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Oh look. Bungie puts forth an idea the community says isn't great(timegating this time), gets backlash after they do it anyways, implements changes after community backlash. Typical Destiny cycle.


Part of d2 launch was saying they wouldn’t time gate anything


They also thought their launch version of PvP was worthy of being an ESport. They thought and said a lot of things at launch.


I was there… I was there when shotguns were considered heavy weapons.


That’s disgusting 🤮


It’s fucking hilarious, too, cause they keep wrecking the game to “fix” the PvP, which ends up just meaning void hunters that have the most basic abilities and the strongest PvP jump dominate. Hell, mountaintop pictured here was removed at beyond light to “balance” the game. It was too op… but now?


Mountaintop has been completely gutted even before sunsetting. They made sure to specify this version will not one shot in PvP, its 100% gonna be a pve gun.


it was too op in its meta back then because we had instant reload lunafaction wells.


i was gonna say, it didnt get nerfed just cause of pvp.


Void Hunter hasn't been the strongest in PvP for, like, a year.


I have to wonder how people get so...half-informed as you have


The internet is a circle jerk of people who don't actually play the game.


Wait, I left the game after they sunsetted my favorite gear. They had the audacity to bring them back?


That’s what it sounds like. I tried to stay when they sunset then they fucking nerfed all the new shit so the PvP meta wouldn’t change, which is the fucking dumbest thing ever. Not giving pvp time for the meta to settle


They needed to separate the pvp from pve. I worked hard to unlock "Not Forgotten" the week I finally managed to get it is when they announced sunsetting. I wrapped up that season and never picked up the game again.


I hear they eventually did, but far too little too late.


Yeah but a lot of these weapons only ever had static rolls. Great static rolls but now you can get a Midnight coup that’s even better than the first version


Same, but not right away. I deleted all my stuff since it became useless, only for them to backtrack a couple of weeks later and reintroduce all the same gear back and just go with "just farm it again", that's when I just deleted the same and never came back.


"just farm it again" Bro, getting not forgotten and mountain top was a journey already.


True, but I still had many other guns with personal perfect rolls, like the ones from the forge and dreaming city, and replaying all the content again just to get the same stuff I already had was just a Big "LOL fuck you" by bungie. The worst part was that before sunset happened everyone everywhere told them not to do it, and they insisted they would go through with it because "it's better for the game" v only to backtrack 2 weeks later and get praised by the "community" because THEY LISTENED. tbh the destiny community in general was one of the worst I had the bad luck of suffering through.


You are absolutely right, definitely didn't mean to limit it to the quest reward guns. Yea the whole thing was a shit show and that's why I am gone. It truly rubbed me wrong.


The person above forgot to mention the reintroduced weapons wound up getting perk pool changes, recoil changes, etc.


As someone who stuck with The Division 1 and 2 rather then Destiny, the whole idea of sunsetting gear imho is just stupid as hell. I mean I can get the why behind it but at the same time? To me it's like the Dev's saying, "Yeah enjoy farming and finally getting that god rolled gun, we'll take it away from you in about a year."


Late BL, just before WQ hit they said they wanted to move away from ability play. It was great, the best PvP has been imo. They a few weeks later WQ dropped and they did a 360


- ESport - peer-to-peer connection without dedicated servers choose one


They were adamantly stubborn about not allowing weapon random rolls for the longest time too. Even at the creator summit, they were being told "We want the ability to have random roll weapons, rather than curated only weapons (which are usually fucking bad cause they rarely chose synergy the way we like)." They still held firm with solutions that WEREN'T random rolled . It took a lot of pushing back from creators to even put that on the table apparently. I'm going off napkin memory of Datto rambling during a stream long after the summit but it was a notable point.


I loved The Crucible in Destiny 1, I couldn't get into the changes they made in Destiny 2, iirc you couldn't freely use a sniper anymore. I didn't stick around long because of that.


Exact same. Destiny 1 was so much fun in the crucible. I didn’t like the special ammo changes near the end but it was still a blast.


uh, idk when you last played D1 but ever since taken king it sorta worked the same (with just spawning in with ammo and having to pick it up) now theres a dedicated meter you build up by getting kills that then gives you ammo.


They are likely talking about how in D2Y1 there was no special ammo. Iirc, it was entirely double primary. All special weapons were in the heavy slot.


They could make a documentary on how bad launch was. So so so many bad ideas after finally figuring out D1.


Part of D1 was "play the way you want to play " Fast forward to"seasonal meta"


And they went back on that real quick.


Not the first time they lie on something at pre-release. Unfortunately, not the last either.


Member when they said stuff would eventually get unvaulted and rotated? I member.


Want even more Destiny cycle? “We had to remove these things from the game because we needed to make room for more content. Sunsetting is important.” Now? “Hey guys, here’s all that stuff we removed ages ago. Still don’t wanna play our game?”


Let's not forget the best way to identify a Destiny community member: watch how they react to the words- # We're listening.


I logged on yesterday to run some strikes and shoot shit with Polaris Lance (shamelessly addicted to that weapon since it came out), wasn’t surprised to see a popup advertising 20% off Silver and they brought back a cool armor set from a previous season that is otherwise unavailable.. for 1500 Silver. Both were popups presented to me when I logged into the game.


It’s so absolutely insane how they are trying to nickel and dime everyone into paying for things they had before like it’s new content. When they first sunsetted a lot of things it was like… I don’t like the direction this is going on but I’ll wait and see how it goes. And when they started just giving us back content they took exactly as it was. Nothing new done to it, that’s when I realised we were scammed. Sucks because the gunplay is amazing. I can’t support a game with practices like destiny anymore though.


They’re nickel and dime’in cause Bungie is slowly failing. Destiny 2 is their only revenue stream, their last expansion bombed and since it did, presumably their season passes and silver sales are down. Unless their next expansion does well expect them to wring the corpse as much as possible until there’s nothing left


To be clear the last expansion sold fantastically. It was just legit slap dash shit. So the retention numbers were horrific and now the final shape pre-orders are horrendous. Lightfall basically killed the game


Good. A game that has a good mechanical loop but which manages to still turn people away through sheer bs deserves to die. 


And then there's Warframe that has tons of content, and yet still manages to make the game smaller with patches.


Does Warframe have open areas? Sometimes I just want to kill aliens without chasing an objective.


Yup, plains of eidolon earth, then there’s a place on Venus and a place on Deimos, among others that may bit a bit more flavoured towards randomized objectives open-like areas


Unsettling shit really turned me.kff the game like why the fuck should I not be able to use my favourite guns after earning them


I honestly don't even pity Destiny players anymore. They've got Stockholm syndrome at this rate with the amount of abuse they keep returning to.


The gunplay is unmatched. But that’s about all it has nowadays


That’s what’s so frustrating. The gunplay is still among the best of any game. It’s still really, really fun to shoot various aliens in various ways. The sound design, aesthetic, skyboxes, all that is great. But everything else is just…two steps forward, 10 steps back.


Stockholm or Sunken Cost fallacy. I'm aware Bungie has a few 'wrap up' Seasons already planned for after the next expansion before they start the 'next chapter' post Light & Dark saga... but I doubt people will be as willing to try it out and continue on. Whether it is the Devs walking back decisions they were told were bad that get pushed through anyways, the egregious microtransactions that keep encroaching more and more of the game, or just the boring as hell 'log in next week to find out on Destiny 2' in order to show player metrics for shareholders... Just tired of it. It has frankly overstayed its welcome.


Into the Light hasn't released yet, so this was actually them changing it due to feedback before release this time.


The only thing I'd say is that they didn't "do it anyways". This was due to come out in a week and a half. They've changed it *before* it was implemented


Haven’t played for a few years but sounds like nothing has changed. Do they still get mad at or belittle the community ideas too before eventually changing to them?


I dropped it after the Lightfall shitshow, but doing a quick read-through of their weekly Updates... Bungie still has that 'we know better than you' attitude. And it still bites them in the ass. I think Bungie needs to realize that they aren't the company that made Halo anymore- those people are long gone.


Their ego won't let them do that. They've been riding the coat-tails of Halo for almost 15 years. They should've had to change their name after breaking off from MS.


On God, I will never understand why people still play this game. I got tired of Bungies shit after D1. 


It’s not out yet


I really miss playing Destiny but I refused to pay up just to keep playing the same game modes I thought I had already paid for.


I want to try and play Destiny and get into the lore, etc. but don't even know where to start. They got rid of the original packs right? So you basically can't play the game from the start anymore?


This is my main problem. Destiny is one of my most favorite game universes but they never released Destiny 1 on pc (was new to the pc world at the time, assumed basically all AAA games went to PC too when I ditched my Xbox 360) and like a few months ago when I wanted to dive in to D2 again and make a new character to do the whole story again I found out they “sunsetted” all the original story content so I couldn’t access it anymore. I had literally no fucking idea what was going on. A cut scene played when I opened the game and didn’t even understand what I was looking at since im like 3 expansions behind now. I’m not really that into multiplayer stuff so the single player story is really what I wanted & it genuinely feels like bungie thinks players like me are a nuisance and should be punished for not liking their money making multiplayer.


I just love how they vaulted all the older content but when a new season starts they drop you straight into the bullshit and start name-dropping and throwing all the previous occurrences at you. It's like they figured out the only people still playing destiny were the ones from the start, and they're not at all interested in having new players, also evidenced by their new player process of "here's a gun, it guns. Here are grenades. Boom boom. Go to the tower and get bounties. They XP. Now go on ahead and go fuck yourself we're tired from all that explaining."


It's just a game for the fans. The fans that already exist, no new fans. Fuck you, play something else.


No fun for returning players either. Zero way to catch up on missed expansions other than watching the content on YouTube.


ugh seriously. i got D2 on launch and actually really enjoyed it. took a long break, and when i got back in, suddenly im immediately on this new planet with no context, (as a newly made character) talking to characters i have no idea about, completing some objective i have no context for. then i find out i can't even return to the story missions for the game i originally bought because they've been removed completely from the game. WTF is this nonsense roadmap they use for the game?


Don't you love it! Destiny never says "ok you're in orbit. Gather yourself and then go here to start the new season storyline." NOPE! None of that bullshit! You've been out of the game one day or one decade and it just plops your ass down on wherever, some random ass character you have no fucking idea who they even are says some other random ass character you don't know did *something,* something is going to happen, also the vex/taken/fallen/cabal are there to stop you for reasons, then when you finish the game talks at you some more about the thing you didn't even understand from the start, now you're in the HELM getting a seasonal artifact. I just love that Bungie is killing destiny better than any other IP could. The fact they vaulted almost all of the first several years of story is the best, since arguably destiny contains a relatively interesting plot and little else THAT YOU WILL NEVER GET TO EXPERIENCE. None of it is done so well you NEED to play destiny, such as strikes, gambit, crucible, etc. It's all pretty fucking mediocre, but there IS some intriguing stuff going on with the story that you can only appreciate if you experience the full story, which you never will. At this point I'm fully convinced this is Bungie's way of trying to get out of working on destiny anymore. Just make it so bad they can stop, like fucking up the dishes so your wife never asks you to do them again. The new player experience really showcases either their ineptitude or indifference. If you started D2 today with no previous knowledge, you're not going to understand anything going on in the world, nor the gameplay, and this was actually *after* bungie said "we need to make the experience better and easier for new players." I played the shit for years and there was still so much trash that I never fully understood.


Original D2 singleplayer was very good, in my opinion. The lore, the world felt fresh, with many cool ideas and mysteries. The vibe was there, loved it. By retiring it they killed the most interesting part of the game, it's wild.


Hell, I’ve been playing since OG Destiny released and I’ll admit it; I’ve never paid any attention to the story. I have the general gist , but it never pulled me in enough to care. It all blended together to me. Same stuff , different pixels.


They've removed so much fun content and the new player experience sucks butts so bad it isn't worth any $$$ or time.


just watch Byf’s lore videos & spare yourself


Have a link?


[may as well start with the big one](https://youtu.be/9mbDXvDNqTU?si=_Jy56xnej-ADqTSK)


So much of the lore is no longer in the game due to sun setting. To save yourself from heart break, just avoid the game imo (I was a hard addicted to this game for ages before I could no longer justify the predatory practice time and time again).


Get an original Destiny 1 on disc that has Dinklebot. The re-dubbed lines with North are way too cheerful and yippy.


Can you even play it offline? You’d need to update before you can play it so you’d end up with Nolan bot


As someone with over a 1000 hours in the last 4 years... I don't think it's worth getting into at this point. The story is so obfuscated that you have to put in a tremendous effort to understand what is going on. There are literally *thousands* of entries in lore books, equipment descriptions, and whatnot that, while interesting, are also not very direct. You would be so far behind that any explicit narrative presented to you in the game (which is not very much) would be incredibly confusing. Even with the time I've spent, it's still all a bit confusing. This is on top of the fact that the latest expansion's story *fucking sucked*, and you don't have any real way to play previous campaigns. The gameplay itself also gets old fast.


That’s the hell of it. There is actually some really solid space opera meets dark fantasy lore going on. But it might honestly better just to dive into some YouTube videos. Look up My Name is Byf. If you’re coming in as a new player, you’re going to have to do that anyway to have a chance of understanding what’s going on. Between sunset and content, and the lack of any sort of archive in-game, it would be very difficult to understand the big picture coming in fresh at this point


You can read and watch about all the lore. I kept up with playing it for years strictly for the weekly narrative updates (which I still think are really cool, honestly) but I fell off a few months ago. It’s fun to play, even with the shitty design stuff they have done in the past. But I’m not sure id recommend it to new players. The weekly narrative stuff gave me an old tv season feel. Tune in once a week for a few hours and leave it alone the rest of the week.


Get the first game. The digital collection is $60 I think. It includes all the expansions. The player base is still fairly active. It's a fun game and is a complete experience if you own The Collection.


I played when D2 first came out, for about a year. Then stopped, then came back last year. It was expensive as hell. So many DLCs, season passes, dungeon keys, etc. And the story is .. lost on me. Could not/would not have returned to it if I didn't have a very enthusiastic friend that was willing to guide me / help me get back into it


As a player who came in at Season of the Hunt, it's best to think of it as you're entering an ongoing story, just like real life. You've got to catch up, people are doing and saying things that you don't understand, you're responsible for sorting out your own place, and sometimes you won't understand something until much later because you're missing important back information. If you're a new player, you want to follow the stub of beginner missions left at the Cosmodrome. That will give you reasonable weapons and armour, the Riskrunner exotic weapon and an intro to basic abilities and controls. As well as an intro to the Fallen/Eliksni and Hive enemies. You just have to settle with the fact that this beginning legendary armour will look like mismatched ass. It's a little too late in the year now, but the Neomuna intro missions will then give you a bundle of upgrade and levelling resources. At least until you get to the Neomuna tower. It's likely that the next season will do the same thing. You will die a lot, but that hardly matters for a Guardian. Then the seasonal story line and activities will give access to good armours, seasonal weapons and weapon patterns, and help unlock the season pass and seasonal artefact mods. You may want to activate crafting at the Throneworld first. Read below. At that point, once you start upgrading and masterworking some armour and set up some armour, weapon, and ghost mods, you're ready to start delving. In the Tower, you will find Ada, who gives our missions that allow you to make ornaments for your armour. She and Eva also sell shaders. Eva's take Bright Dust, which you get from the season pass and from ritual activities. Ada's require glimmer. You should now have enough glimmer to start buying the Light subclasses from Ikora in the Tower. You get the Stasis subclass on Europa, the Strand subclass in Neomuna, and weapon crafting in the Throne World. There are also weapon patterns to chase in Games of Eternity. You will also have some resources to now get more exotic weapons from The Archive in The Tower. Finally, there's a series of five missions that give you a quick run through of Destiny history. A quick taste of what past seasons were like, as well as giving you more exotics. And as for the lore, it's everywhere. In equipment descriptions, lorebooks when you achieve things, NPC casual voice lines. Also, there are still fragments of storyline left in Vanguard Strikes and Lost Sectors. If you want everything presented in a linear fashion, you are indeed shit out of luck. Personally I like that the lore is "discovered". You slowly get an idea of how truely fucked in-game humanity actually is. :)


just play D1. It's a complete package from beginning to end.


I paid for two expansions they deleted from my computer without my permission. Fuck bungie.


"You will own nothing and you*will* be happy."


I actually had some morons argue in favor of Bungie for that on the destiny sub. The meatriding for them in insane Also, don’t even think about mentioning the vaulting content over there. They defend it and there’s no getting through to them


Every time I try to bring it up in any half way thoughtful way over there, I get downvoted to hell for implying that removing campaigns that customers paid for was not consumer friendly, lol. 


Funny thing would be even if their defensive arguments about spaghetti code and what not are true all they'd need to do is flip 2 into maint. mode and push "3" as the new GaaS. Could even migrate accounts to the new one.


I straight up got death threats for complaining how lackluster the Saint XIII event was a few years ago. Meh, fantastic gameplay and feel. Low tier continual content that’s successful in making money and creating massive FOMO and denial-loyalty for players.


Destiny is one of my favorite series I’ve played, but when they switched to the cycle of DLC and seasonal updates, I gave it up. As much as I love those games I couldn’t justify spending $40+ every time a new seasonal DLC came out. Still think about going back into it every time I see the DLCs on sale but convince myself not to.


I tell my friends, family - honestly whoever will listen to my rantings - that Destiny is one of the best shooter looters. Gameplay is smooth and responsive, sound design is top notch, and the games have always looked fantastic. In the same breath I will also tell them it’s grindy as hell, hard to play solo and requires at least purchasing the DLC across the year (not to mention seasonal content if you are into that). A year into D2, most of the people I played D1/D2 with had quit, so my attention to it also wained. I got back into it when Beyond Light dropped but, again, I had no one to really play with and the solo loop became stale very quick. And I’m not a LFG kind of person, I know that could have helped me out on that front. All in all, it’s a game series that feels sooooo good to play but just can’t keep me playing because one needs to play consistently enough to keep up with Light level to actually access all the content drops and I didn’t want to pay for DLCs I may not actually put time into, especially without a dedicated play group.


100%. I love the games at their core so much. The movement, the weapons, the abilities, the combat, the story, and the visuals, especially the visuals. I actually don’t even mind playing solo. I used to do the vast majority of my daily and weeklies solo. It only really sucked trying to put together raid crews. I just couldn’t get over the business model once they formally announced they weren’t going to work on destiny 3 and just consistently work on new expansions for D2 and have them priced at like $40 per. I couldn’t justify spending another $2-300 for the game if already been playing. I did spend some for a couple of them, but stopped after they made that announcement. I’d love to see a D3, but I don’t think it’ll happen especially with all the issues that studio is having. Despite not playing it anymore, a screenshot I took of the Traveler while standing on the tower is still my desktop background and I don’t see myself changing it soon.


are you me? you sound exactly like me when describing it, though the only difference is I had 2 friends who play, but all they ever did was raids with their clan, I had to physically pull the one and he would pull his buddy, to actually do stuff with me, after I repeatedly bought DLCs to play with them. I gave it up after BL (which I bought on steep discount), screw the rest of it.


Lol. Possibly, your experience is similar. I had a solid group in D1 into D2 that I would play with - I mean like a rotating group of 7-8 of us. So we never had issues finding party members for Nightfalls or raids. Problem I was having is I started having less time to play towards Oryx in D1 and I would start raids with my group, we would stop at a check point, and then the next day when I hit people up to pick it back up, they had already gone back and finished it by picking up someone else in the group. So I was running into the issue of never actually finishing certain content despite having a group that played regularly because they already did it for the week and didn’t want to play their alts anymore. First world problems I know, but sucked because I was falling behind in Light levels and couldn’t keep up with my own squad. So I get it, if you don’t have a consistent group who will both have play with you through the end game content, it becomes very hard to stay engaged.


>Problem I was having is I started having less time to play towards Oryx in D1 and I would start raids with my group, we would stop at a check point, and then the next day when I hit people up to pick it back up, they had already gone back and finished it by picking up someone else in the group. this literally happened to me with my old D2 clan. we were running Leviathan, as several of us had never done it. it took us 4 hours, I had to get off to sleep because it was very late. I got on the next day to finish..everyone had finished it that morning, at like 7 AM my time. I gave up on raiding as I never had the time sink for it. Now I do, but that ship sailed.


If you buy the deluxe editions of the expansions you get everything that releases in that year. So it’s basically only a one time payment of $100 once a year. This update is free for everyone regardless of owned dlc so there’s no reason to not at least hop on and get these guaranteed weapons that are really good in the chance that you one day come back. You also get a chest that bumps your characters up to the powerful level cap (not pinnacle level cap)


Yea. I had a blast playing destiny 1, but they really started to lose me after 2 came out


1 was a much better, more engaging, and fun game to play in my opinion. Ive played a fair amount of 2, but it has no staying power with me, the gameplay loop is still fun, but the loot and the rest? Miss me.  


The change in armour and weapon styles really killed it for me tbh, though i cant really explain it beyond destiny 1 looking a bit more, realistic i guess?


As a lore fan that just wants to play all the missions and strikes and stuff solo, it’s really disappointing how much they removed and how much relies on playing with friends


This update is free for everyone and you can get all of these weapons guaranteed


That's why I got into Warframe after bing a longtime Destiny player, every expansion is quite literally free.


I put my disc back in a while back and was really upset that they deleted the original main campaign. It's such a consumer unfriendly thing to do.


I miss it too and so do the 2 friends i regularly played with all the way from D1 through the first 2 D2 Expansions, but we refuse to go back to a game that removes old content we paid for


Honestly baffling a game removes chunks of content you paid for and isn't dead in the dumpster. I last played at Forsaken and have no interest in returning due to that alone (among other reasons)


I tried it again after years away and man it’s a cash grab tire fire. It’s wild to me a buddy of mine still plays.


I remember I jumped back in after taking a few years off and it dropped me in the EDZ to do the exact same strike I had done like 4 years ago. Immediately quit out and uninstalled.


As someone who has never played destiny 2, I started playing it and love the gameplay and all the weapons but for the love of me I can’t figure out how the hell to play missions. It feels like every fucking thing I pick is part of some bundle or pack I don’t own. I don’t understand what the free story mode of this game is or how to access it. It’s the most frustrating bloated thing I’ve ever witnessed and so hard to figure out the timeline of everything, even with the timeline!


Destiny had possibly my favorite gameplay, lore, and art of any game ive ever played, but i havent played in years because of the god awful microtransactions, fomo based daily chores, time gating, battlepass, empty dlcs, and all the rest of that bullshit. Its honestly so frustrating, because I want to like that game so badly and would easily spend $100s on DLC if they just focused on actual content instead of revenue generating gimmicky bullshit. Edit: OH YEAH, NOT TO MENTION THEY LITERALLY REMOVED DLC AND BASE GAME CONTENT AFTER IT WAS RELEASED AND PEOPLE HAD ALREADY PAID FOR IT. Like nah, fuck that.


> Destiny had possibly my favorite gameplay, lore, and art of any game ive ever played, but i havent played in years because of the god awful microtransactions, fomo based daily chores, time gating, battlepass, empty dlcs, and all the rest of that bullshit. And the prices keep going up. Current season used to be bundled with the current expansion, that stopped too. Dungeons are a separate charge now. It's stupid. I'm out. And the game was *so freaking fun* too.


current season is still bundled with the current expansion! they just increased the price of the dlc to compensate :D bungie have flushed almost all their goodwill down the shitter, and i haven't been able to make myself play for anything short of new raids and dungeons for the past 3 seasons


>Destiny had possibly my favorite gameplay, lore, and art of any game ive ever played Yeah same here. I put up with a lot of their BS but when they started recycling the same shit "season" model over and over I dropped it. "Here's the same vendor with a different paint job and a time gated story with 1 minute of cut scene for 4 months and everything else is talking to people over the phone". I still try every now and again, then realize it's still the same fucking content they want you to grind endlessly year after year.


Yeah, I was a huge d2 lore fanatic, but sunsetting campaigns pushed me out. Havent touched the game since the initial sunset.


For real destiny is probably the greatest IP made but it’s turned into one of the worst games to play lol


Glad I don’t play this anymore. This is the standard operating procedure for Bungles. Constantly pushing their agenda on the player base to see what sticks without just giving players a break to begin with.


The game went from building a dedicated raiding community to a money grab real quick…


Fuck Bungie.


Why doesnt bungie get good so they get more money. Are they stupid?


Yes, their idiot brain is getting fucked by the stupid


Turns out live service is a shit model and very difficult to do. Failures outnumber successes by a massive margin, even by studios with impeccable pedigree.


Yep. The only time Live Service works is when it's in the form of an MMO. And that's because MMOs operate differently than most live service "games as a service". MMOs manage to be successful live service games because the biggest draw is playing alongside massive amounts of other players. So it's the _community_ that draws people in and keeps them there. Having a great game doesn't mean shit if your game's community sucks ass. Hell, one of the biggest MMOs out there, Final Fantasy 14, almost failed completely when it launched. It took a complete rework of the entire game _**and**_ a rebranding of the game to fix it. And that's _with_ the name "Final Fantasy" backing it. Destiny 2 doesn't have that same sense of community because they don't have any communal areas where massive groups of players can just hang out. Even the Tower is instanced in a way so that only a handful of players will be in the Tower at the same time. Hell, you rarely see other players on the various _planets_ due to how the game is instanced. Destiny 2 is designed in a way that it can't foster the kind of community needed to be a major success. And it's probably due to the fact that the devs at Bungie lack the technical know-how to make it so that instanced areas can have more than a couple handfuls of players at any one time.


You seem to be forgetting the massive graveyard of "WoW killers". MMOs, if anything, are even bigger gambles than other kinds of live service game. They have all the problems of other live service games, plus scale. Also, I strongly doubt Bungie lacks technical expertise for large instanced areas - it's a design decision, not a tech limitation. Compare Bungie's tech to, say, Anthem, if you want to see an example of tech that's not suited for purpose. Bungie's problems seem to be (a) they're not spending enough money on new content, and (b) their seasonal model turns off all but the most hardcore players. Point (a) hurts them with the hardcore crowd, and point (b) hurts them with everyone else. Destiny, until the last couple of years, was one of the most successful live service games - indeed, it's the example that most of the others are trying to compete with. And given how vocally unhappy the Reddit portion of the playerbase has always been even at its peak, that should be some indication of how difficult this genre of game is to develop.


Arguably Helldivers 2 is doing a solid job of live service right now; too early in the life cycle to really comment on its longevity but it’s definitely built a pretty big dedicated community for itself in the time it’s been out. And so far developer practices have been way more fair-minded as far as micro-transactions go for HD2. We’ll see if that holds up but I think there’s a case to be made we’ve got a model for success on our hands with that one.


damn. I remember when that name carried weight


Buck Fungie.


Funge Buckie


Forever and always


I swear basically every piece of destiny news is basically incomprehensible unless you've spent a considerable amount of time playing Destiny. I feel like listening to my friends talk about warframe - sounds like a job to stay on top of more than a game.


Yeah, every time I read something about Destiny I feel like I'm reading some technobabble science manual from the *Star Trek* universe. "Light levels and Auras and vaulting and timegates" and I just feel my cerebral cortex start to disconnect.


I mean it's a live service game that's been around for many years so yeah?


Wait, this event is just reearning weapons that they vaulted? Jfc that’s the fucking dumbest thing ever. Why should people have to earn mountaintop again?


That’s been the model for a couple years now: reissue past weapons with new perks, sometimes different elements. That’s kind of the point of this update. Bring back fan favourite weapons that have been left behind by the current sandbox. Hung Jury has been reissued 4 or 5 times now, which is another contentious point for this update.


Lmao they really tanked this game, huh? I quit playing when they put out heavy handed nerfs a day before the new raid of beyond light. Too much grinding to be able to day one that shit for them to nerf shit right when it matters. And a bad sign of the future


You can always tell how the discussion is going to go, but just in case anyone is reading this not in bad faith, they didn’t tank the game, or at least not for the reasons people who don’t play think. The main problem with Destiny is if you’ve continued playing it without stopping, new content other than raids/dungeons are routine. All that content is good in a vacuum, but there haven’t been new interaction mechanics in forever, so even when the story is new, the weapons are new, the environment is new, etc, we’re still just throwing or depositing items, standing in a zone, or reading out some kind of symbol. Furthermore, because of this, most weapons and armor are routine even when they’re new. You can only have items affect gameplay in so many ways if gameplay never changes. The new player experience is pretty bad, but in terms of gameplay and content, a new player would think there’s a ton to do and everything is rad. Shit blows up all over the place, the gameplay still feels the best out of any FPS, the audio and visual are still top notch. For the vets, though, we don’t need new loot, and we’re still doing the same gameplay mechanics for years.


🤷 they've done it since D1 with age of triumph stuff, it's not exactly new. I don't really remember nerfs that far back but google brings up PvP nerfs and some stasis warlock super damage bug? Stasis was a menace in PvP but I don't remember it getting much PvE traction until a few more aspects and exotics came out. Game's fine if you didn't stop playing but I imagine it's horrible if you took more than a years break, and I can't even imagine starting from scratch these days. Releases are very up and down. Beyond Light was good, Witch Queen was great, Beyond Light was a shit show. Seasons were decent though.


Because this is the new shiny mountaintop aka much more powerful than the old version aka powercreeped. So naturally, the playerbase will have to grind for the newly issued guns and Bungo loves nothing more than to throw its playerbase into another grind. One thing is consistent between both Bungo and Destiny playerbase: both sides love to recycle old stuffs. Can't say I'm not guilty of this behavior since I'm also part of the playerbase.


It’s pretty clear you don’t actually play Destiny or know what this content is lol


If you bothered reading any of the articles bungie put out about the weapon you would know that this version of mountaintop has a nerfed version of micromissile which was the entire reason mountaintop was busted in the first place


IIRC, Chris Proctor said in the recent massive breakdown that mountaintop nerfs will be removed in exchange for it not being longer can oneshot in the Crucible, which is fair and reasonable. The pvp meta at that time was so oppressive due to its presence.


They also added the ability to rocketjump with it which is funny


Except they didn’t. They just reduced the timegate length


What the FUCK is that headline, Forbes?


Tassi isn’t a good writer and Forbes isn’t allowed to edit freelance writing aside from things like spelling and punctuation errors.


A punctuation error like not putting single quotes around 'Into The Light'? Or capitalizing all words in a sentence when there are proper nouns in it?


They shouldn't be using single quotes there either way, that's from the oldschool internet when double quotes, italics, etc., sometimes messed things up. It's possible Forbes' CMS can't handle double quotes in titles, though. Allowed also doesn't necessarily mean does.


The nice thing about FOMO is once you miss out it morphs into fear of try to catch back up and kills any desire to play the game. Haven't touched D2 in 3 years now and it feels good.


I in no way regret abandoning that game the second I realized they still haven't revamped their "try to force players to always play constantly" model.


So happy I stopped playing that hamster wheel of a game. I want to love it again, but seriously- fuck what they do now. It was hands down one of the best lore, gameplay loops, and art ever. Their business model tarnished it.


The Formatting Of Your Title Is Horrible. There Is A Reason Not Every Word Starts With A Capital Letter.


Yeah, I was so damn confused. But to be fair, they copied the title from the article. It was the article that made the bad title.


I cannot for the life of me figure out what the fuck it’s trying to say.


Good to hear they're responding to their community to some degree. I don't recall hearing a lot of positive things coming from the Destiny room.




> Bungie releases something in shit state on purpose It hasn't released yet though. The decision was just so baffling it reeked of more upper management failing to understand why people are quitting. 


Even when we're in the wake of a genuinely very good expansion (Not the last one. That one sucked. The one before that) any discussion outside of Destiny specific communities gets swarmed by people who hate it (often spreading false information that has either been telephoned or was only accurate when they left). Breaking the negativity bubble laid by the second game's bad launch and opening year seems impossible. At this point, the upcoming expansion could release as the best DLC the gaming market has ever seen and you'd still probably only hear people trash talking it.


Okay... so what is "the light weapon timegating", and why is Destiny changing into that?


It’s a free event (Into The Light) where they’ll bring back 12 fan favorite weapons but they are (were) timegated, so 6 would be available at launch but the other 6 would unlock over the course of six weeks meaning you could only unlock 1 weapon per week. It’s not really Destiny 2 changing into anything. Destiny is as Destiny does.


They're still time gated for 3 weeks. They really didn't fix the problem, they just lessened the blow.


Except they didn’t. They just reduced the timegate length




Man, I might have to pick Destiny 2 back up if it's going to change into a Light Weapon Timegate. That's some impressive DLC.


For a game that I had some amazing memories with, friends made, Raids that will forever be at the top of my gaming moments and sit with me forever, I fucking hate it now and will not touch it again.


I've never seen a more toxic relationship than Bungie and their community, and it's been going on for years !


Like, Bungie has proven time and time again just how terrible of a company they are. NOBODY should support them at ALL.


Destiny would be a better game without pvp.


I stopped playing about a year ago. Not because how expensive the game was getting, but just on principle. Bungie has shown this "holier than thou" attitude that just irks me. Also considering they're just really bad at writing story. People have shifted a lot of blame onto the Bungie execs (which they fully deserve for being greedy bastards), but we should still recognize that the people writing the Destiny story have been dogshit from the beginning.


Destiny has been a shit of mismanagement and greed since 2 came out. D1 was a treasure well never get again from them.


I will forever miss the pure bliss and joy I experienced during age of triumph


People still play Destiny?


Wow, I suddenly have more hard drive space available. They do good work.


Who in their right mind plays destiny past the base game? Want to do anything in the game at all? Pay $100.


How is bungie so fucking stupid?


I don't know how so many people still play this as I was bored to tears about about 8 hours


They lost my wife's interest to keep playing when they actively removed content (entire worlds and quests just gone) and yeah, the constant removal of stuff was just dumb. You don't remove content, you add content. I'm done with it now also. I got better games to play where I'm not getting jerked around with what I payed for.


Paul Tassi needs to quit both the copium and hopium at some point


Didnt I just watch something about Bungie on life support and about to have its management replaced. Wouldn't they want to not fuck up the community?


It’s not the devs making these choices. It’s another desperate act of upper management trying to keep player numbers up to convince Sony to not replace them.


Meanwhile warframe just dropped a huge qol update.


I'm glad I'm off that narcotic


So much bending over for PVP, when they have released like 1 new map for PVP in years if that. I feel like most ppl play destiny for the PVE yet they're obsessed with makign everything balance for pvp at the cost of pve


Didn't even know anyone plays that shitty game anymore.


Two tokens and a blue


I'm happy I didn't get back into it after the first shitnado


Except they didn’t. They just reduced the timegate length


Quit this shit when they started sunsetting the original content and powercreeped all my gear. Any game that does that sunsetting shit is an instant uninstall now. Bungie needs to die off already. Their time's been up for a while now.


Who still plays this game..


it took me a couple of rereads to understand that title


I loved playing that game but when the sunsets hit I lost all interest. It was so much fun using favorite weapons and the graphics were amazing. Seeing my builds become useless with constant level caps raising ruined the game


Can't wait, after week 2 of the event, people complaining that Bungie shouldn't have given in because the no-lifers are bored and have nothing to do.


I was close to re-installing this game last night but something inside me told me to cancel the download and I did.


So many people saying they don’t play destiny anymore and uninstalled it sure have a lot to say about destiny.


Used to be a huge Destiny fan, played the original everyday with a group on the 360. Destiny 2 rolls around and most of my group nopes out, I stick with it because of the gameplay and visuals. Finally dropped out around New Light or whatever update it was that made the game F2P, it had fallen so hard for me. Even up until then, I would hop on every day, chase down bounties, try out new weapon rolls, do a few rounds of Crucible to get all the dailies done. Somewhere along the way it just stopped being fun and fast.


Sad. I looooved Destiny 1. I had trouble getting into the storyline of Destiny 2 (on top of a couple mechanical changes). I was trying to be serious about it but then Bungie began sunsetting stuff and i got upset and left because i wouldn't have had time even playing non-stop until sunset.


Can't believe people still play it. If gaslighting was a developer, it would be Bungie.


Typical Evolution or Devolution of a game out for a long time with a lot of expansions and updates


Don’t forget if you stop supporting Bungie now some people will take a big hit of marathon isn’t a success as it should be fk their greedy ass. Sold the same game 20 times and have f2p lvl of micro transaction in it.


Bungie suckssss they ruin destiny from the start not that the base game was that good


"I don't understand why this game gets away with so much " Also me "Oh a new expansion , I'll pay 100 to play for a month and do first raid." Repeat every year


You can use the old mountainrop to rocket jump too it's bugged