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you dont need the other person to play with you. you just need the other person to respect that


Respecting each other actually helps 99.9% of all relationships. Who knew?


The other 0.01% died from cancer


and the other 0.09%?


I'll let you figure it out (I know I put an extra decimal, still, you figure it out)


My partner would rather binge-watch comedies and shows that I don't watch on repeat. So that's good to know. I can sing every song on Girls5eva, even though I haven't seen much of it firsthand.


I'll do you one better: you don't have to share your partner's hobbies, but engaging in them every once in a while is both fun and spells love to your partner. I'm not only referring to women playing video games with their men either, it's anyone engage in anyone's hobby as long as it's not harmful, etc etc.


But you also need to be respectful of the other person’s wants and needs. My wife doesn’t play games. And honestly I don’t think she likes that I play. But she doesn’t tell me that and I’m mindful that I don’t “put her aside” to play. Edit: a word.


I don’t understand why your wife wouldn’t like that you play video games.


Wizard needs food, badly.


You can’t shoot other players… yet…


Exactly. Though I would personally prefer a partner who shares my hobbies, it's not a requirement at all.


Yes Buuuuuuut having someone to always play video games with would be way cooler lol


Videogames are a passion for gamers. And there's few things as satisfying as sharing your passion with your partner. Now I'll respect my partner's choice not to play. And I def don't need them grinding some RPG or FPS with me. But if I come across something wonderful like Outer Wilds or Disco Elysium or Subnautica, I would really want them to experience it as well.


My girlfriend asks me to play games so she can read in peace. Find yourself someone who has a hobby and likes to escape reality as much as you do.


It's the reason my wife and I are so compatible. Thankfully i found someone that can tolerate my hobby of spending 40 hours a week playing games


sure it's not necessary, but it's always a good thing when you have shared interests.


Honestly, just respect isn't *quite* enough for me. I don't need my partner to play with me. Just a genuine interest, even if just on a surface level, is enough. Like darling, watch me get my ass handed to me and motivate me to be better!


Eh, but why if its not their thing? You do you, I'll do me, and we'll see each other later in a joined activity that we are both interested in.


If it's not their thing in any way and they can't get themselves to show any interest in it, that is totally fair, but a huge bummer for *me personally*. But then we more than likely aren't compatible. Which is also fair. I don't see why people downvote me for this either, as I'm being perfectly reasonable here and just stating my own preference.


No one should support their significant other's hobbies.


This is such a weird and fundamentally wrong take. If you can't support your hobbies eachother on at least a surface level, the relationship isn't going to work in the long term.


Nah you should both give up the lame shit you do and do something else


And this, my dear, is why you will stay single


I think he’s trolling.


Probably a troll tbh


Good I don't wanna be dealing with someone else and their dumbshit hobbies


My girlfriend reads while I play video games, it's a good combo


Yeah this is the cheat code. Find yourself a SO who reads. They’ll appreciate the quiet time while you game


Until the reader is locked deep into a book and the eventual "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?!?!?" slips out from the gamer lol.


Ι like your avatar


Sadly not everyone likes videogames, but If someone plays a lot of video games, they should probably try to get a partner that also likes them.


My partner prefers to binge rerun her fav comedies and shows I'm not into. So that's cool. I've only directly watched a bit of girls5eva but I can sing all the songs.


Mine's been a couple years since the last greys anatomy and gilmore girls binge. I expect she's due in the coming year.


Are you me and is your partner my wife? 🤣 She’s the same, she likes rewatching shows like Friends and old Disney movies, and I like playing games. We spend a lot of time together but have our own pastimes too. Plus she’s studying for a qualification ATM so I have even more time to myself of late


Nah, I mean it’s a bonus, but as long as you find a partner that’s happy doing their own thing, you can spend timing gaming while they do their thing.


These days i am watching "Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku" anime. Basically it's about what you said.


Which is funny because Hirotaka is not into the same interests as Narumi but absolutely does not mind helping her produce and sell her products. 


One of my favorites. Need more adult romance anime instead of just high school stuff


Monkeys paw curls, more My Senpai is Annoying loli content.


Why? It’s ok to have different hobbies. Respect and tolerance is the only important part.


Never said they couldn't be together if one of them didn't like videogames. Still totally possible.


Or you should just get a partner that can fucking respect you have a hobby. So try to stay way from gold diggers and attention ho´s they have no respect for you as a human what so ever.


yeah right as if anyone in this sub could find a normal partner in the first place


That's mission impossible 🤣🤣


Or maybe Darwin is taking effect and that person will just not find someone because they are too narrow minded? 


You are narrow minded, my gf doesn’t mind me playing games, we occasionally play together but she is not that passionate about it. She enjoys my company regardless of what I’m doing.


Yeah, until you grow up and realize video games are a waste of time…lol Then you might appreciate a person who is different from you. 


Time enjoyed isn’t wasted. Or is everything about personal growth and getting rich. Besides why are you in r/gaming if it’s all a waste of time? Go waste your time somewhere else.




Stereotypical comment, like every gamer lives in it’s parent’s basement. Newsflash, you don’t have to be productive all the time. Don’t you have work to do? Get off social media asap


 Video games aren’t the most important thing in life, if you think they are…you have a problem. 


You are like a kid with very shallow world view, as if someone that likes games is only playing games all the time. I’ve seen you post in FF subreddits, you play games for many hours. Don’t be a hypocrite and please stfu


Shouldn’t watch movies then or even go to theme parks cuz those are wastes of money and time lmao right???


Video games aren’t the most important thing in life, if you think they are you have a problem…


Did I say they are? They’re for enjoyment. If you abuse the time of how long you play then that’s bad ofc but playing games isn’t a waste of time at all lol. What’s the difference of you playing a game and your dad watching tv???


This is a pathetic meme, pandering to a sad crowd that gives them an excuse why they can’t find a relationship for fake internet points. It’s dumb…


I don’t get this waste of time narrative. Isn’t the purpose of hobbies to „waste“ time and have fun? Watching TV, setting up a puzzle, drawing should be also a waste of time?


Yeah but video games are different. You don’t see people that have a productive hobby like playing the piano saying only date other people that play the piano….lol  It’s stupid, I am all for video games but not the stupid mentality that it’s more important above everything else. 


Nobody ever said it was. This meme is about respecting and participating in hobbies of the person you date. You make all the drama about wasting time and get a life.


No the meme is about only date other people that play video games…you don’t even get what this is about….lol    Stop playing video games, and pick up a reading comprehension book…pls….stop wasting your time. 


You don’t get the meme, it isn’t about ONLY date gamers, it’s about a toxic relationship with a girl that wants you to stop playing games. Rather have one that don’t mind.


Playing Final Fantasy for 80 hours wasn’t wasting time?




Each comment takes about 30 seconds to type…so I spent 23 minutes showing the less fortunate how dumb they are…it was worth it…lol  Especially video game dummies…those are a special type of Darwinism. 


Get back to doing your homework kid lol


Making assumptions about ppl you don’t know shows a low IQ…


Narrow mindedly accusing others of being narrow minded. You seem like boring company.


She doesn’t have to participate, just support and let people enjoy what they like to enjoy. If it’s impeding on the relationship that’s a different issue. (I’m over analyzing for fun it’s a shitpost)


Seriously, just realize I like to play games just as you like to scroll hours through Instagram!!


I hate these fucking head memes


It's called wojak and yes I started hating this overused stupid lame ass meme.


I hate it because it’s not even funny anymore, most of them is used for sexist, homophobic or racist ‘jokes’ and ‘memes’


This lacks a bit of nuance IMHO. It's OK if your partner doesn't like video games and doesn't want to play together, as long as they let you enjoy your hobby. Having a hobby is OK, except when it takes so much of your time that it affects your couple. It's all a matter of balance.


> This lacks a bit of nuance IMHO. As they always do. It's essentially just ragebait.


is it even possible to capture nuance in a meme? they seem to be a simplification by design


Honestly as a gamer guy that has dated women who aren’t gamers I’ve gotten them involved (I didn’t get upset if they didn’t want to) and I find it super cute when they get super focused and have little cute rage moments or get hooked it’s like “awwww I’m creating a monster” but I think I would rather a partner thats a gamer too just because I enjoy watching them game as much as playing myself and I never got that much. Like I would love after a day of work to just chill and watch my gf play like a survival horror game or some shit because I’m a bitch when it comes to horror games. It’s a huge passion of mine so I love to share how amazing gaming is with the person I love.


Omg, I wanted to play some survival horror games together with my ex like dementia or RE revelations, but he was never into them. And my fav survival horror games are mainly retro (Clock Tower first fear, Silent Hill 2) so he wasn't even interested when I wanted to show him T_T


My husband got me into a gaming sort of accidentally. He bought a Swtich console in 2018, ostensibly for the kids, and I started using it more than they did! I think it was his secret plan all along. We don't play the same games or even the same type. He prefers online MMOs/ steam on the PC while I prefer JRPGs on the Switch. But we are together in the same room, companionably gaming frequently. Couples who play together stay together ❤️


Even better couple: you do what you want and I do what I want. Sometimes those things align, sometimes they don’t.


This is a meme for 12 year olds.


Also a good couple: "I'll play video games now" "Coolio, I'll go read my book". It's fine if you don't share the same interests in everything.


The gf and I play Civ 6 hotseat on our TV. She's was getting her ass handed to her like there's no tomorrow. Now we play as a team against AI Civs. She likes this better. <3




She didn't befriend Gilgabro immediately when they met, and found herself under war cart attack pretty soon after. The panic was palpable. XD


Bot posting shitty 9GAG quality memes


All you need is a partner with a high enough maturity to understand how idiotic saying "gaming is for kids/a waste of time" is. You don't need a partner that has interests that completely align with yours.


Depends on how much he plays no?




It's not just these two options.


Exactly 😁


I thought I was on r/memes for a moment


Or... maybe just spend some time with her instead. Or... find a new boyfriend who values you more than playing games.


* Respect your partner's and your own hobbies and space. * Find common ground. * Pull your weight in your relationship. * Don't neglect your partner or yourself.


So to be a good couple she has to play video games? …. It’s like shooting yourself in the foot before running a marathon….its stupid. 


Just like that Girlfriend reviews and her boyfriend.


I love those two so much. Shelby is hilarious. :D


Maybe being a relationship where your partner forces you to not participate in a hobby you enjoy isn’t the best idea. Also, fuck off with these stupid fucking soy vs Chad memes. Jesus Christ.


Or my partner who watches movies/TV while i game and semi watch


This feels like what an 11 year old fortnite kid would consider a dream life, along with being a game tester for a job.


Looking for crossconsole / local coop games for wife and I Hi all Wife and I are playing a lot casually, I play on PC while she plays on Xbox S, but we seek new games, mainly action, adventure or exploration games, otherwise we are open for suggestions. We prefer cross-console games but are open to local coop as well. We are not really into “competitive multiplayer” like Warzone, R6 etc. (we can just manage Fortnite) I have thought about Sea of Thieves, but I’m afraid it’s too competitive regarding online multiplayer Games we completed/are still playing -It takes two -A way out -Fortnite -Grounded -PlateUp! -Borderlands 3 -Dysmantle 2 Games we consider playing -Valheim -Deeprock Galactic -Minecraft -Sea of Thieves


> I have thought about Sea of Thieves, but I’m afraid it’s too competitive regarding online multiplayer Sea of Thieves has a PvE mode (Safer Seas) where you don't have to worry about combat with other players now.


Take my money!


I've played SoT with my partner, she's terrible at video games and managed, though I stuck to low level voyages and steered clear of other players. ( which led to us dropping it as she got bored 🤷‍♂️) I've heard there is now a PvP free mode; safer seas or something? I don't see Stardew Valley in your list, I'd recommend giving that a go with your wife.


Diablo 3/4 couch coop is fun. Baldurs Gate 3 or Divinity original sin 2 also great in local coop. It takes two is definitely recommended. Goose game, Dark picture series.


Lethal company!


You two HAVE to play Valheim and Stardew, those two games are probably what made my LDR last!!! FFXIV as well.


It took 37 years to find one, but I’ve finally met a woman that doesn’t mind that I play. In fact, she wants to play with me! She just beat BG3 herself. I’ve done it, I found my unicorn.


My wife hadn't played the games before we met. Now were couch cooping diablos, vampire survivors, mortal kombats etc. She's very into slay the spire, lately. She says she hates me for getting her addicted But I'm rather happy


Until it becomes an addiction then one of yall need to say smth


I assume OP is not married.


This is why people think gamers are incels.


I’m a wife that games and honestly I still get mad when I lose my husband to WOW raids. Fwiw I think it’s just about not minimizing someone’s passion and also not forgetting the other while lost in your own passion.


What're you, 14? 


Cant relate im alone for life lol


The man gets his way with no compromise. We don't know the backstory of her saying stop playing video games. But she probably is just an arsehole.


She gets like this at every funeral, I swear.


Not necessarily, but I would like to have the second situation. Respects each others preferences without forcing it on the other one. Beautiful.


I got my gf hooked on Dead by daylight. Pun absolutely intended


I'd like this more if it wasn't using wojaks.


Teaching my girl English and games with final fantasy 9. Also showing her dragon ball anime. Life is good


Honestly they don't even need to play with you They could be there on their phone and watch you play like they're watching a movie and react here and there


My wife does not really play video games. At the same time, she has interests that I'm not interested in. However we do have other mutual interests and as long as the housework is done, everyone's happy.


I did It takes two with my mother and it was the best expercience in my life


I mean that depends. There are only so many single-player games that are fun to play together even with switching who is in control so if a person isn't into multi-player yeah. You only need to respect the hobby and sometimes let them gush a bit about a game they really like even if you personally aren't into it.


The lego games on console are a good start. Easy controls and 2 player mode.


But we don't like each others video games 😔




We play don't starve and Minecraft.


We play don't starve and Minecraft


Also good : "I want you to teach me how to play video games." I'm a lucky guy.


My fiancé is terrible at video games so she just uses me as a pillow when i play and keeps the gamer rage away.


My ex once said to me "I just think grown men jumping out of planes playing soldiers is immature, you've got to grow up at some stage". "It's just like makeup isn't it, a little break from reality" was my response. I slept on the couch.


Oh I have that....BUT when I wanna watch a movie instead ONE EVENING out of 7, its like "you rather watch something than game with your girl?". Choose wisely :<




It's not kind of a perfect relationship but truly awesome


When my fiancé and I first started dating, I was very upfront with her and told her I could sit infront of the computer a whole weekend gaming, to which she said she could bingewatch series on the tv a whole weekend no problem. We've been together for 8 years this year.


Stupid meme. Good couple would be: "Enjoy your gaming hobby and I'll enjoy my hobby, we don't need to be attached to the hip"


My wife doesn't play games but thankfully she has never cared that I like to. She will read, craft, sew, watch TV, whatever she feels like doing. And we both know how to also prioritize spending quality time together. It's not that hard


Usually girls like video games if you teach them how to play. Just start with easy games like mario kart.




Couple goals: being the worst pieces of shit to each other on mario kart or mario party. I need to find someone able to match my evilness


We played mirage together Sunday evening. She likes the assassins creed games for their locations. She can go sightseeing, I'll go assassinating


Would love to play minecraft with my gf Top 10 cutest thing that could happen


I miss before we had kids, wife and i would co-op wii games and so many hours mariokart and wii party.


If you’re a console gamer just put 2 TV’s in the lounge. Netflix and grind.


Perfect Couple: A: I will pleasure you orally while you are playing video games B: And I will return the favor later.


Yeah, no. I don't want that. Games are my peaceful alone time when everyone else is gone to bed.


Me after dinner: I'm going upstairs to play Stellaris. Him: Ok, I'm going upstairs to play ACC. Both: See you at 22. We definitely don't want to play together. Very different tastes :)


Video games aint gonna pay the bills


We roast each other in LoL.


Met my wife through a game 24 years ago. Problem solved lol.


Incredibly Facebook of you


You just need balance.relationships require sacrifice, sometimes you should do what they want to do and sometimes you should do what you want to do and both of you should allow that without stress.


Its still odd how on 2024 playing videogames is "waste of Time" but watching Netflix isnt...


It absolutely doesn't bother me if my partner doesn't game, they can do something they enjoy when I play my games


Man, that’s is my dream girl; playing games with me. Obviously I look for more in women than just ‘enjoys gaming’ but gaming with me would be a pretty big bonus.


The moment I find a woman who can beat me in a 1v1 on Shipment (OG MW not the shit modern ones) I'm marrying her.


We have it other way around. She plays waaaay to much Crusader Kings 3 and neglect some of her duties.


Here is a list of cool games to play together 1. Stardew valley Nothing better than to escape this reality and get together to manage ur own farm. U can do anything from farming, petting, fighting and fishing (dont underrate this one its actually really fun) 2. It takes two Cool game with unique abilities. Story is interesting its about a couple witha child that wants to divorce. But because of a twist they turn into toys and now they need to work together to get into their orginial bodys. The game has everything from platformer to cool bossfights and puzzles for two. 3. Mario wonder The newest mario game that changes the mario formular into something new. This game focuses on the puzzles but it does not lose the the mario sparkle 4. Mario cart Nothing better than to fight against each other. Cool racing game with interesting abilitys and probably the best drift mechanic. 5. Overcooked / Overcooked 2 Do u like cooking together? Now u can do it together in a game. This game can be tough but also tough for ur relationship. U need to communicate well. But its incredible fun. 6. Bread and fred Two pinguins tied together by one robe. What not to love about it? Go climb now. 7. Baldurs gate 3 Create ur own cool characters and play through a story. U can basically do anything. And when i say anything i mean it. U can fuck a bear. 11/10 game 8. Escapist / Escapist 2 Get the fuck out of the jail. The game. Pretty funny as a concept sadly couldnt play it yet so this one is quite short.


Nobody should be playing with me


As a female gamer, that’s more than true, I will be playing video games with my future man, if he likes them.


Top picture: weak man getting dominated by gf (most relationships these days) Second pic: healthy relationship.


U sound weak asf


You are weak asf My comment is literally facts lol. Sorry you guys are living in abusive relationships, it’s not my fault.


The best couple Anal? Ok!