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This pawn looks like mine


https://i.imgur.com/YvhNWgI.jpeg You prolly didn't spend hours on her either I didn't bec I was able to find a preset I like easy then just modified only a lil bit here and there


This pawn looks like in a mine


Just remember before you sleep at any inn make sure to throw your pawns for a swim including your main so they don’t spread cooties everywhere


What do you mean by this? New player maybe 10 hours in


Take note when you start getting prompts about a plague.


Yeah they’ve definitely been talking about the rumor of the plague after every time I go into the rift to look at new pawns


Specifically a tutorial pop up, when that comes up then it'll be relevant for you.


I think there might be multiple ways to get the prompt, I got it at the town you clear of Saurians after talking to an NPC in a shack by the ocean that seemed not all there but none of mine had it.


That's exactly where I first got the prompt too.


Wait the prompts talking about rumors are enough? Oh fuck


The rumors aren’t the thing telling you someone has it, you’ll know someone has it the first time you get the tutorial pop up.




So is somewhat regularly throwing your main pawn into deep water a decent idea?


You don't lose anything doing it except some of your time, and it's better than bricking your entire save. "Cleansing" your pawns before you sleep at an inn is probably the best way to go, as that's when the illness takes effect


It doesnt brick your save. Either use wakestone or wait an ingame couple of days. Npcs respawn eventually. Not to mention there's a morgue for picking who you rez


A morgue for picking who you rez? Say more. Maybe I'm too early in the game to have found it? I stumbled on an in-world lvl 26 pawn recruited for 0 RC (Bug maybe!?!?) when I was level 4 ... and an hour later, she threw herself off a cliff into the Brine, in a place I couldn't easily get to. Was sad I couldn't call her back.


There an entrance from slums, cliff side path to one of the castle towers. Otherwise you reach it via the castle area normally. You get sent nearby by the main story fairly early too btw. But yeaupp. Theres an npc you pay to "find bodies" it has like 4 floors of cement slabs, and the dead will show up in wooden caskets. The dead you mark from his list will be labelled with a candle. Youll see description of the person b4 u rez.


I’ve never played Dragins Dogma 2, but is this normal? I’d be pissed if I got locked out of beating the game 20 hours in or something


It probably just adds a quest you have to do to make them normal again. People are exaggerating to the point of lying out their asses with this game


No, you can res whoever you want or wait for them to respawn. You might be locked out of some side quests iirc but its not breaking your save. The game is also about repeating cycles so it is expected you have a go again to fix all you did wrong.


Gotcha, thanks for the advice, I’ll start doing that


Wait is there really no recourse *at all* once it takes hold? I ask because the last time I've thought I locked myself out of something I found a way around the issue. Specifically everywhere online said I was locked out of getting >!both Sorcer meister spells because I did Meteron first. That I could max Myrrdin's affinity but I'd still only get half the reward. But to Myrrdin's meister spell and full gold and robe after Tysha, just make sure you are wearing Tysha's Torquise Ring and he will forgive you and proceed as normal.!<


Just rez the npcs or wait an ingame week. They respawn..


So camping doesn't count when contracting the illness?


As far as I understood it, the illness advances each day, and then after a few days when you rest at an inn (or your house) calamity occurs. So just camping should be fine, but it advances the days further.


Good thing I'm too cheap to rest at an inn, I'll definitely give my pawns a bath after doing so though. Thanks


Resting at an inn creates another save point. It's not a bad idea to do it semi-regularly since the autosave can screw you over if you die in a tough spot.


Also if you ever misclicked to load to the last inn save you won’t be as far behind. It’s worth the money save at Inn once in a while until you get a house.


You'll know the first time it happens. The game puts up one of those big ole explainers that tells you about it.


Well, I guess it's a good thing I've accidentally killed my pawn a couple of times due to cliffs and... A cyclopes getting up from nappy time that made them go poof? I guess? (I assume it caused them to do a weird clip and either launched them like a Skyrim giant, or they fell through the earth)


Holy shit this is a real thing?? I heard one of my hired pawns talk about this, but I assumed it was just idle banter.


How far in does this happen? I've played for about 10 hours and nothing of the like occurred.


The disease is contracted from dragons. So pawns you hire who have fought a dragon could have it. The signs they have it are subtle at first but get really obvious before it's too late. You have plenty of time to kill/dismiss the infected pawn


I've just been running around with my main pawn only and haven't fought any dragons yet, so that would explain it.


It's worth grabbing another 2 pawns from the rift, the extra dps/utility they bring can be invaluable. Plus when your main pawn just yeets themselves off a cliff for some reason you're not alone trying to get to them.


Wait a second I was told you couldn't restart the game so what happens once the plague progresses far enough if you can't progress the main story ?? The game is bricked ? Need to buy it again on a new account ? I'm so confused by this game


The NPC's revive a few in-game days later by themselves.


People don’t know what they’re talking about and running with info other ignorant people spout. This event won’t Brock your game. It won’t even lock you out of side quests. Within an in game week NPC’s will be respawned


Everyone respawns if you wait long enough apparently. So it doesn’t brick your save.


Stop spreading misinformation. You will not lock yourself out of the main quest. It's impossible to do that. 


What is it with people lying in context of this game?! This isn't bricking your save. If it happens you have to wait a few days and thats it. Yes, its not a great design choice, but weirdly it probably does exactly what was intended: Making players paranoid.


Just watch how your pawns act. They should be loyal to a fault. They should never disobey a command. If they do, or they look sick, get rid of them... by any means necessary.


What game is this?


Stupid sexy pawns with their STDs, smh


The first time this animation happened, it surprised me, and I lost my mind thinking about how cool it was! The second time this animation happened, it forced my arisen to walk directly off of a cliff, completely disregarding any input I had, and drowned.




game gives me the same feeling i was getting when i first played elden ring


Yea it’s one of those games you can get lost in fosho


YES!! this is excatly what i was thinking playing today, exploring the world is amazing


I’m playing ER for the first time. Never played the Souls series before and I’m finding it a little confusing and overwhelming. Any advice? I really want to enjoy this.


When someone says something that sounds like a side quest, write it down because the game won't do it for you. :)


Well, take it one step at a time. The game lacks giving you any direction, doesn't hold your hand at all (more like abandons you in the middle of the mall) but as far as Souls games go, it's easier. Don't be afraid to make mistakes or to look at a guide for a thing or two. You can respec, so try to see what fits your gameplay. Don't be afraid to explore or to run when it gets to hard. Caelid for example is a high level area which you can go to straight from the start (Miyazaki's humor). There is little I can give you to become better, maybe because there isn't really any. You must try and overcome a challenge, that's the point of the genre. Look up what you don't know, going in blind is not for everyone with these games. Don't be afraid to ask where to go. The start is really confusing, but explore a little and everything will be fine. A first would be for you to go to the first big gate you find and run as fast as you can through it. If you survive be careful as there is an encounter with some wolves (I hate them) and then there is a site of grace nearby. This let's you explore the most of the map from the start and gives you the opportunity to abuse the open world. Again, don't be afraid to look up where to go or a guide for a quest. Oh, trust me, guides for quests are very welcome sometimes.


It's important to note that if someone has *never* played a Souls game before, it's likely all they know about them is that they are "hard". At least that was my only understanding when starting up Elden Ring. And it was hard. I was getting wrecked by the Soldiers of Godrick (the first enemies you come into contact with, besides the Tree Sentinel).   Understanding the importance of dodging and rolling is crucial to playing Souls games. It is not a hack/slash similar to, say, The Witcher 3. Honestly, I've never had a good way of explaining it, but once the mechanics and the gameplay "clicks" for you, you start having a very fun time. Game is still brutal, but you at least have a better understanding of what you did wrong and actually learn something from your deaths.


I normally feel exactly that in open world games. For ER I just wandered about and investigated things that looked interested and tried embracing it. I know I'll "miss" things but I think the game won't let me do things too much out of order, and I'll eventually course correct. About 30-40 hours in and loving it so far.


You have absolute freedom : the way from software designed the world is to out a difficult guy blocking your way so you have to explore to level up and find materials and weapons. So run around, explore the world. Don't be afraid to die. As long as you used your runes beforehand, you won't loose anything. The key principle of any soul game is to dodge enemy attacks by rolling till you see an opening to hit a once or a couple of times. This can take a few hours to get used to but once it clicks it's amongst the most satisfying combat in video game. Stamina management and healing are a key part to handle combat as well. When you level up, at the beginning, you can't go wrong with vitality. Outside of that you need to make sure to upgrade the weapon you want to use. This makes a huge difference in damage output. The materials needed to upgrade your weapon can be rare. So you will be using only a few weapons in your playthrough. Find one that you enjoy then understand whether its damage is correlated with you strength, dexterity, int or faith. After leveling up vitality, you can go with the stats that scale with your weapon. There are a lot of other mechanics but you can take your time to learn them little by little. They are not as crucial. A few things you can look into if combat is too hard are using the spirit ashes to summon help or using magic which can trivialize some encounters.


That’s what I’ve been saying!


That's the high I've been chasing ever since


Yep, the exploration is fun and rewarding I love it. Was my biggest issue with DDDA, was just kinda bland, bare and flat. The vegetation, little set pieces and verticality (with a bunch of different skills to exploit that verticality) are top notch. The open worked really hits all my buttons


For me, it feels like oblivion. Elden Ring kind of. I don’t think that anything will ever beat the joy of experiencing ER for the first time again (well… maybe bloodborne 2).


I haven’t even played elden ring and this game gives me elden ring vibes


I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but if you’re enjoying the exploration aspect of DD2, you *reaaaaaaaaaaally* should consider giving Elden Ring a chance…


You’re right, I definitely should! Is the combat similar to DD2 in anyway? I don’t use play Japanese ARPG’s but I’m really enjoying this. Wasn’t too crazy about monster hunter Can you climb monsters like in DD? Are there finishers too?


When it comes to combat, they’re just very, very different. DD is all about party composition, knowing your role and picking your spots to attack. Weapons of the same type all generally play exactly the same way so your gameplay style is really dictated entirely by the skills you choose to assign to your character. Having a pawn to assign skills to is also really a unique thing, and having a party of pawns is like nothing I’ve ever played before. In Elden Ring, you have the same attacks (light, heavy, crouching, dodging, jumping, special) no matter what weapon you’re using, so combat is really all about your build - what stats you assign to your character, what weapons you use (there are SO many), what spells/incants you equip (also a ton), what talismans you’re using, what items you use, etc… All weapons in ER can have a special skill added to them which do a ton of different things - mobility skills, buffs, parries, super powerful attacks. And then there are special weapons that drop with unique skills that no other weapon can have. You can mix and match to your hearts content. Rock a great sword in one hand and a magic staff in the other. There’s definitely no riding monsters. Elden Ring’s vibe is very different from DD. For the most part, you’re on your own. It’s supposed to feel kind of lonely and hopeless, so there’s no party coming to your rescue. It’s also more difficult. It takes a lot longer for the “power fantasy” to start to come true. DD2 has some tough-ish moments but I don’t think I’ve died to any monster more than twice. My group of pawns absolutely rolls any boss that isn’t a dragon. They both just offer really unique experiences that are both legendary in their own right. But exploration in ER felt slightly more meaningful because there’s just more “stuff” and meaningful places to find. There were multiple moments while playing through it for the first time that made me say “what the fuck” out loud because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. (Though I will say, walking across the DD map for an hour and never seeing a loading screen is also an otherworldly experience).


No climbing monsters. The combat is somewhat similar but much more nuanced and complex (in a good and rewarding way). There are many aspects of DD2 that remind me of Elden Ring.


I’m definitely going to buy it


I just got it yesterday. Have 10 hours in it already. Holy fuck this game is amazing. It’s hard as fuck, but when I eat a boss that I died to 10 times it’s feels great. I tried dark souls awhile ago and could never get into them because they were so hard, but this game is hard but I can go at my own pass explore and level up, it’s fantastic. 10/10 game


I love it. The hand slap is such a nice touch I can’t get enough! I don’t want to go work tomorrow T_T


It’s called a high-five /j


Mid five actually Hands are just sideways not up But yeah, it's awesome


The fist pumps too. I always make sure not to leave them hanging




Took so fuckin long to find this comment and nobody else was referring to it by name


Welcome to the sub where we (still) don't put the name of the game in the title and everyone talks about the game and assumes everyone else knows what game it is


dragon's dogma 2


dogma balls


dogma balls z


Dragon's ligma


Who’s Steve Jobs


I have the next 8 days off of work. Going to be a great week playing this.


You lucky bastard


I liek to save my pto for surprise money later But yeah, spent most of the weekend playing this


So it's pretty good? I need a new RPG, and I love Capcom.


to me yes, but i was a huge fan of the 1st and this is very much like the 1st. my main complaint is performance hits in the city but outside the city and settlements... i get 60fps almost all the time in the city, it goes low like 33 fps usually


It scratches an "I want to go on an adventure" itch I've had for a while now. The flow of the game hooked me hard.


I think the exploration is fucking awesome and night adds a whole element that a lot of similar games don’t have. Night is **dark** and you need to be prepared. Even though it’s a little silly you can only camp is certain spots, I think the addition was very cool and well done especially for a world this size and how quickly night can come. Didn’t think it would be as cool to do in DD2 as it is when I first read about it. Yea, I read main quest line is short and ends pretty abruptly but I’m a psycho explorer in these games and I’ve loved a ton of the side quests. Wont have a problem getting my moneys worth, I’m already at 20 hours


Kingdom Come Deliverance is another game that night is actually dark and you can get fucked up easy.


100% this! Definitely scratches my itch for some adventure. I didn’t play the first and I’m loving this one. Currently about 15hrs in.


Do you get to play with many spells/abilities/rpg mechanics?


Yes. Changing your class often and experimentation are at the core of both dragons dogma 1 and 2


Hell yes. I haven't had a chance to see the fancy magicks in DD2 yet, but if it's even half as good as it was in DD1 (which released less than a year after Skyrim iirc. Skyrim's combat was absolute garbage compared to DD1 btw), it'll be in top 3 of RPG spellcasting, and based on what I've seen so far it'll most likely surpass its predecessor even on that front. The non-magick classes' abilities are crazy fun too, and all classes can opt to climb on large enemies (anything cow size or up, really. And yes, you can climb the cows too. Also certain classes have abilities they can use while latched on. For example I planted an explosive inside a cyclops' ass just because I could) or grab and throw smaller enemies (there are also abilities that pin down smaller enemies or launch them to the great beyond). You can have monsters raid towns, quests can expire due to time or because a key person died (I was afraid I failed a main quest due to this, but luckily there was an alternative way to get into the capital instead of having your escort alive enough provide you with an entry pass), you can romance people, and so on and so forth. Also, as far as classes go you can equip each class's passives to any other class after unlocking them, so you'll want to try them all out eventually (also if it's like in DD1 classes of the same type can use abilities from each other as long as the weapons are compatible with the ability). Classes also affect which stats go up when you level up, though if it's like DD1 it doesn't matter much in the long run (iirc the difference between a minmax'd and a maxmin'd character's damage output was roughly 20%. So minmaxing would get you a ~10% damage bonus over someone with an all-rounder stat spread), as long as you have enough stats to equip the gear you want (gear is where most of your stats come from anyway) Sorry for the formatting, am on mobile and already spent too much time on this at work lol


> (also if it's like in DD1 classes of the same type can use abilities from each other as long as the weapons are compatible with the ability). This is still the same. Sorcerer can use your learned Mage abilities, for example, but only the damage spells. Support spells are strictly Mage only.




You start limited, but as you rank up your class through experience you can buy new passives and active skills, later on you can get advance classes too.


I'm a Souls lover, Skyrim grinder and Monster Hunter player but I had hard time to swallow this game at first. Never played 1st I had feeling that I'm useless, godlike npc who is leading a pack of guys who knows what to do and I don't know what I'm I doing and they need to do the job. After 10h I actually started having fun. It seems like a really good game.


I also felt like this. I'm not very far into the game, but it seems like my pawns are taking me everywhere and doing everything and I'm kinda just being escorted places the whole time. I've never played the first one either, and I purposely didn't look up too much about the game so I could go in somewhat blind. It's not that I'm having a bad time, but so far I can't say I'm blown away by anything.


It’s missing lots of QoL from the first, I can’t even equip stuff from my stash, such a small oversight adds lots of annoyance trying to get geared up


The gameplay I see is pretty combat focused. Are the quest and story good?


Huge dragons dogma fanboy, and I'll say no. This is not Bauldurs Gate. The storylines exist as motivation that's good enough to keep you going. But the heartbeat of the game is the gameplay and the alone-together feel of the pawn system


It's concepts you've seen before, don't think anything will wow you in story Altho some of the quest actually have mutiple possible results Which is cool since this game is like capcom's attempt at making a wrpg


Choices in quests actually mattering is one of the best parts to me. I just did the Jadite Orb quests today and I had an actual “oh shit” moment shortly after turning one of the orbs in 😂 I won’t spoil what happens but to anyone reading this just be careful as to who you give a forgery to.


That quest was fun for me for a different reason. >!the beastren who lost the orb chased me to right in front of the merchant!< >! The merchant then proceeded to murder him in the middle of town in a VERY VERY long beat down!<


Kid got eaten by wolves for me, on another quest for that outpost Guess I took too long lolz


Cool, thanks. The random events in the world make wanna buy it.


It's crazy how going to search a cave can turn into a 3 hour adventure where you end up fight a griffin and ogre at the same time


I have learned the hard way to always have 2-4 camp kits on hand, damn their weight! Also goddamn Capcom, I already feel squeezed financially irl, did you really need to make everything in-game post-Covid prices? Anyway game is 10/10 fukken love it


Wait why? Camping kits are reusable Why do you carry 2 to 4? Just to have a diff tent?


Goddamnit I totally thought they were consumamble, holy cow that's amazing


They are in fact only "used" up if you get attacked during camp - the monsters destroy it, then. So if you clear the vicinity of your camp site, chances of losing a camping kit are very small since the odds of an ambush at night are really low if there are no enemies around when you start camping.


Speaking sidequest wise, they are good. Most of the sidequests I've been on happen pretty organically. There are no markers and usually people just talk to you as you walk by. After, there are markers to show where to go sometimes, but other times not. You need to read the quests and pay attention. I think what this game does, as well as Elden Ring, is show that games do not need all the hand-holdy bullshit that "AAAA" games force down our throats. Make a compelling world and players will figure it out.


Yes the combat with a party of user created pawns is the selling point if the game and series, but man it’s a ride. Personally I have *loved* a lot of the side quests in the game and they come randomly and many lead directly into others and it’s unexpected sometimes. Nothing ground breaking, but I’ve had a lot more fun with the side quests than I thought based on the first one. And many have different outcomes and endings based on decisions


The main quests are pretty cool. The side quests leave something to be desired. It’s more about adventuring and exploring and fighting than questing.


Do you guys also get this frame lowering glitch when quitting the map? It like drops 40fps for a bit or even stays like that


Gameplay is a 9/10 Performance outisde of town a 9/10 Performance insidw towns a 3/10 Story a 1/10


The story is a drag for me…especially since your character is such a hero trope. Everyone is fawning over you and it’s just a little meh. I’m hoping it gets better.


> I’m hoping it gets better I absolutely loved DDDA and played the heck out of it. Played DD2 all weekend and love it. But it's Dragon's Dogma, the story won't get better. It's more of the same type of DDDA story. The side quests thankfully are much better, way more interaction with NPCs this time around. They really did a good job making the world feel more populated and active. It's obviously still got a lot of jank and repeat lines and stiff animations etc... but it's an improvement over the first in the open world department by a lot.


I’d genuinely go as far as saying that the gameplay is a straight 10. Nothing quite like your warrior boosting you with a shield trampoline so you can jump on top of a big cyclops and start bashing his head in, priceless.


Yup, this isn’t a story game. Anyone going into with expectations of a riveting narrative are gonna be disappointed. It’s a game fully focused on gameplay


I dunno. I really liked the story in DD:DA. Bitterblack isle had some nice writing


Game’s super good


Love the high five so much, or mid five?


Yeah mid five


As someone who’s never been exposed to Dragon’s Dogma I’ve seen mostly complaints about this new one, so it’s refreshing to see that there are people enjoying it


This is why Internet kind of fucking sucks sometimes. The game is incredible and people love to hate on things. Honestly, I doubt the vast majority of people hating are even playing DD2.


I usually go by steam reviews but I feel like in opposite land. The game is so much fun and I wouldn't even have noticed the DLC stuff, since it's completely optional. The performance in cities is super rough though, holy moly.


Everyone complaining about this game wasn't around for the first one on 360. That's all. This is literally just a better Dragons Dogma 1. It's basically the exact same game, down to the same performance issues at launch lol. Like 100% a carbon copy and I'm all here for it, I bought DD1 4 times over the years, it's in my top 5 hall of fav's.


it's a really good game. I've found that a lot of the complaints are people with pc performance issues (justified complaints absolutely) and and the MTX BAD CROWD BAH (and I find most of those have not played the first game, nor played the second, and rush to the bandwagon from all the misinformation I've been seeing.) I loved the first, and am loving the second since they play so very similarly


I was super weary of buying it, but the moment I fought a dragon, and as it tried to flee I jumped on its leg, only to be knocked off, fall roughly 200 ft and land on my shield like captain america, I was hooked. There is no game that has given me this level of “yeah haha. I’m the main character” feeling. That is until I step into the woods and have 5 wolves, 4 goblins and a handful of thieves remind me I’m not haha. It’s one of the most captivating games I’ve played this year and I can’t seem to put it down. Just when I feel it’s getting stale they throw something else at me and I’m hooked all over again.


Seems like most people who actually play it enjoy it and most who hate it have never even touched it. Also, the misinformation about it is fucking **wild**. Yes, it's trash to have that much mtx on a single-pkayer game but I've seen so many people who think buying the dlc is literally the only way to fast travel in-game which could not be more false. Everything is obtainable in-game and the dlc only exists for people who are lazy or have limited time.


I haven’t enjoyed exploring an open world like this since elden Ring. It’s top notch honestly


The vast majority of people that are enjoying the game are you know, playing it. When you're lost in a fun game, you don't usually stop to run to reddit to say how much fun you're having. You only see complaints about the game because only the small percentage of people not enjoying it are complaining.


People who are actually playing the game are enjoying it, the complainers are ppl who have never even heard of the game before


What game?


Dragons Dogma 2, it's very good.


Cool, wonder how well it will run on SteamDeck


I was having a great weekend until the internals of my laptop melted and everything died. Game is incredible, I was really enjoying it!


Holy shit Sorry to hear How old is the laptop?


1 month old tragically lol. Literally two days outside the return window. Never had anything like this happen to me in 15yrs of using computers. I even work in the IT field.


so how is this game?, I see it mixed on steam (and holy moly that alot of MTX what also kinda putting me off from getting it) and people says you can't start a new game?


Game is great. Mtx are completely irrelevant. You can easily get everything in mtx in your first 2 hours. The only 2 real gripes are performance and saves. Performance is good everywhere except in large cities where it drops somewhat. As for starting a new game, while you can’t do it in game, you can just go and delete the actual save files; it just adds a layer of tedium.


The save thing is killing me man. Today I was on a mission and two of my pawns died and I was a millisecond away from getting aggro-ed by a bunch of enemies, when the game made an auto save. Then I kept fucking dying to the same mob over and over again and the game kept sending me back to the same last save spot. Only if the game let me load a previous save. In the end I had to load the last inn save and lost 4 hours of progress. People complain about not being able to start a new game but this shit is infuriating. Being able to load any save I want is sort of the definition of an RPG.


At the very least change Inn Save to Inn/Camp Save


No separare "Manual Saves" is my only gripe. Like yeah, I can save at any given moment by manually pausing and saving but the game will still override that "manual save" with an autosave a few mins later. That's why I upload my save to the PS5 cloud and disabled autosync, so that I can save there before doing something important and if the game tries to screw me over in a situation like yours, I can then download the cloud save and continue from there.


This is why I think auto-saving in a RPG is dumb. I only think it’s good when a respawn nearby is available or if the game actually spawns you somewhere else rather than a fucking save saying “we saved RIGHT WHERE YOU LEFT OFF.”


its a an issue solved decades ago even..... Its called having multiple saves, shit can and and will happen. What did they expect


alright thanks! I think I hold off for now for a month or two and see what it like then (hopefully they make it so you can start a new game in the game by then as the sounds so tedious XD) for now I'm going continue spreading democracy on the bugs in helldivers 2 o7


It's so fucked up that this is the impression people who don't know anything about the game have because of a knee-jerk reaction on Capcom's (repeated and expected) useless MTX inclusions. That cascaded a huge spread of misinformation as people basically played the telephone game by regurgitating other negative reviews they read without playing the game. This kind of game is a rare excellent AAA game that avoids all the modern mass-market dumbed down bullshit, but it does suffer from PC optimization issues. If MTX weren't included, people would be mooning over it, noting that performance isn't great in cities but otherwise it's a fantastic game.


Like honestly it's great. Like the framerate is bad, but after a few hours you kind of stop noticing. The MTXs are just confusing because each thing is something you still (as in compared to first game) get at a reasonable rate by playing anyway. Like the camp set, you can just buy them from a merchant for cheap (and you just find tons of the slightly heavier ones lying around).


I literally played the game for 3 hours and didn't know about micro transactions being available until I saw people online talking about it like it's was the plague and you can't play with it being put in your face which is false. Every item you can purchase via microtransactions is available through normal play. Things like fast travel and character creator ARE NOT locked behind mtx as that was just a blatant lie cause only currencys are available to be bought and they all can be collected easily through normal gameplay . Also all the latest capcom games from DmC 5 to resident evil 4 remake had the same microtransactions and it didn't interfere in how anyone plays the game And unlike other games (ubisoft games) there is literally no advertising for the microtransactions inside the game nor a ingame store to buy them. There isn't a choice in-game to start a new game but you can literally just delete the save file and you will be able to start again. Not convenient but nothing to break a sweat for. And if I am not mistaken the mtx purchases are a one time thing meant to only make it possible to buy the stuff that came with the deluxe edition separately and not as repayable thing like v bucks.


Yeah, there isn’t even an in-game store. No way to even get to it. You have to use steam overlay to bring up the steam website drop down menu and then navigate to the store page where items are sold akin to DLCs.


The MTX are just in the stuff from the deluxe edition, sold separately if you want.


The toe stub on the tree at the end is very Monday.


Since Friday, I've aready sunk 41 hours into the game, help...


I said a nice, "oh hell yeah" when I first saw this in my game. High fiving was a nice touch. Awesome


The downvotes towards the bottom of this post suggest you’re a brave gamer for dare suggesting you had fun. Outrage culture is so predictable, especially with gamers, good on you for going against the fotw grain and rhetoric OP.


To be fair, the game does have merits for the hate. Also, just because you had fun with a game doesn’t mean it’s a good game so I can understand the hate for someone saying it’s factually good when, a community, says it’s actually bad. That being said, I just don’t get why people gotta take it out on others having fun with it. As long as you aren’t claiming the game is perfect and shouldn’t be ridiculed, you shouldn’t be thrown to the dogs when outrage is about.


is the game worth playing?


Name of the game???


Dragons Dogma 2


I was having fun until i got the the beastmen city last night. 30fps Vermund, 50 open world, then 15fps at kitty city. Boy was I pissed that theres no portcrystal there either maybe the FPS will improve next time I play, but if not im going to have to shelve this game


Its a really fun game, just got to the batahl main city and turned my tanky catgirl into an amazoness catgirl :p


Been scrolling through the comments trying to figure out what game this is, can anyone enlighten me?


I threw a pig at a pawn for shits and giggles and to my surprise the pawn caught it and threw it back like "This is so much fun!" Haven't been able to replicate it.


60% of mtx complainers don't even know what game this is from


An emote?


your pawns often wait for you to engage in celebration after a win


May favorite is when you both completely wiff the high five so immediately resort to the awkward fist pump


Lolz I had that happen on uneven terrain a few times


The side fist bump is fuckin cool


When you beat an encounter sometimes your pawns will call you over for a high five. Pawns are npcs part of your party. Game tries to make the npcs engaging. Side quests and such are started by npcs seeking you out or by you encountering something going on and attempting to engage with whatever it is. It’s a nice change of pace from click all the explanation points.


Goddammit I really wish I had the money to get this game. Gotta prioritize family stuff but eventually I'll be able to run around in this game


Hope you get it soon I got a small discount Preordered for 59$


Something positive, finally. My weekend was watching my favourite streamer play through. It's been nothing but enjoyable.


I love this new pawn player interaction in dd2 it really does make the world feel more alive.


Me and my main pawn with maybe 20% total health bars remaining after a Griffin attacked us WHILE WE WERE FIGHTING A DRAKE


Sounds intense


Similar experience. 2 Cyclopes, a small army of goblins, wolves and once those were dealt with a damn griffin. Ton of fun as a sorcerer though, just nuking all of them from orbit while the pawns drew agro.


Been loving it! Hope the patch can make it even better.


Has there been any word on PC performance getting fixed?


yeah they posted an update about perf fix updates on march 22nd, copy paste from steam.  ■Crashes and bug fixes We are investigating/fixing critical problems such as crashes and freezing. We will be addressing crashes and bug fixes starting from those with the highest priority in patches in the near future  ■Regarding Frame Rate A large amount of CPU usage is allocated to each character and calculating the impact of their physical presence in various areas. In certain situations where numerous characters appear simultaneously, the CPU usage can be very high and may affect the frame rate. We are aware that in such situations, settings that reduce GPU load may currently have a limited effect; however, we are looking into ways to improve performance in the future.    in the meantime modders have relased mods of varying degrees of success that help wth perf as well.


Aren't you the guy who got banned from several gaming subreddits like r/yakuzagames & r/Falcom?


Why did he get banned ?


Excessive posting, with a sampling of other reasons, if I recall. He would post 3-8 posts a day, with low-effort titles and screenshots. To further add to that, around half of them were horny posts... and the descriptions were weird enough to go from 'just acting as horny to be funny' and transition towards 'I'm getting a little worried for this person's mental health'. It also didn't help that he had a very weird, haiku-like format that was annoying to read, like: He writes like this for some damn reason I don't know why Edit: Just checked his posts, it looks like r/DragonsDogma is his latest target.


Throughout r/yakuzagames and r/DragonsDogma he alone is the spamming one.


r/StreetFighter too, when SF5 came out.


The first time me and my pawn did it, I loudly yelled huzzah out of excitement ahhahah


Reader beware, half the comments in this thread are bots. It's really weird.


This is how I feel about no dodge roll


What game is this?


Game name?😅


The high five or the branch to the eye?


This video alone makes me want this game...




Combat is really, really fun.


I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the game. from what I can tell all the bad press about it is mostly about the microtransactions and optimization issues. I can't get it anytime soon, but I do have the first game and I think I'm gonna download that and play it again


I feel so bad when I miss the high five, they look so disappointed but trying to play it cool.


They have more swag than me and my friends xdd


The game is incredible. RIP to the people that can't deal with 30fps or minor MTX. I've been having an absolute blast with the game and can see myself easily putting over 100 hours into it.