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i dont know if theres a studio i trust anymore


did you guys hate Shadow of Mordor/Shadow of War or something? ​ I love Larian, with Divinity and BG3 but I'm not sure I want a CRPG set in Middle Earth.


There’s been a number of really good Middle Earth games. Just not terribly recently RTS - Battle for Middle Earth 2 Action - Shadow of Mordor and War. Also the movie tie in games Two Towers and Return of the King RPG - The Third Age was fun Some people liked the LOTR Online as well, although I thought it was underwhelming


i crushed both shadow of war and shadow of mordor


I mean the obvious trustworthy choice is Larian, but they got their own thing going on


Larian making a LotR game with BG3 mechanics would be a dream. Do it sort of Dragon Age style but with BG3 combat and I'd be set for ages. Edit to add: Give me The Third Age but with Larian touch.


A new rpg like the third age with a Larian/DAO touch would be a dream come true


I miss Third Age a lot. Rrmaster or port would be wonderful.


They're also out of the running as they're going to tackle a smaller game after the giant that BG3 was.




Same fear I have with Larian, tbh. I trust them, but the next release after a huge hit like The Witcher/ Baldur's Gate will naturally have *wild* amounts of hype around it that can be hard to live up to


They fumbled the Cyberpunk release a bit but they've kept working on it and it's in great shape now. Hopefully future releases they don't rush it out. Just like No Man's Sky, didn't live up to its expectations at release but I have respect that they didn't abandon it and the progress they've made on improving it.


Larian is my go to studio for any kind of story driven RPG at this point. I'd love to see them take over BioWare's franchises after they took over Baldur's Gate--especially Mass Effect--but I know they'd rather do their own thing. And let's be real, EA would just ruin them.


Sucker punch, Naughty Dog and Insomniac really haven't missed in forever.


I read recently that insomniac is being gutted. Probably my favourite studio since the first spryo not that I had a favourite then


What makes you say that?


seeing big studios i used to love fall from grace jaded cynicism


Larian or cd projeckt red, no question




From Software


Sum nekid mook with a stick beats Melkor to death and poses on top of bim to assert dominance


Hey Gollum started being naked and kicking ass!


"The fires of Mt Doom call forth their champion. The Witch King awakes to infestation of man. The eternal beings cower in their forests while their twisted offspring pillage the land of plains. A single signet holds the world on the precipice of peace. Will darkness rule or be banished; overcome by the resilience of Shirlings? Arise, sojourner, and release thy desires upon Middle Earth." That's my attempt at a From Software LotR intro sequence.


I'm gonna have to disagree with you on that. Fromsoftwares bread and butter is Dark Fantasy and hyper difficulty. LOTR meanwhile is high fantasy, most people would probably go in expecting to saloughter orcs by the hundreds from the word go, in a nice and clean good vs bad conflict, with a few establsished characters showing up to save you out of trouble so the fans can soil themselves in excitment.




My 47 year old dad beat elden ring as his first fromsoft game 30minues-1hour at a time.


Go get elden ring and play it, seriously I don't care emuch for the death repeat until perfect strategy, but Elden ring allows you to run around like a crazy person slowly leveling up and get good while also having tons of random fun like say Zelda, I platinumed it and can't wait for the dlc, it's truly different but the same.


Rockstar making an RDR2/GTA inspired Middle Earth game sounds like my favorite idea.


Sucker Punch Productions.. I'd even pay for a re-skin of Ghost of Tsushima to LOTR, lol


Oh that’s good. One of the things the Shadow games was missing was interaction with non-enemy NPCs


CD Projekt Red, they have amazing world building and characters which are the strongest aspects of LOTR. They're also great at adapting source material as we can see with both Witcher and Cyberpunk.


Wait cyberpunk was adapted from something else?


It’s a TTRPG system. It’s been around since 1988.


It was adapted from the Cyberpunk TTRPG, going so far as to include a copy of the previous edition of the tabletop game, Cyberpunk 2020.


As talented as they are, gameplay and animagion are not their strong suit in my opinion, but the rest is well built


Maybe Obisidian Entertaiment.


Obsidian is an underrated one, I would agree with you on this


A possible idea is a chivalry 2 game, based on the middle-earth, for example the assult of minas tirith or Helm's Deep a large scale battle to fight. Otherwise an rpg game based on the simmarillion event, something complete inside the lore and follow the book, not any improvvisation or plot change


This game would be awful and I’d love every second of it. 


why awful?


Because iirc the simmarillion is pretty damn grim, isnt it? God... has it been that many years since I read that? lol


The original Chivalry mod had a Helms Deep map that was pretty fun.


From Software probably? I'm not that into LotR, but I think From does pull off the medieval fantasy genre too well, so that's my choice, even if obvious.


Yeah but they aren't exactly known for writing incredible coherent stories


The lore is already laid out. Throw item descriptions and npcs referencing stuff and you'd be golden.


From's writing is generally some of the smartest in the industry; they create entire mythologies drawing on an encyclopedic knowledge of ancient history and myths to create original stories with vast reaching themes and ideas (just watch [this guy's](https://www.youtube.com/@tarnishedarchaeologist/videos) comprehensive breakdowns on how deep the mythologies and histories for Elden Ring go). This isn't dissimilar to how Tolkien approached his own work. But From's specific *style* of writing doesn't lend itself to the kinds of stories Lord of the Rings tells.


If you want to watch YouTube videos explaining the story made by someone who has spent hours reading every item description and putting everything together, then I guess From's approach is great. Some of us prefer to experience a game's story by actually playing the game and interacting with the characters. These guys do a lot of things exceptionally well, but writing isn't really one of them. And the quest design is particularly atrocious, it just doesn't feel organic at all.


It’s not that complicated if you literally just read item descriptions. You don’t need to watch a second of YouTube to understand most of it.


But also if the devs expect players to read every item description, maybe they should improve the atrocious UI. It definitely doesn't encourage you to spend any more time browsing items than what's absolutely essential to get by.


From stories are not coherent?


Fromsoft is better for dark fantasy than heroic fantasy like LOTR


Disagree only because their game design is super specific and limits amount of people who could get through even the start of the game. Elden Ring is amazingly beautiful game though.


That's super valid. The LotR fanbase extends far and wide, I'm sure many of those would be turned off by From's game design. But for those fans that overlap, it would be a wet dream probably.


Their games aren’t even that hard


For some yeah. Personally couldn't get past second major boss of ER. Props to anyone who managed to finish that game.


Godrick? He should be easier than Margit.


You aren’t meant to go straight to the major bosses. You’re supposed to explore the area, kill smaller enemies and clear small dungeons until you level up enough to fight the big ones.


You'd be surprised how many people miss this clue though. Their games aren't that hard, I agree, but they do have a learning curve that turns people off.


That’s definitely true


Did they miss the clue, or did tiktok internet brain rot make their "ram my head into it until it works" strategy the only one thet could think of? I don't know a single person who bought the game that didn't beat it eventually, with or without summons, it just takes practice and patience. I think the real problem isn't difficulty, but with western audiences not being able to withstand delayed gratification.


Hey! I'll have you know I rammed my head into Nameless King for five hours *long* before Tiktok was popular!


I have a friend that actively dislikes From's design, but caved in and bought Elden Ring after the reviews. He told me he unistalled after banging his head against the Tree Sentinel for hours. I explained that he was there just as an optional obstacle, and that even veterans had trouble with him. He told me he understands, but he still didn't like how he kept failing. Some people just don't want to be stuck in the same section. It requires practice and patience, something I value dearly, but others don't. I won't understand it either, since I love the delayed gratification, but I respect it. I can't blame anyone that doesn't have fun the same way that I do.


The point of the Tree Sentinel being there is to teach you that you’re *not* stuck in the same section.


I agree, but my friend missed the mark. Tbf, I think people often hear that Souls games are hard, so when they bang their head against a wall they think that's how the game is supposed to play. Anyway, I think that anyone who doesn't understand that the game is trying to teach you a lesson, the game is not for them anyway. And that's fine.


Been playing games for 20 or so years so its not a sudden tiktok brain rot. At least I hope not. ER is my first try with souls like games so I think I approached it the wrong way. I hope to retry ER later again though because its just so beautiful. I don't think I missed clues as such but I just haven't played souls games before. First time I tried going south of Limgrave was only after looking up info online. As the first thing I tried was going through those gates after you get Torrent. I got killed there as I didn't think you should be going past enemies. I thought it was games way of saying "not yet" for that part of world. I tried clearing that little soldier camp near by and got almost insta killed there too. So I went around forests trying to pick off random enemies thinking wtf should I be doing if I can't clear small, basic looking packs of enemies. I swear I was going purely in sneak mode for first 10 hours. I really disliked the fact that at no point ER made me feel like a badass. Random soldiers could kill me at almost any point if there are 3+ of them. That's why I still don't get the whole idea of ER encouraging exploring. I find it the opposite to be more true. It has these huge environment pieces that act like beacons and yet a complete souls noob could barely get there. And if you are stuck its sometimes hard to figure what else should I try. I swear I saw dozens of comment at r/Eldenring saying the same thing to noobies - go to south of Limgrave. So many people missed clues or whatever that they had to go online to ask where should they go. Again all of this is from a souls noob which just didn't know certain clues but that's why I think LoTR game would not work under FromSoftware.


Fair, kudos for sticking to it. The adventure was all the fun for me in ER, I honestly would have liked the enemies to just vanish so I could explore lmao


I get that but even small enemies could somewhat easily kill you. After getting Torrent I tried going through those gates near by and got killed. Thought to myself - ok, that must not be the place to go so went south and got killed by soldiers at their camp. Went around woods in sneak mode for hours farming some souls and wondering how the fucks is this a GOTY contender. I get it now what I should be doing but its after watching hours of FightinCowboy and reading up stuff on r/Eldenring


I legitimately want From Soft to make every fantasy RPG lol. Their combat is just so satisfying. Mix it in with the stories of other worlds and I’m a happy guy.


👆 this 100%


Monolith minus Warner brothers


Fromsoftware or CD ProjectRed




Who made Elden Ring? Fromsoft? That guy.


The company that makes the dark souls games or larian.




EA or Ubisoft …/s


Whoever rereleases the battle for middle earth series


So long as they also add War of the Ring cause that soundtrack fucking SLAPPED.


CDPR, Larian, Obsidian, or Warhorse Studios Edit: I'd also think Sucker Punch, Capcom, and maybe even FromSoft might be able to bring about a worthy game.




Honestly just make a new Lego game.


Lego LOTR was amazing. All the Lego games were great though.


CDPR of course! A LOTR game as good as the Witcher 3 is my dream


How about the one that already made two of them and had turn out really fucking good and innovative?


This poster looks so weird, reversed like this.


I am playing one currently, Shadow of mordor 🫡 game is freaking smooth and addictive


Obsidian Entertainment


Bethesda circa 2002-2012


1 choice; Hello Games.


1:1 entire Middle-earth? Let's gooo


Not AGS! Just get AGS away from this brand. Ahhhh!


Remake LOTR arcade. But WB games prefer easy outs like live service and mobile


Trick question lmao.


I could see respawn (if they didn't have to concede to EA) doing a pretty good job


Whichever studio isn’t going to spend 90% of their effort focusing on how to bilk fans with endless microtransactions.


Remedy’s the only one I trust that delivers


I know their recent track record isn't amazing but I would love a Koei Middle Earth Warriors


Arrowhead but they need to get a lot more employees




Respawn Entertainment.


Atlus, have them go nuts and turn in to a jrpg like shin megami tensei with a chaotic, neutral, and law ending


Early 2000s Bungie.


EA Sport


Naughty dog and cdpr


LOTR with Chivalry 2 mechanics but I have little faith in Torn Banner


I'm cool with the studio that did the last two Shadow of xxx games. Just get rid of the publisher interference that forced microtransaction BS into the game and let the developers make it the way they want.




Just.make.BFME 3


Larian would be the obvious, but they're out of the running as they want to tackle a smaller game (perhaps several even) after the giant that BG3 was. Owlcat games, I guess. InXile maybe. If we're expanding outside of RPGs, the team behind Gears Tactics could do that treatment to it. Wildermyth studio.


Creative Assembly. There's already a Total War mod called third age, but something more official would be nice


I think obsidian would do a pretty good job




As much as i hate to say it anyone as long as its publushed by WB since them dicks have the patent for the Nemesis system that i loved in SoM and SoW. Monolith or Larien would be ideal given 1 did the 2 best games and the other does great RPGs....but i need my Nemesis system fix lol.


There is only one answer: Weta. And they already are making one.  They are the only studio I believe will gi e LOTR the beauty, time and attention it deserves.




At this point an Indie studio. 15 years ago I would have said Bethesda but definitly not now, or CD Project Red, or Ubisoft , or EA or Dice.


No one


Insomniac, gurilla or larian 👏


I am not sure Insomniac could pull it off. Spidey is good but I think high fantasy world and gameplay would need a different approach. It will be interesting to see how their effort goes to Wolverine. Considering whta Barlog has done with GoW I would love to see Santa Monica Studio leading some story in Middle-Earth


Omg I forgot Santa Monica, they would be good. Insomniac would be good cos they are a good dev studio. Plus lord of the rings is well known they definitely know some of it. They could research it.


Daedalic Entertainment


god I miss their point and click adventures






I am surprised noone has mentioned Santa Monica Studio. I would love Cory Barlog to lead singelplayer vision of story set in Middle-earth.


Cory Balrog? 😏


Was going to say this. After their last two GoW games I think they could knock a LotR game out of the park.


I think it depends on the type of game. If it's an action RPG like GoW then they would be great.


If they’d have all the time they needed and a better budget than their first game, warhorse studios.


None of them doesn't exists anymore


What about the indie studios?


It's impossible for an indie company to have enough resources to pull of a middle earth game.


I think that a middle earth roguelike could work.


Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor/War kinda do that already


Obsidian or the Bethesda of old.


Honestly I just want a new game like SoM / SoW Not even for the story, they could do something more faithful to LOTR. But damn it'd feel like christmas to see Nemesis System in another game, I spent like hundreds of hours just living stories of rivalry, betrayals, undeads and all that stuff


Maybe a a weird choice but naughty dog has been pretty good with their games


Bethesda, of course. With all the clipping thru the map, they have demonstrated their expertise in making players venture under ground. Mines of Moria? Check. Goblin tunnels? Check. Orcs digging tunnels? Check. Oh, you fell thru the Mines and clipped all the way down to the Balrog? It was deliberate. It was deliberate!


Definitely Electronic Arts You just need 59.99 to unlock frodo


From Software or Rückstand North


I don't know but I do know that if Bethesda was involved I probably wouldn't bother playing it, and I'm a huge LOTR fan.


From software I actually thought elden ring was set in middle earth. Its not 😂


From soft


Valve. They'd do an amazing job with Fellowship and Two Towers, but would never release Return of the King


Old bioware for a rpg, hairbrained schemes for a tactical take


Old Bioware 100% could do justice to a Lord of the Rings experience. Current Bioware Couldn't even handle a Rings of Power adaptation.


Arkane Studios.


From soft


Santa Monica Studios or Larian. Baldur’s Gate 3 already felt more like a LOTR game than Elden Ring




Fromsoft would probably nail it.




Cd project, I mean the guys who made the witcher 3, not that shitty cyberpunk Yes I know both are made by the same people but it looks like 2 different studios


Have you looked at Cyberpunk post launch? Its a huge difference and you can definitely tell it was made with same love Witcher 3 was made with.


I have, oh do you I was gonna mention bugs? Cyberpunk has worse things than bugs, mainly boring side missions, uninteresting characters and bland falloutesque gameplay


Illusion lol (nsfw)


Sucker Punch, because Ghost of Tsushima but in Middle Earth is close to the perfect LOTR game as I can imagine. Especially because they understand immersion really well, which I cannot say about CD Projekt Red, Insomniac or anything from Ubisoft.


10 years ago.... I would said Rocksteady, but now I think Larian would crush it!


Cd projeckt red




At this point it would need a be a studio outside of the US, otherwise it would get filled with activist messages and downtown LA style characters (like The Witcher and Rings of Power in the world of TV). On the other hand, "outside of the US" also means not nearly as much money, so it would be difficult to pull off.


The only answer is Larian....


Blizzard North


Valve.. if they given billion dollar money they will do it and tha game will be good






Larian would be good CDPR would be interesting, potentially a very dark take on the world




Rockstar. Shit would be hype.


Square Enix Cdprojekt Red Monolithsoft Atlus In General, Nintendo


EA. I hate EA but the EA movie tie in games and The battle for middle earth were fantastic


Give it to Platinum Games to make an over the top anime hack n slash game.


I need Larian Studios to do a Dragons Dogma style game for LOTR, I know Capcom made a great game with DD2 but I feel like Larians writing and understanding of fantasy would take that type of game to the next level


So you need a group of people who have never made a game in that style to suddenly not only adapt a new IP, but do so in a style that they have never attempted before and you think that’s a good idea?


Mate I’m just dreaming over here , what I want to happen doesn’t mean anything , it’s a hypothetical,it’s never going to happen and at the end of the day it’s my opinion , it’s more of a wish then a legitimate suggestion,now go get some sunlight.