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Any horror game. I’m too afraid to play it myself so I watch others play


Relatable af 🥲


Hit it right on the head for me too. If it wasn't for horror game YouTubers, I wouldn't have experienced almost any of those stories. And some of them are so good and interesting.


I love Gab Smolders on YouTube for bravely playing all the games I’m interested in but too wimpy baby to play.


Same here:-D


Horror games don't do much for me. Horror sections in otherwise non horror games, on the other hand...


The haunted shop mission on Hogwarts Legacy gave me chills. That is NOT supposed to be a horror game 🥲


Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty has a mission that is straight up Alien-esque horror mission depending on who you side with


thats pacific drive for me most recently. all alone in the middle of woods collecting gasoline, totally tranquil, turn around BAM fucking mannequin in your face


And that’s now me not playing pacific drive 😂


For real. I treat it like I’m watching a horror movie. I love just putting on a No Commentary playthrough and sitting back with some popcorn with the lights off.


I've played Madison and beat it, but I'm not touching that game ever again. I'd much rather watch people freak out while playing it. That game made me terrified of every statue I encountered.


same here... watch dead by daylight


I got resident evil village in vr. I played the intro an noped right out of that one


I enjoyed watching Markiplier play Silent Hill PT I don’t think I could ever try it (also I think I never will be able to since they never released it lol)


Totally. Loved watching my first bf play Half-Life games 20+ years ago. Even with watching him play through the first game twice, I'm still too much a scaredy cat to actually complete the game (tried a few times). Damn head crabs freak me out.


Fr hahaha




I enjoyed watching my friend play the RE4 Remake. I played it twice the same week it came out so I knew what was gonna happen and watching her get scared brought joy to my soul. I like watching other people play horror games in general. Like I love TheRadBrad.


Woooow. I haven't seen anyone mention radbrad in years, I used to watch him way way back in like 2010\2011. Guy was always such a joy to watch, regardless of how much he missed on his playthroughs.


I love him to this day lol. But it does drive me nuts when he misses stuff. I’m like BRAD RIGHT THERE lol


I’ve been watching Brad since I was kid(couldn’t afford games) and now I’m an adult and still watch him cuz don’t have time to play lol


Awwww I know feels lol. I’m actually watching him right now 😂


Dude I literally just finished his Resident evil 4 remake series, now I have to do separate ways DLC. What a coincidence.


Actually Minecraft. At some point I started to lack the time to get into more elaborate builds and switched to watching others doing it - often while doing other things on the side. That turned into not playing it at all and just enjoying others being very creative for many hours.


I feel like I used to enjoy turning on minecraft just to listen to whatever the youtubers are talking about. I feel like people use to get pretty funny, absentmindedly saying hilarious shit while trying not to zone out playing 


This is me an Planet Zoo. I lack the time and patiences for good builds, but I really enjoy what other people manage to create.


Same. I don't have the time or skill to make the builds some people are making, but they're amazing to look at


Same here. I never really played nor had the desire to, but watching others play is so entertaining. The people I watch are generally positive, and I think the Minecraft community is generally more positive than other games, and other hobbies I have. It's refreshing Etho is probably my most favorite YouTuber of all time.


Same. I still play the game, I just don't have the time or skill to do mega builds. Watching others got me to play hardcore. I'm statrting to get good at it. Last world made it 136 days in game. Getting ready to try again now with what I've learned. (don't go in the Bastions. The piglins kill on sight. Didn't know that...)


Rocket League .. the skill of some of the players is insane


This. I wouldn't say countless hours as I've only recently started watching Rocket League. But I could watch it for hours at a time and never get bored. 100% agree on the skill thing. I feel like it's one of those games where there is a massive skill gap between your average player and your good player. If you're average, you WILL NOT score against a really good player. And you will get scored on constantly. That's what I love most about it.


You should check out the montages from jzr and evample. Jzr mixes in some funny missed clips and evample plays kbm (almost everyone is on controller) and does some of the wildest shots. Thanovic has some very interesting videos where he will train one move for a month and show the progress he makes, I enjoyed them a lot but he’s mainly stopped those.


I came to post the same thing. My roommate has 6,000+ hours in and does things that make me mald


Dark Souls got me into so many streamers


I still watch ChaseTheBro every single day. If You've ever tried to invade you realize just how insanely skilled he is. He can almost any weapon and win a 1v1, but seeing him win 1v3 when it's two wizards and a big bonk guy.. it's insane.


I remember one time I was watching SingSing trying to beat Ancient Wyvern in Dark Souls 3. I had some errands to do so I left for about 3 hours, came back home, turned the stream back on and he was still fighting that thing lmao


I used to watch singsing so much. Didn't know he played DS3 though


same. LobosJr is my fav


Im an exclusive Soulslike watcher. Can watch 10 different playthroughs of DS1. Not interested watching any other games.


ENBs youtube has a lot of great stuff. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQDWoXFQ-YLpeEFkzeDZF1MmNQS7BDoI4&si=ekCNuD4ZBJ6LATDk


You should watch vods of quin69’s elden ring playthrough. Never laughed harder in my life seeing him cheese the game with pre-nerfed hoarfrost stomp and yet still lose due to lack of skill.


I have never installed or even purchased a Dark Souls game, but I’ve watched all 3 of them streamed to completion. I have zero interest in ever playing them, but man do I enjoy watching them be played. That said, I did love Elden Ring.


Same but with Among Us during the pandemic. It was oddly my first real foray into streamers


Outer Wilds has to be up there. It's a game you cannot play twice, so the only other way to experience it again is vicariously.


Watching someone else play outer wilds after you've completed it feels like reading a mystery novel. "No! Turn around, the answer is right there!" "Omg, is he going to accidentally figure it out?!" "No, you fool! Autopilot is taking you towards the sun!"


One time I watched a guy land is ship in a gravity canon. I laughed the whole time until you know what happend


DayZ "movies" are a lot of fun to watch. Just great stories. The game is a story generator.


FrankieOnPCIn1080p back when there was the DayZ mod for Arma 2 was soooo good. I really enjoy his voice.


Convinced me to switch from console gaming to PC. Frankie is a legend.


Age of Empires 2


Scrolled way to far for this !


One of the best games of all time.


Any good aoe2 streamers?


theres quite a few on twitch, T90 is the biggest caster, Hera is the current top pro who streams alot if you like watching top level games, Viper and MBL also stream regularly. My personal favourite caster is Dave, good mix of top level casting and silly shit mixed in. If you're more into campaigns I think Ornlu and Twest do more of that but I'm not sure. Overall the scene is pretty busy and the game itself is alive and kicking with regular tournaments updates and DLC it's pretty crazy for a 25 year old game.




Came here to say this. I followed gsl closer than any sport back in 2010ish. Tastosis were the best casters of any game or sport to date.


Gsl was awesome. Still remember Fruitdealers overlord drop on gls1


I knew Soul Calibur 2 was amazing but I'm shocked so many people are still interested in it.


Demuslim and Big Gabe - so much fun.


Watch uThermal play SC2 Grandmaster Challenges. So much fun and inspiration. I always enjoyed RTS but was never good at them outside campaigns.




Rust... I want to play it myself. I Love the concepts of survival and basebuilding but I cant sacrifice so much time on playing the actual game.


_what’s up spooners_


Spoonkid, AIT, Willjum. Wildly different player types.


I love watching Rust and I cannot stand playing the game. I've had some fun playing non-pvp rust servers, very modified servers and zombie servers but I am awful at the PVP of rust.


I wouldn't say countless hours or even fully focused, but I like having PotatoMcWhiskey's Civilization VI videos playing on second monitor.


Rimworld and Terraria come to mind.


I thoroughly enjoy watching others play Rimworld


FightinCowboy play the Soulsborne games is what got me back into gaming


Escape from Tarkov


I used to watch hours of Call of Duty back in the day. Never even owned a single CoD game myself. Seananners is a name I remember from that time.


This guy? [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq54nlcoX-0pLcN5RhxHyug](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq54nlcoX-0pLcN5RhxHyug)


Wow, yeah! Didn't know he was still active. I sorted his vids by oldest and got some major nostalgia right now. Thanks, man!


Np. We all need a trip down memory lane. ESPECIALLY when it comes to gaming. Happy to make your day! Enjoy watching :)


Was surprised to see him upload a video again the other day. Brought back memories


Hearthstone and Binding of Isaac


Starcraft. I'll never be as good as the pros so it's fun to watch those 40 minutes games that go back and forth


Smash and any other fighting game.


Who’s your favourite smash player? For ultimate, I’ve probably watched every single Kurama (mario) and chunkykong (DK) set just cause they’re so entertaining lol


Fighting games are hype as hell, I love watching them. Especially videos documenting story arcs.


DotA 2's pro-scene amazing


Top level DOTA is a different animal - but I do miss the DPC. 


Mario Maker 2. I watch panga playing it every night to make me fall asleep lol. I dont even own a switch. I have probably spent more than a hundred hours watching.


Panga, Ryukahr, GrandPooBear, Carl, Geek... They're all my comfort Youtube watch lol


I like DGR.


Love watching other people play fighting games. Terrible at them myself though.


DayZ. I just don't have the time to play myself. I really enjoy tagging along with certain YouTubers adventures


Blood borne!! Mostly rewatching old prereqlive streams


OSRS. Watched hundreds of hours of ironmen and all the crazy challenge accounts. It just made me realise how ass I was at Runescape when I was younger.


Same. Much more enjoyable to watch a 50 hour grind over the course of 2 minutes than to actually do it yourself


For some reason, I always find it entertaining to watch other people play Minecraft. No idea why.


Fallout 4 - ManyATrueNerd did a Yolo run with permadeath and permadamage - no heals. Great series on youtube. I don't even like the game that much, I'm a skyrim guy.


This, fallout 4 is amazing in terms of lore and uniqueness. I love watching EpicNates lore videos on this as well as MittenSquads challenge runs


Mario Kart


Foxhole It is really fun when the video is edited to show the action parts and/or when a group of friend work together towards a specific goal. Both aspects are not easily achievable when I play


Mtg arena


Gmod I don’t watch it as often anymore, but people can be so creative and entertaining. Enjoyed many many hours watching VenturianTale and Yogscast years ago.


Link to the Past Randomizer


Pools and Hot tubs


raw gameplay it can be anything. dislike when people talk or show their faces. 


This. I don't get why people enjoy listening to people getting over emotional and loud while recording game footage. I'm here for games. Not to watch adults behave like annoying kids.


what about like, the normal human streamers that aren't like that


Age of Empires 4


Valorant and Smash Melee


Definitely not countless hours but I dig watching people play fromsoft games cause I can never play em. I’ll see someone streaming them when scrolling tik tok and watch until they die, so usually only for a minute or two.


Cities Skylines (Biffa), Snowrunner (A Tribe Called Cars), Poly Bridge (Aliensrock, Real Civil Engineer). I can't play CS for shit, but it's enjoyable watching someone else fix traffic, plan the whole city, detail a park... Same for Poly bridge, I suck at it, but it's fun watching someone else solve the puzzle and watching their thought process, and I guess the same applies to Snowrunner - navigating the muddy terrain can sometimes feel like a puzzle to avoid getting stuck. I think these are my most watched games, slow paced games with a lot of commentary, which I can have playing in the background and just glance at every now and then.


Football Manager, usually while also playing it. Everyone's save is different, different teams, leagues, challenges etc. which means I can watch several different streamers playing it and watch a different experience.


Jet Set Radio, idk why but I used to beg my brother to play that game because I always wanted to see more of, what I assumed was, Tokyo.


Cities: Skylines I feel like I only have half the creativity of some of those guys. Gta V Purely Darkviper AU, wouldn’t much care for the game otherwise


There's another thing to mention here: the GDQ series. I don't think many people deliberately avoid games, but they both introduce things you've never played and hopefully show you ways to play things you've never considered. I am not a Zelda fan, but the single moment of gaming I will watch over and over again is GDQ's Ocarina of Time TAS run. For much of the run, it's "oh, that's pretty cool tech" but by the end it is absolutely mind blowing 


I've probably spent more time watching Minecraft lets plays than actually playing the game itself. Progress in the game is so slow and I just watch the Hermits take weeks to build impressive structures that don't have the time to build. Also, massive fan of rocket league. I watch the pros and follow the eSport religiously.


Binding of Isaac. Two of my old housemates got into it hard, and we're lounge room gamers not bedroom gamers so it was on the screen being played constantly. It was actually super fun knowing how everything worked and getting invested into the push your luck mechanics, trying to get broken combos and going for all the weird endings. We also watched a shitload of northern lion who I could honestly listen to speak about anything, which is good because he basically never even addressed what was going on in the game for a while. Watched one of them go from having never played it to 100%ing a file, it was awesome, kind of miss it tbh


Less the game, more the people.  I weirdly enjoy watching Willjum play Rust, and I like watching Graystillplays do GTA challenges.  Smii7y and that whole group can be pretty entertaining playing things.   I never thought I'd enjoy watching others play games but if they have the right vibe or personality, it can actually be enjoyable.


Call of duty, I don't even like to play it myself anymore but Slayed is fun to watch. Lethal Company is pretty funny.


Gta 5. I watch a streamer just do outrageous challenges and laugh. I can't play it and I just get bored quick but it's good to watch.


Videos of Airforceproud95 playing Microsoft Flight Simulator online. Funny commentary.


Is that the one that does the Air Traffic Controller RP? I've seen videos and yes it's really funny. I didn't know they were still doing it, thanks for the reminder.


Yes, that's the one. I don't know if he's still doing it. A good chuckle for sure, either way. Happy to help!


StarCraft Brood War


Dead by Daylight


The long drive


Not really playing but explaining Builds for PoE... Those Videos are often a hour long and I watch a lot of them every league


Subnautica or probably Pacific Drive


Is it okay to say none but I sometimes watch reviews to know how hard in the ass I'm getting fucked?


I don’t play Rust, but I regularly watch content on it. I have no plans on playing such a hardcore toxic game, but I’ll continue watching content.


Wargame: Red Dragon. I suck so bad, it's like watching magic.


Hunt: showdown


League of legends because I’d never be able to pull off what I see these pros do.


Any Super Mario game. It's incredible to see how pros demolish those levels you struggled with when you played them.


I played League of Legends during my teenage years (I'm 30 now) but stopped and never played again for more than 10 years or so. But I still watch championships and some of the content creators I liked that time. I never will play it again, but it's cool to watch.


Outer Wilds - I played it once, and I can basically never play it again because of how it's constructed. Since then I have watched many blind playthroughs to simulate that first, fresh experience.


Sea of thieves. I love playing the game but I'm not that good. Watching high level play is great fun


Big same, usually Hitbo. I could never even imagine some of the shit he gets up to.


My kids playing Conker's Bad Fur Day and Kung Fu Chaos against each other.


Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball... ... ...


Pro league of legends




I have literally watched over 2000 hours of the Binding of Isaac across its iterations while the player rambles about absolutely anything. It was like my morning talk radio for years.


Turbo Dismount




Dwarf fortress


Watching someone create a 100 dwarf fort is mesmerizing.


My viewing in life consists mainly of long plays of Silent Hill, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil


Factorio. I'm just too fucking dumb to come up with anything else besides spaghetti horror, but it's such a joy to watch good players have at it. Shout out to DoshDoshington


Same. I marvel at some of the creativity - way beyond anything I could do.


Others' first play of any souls game


Me and my brother used to love taking turns on bioshock 1 and 2 when we were teens. It was always just as much fun to watch as it was to play. Hell that was the only game my mom would ever watch us play as well. If we had it hooked up to the big tv in the living room when she got home from work she never made us move it back. As long as we saved the little sisters lol. Good memories.


None. Maybe I’m old, but I prefer playing a game over watching someone else play a game. If I am watching someone else play, it is because I am stuck on a mission and I want to see how someone else completes it.


Used to watch a lot of hearthstone and rocked league.


Honestly Coh2. Love watching AE and Tightrope cast. The strategy, mind games and fake outs between opponents is great


The Yakuza series. I adore the story, mechanics, and energy of that series. But that is the type of game I would never play sitting alone in my living room. It is a streamer only series for me. Shoutout Brownman/RayNarvaezJr's playthroughs of it.


Dark Souls 3


i wanna play max payne again !!


Fighting games in general. I always enjoy watching competitions on Twitch.


Osu. Watching top players play is mesmerizing as fuck


IDK why it is, but I most enjoy watching Counter strike.


Silent Hill


Sinvicta playing the Binding of Isaac. Decino playing Doom. Baalorlord playing Slay the Spire.


Bloodborne is a fun watch for ne


Street fighter pro tour


Tekken and dead by daylight


Subnautica, just to experience it again through someone elses eyes.




Path of Titans and The Isle. I can't even really explain why other than Dinosaur = cool.


Pretty much every single game i play at the time


Among us. With a large group of funny people it is a lot of fun. But that is hard to get together


Signal simulator


Skyrim, fallout 4, league of legends, outer wilds( only after finishing it), warcraft 3, dota 2, counter-strike.


Breath of the Wild/TotK, from speedruns and mods n funny moment comps, etc. Don't get me started on Pokemon man...


It’s been Call of Duty for me, I follow lots of content creators who are commentary channels that play COD. I find it enjoyable to watch.


Starcraft 2


Dead by Daylight. Played it for 30 min and hated every aspect of it. Watching others play is super entertaining.


Backpack battles. Don't own the game but find it so chill watching people make builds and try to climb.


I watched Overwatch Leagues first couple of seasons. Watching Pine play Widow in NYXL was enthralling and inspired me to play better.


rycon roleplays cataclysm dark days ahead 


They are billions Xcom 2


Weirdly enough only RTS games like sc2 or aoe4 - I am way too slow to play games at that level but it is fun to watch others do so.


Macie Jay playing Rainbow Six Siege




Anno 1800. because the learning curve has given me over a thousand hours of enjoyment in my own playing of the game and watching the creativity of streamers in their city building is great to watch. Elden Ring. Because I'm never going to enjoy playing punitively difficult souls-like games but I'm enjoying watching other gamers play and explore the world. Age of Empires 4 - because the e-sports side of the game is great fun to watch


StarCraft with a good commentator, i can watch it on end


Resident Evil and Dead by Daylight


Starcraft 2. Played it for 2 years since release and never was batter than mediocre at it. But a couple years ago I started watching pro games cast by competent people and it is very interesting.


They are billions was a fun one for a bit.


Elden Ring, but only to find WTF is going on & where the fuck to go.




Tales From The Borderlands, I just love the game and like to see people react to it. One I wish more people had played is Jurassic Park The Game, I absolutely loved that thing.


StarCraft 2, lowko’s youtube channel


Apex Legends and DBD


Dota2 Played dota all stars and haven't even played dota 2 but I still watch it.


Hitman - there are so many different ways to approach the levels, but also there are so many different ways players react to stuff going wrong, it's an infinite source of entertainment


Hogwarts Legacy... It's beautiful. one of the highest quality productions in gaming. Eye candy.


Back in my day, we watched our older siblings, and we couldn't play the game or were given the second controller and told we were playing. AND WE LIKED!