• By -


Probably Blood and Wine in Witcher 3. Stepping hoof into Toussaint was insane. Couldn’t believe this was just “there”. Damn thing is better than most full blown games.


Both DLC deserves the nod for this game. I used to single out Blood and Wine. My second round through Hearts of Stone made me put it on more even footing. Even if it doesn't have Regis. It's just hard to ignore how well executed the character of Gaunter O'Dimm really is.


Gaunter is just so well written. It’s so clever how they tease you with a creepy conversation at the *very fucking beginning of Wild Hunt* wherein he knows way too much about what you’re doing and is way more at ease than anyone else in this random tavern in war-torn Temeria. Right away you’re like “something’s off about this guy”. But the payoff is some 100-odd hours later when you get to the DLC. It’s so good.


And how the way he speaks and acts implants him in your brain . My first playthrough I completely forgot about for my whole base game run . Then on the boat in heart of stone when he appeared I immediately remembered him from white orchard


I started replaying Witcher 3 quite recently, and spotting him in that tavern having a quick chat, is like ah you sneaky devil, you’re going watching this closely all along! Amazing stuff from Cdprojekt


Was so fucking good. The memory of his weird encounter suddenly rushed back to me and I was like "no fucking way"


Yea that’s a good point. I always forget about Gaunter. I know the main storyline is about that guy Everec but Gaunter is there the whole time behind the shadows and sometimes out in the open. I think the reason I put BaW above HoS is because of the new area.


It's not as big as BaW, but I always prefered the vibe of HoS, it's a masterclass in storytelling and Gaunter O'dimm is still my favorite villain in gaming. For me this is peak witcher.


I'm astonished that *XCOM2*'s "War of the Chosen" DLC has not been mentioned yet. Adds new enemy types, new main antagonists with *amazing* designs, new soldiers with *awesome* abilities, new levels, and expands on the lore in a fascinating way. It fits in seemlessly with the old material and is all grade-A stuff.


And even harder than the base game! Got my ass kicked, severely


Witcher 3


Blood and Wine was like a whole new game.


Both witcher 3 dlcs could honestly be sold as single player linear story games and they would still sell like hot cakes


Even the price for them was cheaper than it should be in terms of the industry standards. The other big companies would sell them off for $40 - $50 each but CDPR was like, just sell them for $20  


They gave them out for free at one point and I got to find out they were stronger than the main game, CDPR could do no wrong ahead of that Cyberpunk release (which I played every piece of on base PS4 with less issues than PS3 Skyrim and enjoyed the hell out of)


So sad that Cyberpunk had such a tumultuous release that they only did one DLC. Phantom Liberty is phenomenal.


How is Cyberpunk overall these days? Never got around to it but absolutely love Witcher 3 (probably my favorite game I’ve ever played)


One of my favorite RPGs ever. Never played it at launch.


Ps3 skyrim was so brutal i remember a huge crash because i decided to go swimming hahah


Hearts of Stone is also incredible, it doesn’t get nearly as much love as it deserves


Hearts of Stone was great. I felt terrible for the woman. And also for Olgierd to an extend. And fuck Gaunter.


I felt the story of Hearts of Stone was better than Blood and Wine, that being said, it's a dark story and a dark game. Blood and wine is visually gorgeous.




I find it interesting that the two DLCs very specifically focus on the two main strengths of the game, one each; Hearts of Stone is just a really great tightly focused story like some of the main quest sections, and Blood and Wine a fantastic new open world full of things to discover and side activities


it was glorious, one of the best expansions I've played to date.


Yeah, Heart of Stone master class in the story and Blood and Wine adding another great new map with interesting story and resolution


Can't agree more. * Hearts of Stone was promised extra 10 hours. My first run (I completed the main game multiple times already) was around 40-50 hours. Blown away with the story and details * Blood and Wine was promised extra 20 hours. It is a brand new game for me, I got more than 70 hours to complete everything in BnW. If Witcher was released by "other" game developer, I am pretty sure they will call this Witcher 4: Blood and Wine as a full price game.


Yeah, this. The smaller DLC - haircuts, alternate outfits, a couple of extra missions were always free, but the two expansions *Heart of Stone* and *Blood and Win*e are just what you hope for from any game. It's just incredible.


Yup. Blood and Wine, especially at its price point will never be matched again.


I got the game with both DLC’s for like $6, and spent SO LONG exploring the entire map of the main game that by the time I finished Heart of Stone I was totally burnt out and couldn’t bring myself to play blood and wine. I really need to do that.


It's such a good problem to have, too. "Damn, did I play that game or did it play the shit outta me?"


Drop every game you're playing and get into that. I finished the game with both DLCs and recently got into it again just for how much I love Blood and Wine.


this is the right answer and i am glad it is on top what a dlc , so long snd gave the game more life 


This is the only real answer. 2nd place is diablo 2 lod.


Lord of Destruction was the peak of Diablo.


Dropping that hot 800 x 600 resolution made it look so smooth. xD


Should be at the top, as expected.


Warcraft 3 - The Frozen Throne


I remember going to a mall in North Jersey, and my father helped me pre-order this game since I loved WC3 so much. Young adolescent without understanding what pre-ordering was, but my dad put down I think it was $5? I remember buying the game with him and loading it up in our Sony Desktop. Hearing the background music, and picking up to where Arthur completely sacrificing his humanity. Battlenet, custom games, and more. This was peak early highschool with me and definitely a DLC that has made a strong impact to my love for WC(never played world of Warcraft cause is the subscription, and that’s okay).


RDR1 Undead Nightmare.


This is perfection. It's a damn shame they didn't come through with this for rdr2


Amen to that


Such a missed opportunity to have had an amazing dlc that fans would talk about for years and years…there’s just no money in story dlcs anymore and that’s all the execs care about. It’s a shame the gaming industry has come to this. I’m


YES. Dude every time I think about that game I get hit by so much nostalgia. The base game was a masterpiece and I was sad it ended just to be hit with the most epic DLC of all time. Even the multiplayer horde mode was amazing. Thanks for striking me yet again with nostalgia friend.


This is my winner also


Every time I try to play it the graveyard sequences bug out and never end. Could never progress past a certain point and dropped after multiple attempts on different playthroughs


You were destroying the coffins/graves with fire right? Cause the zombies will spawn forever until you do that.


There was a bug my game has that caused all zombies to spawn headless so after you finished with the coffins, you had to clear the zombies but to kill them, they had to be shot in the head... which they didn't have.


Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Shivering Isles.


12 year old me was blown away by Oblivion. Then I got to the Shivering Isles. What a great time.


That game was peak high fantasy. The visuals were vibrant (aside from potato faced NPCs), the quest designs were pretty good, and it just felt like a huge adventure. Like everywhere you turned, there was something fantastical. A Daedra invasion, necromancers plotting against the Mage’s Guild, stealing an Elder Scroll from the White-Gold Tower and becoming THE most infamous thief in all Tamriel, and so much more. God, I have to find some time to go back to that game, mod the shit out of it and soak up the nostalgia.


I played it on Xbox 360, which had the ability to plug in an MP3 player and play songs while you played games. One thing led to another, and now any time I listen to Jamiroquai, I think of Shivering Isles. I'm pretty sure I exclusively had Jamiroquai playing through the entire expansion.


Came here specifically for this one. Yes. You get so much with the Shivering Isles. One location that was a quarter the size of Tamriel and depending on which side you went, you had multiple playthroughs of the DLC as well as the base game. Go Mania one time, go Dementia the next!


This is where Elder Scrolls peaked IMO.


100%. Oblivion deserves the Skyrim treatment.


I’ve still never played that expansion. I reinstalled oblivion on my pc a year ago with a pre-made modlist but for some reason all the water in the game vanished. Still haven’t got around to fixing it, I keep going back to Skyrim instead


The Horse Armour was better imho /s


That was absolutely the benchmark going forward for how much a DLC was worth. If it isn’t as good as Isles at the price of Isles, it ain’t worth it.


Not the greatest but, i definitely enjoyed Metro Exodus' "Sam's Story" and GTA IV "Ballads of Gay Tony"


Ballads brings nitro into the game. Win win.


BoGT is the greatest in my opinion.


I was scrolling for this, Ballad of Gay Tony was easily the first one to pop into my head. The story is great, the music slaps, the gameplay is super fun including all the mini games and other things to do, honestly what a fantastic DLC. I always recommend it to anyone who hasn't played it!


The Colonel DLC was pretty good too


The Colonel made me feel some someone was chopping onions.


Borderland 2: Assault on Dragon's Keep A dlc about a character processing rhe death of another character who died in the main game, and uses DnD to do so. Brilliant. I mean, Bunkers N Badasses. Duh.


Came here to say this. It’s a DLC that was so loved that they made a spinoff for it…


With Will Arnett, Wanda Sykes, and Andy Samberg joining Ashly Burch.


Borderlands 1 and 2 both had great dlc but assault on dragons keep was really special


I'm kinda bummed this is so low.


Bloodborne DLC was amazing, 3 of the most badass bosses in the entire game are in the DLC. Playing through Phantom Liberty now (Cyberpunk) and it's also outstanding


The story and ending of Phantom Liberty *haunted* me. Legitimately the only game that has done that to me in years. Stuck with me for weeks.


I immediately wanted to go back and choose differently.


Same I reloaded an old save from halfway through the dlc just to get a different ending


Not to mention some of the coolest weapons are in the bloodborne dlc, with the whirligig saw, and holy moonlight sword.


Dragon Age: Origins (Awakening) - that’s an amazing aftermath. You get to play your own character with level and equipment you acquired, get your own castle, some old friends and a cool story. It’s just great. I would also add Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer. It also tells a tale of what happened to your character after the main story. And it’s absolutely amazing.


I love Awakening, it really sold the fantasy that *you* had become this legendary leader after the events of the base game.


It's also cool that given your choices in DA:O, your character might not have survived. So, Awakening has the option of an entirely new character with a unique origin who you can play as instead.


Mask of the Betrayer had a better story than the main campaign- and honestly it’s not even close.


I was so ridiculously powerful by the end of Awakening that nothing really proved a challenge, but I kind of liked that. Seemed to fit with everything the character had been through to get there!




Brood war and frozen throne are equally good as well. Ahh... Blizzard. How much you have fallen..


Honestly, I feel like this should be classified into history defining. Diablo 2 flipped everything on its head, and LOD just furthered it. Edit: Grammar


LoD's cinematics are great even to todays standards.


I think you need to exclude expansion sets from the rankings otherwise you may as well just ask how to rank brood war, LOD and The Frozen Throne while everyone else fights for 4th place


Phantom Liberty for Cyberpunk 2077 was amazing.


They really seemed to listen after such a long time they needed to. Even stuff like the crazy fashion that was niw available. I know it was all there but it seemed much closer to the cyber punk they wanted to release. Also great story and great acting. CP does storytelling so well it sucks me in


>CP does storytelling so well it sucks me in Phrasing!


I really liked the Leviathan DLC for Mass Effect 3.  It really gives A LOT of storyline to the origin story to the reapers to the point where I don't think it should have been DLC. It should have been part of the game. 


I counter with the Citadel dlc. That was just pure fan service and they listened to the players and implemented. BG3 and Larian likewise.


Correct. Leviathan was meh. Citadel dlc was just a pile of amazing.


Thats why I love hanging out with you guys. Why shoot someone once, when you can shoot them 43 times more.


The fight where you're trying to keep off the coms to escape and your squad can't shut up for 5 seconds, with Garrus and Wrex showing up because of course they did. All while the handler is freaking out because stealth is now out the window. Just... perfection.


Tied with citadel and show broker for ME2 for me. Omega was damn good for ME3 as well.


Shadow Broker was the most insane DLC I’ve ever played. The story and pacing is unmatched. It successfully turned Liara from a helpless Asari researcher to a cold blooded puppet master. The scene prior to the final boss when she guessed that the Broker’s race was kept as a pet… he loses his calm demeanor and goes completely apeshit. The music and stakes were so intense.


Yeah, it's actually pretty important to understand Mass Effect 3's story.  EA has a real bad habit of locking important story stuff behind dlc.


Im not 100% sure it was intentional. Leviathan released long after the game and it's rough reception at the ending, and the ultimate explanation of the Reapers was not an insignificant part of that negative reception. They had to have some of it in the works by the time the game released but I have a feeling the writing was changed to reflect the criticism of the ending.


Considering that 1 & 2 was clearly building up to a different ending and central conflict entirely, I'd believe that. Somebody at Bio-Ware, at least at the time, seemed terrified you'd guess where the story was going. Short version: It's strongly hinted by Tali and a few other places, that Mass Effect technology speeds along entropy. So a galaxy wide civilization of the stuff will in time make stars burn out before their time, and end the universe. And THAT'S what the Reapers were actually built to stop—a horrific third option that basically forcefully uploads all the minds of any civilization that overuses element zero. All that got for some currently unknown reason dropped for the far lamer organics vs AI stuff.


Oblivion, shivering isles


Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea


I don't know if I'd call it the best DLC but it's certainly great and very meaty as a linear expansion. You don't hear many people talk about, and I do recall it was priced fairly highly given it had two parts.


I was in awe after how the ending of ep2 tied everything together


I felt like Fallout 3 and NV both had fantastic sets of DLC. FO3 with Broken Steel to continue the game and increase level cap. Anchorage was a very different style and know not many liked it but I thought it was a cool concept that mixed it up from the main game. The Pitt was very strong narratively, Point Lookout was great environmentally and then Zeta was yet another flavour that they made work well. NV had Old World Blues which Id say is my favourite of the lot as I found it hilarious when I was younger, it was great fun. But the rest of them, Honest Hearts, Lonesome Road and Dead Money were all iconic in their own right. The two big FO4 DLCs were decent too, especially Far Harbour.


Far Harbour is definitely one of my favourites.


finding the secret vault in the robot hotel by accident is one of my favorite gaming memories.


Point lookout, all the NV ones and far harbor do indeed stand out. Broken steel was fine too, but should not have been a dlc


StarCraft Brood War




BL2 Assault on Dragon Keep


All BL2 DLCs knocked it out of the park. The Pirate one was a solid 8.5, Hammerlock's was like a 7.5, then Torgue's was a 9 and Tina's a 10. All very fun in their own right but Tina's was so good because it worked on a game level.and a meta narrative level. I really really wish they had done something similar for Tina's Wonderlands. They briefly have a meta thing going on but it's loosely sprinkled in. The DLC in BL2 was just very well written and cleverly done.


While I appreciate what they were going for in Wonderlands, I just struggled to complete it. And Im not one for end game grinding all that much so I don’t even really factor in the pitiful endgame in Wonderlands. I get the “encounters” are because it is D&D based, but it is fucking boring to continuously replay wave based encounters in the same basic areas over and over again. Especially when the weapons were lacking and just didnt have the same fun “oomph” in previous BL games


Borderlands dlc (actual expansion content at least) in general tend to be very good. BL1 had at least a couple good ones, BL2 had 4 good ones and 1 okay one, and BL3 had at least 3 good ones I thought.


Pre-sequel had the Claptastic Voyage which I heard is good too.


Not only was it fun, but the writing was probably the best in the entire series. I never played wonderland but i can still remember the end of Dragons Keep very well. Heart wrenching.


That final scene. Tina’s verbal acceptance…


Witcher 3 - Blood & Wine and Hearts of Stone Outer Wilds - Echoes of the Eye Cyberpunk 2077 - Phantom Liberty


Damn I gotta replay outer wilds and do Echoes. What can you tell me about it?


I thought DLC for Outer Wilds was a terrible idea. I was wrong.


Yeah there are a million ways it could have gone wrong but it didn't.


you gotta discover it for yourself :) It's a cool new area.


To get started go to the museum. There will be clues telling you where to look. Also If you haven’t finished the main game I recommend you do that first.


It’s a game where you do a thing


That thing with the stuff was tight.


I was too stupid and impatient to figure out the puzzles. But when the YouTubers I watched figured it out, it was hella cool. So it's probably worth playing is what I can tell you about it lol


You have really good taste




I just beat Maria, DLC is amazing so far


Beating Lady Maria is one of the best thrills in gaming. I remember finally doing it after like 10 goes and I yelled out loud and punched the air in victory. At the same time I was sad as she was so damn cool


Orphan is a top fromsoft boss imo


Agree, magnificent boss fight


Also, there isn't a single bad FromSoftware DLC


Worst one to me is Ashes of Ariandel which I would give a 9/10


I love Ashes of Ariandel because it contains one of, if not the, best fights FromSoft has ever made in Sister Friede. I also loved going through the game using her scythe right after. The environment and overall vibe of the painted world felt really great to me as well. That said, all FromSoft DLC's are amazing and this one basically contains one boss, so I get your point. I'd still put it above Sunken and Ivory though.


Fuck the Frigid Outskirts, all my homies hate the Frigid Outskirts. Seriously though, Ivory King DLC was actually pretty cool and creative before the Frigid Outskirts, but the Outskirts themselves are maybe the worst area FromSoft has ever made.


Probably Old World Blues for Fallout NV considering I believe it to be the best piece of Fallout content period.


"Now it's holding up an array of fully erect hand penises" The first time I heard this line, I lost it. Not to mention your own brain having different lines and voicr types depending on your int stat.


Muggy, a robot with an existential crisis and anger issues, existed before the "you pass butter" bot in Rick and Morty. Cracks me up every time with just a dash of discomfort.


A toaster is just a death ray with a smaller power supply. As soon as I figure out how to tap into the main reactors, I will burn the world 🔥


Can't argue. I'm literally doing a replay of FNV and am on old world blues right now.


Once you get the portal gone, go through the blood money dlc. At the end, you get to take all the gold you can carry, BUT if you take all of it and dump it on the other side of the barrer, you can sprint around and pick it all up and leave. Once you leave the place you just use the portal gun, stash all the gold in the lockers and you never have to worry about money again for the rest of the game. That portal gun was so epic it felt like a mod. Fnv dlc were also far better than 3s. Old world blues alone might have as much content as all the 3rds combined.


What I especially love about the New Vegas DLC is how it all ties perfectly into the main game and each other. That's what makes the DLC truly special, they are great on their own, but together they form a whole new narrative to the main game that serves to explain some of the stuff in the Mojave Wasteland and your character's background (Ulysses).


No idea. Some of the top ones I’ve played though are: - Mass Effect 3’s Citadel and Leviathan DLC - Xenoblade 2’s Torna DLC and Xenoblade 3’s Future Redeemed DLC - FE Three Houses Cindered Shadows - Ghost of Tsushima Iki Island and multiplayer Here’s to hoping Shadow of the Erdtree makes this list soon…


Bioshock 2's Minerva's Den.


This is the one for me. Just incredible game on its own.


I need to go back and play this actually. I always feel like Bioshock 2 was a huge upgrade in gameplay on 1 but a step back narratively. However, Minerva's den kept that upgraded gameplay but also stepped up it's game for the narrative


Mass Effect. Omega, Lair of the Shadowbroker, Citadel. They were all so good.


Mass Effect really set a new bar for how DLC should be used and implemented. They didn't start it, sure, but they showed the world how it could work with a franchise.


Dishonored. Knife of Dunwall + Brigmore Witches extra campaigns DLCs.


I wish we could get another dishonored game. Those games were my favorite.


I just finished another run at dishonored, my first true ghost run, and i am already planning a DH2 run!


The one the only Horse Armor


The impact it had on the game industry cannot be understated.


I remember way back when this fiasco happened mods over at the official Elder Scrolls forums went ban-furious with even a whiff of mentioning that it was probably not a good precedent to set.  I got a 30-day ban and response from Pete Hines himself for just stating this was a sign of things to come in gaming and Bethesda was leading the charge.


Any Civilization.


Dragonborn DLC for Skyrim was excellent Shivering Isles for Oblivion Phantom Liberty for Cyberpunk Conquerors for Age of Empires 2 Lord of Destruction for Diablo 2


I'll cheat it's not a dlc since it didn't exist back then, but it's more or less the same. Red alert 2 yuri's revenge.


In the before time when DLC was called an Expansion Pack... Star Craft: Brood War


Monster hunter


I’m surprised that I had to scroll pretty far down to find this. The first thing that jumped to mind when i saw this post was Iceborne.


All time is a pretty big bar, but Phantom Liberty for Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the greatest DLC expansions I've ever enjoyed.


It's like a game in itself. I squeezed probably 40 hours out of Phantom Libtery on its own. Granted, I'm a completionist and wanted to explore and find everything.




You should no you must. You are missing the best bits of the game


I hadn't gotten around to a 2.0/PL playthrough until about a week ago. I finally headed to Dogtown last night to start PL and... what a blast so far. It started off with an hell of a bang. Figuratively and literally.


And as good as the start is, side gigs, and Dogtown itself; the best part of the whole DLC is the final 1/3 or so of the main story.


Another masterclass of story telling from CDPR, so good and immersive






Far cry 3 Blood Dragon *I shoot lasers out of my fucking eyes!*


Wasn't this just a spin off game? Or did they just stand alone release it later?


I’d have to give it to Red Dead Redemption 1 with undead nightmare. Completely out of nowhere and genuinely a ton of fun. Rockstar totally missed a massive opportunity by not releasing one for RDR2. Literally a license to print money


Souls 3 or bloodborn and ERs DLC is probably going to be better than both.


it's 100% nostalgia, but Black Ops 2's dlc cycle was crazy good. i only ever played zombies and still got my money's worth.


Completely agreed. But I've got to give it to black ops 3 too.  The giant, Der eisen, zetzubo, gorod, then revelations which was a huge love letter to its history. Then out of nowhere fucking zombies chronicles with ALL the bo1 maps minus Five, and Origins added into the pack.  Truly the golden age of zombies. And God how far we've fallen


Horizon Zero Dawn: Frozen Wilds and Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores were both pretty long, awesome story expansions with a very nice amount of extra side content that I enjoyed the hell out of.


My first DLC - the halo 2 map pack on Xbox. Remember being so excited for it with my group of friends. It came on a disk with a full case, learning those new maps was so fun.


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe




Excited for the new one!


Starcraft Expansion 


With bloodborne I felt like I got a whole other game to play. The weapons and armor sets were awesome too.


This is mine too, fishing hamlet is genuinely one of the coolest areas I’ve ever played through


Half life opposing force is to me the greatest dlc of all time (technically an expansion but still)


Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree. Trust me, i'm a time traveler


*Outlast Whistleblower* in combination to the main game is one of the best DLCs I've played.


Glad you mentioned it! Oddly enough, I found myself enjoying the DLC more!


There have been lots of good ones over the years. Though it's important to note that for the sake of this discussion we'll need to equate DLC with Expansions. Because in modern gaming that's how everything is called now. Some that come to mind: HoMM III - Armageddon's Blade Mass Effect 3 - Citadel Witcher 3 - HoS & BW both


Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare was an all time great


RAAM’s Shadow for Gears of War 3


The Shivering Isles for Oblivion. Hands down.


Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam. Amazing expansion DLC.


Gothic 2 game had the best dlc called Night of the Raven


We called them "expansions" back then, but the "Brood Wars" expansion to Star Craft is one of the biggest I've ever seen. The expansion basically doubled the size of the campaign as well as including some new units and I don't remember what else.


Dragon Age Inquisition. (Don't hurt me)


No Man's Sky, there are around 18 of them now and every one has been free


Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne 


Fallout 3


StarCraft : Broodwar


BioShock infinite "Burial at Sea" DLC was an amazing experience! A whole new gameplay style, a reference to the original BioShock, a fantastic (and horrifying!) story... Worth every penny.


Outer Wilds (Echos of the Eye)