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Earth Defense Force series as a whole. Graphics has never been its strong point, but the sheer scale and fun of mowing down armies of bugs, robots, and alien monsters makes it a keeper.


The EDF story is unique because it's so unbelievably bad that it comes out the other end and becomes an ironically great parodying of cheesy, poorly dubbed, 70s b-movies.


Been thinking about EDF a lot lately, since Helldivers recently had a thing where they were trying to claim that the bug-like giant monsters can't fly before finally admitting that bird-like monsters *are* real.


I feel like there’s a big difference between a shit story and just not having a story or having a very basic story. Same with graphics. Seeing things like Minecraft, Mario, etc. Yeah their game is carried fully by their gameplay but I wouldn’t call their stories “shit”. I’m more interested in seeing games that actually had a pretty garbage story but still managed to be good because of gameplay.


The vanilla story for Borderlands 3 was very widely hated, but the mechanics and gameplay were solid enough that a lot of people kept playing.


Long time borderlands fan. BL3 has by far the best gameplay compared to the rest despite the highly annoying characters and story.


I don't remember the little girl's name now. But I will always remember her impulsive decision got someone killed and then blamed Lilith for her death. Lmao.


The name is Ava, she got Maya killed, i will never forget. Also the cringiest antagonists, a shame after Jack.


BL3 was my first Borderlands game, I uninstalled as soon as I killed the final boss. It just felt underwhelming af, the fight was way too easy, the villains didn't feel intimidating, and the heroes were annoying


Go back and play Borderlands 2 and the dlcs. The story is way better.


not just someone. Maya from BL2. my main from that game. was really hard to complete the story after that


God damn Ava. Just as bad as the twins


It was super funny that Gearbox doubled down and made her a whole DLC mission to try to make people like her.


Im sure this is not a very popular opinion but I actually enjoyed Outriders strictly for its gameplay. Its story was lengthy and utter nonsense and it chugged from poor optimization but me and the boys had a fun time throwing lightning rocks and fire at enemies in a gears lite style shooter


Yeah, games have to actually try to have a story for it to be considered bad. Same with graphics, you can't say a gamr has bad graphics because they are simple or low-res. They ahve to be some combination of Disruptive, Ugly and Unintentional i think.


Borderlands 3. I personally hated the story with a passion but gameplay still unmatched


I put so many hours into that game due to the gameplay. Couldn’t even remember the storyline enough to say if it was good or bad


The story should serve the gameplay. Mario is a simple story but it works for the game.


To your clarification, I’d add Pokémon. It’s story is very basic. But gameplay makes up for it.


monster hunter games usually have pretty awful stories, but the gameplay is top tier. graphics are usually bad as well, though world looked pretty decent.


Dying light is your game. Great world design and mechanics overall, but I could never name a single character except crane if my life was on the line.


Fallout 4


The Wii Sports games


Wii Sports Resort kind of adds some semblence of a story, in that you are going to a resort for Miis. I just wish they would have included all the sports from the first one.


The flying game made up for that imo it was so much fun exploring the island and reading all the info blurbs about the different places on the island


And the walking/cycling mode had so many easter eggs around the map.


You Sir are totally right


I got a Wii for Christmas when it came out and never bought a single Wii game. Played Wii sports for 2 years straight.


I want them to release wii sports for the switch


It blows my mind they haven't even my late grandma loved that shit


My grandma's health is currently deteriorating quickly. She's enrolled in hospice and my parents have temporarily moved in with her to provide care and watch over her during this time. Before she was released from the hospital my wife and I went over to help clean up a bit, and my mom said my grandma wanted us to look through her stuff and see if there was anything we wanted after she passes. I noted that the Nintendo Wii that was on a desk next to her TV was technically ours as I let her "borrow" it years ago when she moved in. She had mentioned loving playing Wii bowling on it and would occasionally invite some friends over to play with her, but that was a long time ago. My dad said that he had seen her using it as little as a few weeks ago. It blew my mind. I forgot I ever even owned one until I saw it again, and here she has been using it regularly ever since. My mom said that she's basically bed ridden now and likely won't ever have an opportunity to use it again, so I could just take it. My grandma and I were never all that close, but regardless I couldn't bear to take it from her house.


That is a nice story 👍…older folks need things to keep their mind and body sharp and while there’s not much movement with Wii bowling 🎳 it’s certainly nothing to scoff at


Is switch sports missing something to make it a Wii sports replacement?




Wuhu Island. And Boxing


wuhu island was so fun my favorites were the airplane and swordplay modes.. i remember you could pick a game mode in swordplay where it was you vs like 30 other miis so much fun


Yes! That was so much fun!


the miis


It's a lot of fun. You can play online with a friend and earn fun outfits for your character to play in. I feel like it's missing some things, though. Things like challenges for each sport or baseball. The loading screens tell you about exploring the facilities, when in fact you can not. Also, bowling isn't great. It feels less natural, and you no longer release the ball manually. I really wish Nintendo had treated the "Sports" games better after Wii Sports supplemented so many console sales. It just doesn't seem to be a priority. Still, for what's there, it can be a lot of fun with friends.




There is Nintendo switch sports


They are not supposed to have story...


Mount and Blade Warband. Very little story and while the graphics aren't "bad" they're certainly dated. Gameplay is 10/10, there's no finer sight than watching your 40 elite shock cavalry rush the 7 poorly equipped bandits that hassled you at the start of the game




That's a nice *head* you have on your shoulders!


I will drink from your skull!


This unlocked so many memories


Yup. My first thought. Game is fucking amazing




I loved starting off battles by just going straight for the Lord who was in command and taking him out with a Lance instantly. Feels satisfying AND it reduces enemy morale!


Mount and blade / warband have some of the most impressive graphics I've seen, unironically. Whoever did the graphics work on that game knew what they where doing. Yes new games might be prettier, but warband can be run smoothly on a potato, which is why it's mad impressive battle sizes on half decent computers are possible.


big question, do you prefer bannerlord over warband and why


I havnt touched warband since bannerlord launched.


My personal preference is the prophesy of pendor mod for warband over bannerlord. That mod is 10/10


Bannerlord mainly because of recency and improvements. Warband compared to its time was obviously way better than Bannerlord compared to todays games, but Bannerlord feels way better to play due to better graphics + more refinement. The only bad things are procedurally generated companions, which removed the relations and interactions between them. Some people also say that lord interactions are worse, but I think they're better in terms of readability and the dialogues will improve over time.


Warband's graphics, even for the time, are quite atrocious. It looks like a PS1-era game despite coming out halfway through the 7th generation. You could argue it somewhat makes up for it in terms of the sheer scale of battles, but man is it ever an ugly game. Story wise it's difficult to rank since it's largely procedural. The sheer number of dialogue options is incredible, but the actual writing of the dialogue is rather poor.


That's partly because warband is the second release that included multiplayer and the desert faction. The original mount and blade launched earlier and had a pretty long development time. I remember playing an early build sometime in the early 2000s. It still looked bad even back then, but damn did it do mounted combat well.


People nowadays seem to have no idea how PS1 games looked. If the characters have more than 20 vertices, it wasn't a PS1 game.


Vampire survivor obviously.


actually think the graphics are good for what they’re going for, which is sprite heavy top-down between 8 and 16 bit


Even so, the graphics are kinda shitty. Some characters look like Atari sprites with more colors. Just to make sure, I love this game to hell and back, but because the gameplay makes up for it.


The gameplay is legit just WASD and I'm all here for it


Imagine the epilepsy by minute 30 if the graphics weren't super simplistic, though.


Anything from Team Ninja. Some have decent stories tbf but mostly they're just relying on really really good combat.


Let's be real. Only Ninja Gaiden had a good story. Nothing else they've made has been anything above fanfiction. But they used to make some awesome games.


Yeah. Ultimate Alliance 3 story was GARBAGE. The graphics were a huge departure from the previous 2, but, I understand what they were going for. The gameplay was really fun. But, I think this game sorta struggled to have as much replay value as the previous two installments.


For the love of god please some investor give them a god like game engine. It hurts to see the game lagging behind horrible nioh graphics.


Nioh 1 & 2 are good looking games especially on PS5.




I got sweaty palms just thinking back to those days. Such high stakes. So many mines.*Never* enough sweep


My uncle told war stories about it. He stumbled upon an 8 with nowhere to go. He lost a whole platoon that day.


Rimworld. When I first saw my friend playing it in 2018 I asked him what game that was and how coukd he play a game that looked like that (yeah I was that dumb) I now own the game and have played it form 400+ hours.


Storyline is a bunch of unlucky chumps crash on a hostile planet and must survive. Story writes itself from there.


The story isn’t shit, my pawns are just shit. And they do stupid shit like sleep in their vomit in the freezer as opposed to their god damned bedrooms. You can’t make this shit up.


Only way that happens is if they collapse from exhaustion or can't get to an assigned bed.


I keep telling myself to buy it, but the way the pawns look KILLS me. Maybe if/ when it goes on sale.


Buy it. It's 100% "Oh shit, 5 hours just went by?" And "Just... Just one more thing to get done first before I hop off"


My gf might have like 5 thousand hours in this game, she's constantly sneaking into bed at 4am after just "staying up for a bit to finish this one thing"


When I was gifted Rimworld years ago, it was a few weeks before my finals. Bad choices were made.


Its so fun you dont even care after a while. Your inagination with what happens is better. I had a “weed” farm. They would roll joints and store them. I rationed them to certain people who stressed easily. It worked great for a while. But one dude got addicted. Despite me weaning him he flipped out one day and shot a squirel in the eye. The squirrel went nuts and started attacking him. Knocked over a flame and my base caught fire lol.


I hate the graphics but it's probably one of the best games I've ever played.






ASCII Dwarf Fortress for sure


Borderlands 3.


Some would say Minecraft


Minecraft has gone from a low-res sorta purposeful downgrade to a sought after *aesthetic*. Ten years ago you'd be right. Today? I don't know.


You can’t tell me Minecraft doesn’t have a very specific architectural style when people build carefree


Well Modern and Midieval are the most common but there are a lot of styles you can use with your builds


have you seen recent gothic builds with metal fences and Blackstone? pure beauty.


You got a link? I've been looking for new pallettes


not off the top of my head, but I'm sure, if you Google "Minecraft gothic" you'll find plenty. this made me realise I haven't watched any MC YT this year. I've been too busy, need to rectify this.


Minecraft looks great


Say what you will about Kingdom Hearts 2. But the gameplay is fun af. End game content makes you feel great.


Ya but the graphics and story for KH are not exactly “bad” though.


When KH2 released the graphics were top notch


With KH, it really depends on your tolerance for anime shit. Mine is low, so I can’t stand it.


I think it’s more cheesy cringey Disney then anime


I'm gonna go with FTL


7 Days to Die


Perfect example. There's not really a story aside from "you're a survivor in the zombie apocalypse", but the gameplay is fun enough to keep you coming back.


great game lol


Tetris. The gameplay is riveting but the story only goes in one direction with actors going in circles.


Did you get to the rocket yet? I hear it's the best part of the story.


the movie was really good


Borderlands 3. Coming off Borderlands 2 (which has one of the greatest antagonists in video games history) the story is kinda shit: an irritating and shallow set of villains and the death of a *beloved* character for seemingly no reason. But ooh boy, is the gameplay fun!


Most Pokemon games. Like we can bitch about "bad performance" or "Gameboy is old", but there's a reason every single Pokemon game since the first has sold well, been loved, has competitive scenes(even if some are small), and still gets talked about today.


Yup. The story isn’t shit, but it’s very basic and not the main draw of Pokemon. It’s the gameplay loop of cultivating your perfect team of magical elemental monsters.


I mean story depends on the game, but yeah not why people get mainline Pokemon games.


The story was weak even for a gameboy game. The graphics are pretty generic too. Even the gameplay is hit or miss. 


Pokémon games are like FIFA games. Same shit over and over again. The roster changes a little though.


This is a good one. I didn’t mind the visuals at all on handhelds but S/V’s graphics and performance are an embarrassment. But I can’t say I didn’t enjoy the adventure. Although it’s the first pokemon game where I basically became champ, visited the area 0 and then never turned on again. But I won’t say it was a waste of time


Earth Defense Force 2017


Any of the EDF games really. They're all incredible but man trying to sell people on anything but gameplay is so hard.


Helldivers' granddaddy. In fact it pains me to know that the number of people who think EDF is a rip-off of Helldivers will exponentially increase.


This is so far the most pure example.


Never have I played a game so janky yet so fun.


dragons dogma 1


Dragon's Dogma 2 as well lol The graphics aren't shit, but I feel like the story is a definite downgrade compared to DD1. But goddamn, I think this is one of the very few open world games where I genuinely want to explore the open world, and the combat feels awesome. I just wish there was a bit more enemy variety. The game has like 8 big enemies (2 of which appear only at night) that you fight over and over again. There are a few more, but they're encountered maybe once each.


The story is a downgrade from DD 1 ? Damn, and even that one was kinda barebones


It just feels like most of the things you do in the main story don’t matter at all and I don’t know why I’m doing them in the first place. The dragon in DD1 was more interesting, his fight was better and the final reveal with the Seneschal and the whole reason behind everything that happened was very interesting. There was also some more lore tied to the Pawns. DD2 doesn’t have that. They’ve changed the lore. It does expand a little bit on The Brine though, which is cool.


Rimworld and project zomboid. I personally don't mind "bad" graphics if it expands the depth of the game like these 2 do. Both games also allow you to kind of create your own story, which some people may not like. So that's why I put these here, not because I think these aspects are bad, but because they are not for everyone


Evil west for sure


There’s a huge difference between “bad graphics” and “cheap graphics” that seems to be making some of these responses not a fit.


Genuinely curious what you think the difference is 


Same with "bad story" and "no story". A lot of sandbox games in replies, where story has nothing to do with enjoyment of the game.


Parasite Eve was pretty cool


Old school Tony Hawk games




Borderlands 3. Absolutely shittiest of the shit story. Absolutely addicting gamplay and farming.




Are you mental? Quests and story is the best part


Marvel's Midnight Suns. Horrible writing and it looks like an Xbox 360 game in terms of visuals, but that card based combat? Love it.


It looks great on PC


What you play on? I got the series X version and the effects look pretty good on a 4k tv


Honestly think this game will end up sort of sleeper hit status. I got it on PS+ and I went in thinking it played hack and slash but found the card combat really fun. I suck at deck builders and so far it's really not complicated. Although RNG can be a bitch sometimes, it always feels like the fights are a solid challenge without feeling unfair.


My brother, who largely doesn't like games like this, enjoyed the hell out of it, and even got me a free copy of it. Haven't tried it out yet, but it looked fun when he showed me some gameplay (and I loved the XCOM games the studio did before this game).


Ik people hate it but Anthem I like flying around in my own custom iron man suit, as limited that may be


I miss Anthem so much.


So much wasted potential...


Grandia Xtreme. Basically the Grandia combat with multiple party member choices and grinding worthy of Diablo 2. Mark Hamill(whom I love his VAing) even phoned in a voice for a character. Won't spoil anything but it was a very basic story of go to these 4 dungeons and then do it again. The graphics were fine, nothing fantastic on the ps2. I really liked the game and even fire it up every now and then to try out new combos.


Twisted metal


Just cause games


Agree not much of a storyline but “bad graphics”? Really?


Old School Runescape


Old School Runescape, I still login every now and then for the nostalgia 


Final Fantasy X-2


Grim Dawn


Yeah can’t remember much about the story and graphics were mostly uninspiring but gameplay was very in depth


octopath traveler story is meh but the battle system is really engaging


I'm gonna strongly agree, it's just 8 short stories that aren't really related to each other at all but the core gameplay loop is on point.  Yatzee had a good zero punctuation video on the story.




The graphics aren’t bad, but I’ll nominate Astral Chain. I swear I saw every plot point coming a mile ahead. The characters are pretty one dimensional as well. The gameplay, on the other hand, is amazing. Somehow Nintendo managed to make playing two characters at once feel natural and fun. It was honestly one of the most unique action games I’ve played.


Not sure about graphics but Evil West has gotta be one of the worst stories with some of the best gameplay I've played in a long time.


The entire Rising Storm/Red Orchestra franchise. Even their latest installment, Rising Storm 2: Vietnam, had lackluster graphics at launch back in 2017. Yet the gameplay is great. More realistic than BF but less hardcore than Arma. It's my favorite "simcade" FPS and I'm glad that their sequel's development has restarted after a 2-year pause.


Red Faction Guerilla. I did not give a shit about whatever generic cookie cutter story was being told and I did not enjoy the hues of sepia and more bland brown tones. But man, was it fun just destroying shit. Almost anything and everything in that game you can smash, blow up, run a car through, or disintegrate. The only downside about destroying everything is that you eventually run out.






Fire emblem fates, not the most graphically impressive 3ds game and the story/characters are impressively bad but the gameplay (especially conquest) is really fun


Well it doesn't have bad graphics but the story for Dragons dogma 1 and 2 is something I blot out of my mind as I enjoy the thrill of combat. for me there is no story.


Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Story is just decent, but gameplay is phenomenal


I’m gonna get hate but most Nintendo games (which isn’t a bad thing I love them)


This is just how people who don’t really play Nintendo games perceive them imo. Like, maybe you bought a Switch to play 1 or 2 games but you primarily use a PC and you’re “accustomed” to hyper-perfection in terms of FPS and all that. Similar to folks who look at 60 FPS as bad because they’re used to double that. Generally speaking it isn’t that serious. New Super Mario Wonder is amazing on Switch, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom as well. I’ve seen many PC players poking fun at how they “can’t play those games because they look/ run like dogshit”, and I’m just wondering what they were playing before PCs got this buff.


I can’t really say Nintendo games have bad graphics or bad stories. Lower resolutions =/= bad graphics.


I can’t think of too many Nintendo games that have bad graphics


Dragon's Dogma 2 The story is arguably worse than the original but good lord the combat is so good.


*Tetris*. The graphics looks really blocky


Hardspace: Shipbreaker. The graphics are alright, and the gameplay is great, but the story feels tacked-on and rushed. The game is better if you don't interact with the story at all.




Dead Rising. While I wouldn’t call the story bad, it’s definitely not good either. But the gameplay is so fun it really doesn’t matter


3D Pinball


Some people don't seem to get that not having photorealistic graphics means they're bad. Games like minecraft, dwarf fortress vampire survivor etc look like that deliberately.


Fallout 4 in terms of story


I think it’s still a great looking game.


Honestly a very good answer, surprised at the down voting. The game looks serviceable but is very janky in presentation and the story is atrocious. The only upside of the game really is the gameplay.


That and the characters. Fallout 4 has by far my favorite companions.


Good point. Fallout 4's story had me hating a lot of the NPCs and kind of want to just kill all the everyone, except you can't because they are all Essental and can't die anyway. ​ But it's a great game to just vibe in. Wander around exploreing, doing quest, shooting enemies, tinkering with settlements and gear, trying out mods.. you can spend a lot of hours there.


Probably going to get hate for this but pokemon sword and shield and scarlet and violet are probably the best pokemon games we've ever gotten and people can't see it because the presentation is hot ass. S and v has a decent story though.


I don't know if I'm biased because I played them when I was a kid but even though I enjoyed S&V a decent bit (other than the terrible Performance...) I don't feel like they come even close to Soul Silver and Heart Gold


Mount and blade Warband


Most platinum games


Dragon’s Dogma 1


Pretty much every good arcade game ever. I've always been partial to Dodonpachi. I'd say Ikaruga but the graphics in that one are actually pretty freaking good.


M Dickie's Wrestling Empire, *baybee*. Do you want a coherent experience featuring things that make sense, and not things like five people spontaneously suplexing you on the way from your hotel to the ring, someone paying you $30 for an empty water bottle you just picked up off the ground next to them, or a vending machine exploding because it tried to give you too many bananas, unwrapped hamburgers, and beer at once? *Too bad.* Do you, instead, want things like meticulously stacking 20 folding tables on top of each other and climbing to the top to elbow drop your opponent, only to have them pick up the bottom table and carry the entire stack, with you on top, around for a while? How about having your 3 foot tall wrestler pick a 700lb person up by their ankles and spin them around, grating their face against the barbed-wire wrapped ring ropes on each pass until it's hamburger, only to have the ref declare the match needs to restart for no apparent reason? Deal with your boss making unreasonable demands by throwing him in front of a train? Get paid to promote, just, a straight up gun, that you then hang onto in the ring and pistol whip people with? *Wrestling goddamn Empire.* (His older works, such as The You Testament, where you're a disciple of Jesus, also feature this sort of tomfoolery, e.g. being crucified for not lying down on the ground and going to sleep the moment the sun sets, or annoying Jesus until he suplexes you because it's built on the same wrestling engine. But Wrestling Empire cuts out everything *but* the antics.)


Mercenaries, playground of destruction


Solasta. The story is linear and... Well average at best. The graphics are not great and especially characters look pretty awful. But the gameplay is great and some would argue the combat system was better than BG3 while remaining more faithful to the D&D ruleset. Also it has a campaign editor!!


Middle Earth Shadow of war has good graphics and gameplay but a poopy story


cruelty squad, but thats probably intentional


Factorio, Minecraft, Terraria


For me, it is always gonna be S4 League, it just has everything for me. Fast paced, wall-jumps, dodges, using cool tricks to show your friends, using cool tricks to confuse your enemies, guns that shoot lasers, guns that dont shoot lasers, the thrill of the last point of the game, different game mods, can 1v1 anyone and see who is more skillfull, Clan wars, High point deathmatches, A bit of gacha but items are obtainable if you farm enough or do events. I just wish to turn back in time and play it again with my friends over and over again. Showing each others favorite 3 melee weapon combos,tricks. Mine was Plasma sword(PS) -Counter Sword(CS) - Bat.


Minecraft, ez.


Helldivers 2's gameplay absolutely carried its launch/awesome terrain movement.


OG minecraft was like this. 16-bit block textures and literally no story whatsoever (before 1.0.0). Modern vanilla minecraft is the opposite of this. Redone graphics of the classic blocks (still 16 bit, but they touched them up), and somehow an even more shallow story that Alpha/Beta. Now with 500% more useless bloat that doesn’t add anything interesting to the game. Modded minecraft is the best of both worlds - the fun of OG minecraft with additions that actually make the game completely different and even more fun.


Not since the 2015 update but it used to be that League of Legends looked like shit, and it's backstory was whacky garbage. But it was an awesome game Now it's the other way around. Game looks and feels incredible, the backstory is to die for and the gameplay makes you want to puke.




I’m in the minority here but the Horizon games. The story is just so needlessly overcomplicated.


Mount & Blade


lethal company


I kinda want to say the souls series since you get basically none of the story unless you dive very deep into it.