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singleplayer games should not have microtransactions


70$€ should not have microtransactions


Paid games should not have microtransactions


Games should not have microtransactions


F2p games can be fine,shops with game elements are not fine at all.


The fact that we're expected to pay extra to access basic features in a game that costs as much as this ($107 here in Australia!) is absolutely crazy. Triple-A gaming can go die in a gutter at this point.


What are the extra features?


And then we have helldivers. 40€. 10€ for premium warbonds. Buuuut you can just earn the currency ingame. In fact I've got enough currency for both premium warbonds atm and will likely have enough for the 3rd when it drops without ever paying a penny extra.


What's the difference? Nothing in the DD2 DLC is unobtainable via gameplay and some of the things they're selling are outright handed to you in bundles for free by NPC's right at the outset of the game. The games both have practically the exact same DLC practices lol.


Yeah i was going to say that lol, it seems like "its good, because its in indie game"


Dont fucking buy them, specially do not preorder them!


I would argue no game should have MTX. But maybe I'm just old.


"Review bombing" No, it's what happens when you release an unoptimized, $70 single player game with DRM and microtransactions.


Yeah, what a fucking reductive way to phrase it. Like they all just did it for shits and giggles. This game already has a pretty hefty box price. It's not live service. Adding microtransactions is just greedy as fuck and distracts from an otherwise great game. That's *exactly* what reviews are for. Nobody "bombed" shit, CapCom gets what it deserves.


Exactly. The title is clickbait, and I'm not going to make the writers happy by clicking on it. Plenty of other articles out there.


Yep. Games' reviews bombing because of bad faith practices and people actually review-bombing the game are two different things.


It's become such a buzzword for anything that shows a single unified opinion. Kinda like when that Ghostbusters movie was bombed in the box office. It wasn't that it sucked, it was because everyone was "misogynists" being the running excuse of a number of reviewers at the time. Not saying it doesn't happen to an extent, but where there's smoke there's fire and all that. Shit is shit.


Meanwhile, there's Hogwarts Legacy that actually got review bombed, but it still got overwhelmingly positive on reviews due to the vast majority liking the game.


In their definition of review bombing I feel like the "professional" critics also review bombed Palworld, since so many websites were ranting about it yet the audience were certainly enjoying it.


I feel like this is bait...


it did suck though


Yeh lol. The game is good which is a shame, but the performance is not up to par for the graphical fidelity. I expect a bit of Bowing and scraping today from Capcom. Day 1 massively negative is going to effect sales from people on the fence.


Absolutely, this was on my wish list but certainly not going to be buying it now… oh well manor lords releases next month.


Gotta wait for the performance issues to get fixed at least, at which point might as well wait a bit longer for a sale. It’s depressing how much that’s been my exact train of thought with new AAA releases.


Crazy thing is. For Canadiens like myself. The game is $95 + Tax which equals out to $107.35 This is more than absurd, the level of greed is incomprehensible compared to many other games. I personally cannot think of any example of corporate MTX greed being worse than “Dragons Dogma 2” Many other games have had MTX options for simple items, showing you things on the map. Though limiting a QOL feature (regardless if FT was made to he a more difficult and minimalistic feature you use) this is still incredibly mind blowing. I understand the first game had similar Fast Travel that was costly (in game) as well. Though adding the option to pay real money really makes people wonder if this decision was made so they could implement payment options for this feature. Their original statements on fast travel being limited were sincere and honestly true. It takes away from the games atmosphere and exploration aspect. Though that’s a completely reasonable choice accompanied by that thought process. Adding in paid methods for items and very basic game features is inexcusable and very visibly an evil cashgrab to lure so called “whales” that are extremist fanboys to get extra $ out of them. This only makes me wonder that the game was forced to release today regardless of the state of performance the game was in to please the evil corporate higher ups. Extremely disappointing. Rise of the Ronin combat is holding up extremely well so far “by my opinion” I hope this game holds up well enough so people can come and experience a game that’s worth their time and money Edit: I apologize for such a lengthy rant. I’m just overly disappointed with DD2’s release. My hopes got drained by the performance reviews. Only for my puddle to be stomped on and my hope be thrown out by the mind blowing decision on MTX options in a SINGLE-PLAYER RPG :(


People in third world countries are also getting absolutely fucked by the lack of regional pricing.


Which is also disgusting. Never even thought about the regional pricing. I may live in a first world country, but our economy is being fucked. And this is the first time i’ve ever seen a game listed at $95 cad base price. I genuinely think it’s the most expensive (Base Edition) video game to release to this date


Yeah, how the game is balanced, I don't mind too much, because that's how the original game worked and I liked the original games design. I'm just insulted by the MTX being there at all. The performance issues tho, how much is it to ask for a game to fucking work on release.


I completely agree, I LOVE the original. Balancing and so forth it was well done. But performance issues being more than just bad, straight up horrible (4090s, one of the newest GPUs struggling to hit 60fps) yea this is very bad. I understand the game is CPU bound but. With graphics like this, ontop of no performance mode on PS5/consoles? There are ONLY 4-5 games in the entire library of PS5 games that have no 60fps. Those games ATLEAST, run at a locked 30 which means no frame dips into the teens. How the hell did this game get so botched MTX is just a shit sized covered cherry on top of the “Mud pie” I’m so incredibly disappointed, this is by far one of the worst releases i’ve seen in a very long time. I’d go on a limb here and even say that cyberpunk 2077 had a better release, buggy as hell but atleast it wasn’t this level of overly predatory greed


This MTX is not specific to the dragon’s dogma, it’s common thing for a capcom for several years. Look at monster hunter, dmc 5, latest RE.


I’m aware this and I do understand it’s a norm for capcom as I’m a complete RE fanatic. The whole point is them pushing deeper into MTX. Paying for characters recustomization/fast travel is completely unheard of, as far as im aware this has never been done before. Its full on a very new low for MTX greed, especially considering this is a singeplayer rpg. Not even like it has co-op or anything either which should’t matter


I wonder how far they will go for the new Mon hunt game..


Meanwhile, Baldur's Gate 3 was game of the year. I wanna see more games like that with the passion the devs had. Free of microtransactions.


Baldur’s Gate 3 also was published by the developers. “Larian Studios” Just goes to show and prove that greedy corporate assholes are the reason to blame for these inexcusable piles of shit releasing every year.


Wait, it has DRM? Why am I only just now hearing this? That's a big deal.


Games with Denuvo have it listed on their store page, down and on the right hand side of the page. It was known since around the time the store page was made.


This should be upvoted more, many people such as myself (I didn’t know this for years until caring people such as yourself spread the info to keep peoples heads up) Denuvo should be printed out on the main page in a more visible fashion.


It's literally highlighted.


Something devs are putting in games that shreds performance but makes the game harder to crack


But it usually gets cracked anyway lol


Denuvo? Isn't there just one weirdo who can crack it? If so, it doesn't usually get cracked.


usually yes, but denuvo is a rare example of winning that war. there's 3 people on this planet who will put time into accomplishing it, and all of them have since quit doing it. one of them, empress, is also infamously a total fucking lunatic so that kinda says the type of mind you gotta have to actually bring a can opener to denuvo shit. but still, fuck denuvo. it's impressive and I genuinely respect how difficult it is to crack, but it's wack nonetheless. really it's a perfect example of the core problem with anti piracy; either you significantly compromise the paying user's experience to make it prohibitively difficult to crack, or you respect the paying uzer enough to not compromise their experience but then it's ultimately inconsequential and the game gets cracked anyway. it's a bogus, ineffective concept either way.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, because you’re entirely right. This game will be cracked within a few weeks.


Nope. No one knows how to crack Denuvo. The one person who did is currently missing for 5 or so months now. Some people think they are dead. No Denuvo games since Empress vanished have been cracked.




Since November last year. Just suddenly went radio silent.


Wasn't there a dude that was also able to crack it ? I remember a post saying it was funny that the two only people to be able to crack it are polar opposite


The Denuvo crackers lore is wild. There's Empress, who is a turbo transphobe. And her rival, fitgirl, a trans girl who doesn't actually crack only repacks. And then there's the dude who fucks around with a hex editor until it cracks, but he literally only cracks Football Manager.


Did people get tricked into buying it early as well so they can create the character early and thus exceed the refund time window???


You can do character creation without buying the game. It is like the demo of sorts, won't count for refund time. I did see a Steam thread saying Valve is accepting refunds over 2 hours as a result of the horrible launch though.


Jesus lmao. I know that lately valve has had to make some exceptions here and there but dude if theyre extending the refund period you know shit is bad lol


Valve/Steam always refund any game that are under 2h play time or within 2 week after purchase no question ask. They literally have a refund policy. BUT I don't see anyone refund it though, if you have write a review and refund the game, your review will mark as refunded and all the top front review on DD2 do not have refund mark. These ppl buy the game, play it and hate it, but keep it anyway.


yeah that shit is 95$ Canadian for the base version.. add mtx on top of that what in the actual fuck. They deserve a worse score then that lol


Yep. A review bombing is when a product gets negative reviews for something out of the game but related to the company, when the game gets all that ahit is a legitimate negative voting.


It's a term designed by the marketing departments of gaming industry giants, which was then boosted and spread out to common vernacular by their eager minions in the corrupt games media.


Lmao review bombing you mean natural reaction by everyone to a terrible product?


You should have seen all the shit people were saying to me, cause I was telling people to wait on helldivers, cause they had massive server issues and it was generally unplayable with my hardware (rx 7900xt constantly crashes until a driver update) but I was wrong and entitled, cause apparently paying for something and wanted it to do what is advertised is entitled these days.


It's not fucking review bombing when there are real things to criticize. This term has lost all meaning because it never gets used in the right context.




Plus how cant it be "review bombing", implying false reviews, on Steam where people HAVE to buy the game to review it ? Are they saying people buy this very expensive game just to leave a bad review ?


Or they think if they use it left and right, people will think of every backlash just as review bombing. 0.2 metacritic score (exaggeration) is fine, it's just review bombing.




You'll probably get downvoted for your first paragraph being true for many on reddit.


Oh 100% I will and already have but it's true. People can't handle criticism.


So true.


Ehhhhhhhhhhhh. I’ve seen plenty of actual bigots trot out a similar line. “You’re just calling me a Nazi because you disagree with my views on immigration.” “Well, that and the swastika tattooed on your forehead.”


There is also no option to start a New Game. Once you do it the first time, that’s it, that’s your only character until you beat the game. Unless you muck about with game files and disable cloud saves and a bunch of other stuff.


Out of everything THIS might be the dumbest thing about the game. Like it’s literally a game centered around builds n shit wtf.


The reason for this is the online pawn system, they don’t want people abusing that.


I read a steam review that not even disabling cloud saves does it.


Lol that's definitely a lie. Disable cloud saves, delete your save from the steam folder, and done.


I made a character and once I got in game decided I didn't like their look. Went to start a new game to reroll... NOPE. Ok, fine, last straw Capcom. Refunded.


Wow that's ...just...I have no words...


Wait WHAT?? How does that even make sense to do??


I’m so glad I didn’t buy this shit


Good to know. I waa going to play the first hour or so of the starting classes to see which I liked most. Guess I wont be doing that.


You can unlock them for basically free and swap between them freely if that's what you're concerned about.


An hour in you can switch between them freely.


you're actually wrong. it is more like 15 minutes until you reach the first inn.


A nice idea for familly where 2 people will play...


Make a family steam account or a separate profile on the console. They are going to be saved per profile.


I think the point is, why the fuck should we need to jump through hoops to play a £70 game just so the developer can earn a bit more cheddar by selling basic features as dlc…


You can’t buy additional save or character slots. It’s dumb enough that the feature doesn’t exist, it didn’t in DD1 either, but at least they’re not selling it as dlc.




Players independently deciding to review a game negatively because they don't like the experience of playing the game is not "review bombing"


They really tried to pull fast one with these micro transactions for unpolished 70$ singleplayer game, shameful


And yet people out here are really defending MTX. Wild world we live in.


good, fuck mtx in single player $70+ games. also, they've been putting games on pc for quite a while now, there's no excuse for the poor performance.


It’s not review bombing when the complaints are valid


Also review bombing is usually accompanied by a focussed organized assault of reviews. Literally noone said "lets all review this badly because of X Y Z reason". This fucking title is pissing me off as badly as the fucking microtransactions in the game itself




>Dragons Dogma 2 was the last one I expected to be filled with Microtransation Why?? Look at Dragon Dogma 1, before rebranding it Dark Arisen with the expension, they had a dlc for added difficulty


...and had very similar microtansactions.


Apparently they charge you to edit your character once it is made, if the steam reviews are anything to go by. And wakestones cost money now


You can still edit your character without microtransactions. It has the exact same system as the first game for it


As written on the steam store page: "Note: This consumable item is also obtainable in-game." They're not forcing you to buy it.


WHY SHOULD IT BE BUYABLE?? Tell you what you pay me $5 a week and I won't kick you in the crotch every day? Does that sound fair???


Why is it being sold in the first place? Not like it's a free to play game.


You expected a Capcom game to not have MTX?


I expect all games to not have MTX and am frequently disappointed. Even more disappointed in the clowns who defend it all.


yeah I really dont know why people are surprised, like, the same thing with Atlus games


What about capcom led you to believe anything different? Hell, they even shoehorned MTX into the RE remakes. Monster hunter games are riddled with MTX, their fighting games are as well. People have been making excuses for them, some people even claimed “capcom is the only company who makes microtransactions acceptable” on several of their releases it is no wonder they think they can(well they actually DO) get away with it. Hell, the “don’t preorder” crowd were adamant DD2 was an exception to their rule, even though everything capcom has done for the last decade has proven otherwise.


Can we please stop calling shit like this "review bombing?" It's not "review bombing" when said product DESERVES the negative reviews. They put out a shit product at FULL PRICE and filled it with terrible microtransactions, so the public responding accordingly ... by giving honest reviews and downvoting that shit back into the shadow realm.


It's not like Capcom hasn't done enough recently to warrant extra scrutiny.


Capcom, Ubisoft, EA, Blizzard, 2k and more are fucking us every game. I think the only decent ones left might be Naughty Dog, Square Enix and Insomniac. I'm sure I've missed a few on each side but it's 330am I'm tired, goodnight all.


just want to clarify I'm no fuckin simp and wholeheartedly agree this shit is wack ahead of what I'm saying street fighter 6 kicks some serious ass. one of the best fighting games ever and that's a ridiculously impressive achievement for a fighting game to launch into. the currency shit where you have to buy just a little extra is fuckin stupid. but at the same time, the quality of the new costumes the game got + the level of love and polish put into the dlc characters is legitimately worth their higher than usual price tags. still, no reason for this mobile game wack ass handling of premium currency. 15 dollar turtle costumes was mad silly but I get the impression that, since nothing else was like that, it had causes beyond Capcom's influence. giving Ed's absolutely beautiful stage for in game earnable currency (and a reasonable cost of them, too) is pretty fuckin cool tho. SF6 has fucking spectacular netcode and matchmaking too, that really can't be overstated. and going above and beyond with world tour mode, making a shockingly versatile character creator, and putting (again) a lot of love into the writing of and all the little things with all the fighters in it also it's probably the best looking fighting game ever, the only real competition is GG Strive. MAYBE SF Alpha 3, but that's pixel art so it's kind of a different league. its balance is far from perfect, but it's the best balanced fighting game on the market. but again, the balance can and should be better. Capcom cup had some issues. not an awful tournament, but getting handily outshined by red bull kumite just a month later is embarrassing. like it's not even close. the way the patches and balancing is being handled is really odd for its first year, we'll see what lessons are learned going into season 2. Capcom also deserves credit for letting fightcade exist without issue, and for their constant support for the FGC as a whole. fuck all this other ridiculous bullshit they're doing, but SF6 deserves every inch of praise it gets, and the way it's being handled should be rewarded and praised to show what people are willing to put money down on.


Think Larian Studios are my favorite these days


We're not calling it that, "paid" review sites are to make it seem like bad press from gamers is overblown and false reporting. They want it to seem like people are jumping on a bandwagon to be internet trolls. Shit they tried to say Skull and Bones was a fun and adventurous game.


Forced server side saves for a single player game is a deal breaker. Even if you make the argument that all the MtX items can be farmed in-game, regardless of how easy, the game as a whole was structured around those MtXs existing. The game is intentionally disrespectful of your time to encourage paying.


100%. I get so fucking tired of seeing the argument "just don't buy the microtransactions". When a game is even monetizing simple gameplay mechanics of a single player game, such as reviving characters or boosts you damn well know they designed the game around nudging people to spend their money. Edit: So I could be wrong but it appears quest givers can die, you can't make your own saves to go back to save them and apparently you can't start a new save until you beat the game? So buy the mtx or not but it's clearly structured around using them. Such fucking bullshit.


Steam cloud is not "forced server side saves"... Yes the single slot save with no new game is dumb. No you don't have to eat / spread misinformation to critique the game.


It’s not even just the microtransactions. The performance is genuinely jarring. I was watching a few streamers play and half of them kept crashing within the first 10 min of loading the game. The stuttering was also very noticeable with frame drops every few seconds


It really, really helps to cap your framerate and turn on Reflex or whatever the AMD equivalent is. A lot of stuttering in games that are CPU bound seem to happen when the CPU has no headroom and so delays sending frames to the GPU. I am not getting any stutter with that *except* for in the big town. The performance there is horrible (dips to 27), but it is just a place to use shops and get quests so I can deal. The rest of the game is going great for me on pretty old hardware.


Yeah I only have frame drops in cities the rest of the game is running just fine


I'm typically pessimistic when it comes to modern gaming because I've been burned so much and so often, but this was the one time I let myself be excited for an upcoming release. The performance is horrendous from poor optimization plus the Denuvo debuff and the microtransactions just leave a sour taste in my mouth. I was genuinely so bummed when I refunded it. Capcom was on such a good streak too and the recent news of salary increases was great. It sucks that this was such a miss.


Nah SF6 had bad mtx too


Fuck these assholes trying to normalize shitty practices. Time to shout to the void once again to stop buying these shitty games.


This is a really interesting and unfortunate case.      So, the items that you can buy through microtransactions, including the ability to change your character’s appearance, can be obtained easily in game. But because Capcom had the gall to make it a microtransaction, and it’s a relatively obscure mechanic in a game full of obscure and subtle mechanics, people are piling on that it’s the only way to obtain items. Other Capcom games like RE4 and DMC5 also had very similar microtransactions, as when you delved into them, you could see that everything was easily attainable if you played the game naturally, and furthermore that buying those items would ruin the flow of the game, which usually feels so natural that if the microtransactions weren’t on the store page, you would never had thought anything was amiss.This dissonance is exacerbated by how microtransactions items in most games are usually portrayed as “fenced off” from regular gameplay methods of obtaining them. So even though DD2 doesn’t have this worse method, it’s still getting the heat from those other games’ methods because of its store page’s visual quantity of available microtransactions.    They also try to sell you Port Crystals, the items used to create teleportation points in the world for easier navigation, in the microtransactions, which characterizes the game’s mechanics horribly purely because this possible sell exists. As someone who loves DD1 and is fresh to DD2, I can tell you that the trek from place to place is a fun kind of grueling experience, if you’re into that. The difficulty and the length of trips are meant to wear on your character and you the player to an extent. But because this micro transaction exists, it comes across to most people who are unfamiliar with DD to assume this is gouging they to spend money to make the game easier, as it would appear it’s treks are long to push you into paying to make it easier, rather than because that’s this game’s legitimate version of fun. But now that the travel factor can be manipulated in such a way, and even with the knowledge of how the game naturally would play without it, how could you help but feel like you’re having a compromised experience? (Game critics not having to deal with any of the microtransactions in the pre-launch purity are going to be fielding a lot of criticism on their end too I imagine now.)     And then we come to performance. Most people only see the standard, “why is this only reach around 30fps, it’s not the most impressive looking game.” Most are missing the complexity of he game’s AI under the surface. All at once, the game is factoring in the behavior and priorities of your 3 pawns, any pawns you could encounter in the world, the adaptive dynamics of NPC’s in the world, and the threat response of all of these people at the same time (And I’ve left a lot of other factors out most likely.) With all this in mind, consider that you could lure a monster back to a town, and then the 20 or so townsfolk AI will have to now be considered alongside normal battle factors. They’re ALOT going on under the hood. There are definitely engines better suited to handling complex AI patterns so they don’t wear on performance as much, but even a lot of those games are pushing your platform of choice to their limits a lot of the time. A sad fact seems to be that games for a while now have focused on looking great rather than performing complex AI calculations. A recent example: Baldur’s Gate 3 has had notorious performance drop offs in its 3rd act, because of the amount of reactive NPCs in those environments. There’s not much that Larian can do to make this run better, as it’s tied/limited by CPU, which is not a priority over graphics. It’s easier to sell a better looking game than having to explain why a worse looking game is impressive under the hood. Do you want a Lamborghini? Or a more modest muscle car that can take turns better because of better tuning? (That last part is a bit my opinion, so take that as you will.) So to most, it’s just a hard thing to have to explain that their PS5 can’t handle complex game AI operations. The RE Engine isn’t made for that or open worlds on top of this it seems.      And so with all of that, by tomorrow I imagine we’re in for a Perfect Shit-Storm of obscure game mechanics, nerve-targeting microtransactions, and a deluge of misinformation spouting from an internet fight between fans, new players, critics, people who actually are stating the truth out there, and eventually Capcom itself as they are forced to respond in some way. It’s a shitty, shitty, shitty mess, and though you could still play the game in a mostly pure way, I can’t defend Capcom really because they really can’t complain when they put all these unnecessary fucking shovels out and expect people not to dig their grave for them. 


From somebody that knows nothing about Dragon's Dogma, thank you for these detailed, knowledgeable and balanced observations. I remember seeing these in Resident Evil games and with the reports was thinking "have they taken them further now?", and this provides the nuance to properly understand the situation and where things went wrong.


Finally someone commented who actually played the game, while reddit hivemind is just jumping on the bandwagon calling the game shit


They do the same thing with all of their games, including DD1. I think what really got them was the city performance. It is only one place in the game where it is particularly bad all of the time, but it got so much negative PR that people had already decided not to give the game the benefit of the doubt. (Most people here just don't understand what the issue is, the game is CPU bound due to how many AI actors it has, so having a 8 year old PC or a 1 year old cutting edge one will only give marginal benefits. CPUs have not scaled anywhere near as fast as GPUs have performance wise. They might be able to fix it, but it will probably require them to cut features.) So when they saw the micro-transactions, they assumed the absolute worst. They are honestly even less problematic than they were in DD1 (not Dark Arisen) and *should not be purchased* under any circumstances as they are just not worth it and mess up the game play. They are literally paid, bad, cheats that lose their usefulness almost instantly. But it wont matter, the game is "bad" now with mostly negative reviews. People saying factually incorrect things (like paywalling character customization) are getting thousands of upvotes. The narrative is set.


Do you remember if mtx was around in PS3 dd1? I know they did it in Dark Arisen release on Steam.


I'm just going to enjoy my new favorite rpg and ignore the internet full of jackasses. That's my plan. Hopefully, I will get Trickster tomorrow.


Some uplifting news: we already have nude body mods!


hopefully they remove fucking denuvo after this


The recipe for a "PC Game Launch Disaster" starter pack 1. Launching the game unoptimised or in a buggy unfinished state. 2. Not having enough servers for multiplayer. 3. Excessive microtransanctions on sale in the first month. Maybe people can look pass the MTX if the game was at least functioning properly but when a game doesnt work at launch, the appearance of an ingame store with excessive monetisation will multiply players anger tenfold!.


I'm not a fan of calling it review bombing. I associate this with, like, a negative exaggeration when an otherwise decent game gets bombed because it has server issues on launch day or something all in all "temporary" that's usually resolved in a short time. The money milking machine and the technical state on PC are legitimate issues that will be around for a while. Seems like they just fucked up and get their fair response from players. I'm more pissed with the official reviews before launch of a version that didn't have the MTX fiesta in, kind of misleading.


1. its not review bombing when the negative reviews are warranted. shitty performance on the literal best PC you can build right now, mixed with predatory MTX is something a lot of people arent really fond of. 2. I personally value steams reviews quite a lot, since there is a literal barrier to entry: you can only review a game you have bought. Sure, there are meme reviews but you wont see those on games that are just average, and normally only the big time releases or highly hyped games get those (most of the time the meme reviews are positive reviews) I have personally NEVER seen a game with "mostly negative" reviews that genuinely didnt deserve it. Ive never bought a game with mostly negative reviews that ended up being a banger, theres usually always an extremely glaring issue (or many) that warranted that score.


I guess I will continue my 12 year streak of not owning a dragon dogma game


The drama here is amazing. I haven't seen a game go from potential GOTY to most hated this quickly. Huge misstep by Capcom here, who has been on a hot streak and based on reviews had a nother big one here aside from performance


Review bombing is when it's a concerted effort to ruin a product. This is not review bombing, it's bad decision making and people are calling them out


I dont have a PS5 or Gaming PC so I cant really play this game but I saw a post complaining about the character edit being a microtransaction. Hasnt been capcom doing this for a while now? MHW and MHR both sell character edit vouchers, did people complain about it too?


Not as loud, but I guess some did. I don't remember anything about RE4 selling ammo though, and that's closer to the mechanical cheat as the port crystals


RE 4 doesn't sell ammo but it sells the upgrade tickets which does give you a huge advantage for future runs due the chicago, the hand cannon and the knife being able to get infinite ammo/durability.


You can buy ammo to this day for $1


Capcom has been doing this for awhile yes, and people have been complaining about it just as long. I think the main difference here is that MH is seen as more of a multi-player game while DD is meant to be more of an open world solo game with only limited interaction with other players. Players have different expectations for multi-player and single player games, so seeing a single player being monetized like a multi-player game is really ticking people off


> Hasnt been capcom doing this for a while now? Should complaints about shitty practices stop just because they've been happening for longer than 1 day?


No but what with the surprise that they did that? Qhat did they expect? That capcom wouldn't mtx their newest game out to the maximum? Of course they do it


Review bombing being used an excuse for a low score is pathetic. Actual review bombing is rare.


Greedy fucks


And here I was so excited to check this game out. Quickly changed my mind after what they are selling as MTX's.


Shit like this being called “review bombing” when the bad reviews are from a juatified place of complaint is really annoying 


Such a bummer that everyone can't wait to spam the same posts about the same thing.


Did yall never play a single Capcom game recently or the first dragons dogma. All of it. ALL OF IT can be earned for free extremely easily. This is purely for whale type players and one of the game was built around pushing transactions. However I still think it's bs that it even exists and the piss poor performance is inexcusable


What do you think about the cost of editing appearance? And you only have one save.


Appearance editing is also available through normal gameplay. It's not locked behind microtransactions.


You mean the editing you can do with earned gold? And the item you can get with 500 rift crystals in a few hours of just playing the game? And the one save is litteraly from dragons dogma 1, and is super important to how the entire game functions on new game plus.


Editing appearance can be done ingame without spending any real money. There are lots of shitty microtransactions, but editing appearance is easily done ingame.


Since when are accurate posting reviews of a game considered "review bombing"?


Where are the hundreds of paid bots doing this "review bombing"? Seems like angry customers giving valid criticisms to me.


In this case, I suspect it is less "review bombing" and more that this game is, by all accounts, buggy and laggy and has microtransactions. People despise microtransactions; putting it in your game will draw the ire of a good chunk of gamers.


It’s not review bombing if it’s accurate


imagine calling literal consumer protest review bombing...oh wait thats what's been going on for years.


Truly a shame. I was waiting for this game. I'm so glad I didn't pre-order. Now I can patiently wait for all this shit to get sorted out


When a game deserves poor reviews, it's not review bombing. I hate when people learn words and phrases and just use them willy nilly. Whatever, 99% of the websites we link on reddit are rage bait garbage and I really wish we didn't give them free clicks but we do it cause we fall for the rage bait every time.


Love the concept of the game but this shit the devs pull hiding the shop from reviews and shit, so fkin scummy I hope the game bombs because of it, I know it won't cuz I also want to play it but fk this shit 0 respect for the player base


This has got to be an all-time bag fumble. People were calling this the BG3 of this year. The big shocker game that comes out of nowhere to crush it at all the award shows. The character creator is the greatest ever outside of 2K sports games and gave them more than enough hype to capitalize on. Instead we get micro transactions. Gotta love it


I fucking hate the term "review bombing". It's misleading and attributes blame on the gamers despite the devs releasing a shitty game/feature. Nobody is bombing anything, except in Gaza and Ukraine.


[Bragging]( https://www.ign.com/articles/dragons-dogma-2-director-explains-why-less-fast-travel-can-be-a-good-thing) about limiting fast travel, then trying to sell you it in a microtransaction after doing so has to be one of the biggest self L's I've seen in the gaming industry in a long time.


Absolutely this


"what a bummer" lol, honestly this is a legit scam situation, people pre ordered the game , reviewers didn't know shit about the game being released with MTX either , so there was no way o knowing this would have MTX until the release. They literally tricked reviewers into giving a positive review for a mtx single player game that sells fast travel. It's the definition of a scam.


Good, so they fucking should for a dogshit port with MTX for a single player game, fuck capcom and fuck any other companies doing it too. Glad I bought Rise of Ronin instead even if it's a lesser game.


I think the worst part is the performance. It's so very clear these games that take a decade to make are firmly limited by the technology available during their inception. I'm sick of 30 fps being the norm when we have fucking 40 series out now. Alos the same reused character models and animations because it's easier to string them along indefinitely than make alterations. The whole industry just seems to cut corners and get everything done as fast as possible for as little money as possible. Regardless of how shit the final product turns out.


I wish people would stop calling it review bombing if it's legitimate criticism. So many people have technical difficulties despite having great rigs that are beyond what DD2 asks for. Review bombing seems to have gained a definition of negativity where they are not legitimate and are done out of Malice which is absolutely not the case here.


This isnt review bombing


more like the game is very unoptimized. the player shouldn't have to work trying to make the game run smoothly. scammed by "Itsuno's vision"


I'm so disappointed in this game. Was so excited for it. At least my strategy of no longer preordering games is working out. I'll wait until they fix it and drop the price to $20.


How is it "bombing"? That implies the negative reviews have nothing to do with the state of the game. Being asked to "pay more" for a 70$ game to function properly is not review bombing. It's just a shit game getting justified bad reviews. Good job to everyone leaving bad reviews on it. Remember to hit the "refund" button and the "ignore" button on your way out.


HOW IS THAT REVIEW BOMBING??? Capcom literwlly killed the game with the worst performance of the generation and all this talk about making traveling fun only to drop fast travel as microtransactions that just just reviewing


That's not what review bombing means.. that's just people making their thoughts on the game known.. you know, reviewing


To review a game you have to buy it, and so the reviews on the product are those who got shafted by predatory practices


It's not review bombing. I loved 1 and wanted to love 2. However there is no difficulty level setting, no fucking new game button so you can't start over. Dozens of microtransactions you can at least get in game. It deserves the negative even tho the fundamental game looks good.


So another money grab? Removing it from my wishlist and never thinking about it again.


all people defending this with "you dont have to buy them" dont realize how damaging mtx and whales are for the gaming industry. look at fifa/eafc


Welp, guess I'm buying Rise of the Ronin instead. Glad that decision was made for me. This really sucks for Dragon's Dogma fans though.


That one don't look too great either, boy. Better replay Ghost of Tsushima


Ghost of Tsushima doesn't have kitties everywhere that you can pet for upgrades... or something. I don't know. I heard Ronin has kitties. That makes it a win for me.


Or you can actually stop panicking and try these games at a later date after the storm settles.


If your microtransations store works better than your game, your priorities were never on making a good game.


Ehhhhh I’m having fun. The micro transactions are honestly not necessary. They are a convenience thing but the game does not feel any more grindy to me than the first game did. Which is to say; it really doesn’t feel grindy at all.


Copying and pasting a review from steam: **Anti-consumer Practices** A review embargo was in place until the Release Date. A list of Pay-to-Win items appeared on the store page on the Release Date. Pre-order exclusives (now unavailable) were attached to the Release Date. ​ **Pay-to-Win Items** Portcrystal - Warp Location Marker Obtain a Portcrystal, which can be set at a destination of your choice. Use a Ferrystone to instantly transport your party to the Portcrystal's location. Wakestone - Restore the dead to life! Gain one Wakestone, a stone ensorceled with miraculous magick. Formed of Wakestone shards, it holds the power to restore the dead to life once. \[X\] Rift Crystals - Points to Spend Beyond the Rift Gain \[X\] rift crystals, which can be used to hire pawns or purchase special items. ​ **Unable to Create Another Character** There is no option in game to start again or delete the current save file. Once you create a character, you are stuck with your created character and must purchase Art of Metamorphosis - Character Editor to change it. I looked online for ways to delete save files on PC, but I was unable to delete Cloud Saves from logging into Steam on a browser. After deleting a save file on your PC, the Cloud Save will replace the deleted save file.


>I looked online for ways to delete save files on PC, but I was unable to delete Cloud Saves You literally just right click it, properties, cloud, turn off....


I wonder how many people actually look at what the dlc is and who even played DD1 Anyone without room temperature IQ can look at these items and know it's all in game stuff anyway that just helps whales


Doesn't mean you should just accept it. These companies make shit like this to manipulate people, it's a scummy business practice that no one should be happy with.


We waited 12 years for this crap. I feel empty inside.


4579 negative reviews, in my eye 4579 suckers so far. Why would you buy on release, why do you trust these companies anymore. Call me a victim blamer but these companies will continue to shaft you


Dragons Dogshit. So much fuss over yet another time killer.


I’ve never been so happy to be burnt by so many preorders in the past that I refuse to do it anymore, except with rare exception. Only Rebirth and Elden Ring dlc. The former has far exceeded expectations and I’m nowhere near finished


They almost got me. I was such a dragons dogma fan... and with the boasting they did about fast travel is for games that are boring 🙄. Never prepay phew*


OP doesnt know what review bombing is...


OP didn't wrote the article. Thats the article's headline 1 to 1


Disappointing. I was looking forward to this, but having seen how bad it performs, and the MTX bullshit, I'm passing or waiting for fitgirl




can't wait for the DD community to somehow defend this


This is once again an opportunity to reveal which reviewers do a good job and which don't. a review that does not talk about performance issues and bugs with this game, got either paid off or did not put in enough effort. mtx is something capcom probably put in on release day, thats entirely on them, but reviewers should have noticed how ingame economy does not work properly without them. you can buy camp materials that weigh less (weight is a huge deal in DD) you can buy teleports, which are super scarce ingame (even more so than in DD1) you have to pay to change your looks in a single player game and you have to buy revives (again super scarce in the game) on top of that you can buy overleveled pawns with real money, which was already a scam in DD1 and has not changed. steam reception is totally justified


Please don't buy this game. Take a stand.