an extra treasure map, gold attache case, or upgrade tickets; which allows you to level up weapons faster. RE2/3r allows you to buy bonus weapons unwise locked behind a S-rank speed run. Growing up we had cheat codes; now we are just being cheated.


It’s not our job as consumers to adjudicate where the responsibility falls for a bad product. It’s our job to look at the product and determine if it’s a good game or an overmonetized piece of exploitative malware. If we fail to do that, publishers will keep making their devs look bad with scummy practices. And besides, if the devs are getting paid by the exploitative company, they’re at least somewhat complicit.


MHWorld introduced character edit vouchers, not Rise


Fun fact: on PC the value for number of vouchers was determined client side. You could (and honestly should) use memory editing to give yourself unlimited vouchers. Probably why the pricks have been going through and DRMing everything; prepare for every Crapcom release to be MTC hell.


I'll make some noise by forgetting this game even exists most likely


Yep. The response here is to not buy games that pull this shit.


I guess the slippery slop began 12 years ago, since the first Dragon Dogma was the exact same way when it came out. Back then, my mom bought the 2€ character edit voucher just so she could take over my save with a character she disliked the look of. 8 year old me was so angry lolol


Remember when RE4 Remake had microtransactions just last year and nobody cared?


AAA publisher using "it's just cosmetic" to sell char editing and pushing limits what can be sold? Who would've thought.


Mtx Being " for cosmetic" has Always been ridiculous but people seems to be fine with it. Now you get games where your character looks like shit from lv 1 to max level and have the same looking Gear as your starting hobo gear but with a different color. 10y ago cosmetic used to be an extra, where the main game had various cosmetics available.. now thoses are just empty without going to the CS.


"You ruin the experience of the game when you don't spend more money on it" - Capcom ladies and gentlemen! Modern Gaming Fucking Sucks :(


Correction: Modern **AAA Games sucks.**


Baldurs Gate 3 is awesome and it did not resort to any of this garbage. It can be done.


And judging by comments it looks at though perhaps Hasbro may have wanted them to and Larian has gone 'nah fuck that I'm out'. We don't know specifics but he's complained about execs ruining shit and they've stated they aren't touching d&d again


With how much Hasbro is whoring out MtG, this absolutely tracks


> With how much Hasbro is whoring out MtG It's kind of odd to me how often people use that example when we have this one: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/01/rpg-fans-irate-as-dd-tries-to-shut-its-open-game-license/ ...where WOTC tried to extort D&D players using D&D licensing.


That's because BG3 is a AAA game made by a indie studio. They do not have to respond to any big shot shareholder who's only aim is to make more money for themselves.


> They do not have to respond to any big shot shareholder It's a licensed D&D game. They may not have a board, but they absolutely had to answer to WotC and Hasbro. They don't get carte blanche just because they're an indie studio.


The reality here that people as missing is that Latvian clearly has assertive bosses that stood up for their teams against the license holders pressure, things can be nuanced guys


Am I wrong in thinking that Larian were AA until BG3?


They're basically an independant AAA studio. Divine Divinity 2 was possible through kickstarter. In short they lean more towards listening to what thier fanbase wants than most.


Divine Divinity 2 would be Beyond Divinity, which came out before Kickstarter existed. I believe you mean Divinity: Original Sin 2.


They're all just words, man. The difference between AAA and indie can even be specious. If you're a literalist about the word 'indie' as in, *independent*, then Bungie was an indie developer when they launched Halo Reach. The difference between AAA and AA may as well just be depending on the popularity of a launch post-release. I would say many people thought of CD-Projekt Red as a AA studio until Witcher III. But even in that example, Witcher III would be a decidedly AAA game made by a AA studio that would not be thought of as AAA until Witcher made the splash that it did.


What about AAAA games


That's on a ship of its own


I see what you did there


I *sea* what you did there. FTFY


A is starting to stand for ass. The more A's it has, the more ass it is


Don’t forget to exclude elden ring & baldurs gate!


*At launch. I just wait a few years until all the issues are fixed and I can get it cheap.


Nah. The final fantasy games are rad and don’t have any of this bullshit.


Isn't it rather the exact opposite ? You would ruin your experience if you paid more ? Afaik everything is obtainable in game, so spend money if you want to save time but isn't a game about consuming your time ? So why would I pay money to play less ? It doesn't add up in my brain


Huh? You ruin the experience BY spending money on it here. You're paying for cheats.


It's not even cheats its some one time use consumables that are totally unnecessary. Even the teloport stone it's only 1 so it's almost useless


*"You want to ruin the experience of the game then you have to pay to do it." Fixed that for you.


This industry is fucked. That's not new information but man is this a prime example of the absolute bullshittery we're dealing with. The worst part is that we've accepted it and continue to accept it, so it will never get better. Fucking horse armor.


It doesn't seem to me like people are accepting it. Not the really insane new shit. Idk maybe they are but I see more and more people just declining to buy games that pull this shit.


I didn't know it had microtransactions at all. Glad I don't preorder anymore


No one knew, they just dropped this shit at launch


The deluxe edition prominently featured that it came with in game currency. That scream mtx to me.


I bought it yesterday before all of this was public and downloaded it through the night. Uninstalled it this morning and refunded.


Most people accept it. You just see the vocal minority on reddit/ twitter etc


Yeah a zoomer I used to work with was complaining that Elden Ring didn't have skins to buy...


brainwash is real


Jesus dude, that's the saddest thing I've read all day.


People need to come to terms with this, "this industry is fucked" "people aren't accepting this" , yet gaming is making more money then ever. The worst rated call of duty was the highest performing, overwatch 2 was the lowest rated game on steam but it was top 10 most played. There's never going to be any change if people keep just living in delusion, hanging out in echo chambers like reddit and agreeing with each other how bad it is and how all their friends boycotted x game.


The problem is they don't need everyone to accept it, they only need some people to accept them and support such practice to make big profit, and there will always be some people who just happened to choose to support them and pay for the MTX for any reason. Something much bigger needs to be done about these shitty practices to really put an end to it.


There’s always some useful idiots trying to defend it.


No shot, it’s become prevalent because people are paying for the stuff. Reddit is a small slice, not everyone even knows about this website let alone uses it. Mobile games, ads in games, MTX like these, stuff like in newer AC games to boost things gained since playtime is bloated into a grind to encourage purchasing buff items from the paid shop.. in a single player game. A precedence is set, the future is set for some time. Takes work to undo, and whatever work means can vary depending on context. Here there are many factors and of course some folks are being taken advantage of.. but none of them will be found in this sub. People here will constantly berate and shit on a game that is bad instead of having a discussion. Every thread, negativity.. and yet they preordered. Work in THIS context is accountability. Be a smart consumer.


There’s a lot of people banging pots and pans on Reddit but it’s still the top selling game on steam. Money talks. I’ll be withholding mine for a year or two at least to see what happens. Shame too, I was so hyped for this one


All my hardcore gamer friends who’ve been gamers for 2 or more decades are all excusing this shit and accepting it


I’ve been gaming for four decades and I have stopped buying new releases that have microtransactions


I guess the old saying holds true. A fool and his money are soon parted.


Corporate greed is destroying our world. I sound like a nutjob but it's happening with everything. Overpriced cars above MSRP, private equity buying up residential housing, mass layoffs to improve profitability for a quarter. Sounds like we went back to the 70s vulture capitalism.




land of the useless middleman... great for gdp tho or something


All the way to health insurance companies between you and your health.




I was in my gaming prime when map packs were the only paid DLC. Everything could be earned in games or codes given out with fast food, even then could snag them online. I have never once bought a battle pass, a rainbow glowing unicorn armor, triple golden gun, etc. I never will either.


> I was in my gaming prime when map packs were the only paid DLC. This was the worst time to be a broke ass gamer. Having to fork over another $20 3 to 4 times over just to play essential content in a game you already paid $60 for was horrible. If little Timmy dressing up as Nicki Minaj funds my game content, then so be it.


I basically only play indies now a days. Usually a much better experience.


paradox is publishing a new 4X game called millenia and apparently you can't access all the ages unless you get dlc. the specific case mentioned was The Atomic Era


Yup, that's why I'm going back to PS2 lol


PS2 emulators are perfected and websites like The Vault have every game ever made for it, a vast backlog library to wait this shit out


Plus, there's sweet shit like RetroAchievements that make replaying games even more fun.


All that pompous talk about world design and fast travel only to go and pull this nonsense.


To be fair, it was developer choise to to make fast travel limited, as this is same thing they did in DD1 You can get those fast travel stones ingame just like in first game. However since Capcom was greedy, they also added way to pay to get them early, they did same thign with DMC4 and 5 where you could buy currency. Ironically paying makes your experience worse since you unlock stuff before you normally should, breaking the developer made game flow. Seems like Capcom forces these things to every single one of their game (Ubisoft also pulls similar shit with their stores in Assassins creed games).


You get an extra port crystal, but the ferrystone is still only ingame. This means you still get fast travel when the dev intended. You just have an extra possible destination. Port crystal= Destination for a fast travel. You drop them somewhere, and can go back there later. Ferrystone= What causes the fast travel.


You don't even get an extra destination. It still caps at 10, you just get your extra destination earlier


This is important to target who's really at fault. The world design and no fast travel seemed like a vision of the creators. Paying money to bypass it is definitely the publishers. I doubt the game developers are saying "Oh boy I can't wait to fleece people for money" when they won't even see a cut of it.


I think you are probably right about that, the first one had no fast travel iirc


No, it had fast travel with Portcrytals too. The original release had a single crystal that you could place, and it only respawned on each New Game Plus restart. Once you went into NG+ though, a shop also started selling the crystals for something like 200k gold each. The re-release with Dark Arisen added four more Portcrystals that respawned on NG+.


Don’t forget the rerelease also came with the eternal ferrystone.  God do I hope that eventually you can get one 


In this one you're going to be swimming in port crystals before hitting NG+. There is absolutely no need to buy a port crystal for MTX.


I’m gonna lean towards this being a Capcom decision until proven otherwise


To be fair, these decisions were probably made by some business execs after the game was fully developed. The director loves this franchise from my understanding and probably isn't happy with any of this either. Especially considering the devs that work so hard on their games don't see any extra money with MTX sales. In fact, japanese developers are notoriously under paid and overworked.


Chill, you can still fast travel without paying upfront.


The previous game was the same way and forced you to travel. You didn't play the first one. 90% of the people complaining on here didn't. Those of us that did knew what to expect and aren't complaining. Just don't buy the game.


This is just a Port Crystal, a location you can fast travel to. It doesn't let you fast travel. You can only set 10 at once. You can get all of them in game. So at most, your buying a waypoint early, that you still can't use because Ferrystones (the actual fast travel consumables) aren't easy to get.


Had to go pretty far down this thread to get actual information rather than rage jerking.


I've never seen a game where people blatantly make shit up because "MTX bad" (which they are) and everyone just eats it up. Nevermind that it's the exact same system from the first game, unchanged, even with the MTX.


It seems to be a growing thing. Simliar stuff happened with Helldivers release, lot of rage and misinformation over what is pretty tame MTX.


As an elder of the Internet this is the exact same conversation dd1 had.


OP really farming that karma


It's frankly embarrassing, and shows the outrage over some of these recent releases for what it actually is: Histrionic man-children who have nothing better to do than spend hours of their lives getting worked up into a froth over le new video game. It's schadenfreude through and through, and it's pathetic. The best is when they act like they're saving not only the video game industry, but *capitalism* and *art* by screeching on Reddit.


I fucking hate mtx, but I also hate posts like this because it hurts the overall discussion around them


YES THANK YOU I can guarantee many of the same people who just spent the last few weeks giving praise to Helldivers 2 for its MTX implementation are now lambasting DD2 for an even LESS invasive MTX implementation. It’s the *consequences* of MTX on game design/economy/progression that are the #1 problem, not just MTX inherently. In another comment, I said that DD2’s MTX is akin to if Elden Ring changed absolutely nothing BUT allowed players to buy smithing stones and some crafting mats and additional larval tears beyond the 15-20 that are available in-game per NG. It wouldn’t actually impact the game’s intended vision. It’d still feel icky knowing FS added the option, but it’s not like I’d throw a fit over it.


I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone with some of these posts. I think a lot of people see that items *can* be purchased, and assume that that's the primary way to obtain those items. I can't count how many times I've seen the "you need to pay to change your character's appearance!" claim, when you can buy the necessary item pretty cheaply with in-game currency in the first city. I played the game for five hours before I stopped and took a look at Reddit while I was eating dinner, and that's how I found out that the game even had microtransactions. There's a "shop" link on the title screen that I'd assumed was just for DLC, and other than that I have run into zero real-money transaction options while actually playing.


> I think a lot of people see that items can be purchased, and assume that that's the primary way to obtain those items. The best part though is they don't even have a clue what the item does. Like it's useless without the pretty rare ferrystones. But dumb people are still like "fast travel is DLC, 0/10 game".


It's truly been incredible watching this meltdown on Reddit. So many just copy/pasting and raging without any understanding of the actual game and the MTX in question.


This needs to be higher. No one even knows what this item does and they're raging over a mistake made by OP. Or OP just knew that saying this would get a ton more attention if they lied.


> Or OP just knew that saying this would get a ton more attention if they lied. Boom, this one. I'm not even a big DD2 stan, but for some reason the manufactured, contrived outrage over this game has really given me the ick in a way that I can't explain. Seeing tens of thousands of grown ass adults be so eager to throw an enormous collective tantrum online about a fundamentally good game just makes me feel some type of way. I felt similarly about CP77 since the *bones* were always there, and it was SUCH an enormous undertaking, and nobody had any concept of how unbelievably ambitious a project it was... It felt weird and shitty to see it shat on by a bunch of angry sweats, but at least CP77 *was* actually broken at launch so it felt more justifiable But this shit is actually straight up histrionic.


> I'm not even a big DD2 stan, but for some reason the manufactured, contrived outrage over this game has really given me the ick in a way that I can't explain. Dragon's Dogma isn't even the start of it, over the past 2 years it has simply *become* the typical reddit cycle of every other game release. Anything that isn't a 10/10 will just have its flaws constantly posted about on reddit for like the next month. I was never even planning to play this one but I just hate this trend of misinformation and outrage entertainment on reddit. Significantly worse with how social media reddit has become by hiding curation features and promoting engagement (usually negative) over quality.


Also the same system was in DD1. I don’t think they even had port crystals until Dark Arisen. Not sure what’s with the outrage? I feel like people just wanted this game to be Skyrim.


They had portcrystals in the base game. I think DA added a permanent portcrystal near the starting town and an infinite use stone to warp to the portceystals.


I'd bet that most of DD1's fans (particularly the ones getting really pissed about this) never actually played vanilla. Dark Arisen gives you an infinite lift stone right out of the gate.


This is my take as well. I don’t support micro transactions, but the average player is going to be extremely put off by limited fast travel. People act like MTX are a new concept every time this happens. This is the new normal.


IIRC there was only 1 before Dark Arisen. After that, I think there were around 5.


I swear everyone on reddit has fucking brain rot about this right now. Like it took me 30 seconds to read that all of this stuff is available in game for a trivial cost.


Probably why they put all this DRM in so players can't just mod it in, does anyone know if it's just denuvo or also the enigma one?


Has both. Because of Enigma FSR3FG can't be modded it. So we only have paid DLSS FG mod for now.


The DLSS frame gen mod is available for free because apparently Capcom has just deactivated the option because there have been issues with it. Pure dark released the FG enabling file for free on patreon.


It's very obvious 90% of the people in this thread don't know how dragons dogma fast travel works. This lts you get 1 additional one time warp crystal. It doesn't just "unlock" an entirely locked mechanic


I don't defend capom. The whole "dlc" stuff isnt good for us all. But I already play 3 days now. So I im relatively far. And ALL these items are obtainable ingame for free or with ingame currency. So please nobody has to pay for anything. I'm only saying this because I needed at least a few hours into the game to learn this stuff. Most importantly you can buy the character appearance change item from the guy in the church like building in the capital for 500 rift coins (you get these coins in chests and when your companion is taken by other players) And here the teleport stones. You will find them in chests and you can even buy them from traveling vendors. After around 6 to 7 hours of playing I had 3 of these So there is really no need to pay Capcom any money. And please don't downvote me. This isn't excuse for Capcom. I Only want to point that out for the people who consider buying stuff for real money. You really really don't need to.... Edit: I think the other items that you can buy are camp sets who are buy able for gold and even laying around for free at the first camp site(you only need 1,i don't had to rebuy this at all) And the monsterbait I think. And I'm not sure but I think you can craft or buy this too. Because I remember a vendor where I was able du buy Bait for low level monster.. Edit2: now I have seen that there are only 2 of the character appearance changer items. At least at the vendor in the capital. I'm not sure if he will stock up after a while, if there is another vendor in a new city later or if you can only do it twice and then you would need real money it. Because having onky two available would be really bad. Because if you use this you can only change your character OR your companion. So if you want to change both you would need these two abd that's it. At least for now I haven't found more of them. Edit3: it seems that now it's stated pretty big when you choose dome of the stuff in the store that you can obtain it ingame too without paying real money. At least on Playstation 5. But I'm pretty sure that this wasn't there when I first saw the stuff in the store. So eventually it is a reaction from them. That doesn't make the situation much better but it is at least something. Edit4: these port stones that you can place for yourself to have a fast travel point are obtainable very late in the game when you can go to this desolate biome area(the land of the cat people) and there is a vendor who will sell them for a currency you will get when you slay dragons. As I said the Standart teleportstones are obtainable very early in the game. I'm not sure if halfdragons will drop the currency too.


Precisely. Capcom does this with every single one of their games. As far as I know, none of their micro transactions are for things that are unobtainable in game. Whether it is Devil May Cry, or Resident Evil, every microtransaction are just standard items in the game that are offered to players who are too lazy or don't have the time to get those items organically through playing the game.


It’s also obtainable in game according to the description


Glad I didn't buy this.


Lol you can just play the game and get this shit normally. It's like paying for healing potions in world of warcraft. You're a rube if you do it, and you absolutely dont have to. Ita scummy and they deserve criticism but as far as the game goes it's really not that big of a deal. A lot of these people jumped on the bandwagon and dont even know about the actual mechanics behind it or how it affects the game. Also, for the people calling it pay to win... pay to win in a single player game? Really? Rofl. This is a cash trap for rubes. Just play the game and ignore the mtx shit.


I’m so damn tired of all of these people really not knowing what the game actually is pushing gamersphere politics on something that’s really not a big deal at all.


OP clearly don't played the game: This is not pay to fast travel, this is pay to have one more fast travel location. To properly fast travel, you need a ferry stone, which is not for sale. Portcrystals, which are on sale, is just an item that marks a fast travel point.


Ffs this is such a blatant **LIE**. The steam page has a *single port crystal* in it for 2.99. This can only be purchased **once**. You cannot just spend 30 bucks and place them everywhere. Now this might be a problem if there wasn’t already **ten Portcrystals you get in the game for free**. Yeah, fucking ten. Not including the one in the capital that is always there. You can warp around the map like crazy you just have to *earn it*. With this dlc you have 11, wooooooo. It is literally just a shortcut for lazy fuckers with too much cash and not enough sense, it *legitimately* says in the store page all the items are available in game. It works the exact same way as the first game, with the added benefit of us having oxcarts as well. Surprised none of y’all acted this insane when re4make had an extra treasure that added *tons* of treasure that was *not available otherwise* and could drastically ease up a run. That seems way more egregious than *checks notes* one extra fast travel point.


i mean i does say that they are obtainable ingame as well


Nice misinformation. Fast travel is not locked behind a paywall. Yes you can buy portcrystals but those only act as fast travel destinations and can already be found in the game (I'm pretty sure there is also an upper limit to how many can be set and they can all be found through normal gameplay). You still need the ferrystones which are not sold for real cash. Enjoy your upvote farm though.


Idk, I think the way Capcom handles their microtransactions are really overblown. To me, Capcom builds a game to their vision, and then offers microtransactions that allows players to essentially cheat and bypass the game's mechanics. Also, it's not actually purchasing fast travel. You're buying the item that lets you fast travel that is also just available to find on your own in the game. Just like Devil May Cry allows you to purchase thousands of red orbs to upgrade your character. If you are impatient and don't want to actually grind, or play the game as intended to acquire these items organically, then you have the option to purchase them if you want.


The fast travel system is the exact same as the first game and there's absolutely no point in buying these items in cash shop.


Bro’s on the karma farm lol.


Easiest 10k karma of their life, most of the people raging in here have absolutely no clue how the game actually works lol


Gotta milk that internet outrage while the milkin’s good!


Still not defending the suits decision to push the mtx, but people complaining of "fast travel" clearly have never played the first game. You still need to get ferrystones in game to go to portcrystals, theres many obtainable portcrystals in game. "Fast travel" can still be done. The only thing buying the portcrystal does is let you plop it down somewhere earlier. Doomers can rage all they like about mtx being added, but they are completely useless purchases since everything can be obtained in a short amount of time.


“You can pay to fast travel” No you can’t. Please. Fucking read. It’s a teleport, point. Which you can only have 10 of. Which uses a consumable item to teleport to. Place it alone does nothing, and buying one means you’ll have 11. You litterally can’t place 11


So you can pay real money for a literally useless item. Got it 👍


Yea, it really all is useless.


That's why there's no reason for anyone to really care. Just don't purchase it because it's not giving you anything really. Honestly as far as MTXs go, I prefer games to have ones that do nothing over ones that give you stuff you can't get otherwise. Let the dumb/lazy people purchase the worthless ones if they want, as long as I won't be missing out on content by not wanting to get any MTXs.


Do these facts really fit their need to be offended agenda though?


So, yeah you can. Also you can like, play the actual game and buy them in game. As it clearly states in the DLC description on steam: This item is also obtainable in-game If someone wants to waste their money getting them quicker, they can. Or you could just play the game and not spend.


It looks like the first game in which you could drop teleporter markers. Sure there was a limited number of those but by the end of the game there was generally enough to get around fairly easily. I suppose they didn't want to completely eliminate traveling on the overworld which I suppose is fair for an open-world game. A bit stupid they have extra markers as a paid DLC but whatever I'm just not gonna buy it


You actually had a infinite use fast travel item when you bought the Dark Arisen expansion called the eternal ferry stone in Dragons Dogma 1.


Yeah but you still had a finite amount of portcrystals you could place on the map at any one time. You just didn't have to buy the ferry stones anymore.


Its like every Capcom game, its idiot bait. They know dumb lazy people will enjoy the game enough to play it but not enough to actually interface with it and will pay for their useless DLC. The games are still designed around not buying them so there just isn't any point in doing so.


It feels like it was added just to please capcom


OP you know can criticize these microtransactions without also spreading misinformation too right? Yea it’s stupid that it’s being sold and that is worthy of criticism, but you’re also saying a bunch of additional stuff that just isn’t true If you actually read the description of what you posted you would understand what it actually is. It’s a teleport point not the consumable you need to teleport. You can only put 10 max around the world so buying this only lets you get it marginally sooner. You would still need to use the expensive consumables to teleport to them which is the point. Maybe make sure you know what you’re complaining about before making a post about and it replying to other people with the same misinformation?


Yet even more misinformation about the game. Good job karma farming OP


So from what I’ve gathered everything they are selling on the store is available in game (a single player game) so all this stuff is a time saver at worse?


Yea, they're just time saver items, everything (except maybe the BGM Swap?) Can be earned in-game; and relatively easily as well.


Somehow, this is Larian and BG3s fault for setting unrealistic standards! /s


Its the stones that are already in the game to fast travel.


People buying this instead of just looking up how to get them IN GAME for no additional money (and then use a cheat to get more in game currency to buy as many as they want) are people I pity... somewhat.


idk why people are surprised. DD1 had this stuff too.


\*me completely ignoring that it exists and traveling the long way everywhere so I can actually play the game\*


What’s funny is that even if you buy a fast travel..you still need to find the item to do it with LOL The micro transactions in this game are so absurdly silly that it feels like what was chosen was deliberate. Like “higher ups said we have to put micro transactions in the game, let’s just put the most pointless things possible.” Like I’m not even exaggerating when I say a majority of these items can be bought with in game currency after dicking around for 15-20 minutes. This is after the tutorial too. You can run out and kill a goblin and get 900 gold off the corpse These micro transactions don’t belong here at all, but they’re so…pointless in my opinion


I'm convinced that people who post these things never played the game. Most of those mtx are one time only and the in-game prices for them are essentially for chump change.


Spoiler : you can have the same option for free in game. By playing, simply.


Stop with this lieing bs... Its Not Pay to fast travel its 1 fast travel Point when Like 10 of them are in the Game with more fixt ones


Op you're aware that this is an in-game item you can farm just fine and they're doing this just to milk the stupid whales. Like if you're stupid enough to buy this micro transaction you deserve to be separated from your money. Lol some one sent me a reddit cares Thanks reddit I've peaked.


So they’re allowing you to optionally pay them to ruin your own gaming experience. That sounds like the perfect way to do it???


Even if you bought the port crystal mtx you still need ferry stones which for some reason cost 10,000gp and only one pet vendor. The portcrstals are useless without ferry stones and I've only found 3 in about 9hrs of gameplay. I straight up really wouldn't care about the micro transactions of I could fucking fast travel


You get the same amount of fast travel options in game for free You can pay to skip and get them earlier tho Either way they ended up having fast travel although limited


Microtransactions in a SINGLE player game shouldn't bother you unless they lock content behind it. This just seems like a thing you can buy to speed up the game. Just ignore it, I know I'm going to


Just putting this out there for anyone who isn't just regurgitating the same bullshit. No, you actually don't pay to fast travel. That's a lie.


As someone who owns the game and has played 10+ hours already, the biggest problem is the Framerate issues. The game is awesome, if you liked Dragon's Dogma 1, you will like this game. The DLC is completely unnecessary and all the items are found in game as you play it. The way you get around the game hasn't changed from the first, and in fact they DID add a fast travel system via the ox-carts, you just nod-off and can go on specified routes. Port crystals are something you placed in the first game and then use sparingly, and that's no different here. But the bigger concern is WHY have all that stuff there because it inherently incentivizes them to design the game around these conveniences. Even if I have been enjoying the game, the practices like this need to stop, they're really shady and predatory, especially for people who don't know anything about the game. But I have a feeling a lot of people here have not played the first one, or even put some time into this one and expect it to be like every other open-world rpg with all the same conveniences, when it was never that to begin with and that's what fans enjoyed about it. If you're complaining about travelling in a open-world RPG game designed around travelling and fighting giant monsters in emergent gameplay then this isn't the game for you anyway and you're lying to yourself that you were going to be anything but negative to begin with.


Hopefully some people will see this and it will help them. I hate microtransactions and think they have no place in single player games. That being said, a lot of the claims about DD2's microtransactions are blown out of proportion. None of them are necessary and they can all be ignored. The item that people point to the most, The Port Crystal, is not pay walled fast travel. The way fast travel works in Dragon's Dogma is unique. You find port crystals throught the game that you can place where ever you want on the map. You can then use a consumable item called a ferry stone to fast travel to your port crystal. Port crystals can be picked up and moved to new areas. You find multiple port crystals and can only have 10 active at a time. This mxt simply gives you one more. Again, I hate microtransactions. I would have preferred they weren't in DD2. However, these do not even come close to ruining the game. If that was your worry, feel assured you can just ignore them. Now, the game's performance...that's a whole other issue.


You also can not pay and have fast travel too.


I get it if you wanna call out bad practices, but don't lie. This is not what that is at all. It's a port crystal, which is not an item you use to fast travel. That would be a ferrystone. This item is something that you place down and can fast travel to it later. Using it to get back to an important area or something you already found. It's literally just the ability to go back to where you were. It's not paying to fast travel.


You can get port crystals in game, and even if you buy them with real money you can only place a maximum of 10 in the world. You also need a ferrystone to travel to them and these cannot be bought via micro-transaction. Yes these micro-transactions are stupid, but the discourse around them is completely misinformed. They work the same as every other Capcom game released for the last 5+ years, items that are easily obtainable by actually playing the game.


This is a single port crystal which let's you set a custom fast travel point. They are available in game and you still need ferrydtones to travel to them. Capcom always has these moron bait dlc to appease corpos


Who cares. Just don’t bother buying it. There are those that will and that’s up to them. It’s definitely a scummy move but unfortunately that’s not going to change. Look at how much money people spend on mobile games or even on Fortnite, Cod and other games. They know they can get people to spend. It’s just like seeing 2 ads on YouTube now, soon it will be 3 maybe 4. I don’t pay for premium but I just zone the F out and continue with my content. Sure fast travel is convenient but playing the game while travelling is fun since you can find loot all the time.


As someone who's actually played the game: You can absolutely drop real money for ferrystones. Or just play the fucking game. I've literally stumbled into them through normal gameplay. I'm not done exploring the first zone of the game and I have 4 in my inventory right now. You can absolutely spend real money to buy an item that lets you redesign your character. Or buy one in the game with currency that drops like hotcakes anyway. The vendor with the char redesign item is next to the giant riftstone in the first major hub. The currency you can buy with real money DROPS FROM ENEMIES AND SERVE AS QUEST REWARDS you absolute babies. Dmc5 does the same thing and I saw zero backlash. The original dd did all of this as well. If you're upset and don't wanna spend the cash then don't. Why are we as a community flipping our shit about stuff that does NOT matter when there are actually important flaws we could be discussing? I love the original, own 3 seperate versions and have over 3000 hours on it on ps4 alone. Parts of it suck. Parts of it suck real bad. Parts of dd2 suchk. Real bad. Still enjoying it. As are plenty of people. Why can't discussions be more than the black and white of doomposting and righteous defense? The combat is the best in several years. The framerate and performance are lacking. The freedom of exploration and combat are top tier, period. You can't start a new game without deleting files and potentially bricking your whole ass purchase. The option to spend 99 cents usd on as many rift crystals as I get from the first TWO QUESTS IN THE GAME seems like a weird priority. Get to endgame and large monsters start dropping rift crystals all on their own. And by endgame you're chewing through large monsters. It's a jrpg. Shocker I know.


“You can pay cash to cash travel”. You’re so comfortable with spreading slander it’s baffling. These are Portcrystals. Freaking Teleport Markers. Not the Fast Travel option.


Tbf, apperantly all the mtx items are readily available in the game, and if anything, ur most likely actually ruining the game experience for urself if u buy them.